You gotta love those folks in Alabama. Seems that the people of that great state have voted to allow businesses within the state's borders to pay Negroes half of what they pay each of their white workers. I guess it makes sense. They reason that it will be good for the business climate because in trying to attract corporations to Alabama, they realize that if you can pay the Negro worker (who usually are less educated and really live in poorer areas, so they don't need the money) less it will allow companies to save on their overhead. Some of the taxes that they collect from these companies will be used to fund Negro colleges in Alabama.
And most of the Christian folks in Alabama voted for this new law because they are good bible reading god fearing folks. Didn't Genesis 9:25-27 say the following? "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers. He also said, 'Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japeth live in the tents of Shem and may Canaan be his slave'." See, it's ordained from god. It's the "curse of Ham". The good people of Alabama know their bible. They understand Colossions 3:18 and 4:1. They understand Peter 2:13 and 3:7. They understand the "doctrine of the orders of creation". They understand the biblical theory of an "elect nation". Thank goodness they voted the right way. Now Negro schools will be able to get much needed funding.
Field that is outrageous! You are lying, that did not happen. Well no, not in Alabama, but it happened in California, today. Yes my friends, unless you live on another planet, you have heard by now that the Supremes out there voted to uphold Proposition 8. That little biblical driven ballad initiative that makes it illegal for two consenting adults to get married to each other, because the good book says that marriage is between a man and a woman. So what's the difference between what happened in California and the little hypothetical situation I gave you? Let me answer that for you: Absolutely nothing!
Now to some other news today: Congrats on your pick O man. Looks like it's Sonia "from the block". Let's see now: Ivy League creds? Check. Judicial experience? Check. Great personal story? Check. The right hue and gender? Check. No controversial decisions? Check. Well I will be damn, looks like we have a winner on our hands. Big up boricua! On it's face it seems like a very nice pick. Conservative wingnuts will be foaming at the mouth (Aren't they always?). In fact, the drug addict already started. The theme for this battle will be "reverse racist".--- Over the next few weeks you will be hearing a lot about Ricci and Stefano. And no, it's not a fancy Italian restaurant--- Keep that in mind wingnuts. Now run off and get your talking points. This should be fun. Just remember who the people in the fastest growing group in these divided states look like.
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»beautiful choice, Mr. Obama.
Oh, and California? Guess this'll be going to the SCOTUS, right?
My Hero Field, I gladly await your post daily.
I keep wondering why Loving v. Virginia doesn't apply to gay marriage. The ban is so blatantly unconstitutional it makes me scream every time someone rants against it.
On the Sotomayor tip, please enjoy the Right Wing paranoid delusion I came up with this morning:
PS, Field, keep fighting the homophobia. Our people need to get out of the Dark Ages when it comes to gay rights!
As of today, my state needs to officially change its name to Calibama.
I have heard too much of Ricci and Stefano.Enough already!
Dang, I done developed a crush on Sotomayor...BX!!!
"Dang, I done developed a crush on Sotomayor...BX!!!"
Well.....I wouldn't go quite that far.:)
Boukman70, I will check out your blog for that post. And yes, I will keep fighting the homophobia and all other ignorant phobias out there.
AF, I think Prop 8 will eventually go down. But if it goes to the U.S.Supremes it will be upheld.It will take the people of the state with one of those crazy ballot initiatives out there to vote it down. What is that they need 800,000 signatures? Or is it 80,000?
Thank you anon. 9:13PM. And please believe that I await you reading it.
"I have heard too much of Ricci and Stefano.Enough already!"
Hathor, you might want to go to a cave somewhere for the next few weeks.:)
I was so damn happy for most of this day.... the 12 clergy who were protesting at the gun shop were all found not guilty, Sotamayor's nomination and the Connecticut legislature voted to abolish the death penalty
But, then the Cali supremes had to go and pull a Dred Scott on us.... This will be heading to the Supreme Court... count on this question coming up in her confirmation hearings....
I too thank you field for keeping homophobia front and center on your blog
Affirmative action hire-- check
Liberal racist---- check
80% of all her rulings have been overturned by the Supreme Court
liberal activist--check
"Just remember who the people in the fastest growing group in these divided states look like"
Thanks to abortions it sho ain't black folk!!!
Are we hoping fo sum brown solidarity?
Yea Prop 8!
Field, you know I love you like a cyber big brother, but could you please not use racial inequality as leverage to help fight for same sex marriage,
Just like animal rights, gay marriage should never have the same level of magnitude much less be in the same category as black civil rights. Thank you.
She's more than qualified.
The President hit a homerun. Absolutely.
The GOP won't be able to help themselves, FN.
She was Phi Beta Kappa at Princeton, and MSNBC's resident White Citizen's Council Member - Pat Buchanan, calls her an Affirmative Action pick.
G-T-F-0-H with that.
My state is clueless and deserves all the scorn it gets for Prop H8te. Of the judges that ruled on this today, all but one were GOP. All of them voted as a bloc to overrule the one Democrat who voted no.
There's your activists judges right there, Mitch McConnell.
As for Sotamayer, I was hoping for the "first Black female" who would be qualified, but I forgot that black women are usually out the racial loop by default (if one were to look at things from a racial stand point). So I can accept Sotamayer because she's qualified and partly because she's Puerto Rican. Sometimes I am so painfully honest when I'm on this blog.
There was a combination of good news and bad news today. Mike Tyson's 4 year old daughter died today too. That is so sad!
All Negroes who sipped at the water fountain before the official White Only sign was posted may continue to do so.
"Affirmative action hire-- check"
Sick Freak, do you realize that she comes to the court with more experience than any one of the current supremes had when they got there? And that she graduated at the top of her class at Princeton? And that she was editor of the Law Review at Yale. (Probably the best law school in the country) So tell me; where exactly do you see Af. Action here? If she was a white male you would be all over her. I guess this is the conservative way of looking at things.
Sorry La~Incognita, it is just as important to me. I don't believe in discrimination in any form. Passing laws that allow people to be treated differently because of who they chose to sleep with is totally unacceptable to me. In fact, the shit is immoral.
Oh yeah, I read "Will Republicans risk Hispanic support by opposing Sotomayor?" How can they risk what they ain't got? They lose either way they go.
FN.... She was picked because she is a hispanic and female.Thus the AA hire.There were better choices out there.
If she had been white would you be blogging about her tonight FN??
Bob said...
Oh yeah, I read "Will Republicans risk Hispanic support by opposing Sotomayor?" How can they risk what they ain't got? They lose either way they go.
Bob is right.This choice was about pandering to hispanic voters.
Thanks Bob!!
Check my blog for the 411 on my fellow Princetonian Judge Sotomayor. www.natturnersrevenge.blogspot.com
By the way, she was appointed to the federal bench ushby Daddy Bush. Hmmm...he picked Clarence. The hypocrisy is why GOP moderates are getting nervous yet again by the wingnut meltdown.
Affirmative action--she won the Pyne Prize and graduated summa at ol Nassau, meaning that in direct competition with the Samuel Alito type who denigrated her, she smoked them. I think only anonymous pussies & 'tards like Sick Freak are dwelling on the stupid talking points and made-up shit.
Speaking of Sick Freak's stupidity, catch Republican and retired Justice Sandy O'Connor's statements to the ABA in 06 decrying her party's wingnut attacks on the court and these made up terms like "judicial activist," etc etc.
As for Prop 8, keep in mind, Field, that this decision is VERY narrow. Stupid, yes,but narrow. On the peculiarities of the referendum. The underlying issue--Equal Protection re: a citizen obtaining a marriage licence--is unharmed. On that basis these barriers are coming down. They couldn't make it retroactive, and indeed if you're gay and got married in CT or Hawaii whatever, the state of Cali still must treat it with Full Faith and Credit.
Personally, as much as marriage is one giant foot in the ass, I say to any queer man or woman: be careful what you wish for. hahahaha
I think "sick freak" has a man-crush on you. I can think of no other reason why he frequents a blog where he is routinely owned by a grandmother.
Field--did I say "pussy and 'tard?" Silly me. I apologize for being so coarse.
The words just seemed so, well, applicable. hahahaha
Hear that, too "Bob?"
Ex Boxer Mike Tyson lost his 4 year old daughter today in a terrible accident playing at home.
That wasn't Michael Steele's niece was it? I didn't know if Exodus was Monica's kid.
I hate to repeat myself. Marriage is a contract between a couple and the state. Period. To enter or dissolve a marriage, you seek permission from the state, not your god. The state, not god, determines the division of property and guardianship of minor children. Everything else you read about marriage, particularly linking it to religion is pure unmitigated bullshit. "Gay marriage" or whatever label you care to put on it is an equal rights issue.
If Dave and Steve or Lucy and Chloe decide to get married and move down the street, they are entitled to the same rights and privileges as heteros. Furthermore, it's nobody's damn business. Straight people need to get a life on this issue. Seriously. With all the craziness in my life I have time to worry about same sex partners? I don't think so. Not to mention that opposing same sex marriage is just wrong.
I like Obama's pick for now. I'm just not sure where Sonia Sotomayor constitutional philosophy will fall in line with--the conservatives on the bench, the liberals, or the moderates.
That we have this mix of justices is a bit laughable to me.
If the rule of law must be followed, and strict constitutional interpretations applied, then, theoretically, it shouldn't matter whether you're conservative, liberal or moderate.
But we know that that is not the case: despite the whining on the right that Sotomayor is an activist judge, it shouldn't matter.
We all know that, depending on their particular political leaning, opinions from the Supremes will follow not their interpretation of the constitution so much as their political ideology.
Let me ask this: Is our Constitution a liberal document, a conservative document, or a moderate document?
When our Justices affirmed property seizures, the rule of law suffered tremendously, and violated "the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits the taking of property by government except for 'public use.'"
But there was little outcry from Americans unless they were affected.
"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor... wrote that the ruling favors the most powerful and influential in society and leaves small property owners little recourse. Now, she wrote, the 'specter of condemnation hangs over all property. Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory.'"
With the court now comprised of four conservatives, two liberals and two moderates (basically independents in their opinions), who could side with the liberals or the conservatives, the make up of the Supreme Court may have changed very little with the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor, unless she proves to be more conservative than liberal, or more moderate than conservative.
I hope that she will prove to be more liberal than moderate or conservative.
We don't need more rulings like the one I previously cited.
President Obama's next nominee for SCOTUS should be The Field Negro.
WCS-"Everything else you read about marriage, particularly linking it to religion is pure unmitigated bullshit."
