I was going to leave this one alone, but I can't. I have too much to say about it, and it is too important a subject to let it just hang out there.
I am talking about the racism conference which opened in Geneva, Switzerland today.
Now first, let me say that the fact that the world has to even have a racism conference, tells you just how messed up the human species is, and what a pathetic state of affairs the planet that we share is in. People are mad at the U.N. for finding it necessary to call all the countries of the world to sit down and talk about our differences, but I am not. In fact, I applaud them for their effort to draft a resolution and a formal declaration which all countries can sign on to.
Now they had to know that this wasn't going to be easy, and that certain cultures have such a deep hatred for other cultures that it was bound to be almost an exercise in futility. Take for instance the fact that the Israelis believe that there is implied criticism of Israel in the U.N. declaration, and that Muslim governments are trying to ban all criticism of Islam, sharia law, and the prophet Muhammad. All these non-starters; so right off the bat we have a big ass road block before we can even hold hands and start singing kumbaya.
Not surprisingly, a literal circus --complete with a protester dressed as a clown---broke out today when Iran's certifiable loon of a President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, spoke of the arrogance of the West. Arrogance, which in his opinion, is "the root cause of the problems of the world." And then, as if to prove his point, a bunch of Western diplomats got up and walked out. Nice. That's a great way to sit down and talk about the world's problems when it comes to race, just get up and walk out.
Which brings me to his O ness. When he announced Saturday that the divided states of America would not be participating in this conference I was greatly disappointed; but sadly, not surprised. I ripped the frat boy when his administration pulled a no show the first time, so I have to rip "the One", now. It's called a conference, if you have issues with the proposals for the final declaration tell your diplomats to take their asses to Geneva and state your objection. Try to lobby some of the other no show countries, and the other Western countries who did show up, and try to get whatever language you don't like removed. Isn't that what this kind of shit is all about?
If this is about a segment at the conference downplaying the Holocaust, show up and up-play (is that a word? Well I just made it one ) it. O man you should have been on on the phone with the German Chancellor telling her that the U.S. plans to attend and Germany should too. Germany has been a major player in anti racism efforts in Europe, and when they pulled out that created an instant problem. Still, they have not ruled out attending, so it wouldn't have been hard to turn on that O man charm and get Fraulein Merkel to pull a switcharoo. I gurantee you that she wouldn't have said nein.
Everyone who reads this blog knows that I am a supporter of Israel, I make no bones about that. And I have taken quite a lot of heat from my more pro Arab friends for that position. But I have to get on the Israelis a little bit on this one. You shouldn't have been lobbying other Western countries not to participate in this conference, instead you should have been encouraging everyone to attend and show the rest of the world just how ridiculous the claims are that there was no Holocaust. You should have been there proclaiming that both sides in the Arab Israeli conflict has some reaching out to do. You should have brought some of those pictures from Auschwitz and held them up when that crack pot Ahmadinejad started speaking. It would not have turn into an anti-Semitic gathering as you feared, and if it did, the cameras would have been rolling, and guess who that would have helped. And if your objection to any U.N. conference on race is about this, well then you could address that as well.
I don't know O man, I am looking at some of the countries that chose not to attend: Germany,New Zealand, Canada, Italy, The Netherlands, and they all have something in common (I will give you a hint, it ain't that they all have good soccer teams). This was not the change that I wanted to believe in. The change that I wanted to believe in would have confronted issues no matter how difficult. Even an issue as difficult as racism. The change that I wanted to believe in would have taken on the uncomfortable subject of racism in the world, no matter what the political cost at home. Instead of boycotting we should have been engaging. That would have been change that I can believe in.
"I would love to be involved in a useful conference that addressed continuing issues of racism and discrimination around the globe," But he said the language of the U.N.'s draft declaration risked a reprise of Durban, during which "folks expressed antagonism toward Israel in ways that were often times completely hypocritical and counterproductive."
"We expressed in the run-up to this conference our concerns that if you adopted all of the language from 2001, that's not something we can sign up for," "Hopefully some concrete steps come out of the conference that we can partner with other countries on to actually reduce discrimination around the globe, but this wasn't an opportunity to do it,"
"We expressed in the run-up to this conference our concerns that if you adopted all of the language from 2001, that's not something we can sign up for," "Hopefully some concrete steps come out of the conference that we can partner with other countries on to actually reduce discrimination around the globe, but this wasn't an opportunity to do it,"
Wouldn't it have been nice if we could have been there to push for those "concrete steps" O man? I mean I know you are not Catholic, (BTW, are you still going to Notre Dame?) but even the Pope seemed to be saying that we should be there.
"I am shocked and deeply disappointed by the United States decision not to attend" So says Navi Pillay, the chief human-rights host for the conference.
Don't be shocked Navi, it's called politics.
The US has always been unable to listen to criticism of itself (and its "buddies"). Thats why the US would never, ever be a part of a conference like this. Even though we really need to. It would have been nice to see the US attend, particularly since we now have a Black president, but I think thats just wishful thinking.
If the President wants his imprint, it would be better to wait until the next conference. I think attendance now would get his agenda off topic.
Im with you on this one.... even though the US government is not there, many NGOs have sent representatives from the US.... hopefully, they will be able to contribute to the draft document.
The sad thing is that Israel, which has basically become like South Africa back in the day, gets a pass precisely because of these circuses. Besides, how was Ahmadinejad allowed to speak? They knew the crap was going to be live, but let him let to the podium anyway?
