"There go my fellow conservatives, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America's flirtation with neosocialism. But there's a massive silver lining in the magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America:
The Era of White Guilt is over.
This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively working with America-hating domestic terrorists. Yet white Americans made Barack Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov. 4, 2008, white guilt is dead.
So today, I'm feeling a little 'uppity,' if you will. For more than a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 1960s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution to the country's problems. But if a black man can become president, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama destroys the validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.
So today, I'm feeling a little "uppity," if you will. From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is exactly ZERO. No more Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "God Damn America," Al Sharpton's Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson's rainbow racism. Cornel West? You're a fraud. All those 'black studies' programs must now teach kids to thank Whitey. And I want that on the final.
Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.)? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. To those Eurosnots who forged careers hating America? I'm still waiting for the first black French president.
No more quotas. No more handouts. No more complaining that 'the man' is keeping you down. 'The man' is now black.
It's time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid '60s ideas. Drag it over there, right between free love and cop-killing. Careful, don't trip on streaking. Just dump it. And then wash your hands. It's filthy. Obama's ascension also creates another gargantuan irony. How can liberals sell American racism, class envy and unfairness when our new black president and his wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and are now moving to the White House? How unfair is that? Now, like a delicious O. Henry tale, Obama's spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by its own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama's election has validated American conservatism.
So ... Wham!!! That's the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled, and tombstone erected. Dead and buried."
That brilliant proclamation was from a conservative hack by the name of Tom Adkins, writing in my hometown paper, The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Interesting; so it was "white guilt" and not a heart felt belief in the credos of our fine republic that caused our government to finally view us as equals. Not people like John Lewis getting their asses kicked, and Martin Luther King getting killed, that caused this country to stand up and take notice of the inequities that existed in society. It was "white guilt".
Damn it, I wish I had found that out earlier. I would have just found college professors, bankers, and bosses who suffered from "white guilt'' and demanded that they give me a break...
Anyway, little black boys and little black girls, don't let this discourage you. Study hard, work hard, and do not bow to outside influences. You hold the future in your hands and you can be anything in life that you set your mind to. "White guilt" is officially over, but unfortunately, idiots like Mr. Adkins are still around.
I had to go dig my paper out of the recycle bin. I thought the Field had moved to Strawberry Fields and was talking w/ Lucy.
I have no idea how there isn't going to be any drama w/ this kind of nonsense being published.
And yet the N word was liberally used at a rally in West Hollywood when gays and lesbians were marching against the passing of Proposition 8. It seems the white gays ahve decided to make blacks the scapegoats for the passing of the anti gay marriage act. They even turned on the black gays in the crowd.
So much for our post racial America.
So Adkins believes that "white guilt" is what elevated Obama.
It's clear from the tone of his OpEd that he has never been restrained by said guilt.
Sounds like he's throwing down the gauntlet to other whites and daring them to overcome their reasonable contempt for A-A, now that Barack Obama is President-Elect.
Well, we knew this was coming from Adkins, Rush and their ilk.
"In the 1960s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution to the country's problems."
What planet was this guy living on in the 60s?? Or maybe he wasn't around, that could explain the astounding revisionist historic analysis.
Anyway I can only imagine him taking his "uppity self" and saying some of this stupid shit in certain quarters of our beloved city.... and then imagine people not only telling him to gethefuckouttahere but physically assisting him in that endeavor.
Seriously, friggin idiot!
Whoa, and I always thought Philly was such an evolved and enlightened eastcoast city?
Who knew the Inquirer hired douchebags like Tom Adkins because there is a market there for his drivel???
I actually think Obama would have been elected if he were white. He transcended race. He was focused on his message and exuded leadership, intellect, and trust at a time when the nation needed those attributes.
True we have seen some posts in the last few days by people who would disagree. People who would claim a 7th grade education is superior to a Harvard Law School degree. But those people are happily going the way of the dodo bird. Ignorance is bliss.
Obama won this election because he was not only the better candidate for the job, he was far and away the best candidate for the job.
Being half black was a bonus.
Looks like Adkins believes Hannity, Rush, and Jesse Lee Peterson's BS. However, I hate to be the one to rain on his parade. If he thinks he is going to get off that easy, he has another thing coming, because we have a lot of unfinished business to take care. Granny for one, intends to not stop until we get the job done, because she is not having no half done jobs on her watch. Nope, Adkins had better think again. Besides which, this younger generation of soldiers are fine tuned and sharp as a sword in intelligence and strategy, and they view your BS as just what it is plain old, divisive, outdated BS.
Why would you feel guilty unless you were? It does not need to be the quilt of the lynch mob, only the guilt of ones own racism. If you felt nothing at all why would any black person have any effect upon you. It appeared that Adkins has not gotten rid of guilt, because he has been bothered so much by black folks and the president elect that he had to write that article.
I thought white privilege pretty much described uppity.
amen and amen again.....
"It's clear from the tone of his OpEd that he has never been restrained by said guilt. "
That was my first thought, too.
Picking up on what hathor said, white guilt can end when white privilege ends. Both are far from over. The fact that so many white people like Adkins are so angry is proof enough. But it's a step.
How is white guilt over when we're still speaking on this? Not to mention that white guilt does not equate to white discrimination. To the contrary, as many KKK members have already mentioned, this actually falls right within white supremacist ideology BECAUSE if a Black man is becoming president, that means that white people are somehow losing their country. It's irrational thinking, but I guess even rationale is subjective as well. Barack is not just a product of white guilt; what really put him over the top was his demeanor, his plan and focus on the issue even brought otherwise-conservatives on the board. Yet, this thought will prevail so long as we don't check it.
p.s. - I'm glad I'll be nowhere near Broad St. when you finally take that real naked run (not the virtual one).
You hit the nail on the head with that one. The Republicans and people with his frame of mind are busy trying to figure out a reason to keep racism alive. They like being in control, on Nov 4, they lost that control, and they still are finding it hard to believe. I guess you could call it the shock factor. They see the white privilege slowly slipping from their grip, and now they're trying desperately to find another way to get that control back and hold folks in in an invisible chain of bondage. Controlling is a spirit of witchcraft, and Obama has helped to awaken some folks from that spell. It's time to repair the breach of this nation.
BTW, this is going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving, one of the best. We still have a lot to be thankful for. My family and I are planning on gathering at my son's house this Thanksgiving to celebrate. However, I still plan to cook at home as well. Therefore, I'll more than likely cook the day before Thanksgiving, relax, and enjoy my children, grandchildren, other relatives, and friends on Thanksgiving. I'm wishing everyone who post or reads this blog a very blessed and victorious Thanksgiving ahead of time.
Official white person speaking here.
That OpEd is vile and disgusting.
I've never experienced "white guilt" -- why should I? My ancestors either (a) came to the US after slavery, (b) never lived in slavery states or (c) and anyway, if they had, were too poor to purchase much for themselves let alone slaves.
But white privilege? Now that is another thing.
But we white folks all still need to study white privilege (and Christian privilege, and male privilege, and heterosexual privilege).
Folks, if you go to the link, you can e-mail Mr. Adkkkins yourself.
(I hate to do it to the guy, but he did put his e-mail out there) Let's hope that he really wants some dialogue.
li'l old white lady in California:
"Official white person speaking here."
LOL! No offense but that declaration from you was funny and cute. I liked it.
Racism is dead my black ass! Now that a Black Man has ascended from the "Field" to running the "House" we should be in for a racial bombardment the likes of which we have never seen. Prepare my brethren prepare.