I got married in a church and it was not unmitigated bullshit. Maybe the state ought to call it a civil union between two people for everybody, and get out of the sacred marriage business. That way there won't be this crossover between church and state.
That way, if people want to get married in their church according to their religion to make it sacred, they may do so.
To trash the Bible and God as unmitigated bs, doesn't help your cause.
Talked to a lawyer friend of mine this evening who said Prop 8 had no standing to go to the SCOTUS. Equal Protection? No, because GLBTQ is not within the protected group.
Fiend, good evening from the Golden State!
I often find it amazing that, for a party that is so about "individual freedom," Republicans have no problem telling people what to do in their bedroom. The hypocrisy is sickening.
Personally, I don't care about your sex life - that's between you, your partner, and your God.
I got married twice. To the same man. That is how much I loved him. But for all the fan fare, the dress, the cake, the prayers and the readings from the good book, none of it amounted to a hill of beans to the eyes of the state. We weren't married until we went to the courthouse and made it legal. I will never understand why people's religious beliefs actually have any merit when it comes to who has the right to get married. Can someone with a better grasp of the law and the constitution please explain it too me?
And of course Sonya Sotomayor is an AA pick. Of course. You know, the entire supreme court could be White males. In fact, it has been. So of course the president looked for someone who is equally qualified who perhaps would not be considered without taking her background into account. Affirmative Action is not a dirty concept. I for one will not allow anyone to forget what it truly means and why it is important.
For the life of me I do not understand why Sickfreak and people who think like him feel that if someone other than a lily-white person is picked that the President has to be pandering to that race. Were all the other Presidents we had pandering to whites when they picked white judges? Is that how the games goes?
So what if Sotomayor happens to be Hispanic, does her race make her less qualified? I mean you would think that after all the experience and education she has folks like Sickfreak would recognize her accomplishments. Instead they have this sick notion that all other races should get an education and run out and get a job doing manual labor out in the fields picking cotton or oranges.
It makes him and others like him feel uncomfortable that minorities are able to climb over all of the roadblocks and obstacles that were purposely put in their path to block them from getting an education, graduate with honors, and be successful. That just blows away their little small-minded, silly theory that whites are this superior race. Seeing others as their equal is too much for their narrow mind to digest.
Therefore, he'll just cling to his old worn out, tired prejudices and eventually it will turn into cancer, consume his body, and he'll waste away in his hatred.
I'm so sick of folks trying to attached a dirty label to Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action did not sit up late at night studying those books. Affirmative Action did not write those term papers, or do research in the library, or do that lab work, or answer any of those questions in class and out of class, or do any type of thinking on that person's behalf, rise up early in the morning, give up or make any personal sacrifices so that a person could do the homework, or whatever else it took that person to get good grades.
The only thing that Affirmative Action did was open the door for them to get in college because before Affirmative Action they were not allowed through the front door of a college. So, the myth that Affirmative Action is some bad word or dirty word is nothing but a bunch of dung.
What makes it so bad the majority of the people trying to make it out of this dirty word don't even know what Affirmative Action really is or was. They're just going by someone else's BS talking points that made up a flimsy excuse to get rid of it. In the first place white folks have never in life been deprived of any of the benefits offered in the USA. Reverse discrimination my foot and is a bunch of BS. Nah, I take that back, it is a outright LIE!
As for the gay marriage ruling, what I believe that they are doing is leaving it open for the Supreme Court to rule on it so that they can make it a nationwide decision like Roe vs Wade and Brown vs Board of Education.
O.K., Field, you got me. I was reading this about Alabama and thinking, He's finally lost his mind b/c there is no such law. He's succumbed to the stress of being black in America that some psychologists say makes us more susceptible to paranoia. Then I realized you were talking about Prop 8.
The LA Times has a good article on the ruling that they put up late last night, and it seems like it boils down to the right to use the word "marriage," which I've been saying for a long time shows how entangled the state is with the church or that the separation of church and state is a farce.
On Sotomayor, I'm glad Limbaugh and co. are calling her a racist. With him railing against her, she should be a shoo in.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"For the life of me I do not understand why Sickfreak and people who think like him feel that if someone other than a lily-white person is picked that the President has to be pandering to that race."
Granny, he, and others like him, are running scared. You see, it won't be long before they'll be outnumbered, and that's going to cause a great deal of culture shock, if not shock and awe.Consider this headline from March 18, 2004:
Census Bureau Projects Tripling of Hispanic and Asian Populations in 50 Years; Non-Hispanic Whites
May Drop To Half of Total Population
And if that is not enough, consider a more recent headline [August 19, 2008]: Hispanics drive U.S. population growth.According to the article--
"If it weren't for Hispanic births, the U.S. could be confronting long-term population declines similar to those in Germany, Japan and other industrialized countries.
"Hispanics are the only ethnic group now producing more than two children per family, according to a Census Bureau report released Monday. That's the number necessary to replace the mother and father and keep the population stable.
"'The Hispanic population is growing; whites and Asians are not replacing themselves,' said Jane Dye, the Census Bureau demographer who wrote the study."
He may not admit it, but 'sick freak' is seeing the decline of his kind, that his people aren't reproducing in sustainable numbers.
And he longs for the days when whites called the shots, and the term multiculturalism didn't exist.
Over time, he, and those who can't adapt, will go the way of the buffalo that were slaughtered for their hides, and left to rot in the sun.
Those who do adapt, will see a browner America, an America of many hues, and that will constitute the norm, rather the exception.
Sick Freak won't be one of them.
Being from the south (Bronx) I was taught - if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. I your case I'll make an exception.
You comparing my right to marriage equality to that of animals says more about you and your heart than the issue at hand.
Field, thanks for the thought provoking article.
On the limited grounds that the California Supreme Court had to decide upon, I think they made the correct decision. The issue is that Prop 8 is now part of the California Constitution. All the CSC could do was rule on whether the process was properly followed. Courts don't get to throw out constitutional amendments. The constitution is what they draw their authority from.
Tomorrow theoretically if there was enough interest to revoke any of the US constitutional amendments via proper process, would judges have any sayso? Isn't that the purview of the people?
Can one of the legal experts here explain if there's ever been a case where judges threw out constitutional amendments that were properly passed? I am really curious about that. Thx.
The gay couples who got married while such actions were legal should stay married, as is proper.
As far as California recognizing other states' gay marriage doesn't the federal DOMA explicitly prevent that? I think California could do so if it wanted to but I don't think it's required.
I don't know enough yet about Sotomayor to be positive or negative. I think that the right wing was going to be against whoever the President picked. It will be amusing to see the right wing try to paint her as somehow unqualified when she graduated at the top of her class. She will be approved for the Supreme Court. The Right is just trying to raise money and rally the troops after the historic butt-kicking they took.
Re the Ricci case, I support affirmative action but does anyone know why no black firefighters scored high enough on the test to achieve promotion?
"Talked to a lawyer friend of mine this evening who said Prop 8 had no standing to go to the SCOTUS. Equal Protection? No, because GLBTQ is not within the protected group.
AF, maybe not equal protection, but there are "Establishment Clause" issues here. Also, Prop 8 would be invalid if it was a revision and not simply an amendment to the California state constitution. I suppose that they could argue that Prop 8 undermines the constitution intent of the CC because it doesn't treat all its citizens the same way, but I don't know if it will fly.
I just don't know how this case would get to the SCOTUS because the people of California voted for the law via a ballot initiative. That's why the California Supremes were not going to rule otherwise. We can't have judicial activist overruling the will of the people now can we? Still, as my Yawdie and Ivy League educated friend, Christopher, so wisely stated, it was a very narrow decision, and it's not retroactive, so this is what I call a "weak handling" of a case. (Lawd all this inside baseball)
BD, makes some great points about the Constitution and how different folks interpret it. Whether you are a strict consructionist or you view it as a flexible document,at the end of the day people always bring their political philosophy and their own personal experiences to the table. Which is why all of this phony posturing is so silly.
Visibility and Granny those were great points about Af. Action.
But I don't even care about all the legalize with this issue. So Gays are going to have the same legal rights as hetros, but they just can't call what they are doing "marriage". In essence, they have equal rights, just a different name for the act. Hmmmmm, separate but equal, where have I heard that one before?
Slippery slope people, slippery slope.
Get your facts straight, the black folks I know in Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tenessee work in Auto plants, and make cars that Americans want to buy, and UAW employed white folks in Northern states like YOURs are bitchin about plant and dealership closings, have a poor quality of life, and most Americans don't want to buy the cars that they produce!
On a side note,there is a very interesting story developing here in Philly.(Nancy Grace alert!)A white woman and her daughter were allegedly kidnapped by some black men in a Caddy in the middle of the day.She called 911 from the trunk of the car, and.....
All I can say is stay tuned,because
this case just doesn't. pass my smell test.
If I am wrong you know I will say I it.
More later, I am off to my plantation.
Sick Freak,
"FN.... She was picked because she is a hispanic and female.Thus the AA hire.There were better choices out there."
Like whom for instance?
She has more experience than both Roberts and Alito whom I'm sure you were ready to fellate at the time of their nominations..
""I'm so sick of folks trying to attached a dirty label to Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action did not sit up late at night studying those books. Affirmative Action did not write those term papers, or do research in the library, or do that lab work, or answer any of those questions in class and out of class, or do any type of thinking on that person's behalf, rise up early in the morning, give up or make any personal sacrifices so that a person could do the homework, or whatever else it took that person to get good grades.
The only thing that Affirmative Action did was open the door for them to get in college because before Affirmative Action they were not allowed through the front door of a college"
Right on Granny..
I'm so sick of the lies myself.
If she was white and had said the things she said about hispanics or blacks,FN,Granny,Black Diaspora,and Christopher would be crying RACIST RACIST RACIST!!!!
If she was a white woman she would have never been picked.So she was a Affirmative Action pick.
"Granny, he, and others like him, are running scared. You see, it won't be long before they'll be outnumbered, and that's going to cause a great deal of culture shock, if not shock and awe."
Not really.We need more people cutting grass and scrubbing toilets.You know,all those jobs white folk just won't do.
Granny--"Reverse discrimination my foot and is a bunch of BS. Nah, I take that back, it is a outright LIE!"
Yeah try telling that to those white cops and librarians who were fired in Atlanta because they were white.Or those white lawyers in the New Orleans DA's who were fired because they were white.
Yeah Reverse discrimination doesn't exist.
steve--"The only thing that Affirmative Action did was open the door for them to get in college because before Affirmative Action they were not allowed through the front door of a college"
Everyone can walk though the front door now.So why do we still need Affimative Action??