No attending these conferences unless the loonies aren't present.
"Which brings me to his O ness. When he announced Saturday that the divided states of America would not be participating in this conference I was greatly disappointed;"
Well why should he? We don't have that racism problem anymore.
Now back to my corner not knowing anything about politics.
negro de casa,
what a disappointment. I was linked to your site yesterday and read your excellent post on the tea parties-only to discover you're down on your knees sucking off the white colonialists in Palestine. Which DOES exist, where do you think the term Philistine came from ? you honestly equate massive White rocket attacks with Apache helicopters with the homemade crap Hamas retaliates with ? The Jews are a religion-do you really think Sammy Davis jr. became Semitic once he converted? Same as Muslims, or Christians.Religions. There was no Diaspora-the Romans didn't exile people. They defeated them, then taxed them. There are Semitic Jews, of course, Palestine is where the religion arose. Many then became Christian following Greek influence, most of the remaining people eventually became Muslim.Do some reading. Most of the Jews there are Ashkenazi, colonialists.Damn what a disappointment.
I knew this was going to be a sideshow. Iran denies history, A-murder-ca can't take criticism, and Israel gets diplomatic immunity like those South Africans in Lethal Weapon IICan't we all get along?
That is exactly why i dont pledge of allegiaance to the flag.this is a nation of bitch ass men/cowards,we have never dealt with our own race problems,they free the slaves & think thats gonna do it for a people you have ruined!
fuck america & dry fuck isreal.those toy ass khazzar jews are gonna be the great whores[america] undoing.It's already begun,The pres. of iran got russia's blessing,and everything he said about the jew-WISH inhabitants of Isreal today was true.I cant wait until fanatic arabs deal both countries a fatal blow.with russia behind them saying"WHATS up now beeotches!
Sorry, about that folks. This post published before I was finished. (This is what happens when you have big fingers.Okay, stop it. No stereotype jokes please)But I think we are all good now.
Oso, I see you are a supporter of the Arab states. And honestly, I would love to have this discussion with you. I am a bit tired right now,but if you read one of the liks I provided and the comments that followed you will see why I try to keep an open mind when it comes to Isreal. I too am a supporter of the Palestinian people, but not some of the crooks and hypocrits who have ruled over them in my lifetime.
Oso, I have done quite a bit of reading on this subject. And apparently so have you....
"I knew this was going to be a sideshow. Iran denies history, A-murder-ca can't take criticism, and Israel gets diplomatic immunity like those South Africans in Lethal Weapon IICan't we all get along?"
No Robbie, we can't.
It's impossible to talk about race; people get to emotional.
Sorry, but I can't go with you on this one. For the President, this was a clear lose-lose. Lose on the international front by appearing to condone Ahmadinijad and the rest of the holocaust deniers. Lose on the domestic front with the GOP and their so-called "America First" agenda.
I'm with Hathor on this one: attending would've done nothing but derail Obama's domestic agenda. Maybe after 2012, when he locks down re-election....
I'm with Hathor too. No use going to something that was doom to fail anyway for right now because neither party wants to give and make an attempt at a compromise. Their stubborness has gotten in the way.
For right now, President Obama has enough on his plate dealing with all of these crazy folks we have living right here in the USA. Trying to clean up Bush/Cheney Mess, deal with the GOP's B.S. and obstructionist mess, and even trying to keep some in his own party from pulling something similar to mutiny has his hands tied.
Before you can pick the speck out of your brother's eye, first you have to take that plank out of your eye, and right now America has a whole lumber yard in its eye. It would have made him look like a hypocrite with all the racism in our country being publicized at the tea party demonstration. Other countries watch the news too.
President Obama going over there trying to play peacemaker right now would have backfired big time and boomeranged back here in the USA and just made all the mess stink worser than it already does. There is a time and a season for everything under the Sun.
Psst Field, you ever BEEN to an A-rab country??? It's cool if you haven't, I only went cause I had to, and I thought I might get to kill a few...They hate Y'all!!! Only reason they even let any y'all in the country is cause they gotta let any muslim go to Mecca...seriously, they make Jesse Helms look like friggin Jesse effin Jackson... So if you wouldn't go to one of Jesse Helms Conferences, you shouldn't go to this Racism conference, unless its as a homicide bomber to blow the place up... Switzerland... 99% of em were for the Nazis...not your friends..
I'm with Hathor on this one too. I feel it was a lose lose situation.
That said why did the U.N. let Ahmadinijad do his thing? Doesn't seem very productive. We know what he was going to say. He's been saying it for years.
OK Hathor, we will wait and see.
off topic....
Is there a way to create a tool to add your blog to my facebook page? I would like to "share" you with my friends, and I know that "share" on many sites have a facebook add... techies out there... is this doable?
I'll co-sign on the lose/lose scenario. Too much mess over here to really put forth an effort. Plus, the O-man is only one person. Me thinks he needs a little R&R after this current globetrotting. We deal with enough of so-called racism over here to be having some conference over there.
I still say it wouldn't hurt to toss a representative or two over there for some sort of dialouge. Even though I'm not one of those "Isreal-1st" types nor condone some of their actions, its of little to no use in trying to single out this one country...I don't care how much clout they supposedly have. That "clout" only goes so far as evident to the current participants. Not ALL of them walked out and many of them applauded.
The President WAS WRONG not to send a delegation. And, to do it because of our 51st State makes it doubly wrong.
