Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I just got off the phone with Taye Diggs and Terrence Howard. I needed some pointers for this post.

Anywhoo, let's talk about Clarence Thomas, shall we? Seems his lovely wife has some unfinished business with our girl, Anita Hill:

"I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband," the voicemail said in part, according to NBC News. "So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did."

I wonder what would lead Virginia to do this? Girlfriend, it has been 19 years; let it go! Maybe being in the tea party movement has led to some kind of epiphany, and she wants to fully embrace her spiritual side. Maybe Clarence is talking about Anita in his sleep and Ginny just can't take it anymore. Who knows?

Husbands , can you imagine this s*&t? Your significant other, out of the blue, decides to give some woman you were involved with 19 years ago a call?That is so not cool.

“I initially thought it was a prank,” Hill told ABC News. “And if it was, I thought the authorities should know about it.”

No Mrs. Hill, it was no prank. Girlfriend was deadly serious.

“I did place a call to Ms. Hill at her office extending an olive branch to her after all these years, in hopes that we could ultimately get past what happened so long ago. That offer still stands, I would be very happy to meet and talk with her if she would be willing to do the same. Certainly no offense was ever intended.”

Don't do it Anita. Don't meet with her. And, if you do go, you better not go alone. You can't trust those tea party folks.

Finally, from the you can't make this stuff up department. What do you think is pissing off wingnuts about Obama these days? If you guessed his handling of the economy or the war in Afghanistan, you would be wrong. What has them seeing red now is his O-ness leaving the words "our creator" out of a couple of his speeches ,while referring to the Declaration Of Independence. My god! How will the republic survive?

O man, you have got to start embracing your spiritual side. But, when you do, please don't send the secret service to harass any of Michelle's exes. That wouldn't be too cool.


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alicia banks said...
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Anonymous said...

upswipe said.."Christian terrorism is GOOD terrorism and it's not really terrorism because only Muslims are terrorists."

Right uppy. Name one major terrorist attack done in the name of Jesus, one attack where the perpretrators were fufilling a duty they felt the Bible commanded them to do, one religously motivated murder cheered on by millions of Christians.

Are you really that stupid, or are you just pretending?

uptownsteve said...

Now now ass-non

Calm down. You're getting spittle all over your screen.

Let me take you apart real easy.

"Name one major terrorist attack done in the name of Jesus, one attack where the perpretrators were fufilling a duty they felt the Bible commanded them to do, one religously motivated murder cheered on by millions of Christians."

The abortion clinic bombings, the murder of Dr. George Tiller and the Atlanta Olympics bombings.

Now you may quibble about "millions" cheering them but the fact is that the religious right in America and their enablers in the Republican party facilitated and encouraged each of these perps to do their nefarious deeds.

Your turn Jethro.

alicia banks said...


this was my original pt:

now u r not alone as u bash npr/pacifica/fox


LACoincidental said...

Anonymous said...

LACK: "Yes, because all Muslims are terrorists, right?"

Is that what Williams said? Of course not, you sanctimonious douchebag. You are such an unthinking liberal drone, bravely slaying strawmen and mouthing opinions designed to enforce ignorance.

Well, lets go to exactly what Juan Williams said:
quote:"When I am in an Airport and see people in Muslim garb or identify themselves as Muslim, I do a double take, I have a moment of anxiety."

Now, did he exactly say that all Muslims are terrorists? No. But what he did say was that if he sees Muslims on a plane - he equates that terrorism and gets scared.

And since, at any given moment, there are practitioners of Islam boarding planes and doing business, the context of his statement is the same as a saying "all Muslims are terrorists" even though he didn't actually say it.

Now consider for a moment that this is a middle age well educated Black male who has probably heard from a few 'well meaning' white women of a certain age "When I see young Black men walking down the street, I get nervous." The fact that this doesn't make him think twice about such stupid ass thought is beyond me.

So Anon, please stop pretending outrage. Juan Williams is a 'hero' to the xenophobic right because he validates their erroneous and bigoted worldview. He wasn't take out of context, he said a ridiculous and racist thing and its not the first time he's gone on Fox News and played Slave Catcher.

Anonymous said...

upswipe said.."Christian terrorism is GOOD terrorism and it's not really terrorism because only Muslims are terrorists."

