"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest,Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum. Drink and the devil had done for the rest,Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum. Drink and the devil had done for the rest,Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum.Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum. Hate lies close to love of gold. Dead men's secrets are tardily told. Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum.Yo! ho! ho and a bottle of rum."
The Somali Pirates is not a new African baseball team. No, the Somali Pirates are a bunch of crazy Negroes who have been terrifying shipping traffic off of the coast of Eastern Africa. I have been watching this phenomenon for awhile now, but I just never felt moved to comment on it. That is, until, today. Seems the Somali Pirates done went and jacked a Saudi super tanker with about 100 million dollars worth of oil, and the Royal Family ain't too pleased about it. "Prince Saud Al-Faisal said: “Piracy, like terrorism, is a disease which is against everybody, and everybody must address it together. ...This outrageous act by the pirates, I think, will only reinforce the resolve of the countries of the Red Sea and internationally to fight piracy,” Well yeah; Prince, they are pirates...and I think everyone would agree that they are a problem. But I am not sure about the everybody "together" part. Remember how we dealt with our last Pirate problem in this country? We hung old Captain Nathaniel Gordon in the Tombs of New York for trying to smuggle 962 slaves ( a third of who died) into the country during the height of the Civil War. So we don't play with Pirates in this country. Fortunately, we don't have those types of things happening off the coast of Florida or California; at least not yet.
And I can't say that I blame the Prince for being upset. One hundred million is nothing to sneeze at, even for the Saudis. But who told these Negroes that they can play Black Beard in 2008? And don't these countries have Naval fleets to protect their commercial ships? al Qaeda could learn a thing or two from these Negroes. They are serious about the booty, and I don't mean the ones on BET. 

Thing is, I am pretty sure there is no ideological commitment driving these clowns. I am pretty sure that it's just about the money. And from what I can see and read, the Pirate business has been good. A Hong Kong cargo ship was recently hijacked as well. No oil this time though, just wheat. I wonder if they would take the wheat to feed some of the poor hungry people in that region of the world? There would be some nobility in that at least, but somehow I don't think that they are playing Robin Hood with the take. I am pretty sure that these Pirates are acting like.....well Pirates.
These Negroes of the sea are so slick that they have even an Admiral in the U.S. Navy stunned and impressed by their reach and pirating skills. I have to believe that the governments of some of these countries such as Denmark, and China are embarrassed by their inability to control these lawless seafarers. Hell they damn near brought the Russians to their knees recently, when they "jacked" a shipment of military supplies heading to Kenya. (Actually they might have helped the international community with that one. You just can't trust those damn Russians)
So here we have yet still another pesky problem in the world that poor Obama will have to deal with. I bet the first time that he orders the U.S. Navy to bomb those ship robbing Negroes into oblivion there will be an international outcry. "Those were just a bunch of poor men in a motor boats. Why did President Obama have to blow up their tiny boat and kill everyone of those Pirates on board? Ya gotta love it.
Honestly, if someone told me that I would be blogging about Pirates attacking supertankers in 2008, and that a black president might be called on to address the problem, I would have told them to lay off my country's national plant. But here we are; and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight for these black beard wanna be Negroes. They have found their treasure chests in the cargo ships of all these fine nations.
"...He’s really good at flicking snot, He can flick to outer-space But he ain’t got the hang of the changing winds And he gets it back in the face.
Yes, he’s not the sort you’d bring back home To meet your Mum and Dad They’d be walking the plank in seconds He’s a proper pirate lad."
Jack Sparrow, eat your heart out.
"Piracy, like terrorism, is a disease which is against everybody, and everybody must address it together."
Will he be also addressing how the Saudi's have been enslaving, ravishing, reaping, and "pirating" over the black Somalians and other North African countries for generations? No sypm from me here.
"...there will be an international outcry. "Those were just a bunch of poor men in a motor boats."
The only people who would be doing all that outcry would be black Americans. Let's face it. Everybody's been ripping Africa off for centuries. I would actually feel better knowing these melanin pirates were giving back to the poor, but we know better. They are only going to make shit worse for Africa and the rest of us "melanin guilty" folks all over the world.
You are a butt pirate.
It really is beyond me why the US Navy, or even the Russians, haven't severely fucked their shit up yet. It's certainly within their abilities; there's a reason people avoid naval warfare with the U.S.
So is your mother- PUNK.
Now Field why are you assuming that all pirates were white? You know better. It's why the so-called insurgents do so well against what's supposed to be the best military in the world. Strategy and efficiency. The two things this gov't doesn't do. I don't see them buying castles in Scotland so they must be doing something to help feed people or get water or...something. Cheney got indicted today but will he spend even one hour behind bars?
btw, I know some people will be waiting to see of Obama would bias to not take care of his criminal "brothers". I don't think it would be fair to hold Obama to such standards, and why should he get involve anyway? This isn't some large criminal network (we all know black people can't work together long enough to get anything done that calculating).
You also got to love the hypocrisy from the Saudi's... who they calling "terrorist"? They must be tiered and desperately want shift things over at us black folks to go back on the world's top shit list again.
I dunno, Field, but my gut tells me that them pirates aren't too long for this life...the Saudi's are punks, to be sure, but they do understand the Golden Rule, and they got a whole lotta gold, and there's always badass South Africans and ex-marines' who would love to kill them pirates good & dead for enough dough.
See 'ya mateys...
la~incognita, I hear you. I doubt that there is anyone in the world crying a river for the Saudis.
woozie,I wonder about that myself. But could it be that maybe these guys are that good at striking and getting out of Dodge?
Thank you for addressing our ignorant friend red-devil. But I got this.
Punk, I am not a "butt pirate, because I have never plundered the booty. I much prefer to get it by diplomatic and perspicuous means.
