Boy, I bet white A-murder-ca is glad that you Mexicans ain't like us brothers. You see what we did after that jury out in California said not guilty and set Rodney King's assailants free. Yep, we pretty much burned down South Central, LosAngeles.
Fast forward seventeen years to a different place. This time it's the Schuylkill County region here in Pistolvania. A state that can be just as racist and backwards as the ones supposedly down in Dixie. Anyway, seems an all white jury acquitted a fine All American boy for getting the better of some immigrant in a little fist fight. --So the Mexican wasn't tough enough, hey, it's not our fault that he grew up soft in Mexico-- and now all these civil rights race pimps are up in arms. They even want more hate crime laws for crying out loud. Geez!
Get over yourselves people, shit happens. Oh come on field, stop being sarcastic. Why do we need hate laws, aren't the republicans right? I mean if someone kills someone they are charged with murder and could face the death penalty. To paraphrase George Bush: it doesn't get anymore severe than death. What good would a hate crime do? Well, for starters, it might have prevented him from killing that Gay, or Mexican, or black person, in the first place. Just a thought. Not so field, the republicans are right, that Matthew Shepperd guy wasn't targeted because he was gay, he was targeted because he had money and his killer was high. Yeah, OK, and I love Lark Voorhies for her acting skills. Someone should tell Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and the rest of the clowns in the hate party, that it might not be so cool to speculate about the motives behind the death of a young man who was brutally murdered, and belittle his memory to his family and friends who are still here to hear her hateful words. And I am guessing that poor Luis Ramirez wasn't targeted for his money. In fact, if you read about the case you will find that he was baited into a fight with "racial epithets". Imagine that? "Racial epithets."
The following comes from a fine Christian website. (Man I love those Christians)
"No one is in favor of injustice, much less hate, nor is any one is in favor of crime. But this is not really about justice. Honest homosexuals admit that these laws are not needed for law enforcement purposes. This is not like during the time when blacks were being murdered and denied justice by corrupt courts so that the Federal government had to intervene. There is no similar pattern of injustice or lack of enforcement towards victims who are homosexual. The attempt to include sexual orientation into law is only one more step in the process to normalize homosexual behavior. This is part of an incremental strategy to force acceptance of homosexuality into all parts of the culture under the color of law and to punish those who oppose it.
Hate crimes enhancements turns justice on its head and creates unequal justice under law. Rather than correcting an inequity, like it originally did for blacks, now it creates injustice. Hates crimes creates a class of criminals who are “more guilty,” not because of what they did, but because of what they might have been thinking. It also creates unequal justice for different classes of victims, some who are considered “more worthy” of greater legal protection than others. Thomas Jefferson said, “the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions…” The government is not competent to read a person's mind, much less criminalize his opinions."
And then there is this from a wingnut website I linked earlier:
"One of the most insidious and almost hidden dangers of the bill is that it could be used to halt the free speech of Catholic and protestant ministers alike as it pertains to the biblical teachings of homosexuality.The bible is clear that homosexuality is and always was an abomination in God's eyes. An abomination is a sin that makes God sick to disgust. While this is true the bible does not allow any believer to harm or injure a gay person in any way, not even with words. Not even these biblical protections are good enough for most gays.."
Sorry, can't blame the Gays for not trusting those "biblical protections". I mean if they make god "sick" and "disgusted" isn't it pretty much a wrap? I am just saying.
Man I sure am glad that god loves us black folks again. I bet the people up in Schuylkill County are too.
greetings from a yardie...this is in regards to yur may 1 article...i laff too hard when i saw your ackee and saltfish cooked by someone over 60 comment......haha only a true yardie would know dat one ...true ting.. but as someone who trod alot i was very curious about your comment about saba islands. if you dont mind could you break it down it for me why you like the place.im looking for a chill interesting place to chill for a while
Actually Field, if you read the case the white boys made a comment about the 26 yr old Ramirez' 15 yr old girlfriend being out so late. Im not sure that equates "baiting into a fight with racial epithets" but Im sure you can squeeze it into your KKK box you love to carry around. Heck, lets just call him a nazi skinhead distributing hate literature to gun-toting rednecks. It worked so well at Duke university, lets dust it off for another spin.
Instead of putting one group above another in the "dont assault" category, lets punish violent criminals much more than we do now. Lets look hard at the drug laws which incarcerate people who might sell weed or small amounts of other drugs longer than somebody who beats another human being over the head with a pipe? Lets have a zero-tolerance of violence against PEOPLE, any PEOPLE. I know of people convicted of numerous violent attacks free as birds at 25 yrs old. What message does it send that you do more time selling weed than you do chunking a brick at somebodys head?
Saying that its worse slugging a 220 pound gay guy cause hes gay than slugging a 75 yr old straight white woman for her SSN check is just silly.
Voilence against any person for any reason is outrageous and should be punished far worse than it is now.
Big up Yawdie. Yes the Saba Isle is all that. (Think Portland, JA in December) But word to the wise; it's not for single guys. You might want to go with that significant other. No real beaches per se, but still beautiful.
We stayed on one of those cottages on the Winward side. But they have hotels with wi fi and the whole nine. Just loved the vibe. Real peaceful,and the People were really friendly. Just like home mon.:)
"Saying that its worse slugging a 220 pound gay guy cause hes gay than slugging a 75 yr old straight white woman for her SSN check is just silly."
Your motive for slugging the poor white woman is her money. What's your motive for slugging the 220 poind Gay guy? (besides wanting to get your ass kicked) If it's just because he is Gay, its not too silly now is it? If we can reduce violence by discouraging it, I am all for that law.
"Heck, lets just call him a nazi skinhead distributing hate literature to gun-toting rednecks. It worked so well at Duke university, lets dust it off for another spin."
Nooooo, we wouldn't want to do that. Those white folks in that part of Pistolvania would never fit into that category. And those Duke Boyz were such a nice bunch.
Heres the link to the Luis Ramirez story, Sorry, he is 25.
There is a guy in my state doing 50 fucking years (hes a 23 yr old father of one) for having a pound of bud in his apt and a gun in the same apt. Another guy was just given 12 months and 24 months probation for beating a woman senseless, broke orbital bone, jaw and cheekbone. BTW, attacker was straight black male, victim was straight white female.
If anybodys interested
"There is a guy in my state doing 50 fucking years (hes a 23 yr old father of one) for having a pound of bud in his apt and a gun in the same apt.."
Sounds like he had a bad lawyer.
"Another guy was just given 12 months and 24 months probation for beating a woman senseless, broke orbital bone, jaw and cheekbone. BTW, attacker was straight black male, victim was straight white female.
If anybodys interested"
Sounds like he had a better one. What's your point?
