I can't tell you how much I have been enjoying this in-party fighting between the repubs for the soul (And I use that word loosely. Republicans have no souls) of their party. In one corner is the two tons of evil, also known as Rush & Dick. And in the other corner, the voices of moderation and reason, also known as Colin & Tom. (On this Memorial Day it's important to note that both Tom and Colin served their country honorably in war and Dick and Rush did not. Just thought I would throw that out there) Dick started it all when he lashed out at Colin and declared that he didn't even think that he[Colin] was a republican anymore. Then Tom said that Dick was in essence lying when he said that the country is less safe under Obama. And then Rush agreed with Dick, and Tom agreed with Colin and.....oh lawd this is all too much, but you get the idea.
“Rush will not get his wish and Mr. Cheney was misinformed – I am still a Republican..,”“Neither [Cheney] nor Rush Limbaugh are members of the membership committee of the Republican Party...”
Yu tell dem yawdie! That's what I like to see; that good old Jamaican fighting spirit coming out of you. You must be drinking plenty Irish Moss and Linseed these days. But wait, Tom Ridge wants to jump in here as well:
“I think Rush articulates his point of view in ways that offend very many...”
That's what I am talking about; two military guys fighting for their party on Memorial Day. Way to go boys. I am pretty sure that most A-merry-cans have your back. Most. Unfortunately there are still some among us who would put party over country. We call them "wingnuts", and there are plenty of them.
Now as a person of color I always listen for the African American voices in these debates. So where are the conservative or republican, African Americans? Why so silent on this issue? Whose side are you folks going to come down on? Inquiring minds want to know. I know that a few of you like to come out to the fields from time to time, so can you tell us please? We are trying to understand the debate and I am sure that you all will be able to help us out a little.
"I don't want to pick a fight with Dick Cheney, but the fact is, the Republican party has to be a broad party that appeals across the country..."
Fight Colin fight. The field Negroes have your back. Even if the Negroes in your own party do not.
thank you field, it's good to see COLIN POWELL step up, he can say what the president would like to say, so POWELL has come forth and challenged rush and cheney, and he doe's it with class, you can count the time's he crack's a smile, I looked up his BIO and I had to stop reading at a certain point, this man has so many award's until it will make your head swim, read his BIO when you have time.
I think I disagree with you in that I've seen a number of Black conservative house negroes on CNN and Fox, including the head house negro in charge, Michael Steele. Of course they aren't defending Powell and they won't as long as it makes Limbaugh and the dark lord of the sith angry. Their melanin makes their conservative credentials shakey, so they can't come out against the real bosses of the party.
I can't say that I really dislike Colin Powel, but I daisagree with him sometimes.And sometimes it turns out that he was more correct than me. It's too bad there's not more people like TJ Watts. And Field, don't stress too much about the Rebub's soul, in 18 months we see.
dick cheney has lied before, he is lieing now and he will lie in the future.
Why are people still listening to him?
First off, it's J.C. Watts, szpork.
If you want to continue to delude yourself about 2010, go ahead.
Rethugs are quite pathetic.
WTF are you going to do tomorrow when the court in Cali overturns prop 8?
Sick, I care more about a fed bailout of Cali than I do prop 8. I live in AR. Right now if you're not a nurse you can't get a freakin job. I understand that he inherited the bad economy but sooner or later, it's Obama's. I see him as more of a figurehead that's getting really bad advise because of ideology without taking into account present economic conditions. szpork
Pass the popcorn!
I like Powell's imagery when describing the power Rush has.
"...when the chairman of the RNC, Micheal Steele issues the mildest of criticism... then 24 hours later the chairman of the RNC has to lay prostrate on the floor apologizing for it..."
Oh, this is going to be fun to watch! Even better than T.O. ripping Tony Romo on his Twitter account. :)
After sending wreaths to memorials for Confederate soldiers is Obama a house negro or is that something field negros do??