Now since you obviously have something you want to get off your chest, you might want to tell the folks who come to the fields on a regular all about it.I am sure that we will all be glad to help you work through whatever issues you have together. We are good at that. ;)
faith, I almost made those folks down in South Texas my HFNOTD. In fact, I still might.
Brother Field...Same ole dead rap by the US/Euro press. The past repeats itself, When the masters of the globe paint someone black, something is about to happen there. Now the US (Obama) got to show the world that he is about protecting their interest. Historically, the white man DEMANDS "whose side yu on"? This piracy has been going on for years> Why now? Come on... you got 1oo million dollars in a KNOWN dangerous area... and you LET WHAT? Some guys in a row boat take your loot that you most likely have just stole from them. These are critical times in what to believe and what not to. USA is/was planning to put soldiers in every African nation. I'm sorry but living on this globe so long has made me very pessimistic when it come to something that US/EURO tell me via the media. One tibit..how can someone in a boat get on a ship, unless I lower a ladder. But then we believe any thing that CNN and those gangsters tell us. I see the Africans as warriors thatare tired of "others" using thei waters as toxic dumping sites and taking their fish. Where in the hell can you hide a big tanker anyway? Merry Xmas to the pirates. Was the oil going to or from Africa? Bogus.bogus
Here is a small, effective solution. Assign an on-board small contingent of deadly, well-trained special forces commandos(like the SEALS, SBS,etc) trained in maritime interdiction warfare to guard ships(stay onboard these ships)that are traveling along these coasts. These special forces commandos will wipe the pirates out with hardly a sweat. Kill everybody on the pirate ship except for one guy who will travel back with the bodies of his co-pirates and spread the word. The US have these maritime commandos(called SEALs and Navy Special Boats). I am not sure the Saudi's do. They can hire Blackwater USA for the job, i guess.
It will be too prohibitively expensive for the US navy to be wasting their time searching wide atlantic coasts of north/east africa for small pirate ships that are sometimes smaller than a yacht. If these pirates are operating near U.S. coast, the U.S. national coast guard alone will own their arses. Period.
"..dunno, Field, but my gut tells me that them pirates aren't too long for this life...the Saudi's are punks, to be sure, but they do understand the Golden Rule, and they got a whole lotta gold, and there's always badass South Africans and ex-marines' who would love to kill them pirates good & dead for enough dough."
anon. but these dudes have been at it for awhile now. Remember when they had the stand-off with the Russians back in September? I thought it was over for them then.
But here they are again.
These pirates are crazy smart.... When they seized the ship with Russian Military Tanks and US Ammo, they called the NY Times and held press conferences. They explained that they were just acting as the "Unofficial Somali Coast Guard and inspecting ships and collecting taxes.... The reason they have been so prolific is because they keep getting paid.... these corporations keep paying them off. They STILL have the Ukranian Ship, the Farina, held hostage from last September. I guess they figure if they can hold off the United States AND Russian militaries, they are kings of the sea... so far, they seem to be.
Alan Keyes sued Barack Obama for his birth certificate? Shouldn't he have done that when he ran against him for the US Senate four years ago?
I have a suggestion. Is is possible for us to rate your blog entries? In that way, we can have a category for "best of Fields"...the post that get the most ratings. My favourite is "the slave catcher" and your rant about Prop 8. those were purely sublime.
Just a thought.
Seriously, one navy SEAL commando could wipe out an entire boatload of pirates( i dont care how smart these pirates think they are). Another funny thing is that, why arent these Pirate ships attacking Isreali's ships? Hahahaha. I can only guess.
Red Devil
No question that military might could wipe them out, but because they take hostages, and threaten to kill them if any commandos get near, they have successfully staved off the most powerful militaries in the world. They are maybe more crazy lucky than crazy smart.... but so far, they are in control.
The reason the Navy haven't fucked their shit up is because they don't want to risk the crew on these boats once they're hijacked. I do think they should go about finding the mothership but that requires air power which maybe otherwise engaged(Iraq\Afghanistan).
jody, I think you and I discussed this via e-mail an exchange awhile back (correct me if I am wrong) and you said it was going to be an ongoing problem then. I didn't know that they still had that Ukranian ship. Wow!
red devil is right though, I am guessing these guys ain't so prolific in things like hand to hand combat etc. The day they f**k with an Israeli ship I think it would be their last days on the high seas.
red devil, you are too kind. But honestly, we need to rate the folks that comment here. You guys are f*****g awesome. I just talk stuff, and think out loud, and read how you guys break it down.
stillpanther2,I love your militancy and your perspective.It does seem incredible that these guys can get away with this for so long with the world community suffering financially the way it is. This is why this story fascinates me so much.
The pirates would be a lot easier to stop if Somalia had a government. They have to dock somewhere. It's just Lord of the Flys day after after in that country these days.
Jody and Jp,
Seriously, the commandos train specifically for hostage scenarios like this over and over, in fact, that is one of their primary missions.
These guys specializes in extremely high risk situations with high costs.
Besides, if these commandos are inside these ships already(four commandos with each ship is more than enough), there is no fucking way that any pirates will get in. Period. And if these commandos are outside, they will find a way to get on-board a ship full of pirates because they've been trained to do that in their special reconnaissance/unconventional warfare exercises. And let me assure you that, within seconds or at most, a few minutes, the first commando steps aboard the ship, all the pirates will be dead with exactly two or three bullets in their heads/throats. Yes, each pirates will have exactly two or three bullets in their heads/throats. Two bullets if delta forces board the ship, three bullets if Navy Seals board the ship. Read "Delta Force" by Charles Berkwith(the author was the person that actually founded/trained from scratch the Delta Force commandos) or "Rogue Warrior" by Richard Michenko(the guy who created from scratch the Most Elite(a superunit) of all the US Navy Seals commando combined or "Inside Delta Force" by Eric Hanley(he was trained by Charles Beckwith). This is not a fucking movie, you dont fuck with these guys.