"On a side note,there is a very interesting story developing here in Philly.(Nancy Grace alert!)A white woman and her daughter were allegedly kidnapped by some black men in a Caddy in the middle of the day.She called 911 from the trunk of the car, and.....
All I can say is stay tuned,because
this case just doesn't. pass my smell test.
If I am wrong you know I will say I it."
Why doesn't it pass your smell test?Black men murder white women and their kids everyday in this country.Most interracial murders are black on white.
"Everyone can walk though the front door now.So why do we still need Affimative Action??"
Because racists like you seem to feel that you only get true quality when you get white males.
Show me how Roberts or Alito were more qualified than Sotomayor?
And if you can't, will you admit you're full of shit?
"Most interracial murders are black on white."
Yeah goober, but most murders by far are intraracial and anybody who knows anything about Philadelphia know that ain't no two brothers are going to be cruising casually through Southhampton Township in a Cadillac SUV and not get stopped on sight by the cops.
This woman and her child were abducted by somebody she knew (and was white) and they then dialed 1-900-blame-a-nigger.
sick freak,
could you please point to the specific law that stated that potus was legally obligated to appoint a latina to the supreme court? i mean, isn't affirmative action a matter of law. i find that a lot of people scream "affirmative action" when there was actually no law in place (like private universities). and, if you look at statistics (like in freakanomics), you'll find that achievement in america is more class-based than race-based. so, it's queer (to be generous) that when someone sees a qualified minority, they automatically think affirmative action. i wonder what that's all about. actually, i don't.
"You comparing my right to marriage equality to that of animals says more about you and your heart than the issue at hand."
That doesn't phase me. I will say it again, Your Rights to marry someone of the same sex should not be equated to, nor placed on the same magnitude level as black civil rights. Each time that non-viable comparison comes up, I will sound the alarm and bang the drums.
You see, I don't visit this blog for the popularity contest. I don't jump wagons well. I'm always willing to put myself on the line if I have a hint of skepticism or disagreement. However, I still try to be open to other perspectives. But don't perceive to know what I have in my heart. I don't have an issue with, nor any stake in same sex marriages, but If you need to borrow ammunition for your cause, please find anther angle. That's all I ask. So no, I'm not evil, nor "ungrateful" as some of you like to compute these things.
If you like, go try the holocaust and see how far you get.
thank you so much my dear warrior brother!!!
hatred as law/tradition is still wrong!!!
Marriage is a human civil right. Homosexuals are humans. Legal marriages protect human assets. We homosexuals love our spouses precisely the same as heterosexuals do. We collect assets just as heterosexuals do. We incur the same debts. We build the same financial nests. We endure the same medical illnesses and health care costs. We have an even greater need to avoid being robbed by more toxic relatives after funerals and separations. Yet, only heterosexuals have legal marital protections under California law.
Civil rights are like pregnancies. They never exist partially. One is pregnant or not. One is married or not. Period. Marriage secures assets, insurance benefits, wills, income, tax breaks, pensions, property, custody, financial power, peace, and an overall quality of life.
see much more:
your vulgar hatred and ignorance enrage and repulse me
i was born black
and i was born gay!
bestiality has NOTHING to do with homosexuality...most pedophiles and bestiality fans are HETS!!!
homosexuals are born in every living species!!!
Comparisons are not synonymous with equations. No fool would ever dare to EQUATE homophobia with racism in America. But, glaring similarities abound!!! Everywhere, everyday, homosexuals are refused services in public places, stalked, beaten, arrested, murdered, raped, verbally harassed, fired, evicted, legally discriminated against, rejected, slandered, libeled, scapegoated, and generally tortured, simply because they are homosexual.
We will never rest until all those who hate us stop pretending that equal rights for hated people become “special rights”. We will never rest until pseudo-christians stop lying on God and the bible. We will never rest until gaybashing fools stop denying the scientific realities of the natural existence of homosexuals in every living species. We will never rest until we are extended the very same sexual, marital, parental, and financial freedoms that all fellow humans experience and enjoy. We will never rest until superior homosexual parents, kin, and citizens are given the respect they earn daily.
Sickley tries If she was a white woman she would have never been picked.So she was a Affirmative Action pick.As a non-black Hispanic, technically she is a "white woman". Just ask Linda Chavez, an anti- AA type who works for you clowns.
your "heart" sounds more like a crusty old gizzard to me!
i too could not care less about being liked herein...nor will allow YOU to lie about who i am!!!
i was born lesbian as millions of homos... just as i was born black!
why would anyone choose to be gay???? especially when we are already black and female in amerikkka????
my life in this homohating sexist racist world is a triology of terror!
and heartLESS fools like you make it even more terrible!!!
No one chooses to be homosexual or heterosexual. These are labels for natural sexual identities. Homosexuality is natural for homosexuals. Heterosexuality is unnatural for homosexuals. Sex is not sexuality. Sex is an act. Sexuality is an internal psyche. People who masturbate are not trying to clone themselves. Sex is an act of pleasure and procreation. Heterosexuals prove this every time they visit strip clubs, enjoy porn, or use birth control.
Sexuality is a natural biological orientation. If a homosexual is celibate forever, they will still be homosexual forever. A homosexual woman can die a virgin nun and she will be a dead lesbian. A homosexual man can marry a woman and father 10 children and he will still be gay. A heterosexual man can get paid to make gay porn movies for decades. A woman can be a lesbian and marry a man for his money. A man can be gay and marry a woman for her money…
NOONE CAN EVER CHOOSE THEIR SEXUALITY! We all can ONLY choose to engage in specific sex acts! We all choose homosexual or heterosexual sex acts for a myriad of reasons including: being who we were born to be (living naturally, openly, and honestly), as closeted camouflage (beards, DL men and DL women, etc…), for money (porn stars, gold diggers etc.…), for sexual survival/barter (prison rapists/maytags), or boredom (faux gay celebrities, amoral hedonistic sex freaks etc…).
shame on you li!!!!
"We homosexuals love our spouses precisely the same as heterosexuals do. We collect assets just as heterosexuals do. We incur the same debts. We build the same financial nests. We endure the same medical illnesses and health care costs. We have an even greater need to avoid being robbed by more toxic relatives after funerals and separations. Yet, only heterosexuals have legal marital protections under California law.I just want to note, I have always been able to relate to the same sex marriage on this angle. I wish people would stick to the real issue at hand. Most of this is really about economical security. Let's be honest, stick to this angle, and leave out all the measuring of black civil rights and it's monumental struggling.
Alicia, I know that may not be the point you were bringing across, but I always believe people should be honest when seeking support or understanding from others.
only black gaybashing bigots like you dare to negate gay lynchings due to black ones...i am dually lynched daily!!!
Actually, homosexuals are victims of increasingly violent and multifaceted hate crimes globally each day! In fact, in these times, the primary similarity in the way that homosexuals’ civil rights are violated is best illustrated by counting fresh gay corpses daily!
Modern day legislation protects blacks from most hate crimes. Today, homosexuals are lynched and abused even more openly than blacks. Far too often, allegedly heterosexual blacks are the most abusive lynchers of homosexuals of all races!!! The blackout of Prop 8in California is a classic case of a political lynching of homosexuals at the polls.
Homosexuals were never enslaved in America. Yet, we are STILL lynched daily in America. Homosexuals were never legally denied the right to vote. Yet, we are STILL legally denied the right to marry. Homosexuals were never legally considered to be subhuman, as blacks were. Yet, we are STILL denied our divinity, and blasphemously told that God hates us, by preacher pimps and their “holy” sheeple each day…
what is dihonest is to pretend that alimony/divorce attys/custody laws/prenups have ANYTHING to do with god/bibles/holy matrimony!!!
why does everyone want govt ONLY in my relo/bedroom???
why should my spouse NOT benefit from my medical insurance???
what do finances have to do with the BESTIALITY that you vulgarly injected into this convo?????
Sick alicia, La said nothing about bestiality. dont start your shit today.
"As a non-black Hispanic, technically she is a "white woman"."
Actually like most NY Puerto Ricans, Sotomayor is mixed raced.
You can look at her and see that the blood of Africa runs through her veins.
Chavez on the other hand was white; Anglo on her mother's side and Iberian-Spanish on her fathers.
She worked the Hispanic angle to advance her career as a rightwing Republican.
Tokenism at it's purest.
Alicia, are you directing all that towards me? I'm at work, but do you really want to do this?
you are illiterate
"shit" is what you have for brains
and perhaps an accuarte reference to the quality of your vision
read her post you blind moron:
"Just like animal rights, gay marriage should never have the same level of magnitude much less be in the same category as black civil rights. Thank you."
i am no animal
but haters are indeed dogs!
i am responding to the rabid hatred and vulgar racist attacks that you started
YES!...defying such foolish hatred is what i do anywhere anytime and always....even in my sleep!
bring it!
Wow. An Internet slap fight between LaIncognita (homophobic nuttard) and Alicia Banks (just plain crazy)...I think this is what we call a "no-win scenario")
and that is all you have to say as a gay man????
weak bois like you "slap"
i throw fatal blows/kicks/punches
you have degraded from a fly to a gnat!
Oh great, here we go with ab's 80,00 separate posts... Why can't you consolidate all your crap into 1 post like a normal human being.
That shit is annoying!!!
Hey Bonehead,
Your lover Barak doesn't support SS Marriage, he's just like Miss California except with nappy hair. And he voted "Present" on S&M marriage so as not to offend those bondage freaks out there...
I strongly support Ms. Sotomayor, with that type 1 Diabetes she's got a life expectancy of about 67...means she'll be gettin replaced sometime near the end of Palin's second term..
i am not the only one herein with multiple posts
so why then am i the only one that annoys you?
does that constitute a crisis for me?
how about concentrating on CONTENT rather than COUNTING?....
ab- you post 5 posts in a row, you do it all the time, so yes it does annoy me. I have the right to feel that way if I want to. Next time, don't disrespect my name, I didn't disrespect you, so don't take it there with me, I'm not the one.
Hey frank, I see they let you out of solitary... Got a conjugal visit with your "boyfriend" today?
Don't drop the soap bitch, I hope you rot in there you piece of shit!
I guarantee your punk white ass doesn't talk ANY of that racist shit you spew here on the internet.
You wouldn't last a day in prison punkass.