The Conference people got PUNKED by the President of Iran.
Americans are always eager to give away someone else's land in the name of their Judeo-Christian mythology.
If the American Indian showed up on your doorstep telling you to vacate your home because the Great Spirit promised the land to the Indian (which he probably did) you'd laugh in his face, then shoot him in the ass.
And how do we keep referring to a state that puts citizens of a certain religious group above all others as a democracy? The parallels with South Africa are astounding. More astounding is that black folks can't see it. You don't remember when Reagan was calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist?
I feel much more strongly about Obama's pathetic, politically expedient, yet all-too-predictable no-show than you do Field. So what does it say then, that I'm actually relieved and even surprised that you have at least called him out on a lack of leadership...
It is going to be interesting to see exactly what it takes before his most ardent supporters finally realise that while he IS, thus far, an improvement on Bush he is just another selfish politician, just another in a long line of presidents (fighting tooth and nail against habaeus corpus for select prisoners for one thing) - no more no less.
A conservative, middle-of-the-road politician who is deeply invested in the status quo. Even his inauguration had the usual obligatory nods to buddying up with Israel, boring, disingenous romanticisation of US history and the appropriate noises about maintaining (a fading) American empire.
So none of this is a surprise. But enough about him. The reakl surprise in this was, oddly enough Ahmedinajad - who is supposedly 'loony', allegedly "anti-semitic, imbalanced, rhetoric-spouting, leader of a sexist, homophobic theocratic dictatorship etc., etc.
So how SAD is it, that I listened to his speech and can't find a single word that he said that is historically or factually inaccurate or untrue. Like or not, he is right on this. I can't point to anything that was even remotely unreasonable. And that, scarily enough, what he said sounded not only commonsensical but an awful lot like speaking truth to power. People may not appreciate the 'mouthpiece' - but hell, the truth will out and someone had to say it.
He had the audacity to rightfully lay the blame where it belonged - at Europe's doorstep.
The reason why all of those European heads of states took their ball and flounced off in high dudgeon is because - he was right. They didn't stick around to argue because they HAD no argument. What could they possibly say when confronted with the truth?
I had to laugh when I looked at exactly *who* the boycotters and walk-outs were - the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The UK, Germany and Italy following suit simply meant that (surprise, surprise) some of the whitest, and most racist countries on earth *gasp* ducked out a conference on racism.
And while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is incredibly important, Obama and all of these other leaders basically gave a grand, collective "f*** you" in terms of addressing otherequally as important manifestations of racism (Darfur, the Congo) and course managed to slip out of actually having to look in the mirror...
But hey - as long as Obama doesn't appear to be 'anti-Israel' (nevermind that there are plenty of legitimate and moral reasons to oppose Israel without any of them being remotely 'anti-semitic') or risk dirtying his image by actually engaging with the world at large and confronting something that is difficult, then who CARES about racism.
All's well in Obama-land. *eyeroll*
Do you think black folks ought to show up to a lynching? Even if they get a vote by showin' up? If they're in the extreme minority, that is?
I'm sorry, that might be insensitive of me, to bring that up -- and it's a whole bucket of an analogy.
But I'ma leave it stand,and see what I stir up.
Fact is, germany and USA get two votes together. They aren't ever going to be able to outvote the Arab states. And the arab states, if they want, can bribe many other poor nations
I'm with you. I don't get why some of the responses keep pointing to President Obama going to this "conference." Isn't that why we have "diplomats" at the State Department? Seriously folks, there's nothing that would have occurred at this conference that would have derailed any domestic agenda if President Obama (a man that I supported) would have just sent one of his diplomats/emissaries/etc to this conference.
Why do we want to give the O man a pass on this when no one is expecting that "he" necessarily go to this conference. The reason our President didn't go, has allowed the U.S. to boycott this conference, and has refused to send anyone from his administration has already been stated very eloquently by our Attorney General Eric Holder. "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards." Words too true Mr. Holder. Too bad you're not the President.
I agree with you 100% on this one Field. The US should have had reps there.
RisingTide said...
Do you think black folks ought to show up to a lynching? Even if they get a vote by showin' up? If they're in the extreme minority, that is?
(roll eyes)
Why must Black folks ALWAYS play the lynching card?
C'mon y'all Negroes, Y'alls the ones get your panties in a bunch when some clueless white politician shows up at on Ole Miss Football game or a Senator Byrd Cross Lighting... I've got a good mind to fly on over there and wave a Jaw-Jaw flag (the REAL one, not the bogus one crammed down our rednecks several years ago) bet Y'all wouldn't want to be there then, no matter how many smelly towel-heads show up...
P.S. Whats with Mohammed Ali??? Caught him on Sportscenter the other night...seems, I don't know, a little SLOW?? I mean he was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but DAY-UM, sounds like someone smacked him with a Stew-pid Stick...
Frank Drackman said...
P.S. Whats with Mohammed Ali??? Caught him on Sportscenter the other night...seems, I don't know, a little SLOW?? I mean he was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but DAY-UM, sounds like someone smacked him with a Stew-pid Stick...
You're supposed to be in the medical profession and can't fathom a medical reason why Mr. Ali has the apprearence he has?
Never mind, I get it. Black person shows up in the ER, smelling of alcohol because they're "obviously" drunk, and there's no possible way they could possibly be suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis instead.
