"I'm here today to offer my unwavering support to...millions of Texans just like yourself that are tired of Washington, D.C. trying to come down here and tell us how to run Texas."
That was Rick Perry, the republican governor of the soon to be country of Texas, declaring to his citizens that they want to be free from the tyranny of Washington.(Funny, I didn't see any of my cousins in that You Tube clip.) Yes folks, in the great state of Texas, they have decided to pass a resolution affirming their sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Sounds like the folks in "hook em horns" country are trying to tell us something. (That there is secession talk, folks.)
Where do I start with this? Okay let me start by saying to my friends in Texas: we will miss you. Not all of you, but the ones who found themselves, for whatever reason, stuck in that land that time forgot. My only hope is that you can get out before the secession is complete.
Personally, I hope the good governor takes the stinking Cowboys and every backwards ass town from Amarillo to Brownsville and El Paso to Orange and declare the entire joint their own country. Then let's pull all of our federal services out of the new country of Texas which our taxes pay for and see how they make out. No more post offices; no more food stamps; no more farm subsidies; no more Medicare or medicaid; no more fancy roads to drive from one god forsaken town to another; no more funding for their child support offices or social security benefits for their seniors or disabled; no more money for research for their universities; --hell no more money, period-- and sure as hell no more electricity, because we will be cutting their asses off of the national grid. I mean give me a fucking break! I know they want to take our federal stimulus money without oversight, but that ain't gonna happen. Sorry, we don't trust you to spend it right. The scary thing is that Texas isn't alone, seems there are a dozen or so more states led by republican crackpots considering the same thing. See folks, this is what happens when Radio Rwanda AKA FOX NOISE gets to run amok.
I bet the folks who fought at the Alamo didn't sign up for this shit. If they only knew then what we know now Texas would probably be the most northern state of Mexico. Its not too late of course, I am sure the Mexicans would love to take them back. Now there might be a slight language problem, but the Canadians have handled that type of thing just fine. Just think, the hottest teams in Texas will go from being the Dallas Cowboys and San Antonio Spurs, to the Houston Dynamo and the F.C. Dallas soccer teams, over night. The downside, of course, would be that my Iggles wouldn't get to beat down the stinking cowboys every year like we do now. But Jerry Jones could always move the team to Oklahoma.
They need to be worrying about that so-called drug war just below their so-called border.
Thanks alot Obama.This is all your fault. You were suppose to bring change to Washington.
The only thing you have proven you can do is order the military to kill 3 black teens the media called pirates.
Obama is the most polarizing new president this country has ever had.
Even the liberal media can't change that.
God help us all.
The federal government has indeed failed Texas in one sense: the immigration problem. Texas is right on top of a hugely corrupt, failed state. Mexico is an overpopulated basket case that pushes its excess population relentlessly north. A good portion of the money these folks earn, they just send back south. People in texas would like to avoid the "third worldization" of their state. Washington has sent them a clear sign for a long time: you'll get no help from us.
Rick Perry is an idiot, and there are a hell of alot of Texans that would beg to differ with Governor Hair.... all of my family in Texas for some... and there are lots more. For every Perry there, there is also Jim Hightower, Lon Burnham, Shiela Jackson Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, the entire democratic legislature that went AWOL to prevent craziness from being pushed by Gov. Hair, and many more. I suspect if Gov. Hair even tries this, he will be summarily impeached.... Texans may be many things, but there are still enough of them there with plenty of common sense to stop stupid in its tracks.
Seeing the Democrats run like cowards was fun to watch.
Dear Texas,
If you want to leave, we won't stop you. Go, and we wish you nothing but good fortune.
However, before you leave, please make sure you return our 23 major miltary installations (including their personnel) and the Johnson Space Center. After all, they do belong to the evil United States Government.
Good luck trying to rebuild your "soverign" economy. And don't let the doorknob hit you where the dog shoulda bit you...