These guys train extremely hard for every unlikely, craziest, unimaginable scenarios that gets people killed. This is their version of 9 to 5. They dont sit around and sharpen pencils. Hardened soldiers die in special forces training sessions alone because of just how difficult and dangerous and how little a margin of error is allowed. Only the best survive. Read any of these books, and you will really see what i mean.
Hell they damn near brought the Russians to their knees recently, when they "jacked" a shipment of military supplies heading to Kenya. (Actually they might have helped the international community with that one. You just can't trust those damn Russians)
In order to do that you would have to send military forces into perhaps the worst failed state in the world. What the pirates are really doing is driving away any form of aid or shipping from Somalia which will no doubt lead to the further collapse of an already collapsed country.
I know this is a serious situation, but something just cracks me up.
The Pirates have SPOKESMEN.
I know..it's a serious situation.
They have f'ed with the Russians and now the Saudis.
It doesn't matter whether they're black or white. If they're pirates, they die. Period. Why? Because the U.S. fuckin' Navy says so. Now, can we talk about harder problems, such as Obama and the Democrats in the Senate deciding that Joseph fuckin' Lieberman can come back as if nothing ever happened? Talk about your goddamned pirates.
Yeah, and I know I once preached mercy for the deranged college girl who carved a "B" into herself and blamed it on a big buck negro rapist right out of a Mandingo flick -- how cheesy was that, anyway? -- but Lieberman is an adult. Maybe batshit crazy but he's a senator and ought to be held responsible. Grrrr!
Grinder, they need him for the 60 votes, no big deal anyway.
p.s.: If the Navy doesn't kill them, then there's some reason why. Because the fact is that, at least at this point in history, the live entirely at the Navy's discretion. It will take less than a flick of the tail to take care of them.
Grinder, they need him for the 60 votes, no big deal anyway.
Bullshit. Lieberman needs the Democratic Party MUCH more than the Democrats need him. I think this was AIPAC's doing. You know, I can live with Clinton as sec'y of state. I can live with Eric Holder, a Clinton apparatchik, at Justice. But Lieberman? That asshole really sticks in my craw. Come on, Obama, you won the fuckin' election, remember?
really, that is BET's the most thug out act of the year nominee. Rick Ross eat your heart out.
p.s. still eating crow
"I think this was AIPAC's doing."
I think you are right. Speaking of pirates, that's one organization that has hijacked the U.S. government and made "Spineless Harry" Reid and the rest of them into chattel slaves. I just hope the people of Connecticut realize by 2012 that Lieberman represents Israel, not Connecticut in the U.S. Senate.
I heard about it on Rachel's show, and it reminded me of having read about them before in a book by Robert Pelton. Something having to do with 1st world countries fishing offshore, jumping in because nobody was there to stop them. This is a further development of that story because it's what happens when you ignore everything going on in Africa.
Because this isn't nearly weird enough, the new kid subbing for Rachel used the phrase "zombie fleets".
The piracy story was front-paged in the British press from the start. There are two Brits in the crew, & the British (who were great pirates themselves) traditionally take a hardline view of this sort of thing, which makes it potentially a matter for the British Navy. Although Brits won't be inclined to act unilaterally, you can bet there are elite Royal Marine units cleaning their weapons in an undisclosed location. Those guys are trained to take terrorists off North Sea oil platforms. The Somali pirate ought to put the two Brits in a lifeboat, wish them well, & radio the Navy to pick them up.
this problem has been going on for years, piracy. I watched a special about this years ago and it showed piracy for the last ten years and no one has or can stop it. the local pirates have an edge because of their knowledge and use of the geography. do you really believe in the superiority of western nations and the inferiority of Afrikkans? wow.
the US/Ethiopian military also scoffed at the military ability of the Somalians http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7651776.stm.
I can't believe some of your sentiments I thought we were in a new age of enlightenment, learning from the past that cockiness or the belief in the superior military might of the western forces was a myth. Sparta anyone? Did we not learn that in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, guerilla warfare, Cuba? The weak shall inherit the Earth.
"Royal Marine units cleaning their weapons in an undisclosed location"
Yeah, well if they are such a bunch of cracker jacks why ain't they brought in Bin Laden yet??
I also can't believe the pirates have a spokesman.
All this press might actually backfire.
I don't think these particular pirates will be on the high seas for long. The Somalian gov't is a mess so I don't see them being able to stop the pirates. I think they will attack the wrong ship (which will fight back) and then lights out.
Not a regular here, but I've been following the piracy story for a while, off and on. A couple of items.
1. Surprisingly or not (I would say "not"), France has actually been tougher on the pirates than any of the British, Americans, or Russians. Since May, Sarko has twice sent in special forces to waste pirates who thought they had reached their safe haven, both times to rescue French crews. Some hostages have also died, but I suspect that the Somalis are going to think twice before jacking le drapeau tricolore.
2. The Brits, on the other hand, have been twisting their hanky over the international law implications, and the result is that the Royal Navy has been on the sidelines. The British did a legal analysis, and concluded that they could neither take pirates prisoner without bringing them back to England for a trial in English courts nor kill them without taking them prisoner. Because neither solution was attractive, they've decided to sit this one out. The whole thing does point to a big gap in international law, which is what to do with stateless dirtbags who kill and kidnap whether for profit or the jihad. Americans, of course, know this as the "Gitmo problem."
"Yeah, well if they are such a bunch of cracker jacks why ain't they brought in Bin Laden yet??"
The answer is: because US forces keep getting in their way. Funny but true.