Your motive for slugging the poor white woman is her money. What's your motive for slugging the 220 poind Gay guy? (besides wanting to get your ass kicked) If it's just because he is Gay, its not too silly now is it? If we can reduce violence by discouraging it, I am all for that law.
YES Field, that was my supposition. What your trying to punish is hateful feelings toward gays. Dont get me wrong, hating gays because they are gay is caveman behavior. But a fat lip on Mr.Bathouse is worse that a broken face on Ms. Social security? SILLY.
Dont give me the crap that all the gay community will be affected. The elderly community, especially elderly women that live alone, would be terrified at the thought of thugs targeting them. They are vunerable as it is and you favor a strapping gay gentleman above her? Come on now.
You are never going to be able to stop cavemen from thinking like cavemen. You can stop violence by treating it DEAD seriously against EVERYBODY.
BTW; those Duke guys were bad how? By watching ugly strippers? By drinking beer? By having rich parents? By having parties? Come on Field, we went nuts over nothing there. Thats one we should forget.
Sounds like he had a better one. What's your point?
Well, Mr Ramirez might have had a bad lawyer too. Why then so torn up over him and so cavalier about the above criminal? If the overriding concern here is the lawyers aptitude why isnt that the outrage with Mr. Ramirez? White boy might have just had a better lawyer and thats how that cookie crumbled?
Im not sure what YOUR point was there. Mine was the imbalance of punishment between a non-violent act and a violent one. I brought up the violent brother to close up one of your escape routes.
Both of them were cowards if you ask me. If it was just a fight like their Attorney claims, then why did it take two of them to fight one young man? Wow!
Look, this really isn't all that difficult. If you are some lowlife who can't or won;t bother to make your own money and want to take some of someone else's will do this, really, impersonally. You just want what they have - money (or whatever they have that you can take and sell).
However....if you want to beat someone up just because you don't like (well, let's use the word "hate") who they are, WTF. That's a whole different story, an entirely different motivation, and, yes, that motivation deserves the extra-special term of "hate crime". And because it has no other motive besides hate, it needs to have its own category and its own special place in hell for the perpetrators. Come on, folks, this just aint that hard to follow....
Sarah Deere
Joe the Moron came to Jersey today to endorse a Repug candidate for governor. Joe recently said in an interview with a Christian magazine that he didn't want gay people around his kids. Joe has kids? If you put Joe in downtown New York everyone would be sure he was a gay from out of town gay, what with the billiard ball head, macho posturing, flabby physique, & rough trade attitude.
"The attempt to include sexual orientation into law is only one more step in the process to normalize homosexual behavior. This is part of an incremental strategy to force acceptance of homosexuality into all parts of the culture under the color of law and to punish those who oppose it."
Did Rush Limbaugh write this? It sounds a lot like his twisted logic.
Anon.if someone knocks a little old lady over her head for her SS check, if found guilty he would most likely be given a stiffer sentence than if he robbed me. Why? Because I am sure that the Judge who sentenced him would consider the circumstances more aggravating. Happens all the time.
Again, the point is, she would not have been robbed because she is an old lady, she would have been robbed because she has money. That is the point of hate crime laws. You are free to hate me because I am black all you want. But when you bash my head in with a brick because I am black, that should be a crime in of itself.
And BTW, it cuts all ways. If a bunch of black kids beat up a kid in school because he is Gay they should be charged with a hate crime AND assault. It happens all the time. This idea that this legislation is targeted at punishing only white people for their thoughts is ludicrous.
If an Asain family's house is torched because they are Asian they(the perpetrators) should be charged with Arson AND a hate crime, it's that simple.
The purpose of these laws is to prevent crimes from happening to a protected class of people who might become victims of how they look or their sexual orientation etc. Sounds reasonable to me.
As for those Dukies. You seem like a reasonable person. Do you really think that those racist misogynist jerks were good kids? They weren't jerks because they were rich and like to party (that sounds like half of my friends). They were jerks because of their actions towards those young women.
I would like to point out that they KILLED Mr. Ramirez. And that was a lousy story that Field cited. The facts of the case are thus:
The boys (high school football team members) admitted they had been drinking in the woods and were heading home when they came across Mr. Ramirez and his friend's daughter. He was walking her home. The killers started with "out too late" but then escalated to racial ephitets.... Then the assault, Mr. Ramirez tried to defend himself but there were 5 of them. They beat him unconscious and continued kicking and punching him while hurling racial ephetets until he was DEAD!
Someone said Mr. Ramirez didn't have a good lawyer. Well, the DA, representing the people, was the lawyer and he did a lousy job.
This young man just got away with murder.
There was a retired Philadelphia police officer that heard the racial slurs. There was the witness of the young girl and others on the block. There were people who came out and saw the faces and knew the young men. There was no question of who these boys were. This was not just a fist fight. This was a racially motivated killing by a bunch of white, drug, racist thugs.
Mr. Ramirez had 3 children who no longer have a father. He was found guilty of SIMPLE ASSAULT people, that is a fucking misdemeanor!
I know this because our law firm was consulted by the Mexican Embassy when this originally happened and we have followed the case ever since. We think the only recourse is a federal civil rights case now, and I sincerely hope his widow will do just that.
Hey, Field that's a pretty slick headline you got there...lol
did ya come up with that all youe own?
anywho was just thinking maybe little derrick and his little pussy posse could take some political lessons from one of the great dem-wit leader/killers teddy kenndey?....hummm just thinking
you sense your throwing a whole party under the klan wagon?
Man, I am totally fucking pissed off at this story! So pissed, that I am swearing in print, which I vowed I wouldn't do!
I was there last year and followed this story. I can't believe those skin head bastards got away with murder. Ameri-kkk-a is right!
I am so sick of these weasels literally getting away with murder!
Your headline was a kind of sick joke, right?
Usually I read the comments before I post, but not today. I was too pissed! However, I just read them and there is an unusual amount of Anons posting today. Why is that? Too chicken to say who you are?
Good sidebars about Tony D and Amy H. Amy, now there's a weasel. But she works for Fox Noise and they make up most everything they broadcast.
Tony is nothing if not a class act! My "Da Bears" lost to the best coach in the NFL. Bless him for what he is doing!
Can I say something for those of the Christian community who thought adding sexual orientation to the list of hate crimes was necessary? The law doesn't prevent anyone for saying what the Bible says. Just repeating what the Bible says doesn't incite violence. The Bible doesn't say God hates fags and blah blah blah whatever go beat one up.
And Whitney B, I definitely think the anons are a big conspicuous today. But whatever. The fight started after racial epithetts. What boggles my mind is the difference between the outcome in this case and what happened in Jena.
Few Trivia Questions for Y'all...
When was the last NBA final that featured an all White Boy starting line up???
Did Larry Bird ever dunk?
How come noone shoots Free Throws Granny Style like Rick Barry used to??