GO Eagles!! not a true fan, just don't like the Gman, they beat my Pats in the Super Bowl:(
This white man gone get some of his folks azz waxed. Somebody is gonna believe this shyt and get pimp slapped at work, at the gym, somewhere....they're gonna step outta pocket and get knocked into last week. Please Lord, don't let it be me that does the slapping....I need my job.
"Somebody is gonna believe this shyt and get pimp slapped at work, at the gym, somewhere....they're gonna step outta pocket and get knocked into last week."
Hopefully, it will be Adkins. Did I say that? Pray for me.
Anybody who follows the writer's example and gets his "azz waxed" has it coming. This white guy thinks the lil old lady nailed it.
I've been keeping an eye on the sidebar and picture for this topic, and well, you too much. Granny is ROFL. Walking on water...LOL! The word association is too funny. My side is hurting.
Racism is alive and well. In my old neighborhood in San Diego, we had some teenagers on skateboards spray paint in pink swastikas and the n-word on numerous cars in the middle of the night.
Maybe it was our friend White Power dealing with his white guilt?
A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively working with America-hating domestic terrorists.
Damn, they can't just let it go, Adkins views are a minority view, I'm so happy. How long do you think it will take to sink in that Obama is the president and there is nothing they can do. Rethugs remind me of a two year old throwing a fit because they can't have any candy... priceless!
So would this be called? The Obama Effect?
old w(h)ine, new bottle.
Man, is there any way we white folks can get this guy Adkins (along with Limblaugh, O'Really? and the Faux crew) booted out of our demographic?
Motherfuckers can try keeping their pompous asses full of peanuts without racial privilege propping 'em up.
At first I thought that was a piece of satirical writing. It was 100 years from the 14th, 15th, & 16th Amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. & 43 years from the Voting Rights Act until now. I never thought "guilt" was the proper word for it. The word "shame" is more apt. I don't believe in extending rights as a form of atonement, which implies there's some kind of ledger in which past injustices will be balanced, as if the dead can be comforted. You get on the right side of history on behalf of the present & the future & you stay there. John Brown hung for what he knew would never live to see.
"It's clear from the tone of his OpEd that he has never been restrained by said guilt. "
good ole Mr. Adkkins. Sometimes a little white [let's not call it guilt, let's call it understanding]can be a good thing.
"The Obama Effect". la~incognita, that's a good one. Yes, that will definately be a new phenomenon for the next four years.
momo,I think it's old "w(h)ine" old bottle.
It's half time and my birds are getting pushed around by the G [wo]men(Anon. 8:30PM, thanks for the Eagles love). So needless to say I am not in a good mood.
if only we had known it took electing a black man President to get rid of all those poor wretched souls white guilt...
we would have done it sooner.
This fool is rationalizing his prejudices.
And I say let him.
Since his bleating won't elect McPalin, so be it.
The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on.
Obama is The New Black.
Now that "The Era of White Guilt is over," "The Era of Black Guilt" has officially begun:
Shame on you black America, if you don't get a quality education because of underfunded or inferior schools. That shouldn't matter; Obama is more highly educated than many whites, and his achievements have given you the appropriate black example for all times. Obama is the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you still insist on Equal Opportunity, or racial preferences. Obama didn't need either to succeed in our egalitarian nation, and remember, Obama is the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you still can't find a well-paying job in our depressed economy. Follow Obama's success secret. He's shown you the way; he's the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you call out any one now for being a racist--even when they are-- because it no longer counts. Obama is the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you look to the government for handouts of any sort--no more food stamps, cash aid, section 8 vouchers, or any other poverty entitlements. Obama didn't need them, and just for the record, he's the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you ever believed a racial divide existed, still exists, and are willing to still allude to it in words written or spoken. Just ask Barack Obama, he's proof that a divide doesn't exist--the existence of which was purely the exacerbation of American liberals and their socialist machinations. Obama's the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you celebrate Black History Month again, the birth of Martin Luther King, and honor the likes of Malcolm X--that part of your collective history is passé--you have now officially entered a New Age, the Age of the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you continue to pay homage to the likes of Rev. Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, or find racial relevance and comfort in black studies, and black achievements. It's over, you're now members of a new generation, the generation of the New Black.
Shame on you black America, if you still insist on forming black groups, black organizations, or write black-centered blogs, or establish Black Congressional Caucuses, or elect black congressional representatives, or elevate any black socially, politically, or economically, because that's all done and over with--you're officially now seen as one of us, and a certified member of the non-differentiating club of the New Black."
Shame on you black America, if you ever state privately or publicly that you're oppressed, downtrodden, bereft of viable opportunities, or in any way entitled to special treatment for a now defunct black deprivation status.
"[A]s of Nov. 4, 2008, white guilt is dead," giving rise to a new phenomenon, "Black Guilt," and a new creature fashioned from within the New American social, political, and economic womb of equality for all--the New Black.
The Old Black--fortunate to have been brought to these shores, even in shackles, fortunate to have tasted of the fruits of liberty, albeit after years of forced servitude, a bloody civil war to settle the issue, the inequities of "separate but equal," and the civil-rights struggle to gain a measure of America's promise--is now dead.
The New Black is now born. We witness his birth with tears, and laughter, and celebrated it with joy, with dance, and with wine.
You're now irrevocably a part of an extraordinary league of your own creating, you're now an enviable, highly regarded, highly desirable participant in the League of the New Black.
Adkins says what ALL of us think. Bye bye affirmative action.
If you wanted the white man to take care of your shelter and your food and give you a make-work job, maybe you would have been better off living in massa's slave house in 1860.
If li'l old white lady from california is the official white person, I'll be the unofficial one from Phila.
Adkins' piece was so vile that I couldn't finish reading it. I'm appalled that it was even in print. I'd like to see his home addressed published in addition to his e-mail address.
Now most of the people in the Super Secret Liberal White People meetings voted for the O-man because of his intelligence, his education, his background and his not partaking in the nasty divisive politics that McCain and his cronies perfected. Also because we like that Michelle wants to be the First Mom.
FN, nice piece by Daniel Rubin on his breakfast with you. I came to this blog because of a previous piece.
@anon 10:14
Who the fuck you think you are... ALL my ass.... you do NOT speak for All anything, except maybe the pathetic neo-nazis.... so get the fuck outa here!
"Now most of the people in the Super Secret Liberal White People meetings voted for the O-man because of his intelligence, his education, his background"
WRONG - they voted for him because
1) He's not bushitler
2) He promised them an entitlement, handout, welfare payment, job, or other special goody for them or their self-identified group
3) They're too dumb to realize that they aren't even a constituent client of his party and voted for him anyway.
Your 'white guilt' is showing Lisa. Try to control it just a little bit.
Even Black people agree with Adkins - except the marxist radicals on this site.
For example:
Matthew Morgan, a senior at San Jose State University, said Obama's victory gives him a new sense of personal responsibility.
'No more excuses'
"For perceptions of black men to change, it's going to depend on how we carry ourselves,'' he said after an African-American history course this week. "I'm proud to say that I feel like I have a lot of responsibility on me, on us as a people. Obama needs support, and we all have to step up to the plate and get involved in our communities. There are no more excuses.''
Oh My God. Reading that makes me want to vomit. Why do people have to be so vile???
what is this white guilt you speak of? I've been so busy looking for a job I haven't time for oppressing anyone.
"I've been so busy looking for a job"
Maybe after affirmative action is over you'll be able to get that job since up to now it has been specially reserved for someone with the correct skin pigment.