Micheal sez - And while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is incredibly important, Obama and all of these other leaders basically gave a grand, collective "f*** you" in terms of addressing otherequally as important manifestations of racism (Darfur, the Congo) and course managed to slip out of actually having to look in the mirror...The funny part of this is - Iran is probably the most racist state in the Islamic world.
If we define the actions of the Western States in the creation and support of Israel as a Jewish state, racist...
Shouldn't we also be questioning the actions of Islamic states, supporting campaigns to "purify" Islamic states such as the Sudan?
And why (to my knowledge) haven't Islamic religious leaders issued Fatwa on slavery, which still exists in Sudan (which is not the only Islamic country to be so afflicted - nor are majority Christian states or the Jewish state free of taint).
I agree with the poster who suggested this was a lose-lose.
Micheal sez - And while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is incredibly important, Obama and all of these other leaders basically gave a grand, collective "f*** you" in terms of addressing otherequally as important manifestations of racism (Darfur, the Congo) and course managed to slip out of actually having to look in the mirror...The funny part of this is - Iran is probably the most racist state in the Islamic world.
If we define the actions of the Western States in the creation and support of Israel as a Jewish state, racist...
Shouldn't we also be questioning the actions of Islamic states, supporting campaigns to "purify" Islamic states such as the Sudan?
And why (to my knowledge) haven't Islamic religious leaders issued Fatwa on slavery, which still exists in Sudan (which is not the only Islamic country to be so afflicted - nor are majority Christian states or the Jewish state free of taint).
I agree with the poster who suggested this was a lose-lose.
Nothing against the O man but I don't see how America is even ready for such a resolution. We can't even get along Black and White on our own land so how in the hell do we expect to contribute to such an idea when we ourselves stand as a country divided?
Lose-lose; I agree. Life is short. Pick your battles.
For the record, I am no fan or supporter of Israel. I think their policies toward Palestinians are racist to the core.
Nonetheless, I understand why Obama didn't send a delegation. He's trying to dig us out of the economic hole the Shrub dug for us and implement his economic policy, climate change policies (and education, health care, etc.). He is trying to shift this country to a different track. Had he sent a delegation to this dog and pony show, it would have derailed everything he is doing on the domestic front and it is all that people would talking about today.
Yes, it is politics. So you decide, is it better to get us out of the domestic muck Shrub left us in or to have a feel good moment talking AT people about racism in an environment where the US could not possibly win and Obama's detractors would have dictated the debate on all of his domestic policies because the US participated in a conference on racism?
Priorities people. This is why we are still slaves. We want to navel gaze about racism instead of implementing something to get black people on their feet. I think having a solid economy does more for black people than a discussion on racism.
Here is the sad truth: Racism is never going to die out. Never. It's always going to drive some part of foreign policy for the US at least in part. We can talk about it all day long but everybody thinks they are better than someone else due to race, ethnicity, religion, whatever, and that would include us. Does no one recall the debate we had on this very webiste about Latinos?
Once this country's eoncomy is on more solid ground and Obama has a successful track record of implementing his policies, then he can participate in a dialogue about racism without risking a total collapse of his domestic programs.
open your mouth and remove all doubt as to how much of a fool you is.
I'm the white bitch on this blog.
That's why I try to be sensitive, as you might see if you reread what I wrote.
Whenever there is a great noble cause or idea, the ugliness of the human condition gets highlighted in neon lights. In just trying to meet to discuss racism, it becomes readily apparent that the same old menacing forces of blame, hatred, ignorance and not-going-anywhere-politics will, once again, threaten to torpedo goodness.
Participating in the world conference on racism seemed to be a ‘no brainer’ to me- because it dealt with a cancer that has plagued America. In good conscience, America ‘had’ to go; it was our 'moral' duty. Nope… Not so.
Human 'politics' seem to always trump anything good, noble or divine. There will ‘always’ be some other agenda that’s more important. Always...Yes, the economy is most important, but so is this because it has to do with human dignity, which is our spiritual DNA. Without it, we die.
I am disappointed in Obama for not going the distance on this one. I voted for him because I truly believed that he reflected the best of human nobility. Now, it looks like he is morphing into some mysterious unknown, far from the noble ‘change’ he represented. Don't get me wrong, I still ‘support him’, but he’s beginning to show signs of being just another politician, and that is irritating.
Next time- before I sign up to incarnate on earth, I am going to read the fine print about the sickening side effects of being human.
I have to go with O man on this one. This was a lose-lose.
An international conference on racism is just one long masturbatory exercise. Ahmedinajad getting his own rocks off all the while pissing off the neighbors because he is just a little too loud and self-congratulatory.
Did anyone think that these "white" nations were going to sit there and be lectured to? Did you think they were going to embrace Ahmedinajad and say we've seen the light my brother and we won't be arrogant or racist anymore?
These nations picked up their balls and left the playground. It may not be mature, may not be smart, it may not be right but when you do it "enmasse" well, there's your statement, "Fuck you!"
How anyone could not foresee that this was going to turn into an international pissing contest is just unbelievable.
You can use leverage to apply economic pressure to governments to lessen institutionalized racism or abolish it (e.g. Apartheid) but you still must have support from within the nation to erode the system.
Unless you can change the hearts of minds of individuals the UN can have conferences on racism until ALL the chickens come home to roost. Unless the taint of racism from individual souls is removed you might find that these scrawny fowl make for a completely unsatisfactory, unnourishing meal.