Doesn't Shaq sound a little gay when he asks Kobe how his ass tastes??
Remember to answer in the form of a question,
Whitney B. said...
"However, I just read them and there is an unusual amount of Anons posting today. Why is that? Too chicken to say who you are?"
Given how I'm treated around here, can you blame folks for posting as anon, LOL???
But I digress, the story of this post is one which will keep being written in America forever I'm afraid.
Frank - What's your point?
"As for those Dukies. You seem like a reasonable person. Do you really think that those racist misogynist jerks were good kids? They weren't jerks because they were rich and like to party (that sounds like half of my friends). They were jerks because of their actions towards those young women."
Besides the fact that two of the Dukies had criminal records. Colin Finnerty was convicted of felonious assault.
Oh and Crystal Mangum, the "ugly stripper" Anonymous refers to (no racism there, eh buddy?), graduated cum laude from North Carolina Central State Univ in May 2007.
I was at the graduation ceremony..
My neice graduated the same day.
IMHO, some of what Ms. Holmes says is right on point.
I think Anon. has been smoking too much weed. Maybe he'd sober up at watch "American Violet" and tell us about drug enforcement and race? LOL Naw...no such luck. And yet again, a white boy who'd rather post as "Anonymous" (yeah, like the KKK and their sheets) or make nonsensical comments about Ted Kennedy then be real.
As USDOJ and BOJ stats differentiates--and has thru three Administrations, including both Bushes--their are crimes of opportunity based on victims being perceived as an easy mark, crimes of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, certain psychopathologies (like singling out children) and then crimes based on "invidious" motives or predominatetly invidious--ethnicity, gay-hating, etc. Part and parcel of that is the treatment of these groups, classes of people historically and in the general community. It also has a bearing on how the DEFENDANT is perceived byt eh general community. Now, I'd toss certain people into the psychopathology category as well...
Lemme stop. I'm probably making too much sense for Anonymous and his head's about to split open, or the snark'll start coming out.
Some disclosure's in order: as Field knows, I'm not exactly Mr. Open Borders. I don't think 90% of these folks should be here, and then having kids to cement the kid's citizenship, etc. etc. But this is another issue. I think we're living in a nation where the universe of folks like Anon. or this creature in NC who says the Sheppard killing was a hoax, is beeing rocked, and rather than study, adapt, communicate, find common ground--they wig out in one way or another. Forgove them Field, for they know not what they do.
Of course, if a carload of tattoed vatos shows up in Pa., well...
Oh and I meant 1059 cheesedick Anonymous, not the fellow Yardie. LOL.
"Given how I'm treated around here, can you blame folks for posting as anon, LOL???"
The culture of black conservative victimhood.
"Woe is me"
"Ize jes bein' independent and off de plantation by thinkin like massa."
uptownsteve said...
"The culture of black conservative victimhood."Woe is me"
Yet it's the Black liberal extremist like you who always has their hand stuck out to the white man? Negro please, GTFOH with that foolishness!
Black liberal extremist?
Hand stuck to the white man?
I guess it beats being bent over behind a white posterior with your lips puckered.
Come up with some new lines dude.
Constructive Feedback has already used yours.
You conservative negroes are the only blacks with jobs I suppose.
Hey Fly,
Say what you want and say it proud.
I disagree with a lot of what you write, but you have a right to say what you feel. At least you don't have visions of grandeur like Alicia B.
You are wrong about Holmes. If her mouth is moving, she's lying! She is as snarky as they come. She really lied about the O'Man's approval ratings. Fox Noise is simply that!
What does IMHO mean, anyway?
I'm barely cookin' with BTW.
uptownsteve said...
"Oh and Crystal Mangum, the "ugly stripper" Anonymous refers to (no racism there, eh buddy?), graduated cum laude from North Carolina Central State Univ in May 2007. "
Anon called the woman ugly and you're crying racism yet again, roll eyes??? Everybody knows that small town strippers are usually only cute from the neck down (hence the small town versus big city stripping gigs), so what's the issue here, LOL?
uptownsteve said...
"I guess it beats being bent over behind a white posterior with your lips puckered."
Is that all you got, because I say my "kissing" beats YOUR sucking a white posterior ANYDAY, lol!!
BTW, who did you hone that skill on?
Don't you know that with white bigots black women can never be beautiful?
Whether it's Mangum, the Williams Sisters, Gwen Ifill or Michelle Obama, there are always comments about their looks and it's invariably negative.
Stand up and be a black man.
Stop making excuses for folks who don't give a shit about you.
Whitney B. said...
"I disagree with a lot of what you write, but you have a right to say what you feel."
So you disagree that Blacks should focus much more on education? You disagree that Blacks need to spend more time doing in the community rather than trying to blame the white man and racism for all their ills?? You disagree that the majority of black women need to eat better, excercise and loose some weight? You disagree that Black men need to be a presence in their childrens lives? You disagree that Black men need to wear condoms if their going to screw other women AND men too? Well no wonder America is so screwed up!
And will someone please send me the transcrpit of folks like Rush Limbaugh talking about the same things being that we're of the same ilk and all, roll eyes!
'I just read them and there is an unusual amount of Anons posting today."
I think this one have been recently posting on a couple of selective threads. He/she is not just like the other cowardice anonys, this one has the same modus operandi and a keenly disturbing sense of racial denial. It's humorous how they readily contradict everything said about racism no matter how absurd, guilty, racist, or oddly defensive they seem. lol. It's so lame. They clearly feel uncomfortable discussing race, so why are they even reading this blog? Who's knows.
(looks like somebody put a guilty jumbie on the blog).
uptownsteve said...
"Don't you know that with white bigots black women can never be beautiful?"
Do you realize that focusing on what white bigots think is a COMPLETE waste of time?
Do YOU realize that if more famous Black mem dated/married Black women who look like Michelle Obama, the Williams sisters and Gwen Ifill that maybe OTHER people would stand up and recognize the varying shades of Black beauty??
Listen brother, you don't want to go there with a sista like me on this subject, because you will loose BIG time, LOL!!!!
So why don't YOU man up and get your sons, brothersand other male friends and relatives on board with the idea that you don't have to look like Halle Berry and Beyonce' to be a beautiful black woman!
I said "a lot" not all. And, furthermore, would you please answer my question? What is IMHO?
Quit being so sensitive and then maybe folks wouldn't keep attacking you. Seriously. Like, who cares what folks say. Actually, if they're saying it, you're getting free rent in their heads.
What is IMHO?
What is IMHO?
Fly, constructive feedback has several blogs.
And it's "lose" as in "lose weight". I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi, I make errors too. I just wanted to help you out a bit since you were scolding us on education.
Do all you black righties drink from the same Kool Aid bottle?