Dumb shit article. Everything important has been addressed except one:
What the hell is wrong with free love?
America is going to become a "WE" the people and not "JUST US" one day in the future. However, there is still some work to do and Adkins' article proves that.
If we take his editor apart piece by piece, you can see anger and racism laced in his views. I could feel the anger as I read his article.
Anyway, he mentioned the Black Panthers and that right there let me know that he doesn't know what he is talking about, because the Black Panthers no longer exist as a group anymore. They were not thugs, they were college students and most of them were intellectual people. A group started to fight against police brutality in black neighborhoods, racism, and oppression. In addition, it was a demand for fair housing, health progams,and equality. They tutored kids, started nutritional programs for kids, and health programs. But J Edgar Hoover and Reagan labeled them thugs and criminals, because to them they were these scary black people who were black leather jackets and wore afros. Unarmed Bobby Hutton, 15 years old, massacred by the Oakland police I remember that incident. His brother J was a friend of mine and a business owner.
When he mentioned black separatist, I take it he is referring to Farrahkhan, a man who had never been forgiven for offending folks with words. Sometimes I wonder which is worst the unforgiveness by others, or his words that offended the people who refused to forgive him. Whelp, folks got to give an account to God one day, whether they believe it or not.
Adkins is against black folks knowing their history. Yup! So, what he is really saying is that he feels blacks haven't contributed anything to history worth knowing about. They are just a bunch of worthless, lazy, shiftless people.
White guilt on Adkins behalf? No I wouldn't accuse Adkins of that, nope not at all, I would accuse him of being deeply entrenched and saturated in hate and bigotry.
"Even Black people agree with Adkins - except the marxist radicals on this site."
Thanks for the compliment.
"For perceptions of black men to change, it's going to depend on how we carry ourselves,'' he said after an African-American history course this week. "I'm proud to say that I feel like I have a lot of responsibility on me, on us as a people. Obama needs support, and we all have to step up to the plate and get involved in our communities. There are no more excuses.'''
Blah blah blah. So what the hell was he doing BEFORE Obama got elected? Cleaning your house for you?
"Who the fuck you think you are... ALL my ass.... you do NOT speak for All anything, except maybe the pathetic neo-nazis.... so get the fuck outa here!"
jody, this is why I love you; you are so Philly.
black diaspora, great post. And BTW, are conservatives the new Neo Nazi?
"Maybe after affirmative action is over you'll be able to get that job since up to now it has been specially reserved for someone with the correct skin pigment."
So I guess we should start seeing more white people mopping floors and serving behind counters? Are those the secured jobs you were talking about? Or do you mean there will now be 75 white people in high end jobs again in that corporate office, oppose to just 74 and that one black person? Let the whining begin.
One black pres don't give you the "get out of white privilege" pass, dude.
If I was a white person I would be highly offended by the op-ed piece. However, I do think Adkins of being guilty writing an op-ed calling white people who voted for Obama stupid. Of course, he does directly write that they are stupid, but it is inferred. I think Adkins will receive a significant amount of email from the very people he is offending.
@anon 10:33.... you really need to take a logic class.... that is a classic falletious arguement.... you cannot assume "all" anything from a single or even a few examples... and frankly your example of the quote of the college student did not reflect what Adkins was stating.
Don't the anonymous' know that black people have endured abusive language, lies and much worst; so would their words now have an effect, because its on the net.
You had me for a minute there Field. I thought you were some major satire. For this to be an Op Ed piece and taken seriously instead of toilet paper is beyond me. I think we need to be flooding the newspapers with pieces of our own to keep control of the narrative. Whites and racism go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Anonymous 10:50:
I have a question for you. How is it that you feel that blacks have taken over all the jobs and that whites have somehow been left out in the cold with no jobs because of them. However, on the other hand, you say that all blacks are on welfare, getting handouts, and entitlements.
Now, don't you think that's a very contradictary statement? However, I'd call you confused, myself. Nevertheless, I want you to explain to me how is that you say blacks are on welfare, and taking all your jobs at the same time.
I understand what you and your folks are leading up to. We're headed for a depression, and like in the past when we had a depression this same ideology came into play. Yup, history does have a way of repeating itself. Your trying to make sure that all of the jobs will go to whites only and freeze out black people completely in the job market. If by some chance there are any jobs left, that is after all the white folks is hired, then you darkies can have the leftovers. We white folks don't want to share with you.
Anonymous 10:50:
You are a selfish individual! You're so afraid that real equality might be realized one day, until you panic with fear because of it.
President Elect Obama gave a wonderful speech encouraging people to unite together, work together, and be one people. But yours and the selfish motives of others of your ilk, think that us black folks want to take over America in your little small mind.
Black folks have never wanted to take over America, they've always just wanted an equal share in the pie and to have the same chance at success as you so-called underprivileged and deprived whites have had for over 200 years, and so do other minorities would like to share in the pie too. Your mentally reminds of me a kid who wants the whole pie, and doesn't want to share with others.
Selfishness and greed is the reason we're in this mess we're into now. Instead of trying to work with everyone and take what Obama said to heart, people like you want to work against the grain and use those same old tired, divisive tactics of the past so that you can continue in selfishness and greed.
I wish I could flush you and people who think like you down the toilet and be rid of you forever.
Did you know that the word "REPENT" literally means to change your way of thinking?
I knew this was coming. The price of an Obama win gives the conservatives the authority to proclaim that racism doesn't exist.
As for the race card, that has been devalued.
It looks like the racial challenges have taken a different form.
In the aftermath, people I knew from before now deal with me differently. Barristers, Workmates etc. I get the feeling that they too feel freed from white guilt. Its going to be a tough sell addressing racism from now on.
the white guilt and just begun... yes I haven't OD off of eating crow just yet however I think Sarah Palin is doing her Rocky IV as she swooped down into Ted Steven's seat. I really wanna see her kick some ass and take some names. Don't worry, the white guilt is alive in the Liberal Media or I call The Fifth Column. To those who yearn for the Clinton Years, this an't 1992 and Randal Cunningham couldn't scramble out of this mess. Yes the same mess that is Democrat Caused (if it wasn't somebody be in jail by now on the GOP side). Irony about off of this, the biggest market meltdown and the same players still remain in Washington. Oh well, good luck President Obama becuase you are really going to need it.
I have an idea. How about we ponder the radical notion that there just might be enough outrageous stupidity to go around?
Hatred might be the dullest knife in the drawer, but isn't it just amazing how people just can't seem to be able to get rid of it?
Racism was never for sell anyway. It was the one thing that was given freely without charge in America. As for arguing a case about racism, that won't be as hard as they're trying to convince you that it doesn't exist anymore. Nope, in fact, it will be easier to prove and starting with Adkins editorial. It's simple. Using his own words against him, read between the lines of what he said, because his article reeks of anger,falsehoods, and racism. I know what he said upset a lot of people, because it upset me until I was typing so fast I hope I got my thoughts out right on the last two post.
Back during the Civil Rights Movement, they used the same old tricks and veiled words, but it didn't work, and it's not going to work now. What they don't understand is that a higher power than them is tired of their mess.
I actually laughed when I read that column. Adkins is one pissed off puppy. I'd pay money to laugh in his face in person.
LOL! Nah, save your money, because you can do it for free in the comments section of his article.
Yeah, but I'd like to mock him to his face. I can truly understand why black folks would take it more seriously than I do, but to me he sounds like the one uncle we all laughed at.