Colin is nothing but back ground noise to most Republicans inculding myself.He had his shot in 1995 but he blew it.
Colin voted for this this nation's first trillion dollar deficit,higher taxes,and a over all empty suit.That can never be forgiven.
Tom?? Who dat???
Cheney and Rush are true Americans who don't pal around with terrorist and they don't hate America.
Speaking of no soul i see Obama is outsourcing kidnapping,harsh interrogations,and torture to Middle East regimes.Change we can believe in!!!
When the GOP base is reduced to the likes of "sick freak", I can think of only one thing: Hillbilly Götterdämmerung.
I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning. It smells like.... victory.
Brother Field.. Memorial Day is truly a time for honoring the fallen combatants. This day touch each in a different way. I know your family's loss makes this day more heartfelt now. My prayers and thanks to the family. Having been a medic in war, this day always brought feelings of not having done enough, being a survivor. Its getting better, there is Veterans Day, //// Tom and Brother Colin have had the opportunity to live(in military) with others at "gut level" lending tbe abilty to have compassion for people. Not a trait I see in Rush and Trick.
Off topic: 18 year old Danny Farber Jr., high school football star, shot dead. Four bullets just sitting eating dinner....
Fact is. General Powell is the only person the Repugs got who has anything approximating presidential stature. & he's not uncritical of the Obama administration, but he knows better than to try make it look weak to the rest of world. The man's so patriotic to the core he probably salutes the flag when he gets out of bed in the morning, like he did every day he was in the Army.
Colin Powell is running for president.
Perhaps not in 2012. Perhaps not until Obama leaves the presidential stage.
But he is running.
He knows that the Republican base as it is now constituted can barely get a dogcatcher elected.
He knows that all the emphasis on "conservative principles" is narrowing the base more.
He knows that all the current attacks on Obama is causing some defections within the ranks.
He knows that the likes of Rush Limbaugh, and Dick Cheney have distorted the party's message and are alienating a large number of potential voters.
He knows that the party, as it is currently constituted, is not so much inclusive as it is exclusive.
He knows that to be elected president, party appeal has to cut a broad swath across a large part of the country, not just south of the Mason-Dixon line.
He knows that Americans have shown a willingness to overlook race when it comes to the selection and election of a president.
He knows that Obama managed it without being assassinated, and by appealing to all Americans, regardless of their party affiliation, whether they were from blue states or red states, whether they were black or white, and whether they were liberal or conservative.
He knows that if the party is to survive, extremism must be tempered, "conservative principles" must be accommodating, and the priorities of the American people elevated above the priorities of the party.
He knows that the only way he'll win later, he has to get into the fray now.
If he waits the party will shrink into oblivion, if not irrelevancy.
Rush Limbaugh will still be rich. Dick Cheney will still be trying to salvage the reputation of his shadow presidency, and all the policies that he instituted using Bush as his puppet and signatory.
Black Diaspora said...
Colin is definately not running for prez. It's mostly because of his wife, she wouldn't like the attention.
Field and the gang - would love to read what you think about this?
Black Diapora,
Colin Powell would have run 9 years ago, if that same bunch, Carl Rowe and friend hadn't sought to trash his wife.
Do you really think he would run now at 75(2013) or 79 (2017)?
"When the GOP base is reduced to the likes of "sick freak", I can think of only one thing: Hillbilly Götterdämmerung."
Gregory, unfortnuately, there are lots of "sick freaks" out there? Even sicker than our sick freak.
"Oh, this is going to be fun to watch! Even better than T.O. ripping Tony Romo on his Twitter account. :)"
Noooo, T.O. threw another QB under the bus?
Thank you StillaPanther2, and thank you for your service as well.
"Cheney and Rush are true Americans who don't pal around with terrorist and they don't hate America."
And Powell does? Oh wait, that's right, he did pal around with Cheney abd the frat boy.
"Why"? Lady Cracker, the answer is easy: guns guns and more guns. When a kid can get his hands on a gun easier than he can get some nice baseball gloves or a new football we have a problem.