B# said...
but he’s beginning to show signs of being just another politician, and that is irritating.
I've never believed for one minute that when push came to shove, Obama wouldn't show himself to be just like any other politician. An inside scoop from a friend with strong ties to politics in Illinois, let me in on just how much Obama plays the "game" just like all the rest of them.
FlyNMy40s said,
"I've never believed for one minute that when push came to shove, Obama wouldn't show himself to be just like any other politician."
You may be right. But I haven't given up on him...yet. I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. But it's getting harder to do that.
God, I hope you are wrong.
This is totally off-topic because I have had my fill of the seeming approbation of Israel’s behavior on one hand, and the total discounting of Arab and Palestine concerns with the other.
Iran is one thing, but this saga in the West Bank is another, so off-topic Field, Gene Robinson would be pleased with your selection of him as Honorary Field Negro. He is cool like that, I think.
Why does someone have to be a loon just because you don't agree with them? I've heard the leader of Iran speak and he makes damn good sense to me.
Isreal has the prez Obama balls in her pocket! He won't say shit or do shit against Isreal!!!!!
It was insulting for Obama not to attend, he could have set a good example!
Western diplomats DID NOT walk out because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the west "arrougant". Why lie Field? It seems the black man is willing to condone ANYTHING if there is a handout in it for him that ignore that this is a anti-racist conference hosted by someone who hosted a Holocast Denial Conference and Cartoon contest 2 years ago. Hopefully next year he will host a Slavery Denial Conference next yaer along with awarding a big cash prize for the best cartoon about Emit Till. Lets see if you feel differently then. Damn what a black man won't stoop to for a handout!
Why does someone have to be a loon just because you don't agree with them?
Why does someone have to be to be racist cause they say something the black man doesn't want to hear? It always works that way. Black men are disproportiately involved in crime. This is a FACT. James Watson was deemed a loon for having an opinion that black folks didn't want to hear.
Just thank god that Ahmadinejad didn't talk about the black race card! It would be a breath of fresh air but we know that anti-racism always means do not say anthing that would anger a black person
What's more dangerous: a democratic Israel, or a muslim religion that promotes theocracy, subjugation of women, and religious intolerance? Where would you rather live in Israel or Iran?
thank you for this post fn!
there is simply no valid excuse for this puppeted move by the blackish president of the most racist country (historically and to date!)in the world...
america in 2009 is more racist than ever...
it is nice to see that so many global obama nazis are finally starting to see the exact replicated/blatantly escalated actions of gwb in the afro swagger of obama...
folks are finally choking on obama's grey kool-aid....and the coughs come not a moment too soon for me...
I remain mystified at how some of us will agree with our President traveling to Europe to meet with the Queen and other European dignitaries for what wasn't much more than a tea party and yet going to or sending a delegation to a internation conference on racism is somehow more of a "masturbatory exercise."
The ENTIRE office of the President is an exercise in symbolism. Why should I accept the President's "symbols" and "olive branches" on certain issues and regard other issues (like racism) as political masterbation? This is the same President who established a "Women's commission" a month back to deal with issues important to women, such as disparity in pay, sexism, etc. Why is this ok and yet not sending a delegation to a damn racism conference just as important? Isn't this the same President who said earlier in his term that his office can do more than one thing at once?
Come on get real... Obama passed on the conference and passed on sending his diplomats to the conference because of political expediency. I love the guy and all, but I'm growing tired of political expediency only where it comes to issues involving the issue of race. Either you are the President of these divided states or not. If you don't want to make the tough decisions on the difficult issues then don't sign up for the job.
allheavens said...
"An international conference on racism is just one long masturbatory exercise"
EzMun said...
Either you are the President of these divided states or not. If you don't want to make the tough decisions on the difficult issues then don't sign up for the job.
This is one of the MAIN reasons I didn't vote for Obama. Diplomacy most certainly has a place in the world, but NOT when you're dealing with terrorists and groups/countries which support/harbor terrorisst. My motto in the post 9/11 age? Bomb their asses first, talk later!
And I don't know why people are suprised Obama didn't attend the conference. He didn't attend the State of Black America conference either, LOL!!
RisingTide said...
open your mouth and remove all doubt as to how much of a fool you is.
I'm the white bitch on this blog.
That's why I try to be sensitive, as you might see if you reread what I wrote.
My bad. I should have written, why must white bitches trying to be down, always play the lynching card, lol??
alicia banks said...
there is simply no valid excuse for this puppeted move by the blackish president of the most racist country (historically and to date!)in the world...
america in 2009 is more racist than ever...
Typical hyperbole. You deserve to live in a "less racist" nation like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somali.
Those Arabs in the Sudan really know how to treat an African!
Yeah, your "equality" would be tenfold... although, as a woman, you would be unable to leave the house to experience. And hopefully you are not gay.
Take a look at these stories of how good the black man treats the black man in Africa:
See! There's a good apology from you! I knew you could do it!
Two things pissed me off about the President, one the reason he left his church and secondly, that not either one of his technology appointments are black. Race relations in this country demands local symbols, not some faraway ideological posturing. A clean house would be a better example.
Analosity@2:36 PM burps - Black men are disproportiately involved in crime.No - that's not true, Anal. Black men are disproportionally involved in some crime.
We've been "treated" the last week with two highly publicized cases where white women raped male children. Indeed, if one is to get their statistics from the evening news (as you do) you'd have to conclude that 99.9% of the women rapists, who prey on child victims...