Royal Marines killed two pirates last week and arrested eight, one of whom died later. German helicopters prevented an attack on a Greek freighter and an Ethiopian ship, and French armed forces arrested six pirates last April. The Americans are still figuring out the best way to invade Somalia with 300,000 troops and insult the United Nations.
There's no need to clean weapons at undisclosed locations, but the rules of engagement are a bit of a problem: the pirates have anti aircraft guns and the troops can only return fire after they've been shot at. A pirate boat looks like any other boat from a distance.
The alternative is to follow the pirates home, land on Somali soil and arrest them. That's what the French did, which led to a diplomatic fracass because the Somalis insisted that they'd been harrassing Somali citizens. Which those guys are, of course.
Hey FN~
I must say...I never thought you'd blog on this one!!
"another anon": I asked about Bin Laden, the guy in the cave, not the dudes in the rowboats. What's the excuse as to why all these fearsome and intrepid special forces can't even track him down?
anon @3:28a.m
Read the book "Kill Bin Laden" by Galton Fury. That will answer your question. If you read any of the books i listed above "delta force" "rogue warrior" " inside delta force" or "black hawk down","bravo two zero" etc.
You will notice a pattern, over and over again, either in british or american special operation history, certain things will become very clear
(1)The general army top brass are resentful, and amazingly, dont know how to use special operation personnel effectively.
(2)The upper brass of the army is full of highly ambitious, opportunistic, political salesmen(non-warrior types)who likes to butt into special operations matters just so they can burnish their resumes, incredibly complicating mission objectives. But these reptiles have the connections, they have the pull, and yes, they will get themselves inserted which invariably complicate/leak things
(3)the whitehouse and secretary of state(any administrative official for that matter) have no business poking their noses into special operations missions. This should be between the CIA and Spec Ops. Unfortunately, these administrative types always get off trying to micromanage special operations missions(why americans delta force/navy seals guys lost bin laden in torra borra, is a another example). This brown-nosing is also the source of leaks and silly micromanagement by non-warriors playing soldier-boys.
The root of most failed special operations mission(if not all failed special operations missions) can be traced to these three things. Read those books and get back.
For fucks sake, people at the pentagon were micromanaging in realtime operation "eagle claw" that delta force were conducting in iran, in realtime. How can you not have a fuck up? Eagle claw resulted in failure. Bush and Cheney were directly interfering in the hunt for bin laden in torra borra. what the fuck does bush, rumfeld, or cheney knows about warfare that they got themselves involved in telling those delta forces boys what to do on the ground? But these delta force boys cannot say 'no' to their "commander-in-chief" who wants to play 'soldier boy'. anyways, read "kill bin laden" by dalton fury.
The reason is that the US military is a troglodite pain in the ass. Early on they asked the SAS to take part in a mission to arrest Bin Laden. They refused because the back-up would come from US Marine Corps instead of the Royal Marines, and rightly so IMHO.
You don't need special forces to take care of these pirates, just some capable soldiers.
Anon 4:11 AM: According to the show I saw on cable TV...the Iran hostage rescue was brought down by a dust storm, not by bureaucratic micromanagers.
How was Bush interfering specifically in the hunt for Bin Laden? (sorry don't have time to read a book give me the condensed version).
another anon. is it the military or the crew over at the State Dept.that should shoulder the blame?
Hey FN~
"I must say...I never thought you'd blog on this one!!
LOL! Lisa, you would be surprised. I am likely to blog about damn near anything. :)
tigerhawk, are you an Iowa Hawkeye fan? If you are, there are some Penn State folks here in my hometown who would like to have a word or two with you.
But thanks for the comments. Seems like you are up on this subject.
"I can't believe some of your sentiments I thought we were in a new age of enlightenment, learning from the past that cockiness or the belief in the superior military might of the western forces was a myth. Sparta anyone? Did we not learn that in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, guerilla warfare, Cuba? The weak shall inherit the Earth."
bean twn chica..that's a good point.
classical one, interesting observation about Somalia, and how these clowns are affecting the relief work in that region. That is one of the tragedies of this story.
Oh, and before I forget; I agree 100% with grinder about traitor Joe. F**K HIM!
Off Topic, but too good to pass up.
The citizens of South Texas indict Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales.... on prisoner abuses!!!!
The Indian navy claims to have sunk one pirate ship and chased others away.
Totally unrelated FN, but I had to share this "gem"
Point of fact: The shipment of tanks came from Ukraine, they are our buddies now, not the Russians'.
Off topic, I think that Ayman al-Zawahri must be reading Field. He just called our Mr. Obama a house negro. Them's fightin' words.
Over at ICC Commercial Crime Services, there's a map that highlights troubled spots concerning piracy. It's not relegated to Somalia. That stuff happens pretty much everywhere along the equator, or "sun belt" regions of the planet.
From my understanding, these men were once fishermen and economics drove them to become pirates. The companies pay the ransom, and that's why the continue to do it. It's actually Somalia's largest source of revenue. However, as with all things, companies will eventually stop paying randson and you have to wonder what will happen next.
the latest news of sunk pirate ship for those following the thread. . .
Copy of a comment I left to a reader at my blog:
I'm reading an excellent book by Derrick Jensen called "Endgame Volume 1: The problem of civilization." He provides 20 premises upon which the book is based, and this premise (#5) covers the point you make:
"The property of those higher on the hierarchy is more valuable than the lives of those below. It is acceptable for those above to increase the amount of property they control - in everyday language, to make money - by destroying or taking the lives of those below. This is called production. If those below damage the property of those above, those above may kill or otherwise destroy the lives of those below. This is called justice.
As an example, Jensen offers the following:
"Whites could, should, and would systematically destroy the possessions of the Indians, but the Indians were not allowed to return the favor."