Mr Field, a very serious balkanization of this country is closer than you think. The government has indeed failed not only "Texas" but it has failed small town America and the law abiding middle class. The govt is a city-based power structure that has poured trillions of dollars into the inner cities to somehow "civilize" the residents. It has failed. Inner cities are worse than ever as you chronicle from your Philly killing zone. The only idea govt has is to pour even more money into them. If the border was left to Texas to solve "Texas-style" there would be no problem. Instead the border problem is left to urban bureaucrats who look only to politically correct ways.
The govts remedy is to throw money at everything. When they run out of this generations money, they will throw the next generations piggybank at it. When that runs out...well, you get the idea.
It takes quite a lot to get the great white middle class to move, but once it is unified and mobilized...well, you get that also.
Governor Good Hair (my apologies to Molly Ivins, who I'm sure is looking down upon us laughing) is grasping at straws here because he knows it's curtains for him and all his Bush Buddies. Mr. O and the Dems won in the urban areas and got about 45% of the popular vote. I can't wait to see the new census results.
By the way, Jerry Jones is NOT a Texan. He is from Arkansas. And Field, Mark Cuban is from your state. Please feel free to take him back.
I dont think its going to be Texas that leaves, I think it will be Washington. FN did an article a while ago about race-based regions of the country. Thats not an altogether unrealistic thing. Many blacks would go for that idea as well. Im not sure that would be a great idea for African americans. Not too many successful countries populated by all black people.
Im just sayin'
"If the border was left to Texas to solve "Texas-style" there would be no problem. Instead the border problem is left to urban bureaucrats who look only to politically correct ways."
Anon. How exactly would you solve the border probem "Texas-Style"? Just curious.
"By the way, Jerry Jones is NOT a Texan. He is from Arkansas. And Field, Mark Cuban is from your state. Please feel free to take him back."
LOL! Hopefully he won't want to leave. Although I wouldn't mind if he (Cuban) bought the Sixers.
sistermoon,maybe the entire Johnson Space Center could be run by the State Dept. Kind of like an embassy in a foreign country.
I figure it would be treason to hold a public office and openly talk about rebelling, but this is America and people can say whatever stupid thing comes to mind. I say if they want to leave, let them: leave the state with us though. They can all march into Mexico and try to tell them how it's going to be. I have a feeling Mexicans aren't going to take too kindly to most of them though...
Field, if the border was resolved "Texas Style as anonymous suggested, the border would start at Oklahoma. What anonymous fails to realize is that Texas is now a Majority Mexican American State, that I suspect would rather be a part of Mexico than have Gov. Hair as their president.
We are all headed back in time to a medieval or feudal time. The middles class is shrinking; consequently, opportunity is shrinking with it. We already have millions of people who were formerly employed in manufacturing and who are increasingly obsolete in the workforce. On top of that, we are adding millions more foreign born workers with few job skills.
What will the net result of all this be? You will have a society with a few truly talented and savy at the top. The rest of the country will be a divided and impoverished bunch of tribal groups. This will prevent a popular uprising or class based movement. Only the social upper echelon gains from this, everyone else loses.
Anon. How exactly would you solve the border probem "Texas-Style"? Just curious.
Wall, armed border crossings, Texas picture ID, work permits for mexican nationals, punitive fines for employers hiring undocumented
Some states, Cal and NY and more, can't afford to pay the pention plans they promised the state union "workers". The Fed Gov will bail them out I guess. This is great. Good times. Some states require a balance budget every year.
@Racist Poster
Shouldn't you be teabagging some 12-year-old boy right about now?
Re: Texas
God I swear Rick Perry is a fucking idiot and so is our legislative body. I am a native Texan but that is getting harder to admit on a daily basis.
These neocons are like lemmings, blindly throwing themselves into the abyss better known as Rush Limbaugh's ass crack.
All I have to say is good luck with that.
It reminds me of how porn stars and junkies justify their conditions. Rick Perry and the rest of them have to do this, lest their brains will explode...