Right uppy. Name one major terrorist attack done in the name of Jesus, one attack where the perpretrators were fufilling a duty they felt the Bible commanded them to do, one religously motivated murder cheered on by millions of Christians.

Are you really that stupid, or are you just pretending?

Uhm, let's see - ever heard of the Gynecologist George Tiller, who was murdered by some Bible-Thumping Right Wing kook who thought it was his duty to shoot this man (in church BTW) for providing abortions? The Klu Klux Klan, anyone? How about the Catholic Church sanctioning the massacre of Native Americans in the Western Hemisphere in order to save them?

The Bible, just as the Koran, the Torah and other Holy Books have been used to destroy, subjugate and control people throughout history. Islam is not unique. So again, stop with the ignorance.

uptownsteve said...

The history of anti-abortion violence in America.

LACoincidental said...


this was my original pt:
now u r not alone as u bash npr/pacifica/fox


I give credit where credit is due, Alicia. NPR (when they're playing it safe in reporting) and Pacifica (when they stay out of internet conspiracy land and angry mau-mau tirades) keep me well informed about the world. Again AB, we agree more than we disagree.

I watch Fox if I really need to raise my blood pressure. First of all, its utter racism and stupidity. If they're not lying about everyone to the left of Dick Cheney, they're featuring 'exclusives' (Shirley Sherrod, ACORN, New Blank Panthers) that turn out to be some NewsMax fantasy Roger Ailes pulled out of his arse.

And why would you put NPR and Pacifica in same class as Fox? You've got one real news organization (NPR) a loose confederation of ill managed, but otherwise good community radio stations (Pacifica) and a propaganda arm of the Wacky Right (Fox).

alicia banks said...



we agree to disagree

but after jw
more will be on your side re npr and pacifica

and as an old school kpfa staffer

that causesme much pain

alicia banks said...


i have never done that

YOU have!

claiming that kpfa was always racist it

it was once a legendary liberal icon!

Anonymous said...

LACK & UPSWIPE: Tiller's murder was not sanctioned by any fatwah or any religious leader. It was not justified by any religious teaching.

Show me one quote from "the religious right in America and their enablers in the Republican party" encouraging such actions.

Tell me, would you feel a little nervous if you got on bus with a bunch of klansmen, dressed up in their full attire? Would these sentiments make you a bigot?

What a couple of absolute dumbasses you are.

uptownsteve said...

"Tell me, would you feel a little nervous if you got on bus with a bunch of klansmen, dressed up in their full attire?"

If it's a bus in the inner city I think THEY would be a little nervous, don't you?

Anonymous said...

LACK of sense said: "Now consider for a moment that this is a middle age well educated Black male who has probably heard from a few 'well meaning' white women of a certain age "When I see young Black men walking down the street, I get nervous." The fact that this doesn't make him think twice about such stupid ass thought is beyond me."

Maybe he heard it from another well educated Black male:

"I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved." -- Reverend Jesse Jackson

Are you really that ignorant LAC? Really?

alicia banks said...


seen jimmy today?

i trust NO politico!

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...


unlike uts, i am honest enough to reply:

i WOULD be afraid on a bus filled with klansmen


NO more afraid than a bus filled with black holy homohaating clones of eddie long and diced icy icy et al

or sexist lewd colorist perm loving clones of kid and uts etc

or evil trifling hating shrew clones of ginny and maria


uptownsteve said...


You're a trip.

Ordinarily guys like you think Jesse Jackson is the anti-Christ.

But as soon as he spouts some lawn jockey bull$hit you're quoting him.


Anonymous said...

AB, "anon:

unlike uts, i am honest enough to reply:

i WOULD be afraid on a bus filled with klansmen


NO more afraid than a bus filled with black holy homohaating clones of eddie long and diced icy icy et al

or sexist lewd colorist perm loving clones of kid and uts etc

or evil trifling hating shrew clones of ginny and maria


I understand. But would you be afraid of people dressed in Muslim garb getting on the same plane as you? TELL THE TRUTH!

uptownsteve said...


"unlike uts, i am honest enough to reply:

i WOULD be afraid on a bus filled with klansmen"


You and FP would probably offer to strip for them.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

NPR had no right to fire Juan Williams for telling the truth. They want to stifle a much needed discussion about terrorists and Americans' fear of them.

I hope the government cancels all funds to NPR. They don't deserve the tax payers money. they are hypocrites...a bunch of left-wing Liberals who want to deprive those people who disagree with them their First Amendment rights. This is an outrage and there will be a backlash.