"So you disagree that Blacks should focus much more on education?"
Given that my oldest son is in the MBA program at GWU and my 13 year old has made the honor roll at his middle school four straight semesters, I'd say my peers and I spend an ample amoount of time concentrating on education.
Focus your ire on people who aren't doing the right thing and stop racializing bad behavior.
"Do YOU realize that if more famous Black mem dated/married Black women who look like Michelle Obama, the Williams sisters and Gwen Ifill that maybe OTHER people would stand up and recognize the varying shades of Black beauty??"
Seems to me that Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton and many others married dark sistas.
Then when you look at your black conservative buddies like Clarence Thomas, McWhorter, and Shelby Steele check out who THEY married my sista.
"Do you realize that focusing on what white bigots think is a COMPLETE waste of time?"
I was responding to a remark he made on this thread!
"Do YOU realize that if more famous Black mem dated/married Black women who look like Michelle Obama, the Williams sisters and Gwen Ifill that maybe OTHER people would stand up and recognize the varying shades of Black beauty??'
I agree. But "other" people like who? White male conservatives too?
IMHO... means "In my humble Opnion".
"So why don't YOU man up and get your sons, brothersand other male friends and relatives on board with the idea that you don't have to look like Halle Berry and Beyonce' to be a beautiful black woman!"
Sweetheart, my sons and friends have nothing to do with you not being able to get a date.
"Then when you look at your black conservative buddies like Clarence Thomas, McWhorter, and Shelby Steele check out who THEY married my sista.'
Exactly. Many of those "famous and rich" black men (actors, politicians, sports figures etc.) eventually turn conservative and many of them are also coincidently married to non-black women.
I disagree.
With a lot of sistas they can see 9 straight black men with black women but soon as they see a brother with a white women they'll say "All the rich black men marry white women."
Most of the most famous black male celebrities are with black women.
LeBron, Magic, Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, Samuel Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Ray Lewis and countless others.
Sistas look at Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods and say "see I told you so."
Now black conservatives are another issue.
They hate being black and they hate black people.
"They hate being black and they hate black people."I agree.
"Most of the most famous black male celebrities are with black women."
That's a cop out. "Most" doesn't cut it. If you look at it even per ratio, it's highly imbalanced and ill mindedly premeditated. No excuses. And yes, they usually do turn conservative in the sense of economics.
Btw, that's like saying "most black men are not in prison".
Thanks for the info on IMHO. I don't think I've used that phrase in donkey's years! That must have been why I couldn't wrap my mind around it.
Anyway, we have all gotten way off topic here.
These skin head getting away scot free is a travesty of justice, especially when you compare it to other punishments for lesser crimes than murdering someone. Like that black man in Texas who did 30 years in the joint for a joint.
When I was following this story, I really thought those rotten bastards would get their due, but then this happened shortly before I left Philly.
I don't even think this would have happened in Mississippi. Must have been the world's worst Prosecuter on this case!!!
Man, I am effed off and fuming still! Argh!
uptownsteve said...
"Sweetheart, my sons and friends have nothing to do with you not being able to get a date."
You went from uptownsteve, to downtown idiot with that one, LOL!!.
Not only do I have a "date", I have a HUSBAND. In other words, I'm not a bitter, single sista who likely got that way by being messed over by a Black man like you.
And I'll bet that not only do YOU not date women who look like Michelle Obama, but neither do our accomplished sons.
I'm also willing to bet that YOU have more in common with Clarence Thomas than I ever will and in case you're wondering, that would be dogging out Black women!!
""Most" doesn't cut it."
Oh I think I get it now.
You won't be satisfied until every black male celebrity is married to women who look like Whoopi Goldberg.
Huh? We've gotten far afield, Field. LOL
"Sistas look at Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods and say "see I told you so."
What "sistas" are you talking about because none of the ones I know don't find Tiger (or his money) attractive, thus we don't really care. And Kobe, who was arrested for raping a white chick and said it was consentual sex OUTSIDE his marriage?
Yeah I see it, confident, educated, well-employed, sista's are falling all over themselves for these two, roll eyes!
Uptown Steve used "Ugly Stripper" and "Cum" in the same post...
Little typo, though, she graduated
"Cums Loud"
not what you wrote...
"Btw, that's like saying "most black men are not in prison".
Less than 5% are.
There's that perception thing again.
"Christopher Chambers said...
Huh? We've gotten far afield, Field. LOL"
ROTFLMAO!! I think it's time Field posted something about the angst between the brotha's and sista's to mix it up a bit, LOL!
uptownsteve said...
"Less than 5% are.
There's that perception thing again."
Wow, you're not going to call her a blackie drinking Kool aid for saying that? Well dam!
Yeah I keep forgetting. Only black conservatives get called out. How special!
Back to the topic.
If you think this is bad, I still can't get over 6 rednecks stomping 17 year old Noah Jones to death in Pasadena, MD and none of them spent a day in jail.
'You won't be satisfied until every black male celebrity is married to women who look like Whoopi Goldberg.'
Gee Steve, that was telling of you. What kind of woman black woman does "whoopi" look like? You make that seem like that's a bad thing.
Now back to the topic...
My wife is a beautiful dark-skinned woman.
And Whoopi would scare me in a dark alley.
Now back to the topic...
'And Whoopi would scare me in a dark alley."
Whoopi just happens to be a woman who's able scare anyone even in a well lit alley.
Now back to topic...
The righties don't like hate crime legislation because they wrongly feel that it targets straight white males.
And as far as "more guilty" goes aren't there more severe punishments for people who molest or murder children?
Wouldn't a man who assaults a woman be punished more severely by the judicial system than one who gets in a street fight with another man.
I believe hate crime legislation is necessary because the perpetrators target people simply for who and what they are.
Well, Fly at least you're not single.
If you all care to read a really good blog on the topic of the true travesty of justice for Mr. Luis Ramirez, check out the blog:
stuff white people do
You will also also see a picture of what these skin head thugs did to this man.
The Prosecuter and his team of nimrods must have really had their heads up their butts on this one!
I am fit to be tied!!!
Thanks for the "stuff white people do" tip.
Damn good blog.
On that same blog, be sure to watch the video posted, about 0:56 into it.
The lady said "well if he hadn't been here, where would he have died" as in Ramirez being illegal and should have been kept out of the country by law enforcement so this would not have happened in the first place.
She said shit with a straight face, that woman looks like an elementary school teacher. Scary.
This used to be such a good site until the narcissistic trolls found it.
Good post Jody. Too bad the "facts" have been lost amidst the battle of the Hatfields and McCoys.
By the way, there is nothing to be proud of in the burning of South Central. Low income families lost places to shop for necessities and once again, black business were destroyed. Yeah, we scared massa, big deal, but poor folks paid the price, as usual.