Incursion of troll fools notwithstanding, I think this thing b/w Alicia and L.I. needs some exploration. Whether you agree with Alicia's equating of this effort to Civil Rights movement or not, I think it's incumbent on any ciitzen to walk in another's shoes. This "fight" goes to the essence of a person's being, to who they are, what makes them HUMAN and AMERICAN and their worth--especially in the face of either historical or current de-valuing, or oppression. To Alicia, this IS their Civil Rights movement. For La Incog, the is something rightly sacrosanct about this movement by slaves and the descendants of slaves. Now if she means sacrosanct as against abominable fags and dykes--as some ignoramuses, mega preachers, etc. say--well that's plain crap. I think L.I. means something apart from anything America's seen then or since. Something which defined this nation.
As for the religion of marriage, that's up to the individual. Maybe we should be specific about weddings and the sacriments across cultures. But marriage itself, here and most other places is indeed a government construct. It's all about getting a govt. license. And as I've pointed out b4, even a clergyperson needs a license to perform one NO MATTER what God says. And thus the economic, legal ramifications of the relationship take precedence in a BIG way, so we can't discount them.
Does this help?
Field it seems every time a white woman says a brother puts her in a trunk (or kills her kids, etc.) it's all an artifice? Ask Susan Smith and half those heiffers on "Snapped" who sad negroes broke into their bedrooms and killed their husbands? Or there's Chuck Stewart up in Boston...and white boy, not some West Indians or Aruban coolies, date-rapes and kills Natalie Holloway. Why oh why, Field?
Of course, in Philly anything's possible.
Drachman, what's your life expectancy on lock-down? lol
is this what you call "respect"...for real?
"Oh great, here we go with ab's 80,00 separate posts... Why can't you consolidate all your crap into 1 post like a normal human being.
That shit is annoying!!!"
"Whether you agree with Alicia's equating of this effort to Civil Rights movement or not, I think it's incumbent on any ciitzen to walk in another's shoes. This "fight" goes to the essence of a person's being, to who they are, what makes them HUMAN and AMERICAN and their worth--especially in the face of either historical or current de-valuing, or oppression."
That's it in a nutshell.
It annoys me when I hear black folks railing about gays comparing their struggle to the Civil Rights Movement.
The issue should be is every human life of value and deserving of liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
And these same folks would flip if they heard Jews say there was no suffering in history like the Holocaust.
This "whose suffered the most/whose oppression was more severe" is counterproductive and utlitmately self demeaning to all engaged.
Chris and Shabaz...
Does this mean Sonia didn't pay her taxes?
alesbo bs- Since when is stating a natural human feeling (annoyance) disrespect? Fine if you really wanna play that game, bring it on
And BTW- your right to marry does not equate to my nigger status in this country. I see plenty of white gays and lesbians plastered across the tv screen, I don't see them living any different than white straight people. If you're Black, whether you are gay or straight, you are still a subhuman piece of shit in the eyes of white society.
i have not equated anything
i have clearly stated that the struggles are undeniably very similar
and BLACKS are the very worst gaybashers on earth precisely because they need someone LOWER to stand on!!!
"i may be black...but i am not a fag/LESBO etc"
thank you for proving my point you fake gaybashing fool,
the only thing lower than a "nigger" in the eyes of a racist is a "nigger fag/dyke"
white gays are even MORE racist than white hets for the very same reasons!
"i may be gay...but i am not a nigger"
and we nigger fags and dykes are abused and considered even LOWER
by black hets than by those white racists!!!
"Can't we all just get along??!!!!"
I only watch the NBA about every 5 or 6 years...can one y'all help a brutha out???
Who's Iverson play for now????
"Special" Custody Unit
USP Marion
It is an undeniable and historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the most cruel oppressors. The United States were founded by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters. In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America’s genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign at being "healed heterosexuals" gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual...
Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.
This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!! Also, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses who know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that is spewed by a diaspora of African gaybashers like legions of deadly cobras
What she said...
Don't make me go to wikipedia...
@Frank Drackman
Frank, Frank, Frank, delusional as always. Palin would be eaten alive in the primaries. The freepers may love her but GOP powers that be hate her. She would never get the nomination...unless TPTB want her the have the nomination.
If that happens they will only be offering Palin up as a sacrificial lamb. She will be their "disposal nominee" and it will put an end her aspirations once and for all. Palin will buy them enough time to retool their platform and find a candidate who can appeal to moderate and independent voters.
The GOP is looking towards 2016 as far as the White House is concerned not 2012.
@alicia banks-
"Homosexuals were never legally denied the right to vote."
-male (and in New Haven, female) homosexuals were denied the right to live early on; I'd say that trumps the right to vote.
I think the strongest civil rights argument is simply that the second largest cause of discrimination against blacks in the U.S.A. (according to F.B.I. statistics) is because they're gay, lesbian, bisexual, or perceived as such.
Just as civil rights issues for blacks aren't just about their ability to marry who they want, civil rights issues for gays and lesbians aren't just about their ability to marry who they want. People are dying.
Christopher, I am not against homosexuality, nor against gay marriage. People choose to confuse the two when you oppose the comparison to black civil rights.
I do have a problem with people who feel anti same sex marriages are equal to black people not being equal to human kind. It's insulting. In my eyes, one is grossly monumental over the other. I can't change how I feel about that. I have a problem with the gay community using the black civil rights struggle as leverage to fight for their marriage rights, and by doing it so loosely at times. If this makes me a black "bigot" so be it. As for animal rights, I was referring to PETA and their racist insensitive use of black civil rights and lynchings to compare statured cows etc.
At face value, a white gay person will always be white before they are seen as gay. They will always be given the apartment or the job before they are seen as gay. Black gays like Alicia are at a bigger disadvantage compared to white gay people. Yet black gay people like her would do the most throat slitting against other black people who opposes the black civil rights comparison. Even amongst themselves there is huge racial tension and even sexual discrimination. No one group is exempt form bigotry, it seems. I don't understand why some people can not differentiate what I am trying to present.
please quote me in context
i agree with you!
that is why i posted:
Homosexuals were never enslaved in America. Yet, we are STILL lynched daily in America. Homosexuals were never legally denied the right to vote. Yet, we are STILL legally denied the right to marry. Homosexuals were never legally considered to be subhuman, as blacks were. Yet, we are STILL denied our divinity, and blasphemously told that God hates us, by preacher pimps and their “holy” sheeple each day…
i slit ALL throats of ALL of those who seek to slit mine
race is irrelevant to me...i judge all of my enemies exclusively by their actions
i am FAR more wounded by black gaybashers than white ones as they are my KIN/intimate persons etc
i expect whites to be racist...i do not expect oppressed blacks to be vicious oppressors of gays!
No fool would completely equate gaybashing with racism in scope or history. Likewise, no fool would be so completely blind as to deny their similarities in passion and practice. Like Audre Lorde said, all of the “-ism’s” are indeed related. That includes racism, sexism, and heterosexism always:
Steve, I am one of those black people that see world wide African slavery and dehumanization as a larger scale tragedy compared to the holocaust. You can not deny that Jewish legacy was able to bounce back, even given a shorter time span. Black people and our legacy are still hated, destitute, and still has a huge disadvantage as compared. I could get into a long synopsis.
I have no problem with the choice, but you never know who a person is going to make decisions until he or she sits on the bench. There will be a fight from Republicans, but they are going to have a difficult time since, the confirmed her during the first Bush Administration.
our african holocaust is still ongoing via crack/drug laws/the prison industrial complex/illiteracy/turbo breeders etc...
but we black gays are enduring an internal holocaust within the racial one...we are burned by blacks for being gay!
i remain unimpressed until i see her in action...
to date, all i have seen suggests that she will be as centrist/safe/tame/gray... as obama
Nice blog and thanks for the ups on our Nuyoriucan sister. the REAL rallying cry (as I wrote on mt blog yesterday) will be "judicial activism."
of course the cons conveniently omit the fact that white dudes have been judicial activists for centuries and the the notoriously conservative Rehnquist court overturned more decisions than the fave whipping boy of neocons, the Warren court.
I hear you.
The Jews did not have their history stolen from them and as soon as they got to America they became white and as a result more privileged and upwardly mobile than blacks who been here for generations.
I hear you.
But what do you say to a Jew whose family was exterminated during the Holocaust?
Doesn't count because blacks have suffered longer and on a larger scale?
The bottom line for me is respect for every human life.
your peta reference is a deeply flawed and vulgar analogy that equates homosexuals with cows/cats etc...
there is no comparison
and gaybashers always allude to such banal references only to degrade homos as deviant/bestial etc
our african holocaust is still ongoing via crack/drug laws/the prison industrial complex/illiteracy/turbo breeders etc..."
It's interesting you referred to me as a hateful gay bashing whatever whatever... when I stated similar thoughts in reverse regarding the gay rights comparison to black civil rights. I don't have a problem, but it smacks of inconsistency on your part. It just goes to show. Maybe I'm reading it wrong.
Alicia, I have always refrained and left you alone on previous threads out of respect for Field, myself and others. I really try not to cat-fight online with black women in such an open platform (it happened once elsewhere and not again), it makes me feel like I'm adding to the denigration of black female-hood. And with you, it makes no more sense because your MO has always been about putting on a street show to attract people towards your blog with your pitiable link begging. You only want people to remember your name, regardless in what capacity. You really don't care about anything. You look for any excuse to scream at people. No, I do not see the equation with same sex marriage and black civil rights, nor gay rights with black civil rights to the large extent. Also, this does not make me against same sex marriage, nor does it make me against homosexuality. And if I did, it would still be my right to think or feel such a way, because this is also my right in America.
I could sit here and paraphrase all the inconsistencies and delusional misinterpretations in your space polluting tirades above - but people can read for themselves. The only vulgarity and hatred in my words are based on your own lewd interpretations. You have never placed provocative thought into my mind, ever. I honestly think something is warped and erratic about you, anyone could easily suspect you're just willful, or you have some kind of chemical imbalance. Nothing is wrong with that either. Many people have this disease, but only a few are brave enough to seek help. However, you don't deserve that justification. I more think of you as an online traffic pimp, a narcissistic bully, a loud street woman trying to gain self-importance from the cyber world. Perhaps you are tying to sell a book, I don't know, and I will never be interested enough to find out.
I hope this does not inflame you, I really tried to keep myself honest, and civil. I don't like engaging in warbeen behavior.
FN, the whitewomankinappeddaughter smells bad too me too. Hopefully the funk is coming from my neighbors trash and lets pray this story ends well.
""The bottom line for me is respect for every human life."
Uptownsteve, I agree on that.
Jonathan Turley--- Sotomayor Lacks Intellectual Depth
Typical of Affirmative Action hires.