Anon. 6:06 AM, I haven't even read the link yet but I am guessing it was a white person who was born in Africa. (Quite a few like that out there) And if that's the case, he/she is technically correct. Which is why I have never been crazy about that label for black folks.
@szpork: "Colin is definately not running for prez. It's mostly because of his wife, she wouldn't like the attention."Perhaps, but Colin, himself, offers other reasons:
"I never woke up a single morning to go think about this [running for president], to talk to people about it and find in my heart and soul the passion that a Barack Obama or a John McCain or a George Bush or a Bill Clinton had," he said. "It just wasn't me, and you've got to be true to yourself, and I've tried to be true to myself."At one point his wife's concerns for his safety was given as the reason:
"His wife, Alma, had feared that such an endeavor would change their family life. She also had concerns about Powell's safety, he said Wednesday on CNN's 'American Morning.'"
"But I was a soldier. That wasn't my concern," he said. "I never found inside of me the internal passion that you've got to have to run for elected office."I believe that the fire has been ignited in his belly, and he now see his role as the one to resurrect the party, or to keep it from declining further into the abyss.
@Hator: "Do you really think he would run now at 75(2013) or 79 (2017)?"His age wouldn't disqualify him. It would be left to the American people to decide on his age- related qualifications.
I said that he would run, not that he would win. I don't think that winning is his aim.
Besides my speculating gave me the opportunity to voice other points I've been dying to make.
Black Diaspora,
I didn't say that to mean it would disqualify him. I wonder if he would want the stress. Contrary to popular belief, people do get old and much of the time their bodies know it.
Gregory said...
When the GOP base is reduced to the likes of "sick freak", I can think of only one thing: Hillbilly Götterdämmerung.
And we now know how mental midgets think.
As an African American Conservative, I say Powell needs to become a Democrat. get it over and stop ruining the name of other African American Conservatives. We don't look at Powell antics anymore, Steele has the wheel. The African American Conservative group is becoming larger and larger. Powell has jumped ship anyway. He will also jump ship with the Democrats.
Why Cheney still talking? And why do people listen?
He helped run the party into the ground.
I'm curious about African American Conservatives. Not every Republican is a Conservative (well before the far right took over the party anyway.)
What exactly is it that they would like to conserve? Do they feel included in the party? I watched the GOP convention and it made me very uncomfortable.
Maybe its just some 30 yr old Peyote Flashbacks...but I seem to remember Colon Powell talking about something at the UN Security Council...Weapons of Mass Infection maybe??? anyways, the Republicans have gone downhill since they passed the Civil Rights Act in 1965, and ran that homo Richard Nixon in 67' and 72'..Only reason Reagan ran as a Republican was cause there was a Demo Incubent Governor in Cali in 66'... I'm thinkin about switchin myself... y'all need some new blood in that Robert Byrd/George Wallace branch of y'alls party...
"So where are the conservative or republican, African Americans? Why so silent on this issue?"
You already know this Field.
The black Republicans aren't allowed to criticize massa lest they lose the perks and scraps from the table they receive for being black tokens of an anti-black party.
Is it just me or is Michael Steele looking and sounding more buffoonish with each passing day?
I almost expect his to break into a rendition of "De Camptown Ladies" during his next Fox Appearance.
Oh to be black and a Republican.
As a Black conservative, I've always loved Powell and he reminds me of not only myself, but of other Black conservatives I know personally.
Powell isn't a conservative.
He's pro-choice, pro-Affirmative Action and liberal on social issues.
Off Topic:
Obama chooses Judge Sonia Sotamayor as his Supreme Court nominee.
The Boogie Down Bronx in da house!
Judge Sotomayer looks like Manuel Noriega in Drag...
I imagine that there are as many definitions of conservative and liberal as there are buttholes in the world.
Powell is still trying to make amends for all the people he helped Dick Cheney murder with his WMD "proof" at the UN. But at least he has a bit of a conscience if not an actual soul.