In a weird way, that column is a gift, because it shows what sputtering foolishness these people have been reduced to.
"Oh yeah? You're telling me he won? I'm telling you he's nothing but a poopy-head, and so are all his friends! Are you listening to me? Hey! Listen to me! Someone!"
@Jibreel Riley"Irony about off of this, the biggest market meltdown and the same players still remain in Washington."
But they're leaving soon, these players: Bush, and a large number of republicans.
You're munching on a bunch of sour grapes, jibreel. We both know that Democrats alone didn't cause this economic meltdown. Stop the demonization!
The culprit is greedy capitalists allowed to go on a laissez faire economic binge of irresponsible capitalization.
You know, all those unregulated markets in derivatives and credit default swaps that brought in an avalanche of monies without the requisite safeguards of appropriate reserves to cover losses.
So keep your hope that Obama and the Democrats will fail to yourself. We know who's at fault here.
Besides, if they fail, more than Democrats will feel the crush-- Republicans, and Independents will feel it as well.
Unless you're filthy rich yourself, and have your money in swiss accounts or in silver or gold, I dare say you'll go down with the economy, too, if it ends up in shambles.
In an alternate universe, I would let you have your Sarah Palin to stroke your conservative ego, but in this one, we want to apply strategies and tactics that work-- not some conservative principles that would thrust us into a depression that would take the better part of fifty years to recover from.
@Grata: "Its going to be a tough sell addressing racism from now on".
It's always been tough, but now racist whites will be able to do it without the attendant guilt (if there ever was any), but now they can use the Obama factor to beat you over the head with, and compel your silence by insisting racism is dead.
"We elected a black as president, didn't we?"
Tom Adkins represents the last gasp of a mind-set that's quickly vanishing in America.
I know: I, too, would like for it to have vanished eons ago.
I meant to tell you to read that book called, "The Well of Loneliness", by Radclyff Hall.
black diaspora:
"We elected a black as president, didn't we?"
Yup, that is what they'll be saying. Nevertheless, they used a similar excuse when they use to hire one black person as a token to prove they were not discriminating.
"I've never experienced "white guilt" -- why should I? My ancestors either (a) came to the US after slavery, (b) never lived in slavery states or (c) and anyway, if they had, were too poor to purchase much for themselves let alone slaves."
This is an another argument they use all the time, but the thing is black folks are not talking about slavery either, they're talking about the here and right now racism in this country. You see, the one thing that folks tend to overlook is that blacks that are living today, didn't experience slavery either, they were born free. The slave generation died off many years ago and have since long been gone. Black folks are talking about racism that still exist TODAY, not something that happened over a hundred and something years ago.
Therefore, that argument in my opinion has always been WEAK. Nothing has changed that much in their arguments, they just dressed them up with a new suit and passing them off as something new and different. However, there is nothing new under the sun.
Is this guy related to Sarah Palin?
He's an ass.
I love how he tries to rewrite history.
Just because there is Oprah, Tiger Woods and Obama doesn't mean America is racism free. Give me a break.
That request for Reparations put a mental block in their minds and caused them to go into denial about racism, because they're thinking that we're dwelling on the slavery issue and that is what the big fuss is about. The Reparations request is where the confusion came in at. However, the problems we're trying to talk to them about and get cleared up and out the way is about racism and bigotry. Slavery is not the issue! None of us black folks today were slaves or have been slaves, we've never lived on a plantation, or had a massa. Nor have they ever owned slaves or been a slave master.
"If one asks white Americans about various means of improving the situation for blacks, these Americans reject one method of social improvement after another until almost all viable options are rejected."
"This more sophisticated version of racism is often backed up by sociology in the idealistic tradition. Many whites believe not that blacks are racially inferior, but sociologically inferior. This racism is in part based on
the culture of poverty idea."
"The real tragedy is that popular commentators and the average white American have adopted this theory of poverty. They have transformed it into a new excuse for racism by simply dropping or deemphasizing the role of the social structure and white racism.This reasoning ignores the fact that blacks experience prejudice and discrimination virtually every day of their lives."
"A big problem with the white racist focus is that it is too attitudinal.Racism can endure even when there is little attitudinal prejudice against blacks."
In this sentence here:
"Nor have they ever owned slaves or been a slave master"
I meant to say:
Nor have whites of today ever owned slaves or been a slave master.
The question is why do these rightwing talking asshats still have a job. Their side have augered the economy into the ground and given us a disastrous foreign policy as an added bonus. Haven't they done enough damage? Why do they think they can give any kind of advice or try to impart any kind of wisdom? They are totally full of shit and everybody knows it. Game over.
Speaking of game over, I knew the Iggles were in trouble when Westbrook came running off the field holding his nutts...ouch.
@Granny. Tom Adkins is attacking what he sees as a black preoccupation with color without realizing his own.
If we're getting over (socially, politically, and economically) because of white guilt, why in the hell aren't we all doing better?
Obviously, our tactic hasn't worked all that well. Field's point.
But, Tom gets some kind of mileage from convincing his readers that we are getting, or have gotten, certain racial privileges because of "white guilt", but not anymore--Obama's success has rendered the race problem and the race burden obsolete.
What does he hope to gain by this pandering? A hardening of white racial attitudes, and permission to continue as before with an easier conscience?
According to him, Barack's success is black America's success, signifying that racial barriers are now a thing of the past.
All of it is pure poppycock: I've never had whites respond to me from a place of pity, or remorse for racism.
If anything, I have always been seen as an obstacle to what they want, desire, and hope to have.
The only purpose of the Op-Ed is to cater to the common beliefs already in place: blacks are availing themselves unfairly using white guilt (a damn myth, no such thing as white guilt), and we (whites) don't have to take it any more (another myth).
I submit that whites have never taken it, fighting any supposed black advantage--Affirmative action, or any other perceived racial preference--with a vengeance, even to the point of eliciting other blacks to carry out attacks against their fellow blacks.
This notion of "white guilt" is bogus. Whites have either dealt with us as equals, or they haven't.
It's as simple as that.
granny, I appreciate the reading suggestion but I think once you've read The Invisible Man, you've pretty much read the entire genre of individual struggles against overwhelming oppression.
Besides, I read John Rechy's City of Night, and while (fortunately) I never shared his occupation, I thought the struggles of a 1960s-era hustler in L.A. were more relevant to be than those of an upper-class, 1920s-era English lesbian. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :-)
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that your reading idea didn't go unnoticed. Who knows, maybe on some cloudy day I'll change my mind and pick up that book, but I'll make sure to keep all the knives locked up.
black diaspora:
Yes, amen, amen, and amen again to everything you've said. Whelp, Granny is going to say night to all, because I am tired and my body is tired. Night and blessings to all!
I just suggested that book to you, because it deals with the same things sort of going on today issues of prejudice and persecution of gays. It was one of those books that was banned not too long ago, because of its subject matter. Granny likes to read and I collect books. I could probably could start my own library if I were to gather up all the books I have and put them in one place. I have books in just about every genres. When they took the ban off a few books I read them just to find out what the big hoopla hoo was all about.
granny, I really appreciated your thinking of me. Honest, I did. It's just that everytime I've thought about reading The Well of Loneliness ... well, I just can't get past the title. That's a little weird, because I often like depressing literature. But I don't know if I'm up for the tragic, tortured homosexual theme. Rechy's book was pretty depressing, so I think I got my fill. But I swear to God, I appreciate you thinking of it.