Nevertheless, NPR timed it perfectly for the Nov2 elections. Those left-wing dumbocrats are going to lose even more now.LOL They are such idiots. But those are Field's kind of people. they all have the same level of political acumen, like Kid, UTS, Granny, and to nothing...LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm Gomer Pyle and I approve the previous message.

alicia banks said...


u have us confused with the "mandingo/drum" sex play parties
u and maria throw.

fix that u lying soulless mongrel!!!

Anonymous said...

Another thought crime:

Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who pleaded guilty this month to trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square:

"He said the war with Muslims, America's war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don't think there's any way to get away from these facts"

Sure there's a way: fire anyone who dares to acknowledge them, even if he's a loyal liberal like Williams.

Williams was already considered tainted in NPR Land for appearing on Fox News, but the firing of a senior correspondent over remarks that 99.9% of Americans would agree with, if only secretly, gives an idea of the ideological militancy imposed at this taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda outfit.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Field will do the right thing and admit that Juan Williams has the right to express himself, and that NPR was wrong?

Of course not. Field already has declared Juan a HN for expressing his fears.

Field is a dedicated left-wingnut who wants to cut off First Amendment rights for those who disagree with left-wingnuts like him.

I bet there are some conservative good-hearted Muslims who also get nervous of those who look as though they could be terrorists.

I know us Blacks get nervous around loud talking Blacks like Kid, UTS and Mack Lying getting on the bus, or in a movie. We know they are potential trouble.

uptownsteve said...

"but the firing of a senior correspondent over remarks that 99.9% of Americans would agree with, if only secretly, gives an idea of the ideological militancy imposed at this taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda outfit."

OOOOHHHHHH, so now the rightards know the inner workings of the minds of 99% of Americans!

Where'd you lift this from Ass-non?

Michelle Malkin?

alicia banks said...



the media demonize all who are wrongly deemed enemies by the demonic hobama

therein lies our greatest muslim/gay/pakistani problems

since the inside job of 9/11

President Obama, who campaigned behind a thin veil of peace, dragged two heads of client states into the White House to demand “that both Afghanistan and Pakistan allow their citizens to be murdered and or displaced in the thousands” – or else. Obama read Presidents Zardari and Karzai “the riot act” to let them know who is boss in the military theater called “AfPak.” Obama claims to “want to respect their sovereignty, but” – there’s always the imperial ‘but’ – America has “huge national security interests” in the region. Afghanistan’s Karzai later wondered, “How can you expect a people who keep losing their children to remain friendly?”

Obama always knows how to make the terrible sound benevolent. In this case he says that we “must defeat al-Qaeda.” Most Americans had never heard of the word al-Qaeda until September 11, 2001 and will forever connect it with the death of 3,000 people. It is useful for Obama to phrase his assault in terms that will win him popular approval.
The Obama administration has openly undermined Ali Asif Zardari, the elected Pakistani president. Zardari’s main claim to legitimacy comes via his in-laws, the Bhutto family. If he were not Benazir Bhutto’s widower, this convicted embezzler, known as Mr. 10%, would not be president. Nevertheless, he is the president of a country that is allegedly an ally, and he should be treated with the respect he is due.

LACoincidental said...

Anonymous said...

LACK of sense said: "Now consider for a moment that this is a middle age well educated Black male who has probably heard from a few 'well meaning' white women of a certain age "When I see young Black men walking down the street, I get nervous." The fact that this doesn't make him think twice about such stupid ass thought is beyond me."

Maybe he heard it from another well educated Black male:

"I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved." -- Reverend Jesse Jackson

Are you really that ignorant LAC? Really?

Messy Jesse has always said some rather dumb stuff over the years. You quote one stupid comment and it supposed to justify your own xenophobia? Now, chances are that you wouldn't agree with him on about 80-90% of everything else he's ever said or done. Interesting...

alicia banks said...

hey uts:




Queried at the session about being the nation's first black commander-in-chief and serving as the only such modern leader of the free world, Obama demurred as only he can. Neither accepting nor rejecting it as an accolade, Obama meshed the sociobiological with the historical fact of his race, then subordinated both to the Day 1 challenge he faced as a president: inheriting two wars and a nation facing straight up "the worst … overall economic crisis since the Great Depression."