BTW Field,
You know how, in fairy tales, you kill trolls? Clean water, or bright light. Ironic, eh? Notice they can't use their real names, or real sites, blogs, etc? Because they actually are cowards, racists, fools. The silent majority of Americans elected a nigger president. It is killing these people. The key is not to let them destroy the country, as these same typs almost did in 1860, after another man from Ill. was elected. They--domestic cracker terrorists, not evil foreigners--murdered him in the end. If anything happens to Barack, I say we track these trolls and hang them, too...
Or use one-dem cane cutlasses (machetes to you folk) on them? Why not?
hmmm....you do know that Texas has it's own Power Grid right? And plenty of Natural Resources?
Personally, I think losing out on the govt subsidies might do Texas a world of good.
Legend has it that when Texas joined the USA, the deal included the reserved right to split into 5 states, which would give it 10 senators and at least 5 congressmen, so we should be grateful that they haven't played that card yet, I guess.
Watch ya mouth Field. I live in Tx and I know it has it's jacked up ways. These WF (white folks) are something else down here but this is my state. Not gonna take too much ch*t talking about Tx....especially coming from raggidy a** Philly Eagles fan. I've been up there in Germantown and all that. Trust....Pennsylvania not much better either. Also, the boys will be whooping the Iggles a**es this year!
Even with all its oil revenues (which production peaked in the 1970s along with all the rest of the continental US), Texas has always received more in federal spending than it paid in federal taxes, in terms of total dollars and also per capita, according to the Tax Foundation:
If Texas would get on board with solar- and wind-generated electricity, it probably could survive without the rest of the US, bi that's not going to happen as long as oil is king.
let me get my ass away from this state while i still can!
I would expect this from the Gov. of Texas. His heavy Texas twang indicates that he is a moronic imbecile. I lived in Texas for a several years, and I am so-o-o glad that I am no longer there. In fact, if I EVER see Texas again, it will be too soon.
Field, your observation that there were no Blacks in the video speaks volumes about that state because Blacks are hardly ever in the picture when it comes to politics. Imo, Blacks in Texas are too passive. In those little country Texas towns, Blacks have docile attitudes, almost plantation like. And, the Whites in those racist towns are some of the dumbest people on earth.
They are so dumb that if Texas were to succeed, the national IQ average of America would jump 5 points!
No more military bases & no more Houston space center. & what's more, disassemble & remove all Federal property, none of that secessionist thing when the South stole it all. Texas would collapse without the almighty federal dollar, they'd have riots & wild west gunfights. Their Washington politicians are past masters at sucking at the guvmint tit. Hypocrites. You couldn't find a more corrupt bunch of bastards anywhere else in America.
If they want to leave, let them. My family did many years ago and we never looked back.
@12:13AM I misspelled "succeed" in last sentence. I meant "secede".
i sit here across the water and i am amazed that this treachery is allowed..
these people have seriously lost their minds..
i know the president is busy and all trying to save your economy, the climate, etc etc...but this is snowballing... the undercurrent is civil war...
i want to believe president obama has some old school chi-town moves up his sleeves..
i want to believe he is keeping dog eye on the situation and waiting for his moment..
governor rick “goodhair” perry (i miss molly ivins) comments are not surprising coming from a guy who once signed off an television interview with “adios mofos”... what we do know is governor rick “goodhair” perry is running for governor, his primary opponent is senator kay bailey hutchison; and he’s trying to rally his base.
the immigration issue, there was a time in the south when hispanics surnames equal white power. leander henry perez, sr is one of my favorite, also under a series of desegregation plans houston independent school district (hisd) estimated 36,000 students were “hispanics surnamed americans” and they were statistically included in the white group ... I do not think they asked for green cards ... my point if a majority of the hispanics immigrants were christians pro life, pro guns voting republicans ... america would not have an immigration issue.
life behind enemy lines will test your will, living with yahooism deep in the heart of texas ... priceless.