Are white.
Probably why Southerners preferred black nanny's.
B# said "Participating in the world conference on racism seemed to be a ‘no brainer’ to me- because it dealt with a cancer that has plagued America. In good conscience, America ‘had’ to go; it was our 'moral' duty. Nope… Not so. "
Anon said ..."of the most racist country (historically and to date!)in the world...
america in 2009 is more racist than ever..."
Looking at history and at some of the far corners of the world, the US is not the most racist. Take a good objective look. Dislike of people with an "other" appearance or a different culture exists absolutely every where.
Moral duty? or masterbatory exercise? You choose, but we each of us need to look in the mirror. Francis where are you when I need you?
Obama promised not to raise any taxes on anyone making under 250,00 a year.
That promise was broken with the cigarette tax. No Obama and the Democrats plan to end tax free internet shopping.
Just more broken promises. Obama a magic negro indeed.
I'm not completely in favor of him deciding not to go, yet I don't think it was crucial for him to go at this time. We have plenty of shit to deal with as a nation. We won't change the world, we still have too many clear and present indications of racism right within our own borders. Straighten out our borders first; help ourselves then maybe we can help someone else out.
Yes, Lady-Cracker you understood me correctly. Any country that has participated for centuries in slavery, Jim Crow, hangings (of over 5000 Blacks), racial profiling, police brutality, and injustices to people because of the color of their skin--has a "moral duty" to participate.
However, if you already know it is a waste of time, then by all means, go ahead and masturbate.
I am not as contemptuous. To me, these are important human matters, which deserve sincere and genuine effort.
You know, seriously. White folks can play negroes like a fiddle. all you have to do is shout "racism" and it's like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Everyone starts to run in a panic.
We are sometimes the least strategic thinkers and the most emotional people on this planet. It's like Pavlov's dog. You ring the racism bell and a million black Americans go rooting for their puppy chow.
FlyNMy40s stated:I've never believed for one minute that when push came to shove, Obama wouldn't show himself to be just like any other politician. An inside scoop from a friend with strong ties to politics in Illinois, let me in on just how much Obama plays the "game" just like all the rest of them.
Really, I mean, really? Politics is gamesmanship; did you think it was some higher calling? People might want to place President Obama above the fray but he is not, he is a politician and he had better be good at the game. Because if he is not he had better be prepared peel his ass off the asphalt just like Wile E. Coyote after the ACME steamroller has flattened it.
You voted for McCain, am I correct? The man who got bitch slapped by Bush in 2000 and became his lapdog to pander to the ultra conservative base of the party, thereby gaining the party nomination for the Presidency in 2008? And then blew the race by running the worst campaign ever and buckling to the demands of the religious right making Sarah Palin his running mate. That McCain, am I right?
Well, Obama may be a "politician" but he is also a tactician and I will take that combination over McCain who puckered up, bent over and kissed the ass of the man who smeared him and his family, jettisoned his principles and sold his soul for a political nomination, and still lost.
Hell, if you are going to make a Faustian deal AND have to put up with Palin for a whole year, at least make sure you get the fucking prize.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?". . .the perfect tagline for the Straight Talk Express.
Is any one surprised?
O'bama assiduously avoided race for the whole campaign, excepted when he was forced to address it, Or when he pulled a Bill Clinton Sista Soulja Moment ala critizing poor Black folks for the white and Bill Cosby vote.
But lets be NPR objective about this. Maybe Michelle was busy modeling for Vogue, so he had to walk Bo, the dog?
allheavens said...
Well, Obama may be a "politician" but he is also a tactician and I will take that combination over McCain who puckered up, bent over and kissed the ass of the man who smeared him and his family, jettisoned his principles and sold his soul for a political nomination, and still lost.
I think it far better that McCain as you suggest "bent over and kissed the man who smeared his family....", than bend over and bow to an Arab King. At least Bush is an American..... No self-respecting fomer military man like McCain would have done the same.
No doubt McCain ran the crappiest campaign in history of elections and the selection of Palin was a joke, but Biden is a political joke if I ever saw one. And apparently he doesn't believe educated Blacks bathe all that much.
(I posted as "Michael" before, under my partner's google account...)
Anyway, regarding this:
"Politics is gamesmanship; did you think it was some higher calling? People might want to place President Obama above the fray but he is not, he is a politician and he had better be good at the game. Because if he is not he had better be prepared peel his ass off the asphalt just like Wile E. Coyote after the ACME steamroller has flattened it.
You voted for McCain, am I correct?"
I know this wasn't addressed to me, but I've got to say...
If Obama is indeed "business as usual" which I strongly suspect (and have always suspected) - then you are going to have to expect at least *some* voters to be disappointed if they actually voted on him due to the premise that he ran on - remember 'change you can believe in', and situating himself as someone who was "above the fray" and masquerading as the 'Washington outsider' etc.?
Now a few gnawing doubts are beginning to set in, since this latest move is eerily reminiscent of what you could typically expect from Washington... (And whether it is chaotic or not, successful or not, this conference is FAR more important than whether or not Michelle Obama wore JC Crew and touched the sacred, but essentially token Queen of England. *eyeroll*)
What exactly did him visiting the Queen, who has no real involvement with UK politics anyway, achieve?