"When Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball," Obama said, "my suspicion is [that] on a day-to-day basis, what he was worrying about was hits and how [were the] Brooklyn [Dodgers] doing. He was thinking about winning games. And then after he retired, he could look back and say, 'Well, that was something … I tend to just be focusing on getting hits and making plays.' "

Anonymous said...

LACK: Tell the truth. You are walking down the street late one night, vigilant because some white gang bangers have been jumping people in the neighborhood, and come to a fork in the road, either way can get you home. The shorter way has some punk-ass looking white kids blocking the sidewalk. The longer way has a bunch of old black ladies exiting a Church meeting clogging up the sidewalk.

Which way do you go?

I know which way Jesse, and 99.9% of sane people go. Does that make them bigots, or is that a rational decision?

Anonymous said...

Talk sense, people!

The worst incident of domestic violence on American soil prior to 9-11 was perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, a white man, dare we forget.

We have more to fear from people like him than people "dressed like Muslims." Did the 9-11 hijackers blend in? YES!

And the Tea Party and Sarah Palin create new domestic terrorists daily!

alicia banks said...



and muslims had NOTHING to do with 9/11

Anonymous said...

hows that busy job of urs buceta breaf banks? ude think that ur job is the easiest in the world on account of u is on this blog 24 7 chrickunt!

Anonymous said...

alicia banks said...
'and muslims had NOTHING to do with 9/11"

and alicia banks is certifiably INSANE

LACoincidental said...

Anonymous said...

LACK: Tell the truth. You are walking down the street late one night, vigilant because some white gang bangers have been jumping people in the neighborhood, and come to a fork in the road, either way can get you home. The shorter way has some punk-ass looking white kids blocking the sidewalk. The longer way has a bunch of old black ladies exiting a Church meeting clogging up the sidewalk.

Which way do you go?

You've obviously never gone to a Deacon's meeting. Those old ladies can be vicious!

Seriously, I'm probably not the right example, as I lived in the 'hood almost my entire life. In fact, California is the first time I've actually not lived in a predominantly Black neighborhood. So, thugs, Black or White, don't scare me.

Also, seeing as I am 6'1" 230, chances are I'd scare the crap out of any wannabe thug. If they look suspicious (slowing their pace to observe me, approaching in a purposeful manner) I'd probably alter my route. But the idea that I'd run from a group of white kids dressed like Eminem or Sid Vicious is just asinine.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The worst incident of domestic violence on American soil prior to 9-11 was perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, a white man, dare we forget."

A white man with ties to the man who made the bomb for the first trade center attack. McVeigh's accomplice, Terry Nichols, later convicted for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, met with al-Qaeda bomber Ramzi Yousef in the Philippines in late 1992 / early 1993.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

LACK: "If they look suspicious (slowing their pace to observe me, approaching in a purposeful manner) I'd probably alter my route. But the idea that I'd run from a group of white kids dressed like Eminem or Sid Vicious is just asinine."

So, you admit you are a bigot. You need never apply for a job at NPR.

BTW, I'm 6'4" and 245, but I'm not stupid enough to take on 20 punks, Eminem wannabes or not.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

alicia banks said...


your certifiable arrogant ignorance and certifiable proud denial trump ALL!!!

wise people know that gwb and dick c used bombs to destroy 3 bldgs that 2 planes never could etc!!!

they knew it would make morons like u hate muslims and start a war

they even rushed to fly the debris out of the usa!!!!

and the cia owns and invented al quaeda owns & osama b l!!!!!

and the cia slew cia agent william cooper for PREDICTING 9/11 LONG before it happened!!!

alicia banks said...

hey blind stupid assnon:


1. Three Massive WTC Craters - See us government LIDAR proof: - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

2. Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, and 6)) of WTC Land Brought to Seering Temperatures in a Few Hours by an 'Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled "Fire" - Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

3. Tritium Levels 55 Times (normal) Background Levels assessed a numerical value of 'traces' and 'of no human concern'. See us government (DOE report) proof: - Nothing but a NUCLEAR EVENT can cause 'tritium' formation - basic physics fact - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

4. An Impossible "Fire" (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill's data on 'anaerobic incineration'. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and thisparticular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

5. 3 Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of micronized dust. - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

6. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

7. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

Anonymous said...