You're welcome. I figured someone had to bring this back to topic!
I'm at work so I couldn't see the vid feed, but I damn sure will watch THAT when I get home. As I have said before, I heard the N-word a hell of a lot more when I lived in Philly than I do here in 'Sippi.
The "stuff white people do" blog is pretty interesting!!
And J, I'm married and you're bitter, now aren't we a pair, LOL!!
west coast story.....ditto that! I'm just saying.....
People like Debbie Rabold who can muster up sympathy for three white teens but not for the man who fought them and three others, regardless of the circumstances, is evidence that this country has not and will not make strides to eradicate racism. I laugh to myself typing that: "eradicate racism." It sounds a lot like Global War On Terror.
I wonder if Debbie Rabold enjoys Rush Limbaugh or others programs like him with similar ideas on immigration.
"Well he wouldn't have died if he hadn't been here."
GOD! You can see it in her eyes! She looks unsure of her logic and after the reporter does nothing to question that logic it emboldens her. She decides to expound on that giant turd of a thought.
That is the reason why the GOP is still around in the first place because the 21% who still identify themselves with the GOP receive their talking points straight from the mouths of Limbaugh and his ilk.
I can't help but agree with the insert below:
"The attempt to include sexual orientation into law is only one more step in the process to normalize homosexual behavior."
I do have homosexual friends and I do embrace them as a person not because of their sexual orientation. But I will say this. America is going to hell in a handbasket! Too much is going on around here!
"Yeah, we scared massa, big deal, but poor folks paid the price, as usual."
Who's "we"?
Were you one of the rioters?
Ramirez had a 14 yo 'girlfriend'? He had kids...where? Who is the babymommy?
Just because you need them to be guilty doesn't make them so. Recall OJ? And how the white folk were shocked, shocked that a black man who was nearby wasn't executed for the crime of a dead white woman...especially one that had sex with a black man.
Racism? Maybe not.
If you actually look at other accounts you would see that the claim that this girl was his girlfriend are erroneous and probably promulgated to incite anger towards the victim (b/c what rational parent wants there 15 yo dating a 25 yo.) Add to that the illegal status and suddenly a case where a man was murdered by six drunken teenagers becomes a non-issue because - HOLD THE PRESSES - HE WAS ILLEGAL. "Well he deserved death because he shouldn't have been here in the first place.
If that's the case then Reginald Denny never should have been driving through riot-torn Los Angeles. If he had stuck to his own kind he probably never would have had his head bashed with a brick.
Does that logic make any sense?
Mold, just because you want them to be not guilty doesn't make them so.
Mr. Ramirez was living with his long time girlfriend, and they had 3 children. He was undocumented. The "baby mama" is Crystal (born and raised in the community), who has given many interviews and has been the subject of much hate mail since this happened.
But what I want to address with you is this. There is no dispute these boys were there. There is no dispute that they threw punches and kicked him. They kicked and punched him AFTER, get this AFTER he was knocked unconscious and as a result he died. That is NOT MISDEMEANOR ASSAULT! So, even if you accepted the argument this was a fight, not an attack, even if you accepted that Mr. Ramirez threw the first punch, the end result is at the very least involuntary manslaughter.... This jury was looking for excuses to give them the least sentence. Why? Because he was portrayed as illegal, suspicious, asking for it.... Does Any of this sound familiar? It make me sick!
Whats worse about this situation is that if the victum had pulled out a gun and lit a few of the skinheads up after they attacked him, he would be under the jailhouse with NO bond!
I don't care if he had a thousand kids. Luis Ramirez was still another human being that didn't deserve to die like he did. The young men that murdered him should have been treated like they treat everyone else who kills someone with no special preference treatment. Instead of being given a pat on the back.
Johnnie Cochran used to say all the time, "The color of justice is green, and the absence of green is going to get you put away.
You moved? Is that why Granny didn't see you for a long time posting?
You have been on my mind for these last past weeks. I'm glad to see you as always and pray that you are being abundantly blessed.
It's a few of you that Granny is missing. I won't take up space naming all of you, but I pray that all is well with all of you and that you good people are being blessed as well.
Reverse the color of the victim and the perps in this case and every rightwing website and media outlet in the nation would be baying at the moon.
It would be an indictment of the latino community, immigration policy, the browning of America, white victimization you name it.
Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage and the gang would be having a ball.
But because it was white boys beating a hispanic immigrant to death, media silence.
That's right Jody! I don't believe it was just an ordinary fight either. I might would have went along with it was just a fight that is if it had been a one on one. However, more than one person jumped that young man and they intended to do what they did. If Ramirez and the girl were walking, why did Donchack and his crew say anything to Ramirez and the girl in the first place? Ramirez and girl were walking and minding their own business. Donchack and his crew were picking at them and intended to do what they did and that's the bottom line.
Look for something similar to this to come up again in the near future. The message is out that they can get away with it.
"Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage and the gang would be having a ball.
But because it was white boys beating a hispanic immigrant to death, media silence."
I'm surprise that Hannity and the rest of them aren't bragging on it. Hannity is probably elated about it knowing him.
Sorry to interrupt this fascinating Convo, but can any y'all Field Niggers tell me when y'all started sayin "Nome Sane" every 3rd or 4th word?? Was watchin a rerun of the 71 Allstar game on ESPN classic the other day, and all the Bruthas talked like friggin Beaver Cleaver..
Nome Sane?
Hey Granny!
Click on my name and drop me an email. I've been wanting to send you some books.
I moved back at the end of July to Mississippi and have been a blog slacker until recently. Work is kinda dragging right now, so I have some time to fill up on Field's greens.
I'm awfully glad to see everyone back on topic and not running their egos.
There are quite a bit of good articles and blogs about this case. It is simply incomprehendable to me that these bastards got off. All white jury, that's how.
Sure am glad my momma raised me right. Didn't even know that there were other races until I got to school. And, what I mean by that is that we had all different colors of friends and family and I just assumed folks came that way. Like M&M's or something.
"I'm surprise that Hannity and the rest of them aren't bragging on it. Hannity is probably elated about it knowing him."
Hell Donchak may end up getting a job at Fox TV.
They already hired Mark Fuhrmann.
I feel ya!
"Hell Donchak may end up getting a job at Fox TV."
I bet your on the money with that assessment. I was over at that Daily Kos watching a video last night about Hannity and nearly fell out my church laughing so hard. Hannity had the nerve to suggest that other MSM programs don't have real journalist. Imagine that! Hannity an ex-bartender and carpenter, with no college degree in journalism nor training whatsoever in journalism making a statement like that. In addition, none of Fox commentators with, maybe, the exception of Wallace and O'Reilly, have none either, and I am assuming O'Reilly does, but not so sure of that.
Hannity actually provided a regular forum on his radio show for years to an avowed white supremacist Hal Turner.