Frank: those peyote flashbacks seem to be occurring more and more often lately.
In the movie "W", Powell seemed like the only voice of reasoning. He didn't appear to be pleased with what was going down most of the time. I found it interesting.I dunno... (What do I know, I'm going based on a movie)
Anyway, Field... I finally got my book today from snail mail. Thank you!
Frank D. writes:"Judge Sotomayer looks like Manuel Noriega in Drag..."And you find this strangely arousing?
Frank has been in prison for a while now, he can't tell the difference anymore.
Hathor said...
"Black Diaspora,
I didn't say that to mean it would disqualify him. I wonder if he would want the stress."I understand where you're coming from, Hator. I agree. I don't think Powell is up to the rigors of the office.
He's stated that on several occasions.
I think that he sees his role, if he does decide to run, as someone who will infuse more life into the party, someone who will expand its base.
However, I don't think that he'll be a serious candidate, and would probably drop out of the race at some pivotal moment.
Although I made my assertion without wiggle room, I did it to spark the conversation that we're now having.
Flat-out assertions have a way of doing that.
When Bush and Cheney were in office, Bush stayed on vacation the majority of the time and gave Cheney too much free rein. Don't forget that Bush didn't actually pick Cheney to be his VP, Cheney picked his self.
Bush might not have been a good President but one thing I can give him credit for is that he believes in loyalty. The sad part is that his loyalty to his staff even included an undeserving Cheney and Rumsfield. I believe that when it is all said and done Cheney was Bush's downfall, and where he errored at was he knew what Cheney did and was doing.
Notice that their not on speaking terms,and I don't think it was just because Bush didn't give what's his name clemency either. I believe it goes deeper than that. What's in the dark is going to come to the light, I don't care how much Cheney and Rush run their polluted mouth.
Both Cheney and Rush are bad news for the GOP party and if they haven't figured that out, well it's suicidal to stay on a sinking ship. Speaking for myself, I say let the ship sink, because it is not of any good use to America as a whole anyway. This is a nation of people, not a nation for a selective few.
Thanks but no thanks, the democrats are not in need of any tainted blood. They need some new fresh blood, but that is new blood with new ideas that welcome diversity, not those old ancient ones that cause division and hatred. In case you didn't know or are unaware this is the UNITED STATES of America, not the DIVIDED STATES of America.
Frank,you asked for that.:)
Oh yea, I forgot to add Rove to that list of Bush's downfall.
@sick freak said: "Cheney and Rush are true Americans who don't pal around with terrorist and they don't hate America."Well, these staunch patriots, along with Bush, himself, managed to dodge the war that would have gone a long way to show that they are "true Americans."
What better way to do that than to fight on America's behalf?
No, Cheney doesn't "pal around with terrorist" except to torture the hell out of them, with Rush's approval.
No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to use her to attack countries that haven't attacked us, under the pretext of protecting the country.
No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to give war profiteers and Halliburton billions from our national treasury.
No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to divide her, and scare her, so that their party remains this nation's strongest party.
No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to make sure that any benefits she enjoys come at their behest, not liberals.
Yes, America needs more "true Americans" like Cheney and Rush who don't "pal around with terrorists," and who don't "hate America."
I just don't think that America can take much more of their kind of patriotism.
Black Diaspora:
Granny cosign!
Amen! Cheney and Rush are the residue of a way of thinking that is becoming extinct. If I were Sick and fed, I would be too embarrassed to admit that a dope addict like Rush could influence my decision making in any type of way because it is the sign of a weak mind.
"Well, these staunch patriots, along with Bush, himself, managed to dodge the war that would have gone a long way to show that they are "true Americans."
What better way to do that than to fight on America's behalf?"
I guess the true Americans are paling around with people who call our military "nazis,baby killers,terrorist,and other names the left love to use.
"No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to use her to attack countries that haven't attacked us, under the pretext of protecting the country."