Quit, somebody grab the tranquilizer gun, AB's spouting Troofer rants again!

alicia banks said...


no bomb is stronger than WILLFUL ARROGANT ignorance

u make 911 look like a firecracker!!!


Anonymous said...

Alicia: The whole world saw what happened, live on TV. 19 muslim terrorists flew two 757's into the buildings, one into the Pentagon, and one inot a field in Pennsylvania. The towers burned and collapsed. 3,000 people died. Isn't that enough?

your pal said...

Steve and other bigots like chubby LAC are wrong about Juan. I remember when the Ft Hood murders story broke, all the knee-jerk black racists here went on a tirade about "now whitey is going to make this into a Muslim thing when he's probably just an ordinary nutcase". Uh huh. You bigots don't have thinking ability, you only get as far as the lower-brained us-vs-them approach.

alicia banks said...


i fear morons like u who believe what they see on tv news as much as u fear muslims...


hell no!!!

what is "enough" is what the firefighters who were there smelled and saw and heard.....

what is enough is what researchers have proven

u sheeple sleep because u like the slumber!!!!

alicia banks said...


and the staged tv lies u believe

actually aired TOO EARLY in err in the UK

alicia banks said...


for your files

John B. said...

Judging by the time she made the call, she'd probably had a few.

your pal said...

that's how you nigs exaggerate everything. The headline says:

Black Councilman Told He Should Work In Cotton Field

The story actually went like this:

“I was disrespected last Monday. I’m getting about tired of you all, talking to me any kind of way. I’m not working in a cotton field,” [black] Lee said.

[white] Williams paused for a second and then replied, “You should be.”

alicia banks said...


read much?

Williams paused for a second and then replied, “You should be.”


cc your delusions to gwb and dick for exaggerating muslim terrorism and faking 911 etc...

Anonymous said...



focusedpurpose said...

@ anon:

"FP, you post so much, yet say nothing? How is that possible?.."

those that have an ear to hear, GET what i am saying. at the very least a seed is planted, for those struggling to accept the awful truth. there is something for them to think about that they may not have realized previously. words of truth do not return void. the fact that you hear "nothing" means my message is probably not for you. i take no offense. everything is not for everybody.

"You need more sleep..."

MORE need to WAKE UP! too many have been sleeping for TOO long!

your concern for my life are appreciated. however, those that are making things happen are busy while others are sleeping. i am driven to help other BW improve their lives. your "opinion" is yours and you are entitled to it. thanks for sharing. i reserve the right to have my opinion as well. i never was the cliff note/just see the movie type, nor have i understood your kind; so i am not offended that you are offended by the length of my comments. IF you are too lazy scroll along, that is something that only you can fix.

are you familiar with the parable of the ant and the grasshopper?

another regal warrior wrote an excellent post as well that will help you understand why i could not care less about your little opinion of my needing to sleep more.

i hope those links help you get that much needed clue about what time it REALLY is. only a fool would go to sleep when their house is clearly burning to the ground around them. you can't hear what i am saying. can you not see either? indeed people perish for lack of knowledge...which is sad when there are building that will allow you to go and get as much as you want-for free. but you will have to overcome you disdain of reading. when only more blacks would get into books like they do dumb stuff...

Anonymous said...

@ fp:

After reading only one of your posts, I am sure most people simply scroll past them; they are that useless.

your pal said...

haha! yes, I scroll past her posts as does the vast majority. She needs to say things in fewer words.

your pal said...

As to the black racist site quoted by looney AB, they also have this whiney story of childish black indignation:

Kohl’s Drops “Ghetto Fab” Halloween Wig After Protests

As usual, Negroes whine and white corporations grovel.

Funny thing, didn't Mary J Blige and Sean "P Doody" say "ghetto fab" a lot way back when? So that's the usual double standard. This episode serves Kohl's right for catering to wiggers, though.

alicia banks said...

chems and bombs filled with them DO melt steel

thus the chem filled debris run away

u r a scared fool with a melted brain and a liquified spine

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

late assnon:

newsone is a superb site with a great tv station to match

but racist fools like u need x-ray de-KKK specs to view both

alicia banks said...



assnons are all piss ants

and that is why they are banned from all my media spaces!

alicia banks said...


u fake faceless melted brained cowardly fools believe 2 planes can totally melt 3 bldgs
into 3 perfect sink holes...


your pal said...

yes, we all know that Aleesha doesn't have the balls to allow free speech on her ghost-town blogs.

alicia banks said...


just as u confuse your faceless mindless rants for brave convo

u mistake fecal noise as free speech

i do not have that problem anywhere

alicia banks said...

retarded assnon:

my name is alicia

"a lee see a"

and i never will have any problems or posts from illiterate illogical idiots like YOU!!!

alicia banks said...

my spanish name in english =


Anonymous said...