If his whole goal was to get into the white-house so that he could ignore the UN (like Bush), aim to run the American military machine more "efficiently" in its insatiable appetite for evermore pipelines and oil (all the while prettily talking out of the other side of his mouth about "energy efficiency" etc.) and simply continues running Bush's murderous wars with a 'velvet glove' over the iron hand, while throwing in Pakistan and maybe Somalia into the mix - or if he is in short Clinton redux, (i.e. warmongering and internationally criminal but with a smooth smile - then yeah.)
And shocking as it may seem even I, as a non-American, can figure out that not voting for Obama doesn't mean that you were panting to vote for McCain...your MMS may thoroughly ignore them as if they are invisible but (*whisper*) other parties and other candidates *do* ,in fact, exist. I suppose your rigid, binary logic is a result of your bizarre 2-party system? How sad that you can't even imagine beyond Obama/McCain.
Also, having plausible doubts about Obama doesn't mean that you didn't nonetheless push them aside and cast your vote for him.
If you want to congratulate Obama for all his slick political moves, for cynically knowing how the game is played and essentially being invested in changing nada at any fundamental level - then that's your prerogative. If that's as high as your 'expectations' go, good for you. If all you care about is how Obama "looks" as opposed to what he actually *does*; if all you care about is him maintaining control rather than at least attempting to use any power that he does have positively then so be it.
But don't be so disrespectful as to dismiss out of hand those who had dared to hope for better.
FTR I don't think Obama is going to be markedly terrible as president - he may even be one of the better ones and may even achieve some genuine good - but I've never lost sight that ultimately, no matter what the colour of his skin is, he is now at the helm of American empire - those are the interests he represents - which for the rest of the world at least, will mean more of the same...
I would have liked to have seen the U.S. participate. I think you make a good point about the word "conference" By not bothering to attend it makes it seem like we have something to hide. Or worse, that we don't care about the issue of racism.
If America had something new, positive and hopeful to present to the conference on race, we would be sharing those plans within America and doing something about our own racial and discrimination ruts.
We as a country are equally dumbfounded.
Mr. Field,
I love ya, but having spent a lot of time in the Middle East (including Israel), you are way off in your support of Israel's racist policies against the Palestinians. Just saying...I think you will come around some day (and this is not to let the anti-semites and reactionaries off the hook at all, but you are on the wrong side of this issue both morally and according to international law). Ahmedinejad can go Cheney himself.
Whew! I have been wanting to say that for a long time, since your one post I have ever disagreed with here (on Gaza).
Now for something completely different: another baby commits suicide because of bullying (including anti-gay slurs - please write about this!!! This shit has to STOP NOW!).
People might want to place President Obama above the fray but he is not, he is a politician and he had better be good at the game. Because if he is not he had better be prepared peel his ass off the asphalt just like Wile E. Coyote after the ACME steamroller has flattened it.Too Funny!
Well said Westerly. BTW, what country do you live in?
Kathy, we will agree to disagree, but I respect your opinion.
"If America had something new, positive and hopeful to present to the conference on race, we would be sharing those plans within America and doing something about our own racial and discrimination ruts.
We as a country are equally dumbfounded."
cinco, couldn't we at least say that we elected a black Prez? Just saying.
"I remain mystified at how some of us will agree with our President traveling to Europe to meet with the Queen and other European dignitaries for what wasn't much more than a tea party and yet going to or sending a delegation to a internation conference on racism is somehow more of a "masturbatory exercise."
The ENTIRE office of the President is an exercise in symbolism. Why should I accept the President's "symbols" and "olive branches" on certain issues and regard other issues (like racism) as political masterbation? This is the same President who established a "Women's commission" a month back to deal with issues important to women, such as disparity in pay, sexism, etc. Why is this ok and yet not sending a delegation to a damn racism conference just as important?"
EzMun, it's the Producer from Meet The Press for you on line one. :)
Yes, we've finally joined the list as a country that has elected a "Black" President. I just think America is unable to 'advise' any one else on what path to take. Now if the conference was among NAACP members; The Urban League; The Black Caucus and other political/community/fraternities or sororities then perhaps I would encourage attendence. We are after all, our own worse enemies...
thank you!
see more on that 2nd dead baby boy
and "corrective rapes" at:
lady cracker:
please send me the name of one country that has an EQUIVALENT black slave trade, ongoing black holocaust, ongoing history of medical and environmental racism, instituitional racism, racist prison industrial complex, cia crack legacy, number of ghettos, racist media ETC!...
EQUIVALENT to the USA to date...
i will wait patiently...without holding my breath...
rsvp: ambwww@yahoo.com
i am proudly lesbian
and i love america
even as the most racist country on earth
but unlike you, i love it conditionally
i do not equate exile or moronism with patriotism
Come on now fields. I am an avid reader of your blog and am comfortable with your support of Israel. The conference dealt with racism. The people currently occupying Palestine have no right to the land historically, physically, prophetically or scripturally.
Before I attempt to brand a man, I look into what is said about him and I also look into that man himself. I have heard what the media, the Jewish Defense League along with other cells of the AIPAC strong arm have said, but I have also heard what he has said. I honestly applauded his speech at the conference because he opened up with a tragedy that all the world knows happened and it is recorded, yet it is rarely spoken of, or taught and that is the horror of the Middle Passage.
I am Black, I am Muslim and I have no hatred for Jewish people. I am taught that the dietary law of orthodox jews is the closest to my own which I greatly respect. I also know what it feels like to be branded an anti-semite when standing up for principles that are not agreeable to jews, but are considered contrary to zionism. As for President Ahmedinejad questioning the reality of the Jewish Holocaust. I have read excerpts from a book by an author by the name of Shlomo Sands who is in Israel who asserts the same.