He also offers a more timely example:
"Petrochemical companies are allowed to make peoples' home uninhabitable by toxifying the surrounding landscape, but the residents of those homes are not allowed to destroy the refineries (or the homes of the owners).
Imagine how that theory could apply here... (There's so much more, but I won't blog in your comments LOL)
Hawa, author of
Fackin Truth Blog (Personal Blog)
Cleanse Master Remix (Health Blog)
another link from black agenda report just published. . .
I have been fascinated by the whole pirate story for a long time and I saw it leading to this. Worst case scenario is that this activity spreads all around Africa. Norway just ordered its 90 Ships to go around South Africa. For many countries that is going to be the best option. There is no way they can contain them. India today succeded in sinking a mother ship but the pirates got away. (Wait for the revenge attacks).
As for the pirates helping their own. The Town of Puntland is the main home for piracy and it is growing so fast. Piracy brings in more money for the local goverment than anything else. Its is now a life style. There are all sorts of occupations that have grown out of the activity. From Lap top wielding Accountants ready to compute the figures involved with the ransoms to caterers who serve and take care of the abductees who are the true value to the pirates. Here is an indepth report from the BBC.
The way African conflicts work, this activity is going to be around for a long time unless Somalia gets settled once and for all. This is the price the world has to pay for ignoring conflicts in far off places. Soon they knock on your door. In our case. Look foward to higher commodity prices. Since most of the shipping will have to be re-routed resulting in an increase in time and cost.
Obama won't be able to do much. You can't carpet bomb Somalia. Last week a Chinese fishing ship was captured. Somalis had long complained about foreign vessels entering their waters and depleting their fish. Now I guess they get they pay.
What the hell do I care if the Saudis are getting their oil stolen. If the US and the West weren't in the Somali's ass all the time fucking with them maybe they could use that criminal genius for other things.
No, this won't effect the price of oil. Oil prices will go up and down at the whim of the oil companies. No, this won't make white folks mad at the negro. They've hated negroes for 400 years before this pirate shit.
I say rob the corporations every chance you get. They certainly never get tired of robbing us.
dang field.. I so was gonna blog on this on my black is the new white blog.. lmao..
Yeah I caught the tail-end of this story while I was getting dressed in the kitchen...trying to catch the news...
Go B.
"Hell they damn near brought the Russians to their knees recently, when they "jacked" a shipment of military supplies heading to Kenya. (Actually they might have helped the international community with that one. You just can't trust those damn Russians)"
-I trust the Russians (and especially the Kenyans) a lot more than a group of entrepreneurs trying to get the largest amount of dollars from their piracy.
Since they've successfully pissed off at least 4 of the 5 permanent U.N. Security Council members, I'd expect a resolution on this issue within the next year. Then it will quickly become a bad time to be a pirate off of Somolia - or likely, even a civilian living in a pirate port.
The Saudis are crying about piracy..hmmm.
I have been reading articles for years about the Saudi funding of muslim and/or "arabic" rebels seeking to slaughter and ethnic cleanse their darker christian neighbors from areas said to be flush with oil and natural resources.
Saudi money has put the weapons in the hands that do the killing.
It seems to me, the pirates must clearly be in a good position, as the lawlessness in Somalia has left the Saudis with no one they can trust enough to front the attack.
I cant help but seriously crack up at the Al Qieada calling Obama "house negro"...showing malcolm x clips. Damn, too funny!
And speaking of Pirates....this oregon woman lost $400,000 to Nigerian scammers. Damn negroes!
Red Devil,
:-) Thanks for that! That gave me a holler!
There can be all sorts of reasons for piracy, and many sad stories to tell. But the bottom line is this: The penalty is death, administered on the terms set by the world's navies, led by ours.
The U.S. Navy goes where it wants, when it wants. Those who fuck with it, or who fuck with those who it decides to protect, will lose. I have no doubt that India took its action in concert with the U.S. Navy.
Sorry, Somali pirates. You may well have a complaint about interference with your fisheries, but you don't get to be pirates. By the way, I put "terrorists" in the same category. I thought Bush fell into a rat trap when he accepted Bin Laden's invitation to war. He should have defined terrorism as a form of piracy and recalled that the U.S. Marine Corps took care of one set of pirates in the late 1700s, and we would deal with their heirs in the same way.
Don't talk to me about social justice for pirates and terrorists. It is the sovereign right, and in fact duty, of a nation to put them down. I won't spend a whole lot of time arguing over this one, either.
Field, this is COMPLETELY off topic, but I guess you haven't been on line since Al Quaeda called Barack Obama a "HOUSE NEGRO." That is a QUOTE but I didn't know there were even words for that in any middle Eastern language.
You MUST address this on your next post. I hope you see this comment.
PS. This is CNN commentator Larry King's 75th birthday. Go to my blog to read the truth:
"I dated Larry King when he was a young broadcaster, but didn't marry him...of course, he never asked me..."
Top of my blog today 11/19/08.
"Besides, if these commandos are inside these ships already(four commandos with each ship is more than enough), there is no fucking way that any pirates will get in. Period. And if these commandos are outside, they will find a way to get on-board a ship full of pirates because they've been trained to do that in their special reconnaissance/unconventional warfare exercises. And let me assure you that, within seconds or at most, a few minutes, the first commando steps aboard the ship, all the pirates will be dead with exactly two or three bullets in their heads/throats. Yes, each pirates will have exactly two or three bullets in their heads/throats".
This would make a nice action flick. The reality is that there are 20,000 ships that go through the gulf of Aden every year. And once they get the ship, they have hostages so all military action stops once they have the hostages in their hands. Also with oil carrying vessels there is the risk of damaging the vessel and causing an environmental distaster. According to your script the US navy would have to take charge of the security of 20,000 ships, most of which don't belong to the US. Not gonna happen.