I truly do not understand the notion of what exactly is White Guilt? As others have noted, I have never seen Whites feeling contrite or guilty about blacks. Was it when some of them saw Roots for the first time in the 70's?
How have we brow beaten whites with guilt and somehow obtained special privileges that have been at their detriment and have in any way impeded their way of life? Aren’t Blacks, a mere 12% of the population, told in many unique variations, that as a group we have ungovernable tendencies that point to a lower IQ, that we are far more violent , super predators, racist, fatter, uncouth, over sexualized rampaging beasts than Whites. Thus how have we won anything at the expense of hurting or guilting whites when it has been continually been pointed out that there are so many things wrong with Black people. Whites congratulates themselves frequently on how well they are doing and what they have accomplished in contrast to blacks of course, thus I am at a loss as to exactly how we have oppressed them to the point that they have lost their rights, their ability to function and live a fulfilling life.
I suppose Blacks caterwauling on how unfairly and inhumanely they have been treated is the reason why race will never be able to be discussed in an open and honest manner between Blacks and Whites. How is demanding to be treated as an equal and to be seen as an individual and not a pathological stereotype, beating whites into submission and forcing them to relent by giving us special privileges. What are they.? The right to vote? The ability to gain access to education, jobs, and opportunities that were willfully denied us.? The sum total of this very one sided dialogue that Blacks have had with Whites, is that we just want to be seen as human and treated with the same dignity that they naturally expect from others. It took the Civil War, and years of writing, protesting and fighting very hard to acquire the rights that we have enjoyed these last 40 years.
But I guess this would be considered whining and that Blacks should get over it. What victim crutch are we using that is truly impeding White progress.
Is this man a member of the "Pat Buchanan Black People Haters Club"?
Seriously he is under the belief if it wasn't for whites in the 1960s stirring the pot, things in America would be ok. Like segregation and denying people the right to vote was a great ideal that this country should embrace. If people like him had their way, we would still have "separate, but equal" and voting tests, and he would be the one spitting on those blacks who dared to want to sit at the counter.
The concept of white guilt is shocking to me. People with this warped sense of mentality want to hold on to the past so badly. They remember the "good old days" when you could call a n**** when you saw one, or when you could "split the dark oak" with no consequences.
I feel sorry for this man. He is so fixated on race, he has failed to realized how all his insecurities have been poured out into this drivel he calls an op-ed piece.
Let's not get on the paper for giving this clown a forum. There are quite a few Tom Adkins out there, and this mindset will only harden and get worse as the demographics of the country changes.
Jibreel, I think another poster gave you a very good analysis of whay the economy is the way it is, but that doesn't matter to you does it?
BTW, you might want to try a little salt and pepper to season up that crow:)
I doubt there is such a thing as "white" guilt. The concept of "white" is just as elusive as the concept of "black." The first generation of my family came here from Greece and Cyprus in the first decade of the 20th century, before Greeks and Cypriots "became white." Italian and Irish immigrants were not "white" when they arrived here. Since it doesn't really seem to have anything to do with pigmentation, I have to think that "white" is just a shorthand for "privileged." "Becoming white" in America means you're now included in "We the People." By that standard, "white" women didn't used to be "white" either.
The church that I used to attend teaches that there is corporate --as in "collective"--sin as well as individual sin. Atoning for the corporate sin of racism has been an on-going project: the Reconstruction Amendments, the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, etc. To put a stake in the ground now and say that because an African-American has been elected President means the end of corporate racism and therefore the end of "white guilt" is foolish. No woman, gay, atheist, Asian-American, or Native-American has yet been elected President. Does that mean it's still okay to discriminate against them, either individually or collectively? I don't think so. It's a milestone, yes, but so was the "first" doctor, "first" lawyer, "first" Senator, "first" CEO, etc. When we've run out of "firsts," or at least when we've stopped ascribing so much meaning to them, maybe then we can say that white privilege has ended.
Meh...I got about as far as the the guy dropping the socialism bomb before I jumped straight to Field's commentary.
We have no shortage of similar-minded nitwits in San Diego that dominate our newspapers out here. My reponse is usually to point out to them that...you don't like socialism then don't call your police department, and don't call your fire department for these fine people work for the government, get paid by the government and you do not pay for these services directly.
If you don't like socialism then don't drive on your local government roads and don't ride on our national highways courtesy by our governments, local and federal.
If you don't like socialism then don't go to the public library,
Oh, and don't use our water to wash your fucking SUV...dig your own water well instead.
Oh yeah, members of the Republikkklan party DO like socialism if it's multinational corportion,or a bunch of crooked bankers. But not for the unemployed, the poor, or the disabled...to paraphrase a soon to be EX-VP, they can go fuck themselves.
That is my scream of anguish at the thought of my white queer community holding the black community responsible for Prop. 8. It's my disgust at the idea of our minority communities dividing against each other, when we should be uniting. It is my deep sadness that my community has not reached out to the black gay community to understand their unique issues and embrace them into our shared struggle - and then to vilify and scapegoat them?
If that is the case, then the worst thing about Prop. 8 is not its passing; it is our own forfeiture of dignity in dealing with the loss.
Meanwhile, Joe "Pig Eyes" Scarborough dropped the "F" bomb on live TV this morning.
Anyone think the FCC will fine MSNBC for his potty mouth?
My guess is no.
A 2 second peep of Janet Jackson's little nipple nearly led to war (she's a Black woman after all and white viewers need to be protected) but since the FCC is still headed by a Republican and Scarborough is a conservative, my guess is the whole thing will be swept under the carpet.
Glad that America did not choke last week Tuesday. I never believed you all would elect President elect Obama but I'm glad you did! Now please, please protect his behind from people who will be influenced by idiots like Tom. Could you not send them on a one way mission to the Klingon empire or something-lol?
Den in the UK
Field, ummm Jibreel will need more than salt n pepper to go with that crow....maybe some hot sauce? He talked way too much shyt...maybe he needs to throw a hamhock in their to give it some real soul flavoring.
White guilt?
There is white guilt?
Occasionally, Ms. Ann G. Myma, there is white guilt. Granted, it's mostly the blacks and latinos who get convicted of major crimes but sometimes the white actually get time instead of community service...
...huh? what's that...oh, different kind of "guilt" we're talking about here? Sorry.
Expected conservative piece...now where's the rest?
So glad to see you took this idiot on. I read the op-ed yesterday with my jaw hanging open.
When a black guy as connected and dumb as George Bush gets to be president, then I'll start thinking about the end of white guilt.
"When a black guy as connected and dumb as George Bush gets to be president, then I'll start thinking about the end of white guilt."
Huh? You lost me there. Could you clarify that statement a little bit for me.
Off Topic:
I had called to talk to one of my little 4 year old granddaughters. She told her mother, "Tell Granny I don't feel like talking today. I heard her in the background. But then, she got on the telephone and said, "Granny, I love you." After that she wouldn't stop talking. I almost had to beg her to stop talking so I could get off the phone. These kids is a mess nowadays. Whew!
AIG got another bailout. I am really starting to wonder if these bailouts are to hide money. Something just is not right.
What those conservative blacks meant to say was that its really the death of their so-called black conservative movement. They have been boot-licking for so long at massa's feet, they thought they would get into the white house first. Some of the biggest critics of Obama were the race huckster's on both sides. The black conservative's are the ones that made up the whole "White Guilt" phrase. So now one is claiming that the other race huskster is done when really both of them are dead. NO one cares what the black conservatives say and now they are back there with Jesse and Al and they hate it!!