Hey Bob, sometimes I think they do want to go back to the wild west days. If they all want to have been shoot outs, I'll be the first to pay to send some guns and liquor in. Let them wonder how the stuff is getting into their neighborhoods for a change....
Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism
Field, if no one has mentioned it yet, you can do a lot of things to Texas, but you can't knock them off the electricity grid. They have their own. ERGOT. http://www.slate.com/id/2087133/
Otherwise, I say, good riddance.
All they'd have to to attract talent would make it a "whites only" country; millions of white folks would leave their segregated suburbs and *presto*! They'd have a work face and all the technicians they'd need.
Anonymous 2:06:
Yup, Rush could be their President, Palin VP, Glen Beck Secretary of State, Hannity Press Secretary, and O'Reilly Secretary of Texas Security.
Gov.Perry and the rest of the nuts got it wrong. The United States didn't fail Texas, GW Bush failed Texas. As governor Bush f@cked over Texas and as president he f@cked over the US.
He need to kick Bush out of Texas, out of the country.
What kind of f*uckery is this?
I lived in Texas for a year working for the late Ann Richards but that was in Austin. Austin is a great city.
If Texas wants to leave, bye bye and please return all the federal money and pay for your own services. When I lived there, there wasn't an income tax. Is that still the case?
How would they pay for everything? Raise the sales tax?
I love that name: "Gov Good Hair".:)
east austin, we all feel your pain.Actually Austin is a pretty decent city. They don't deserve you guys.
"i sit here across the water and i am amazed that this treachery is allowed..
these people have seriously lost their minds.."
Amd marci, today is "Teabag Day" here in A-murder-ca.
Know what I love about folks like Shabazz and Chris Chambers: you always know how they really feel. They have a way of getting right to the point.:)
P. Jones, as long as Jessica is around, we will always have your number. ;)
Field you know that Texas turned the sitm money down and no prob taking back ALL the fed buildings/employees and yes NASA (freaking money pit). We got no prob in instituting our own tax base. We’ve got all the oil inclining the reserves….LOL
And YES this is exactly what the men at the Alamo were fighting for apparently you didn’t do well in history, guess it’s not required to be an attorney !?!? Anyway the boy’s at the Alamo were fighting to rid their land of an oppressive federal Mexican government. Its ok don’t feel too bad I understand the ignorance of you and the rest here.
As far as those in Texas that don’t want to succeed, well just move to Philly or somewhere else….hell anywhere not a problem I’ll bet there’s plenty of good ol’ boys that’ll help them pack….lol
I believe what pisses most people off is that they know that Texas will do fine without the Fed Gov. it was the Texas Guard and the good people of this great state that took people in not the Fed Gov (took them several weeks to get their stuff together) when the two big hurricanes paid a visit a couple of years ago.
So, just jump up and down waving your little arms if it wasn’t such a big deal then no one would be saying anything? Would it now?
The really tragic think about this whole incident is most likely it’ll never occur.
In closing I’m just wondering if Bush/the repbs were sooo bad why none of this occurred during their administration? I’m just guessing people weren’t scared s*#tless…..hummm
Just Curious
NYC/Caribbean Ragazza,
To answer your question, Texas still doesn't have a state income tax. This is supposed to be a selling point. What they don't tell you is they have high sales taxes and property taxes, not to mention one of the highest rates of people w/o health care. That's independence for you.
As for the demographics, please don't forget all the transplants who've moved to the suburban areas of Dallas, Houston, and Austin. We get the wingnuts from the San Fernando Valley and elsewhere who sold their overpriced houses and bought a McMansion in our burbs because the rest of the country is just too 'librul'. It's difficult for me to find a native Texan now.
Hey anal-nonimous 7:38:
Wasn't texas mexico before the pale ones stole it (colonization)?