My only question is if it is true that by lineage we, the children of America's former slaves, are considered Semitic people and are acknowledged as so by other semitic people in the east. How can we be labeled as anti-semitic because we question the practices of those who have hijacked the jewish culture and language and passed themselves off as jews though their doctrines are contrary to the very teachings of the Torah
"off topic....
Is there a way to create a tool to add your blog to my facebook page? I would like to "share" you with my friends, and I know that "share" on many sites have a facebook add... techies out there... is this doable?"
Jody, I have no idea. Maybe one of
the smart people who post here can help you with that.:(
Kathy, thanks for that story and the link. Sad!
Anon.9:1 PM, I am familiar with Sand's book. ("When and How The Jewish People Started" I think is the title), and you make some valid points. But surely you cannot believe that the Holocaust is a myth, or that the horrors that took place are exaggerated.
Come on now; even a broken clock is right twice a day. You would have a hard time convincing me that Ahmedinejad is not a few fries short of a happy meal. Sorry.
"What the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is worse than what happened to black people in the time of apartheid. They are separating not just Palestinians from Jews, but Palestinian from Palestinian."
Jamal Zahalka
an Arab-Israeli and sits in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset
Al Jazeera
April 22, 2009
I didn't expect Obama to attend, but aleast send a represenative to show how far we as nation have come, and still have to go...in dealing with racism! This is same bullsh**t that occur in 2001, a month prior to the attacks!
Why allow Israel to set the platform for these discussions!
Westerly stated:But don't be so disrespectful as to dismiss out of hand those who had dared to hope for better.
Hope ain't a plan and we are not going to achieve your world view by hoping Obama is a better man than he appears to be three months into his Presidency.
Eight years of Bush & Co. has scarred the psyche of so many that we have projected so much onto Obama that I fear he will collapse under the collective weight.
We want the global economic crisis solved, we want out of Iraq, we want to solve world hunger, we want an end to global warming, we want an end to the genocide in Darfur, we want an end to the civil unrest in Somalia and the dumping of radioactive waste in Somalian waters, we want an end to apartheid in Israel (come on Field you know it's true), we want an end to racism, the list is endless.
Want an end to the genocide in Darfur, what do you propose? Divestment, sweeping economic sanctions or a larger more "proactive" UN occupational military force. I don't think the latter would resolve the conflict. We have good examples. In Iraq right now; we have hundreds of thousands of troops. But the occupational forces could not bring about the end of civil war. We have a good example in Somalia where the deployment of Ethiopian and AU troops has not resulted in peace.
The International Criminal Court at The Hague has issued an arrest warrant for President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan for crimes against humanity and war crimes. But China, the Arab League and the African Union (AU), see the indictment as an attempt to destabilize Sudan and heat up the already convoluted political atmosphere in Africa.
Where's the outrage against these nations?
The African Union (AU) which is shielding all shades of dictators in Africa should not be exonerated from blame in the mass hysteria afflicting the continent. The failure of African leaders to call al-Bashir to order made the situation in Darfur degenerate to a state of anomie. China is complicit with its self-serving stand against humanitarian concerns to avail itself of a nation's natural resources. The Arab League, "What is required from all of us is to stand with our brothers in Sudan and its leadership in order to prevent dangers that affect our collective security." WTF?
The onus rests on the United Nations Security Council whose Resolution 1593 (2005) mandated the ICC to handle the Darfur matter, and also asked all nations, either party to Article 87(7) of the Rome Statute or not, to cooperate fully with the ICC.
It will take tremendous political will not just on the part of President Obama but of President Hu Jintao, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Nicolas Sarkozy, Chancellor Angela Merkel; an endless list of leaders and people of powerful nations to bring about the arrest of al-Bashir and an end to the atrocities in Darfur.
But right now my two main concerns are the global economic crisis and Darfur. The economic crisis because if the world sinks into a global depression, baby you haven't seen racism and violence yet. Darfur can be a defining moment for the world community if we can place the lives of others above national self interest. It can show the world that the lives of Black Sundanese matter just as much as Iraquis, Palestinians and Afghanis.
@FlyNMy40SBiden explained Obama's appeal as a presidential candidate by calling him "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."Nice, try. But you know only a conservative would try to gain ground with old Joe "Foot-in-Mouth" Biden.
No self-respecting fomer military man like McCain would have done the same.A bit of an oxymoron don't you think? My argument was based on McCain's obvious lack of self-respect.
@FieldI didn't say that Obama going to or sending representatives to the conference was a mastubatory exercise, I said that the conference itself was a mastubatory exercise.
Just wanted to clarify.
And don't come with the straw man argument about tea with the Queen we all known a cuppa tea is not détente and has absolutely nothing to do with the UN Durban Review Conference.
What the conference revealed was an increasing trend by religious fundamentalists of all stripes to redefine the fight against racism as a war against blasphemy. Here's to censorship!
Righ now my main concern is what's going on in my neighborhood, my community, my city, my state and my country. Everywhere else takes a back seat. America is where I live.
How revealing that Field had to say "I am a supporter of Israel," lest someone accuse him of being anti-semetic for suggesting the Obama should have sent a delegation.
Field gets the House Negro for Israel year of the award.
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