Ayo Field, how come you haven't written about this story out of your beloved Philadelphia yet? I can't believe you missed this one bro. Just a couple folks you should put on your sidebar as House & Field Negroes...
That was an eloquent posting, Field. If you want to help on the next Prop. 8, I think one of the things you could do to advance the cause would be to periodically offer your ideas on how gays might improve their standing among blacks.
I don't see a complete split there. Obviously, there are plenty of black people who are gay, and plenty of gay people who are black. It bothers me that gays are perceived as affluent white males, because it's just not so. Not to any greater degree than any other social group, anyway.
Standing from the outside looking in, I see it as a function of the church's pervasive influence in the black community, and the conservatism of that church.
When some -- emphasis on some -- gays attacked the black community in frustration after Prop 8 passed, I was among those who vigorously counseled against doing so, and in particular against attacking the black church, which I perceive as a pillar within black communities of various sorts.
But when it comes to making any progress, any real forward movement, I'm at a loss. Obviously, gay people aren't going to convert all black people to supporters of gay rights. But if the opposition could be cut from the current 65%-70% to 55% or 60%, that would likely be enough to win the next CA referendum.
It would be incredibly useful for black, heterosexual allies to offer ideas, and in particular some positive ones. Things that the gay community can do, as opposed to simply a list of things it has done wrong in the past.
I am one who looks at Prop 8 and sees that glass half full. The margin of defeat in CA dropped from 24% in 2000 to 4% in 2008. That's huge progress in my book. Now the question is how to get over the top. I'd like more black people in what will inevitably be the winning coalition.
How to get there?
One thing to say about black homophobia is that, in my opinion, it's a lot like crime among black people: The chief victims are those who are black.
grinder said...I am one who looks at Prop 8 and sees that glass half full. The margin of defeat in CA dropped from 24% in 2000 to 4% in 2008. That's huge progress in my book. Now the question is how to get over the top. I'd like more black people in what will inevitably be the winning coalition..
It's even lower than that. Prop 8 was only voted on by 30 percent of the registered voters in CA last November. It wasn't even voted on by a majority.
Unfortunately, It's the same BS here every year...a very small, yet vocal power base, whips the sheeple up into a self righteous froth, and they pass crap like this time and time again. Our constitution in Cali is broken, but trying to pretend that the vote didn't take place in accordance with constitutional procedures is a dead end, and always will be.
I have always stressed voter turnout, and this is the main reason reason why; the idiots in our state always do turn up at the polls, without fail.
Despite what the faux-noise machine keeps screaming, this state is largely conservative, very far right-Christian, and mud-dumb as several sacks full of hammers. Woe be to anyone who ever forgets that. I've lived here all my life, and the suburbs teem with ignorant fucks who never miss a chance to vote on stuff like killing gay marriage, lower taxes, no taxes, no money for schools, no money for roads, etc.
The pockets of sanity here, are so much smaller than you can even start to believe, and the only places they really exist are in the imagination.
So...any lurking fellow Calis that happen to read this...VOTE NEXT TIME YOU LAZY BASTARDS!
ab- you seem to get pissed at anyone who decides to have an opinion different than yours.
Just like you would like others to respect you and your views, you should practice doing the same.
Never once did I bash gays, but you keep throwing those words around towards myself, laIncognita, and anybody else you feel dosen't agree with you. You don't know me or anything about me.
I do not know you or care enough to want to know you because honestly, you're not that important for me to waste my time.
I was raised with respect (unlike you), and I know enough to respect others, but it works both ways. You
cannot use others to stand on as a platform for your cause, who will listen???
BTW- I know who my father is, he and my moms were married, and he even raised me too! I'm sorry your mother threw you in the trash bin after she had you, life on the streets can be so rough!
Hey sick freak, why don't you prove to us all how sick you really are and shoot yourself in the head!
La Incognita- thanks for setting the resident troll straight, I really wish she would go to stormfront with that shit, since she hates heterosexual blacks so much.
IMHP, equating gay marriage tothe Civil Rights Movement and/ or Holocust is offensive. I can not hide my color nor can I "hide in a closet" to the outside world. I know that when any person of color (in most cases) enters a store (if allowed in) or walks on the street, it is known to others instantly that one is a person of color. I do not recall a gay person being told to ride the back of the bus or being branded by the government.
Can one be gay if one is chaste or celibate? And, if so how and what or who detemines this? What exactly makes one gay? And, please do not say, what a gay person buys or does or does not do?
Seriously, I would like to know. I would like an educated response. No trolls, please.
grinder sez
"it's a lot like crime among black people: The chief victims are those who are black."
Is it different for white folks?
You are one ignorant 'neck.
@Sickfreak (and anyone else):
Sotomayor's resume doesn't just look good when compared to the likes of Harriet Miers (or Clarence "slappy" Thomas). Sotomayor has more than 10 years on the appeals court, By contrast, the current chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, had two years as a judge on the D.C. Circuit before being nominated. As A WHITE MAN, however, his credentials and intelligence are beyond reproach. ::cough::
A case against Sotomayor based on her "credentials" or "intelligence" is false on its face. It's the Southern Strategy all over again. By stoking white resentment over the rise of allegedly unqualified minorities getting prominent positions, the GOP is hoping to derail her nomination. It probably won't work, but it's another sign of how little the GOP learned from the last two electoral reamings they have had to withstand.
liTTLE and shaBOY et al:
what i love most about hypocrites, is that they can always be counted on to expose their own transparent
i have been on the air since 1976 and online since 1992...so do you 2really think i care about you being fans????...not!!!!!!!
you claim to hate street brawls, yet you INITIALLY took your VERY own post to the gutter by comparing gays to cats and cows
bashing my blog/slandering my intellectual posts herein, as you simultaneously IGNORE each valid issue i post...
NONE of this does anything to affect me or validate your delusions!
each link i post is evidence...
my mom is a fellow revered educator who retires in 7 days and
mom has been my very best friend forever...and a surrogate mom to my lover/Queen
your slurs mean nothing to me
your refusal to read links or visit my blog only mean that you shall remain the brazen, remorseless, and hateful morons that you both have proven herein to be...
your racist and sexist denials will never protect or educate you ...nor deter a single fellow gay warrior
this is no street
this is a plantation
and i will slay both of you combined with ease as always deep down inside any cotton patch on any day
when jews raged in concentration camps, they were called crazy too, as if that rage had not been provoked...you rabid gaybashers do the same to all gays who DARE TO BASH YOU BACK AS I WILL DIE DOING!!!!
i have no chemical imbalance
but i do have a black belt in verbal karate and political judo,
and both of you weak tiny little bigots have been chopped down herein
and all you can do is bash me with
vulgar juvenile delusional bs?
a troll is a short defective nagging monster...you two mental midgets have only proven that you are a troll duo herein
you are both still vainly engaged in a stupid contest of oppressions re: black v. gay....even as you both have become EXHIBITS A & B for said folly...
beneath all of your mindless name calling that you comically expect me to allow to be one way...you are saying ONLY this:
"because racism is bad i will equate gays with animals and deny their mirrored abuses"
"because most gays are richer and smarter than me, i will pretend gays do not suffer"
spare me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to have a "cat fight", one must at least reach the level of a cat
i am lioness and you are a loon:
"And with you, it makes no more sense because your MO has always been about putting on a street show to attract people towards your blog with your pitiable link begging. You only want people to remember your name, regardless in what capacity. You really don't care about anything. You look for any excuse to scream at people"
how long did it take you to dream up these curious and envious fantasies?
do you really think a bunch of hateful insane lies = debate???
lionesses like me never fight with geeked up retarded rabbits like you
hop along now,
with all the festering societal ills in america...anyone who claims they need:
"an excuse to scream at people"...
now THAT is someone with a "chemical imbalance"...for sure!
Question: Since there is racism and so-called "reverse racism," is it fair to say that their is Affirmative Action and "reverse Affirmative Action," you know, the insidious type that benefit our fellow white Americans to the detriment of our fellow non-white Americans?
You mean like how conservatives are now claiming that there is a "black" and "hispanic" seat on the Supreme court but not 7 white seats?
Pretty much. But hey, "white is right", right? Riiiiiiight.
Hey Field that do sound fishy.A white woman and a white girl are missing and two black guys did it.That girl's mother know something.We all heard stories of car jackers that when they find a infant in the car they return the kid.People must be tearing up that black neighborhood in Philly.No brother in their right mind want to make it on the FBI most wanted list.
Alicia Banks, Frank Drachman, Sick Freak.............geez Field, when are you gonna start reining in the resident trolls? They're already starting to take up 25% of the commentary. Don't make the mistake of taking action when it becomes 75% trolling, with the rest filled in by Viagra ads.
"Alicia Banks, Frank Drachman, Sick Freak............"
I know, I wish he would ban their asses, they're sickening and take away from the discussion between normal human beings with something sensible to say.
ab- you're a hetero sexual bashing bitch, go to hell you troll!
Nobody likes you here, so why do you insist on sticking around???
Hey Field,
I was reading your post and see in the comments that you fully comprehend the nutty prop system in CA. Unfortunately the CA supremes had no choice but to uphold the law based on the way the laws are written. So now there will be a drive to approve a prop striping the prop from the constitution. There are days I don't miss leaving CA and Berkeley far behind.
I am a little annoyed at the choice for the SCOTUS. Mostly because my Mom is a judge in SF and I was rooting for her ;).
Are we allowed to call animal control on the drug addict and the ice queen. I believe I saw them foaming at the mouth.
shabumbling idiot:
call me MS. BITCH you rude lewd ignorant bastard!
how dare you disgrace sane hets by using their name!?!
and when did FN appoint you the resident cyber cop???
i am unimpressed by your tiny vocab
again, it is easier to ban and slur than debate...
you are truly pathetic!
shablatant liar!
name one het that i have bashed?
"what makes a person gay" is the same thing that makes you het...YOUR INTERNAL SEXUAL NATURE!
it is not rocket science
if you were celibate/chaste you would still be het...ditto for me!
deal with that reality,
"name one het that i have bashed?"