Granny...It's kind of complicated, but here's a nutshell for you.
AIG is heavily tied to European banks and if they go down, so does the whole UK banking system as well.
Goldman Sachs and those of its ilk will take a big hit if AIG goes under. AIG's role as a central re-insurer, also means that if they go down, that this would cause an instantaneous domino effect that would bring down hundreds of financial institutions here in a matter of a few days.
On the seamy side...AIG has friends in high places, because AIG has been involved in helping certain "off the books" operations maintain their insurance and do other things they need to do.
This is the result of the neo-conservative wet dream of free enterprise run wild, and unfettered by government regulations or interference. That way, their ill-gotten gains can be privatized, and their losses can be socialized.
Hey there FN!!
I loooove that cartoon!
White people must think they are ABSOLVED of everything that they have done for decades simply because they voted for the non-senile candidate over the senile one!!
They think all is erased in this country's history just because they acted for their own self-preservation??
They weren't attempting to RECONCILE anything...they were attempting to do what would save THIS ship from sinking.
Let's not even start thinking that this Obama victory PROVES that America is less racist or less classist than they were before November 4th....
During slavery, the same whites who killed black slaves and raped slave women were the SAME ONES who allowed black women to nurse their babies and rock their babies and feed them when they were ill... it DID NOT mean that they saw those slaves as human beings.
Let's not get it twisted....
Brother Field....I was no longer going to comment or read blogs...but I see work to do and knowledge is still to be gained. First of all, the majority of whites did not vote for Obama. I am thankful that the large percentage did vote for Brother O. This comment is not an indictment of the people that did not vote for P-E Obama. I am trying to say with few words that I don't need for some unbeliever to convince me/my people that once again "we" were given something. We -to include those white voters- worked hard for this historical victory. I know many events and many groups got us this far. We did not wake up two years ago when Brother O started on his journey. The groundwork was laid out since our first steps on this soil. PS- Maybe one day the real story of our militant past will give all people a sense that that too was a positive step to where we are today. One other thing the Black Panthers showed... we were no longer scared of the whites AND we let them know it in their face. No longer did we have to submit to the white power structure aggressions. The legacy of the Black Panthers will show that in every city in America there were Black men who stood up and was willing to give and not just take {as+ whopping} The power structure in the 60s were BRUTAL and Bullying. Tell'em Granny. Got my pressure up.
"White guilt" exists. That doesn't mean white guilt is universally held by white people.
"White empathy" for the effects of inter-generational racism on the black community exists. That doesn't mean white empathy is universally held by white people.
"White privilege" exists. This doesn't mean white people are universally bright enough to understand the concept and accept it's existence.
I'm as outraged at the idea of being thought of as having voted for a black man out a sense of white guilt as I am by the claim that white and racism go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Why can't I be socially progressive without attributing it to a sense of white guilt?
that has to be one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard In fact I am going to post about it.
Jennifer, the white people who think we voted for Obama out of "white guilt" don't matter. They have been indoctrinated to vote against their own economic interests for nearly 30 years, and when they're not accusing us of "white guilt" they're accusing us of "socialism." They were not part of the reality-based community before November 4th, 2008, and they aren't about to change now.
Ordinarily, I'd weigh in on the topic of so-called "white guilt," but I refuse to do so in connection with that utterly stupid and laughable column in the Philadelphia newspaper. I refuse to give that whining hack the sort of credit that a serious discussion of anything he said would imply.
tjwash said..."This is the result of the neo-conservative wet dream of free enterprise run wild, and unfettered by government regulations or interference. That way, their ill-gotten gains can be privatized, and their losses can be socialized."
Good explanation. What's little understood are the international implications of this quasi-market investment instrument.
Here's a little information that I recently ran across:
"The point everyone misses," wrote economist Robert Chapman a decade ago, "is that buying derivatives is not investing. It is gambling, insurance and high stakes bookmaking. Derivatives create nothing."1 They not only create nothing, but they serve to enrich non-producers at the expense of the people who do create real goods and services. In congressional hearings in the early 1990s, derivatives trading was challenged as being an illegal form of gambling. But the practice was legitimized by Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who not only lent legal and regulatory support to the trade but actively promoted derivatives as a way to improve "risk management."
That this crap has been allow to exist this many years is the height of irresponsible federal money management.
Not all investors have lost money, though, some have made billions, and the tax payer is left holding an empty bag.
You can be socially progressive without attributing it to a sense of white guilt, and there are many white folks who voted for Obama because of his qualifications not because of white guilt. White guilt did not come into play or in their minds when they voted for Obama. Blacks recognize and know the difference between genuine sincerity and white guilt. Just like they know the difference between someone who is racist and who is not. Black folk's antenna reception picks up that with ease, because we've been subjected to it all our lives.
Back some months ago, I made a statement to someone in here who got on the defensive about a topic when we were discussing racism, because of something someone wrote, and felt like blacks were lashing out at them too just because they were white. However, that is not the case, blacks are not lashing out at all whites, they're lashing out at racist whites. If they're not a white racist then what was being said did not apply to them and it's the same for this topic. In other words, they had nothing to be offended or upset about because it does not apply to them.
Blacks know white people like the back of their hand, because they had to study them and learn them in order to survive. But the majority of white people do not know blacks and they fail to realize that it is just as much diversity within the black culture as it is in the white culture and even more than. Yet and still, many whites have for ages assumed if one black person did something, then all blacks are just alike. It's like saying all blacks look alike, but they don't. We come in all shades, shapes, sizes, personalities, moral and immoral, educated and uneducated, religious and non religious, etc. The list goes on but for centuries all blacks have been labeled the criminal element, because of a few. In other words, they lumped us all in the same boat, when in reality blacks are just like any other human race, we have the good and bad, different opinions and mindsets, and the list goes on.
For instance, that woman who created the food stamp caricature of Obama, she assumed that all blacks like watermelon or chicken, and all black are poor and on welfare same as the statement Adkins made in his editorial. When that is not true. I'm black and I hate watermelon. My grandfather had a watermelon patch on his farm, and he couldn't pay me to eat one, why because I just don't like the taste of it. One of my granddaughters hates chicken. I'm not too fond of chicken, but I'll eat it, and I include chicken on my grocery list. However, if I had a choice between a piece of chicken or fish, I'd take the fish.
Yes, if I were you I'd be more offended by what Adkins wrote, because he insulted not only black folks but he insulted white folks too.
If you want to see a bunch of crackers going bonkers over O-man, check this out:
I do not see where we should care what folks like Adkins thinks. They are a fixed thing, immovable. Turning our energy on folks like them takes energy away from the work to be done.
Black Diaspora; I see we like to read the same stuff.
It all started under Reagan, in '82 after he vetoed a bill from congress that would have ensured transparency in the U.S. Stock market. That would have made all foreign investments and transactions in the U.S. stock market a matter of public record.
After that done, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the rest of the OPEC nations started dumping hundreds of millions into the U.S. stock and bond market, slowly buying out everything from under us. Hell...part of the reason for Poppy Bush's Iraq war part 1 in '92, was that at the time, Kuwait held almost 100 billion in U.S treasury bonds that could be liquidated immediately.
Bill Clinton needs to own up to compliance in this mess as well. He could have fought to reverse this, and should have made it a priority to toss Greenspan out on his ear. But he didn't, and also passed NAFTA to boot.
So yeah, this is definitely not an overnight occurrence. We are seeing the culmination of a hell of a lot of stuff right now.
Hope the O-man is up to tackling it.