@AB: You must have pea-sized brain rattling around in that big head of yours if you think Dick Cheney and his bag o' micro nukes brought down those towers.

You is one crazy beeotch!

Anonymous said...

alicia banks said...

"a lee see a"


alicia banks said...

headless faceless spineless brainless mindless assnon:

got a lil photo of your tiny head?
it houses a tiniER brain indeed

save your blessings for those fatally sneezing STILL via that chem smoke filled 911 hoax!!!

focusedpurpose said...

"In an interview with People magazine granted shortly after her husband made it through his famously contentious confirmation hearings, Ginni said, “What [Anita Hill] did was so obviously political…Her allegations…remind me of the movie Fatal Attraction, or in her case, what I call the fatal assistant. In my heart I always believed she was probably someone in love with my husband and never got what she wanted.”

read full hilarious article here:

now did the "bitter", "angry", "insecure" and "jealous" women call it or what?!

LOL! more needs to recognize the game.

also note how this woman is depicted as innocent, trusting, and naive. lol! on when discussing ww is stupid described in those terms. come to think of it, most language used for them is designed to build them up. WHAT is the difference between pasty skin and porcelain skin? lol.

be real clear, i don't advocate tearing anyone down. it is not necessary and will never result in progress or peace. i simply do not like the continued deceit and folks acting incredulously in the face of the truth.

alicia banks said...

ditto fp!

ginnny is a moron in denial

and a major diversion for her reject demented hubby's ongoing and eternal deceit!!!

posting all on ct & ah retro

asap this pm

have a regal evening sista sage!!

Anonymous said...

Anita Hill is a lying rug muncher! She looks like a black Alfred E. Newman with a greasy wig!

Anonymous said...

FP: "WHAT is the difference between pasty skin and porcelain skin? lol."

I dunno. What's the difference dark mocha and shit brown?

Anonymous said...

I know Anita Hill. She lied. I know Clarence Thomas. He told the truth. Those are the facts. As the hearings were ending, eight women who worked with Clarence testified in his defense. Their testimony was powerful and contradicted Ms. Hill's, but White liberal racists don't want to be bothered by the facts when they are spinning their web of lies.

The eight women, some of whom had been the victims of real sexual harassment and sexual abuse, testified that Clarence was a good man. They testified about working with Clarence late at night and not experiencing any of Anita's fantasies. They testified about how they could talk to Clarence about the sexual harassment and abuse that they experienced. They testified that Anita was a scheming gold-digger who couldn't trick Clarence into falling for her. They put the final nail in Anita's coffin.

Anonymous said...

*John Dogget

Anonymous said...

"Talk sense, people!

The worst incident of domestic violence on American soil prior to 9-11 was perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, a white man, dare we forget.

We have more to fear from people like him than people "dressed like Muslims." Did the 9-11 hijackers blend in? YES!"

You forget people have feelings. Fear of Muslims dressed in garb like Bin Laden and the boys makes Americans uneasy, esp. when they are getting on the same plane. You can give all the comparisons you want, but the feeling is there and no one is denying that feeling except NPR. Left-wingnuts lack human feelings.

They fired Juan for expressing the fears most Americans have. But I am glad NPR did it. It shows how stupid and politically ignorant left wingnuts are. BTW, this blog is filled with progressive liberal black Dems who want to "silence" people who disagree with them. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

AB, I thought you were an honest person. I would have thought you would have stood up for Juan to have the right to express himself. Instead, you acted like another extreme lefty.

La♥audiobooks said...

"The eight women, some of whom had been the victims of real sexual harassment and sexual abuse, testified that Clarence was a good man."

And there were also women jurors who allowed R. Kelly to go free even though he was obviously guilty.

Women can be each others worse enemy when it comes to cases such as sexual harassment and rape, it's a known documented fact.

Furthermore, I would be willing to go on stage and attempt one of those Maria Carey high notes if you offered me a large substantial amount of money. And I can't sing to save a cat. Even a brand new Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 would be suffice. Shoot, I'll be walking off the stage looking all sharp as the crowd burst their bladders with laughter. Notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

@ LAA:

What would you do for $20?