Like the Norwegians everyone may have to take their ships around South Africa and forego the short cut for now.
grata, have you ever heard the Marine Corps Hymn? It goes like this:
From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli ...
The second line refers to the Barbary Coast war of 1801-1805. The Barbary Coast pirates had demanded, and received, ransom from the U.S. throughout the 1790s. In 1801, the cost of the ransom had become a burden, so Thomas Jefferson decided to quit paying.
At that point, the ruler of Tripoli declared war on the U.S., and was joined by a bunch of other states in the area. For four years the U.S. sent warships into the area, culminating with the USMC's seizure in 1804 of the city of Dema, which was part of Tripoli.
If this current activity doesn't cease, the USMC should simply lay waste to the villages of the Somali coast that harbor the pirates. I think what's more likely to happen is that either the Bush administration or the Obama administration will order the pirates to cease their raids and disarm, in exchange for American help in brokering a settlement of the fishing claims.
If the pirates don't comply, then maybe one leveled town will convince them otherwise. If they still don't comply, then there aren't going to be a whole lot of people living on the Somali coast.
It doesn't matter in the slightest if the particular ships seized are ours at the moment. American oil comes through that area, and that is enough. It's not about Saudi Arabia. And if any of this is arrogant, my answer would be: Yes, it is.
It would seem that the Somolian Pirates represent a unique contracting opportunity for our Corporations and Federal Government. I honestly wonder if they are not being hired out by someone already....
I can see some new phrases emerging in our Lexicon:
"Faster than a Somali Pirate...."
"As secure as an oil tanker off the coast of Somalia..."
The attack on the president-elect was very personal and Mr al-Zawahiri called Mr Obama, along with both the former and current US secretaries of state, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, a "house Negro".
mmmm 2 outta 3 maybe, nice try Ayman
U.S. forces will be hesitant to attack towns, as there is a high probability of killing civilians. If the Chinese or the Russians get involved, they have no compunction about killing civilians and this could result in air strikes or ground actions that could destroy what little infrastructure remains in Somalia. The more likely scenario is a blockade of Somali ports that will result in no trade or international aid, that could result in more starvation and death. Either way you look at it, the Somali people are the big losers here.
FN said: “is it the military or the crew over at the State Dept.that should shoulder the blame?”
I wasn’t blaming anyone, it was more of an observation. Although I’m always happy to blame State Departments everywhere, no matter which state they represent.
It’s been a long time since I was a soldier, but I’ve worked with both American forces and the Brits. Frankly, I prefer the latter. It’s got nothing to do with the guys themselves, who were nice enough. But there’s something about the American pathos, the overly dramatic warrior thing and an almost inborn tendency to go for the overkill, that puts me off. It’s also not very practical: warfare is not about heroism, it’s about killing people. And killing people is a practical business, as practical as getting killed.
I don’t think that Grinder’s suggestion – to have the USMC lay waste to Somali villages, or level a town or two – is very practical either, although I’m sure that the USMC is good at that kind of thing, especially because these places are probably not very well defended. It’s just that the people who live there might not like it. Neither would the rest of the world – except for Osama Bin Laden, of course.
The lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is this: Sometimes less is more. I don’t think that the American people are ready yet for another adventure, after Afghanistan and Iraq, but they probably will be one day. In the meantime, it might be helpful to look at piracy as another quaint third world cottage industry.
FN said: “is it the military or the crew over at the State Dept.that should shoulder the blame?”
I wasn’t blaming anyone, it was more of an observation. Although I’m always happy to blame State Departments everywhere, no matter which state they represent.
It’s been a long time since I was a soldier, but I’ve worked with both American forces and the Brits. Frankly, I prefer the latter. It’s got nothing to do with the guys themselves, who were nice enough. But there’s something about the American pathos, the overly dramatic warrior thing and an almost inborn tendency to go for the overkill, that puts me off. It’s also not very practical: warfare is not about heroism, it’s about killing people. And killing people is a practical business, as practical as getting killed.
I don’t think that Grinder’s suggestion – to have the USMC lay waste to Somali villages, or level a town or two – is very practical either, although I’m sure that the USMC is good at that kind of thing, especially because these places are probably not very well defended. It’s just that the people who live there might not like it. Neither would the rest of the world – except for Osama Bin Laden, of course.
The lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is this: Sometimes less is more. I don’t think that the American people are ready yet for another adventure, after Afghanistan and Iraq, but they probably will be one day. In the meantime, it might be helpful to look at piracy as another quaint third world cottage industry.
Damn. That was twice.
you've been tagged!!!
Go B.
ELLEN and knockoutchick and rastamick61,
Since he called Obama a "house negro" for living in the white house, does that mean Al-Zawahri a “Cave Negro”?
They should all shove a falafel up their arses before humping a dead goat, the whole fracking lots of them.
Have you heard about the teacher in Calhom County Mississippi. This teacher told the class they were not able to cheer for President Elect Obama in school. Now I understand why the schools in the south are the lowest rating schools in the entire USA. Some teachers here are still teaching hate and racism. They limit the education here in order to maintain a center level of enslavement.
Wait, Al Qaeda No.2 calls Obama -literally- his House Negro of the day, and not a peep from you? Not even a comment in the sidebar?
Are you on vacation?
Hey Brother Field:
Thought you should know that actually the biggest piracy problem lies somewhere off the Indonesian coast. Look it up NPR did a piece on it just the other day.
Like all social ills piracy is but a sympton of what has happened to Somali society. It is in chaos for all practical purposes a failed state. But a few years ago they actually had all the warring groups come together and they actually came to a settlement which allowed them to rule jointly and return to some semblance of normality.