Me bitch, now go to hell!
you do not count!
only sane hets do
especially when i am BASHING YOU BACK!!!
thanks for proving that you are a blatant lair once again!!!!
you fool!
barbara jordan the distinguish gentlewoman born and breed in the great state of texas, where she remains a legend, with the likes of stephen f. austin, davey crockett and sam houston .. in 1996 after barbara’s death, a national magazine published excerpts of her will. barbara left the majority of her estate to nancy earl .. her partner.
there’re gays and lesbians who’ve been in relationships for years and they have found solutions to this legal issue .. many employers have in place same sex policies which allow medical benefits, access to monies/pension .. there’s medical power of attorney, power of attorney, adopting of the children and there the will .. in fact these are examples of processes used by society for transferring of wealth/benefits.
i asked a couple of my gay friends .. what’s missing legally and i was told there were over 1,000 state and federal laws that do not give gays and lesbians civil/human rights .. I asked these guys to give me a couple of examples .. besides the marriage issue which affects civil/human rights .. that legally could not be resolved with the laws currently in place .. they’re going to get back with me.
gandhi and mlk used the non-violent civil/human rights model as tool to help the oppressed, a gay oppressed journey does not equal a black oppressed journey or a black gay oppressed journey nor does it compare in any form to the daily struggles of our ancestors, our children or our journey.
marry whomever you like .. i agree with la♥incognita@ 10:33pm, 9:21am and 12:02pm the black civil rights model is not the tool to use .. it doesn’t fit.
Zeesmom said and asked:
"IMHP, equating gay marriage tothe Civil Rights Movement and/ or Holocust is offensive. I can not hide my color nor can I "hide in a closet" to the outside world. I know that when any person of color (in most cases) enters a store (if allowed in) or walks on the street, it is known to others instantly that one is a person of color. I do not recall a gay person being told to ride the back of the bus or being branded by the government.
Can one be gay if one is chaste or celibate? And, if so how and what or who detemines this? What exactly makes one gay? And, please do not say, what a gay person buys or does or does not do?
Seriously, I would like to know. I would like an educated response. No trolls, please."
First, let me say that I do not "equate" gay rights and black civil rights or the holicost to gay rights and I think many of my fellow LGBT community do not either. However, there are similarities. There is no question that LGBT folk are discriminated against, beaten, killed, for being gay. This is true throughout history and cross-culturally. Right now in the US, gays are legally discriminated against in over 33 states... which means they have no protection if they are fired or lose housing solely because they are gay. We cannot marry and in many states, we cannot adopt, even the biological children of our partners. In jails, gays are regularly beaten and raped and don't get me started on what happens to transgendered people in jail.
Many people have experienced being assaulted are threatened because they "appeared" gay... so YES, people are threatened by walking down the street..
As to your question about sexual identity if one is not active sexually. Let me ask you this. Do you or anyone who is straight cease being hetro-sexual because you happen to not be in a relationship, or a spouse passes? Whether you are having sex or not, you know who you are attracted to... it is the same for gay folks. Contrary to homophobic opinion, we are not all sex addicts with multiple partners, constantly on the prowl for each other. We are just like the diversity of the straight community... some in committed, life long relationships, some date, some dont, some are dogs, most aren't........ but none of that impacts who we are biologically, basically attracted to... who we are drawn to love. Hope that answers your question. I appreciate that you asked and did so respectfully.
Mr. Field you amaze me everyday. keep up the excellent analogy
For some reason this memorable quote from The Color Purple comes to mind:
All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncles. I had to fight my brothers. A girl child ain't safe in a family of men, but I ain't never thought I'd have to fight in my own house!
Ms. Banks,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and if I may, OUR anger. It pains me that the notion of civil rights is so difficult for some to understand.
What is telling and disappointing is how few people took that person to task for comparing the fight for marriage equality of taxpaying American citizens (a fight that includes the children and grandchildren of the Civil Rights movement)to that of PETAs efforts for better treatment and care of animals.
The late Bayard Rustin would be saddened by what has been written by some here today.
What is it about trolls that keeps otherwise normal people coming back?
There used to be this fine jazz forum. Very low key, nice, small participation. A lot of musician participation. Then the trolls hit town. Now a normal person would ignore the trolls and just report them to the adminstrator. But at this site you had two problems. First, you had an adminstrator who just didn't have time to monitor all the comments.
Second, and more importantly, you had posters who couldn't resist talking back to the trolls and having the last word. It's like you are walking down the street and a crazy street person comes up to you and starts screaming and waving your arms. Do you try to engage them or step aside and keep going? I do the latter.
The forums at this jazz site ceased as a result.
Why do people keep engaging others who are clearly one can short of a six pack?
It's FN's site to tolerate who he wishes but I don't understand why posters keep talking to the crazy street people who scream and wave their arms.
I meant to say "wave their arms." Someone walking up to you waving your arms requires a whole different response.
Mack Lyons said...
Alicia Banks, Frank Drachman, Sick Freak.............geez Field, when are you gonna start reining in the resident trolls?
Why do folks who disagree with the majority always called trolls, bitches, ho's, and have every other insult known to man? The title of the blog is Field Negro, NOT Field Negroes who all think alike. Geez, some of you so called adults can be so intolerant and lame.
Personally, I think a few of you need to think twice about who you "go off" on. If you don't want AB to tear you a new butthole, leave her be with the foolishness.
Now with a tad bit of Hispanic blood running through my veins, I say with great pride that I'm VERY proud of Obama's selection of Sotomayor!
fly and gp:
why is it that the most vulgar and violent people are always the ones demanding that those whom they dare to attack remain angelic in self defense?
shabass and litter began the day by name calling...but no self appointed cyber cops herein hit the beat to arrest them...just me!
keep that!!!
this is no different from racist klansmen who dared to berate blacks who took ONE member of each lynch mob with them before they perished!!!
or cops who hosed and set attack dogs on blacks while wanting to know why they got popped in their cowardly red faces as they did so!!!
my favorite line in any film is pam grier in COFFY:
"i will piss on your grave tomorrow!"
It seem Limbaugh, Coulter and Ginrich have found another dead horse to beat.
To view differences of opinions is wonderful. To view cyber bickering, badgering, berating, belittleing and nonsense is annoying as a bastard. One can leave this blog for days,return and find almost every post full of the same disgruntled commentators.
If no one is afraid to have a lone opinion, to create disharmony then make a fucking comment and stop feeding the trolls and/or looking for solidarity from a fucking blog.
These people are not your friends; not your enemies either, just people that like to blog, or comment on blogs and then return to their real lives.
Fucking unbelievable....
"If she was white and had said the things she said about hispanics or blacks,FN,Granny,Black Diaspora,and Christopher would be crying RACIST RACIST RACIST!!!!"
What are you talking about? Does your mind always play tricks on you? I've been called a many things in life but racist is definitely not one of them. I don't see people the way you do. My perception of people does not stoop to that level. Their race or sexual preferences has nothing to do with how I perceive them, it's their personas and what's in their heart. One thing I've learned in life is that people are people and they all have one thing in common that they were born with and that is human nature. Life's experiences has sharpen my skill in human nature and my discernment is keen.
"If she was a white woman she would have never been picked.So she was a Affirmative Action pick."
That is some lame BS and you know it. Why is that you feel that if anyone is picked they have to be white or their not up to par? What makes you think that no other races are not qualified and if their not white then their an Affirmative Action pick? That is so ridiculous and silly. And so what if they are Affirmative Action that does not take anything away from their intellect or make them inferior. People of all races and sexual preferences have contributed something and have something to contribute from the most powerful to the poorest human being on earth.
There blacks, Asians, Iranians, Arabs, Hispanics, Hawaiians, Indians, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, church folks, and straight folks that post on this board who are highly intelligent. There are some in my opinion who are scholars that post on this blog, and I have discerned this in them. I've encountered even homeless people that are just as highly intelligent. There is no such thing as a certain race of people that have a copyright on intelligence.
"Not really.We need more people cutting grass and scrubbing toilets."
Child, the only toilet or grass I plan to cut is my own and when I get to the place that I can no longer do it, I'll hire someone to do it for me. In fact, I'll hire you to do it because I truly believe in equal opportunity. That job would fit you to a tee because of all the garbage you spew out on this blog, you'd be in your rightful element.
"Yeah try telling that to those white cops and librarians who were fired in Atlanta because they were white.Or those white lawyers in the New Orleans DA's who were fired because they were white."
Yeah Reverse discrimination doesn't exist."
I've lived a long time and one thing I learned is that history does repeat itself. For instance, every time the economy is bad that is when white people like you who have never been deprived of anything beneficial to a human beings well-being and survival raise up and sing that same old song that your all of sudden your being deprived and discriminated against because of your insecurities. Funny how the only time your insecurities kick in is when the economy is going bad and somehow you feel in your sick mind that those at the bottom of the totem pole are the ones that are depriving you of what you feel is your just due. However, when the economy is doing good, your motto is forget the people on the low end of the totem pole, you got yours and too bad if they don't have theirs.
"Everyone can walk though the front door now.So why do we still need Affimative Action??"
We need it for jerks like you who are selfish and feel that the only ones that should be successful in America are whites only, all others don't count. This is America. If you don't believe in what the Bill of Rights, the Constitution states that all men are created equal than that will make me and many others believe that we have been sold a bunch of lies.
"Why doesn't it pass your smell test?Black men murder white women and their kids everyday in this country.Most interracial murders are black on white."
You know, you constantly spit out fallacies, without a shred of evidence to back them up. Show me proof that Black men murder white women and their kids EVERYDAY in this COUNTRY and I do mean some that have happened EVERYDAY with not one day missing. Prove it and that proof had better be reliable, credible, and solid too.
"La♥Incognita said...
could you please not use racial inequality as leverage to help fight for same sex marriage,
just like animal rights, gay marriage should never have the same level of magnitude much less be in the same category as black civil rights."
Of course not. To paraphrase Andrew Young, former civil rights leader/former Wal Mart spokesman "First it was the Jews, then it was the Asians, now it is the Arabs, and the gays. They all have to put up with the Ebonic speaking KKK with a big smile on their face or have a cross burned on their lawn." Damn, girl, get your head out of your behind. James Watson, a Nobel Prize winning Phyisist was lynched and hung recently for suggesting that there is a IQ difference between the races. You are the reason he thinks that. (Yeah I know, you are Arab, not African). When people think Arab they think crime and stupidity. No one thinks that when they think "gay". Please stop crying racism, you are the reason I am accepting of it.
Seems the kidnapping was a hoax. I'm shocked, just shocked.
Bwaa ha ha ha ha!!!
The white, um, woman who called in the kidnapping is in police custody and the daughter is in protective custody. Don't you just love these family values?
Zeesmom said
"IMHP, equating gay marriage tothe Civil Rights Movement and/ or Holocust is offensive."
I am Jewish and I feel the comparison is 100% correct. The ONLY reason why "holocaust" isn't spot on is that gays can not be wiped off the face of the planet, as 10% of the population is gay, regardless of where they are born/raised. Eraticating society of gays is the open objective of many countries, and if it were possible many would have done so already.