"I’m just wondering if Bush/the repbs were sooo bad why none of this occurred during their administration? I’m just guessing people weren’t scared s*#tless…..hummm"{sic}
Maybe it's because bush wasn't Black. Belive me genius; everyone knows why they want to separate,there's no mystery there. Why do you think all the reich-wingers are teabagging today? Racists like you look for every other excuse imaginable for why you feel this way, but in reality it's YOU and your ilk who are scared s*#tless. I mean if you really feel the way you do about pres. Obama, why don't you guys tell him and the rest of the nation how you really feel instead of hiding under every rock you can think of. Fucking Whimps I bid you all very good riddance.
PS- thanx for the shout field, stay Black!
Please, Texas and the republican Gov's who are doing this "staged" event are a dying animal who is desperate! What the Dem's and other people should be reminding everyone is that the Fed Gov is not MAKING one state TAKE THE MONEY!! But if you do take the money, it comes with certain strings attached. So if Texas Gov does not want the money for his state budget, THEN DON"T TAKE IT!! OR tell the Texas state legislator not to take it!!
But nope, the Repubs need some event to hang on Obama. SO if they and Faux News have to make up an event, so be it!! Hell, by next month, the Repubs will be on the coast of Somalia, Hi-jacking freighters!!..LMAO
Good bye Texas!!!!
I really don't care. It's a God forsaken place, except sfor Spanky's in Dallas.... ;)
Otherwise good riddance.
You know I love you. You're the best.
But I love the Cowboys! :)
Rick Perry is an idiot, and there are a hell of alot of Texans that would beg to differ with Governor Hair.... all of my family in Texas for some... and there are lots more. For every Perry there, there is also Jim Hightower, Lon Burnham, Shiela Jackson Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, the entire democratic legislature that went AWOL to prevent craziness from being pushed by Gov. Hair, and many more. I suspect if Gov. Hair even tries this, he will be summarily impeached.... Texans may be many things, but there are still enough of them there with plenty of common sense to stop stupid in its tracks.
Amen Jody!
Native Texan,
Filled Negro:
You are slipping man.
I came here figuring that you were going to have your lead story from the Homeland Security Department about how the presence of a Black president and our eroding economic situation has lead to an increase in RIGHT WING EXTREMIST GROUPS.
Come on man. This is a perfect opportunity for you to redirect attention from the mayhem in Philly.
You know that the White man's knife is sharper than the Black man's when both are cutting your throat.
You nailed it!
I copied your post and pasted it in Jack & Jill politics.
Umm Field, don't wanta be the Pot callin the Kettle Black, cause you're already Black...but have you ever been to the Western 1/2 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania??? Not the friendliest part of the country to outsiders... Heck, I LOVE Mexicans...gives y'all Bruthas someone else to Rob...
P.S. I like the U.S. just fine the way it is...last time we tried to leave Y'all burned down my home town...
Hey ShitBuzz
I guess you have some reading comprehension problems? No we didn’t steal Texas we took it by force….you know like we took North America away from the Indians…..DUH… read what I wrote we got tired of their crap and took it!
Racists? WTF tell me what I said that was racist? I’ve no problem from any race sex or religion live here if you want, if you prefer a liberal government move the fuck away….got nothing to do with race. Never said I scared duckweed “do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth”…LOL
As for Prez O, yes he is the prez of this country and should receive the respect that goes with that title….doesn’t mean that if I don’t like him or his agenda that I’m a racist?
Typical dem don’t agree with me then you’re a nazi/racist mother fucker.
Oh, I even gave you something special to call me if you would have simply read the entire entry even though it was VERY long and had some really big words.
But that’s ok we’re all special in his sight…I understand!
JUST CURIOUS <- there you go bro
Wait a HOT minute now. What you got against El Paso?! Last time I was there (granted, long ago...ran as soon as I could, but I gotta look out for my people), the rest of Texas wanted nothing to do with that cool sissy blueified point on the edge. Heck. I grew up seeing plenty of Texas maps being hawked in Dallas Greyhound bus stops that had El Paso sliced clear off the state.