But the good old gov't of the US of A didn't like the arrangement and actually helped arm the Ethiopians who invaded and put the country back into its chaotic state. I can supply dates and proper names but am in a hurry, but thought I would drop this on folks. Its all true you can look it up.
It appears that the Somalians have run into some real bad luck and US imperialism has taken its little unsuccessful skirmish personally. But the horn of Africa is important geography for US imperialism so they continue to manipulate who and what they can.
So the pirates are the result of a lawless state helped along by you know who. We ought to be more concerned about our suffering African brothers and sisters and the real policies that effect them.
OT: The CA Supreme Court will hear challenges to Prop 8 in March.
Seems to me that if they've previously referred to same-sex marriage as a "fundamental right," then this should be a fairly clear-cut case. The majority can't vote away someone's fundamental rights, not by legislation and not by a constitutional amendment.
U.S. forces will be hesitant to attack towns, as there is a high probability of killing civilians.
Oh really? First you warn them, then you level the town. If they don't leave, it ain't our problem.
Yeah I say we invade Somalia over this. What could possibly go wrong?
I see. Let me try it another way: Why settle for a town? Why not level the whole damn country? As long as you warn them first of course, so that they can find another one.
"If the pirates don't comply, then maybe one leveled town will convince them otherwise. If they still don't comply, then there aren't going to be a whole lot of people living on the Somali coast."
LOL! I find your take rather fascinating. This kind of attitude was fine pre 911 and Iraq. Things have change dramatically. How has the strategy you suggest worked in Afghanistan or Pakistan?
US has the ability to give protection to over 20,000 ships ? Why not spend the money on bailing people out? Somalia has been at war for 18 years. Flattening a village or two won't deter these people. And mind you Somali pirates have the ability of operatting from many parts of Africa. Because of the endless wars their populations have grown in many other parts of Africa. That approach of dealing with such crises is so yesterday.
India so far has succeded where others failed. ANd I am waiting for the backclash. Indians invest heavily in Africa. If the Africans start to feel like they are under attack by India, all their investments on the continent will be at risk. There is too much at stake here. And oh, before I forget, how did the carpet bombing in Vietnam do?
Clearly there is alot that has everyone challenged.
Thank you grata... took the words right out of my mouth! The modern pirate is not jack sparrow.
If the Somali pirates were actually targeting ships that were fishing illegally or dumping toxins in Somali territorial waters perhaps I'd be more interested in why they were doing what they're doing.
Although by pirate standards they are relatively easy to deal with the fact remains they are still engaging in kidnapping, armed robbery, extortion and occasionally murder.
The long term solution is that there should be a functioning independent government in Somalia that is free from US bombing and Ethiopian invasion.
But short term if I were a merchantman in that area I would want armed protection that would terminate any pirates in my area.
LOL! I find your take rather fascinating. This kind of attitude was fine pre 911 and Iraq. Things have change dramatically. How has the strategy you suggest worked in Afghanistan or Pakistan?
It has worked horribly, because those are very different situations than this one. The United States military has been an effective expeditionary force, and an ineffective occupation force.
The U.S. shouldn't occupy one square inch of Somalia for any longer than it takes to destroy a bunch of towns and drive their populations inland, if that's what it takes.
Hopefully, it won't come to that. I am a very strong believer in the idea that U.S. power is limited. But it is NOT "absent."
US has the ability to give protection to over 20,000 ships?
No more or less so than, say, the police force of New York City has the ability to give protection to more than 8 million people.
India so far has succeded where others failed. ANd I am waiting for the backclash. Indians invest heavily in Africa. If the Africans start to feel like they are under attack by India, all their investments on the continent will be at risk.
India sank a ship. Good idea. I have little doubt that this was coordinated with the U.S. Navy, which at this point in history rules the oceans of the world. Our navy doesn't watch over square mile, but if the U.S. Navy really doesn't want something or someone to float, they will cease to float.
As for Africa and India, yes, the Africans, those paragons of success and good government who couldn't run a two-car funeral if their lives depended on it, kicked the Indian merchant class out of Uganda about 30 years ago. It worked out really well for them, didn't it?
Africa is the basket case of the globe. I have a distinct memory of a conversation that I had with a friend in Washington, D.C. 25 years ago. He was a young lawyer who was enthusiastic about trade agreements he was working on between the U.S. and the new government of Zimbabwe, which was then, and still is, run by a thug named Robert Mugabe.
My friend was being optimistic, and I was not. We had animated conversations, and of course to be anything but an optimist was to invite suspicions that you were a racist, closet or otherwise. My prediction was that, within a few decades, most of Africa would have central governments in name only.
That is exactly what has come to pass. The next domino, and it's a big one, will fall in South Africa. The African National Congress shows every sign of taking the one-party dictator-for-life route. That country is the economic engine of sub-Saharan Africa, and it is collapsing just like Zimbabwe.
And I have another prediction: When it happens, black people in this country will blame it on whites. And one more prediction: China and India together will recolonize Africa. Whether it will be neo-colonial in the post-WWII Western mode, or formal colonialism of the Victorian mode, is a good question.
After all, China has a lot of people and not enough room for them. I have actually been to China a couple times, and have seen how fast they can erect a city to hold 10 million people. Africa had a chance to get its shit together between 1960 and 1990, and blew it. You could see it happening right away.
Power fills a vacuum, and the next vacuum fillers will be Asian. And just wait until you see how the Chinese run the show. You think the Europeans were rough? You have no idea how rough rough can get.
Geez, I had wayyyyyyy too much coffee this morning. That's Seattle for you.
Yes, I am a Hawkeye fan. Bwahahahaha!
i know i'm late on this but i've been following some of the pirate saga and i kinda like the pirates and all the trouble they are causing. also given that they are POOR/STARVING (i'm sure there are interesting reasons/history behind that) and i have to say if i were in their shoes/same position i might do the same things and i would definitely include a pirate spokesperson too.