AHH, I bet you're not very good at that, either!

La♥audiobooks said...


What would you do for $20?

AHH, I bet you're not very good at that, either!

Well, whatever "that" is, I'm sure your mother was trying to do it first.

Is that you Steve? Sounds like something up your alley.

your pal said...

Let's see if Wayne is smart enough to do tonight's post on the most interesting little topic of the day: Marisol the new police chief of the besieged Mexican drug town. Here's the real wrinkle: in her 20 yr old wisdom, she's decided that neither her nor the department's LEOs will carry guns. She thinks that would be too confrontational. Sounds like a real liberal whose theories will surely be tested. The supposedly intelligent liberal commenters here can even make predictions, if they're not too chicken.

La♥audiobooks said...

Talking about high notes, FP you have been hitting some more notes... especially those high ones that drive the usual barking dogs crazy. Keep it coming girl, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard LAA or FP say anything nice about BM. They are always trashing them. They have no respect and Field should kick them off his blog.

Hathor said...

anon 6:31,
Were those women Black? If not, they may have very well never been harassed. Or it could be that Ms. Hill fit his movie scenario.
Anon if you are a man, you probably would never know when you or another man stepped over the line. Sexually harassment may not even include any sexual innuendo, some men harass women the same as an verbally abusive mate.

You have no idea what type of man Clarence Thomas is in that respect unless you live or have worked with him. I suspect that why his wife wants an apology; to ally her own suspicions.

uptownsteve said...


"What would you do for $20?"

AHH, I bet you're not very good at that, either!

Is that you Steve? Sounds like something up your alley"

Now why would you think that was me?

That was obviously one of the racist anons.

I'm not your enemy my sista.

I just wish you and your protofemme buddies would stop all the male bashing and self-righteous lecturing.

If you love black people as you claim then let's discuss how men and women can come together and build a strong community.

As long as you sistas have this attitude that your $hit doesn't stink and brothers have all the problems we'll get nowhere.

Nobody is going to listen to you when you shriek.

focusedpurpose said...


i love Jill Scott and think she is amazingly beautiful and gifted.

my disappointment in her messence article is her, at this late point in the game; choosing to breathe life into the hurt, bm, ripping a page from the white supremacy handbook, have inflicted on their mothers, sisters, and daughters. when her highly visible platform could be used to in such a more powerful way. to do this while acting like she speaks for all bw annoyed me.

she strikes me as a smart enough woman, though when i read she was dealing with someone else's baby daddy, i was concerned for her. and sure enough she is now a single mother. after reading her words, i felt sad that she is doing herself and others a disservice by refusing to accept what is as they hope for what should be.

instead of writing a piece that helped justify the hurt she and other bw that feel like she does...

Scott's voice does not represent how all bw feel/think. i think the nicoles, elins, mrs tiki barbers, mcnair mistresses, et al are doing a GREAT SERVICE for black women. i respect these women for not being stupid enough to have to worry about the bills while they are doing this service! there SHOULD be a come up involved anytime a woman is dealing with a man. if not, why bother? nicole's whole FAMILY came up while oj's family remained down. smh. would have made more sense for Scott to come from a place of empowerment. one cannot shame a man into doing anything. if bm don't want to share their successes with bw, honor bw with marriage, help bw parent their children; you know BASIC stuff, then it is time for bw to accept this truth and move the heck on! period. long past time in fact.

only a desperate, pitiful woman will attempt to beg, shame, etc. a man. bm KNOW the history of blacks in america! why are folks acting like they need to be reminded?!

Scott said:

"We daughters of the dust were seen as ugly, nappy mammies, good for day work and unwanted children"

finding out WHY so many bw have accepted this as their worth, indicated by their BEHAVIOR, would have been a better use of her pen and platform as far as i am concerned. much more self respecting and dignified as well.

once examined, and accepting the truth of the perpetrator today, would put her and others like her a step closer to freedom from feeling betrayed. the truth is order to betray bw, bm must betray themselves FIRST. they must behave contrary to what it even means to be a man.

closing the article by suggesting that more bm may consider, while we bw work on ourselves; choosing to examine why so many bm are demonstrating by their BEHAVIOR that they truly believe this is their worth:

"while our men were thought to be thieving, sex-hungry animals with limited brain capacity."

would have been an excellent, non victim, empowering article. that 50/50 folks want to call for. but then it would not have made it into messence, now would it? LOL!