And Obama is still attacking the same countries today.
"No, Cheney doesn't "pal around with terrorist" except to torture the hell out of them, with Rush's approval."
Obama's way of is outsourcing and torture to Middle East regimes is much better.
No, they don't "hate" America, they just want to give war profiteers and Halliburton billions from our national treasury.
The same war profiteers[that got Obama elected] and Halliburton that Obama is giving money to?
I just don't think that America can take much more of their kind of patriotism.
But America can take record unemployment,historical deficits,and all of Obama's lies?
Given the history that you moonbats has of drinking the kool-aid i would warn you but it wouldn't do any good.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Amen! Cheney and Rush are the residue of a way of thinking that is becoming extinct.
If this was true, why do Rush and Cheney scare the HELL out of FN and the rest of the left?
I mean,if we[Republicans,Rush,Cheney] were fading away and becoming extinct than why not let us fade into the night??
Why does the left get their panties in a bunch everytime Rush or Cheney speaks?
What are you scared of??
Could it be the latest Gallup Polling that shows Republicans are tied with Democrats in party identification ?
What's up, Granny? szpork
Hey Szpork, all is well and good to see you.
"If this was true, why do Rush and Cheney scare the HELL out of FN and the rest of the left?"
Sickandfed, I don't know who convinced you of that but they lied to you. Most of us think that Rush and Cheney are hilarious and stupid to boot. Even an illiterate criminal knows how to keep their mouth shut when they've committed something illegal. However, your boy Cheney is the gift that keeps on giving in that respect. I'm not even an Attorney and it would be a piece of cake for even me to get him convicted thanks to his big mouth.
Oh, please don't even get me started on Rush the dope addict. Rush is viewed by many as the great white buffoon and is not worth two dead flies. Anyone who listens to him and takes him serious is seriously in need of an education and some common sense because they are lacking in both and make someone who is mentally challenged look like Einstein. Nah, I take that back because that would be insulting the mentally challenged and they are way more on the ball in the brain department than Rush is and they have a lovable spirit.
"I mean,if we[Republicans,Rush,Cheney] were fading away and becoming extinct than why not let us fade into the night??"
Well, to be honest with you, you guys are fading away and becoming extinct. Nevertheless, while you're still around, nothing wrong with us getting a few good laughs off of you before you disappear. I mean, if I have to say so myself, sometimes you guys beat watching Saturday Night Live, Jon Stewart, Bill Mahers, and Comedy hour, etc., because we get a laugh a second at how DUMB, FOOLISH, and RIDICULOUS your party is.
"Why does the left get their panties in a bunch everytime Rush or Cheney speaks?"
You really need to leave whatever your on alone, so that you can contribute something logical and rational to the conversation. Oh, I forgot you listen to Rush so it can't be helped. Why don't you try weaning yourself off of Rush it might help.
"What are you scared of??
Could it be the latest Gallup Polling that shows Republicans are tied with Democrats in party identification?"
Identification only means that they associate with the views of their party. It has nothing to do with popularity. Jesus! You know Sickandfed, I truly understand now why your a Republican. It's so obvious because you identify with their main characteristics and that's sad.
I googled Frances Rice, and well, if I have to say so myself, anyone who writes for or is associated with Human Events is a few cards short of a deck.
@sick freak: "I guess the true Americans are paling around with people who call our military 'nazis,baby killers,terrorist,and other names the left love to use.'".
You used those terms and descriptions. I didn't. And I haven't heard anyone who's remotely influential on the left using those names.
Where do you hang out?
"And Obama is still attacking the same countries today."
You're good at getting your facts screwed up.
Obama hasn't attacked anyone. Is he still pursuing policies to keep Iraqis, and Iraq safe after we "broke it"?
You bet. It's the only sane and just thing to do, as we gear up to leave, and to put Iraq's safety back into the hands of Iraqis.
Had Bush not attacked Saddam Hussein all of this would be mute.