West Coast Story:
Ever hear of Tawana Brawley or Crystal Mangum? Funny how white women are held responsible for stuff like this, but black women (and their supporters such as NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,) aren't. Funny how this unequality is never protested.
I'm sorry but I just can't stop laughing. IT'S FUNNY AS HELL!!
"Oh, lawsy. We wuz kidnapped by big strapping black men with rippling muscles (drool). I jes know they want to rape us. Oh, what will I do? My little girl is a virgin. You know how they looove virgins. Oh, lawsy, all is lost."
Said sorta Scarlett O'Hara-ish but from the trailer park side of the tracks, or whatever the Philadelphia equivalent is.
Oh let's see there's this broad in Philly, there's the Susan Smith case, and there's the white guy who murdered his pregnant wife in Boston and tried to blame it on black guys. And let's not forget all the black men who were lynched for simply looking at white woman not to mention the ones who were falsely accused of rape.
Oh stop the WCS Troll before she strikes again!
Tawana Brawley was a stupid teenager trying to dig herself out of a curfew violation and ended up exploited by adult morons.
These fools I just listed, including the dumb broad today, were all adults.
Say goodnight, Gracie.
Take your meds.
West Coast Story:
"Oh, lawsy. We wuz kidnapped by big strapping black men with rippling muscles (drool). I jes know they want to rape us. Oh, what will I do? My little girl is a virgin. You know how they looove virgins. Oh, lawsy, all is lost."
Girl, you got my side hurting from laughing so hard. Granny can't stop laughing.
Jane Doe:
There is nothing wrong with West Coast Story mind, and her head is clear. She is a very intelligent woman. and she spoke the truth and what she said has happened throughout history of America. You know and I know it and the whole world knows it.
Thank you JODY for your thoughtful response and Anonymous 8:52 point well taken i.e if the KKK could kill all Black Americans they would.
P.S. Does homedepot sell trollicide? Damn!! Or, is their an AB worm on this blog?
Anony 8:46 pm, with risk of sounding like my head is up my behind, what is your point?
Jews, Asians, Arabs???
Look here deh man. Who's lawn is being what? Who's lynching who? And who's an Arab? You? What the fuck are you talking about? And what the hell does all that really have to do with me? If you are going to jump in the mix, you should at least get your shit together.
Dumbass trolls. Always pissing me off. Dred.
Anon 8:55pm said, "West Coast Story:
Ever hear of Tawana Brawley or Crystal Mangum? Funny how white women are held responsible for stuff like this, but black women (and their supporters such as NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,) aren't. Funny how this unequality is never protested."
Protest. Protest. Protest. Protest. Feel better now? By the way, I know who you are.
Anonymous 8:52:
Watson thinks that only whites have a 100 IQ. Hahahaha! Okay, can you explain to me why I, a black woman's, IQ is higher than 100? I have been tested for IQ and mine is higher than 100 and there are black folks with IQs way higher than mine, and I consider myself average. He is full of it and you are too.
Oh, yea, and the reason your excepting of racism is because you are racist. That excuse your using won't fly so you better go back to the drawing board and work on your flimsy BS excuse.
Dang, will someone please pass the BS spray, the flies are starting to swarm around this blog.
I read that article and I've been watching the news off and on this evening. Do you remember back a few blogs ago me telling y'all to pay close attention the GOP and how they accuse people of what they are guilty of. I said that this has been and is a pattern with them. This is a good example of it.
Rush, he should be the one to talk about racism considering all the racial slurs and derogatory stuff he has said on air, and I'm sure MSM has tapes of everything he's said. I would play those back over and over and if I was writing for a newspaper or magazine, his pass words would be the main topic and the title would be "Racist Hyprocrit".
Accusing others of what they are guilty of is the GOP's only game plan and has been since the wingnuts infiltrated that party.
i asked a couple of my gay friends .. what’s missing legally and i was told there were over 1,000 state and federal laws that do not give gays and lesbians civil/human rights .. I asked these guys to give me a couple of examples .. besides the marriage issue which affects civil/human rights .. that legally could not be resolved with the laws currently in place .. they’re going to get back with me.My partner of 20 years died in Seattle in 2004. Prior to his death, we had executed agreements pertaining to power of attorney, wills, and funeral arrangements including custody of ashes.
The funeral home still insisted on permission from "next of kin" before giving me his ashes.
It is MUCH easier for third parties, be they family or otherwise, to dispute or simply ignore ordinary contracts. Marriage puts a series of legal presumptions in place. They are not ironclad -- remember the disgusting Schiavo case in Florida? -- but it's far more likely that basic legal definitions will be respected.
There is also the issue of various survivor benefits. Pensions, insurance policies, and government benefits (Social Security being a biggie) grant survivor benefits to married couples. It's unjust that gay people be required to fund benefits for people yet be denied the ability to ever collect those benefits themselves.
That's a short list. The full list would exhaust the server space here.
i asked a couple of my gay friends .. what’s missing legally and i was told there were over 1,000 state and federal laws that do not give gays and lesbians civil/human rights .. I asked these guys to give me a couple of examples .. besides the marriage issue which affects civil/human rights .. that legally could not be resolved with the laws currently in place .. they’re going to get back with me.<>
My partner of 20 years died in Seattle in 2004. Prior to his death, we had executed agreements pertaining to power of attorney, wills, and funeral arrangements including custody of ashes.
The funeral home still insisted on permission from "next of kin" before giving me his ashes.
It is MUCH easier for third parties, be they family or otherwise, to dispute or simply ignore ordinary contracts. Marriage puts a series of legal presumptions in place. They are not ironclad -- remember the disgusting Schiavo case in Florida? -- but it's far more likely that basic legal definitions will be respected.
There is also the issue of various survivor benefits. Pensions, insurance policies, and government benefits (Social Security being a biggie) grant survivor benefits to married couples. It's unjust that gay people be required to fund benefits for people yet be denied the ability to ever collect those benefits themselves.
That's a short list. The full list would exhaust the server space here.
Oops, sorry I made an error that post was directed at Anonymous 8:46 and not 8:52. Please forgive me Anonymous 8:52 but it's hard keeping up with which Anonymous is which.
I'm sorry to hear about your partner that passed and all you went through. I know that makes grieving harder to bear when you've lost a loved one and have to deal with unnecessary stress.
@cinco 8:21 - I used to comment here with my Blogger identity but after being bashed by more than one troll for AGREEING WITH FIELD and then having my appearance insulted I decided perhaps it was best to just keep my head down.
"There is also the issue of various survivor benefits. Pensions, insurance policies, and government benefits (Social Security being a biggie) grant survivor benefits to married couples. It's unjust that gay people be required to fund benefits for people yet be denied the ability to ever collect those benefits themselves."
That's a good argument and it makes good logical sense.
"I used to comment here with my Blogger identity but after being bashed by more than one troll for AGREEING WITH FIELD and then having my appearance insulted I decided perhaps it was best to just keep my head down."
AF, don't ever let anyone cause you to put your head down. Hold your head up high and stand your ground in whatever you believe in. (smile)
Anonymous Whatever,
I still believe something happened to Crystal Magnum, for like you I think white college athletes should be held accountable as black college athletes.
I'm told: "Baseball is this nation's favorite pastime."
Yet, I could make a good argument for bestowing that honor on politics.
If not first, politics come in a rear-view mirror close second.
We, as a nation, seem rather obsessed with it, as we watch the moronic Right attack their opponents in ways that wouldn't be allowed in any sport: football to baseball.
Perhaps we need umpires, and referees to officiate the National Political Discourse.
Too often it gets out of hand: opponents are fouled, maligned, and purposely injured.
Obama's Supreme Court pick is a case in point. She had the following to say, and it's taken out of context, so as to misrepresent for political purposes:
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life," Sotomayor said.
For that out-of-context remark, she's been called a "bigot," and a "racist" by some of the loud-mouths on the Right.
And we all remember what the Right did with these remarks by Michelle Obama:
"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." Later that evening she reworded her stump speech in Madison, Wisconsin, saying 'For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.'"
For these remarks Michelle Obama was called "an angry black woman," and that was some of the tamer remarks.
Most were vitriolic, hateful, and downright racist, if I can use that now severely misused word.
I guess it's the Right's version of sustained boos at a sporting event, or hard fouls in basketball.
Have too many fouls in basketball and you're ejected from the game, but in politics, it's not only customary, but you can earn a pretty damn good living fouling your opponents.
Let me change my metaphor: What I see in our country is a wild-west approach to politics, where the fastest gun, (the loudest mouth) is not only rewarded, but the Sheriffs (the electorate) only wear their shiny, silver badges for show, rather than bringing their voting power to bear, by changing channels, changing stations, and voting out those rascals that continue to foul, and use foul play.
Hell, who am I kidding, to change the metaphor again: We love our teams (our political parties), and will support them right or wrong.
Hell it has nothing to do with principles, but, oftentimes, with our emotional attachment to one party or another.
We need to teach our kids not only the three R's, but how to reason, how to think for themselves, how to throw off the soiled garments (lies, deceits, and failings) of previous generations and question all that went before, not to destroy it necessarily, but to keep what's working and discard what's not.
We should approach our politics in the same way, and certainly our congresspersons who cling to programs merely because they benefits those in their state or their district, but are a liability to the rest of us.
Climbing off my soap box now, and letting somebody else step up....
ab- calling me names does nothing to me or my character, but it speaks volumes about yourself. Like I said before GO TO HELL AND GET A LIFE TROLL!!!!
I don't give a damn who cosigns with you, I personally believe you should all share a room with you in bellevue; you are just a sad, bitter, miserable excuse for human life, and you feel the need to drag everyone else around you down with your tired-ass oh me oh my bullshit. I didn't chose to be black, but you chose to munch rugs; and hey, if that's your M.O., then so be it. So in closing, I say FUCK YOU AND THE HOLE YOU CRAWLED OUT OF TROLL!!!
Hathor said...
Anonymous Whatever,
I still believe something happened to Crystal Magnum...........
I definitely cosign with this comment!
Thanks, Granny. Welcome back.
i’m so sorry to read about your partner .. i hope you’ve many great memories to carry you through a very challenging part of your journey. i’m also disturbed by your experience with the funeral home that’s so unfortunate (i see it not just texas).
in my logic, the social security variable was included with the marriage factor. we’ll agree the third party people variable; regardless of your sexual preference can be difficult. my experience with the pension/insurance .. employees may designate .. anyone they choose.
again, i’m so sorry about the lost of your partner.
peace and blessings
off topic:
Henna, I missed you. I know how you like to read. Anyway, this is a link to an online book library where you can download electronic books in whatever format you choose, keep them, and make copies of them. These are books that longer have a copyright on them, and they have different categories for you to choose from fiction, nonfiction, etc. It's free.