I feel ya!
Whelp, it's like this, we shouldn't worry about it, but we should be and stay aware of it, and nip it at the bud. The poisonous seeds planted by Adkins could take root and grow. And whelp, we really don't need no more weeds growing in our change garden, because the weeds could smother out the budding flower of change. So, it's best to spray some weed killer now.
Blacks know white people like the back of their hand, because they had to study them and learn them in order to survive.
I think a little bit of humility about one's own perspicacy and/or clairvoyance is always a good idea. Reality has an unnerving ability to make liars and fools out of us all.
The poisonous seeds planted by Adkins could take root and grow. And whelp, we really don't need no more weeds growing in our change garden, because the weeds could smother out the budding flower of change. So, it's best to spray some weed killer now.
I hear you, I really do. And you know what? Maybe you're right. But, still, I really think that the very best thing that could happen with Adkins would be if the newspaper got about 50 letters that laughed at the fool.
That column was the literary equivalent of a third grader caterwauling over being told that the school cafeteria ran out of desserts so he won't get one today.
The child Adkins lost his election. Look at him cry! Sorry, but am having a really hard time taking that one seriously. That column should have run in The Onion, nor the Philly Inquirer.
@tjwash: So yeah, this is definitely not an overnight occurrence. We are seeing the culmination of a hell of a lot of stuff right now.
Hope the O-man is up to tackling it.
We all need to know what's happening here: the consequences could be staggering.
The potential that this holds for a world-wide depression, and economic collapse is high.
Just today DHL has announced that it's quitting deliveries within the US, with layoffs to follow, deeply impacting the local economy where it's based.
When the accusations started flying to place blame for the meltdown, I investigated to see who the real culprits were.
I believe that Obama is up to the task, as long as the resistance to any enactments is limited by those forces that would like to see him fail.
Just today DHL has announced that it's quitting deliveries within the US, with layoffs to follow, deeply impacting the local economy where it's based.
Holy cow, that's scary.
Sharon said....When we've run out of "firsts," or at least when we've stopped ascribing so much meaning to them, maybe then we can say that white privilege has ended.
I'm sure you celebrated the first Indian Governor. What? you didn't? And if a Conservative colored person was running for your senate seat you'd vote for the liberal regardless of color. White privilege exists, I know that. But if it was the utopia some describe it to be I wouldn't be begging for work.
Whites don't have the right to pat themselves on the back for Obama's win, given that the majority of them voted for McCain.
Every other group - blacks, hispanics, asians, jews, the young, first time voters - all voted for Obama in the mid-60%s and up.
This privileged white girl, who should have known better considering she studies women & gender issues, had to be convicted of three felonies and have the right to vote stripped from her before she could appreciate how precious that right was when it was finally returned... this white girl pats herself on the back for Obama's win. This white girl is proud of the small part she played in this election.
"I think a little bit of humility about one's own perspicacy and/or clairvoyance is always a good idea. Reality has an unnerving ability to make liars and fools out of us all."
My statement had nothing to do with perspicacy or clairvoyance, it came from living, learning, and experience. BTW, I am not a fortune teller or a psychic. I'm not into those type of spirits, nor do I practice the occult those things don't come from God.
Finally someone who states the truth.
Holy cow, that's scary.
Yes, it is. But, Grinder, we can't succumb to the fear--it has a way of feeding on itself.
I finally stopped blogging about what I read in the Inquirer, as it only serves to send my blood pressure through the roof. I only occasionally skim the op-ed, now, for fear of writing more letters to them. It's so frustrating to see the swag that gets printed, knowing that even if they did get around to posting your letter, by that time, the public would be like "Tom who??!!". I accept the frustration and head back to my own little space. I always know that you've got our back and won't let 'em slide for even a moment. Peace.
"Whites don't have the right to pat themselves on the back for Obama's win, given that the majority of them voted for McCain.
Every other group - blacks, hispanics, asians, jews, the young, first time voters - all voted for Obama in the mid-60%s and up."
Nice way to generalize, you racist.
I was born in 1975, so the Cold War and hair bands were my formative experiences. My mother, however, lived through the 60s - she was even grounded in high school for letting her black friend ride in the front seat of the car - so I had her read the full op-ed piece by Mr. Adkins.
She's so angry right now that she's emailing him a put down she says she wishes she could give to his face.
It upsets me to read trash like Mr. Adkins' piece, but for white folks like my mother, who had friends persecuted because of the color of her skin, who now cries over every picture of President-elect Obama and has actually been verbally assaulted at work for her support of him, that conservative bull$h1t about white guilt, et. al., sends her into a rabid fury.
I know it's not much, but I just wanted y'all to know that no matter what the wingnuts may say, they do NOT speak for all white people.
"Whites don't have the right to pat themselves on the back for Obama's win, given that the majority of them voted for McCain.
Every other group - blacks, hispanics, asians, jews, the young, first time voters - all voted for Obama in the mid-60%s and up."
Nice way to generalize, you racist.
So I'm a racist because I'm stating a fact? I invite you to check out the exit polls and see for yourself.
Does it hurt you that I point out that whites are not as progressive as they believe they are when the MAJORITY of them cast their vote for a ridiculous candidate and running mate whose platform whittled down to racial and religious hate and division?
Yet the MAJORITY of every other race and ethnicity seemed to look past Obama's race and understood he was the best candidate for the job.
Listen, even if you are white and you voted for Obama, (and you are tempted to pat yourself on the back, therefore eviscerating yourself of racial guilt), I'm trying to show you the reality here.
The majority of white people in this country are still racist, regardless of political affiliation and are set in their ways, and will never vote for a good candidate simply because he is black.
Yes Obama, the first black man was elected to the presidency, because a FEW whites in the battleground states put him there. But if you are white and voted for Obama, I'm not going to give you a pass.
Should a married woman give her husband a pass because he actually cleaned up after himself and made dinner for the kids? No, that's what he SHOULD do.
If you live in this country and you care about it and you want decent leadership you SHOULD vote for the best candidate. And if that candidate happens to be black, you SHOULDN'T expect black people to pat you on the back for doing what you SHOULD do.
Blacks know white people like the back of their hand, because they had to study them and learn them in order to survive. But the majority of white people do not know blacks
Granny, that is so true. People higher in a social hierarchy almost never bother to learn about those lower, they just tell those lower-hierarchy folks how the lower-hierarchy folks feel. Meanwhile, in order to navigate in a world where they have less opportunity, the lower-hierarchy folks learn with great accuracy about those in the higher hierarchy. It's true of men and women, rich and poor, the list goes on and on. So you end up with the most clueless people in the nation - rich white men - making decisions for the rest of us.
"Its going to be a tough sell addressing racism from now on".
It's always been tough, but now racist whites will be able to do it without the attendant guilt (if there ever was any)
Then the onus is on us white folks now more than ever to call out racism when we see it. I pledge, here and now, to never again allow a racist comment or act in my presence to pass in silence.
Regardless, Obama's election changes everything. We - white, black, latina; men, women, transpeople; rich and poor - have elevated a non-white man to the highest office and hierarchy in the nation. He is now the face of our nation. He stands for us, symbolizes us. (Yes, Bush did, too - it is the ultimate status of that office, like it or not, and believe me, I didn't.) It is going to change our society in subtle but powerful ways that will reverberate through our entire culture.
About time, too.
I need to meet all these white people who looked past race and voted for Obama who are "tempted to pat themselves on the back, therefore eviscerating themselves of racial guilt."