Really now. All of Texas ain't Texas. I mean really. When I, a good and real born Texan can take a side trip to Denton and get asked (FREQUENTLY) "where you from Girl? You don't sound like you're from Texas" that is the first step in coming to a real and true realization that Texas is [not] always as Texas is.
I'm just saying.
I've got a blog now, check out my first post. http://alwaysrealtalk.blogspot.com/, bear with me I'm new to this
"I guess you have some reading comprehension problems? No we didn’t steal Texas we took it by force….you know like we took North America away from the Indians…..DUH… read what I wrote we got tired of their crap and took it"
OK anonymous shitbag, No we didn’t steal Texas we took it by force….you know like we took North America away from the Indians…..DUH…, you said it for yourself asshole.
PS- next time grow some balls and give us all a name anonymous, I got a few you could use if you can't think of any MARK!
LOL@Racist Poster...
Nevermind that these "3 black teens" were armed with AK-47s.
They got what they deserved.
Field, I have to point something out if it hasn't been discussed already. Perry got all high and mighty last month about not taking federal money from Texas. More specifically, he wants to refuse $556 million for unemployment (because the economy is going so well and no one needs it?). What is not understood unless you read or listen closely is that he is still willing to accept $16 BILLION in funds for transportation, education, and health and human services. So he's not rejecting all proposed federal funds; he's refusing federal funds for unemployed people. That's the problem with our so-called liberal media. A lot of people only heard "Perry Refusing Federal Funds" and not the whole story.
Frank-"P.S. I like the U.S. just fine the way it is...last time we tried to leave Y'all burned down my home town..."
LOL. What town is that?
still waiting for you to point out where i said something racsit?
we did take Texas from Mexico according to all the history books i remember reading...maybe in special ed there's something different i don't know?
and you were dying to call me something so i gave a special little made up name like your's ?
Just Curious
As the ink dries, yank the Secret Service off Former President-in- Exile, Bush, Rove, Hughes, the rest of the Mayberry Mafia and fire up the World Court.
Shabazz, glad to hear about your blog. I will be following you. I am sure it will be worth a daily read.
"Umm Field, don't wanta be the Pot callin the Kettle Black, cause you're already Black...but have you ever been to the Western 1/2 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania??? Not the friendliest part of the country to outsiders.."
Yeah I never go west of Paoli.Pistolvania is no cup of tea.
"Wait a HOT minute now. What you got against El Paso?! Last time I was there (granted, long ago...ran as soon as I could, but I gotta look out for my people)"
That Girl I am not mad at you.:)
Well you know, by now declaring a non-American status, they sure won't have to worry about border control now would they...
Pretty Boy Perry is an idiot. He is running to the far far right for the upcoming governor's race in 2010 because he knows Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison will get the thinking folks vote.
Now for all you saying good riddance to Texas, also say good bye to your Dell computer, your refined gasoline, your Fritos and other Frito-Lay products and bye bye to shopping at J.C. Penney, Whole Foods or 7-Eleven or going to see a movie at a Cinemark Theatre, and forget eating Blue Bell ice cream or flying Southwest, American Airlines and Continental.
Texas has no income tax, no sales tax on food, a tax free weekend on clothing just before school starts, their own electric grid, and took in thousands of Katrina victims as the rest of the country and the Feds looked on and did NOTHING!!!! Yes Barbara Bush is a BITCH for her comments but in defense she is not from this part of the country.
And to top it off, conservative Dallas reelected a Hispanic female gay Democratic Sheriff. I kid you not. They elected her not once but twice.
Black Teabagger speaks:
This is something field likely does not want you to listen to.
No one's pushing them away, they're pulling away. The rest of the country and world would survive without Texas if it ever came to that.
I believe in doing what the people vote to do...if they want to vote to be separate then fucking let them.
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