…been away a while myself and it looks like FN is still stirring up the brew!
I understand the logic behind enhancing/adding hate crime charges, but just like the death penalty these laws are not deterrents. They are reactionary, don’t prevent heinous crimes, and further tie up the legal system with endless appeals and legal wrangling.
The charges were murder, aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation. I wonder if there would have been a difference if the prosecutor chose involuntary manslaughter? I’m sure the prosecutor knew the defense would argue that the defendants did not intend to kill Mr. Ramirez so it would have been better to at least get the manslaughter conviction—as it is now Donchak is home free.
"You have been on my mind for these last past weeks. I'm glad to see you as always and pray that you are being abundantly blessed."Granny, let me steal the thread for a minute and thank you for caring. I am being "abundantly blessed," but for now, I've been rethinking my level of involvement in blogging and posting.
I think of you often, and you're always in my prayers.
I'll be posting here from time to time when I really have something of value to say.
In the meantime, I'll be reading your always wise and helpful comments with interest.
Thank you for your prayers. Prayer is always needed and the prayer of the righteous availeth much. Therefore, I am bubbling over with joy to know that you're keeping me in your prayers.
Yup, I knew about his connections to Hal Turner and their relationship. I even know about his connection to Jesse Lee Peterson's org. BOND, Inc., and a few others. Also, how that Freedom org. that he has is not on the up and up. He is a despicable person in my book.
One more thing, I know without a doubt that whenever you do feel led to post something, it will be worthy of taking note of, valuable, and of a profound substance as always.
And I truly understand what your saying here, "I've been rethinking my level of involvement in blogging and posting" because that's been laid on my heart as well.
"…been away a while myself and it looks like FN is still stirring up the brew!"
LOL! Yup, and is quite masterful at it. In fact, he has been striking a nerve with the trolls. They've stepped up their attacks towards him, which is a waste of time as far as he is concern because Granny's baby gone continue stirring up the brew. (wink)
east austin,
i enjoy coming to this site, living in a city with the total black population at roughly six 6) percent .. sometimes after a long day you just need to be around your people.. (right granny)
I find frank’s post at 3:51pm.. worthy of note .. a current federal prisoner who’s comfortable in a virtual settings to say “can any y'all Field Niggers tell me when y'all started sayin Nome Sane"..
for me this is a great example of today’s post and the many heated race discussions we’ve on this site .. a number of our white brothers and sisters will do and say whatever they like ..
for people who look like me .. no matter what we accomplished .. we’re viewed as niggers, and in this case by a federal prisoner.
please do not attack frank .. i was reading through today’s post and all of this came together for me, besides frank has proven himself to be a part-time humorist.. thanks for the life lesson frank .. I should put a little money on the book for you... nahhhhh
I bet that anonymous was one of those anonymous people on the prior blog for that young black woman arguing that she broke the law and the law is the law, she has to pay the price for the crime she committed, and that's the bottom line. Only difference is that they've automatically found the young woman guilty before she has even had a trial. Other than that...
east austin:
I feel ya! Back in 2002, a woman named Deborah Mathis wrote a book called, "Yet A Stranger: Why Black Americans Still Don't Feel At Home." I would recommend it to a lot of those folks with those preconceived notions about black people that they get from MSM and movies. It would be an eye-opener for them, because she lays it out plain and simple.
Deborah is an outstanding writer. She was a nationally syndicated columnist, who appeared on Frontline, Inside Washington, and America' Black Forum. She was, also, a former White House correspondent for Gannett News Service, and did a stint as a Shorenstein Fellow at Harvard.
However, you know they won't read non-fiction books written by black people because they want to believe that black writers are inferior, you know that cursed word affirmative action people, or they might would have to face the truth.
I see race hustling is alive and well at this site. Rev. Al would be so proud of you.
Rape,assualt, murder, and burning down South Central is something to be proud of.Really showed us white folk what black people do when they get mad.Although whining and crying because no one wants to rebuild what you destroy shows that maybe you ain't so smart.
And the hypocrisy of some who post here isn't suprising at all.Slandering factually innocent Duke players,defending known prostitutie Crystal Magnum,all while crying about the injustice of this case.
Just remember FN and posters, in order to keep the race industry alive you must,
Keep bashing and attack Republicans.Remember to use terms like "white" "racist" "uncle tom" "what they be done for me"
Also whenever a white person gets away with commiting crimes against blacks or hispanics you must make the story a front pager and include false and misleading info.Anything to make whitey look like the devil.Also you must try to tie him/her in with Republicans and Conservative websties.
When a black person commits a crime or gets away with a crime against whitey we must jump to his/her defense.Do everything we can to make it look like he/she is innocent.We must remember to use words like "framed" "wasn't that bad" "they came from a broken home""if you think he/she is gulity than you are racist"
Also if your blog is read by blacks who are like Colin Ferguson or Kamau Kambon you can say Karl Rove commited those crimes against whitey cause he tryin' to punish black people for not voting for Republicans.
We must keep the hustle alive in 09!!!
Dang, did you must have turned the color purple writing that? I bet you tell Hannity, Rush, Beck, Hal Turner, Coulter, and Bachmann that all the time too.
BTW, this ought to really make you hot under the collar. Those Duke boys wasn't choir boys. Assault is a felony last time I heard, and didn't one of those Duke boys have an assault charge under their belt? Or was that a false too?
BTW, so you think that it's okay for them to kill an Hispanic person and get away with it?
Take a deep breath now, don't want you to have a cardic arrest after you read that.
"Rape,assualt, murder, and burning down South Central is something to be proud of.Really showed us white folk what black people do when they get mad."
Now if someone could just explain to "white folks" the meaning of satire we would be all good. ;)
And BTW, I don't "race hustle",if I did I would have the kind of money that your boyz on FOX have. Now that's race hustling.
Jody, as usual, thank you for bringing the facts into the discussion. We tend to forget that sometimes. I keep forgetting that you work for a big time criminal defense firm.
"ROTFLMAO!! I think it's time Field posted something about the angst between the brotha's and sista's to mix it up a bit, LOL!"
Fly, I couldn't stand it.:)
Granny, thanks for getting your boyz back. I love you too.
No they wasn't choir boys, but they wasn't rapist either.The one that did the assualt cut a deal right?
No i don't think its ok for one person to murder another.But its also wrong for people with agendas to single this case out. FN indirectly proves a point that people who are not in favor of hate crimes make everyday.
Which is its only a hate crime when white people are the ones doing the hating.
What about those black kids in TX attacking white kids? They PAID IN BIG TIME!!!
So, give it up.
You're a racist and an idiot!
I'm just saying........Whitney B
sick freak:
Let me tell you how I feel about the Duke Case. I think the Crystal was nuts. I don't know if that Duke boy cut a deal or not.