Is Obama still chasing the Taliban who's dead set on toppling the newly-formed Afghanistan government?
You bet. It's the only sane and just thing to do: We "broke it." Now, it's incumbent upon us not only to fix it, but to keep it fixed.
Just for you 'sick freak,' a recent history lesson: Bush attacked both Iraq and Afghanistan, not Obama.
It now falls to him to make the best of the mess that 'W' created. It's the sane and just thing to do.
"Obama's way of is outsourcing and torture to Middle East regimes is much better."
You mean the way that Bush did? Can you back up this statement using a credible source? Or are you just making it up as you go along?
Just for the record: anonymous sources aren't valid sources. It's too easy for the other side to make up stuff, you know, the way you do.
"The same war profiteers[that got Obama elected] and Halliburton that Obama is giving money to?"
I was under the impression that the American people "got Obama elected."
Again, it's not easy to change horses in mid-race while sprinting to the finish line.
To change suppliers at this point would not only disrupt the flow of goods and services to our troops (even though it supports ill-gotten gain put in place by the previous administration) as it would be to pick up and leave Iraq tomorrow.
It's not feasible, given our stated goals of pulling back, and out, in a manner that protects Iraqis and our troops.
Again, Bush and Cheney brought together a devil-spawned union of money, power, and necessity that can't be untangled without causing deaths, and injuries, both to Iraqis and our troops.
Fixing this mess will be added to Bush and Cheney's historical account, not to Obama's, despite Repub's wishing and hoping to stain his administration with the pile of 'shit' that Bush and Cheney left him to clean up.
"But America can take record unemployment,historical deficits,and all of Obama's lies?"
Obama lied? Now that's a news flash. Bush lied about WMDs, the cost of the Iraq war, the connection of Iraq to Al-Qaeda, and too many others to list here, and you call Obama a liar?
Again, get your facts straight: this recession started on Bush's watch, not Obama's.
And, I'll assure you: If the government (the spender of last resort), doesn't spend our way out of this mess, it will turn into a depression, and a depression will depress our economy for the remainder of this century.
We have a choice: spend our way out, or take the supposed market forces route, which will assure our economic demise, or cripple our economy indefinitely.
Were you to see the outcome of that, you'd hock this generation's future, and the next two, to prevent it.
What we've come to call the "American Dream," will become a "National Nightmare."
And we have all those greedy bastards on wall street (probably Republicans all) to thank, what with their credit default swaps, and deadly derivatives, which congress permitted by lifting the safeguards that had been in placed since just after the Great Depression to prevent the very thing that has been visited upon us during the last decade.
"Given the history that you moonbats has of drinking the kool-aid i would warn you but it wouldn't do any good."
Cowards take refuge behind ad hominem attacks. Surely you can rely on the weight of your polemics, rational thought, and the facts to support your comments and your position.
If this is all you got, don't bother to reply: you're too much of lightweight for me, and not worthy of my considerably busy time.
I'll tell you whose side they'll come down on.
You know, black republicans aren't all that different from the type of black people I like to refer to as "The ones who forgot"
We all know them, they're the ones who are black but either forgot or were never told. And honestly, I don't mind them. What I mind is when they go out of their way to make sure all the white folks know they don't really identify as black by putting all the black folks down.
Black republicans MUST remind all other republicans that they ARE conservative, they DO deserve their support, their voices DO matter... and how do they do that? They rail on us "ignorant black folks who've allowed the white racist liberal media to brainwash us"
So they'll come out on Rush's side... because he's as RIGHT CRAZY ASS WING NUT as you can get, and what better way to prove you're down than by being extreme.
Oh, and I shouldn't only pick on "The ones who forgot" I should also point a finger at those of us who adopt awkward dialects and wear ill-fitting clothing and gaudy jewelry, pushing cars we can't afford and running up our credit to buy a bar ALL in the name of proving how black we are.
ASmith is an equal-opportunity finger pointer.
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