I need to meet all these white people who voted for Obama because they're looking to "get a pass."
I've gotta warn 'em!
"They're on to us! They're not buying it! They know we're all the same! They know we're incapable of acknowledging color and not using it to our advantage! They know we only voted for Obama because we thought it would redeem us! They know we don't really care about social justice, the economy or our children's educations! They're not going to give us a pass!"
Give me a f'ing break.
The white company I keep, varied it may be, does not include people who voted for Obama because he was black, or people who feel that such a vote redeems them for the sins of their fathers, or people who are looking for a "pass" or a pat on the back for voting black.
What the hell does that mean? A pass for what?
Racism in America? (said with mock incredulity.) Nooooo!!! Not anymore! Right??? I mean, we elected a black guy! Didn't the rest of the crackers get the memo?
Geez, Anonymous... thanks for showing me the reality.
My statement had nothing to do with perspicacy or clairvoyance, it came from living, learning, and experience. BTW, I am not a fortune teller or a psychic. I'm not into those type of spirits, nor do I practice the occult those things don't come from God.
I keep learning that, on the Internet, I've got to be more literal, because the person on the other end didn't see me smiling when I wrote a particular comment.
I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm a little skeptical that black people know white people like the back of their hand. I understand what you're saying, and the logic does have a certain appeal, but I think it's a mistake for anyone to ever think that they can know anyone else like the back of their hand.
Very few of us even know ourselves all that well, let alone anyone else. I think it's best to approach the subject of knowledge, regardless of the thing to be known, with considerable humility. All conclusions have to be subject to revision.
Does it hurt you that I point out that whites are not as progressive as they believe they are when the MAJORITY of them cast their vote for a ridiculous candidate and running mate whose platform whittled down to racial and religious hate and division?
Obama won a higher percentage of the white vote than Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, or Carter in 1980. He tied with Bill Clinton. I think that represents considerable progress.
Yet the MAJORITY of every other race and ethnicity seemed to look past Obama's race and understood he was the best candidate for the job.
Two-thirds of Hispanics voted for Obama, which was a higher percentage than voted for Kerry. Something like 95% of blacks voted for Obama, which is understandable but which also represents a tribal kind of loyalty.
Since I supported Obama it's hard to be critical of the heavy black vote for him, particularly given that Obama is the first black person to be elected to that job, but there is a respectable argument to be made that blacks voted not on the content of his character but on the color of his skin.
Listen, even if you are white and you voted for Obama, (and you are tempted to pat yourself on the back, therefore eviscerating yourself of racial guilt), I'm trying to show you the reality here.
I promised I wouldn't discuss "white guilt" in a conversation thread that started with that Adkins fool, and I'm going to keep that promise. If it comes up in a different thread, I'll be interested in discussing the topic because I do have my own take on it. But not here, because I think Adkins trivialized the whole idea.
So I'm a racist because I'm stating a fact? I invite you to check out the exit polls and see for yourself.
No, racist. You are racist because you generalize all people based on their race. So if 60% of whites voted for mccain, no white person should be proud of helping Obama. The other 40% are just lumped in by you, you racist, because they are the same race as the 60%.
Let's try this in reverse. Nationally, 58% of blacks oppose gay marriage. Based on your racist concept, that means that obviously NO black should be proud of helping whenever it is made legal.
A racist is one, like you, who makes immediate judgments about others based on their race. Being black doesn't automatically mean you are not a racist
"Whites don't have the right to pat themselves on the back for Obama's win, given that the majority of them voted for McCain.
I think you're being a little unfair with this statement in saying that whites don't have a right to pat themselves on the back for Obama's win. I disagree with you, because I feel that everyone that worked hard on his campaign or voted for him, regardless of color should be able to pat themselves on the back, and not just because they voted for a black man that was an historical vote, but because of the choice they made in electing the right man and choosing unity, instead of division, and the hard work they contributed in making it happen.
If only you could see what I have been blessed to see through my eyes, you would truly understand what I'm trying to get across to you and others. When I looked at the many faces in that crowd cheering at that park, they were overcomed with joy. I saw Blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics, Indians, Arabs, etc. crying and elated. Some of the people were falling down on their knees thanking the Lord, and it wasn't fake, it was geniune. The energy in that park was so strong, I could actually felt it while sitting in my living room watching it on television.
Those who didn't want to vote for Obama because he was black voted for McCain. People who voted for Obama, voted for him because he was best man for the job, and many of them hunger for unity and peace. I worked on his campaign helping folks get registered out this way in the daytime as much as my body would allow. I can tell you it was people of every race working in the campaign office out this way. People brought their own cell phones and made calls, got folks registered, some went door to door in the rain passing out flyers, and I can tell you everyone of every race, poor and middleclass, and gender worked hard. My body is still wore out from it.
Those white folks that worked on his campaign and got out and did the footwork to help get folks registered and the many other things that they did were volunteers just like everyone else that did that, none of them got paid for their efforts. Never once did they complain. They were happy to do it and whatever it took. People don't do that out of guilt, they did it because they sincerely wanted to elect him President and they thought that he was the man for the job. They wanted him for their President just as much as black folks wanted to see him elected as the first black president of the USA.
Every race made sacrifices, gave of their time, hardword, and energy in electing him without pay. Let's not discredit anyone who helped in making Obama become the 44th President of the USA, because everyone deserves to be able to pat themselves on the back and share in his victory.
Adkins is a miserable bigot that like most bigot is upset because of his narrow-minded philosphy of life and way of thinking towards his fellow human beings is defective and corroded by hate. He is so consumed by his hatred of his fellow human beings he cannot grasp that the fact that everyone doesn't hold his point of view. He fights back the only way he knows how by spitting out more poisonous words and anger.
Whatever happened to white liberal ambition? Ambition for egalitarian democracy?
Guilt? GUILT?
That's SO 20th century.
Don't get me wrong: I'm white and I'm very aware of our culture's negative racism and my own. Afro-Americans and Euro-Americans have been doing this sad deformed dance together for what -- 400 years?
But guilt? Ick. And dangerous. One needs to check one's rear view mirror regularly, yes, especially when making lane changes as significant as the one we made 7 days ago, but most of one's attention needs to be focused forward on the road ahead.
"but most of one's attention needs to be focused forward on the road ahead."
Amen, I totally agree with you on that point. For a minute there, I was starting to think that no one else had grasp that.
@Seda: I pledge, here and now, to never again allow a racist comment or act in my presence to pass in silence.
Seda, I'm reminded of the movie, Gentleman's Agreement. It stars Gregory Peck, and it's about antisemitism.
Some of the same challenges, but not all, facing Jews during that time have faced us.
What I didn't know until recently is that many who starred in that movie were blackballed in some manner or another for making this very controversial movie for its day.
My point: there's usually direct consequences for taking a stand against bigotry.
I applaud you for wanting to.
I didn't realize how much
back channel action was taking place on this blog. I'll have to, in the future, scroll down as well as up.
Because providing poor kids with school lunches is much worse than lynchings and segregation. Damn those evil lib-ruhls.
Good thing I became a radical. If I'd stayed a liberal, that guy would be all over me.
Oy vey! Keep ze cattle fighting mit each others. Zen ve vill run de show. Zee, Rahm Emmanuel's in charge of Obama. Vat a mensch!
Guilt ??? lol for what I didnt do antyhing? guild for the slaves who built the pyramids? or u must mean guiult the blacks who sold slaves to whites in america?
Educate the needy in india
Call GirlS
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