No, no one on here that I know of thinks that a hate crime is only one if a white person commits it. To be honest, with you I value all human life, and it doesn't matter what color they are. I don't feel that anyone has the right to take another's life.
As for an agenda, my agenda is to see that equality really means equality and justice really means justice for all. In other words, I believe in what is right, just, and fair.
Evidently, you haven't been reading Field's blog long, because if you had, you would know that he is not one sided. He has topics on stuff blacks do too. BTW, if you stick around, you'll get use to some of the stuff I say as well and you'll eventually figure it out.
Sick freak:
I left something out of prior post trying to type it in a hurry.
Anyway, I think Crystal was nuts, that is if I listened to the MSM. I believe that a lot of money exchanged hands and that by the MSM got through with Crystal and The Drudge Report publishing her whole families addresses and phone numbers, she got scared for her life and her families. After all, she lived in the deep south where racism is embedded.
Right on, go Granny, go!
Check out the blog "stuff white people do". Noooo, on second thought, might pop the whites out of your eyes.
Thank the Lawd my momma taught me better!
OK, I just got through looking at the vid on "stuff white people do" (since it was blocked at work) with regards to the school teacher looking marm. Yikes! "If he weren't here he wouldn't have died." Paraphrase.....but, please! Yikes!
Then checked out the Immigration Rally vids. KKK still operates in rural PA folks. They aint wearing the sheets, but they got the rap down. Well, you can look at it on a positive spin, they're not holdin' out the rope to black folks on this one.
"Of course, if a carload of tattoed vatos shows up in Pa., well..."
Speaking of this, I wouldn't be the least surprised if these very same vatos decided to take their vengeance out on either these rednecks or, more likely, some innocent and unsuspecting white. It won't improve the situation, but someone somewhere is about to write out a check with a blood pen.
And as for Frank? He's just an attention whore in redneck guise, looking for any way to get a rise out of the commenters here. And I bet it just pisses him off that he manages to fail spectacularly EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Too bad, Frankie Boy. Better luck next story, eh buddy?
Some of what sick says is racist, but some of it is right on point. But Sick, you shouldn't be attacking Field because he's quite fair on his blog. Some of these other folks on this blog? You've got more than a few of them pegged just right.
Maybe Im alot more "mathematical" than most here. I feel slamming somebody over the head whether its for their money, because you dont like their hat, youre having a bad day or because they are gay is wrong, wrong, wrong. You have an act and you have a reason for that act (some equate reason with excuse). You get punished for that act. The reason is inconsequential, I believe.
The problem with singling out "protected groups" is that you will always forget some. What about the disabled? What about people with speech impediments, the elderly, non-english speakers, different religions, people with birth defects. You cant make a complete list of all deserving groups so why not just punish violence much harsher that it is now?
Its wrong and stupid to hate because of who someone is. It is wrong to act upon that. It is also wrong to act upon the fact that you want my money. To somehow make one act worse than the other because you feel one motivation is worse I believe is misguided.
Punish the act, punish it harshly. Lets not only try to stop "some" violence. Lets try to stop all.
"I wouldn't be the least surprised if these very same vatos decided to take their vengeance out on either these rednecks or, more likely, some innocent and unsuspecting white."
Nope. Where I'm from, we say "monkey know what tree to climb". The general white population still have that kind of off limits protection...(the war in Iraq would be placed on hold).
Interesting though, if those racist boys were black instead of white, the vatos would have gone gun riddling mad on innocent black people in the area (they do it all the time for lesser reasons). In fact, those black boys would have gotten life sentences along with it. I'm not exaggerating either, we all know it's true.
Thanks for the info. It seems that fact checking went away with the Fairness Doctrine.
In their part of the US, the Mexes do take the work away. There are not a lot of jobs in that town and the white folk will do them...
I won't ascribe racism when there are other 'horses'. The prosecution did not present a strong enough case. The jury, unlike others, believed in 'innocent until proven guilty'. Given the railroading long posted on this blog, you would think that refusing to convict without proof would be a good thing. The witnesses were far from believable. More than one perp has friends and family who will swear on whatever you gots that Sammy Joe didn't do nuttin'...right up to the point when the video shows that Sammy Joe did the crime. I'm no trained litigator but I did see a clip of what was purported to be a girlfriend/babymomma/witness...and she lied for the entire clip. Think that influences a jury?
It seems that some want a lynching, not justice.
Anonymous Mold:
"The witnesses were far from believable. More than one perp has friends and family who will swear on whatever you gots that Sammy Joe didn't do nuttin'...right up to the point when the video shows that Sammy Joe did the crime.."
Interesting and seeing how I don't know too many Hispanics/Latinoes names Sammy Joe and you mentioning "right up to the point when the video shows that Sammy Joes did the crime. Yup, real interesting!
These guys aren't "getting away with anything" half as much as the African American lynch mob in the Crown Heights Lynching did. Just cause Jews didn't loot, riot, and kill doesn't mean AmeriKKKa doesn't notice that black folks get away with A LOT, only difference is it is taboo to talk about it. In high school we read about the Crown Heights Lynching in a book written by a black woman who, like so many BlacKKK civil rights leaders tried to frame it as "tension between communities". It was no more a tension between communities than the Emit Till lynching was. Sorry, but the only people I have ever heard being
apologists for hate crimes are African American in regards to their sometimes KKK like acts towards Jews and Asians. Let's not forget in the Rodney King Riots Koreans were targeted. White cops beat up a black drunk driver, blacks turn around and victimize Koreans. Strangely enough a lot of black people I have talked to about this seem to think this is OK.
anon - the most recent one - The riots occured after a man ran over and killed a 3-year-old. The Koreans were business owners in LA inner cities that, from what I've heard, weren't all that respectful to or of their black customers.
The truth is, you can site few riots on the part of black people that weren't sparked over legitimate grievances. Unlike the Mich St riots, or the beer riots, or the anti-black race riots of Wilmington, NC, Tulsa, OK, Rosewood, FL to name 3 of hundreds.
I dare not judge. But I will say, if you're not racist, you certainly are ignorant of history and facts.
Hey NO1KState
you say "The riots occured after a man ran over and killed a 3-year-old."
Guess what? When the KKK lynched it was cause a man raped and murdered. You may want to look at how many car accidents there are every year. If jews, whites, asians, hispanics lynched for the same reason there would be 27 black people dangling from every tree in this country. It should be noted that before the Crown Heights Lynching there were several days of black muggings and lootings. Yup, a black child dies in a car accident so black folks get a free pass to upgrade their steiro system, mug, lynch, etc. The KKK has a better moral compass than you do. No one in my family has EVER used the N word. But when I hear black folk like you being apologists for lynching it seems more than appropriate. Guess what idiot- LOTS OF BLACK FOLKS CAUSE CAR ACCIDENTS. And here you are trying to justify a lynching based on it. Yes, worthless is a perfectly reasobable word for you.