AB, you have linked elder bw lamenting the prolonged misbehavior of bm. continuing to do so at this point is foolish and will no way improve the condition of bw and children in this country. thinking, casting off counterproductive conditioning, and making better choices as women WILL.

again, Scott does NOT speak for me.

focusedpurpose said...

AB, i look forward to reading your posts a little later. have a good night sis!

LAA, you are too funny. LOL. girl, i cannot be quiet. there is nothing in me that will allow me to stand in silent agreement with the madness.

anon with the reading comprehension issues. you need to scroll slower obviously. feel free to read aloud and sound the words out. all of us have acknowledged decent, righteous bm. it is your problem that you equate superpredators' misbehavior with black manhood. THAT mistake contributes greatly to the nonsense we see. you may consider working that out soon.


"If you love black people as you claim then let's discuss how men and women can come together and build a strong community."

LOL. really?

why can't ya'll seem to figure out that more bm need to PARENT the children they produce? WITH the women they chose to have children by? DESPITE how "not easy" doing so will be? AND IF the actual fathers refuse, more of ya'll decent men need to step and make them pull their weight or be willing to do it for them. kindda like bill cosby erroneously suggested black women should be prepared to do. just make the concept all about black men to make it make more sense.

IF that woman is "malicious", "vindictive" "substandard", "difficult", "fat", "emasculating", or whatever new excuse being thrown around among you fellas; more of you need to learn and teach others how to VET as well. the time to learn all of the above is BEFORE getting a woman pregnant. you guys know having sex create babies right?

pretty much take all that responsibility you pile up on bw backs and THEN speak from a male identified standpoint. make shouldering responsibility all about bm. you know like you guys do with everything ELSE...

do your own bm version of no wedding no womb targeting bm, and PLEASE be as quick to tell bm to keep their pants up/zippered as you guys are so quick to tell bw to keep their legs closed! see...THAT is 50/50.

LOL. you are hilarious uts. i almost feel sorry for you. almost.

alicia banks said...


got glasses?

i said npr was wrong and defended jw even as i despise him days ago

catch up

alicia banks said...


u r such a fake sexist dog

and u r indeed my enemy!!!

how do any of your rants against black women with ebony skin and unpermed hair who are rich with babies solo by choice show "black love"???...

mongrel pleeez

alicia banks said...


like hobama, u lie

here is more on what a lewd dog clarence t is from someone who REALLY does know him as well as the staff at that XXX video store
and anita do

NSangoma said...

Methinks that the telephone call to Anita Hill was a bungled attempt at damage control; get Anita Hill to repologize before the new book and any other new revelations came out.

Thus making the new book and any other new revelations invalid.

... Now, she says that Thomas often said inappropriate things about women he met at work -- and that she could have added her voice to the others, but didn't. ...
... To McEwen, Hill's allegations that Thomas had pressed her for dates and made lurid sexual references rang familiar.
"He was always actively watching the women he worked with to see if they could be potential partners," McEwen said matter-of-factly. "It was a hobby of his." ...
... "He was obsessed with porn," she said of Thomas, who is now 63. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting."
McEwen added that she had no problem with Thomas's interests, although she found pornography to be "boring."
According to McEwen, Thomas would also tell her about women he encountered at work. He was partial to women with large breasts, she said. In an instance at work, Thomas was so impressed that he asked one woman her bra size, McEwen recalled him telling her. ...
... Another woman, Sukari Hardnett, who worked as a special assistant to Thomas in 1985 and 1986, wrote in a letter to the Judiciary Committee that "If you were young, black, female and reasonably attractive, you knew full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female" by Thomas.

Anonymous said...

I'll say what I can't hold back any more: Clarence Thomas must watch the worst porn legally available!! I mean stuff that evil rich Frat boys who were stuck in 55 hour a week day care since birth thus hating women and who walk around using expressions like "Teddy Pendernegro" while drinking water with oestrogen leached in from the plastic download. Long Dong Silver is most likely too vanilla for him. If "quadruple V" and "Quadruple A exists" that guy owns it.

As for Anita Hill and now the most recent woman who's come forward, its important that people express their opinions about those who rule the US.

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