@GrannyStandingForTruth - Thank you for your kind words - you got me misting up! Lol I must be tired. . .
But thank you.
Thank you Granny! I just churned through all of these excellent and thoughtful comments, mediocre remarks and squirrel poo, to get to the link you posted. It was worth it.
anon 8:52:
thank you!
and gays and blacks and bi-racial blacks were ALL also captives and corpses inside nazi death camps!
There's an article in the National Review by Mark Krikorian on Judge Satomayor.
He contends that her name is so un-American and so unpronounceable while bemoaning the fact that Spanish has gender nouns.
He really must have dodged foreign language studies in high school. There are scores of languages--Italian, German, French, Hebrew, Arabic and Hindi among them--that have just that.
joking about homosexual rape, in a thread on Prop 8?
What were you thinking???
(and I think we all hate frank)
LOL. The name "Krikorian" sounds like the model American name, don't you think?
i have a blessed and wonderful life, family, lover, multiple careers and missions, home, education, etc....thanks for your your sincere concern!
thank you for INCESSANTLY showing us all what a pathetic excuse you are for a real man, how vulgar and limited your vocabulary is, how arrogantly moronic you are about the documented science of homosexualty...
and (most of all!!!) how BORED and MISERABLE your wife/lover is in bed you GLARINGLY lousy lay!!!!...
Gaybashers are lewdly and exclusively obsessed with gay sex. They absolutely ignore all gay love. God is love. All true love is sacred. God blesses all true love.
LOL. I know it's Armenian, but doesn't it sound like a race of aliens (e.g, Romulans, Klingons)on Star Trek?
joking about homosexual rape, in a thread on Prop 8?
What were you thinking???
(and I think we all hate frank)"
Rising tide-
My intentions were not meant to hurt or offend you or anyone else on this blog, and I apologize to anyone who may be offended, but I can't stand that alicia banks bitch!
ab- How would you know about my conquests in the bedroom, been with me before??? You stupid moron trick- why don't you get a life, you have a serious defect, and I can't help you. You need to see a doctor about that, you dillusional twisted bitch, get a life!
And PS- I do not dislike you because you are lesbian dummy.I know that will be your next response (people like you are so predictable) I dislike you 'cause you are disrespectful, rude, and you try to belittle others to cover for your own insecurities about yourself and your own personal failures.
Get some help, you need it.
what is a "dillusional"?
some type of pickle?
your dare to slur what you erroneously assume to define lesbian sex...as you do so you accidently and stupidly brag about your OWN LESSER sexual skills!!!!
you are a sexually inept moron,
Yeah, whatever bitch!
Grammatical errors can be fixed, you cannot.
"delusion" to "dillusion" is far more than a mere grammatical error
we all love the sound of our own names...so i do get your obsession with posting the word "bitch" herein...
the only "tricks" herein are your ignorance and illiteracy
Yeah whatever bitch, don't like being disrespected,huh?
Oh, and I really love all the clever spins you put on the name Shabazz!
I guess when you can sit on your fat-ass following blog posts all day, it gives you plenty of time to thunk something up ughhhhhhhhhhh.
Oh, (because you're so predictable): I sit on my ass all day because I have my own business that's been paying my bills since I was laid off from my job of nearly a decade last December.
Oh, and I don't sell drugs, rob banks (white people sit down) or any of the other out-of- the box stereotypical drivel you can come up with, and BTW- I used spell check this time!
no need to brag about your sedentary life...YOU were the one who assumed my life was unhappy
"fix" your spell check
i "thunk" it missed an error
@sick freak-
"80% of all her rulings have been overturned by the Supreme Court"
Please let me know your source for this information. I'd like to know what news source I should be avoiding from now on.
Sotomayor had all of 5 appellate opinions (out of over 150) reviewed by the Supreme Court. Of those opinions, 3 were overturned. That's 60%. Also, given that there are only 5 opinions, the standard deviation is so high that 60% (or 80%) is meaningless, but even if it weren't, it's actually low- the Supreme Court takes cases from appellate courts that two Justices think are worth their time - that usually (75% of the time) means that they overturn the examined position.
If you want a useful statistical argument against Sotomayor, I'd look here. The author of that piece thinks that Wood would have made a better pick according to their criteria.
No, I "thunk" I did it on purpose!
You get your stamps yet?
shababbling fool:
you posted:
"I dislike you 'cause you are disrespectful, rude, and you try to belittle others to cover for your own insecurities about yourself and your own personal failures.
Get some help, you need it."
"personal failures"???
as in your layoff???
this is called "projection/displacement"
you dislike that i will not allow you to do all you have posted in silence...get over that
we see u,
Yeah, whatever bitch!
I was laid off, so what?
I bounced back, I got my own thing going on, and I'm waaaaaaaaay off better now, than if I stayed on that plantation of a job people like you strive and pray to keep.
I have absolutely no regrets bitch, and I keep fucking with you 'cause you fall in every time due to your uncontrollable urge to get the last one in. Pride is a motherfucker, ain't it???
shabooby trapped:
actually, it is those "insecurities" you confused and flaunt herein that keep you posting...
fyi bitch,
AH ha!!!!!
Struck a nerve bitch???
only in your own d-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l
tiny brain...and even tinier dreams...
Than why do you keep answering me bitch???
Again with the God damn cyber bickering. I just don't undrestand the appeal...
I long for the days when I came here and found interesting and diverse comments.
Recently it's been the same old shit every fucking day.
Shabazz.. I think it's best to ignore her from here out, she's getting a rise out of it. Something is seriously wrong with this woman's head. I was trying to be objective, so I just sat here and read all the comments by the people Alicia accused of saying "vulgarity", "bestially", "name calling" and so forth. I'm sorry I am not seeing this in their comments, maybe I'm missing something. Alicia is the only one saying and doing these things. I urge others to check this out for themself. I think Alicia is either a blatant liar, or she's delusional. She does this all the time.
-forced to be anonymous
Thank you anon 12:37-
Out of respect for the other posters here, from here on out, I'm finished.
To the women here, I do not make it a practice to call women the b word, that woman (vomiting in my mouth) is just as irritating as she is foolish. She actually has a valid fight, but her character destroys any valid fight she may have. The sad part is, she's probably way older than me.
Sometimes the fight starts within you.
you are either shabazz2
or you are equally blind/illiterate
YOU read shabimbo's posts and those of others herein who validated all of the attacks regarding peta/the vulgar slurs regarding lesbian sex/gays etc...
shame on you for your selective hypocritical self-appointed inept cyber policing herein!!!!!!!
the next time you create an ally in here...at least try not to type and sound like a clone as you do so
you are one dumb mf,
You really are a stupid bitch.
Granny and east austin, thanks for your sentiments. I appreciate them. I was able to work it out with the funeral home at the time, but there shouldn't have been any question about it because the documents were crystal clear.
My own solution to all of this is for the government to get out of the marriage business and for all unions to be civil unions regardless of the gender of the two partners. Let the churches, shamans, or Las Vegas wedding chapels marry or not marry whom they please.
east austin, without going into exhaustive detail, I can tell you without a doubt that you cannot simply designate someone to get survivor benefits. You can designate beneficiaries, but that is different from ongoing survivor benefits.
I think these things ought to be equal. A (small) porttion of my insurandce premiums funds survivor benefits for heterosexuals, while the policies deny survivor benefits for homosexual spouses. I think that's unfair. It's a bit like those separate facilities for black people that were never equal.
Shabazz check out this link. Read the comment section good. I find it interesting.
Kola Boof didn't even call any names, but Alicia Banks couldn't resist not interjecting herself into the spotlight so everyone could know "she's the friend" Kola was refering to. (It seems Alicia may have tried to seduce Kola at one point in time, only to get rejected). No wonder she's so bitter and angry. I figured her MO a long time ago. She could never be a Kola Book, Kola is light years ahead.
u r late and lying...
like the cat you use as a photo, you are licking your boy shabby's wounds i see?
i did get bored with beating his ass all day...
you are even more boring bringing old dated fleas with you as you do so...shame
everyone who knows kola and i
knows 2 things about us:
she is a pathological liar who has even lied on THE osama bin laden...she is not my type or his
and i have always been hopelessly monogamous... and in love with one queen since i met kola
i avoid all bi women like the plague
i date 100% african-american lesbian femme clones only
kola is a self admitted international het whore
gaybashers like you assume that any woman who befriends a lesbian is a lover...you are a fool who flatters kola/all hets far too much...
again all herein:
liTTER has taken this to the gutter
is anyone else seeing her hypocrisy
what could be more "streetish" than going to another gay site/keith boykin's to dig up OLD ancient dirt???
you and shabooty are two slimy dirty evil ignorant morons
and you get dirtier each day...amusingly so
this is what amazes me:
if you can research tired old lies, why can you not ask somebody who you are libeling herein????
shame on you 2 tag team suicidal masochistic sesame street brawlers!!!
get your old lies straight litterbox kitty
this is ooooold news
scat kitty!!!
Cowards hint and imply. Warriors call out all enemies by first and last names! On April 9, 2008, Kola Boof sent me a vicious email attacking me for supporting Hillary Clinton. In that email, she claimed our friendship was over. I was indescribably relieved. I have been completely silent ever since.
Kola's bogus friendship has been an extremely stressful burden to my spirit and a liability to my integrity and conscience since the very first day she introduced herself to me in a letter. At that time, Kola claimed to be a fan of my columns and proceeded to pimp and solicit me to compose ongoing book reviews
I have flagrantly ignored Kola since April. It has clearly been far too long. Thus, today, Kola posted the following blatant lies and thinly veiled libel to a public website:
Phony as always, Kola attacked me under the guise of praising Maya Angelou and Hillary Clinton. In private emails, she has attacked Maya's Arkansas roots, calling her country. And, Kola has repeatedly cursed Clinton as Miss Anne. I am born to native Arkansans, but I am a native of Chicago, Illinois. Still, Kola has even slandered me as country also, simply because I currently reside in Arkansas, where sane voters know Hillary to be a true warrior, beyond the sexist media slayings.
Just as Tavis Smiley, Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Debra Dickerson, and many others have done, I will continue to critique Obama indefinitely! I will never worship any human, especially no politico. All Obama Nazis have only one option: Deal with that fact!!!
Too funny!
Gee, I wonder who that "lucky" character really is?
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