You say "from what I've heard (koreans), weren't all that respectful to or of their black customers."
Gee, from what I've seen a lot of black folks aren't all that respectful. In fact, out of 3 murders in Seattle of elderly people this year ALL 3 were by young african american males.
But there you go again, first you say it's okay to lynch someone for causing a car accident. Now you have decided that "not being all the respectful" is a justification for a pongrom.
Guess what, when it comes to good manners, people don't think "african american". Mugging old ladies isn't respectful and I don't see too many Koreans doing that.
"The truth is, you can site few riots on the part of black people that weren't sparked over legitimate grievances."
Bullshit. Every lynch mob has it's excuses. There were very few lynchings of black men that didn't come from "legitimate greviences" -aka rape, murder. The fact is black folks like you believe ANYTHING is legit, when you are the perpetrator. Like I wrote earlier, listening to a black person try and jusify lynchings and hate crimes by pulling up the weakest of excuses- a car accident, and all purpose "I been dissed" card. Pitiful. Your attitude isn't as bad as the KKK- it far surpasses it. All lynch mobs have their excuses, and most white lynch mobs had better reasons than the ones you came up with.
You say "I dare not judge."
Perhaps you should re-read what you wrote. You did judge- you judged lynchings and pongroms to
be of legit causes when it is black folks doing it. You also proved my point- no one is more likely to support a lynch mob than black folks. As long as the lynch mob is black, that is.
"But I will say, if you're not racist, you certainly are ignorant of history and facts."
You are a black person wearing a white sheet, that is all, nothing more. I am ashamed of having taken part in the civil rights movement now that I see so many black folks, like yourself, far outdoing the KKK in terms of attitude.
BTW nok1- you should look into the Jasper TX 3- you know that guy who was dragged. And that Emitt Till thing. There is A LOT more to those stories then the media reports. Something tells me you won't see it that way.
Also, there was a Crown Heights-tpe lynching that happened outside of Austin last year when a hispanic man ran over a black child, got out of the car to deal with it, and was lynched.
When a white person is an apologist for lynched a black man for murder he's the KKK
When a black person is an apologist for lynching a hispanic or jewish man for being in a car accident he's a "community activist" or "civil rights leader". Nice.
I'll be honest, I didn't read your entire comment. So I probably missed some of your better insults. Sorry.
And I will correct myself. The boy was 7. The assault of Rosenbaum a few hours later has no justification. But I'm not sure the story is as you present it. And I definitely know that historically riots by black people are few compared to the riots by white people.
But here's where you aren't aware of facts and history - most of the black men who were lynched were only lynched because they had become successful business men. The actual occurance of black men raping white women was low. A successful black man would be lynched under some accusation of impuning the purity of white women, even if he had only looked at her and said, "Hi."
So, at the end of the day, the comparison you make and conclusions you draw have no merit.
Oh yeah, you're definitely misusing the term "lynching."
On one hand, it just refers to being hanged.
On the other hand, and this is where I think you're misusing the term, it refers to a heinous murder for the purpose of racial terror and control. The reason most anti-racist and civil rights activists argue that it can only apply to whites as the perpetrators is that only whites have the social standing to control another ethnic group.
Oh. Just 3 more things.
1 - I was justifying attacking Koreans just based on "disrespect." I'm explaining what you view as anti-Korean by referring to the way Koreans, as business owners, are viewed as systematically exploiting blacks as consumers and regularly treating black customers with less than due respect.
2 - Everytime someone of a different race kills/rapes/assaults a black person doesn't result in a riot.
3 - Your tactic of pre-assuming my rejection of you p-o-v for the purpose of pre-rejecting my p-o-v and manipulating me into giving your p-o-v some sort of credence won't go down here. Sorry. I've just seen it too many times to be manipulated by it.
To everyone else, sorry for engaging an obvious troll. And by troll, I mean someone who disagrees with the perspectives and points raised here and comes with the intention of agitating us.
Re the above- you say "I was justifying attacking Koreans just based on "disrespect." "
Yup, I know you were. That's why I was referring to you as a black klanswoman. You are listening to the side of the lynch mob, just like in the case of Crown Heights. I am sure you don't listen with such an open mind to the excuses given by people who have problems with black folks. They are always labelled "racist"
My life experiences makes me extremely skeptical of black claims of "exploitation" and "disrespect" being these have been used by black folks in ways that are bullshit over and over. I have to wonder why so many blacks target hard working Asians and Jews as "exploitative" but never people who live on public assistance their whole lives, not pimps, drug dealers, old lady muggers. This is telling.
Furthermore the first time I was threatened in my life I was 15 and a black man, 20ish, on the bus didn't like my hair color (purple) and felt entitled to threaten me over it. The last time I was threatened was last week I was walking down the street near where I live eating a sandwich and passed and group of young african americans. I was threatened. Why? They didn't like the way I was eating my sandwich. I don't need to be lectured by black folks on respect. I once paid for something with a credit card and the black store owner, noting my last name was jewish, said "you're a kike?" Yeah, do not lecture me on respect. I have found Korean businesses to be head and shoulders above black businesses in every way, including the respect they show their customers.
anon - This is just to let you know I haven't read your last comment. I don't think it's worth reading. I know going to argue with you about your opinion vs my reading and study. Sorry. Find someone to troll.
All white people will be destroyed very soon,All you sell out negroes are going in the same hole with the crackers,Read your bibles closely this time.those whom lead others into slavery will be enslaved.jesus wasnt white & nobody goes to heaven.arabs,asians,khazzars{fake jews][the flat but dog haired races]are cheap copies of the original man.they will be deleted.
I dont care one bit about a dead mexican! maybe ms13 can take care of the crackkkers that killed Paco.
FN- There are half a dozen cases here in my city where young African American males have committed brutal murders and gotten out of jail at the drop of a hat. One was a stomping death that happened 2 years ago. Just recently I heard that one the guys (there were 6) who did it has been re-arrested for another crime. Like everyone else in my city, this was the first time I was aware that, after less than 2 years, he's walking the streets again.
Here's another:
To sum up the above story- a dozen young black men beat an old (white) man to death for fun. Their sentences between 3-11 mo in "detention". I heard a clip from the sentencing where an adult "mentor" was talking to one of the guys who did it like HE was the victim. I could only imagine the outrage if it was the other way around. Like you said FN, there would be hell to pay. The reality is FN, it is taboo for white folks to get mad at black folks, even for extremely good reason. It is not considered ok for white folks to angrily protest injustices black folks do. That is why you don't hear about these injustices much. Not cause it doesn't happen.
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