"India sank a ship. Good idea. I have little doubt that this was coordinated with the U.S. Navy, which at this point in history rules the oceans of the world. Our navy doesn't watch over square mile, but if the U.S. Navy really doesn't want something or someone to float, they will cease to float."
Oh please. These was purely and Indian mission. US had nothing to do with it. Get used to it, there are other strong forces in the world.
"Africa is the basket case of the globe. I have a distinct memory of a conversation that I had with a friend in Washington, D.C. 25 years ago. He was a young lawyer who was enthusiastic about trade agreements he was working on between the U.S. and the new government of Zimbabwe, which was then, and still is, run by a thug named Robert Mugabe."
And the US is the paragon of success?
Your information is rather slanted, I must say.
"My friend was being optimistic, and I was not. We had animated conversations, and of course to be anything but an optimist was to invite suspicions that you were a racist, closet or otherwise. My prediction was that, within a few decades, most of Africa would have central governments in name only"
Ofcourse you wouldn't be optimist. Arm chair analysis of African issues is not a good starting point. And yes one would suspect you a racist. Your opinions seem to ignore any European involvement and accountability in every single country on the continent. Once that is evident in any Westerner's views, then racism is seems plausible.
"As for Africa and India, yes, the Africans, those paragons of success and good government who couldn't run a two-car funeral if their lives depended on it, kicked the Indian merchant class out of Uganda about 30 years ago. It worked out really well for them, didn't it?"
Yes it did. I am from the region and I can confirm that it did. Without that expulsion, Uganda would have had an apartheid but this time having the Indians as the Master class and the Ugandans as the working class. That process was haulted. It was a winner for the Ugandans. Indians today are welcome to come back and do business as equals but not as the masters of Africans. And they are coming back and competing evenly with Africans. That little colonial project failed, Thankfully so. Again arm chair analysis of African issues and reading a few books of so called African Scholars won't get you very far.
"those paragons of success and good government who couldn't run a two-car funeral if their lives depended on it,"
At this particular moment in history with the global crisis, I think the US isn't the flag carrier either. This statement would lead one to conclude that you are a racist.
"And I have another prediction: When it happens, black people in this country will blame it on whites. And one more prediction: China and India together will recolonize Africa. Whether it will be neo-colonial in the post-WWII Western mode, or formal colonialism of the Victorian mode, is a good question."
So you acknowledge that the whites failed ? And the Indians and Chinese will succeed? LOL! You may not know it but your tone is truly condescending. Which again may lead one to conclude that you are a racist.
"After all, China has a lot of people and not enough room for them. I have actually been to China a couple times, and have seen how fast they can erect a city to hold 10 million people. Africa had a chance to get its shit together between 1960 and 1990, and blew it. You could see it happening right away."
We have been dealing with the Chinese longer than you can imagine. If they wanted to erect cities in Africa that fast they would have done it by now. We have been dealing with the Indians and still are. As a matter of fact they are about to be recognized officially as an ethnic group in Uganda.
"Power fills a vacuum, and the next vacuum fillers will be Asian. And just wait until you see how the Chinese run the show. You think the Europeans were rough? You have no idea how rough rough can get".
LOL! You are truly a dreamer, I bet nothing makes you happier than seeing Africans further subjugated. Bad news for you is that Africans tend to work well with Indians and Chinese. They understand our boundaries which Europeans never seemed to get. In Uganda there has been quiet building of Bridges with the Indians that were expelled. All their property was returned and have citizenship if they wish to get it. Many Africans get scholarships annually to go study in Russia, India and China. This has been going on before even the cold war. These people know the mistakes of the West and are not about to repeat them. You showed them what not to do. You showed us all the potentials.
You know what, just stick to your local evening knews. That serves you mental purposes. And your predictions will be truly fulfilled through your local media.
The reality of the world is too complex for you.
Grata, I understand that a white man would be suspected of being racist if he were pessimistic about Africa. But that pessimism has proved accurate, as Africa has gone backwards since the collapse of colonialism. I think it's a tragedy.
If you'd like to conclude that I'm a racist because I insult the abilities of African leadership, go right ahead. My answer is simple: Res ipsa loquitur
You know what? I'll be happy if Africa can get back on its feet through what you term equal partnerships with China and India. Of course, the current indications are somewhat different on the equality front, but only time will tell. As for Uganda and the Indians, maybe it's best for the Indians that they were expelled for a time. At least Idi Amin didn't eat them for dinner.
And since we're on the subject of Africa, how is Rwanda and the Congo working out? And Zinmbabwe? Tell me which country you'd point to in Africa as a success story over the past 30 years. I'd love to know, so I can feel as if something is working there.
By the way, in the coming years the threat is not going to be from the reckless use of American power. What's going to happen is that power will be diffused.
You'll see five or six regional powers, with the U.S. being more of a broker among them. There'll be increasing anarchy around the edges. What I had foreseen 25 years ago for Africa will keep developing along those lines, i.e., complete governmental collapse, as we've seen in Somalia.
Africa is not the only failed region. Burma, once the wealthiest Asian country until its kleptocracy ran it into the ground, is a skeleton. Same for Bangladesh. Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania are on the brink of anarchy, and Pakistan is a "country" in name only. Russia has enormous critical problems, not the least of which is AIDS that is nearing the rates seen in Africa.
Fifty years from now, we'll have had the opportunity to see just how well anarchy works, and to see just how bad things can get in Africa. Andyou, Greta, will surely find a way to blame every last bit of it on the white devils of America.
i've noticed no ZIM ships have been hijacked? i once saw someone flick a SMARK clear across the room and hit the wall on the other side, it's all practice practice STEIKO
i've noticed no ZIM ships have been hijacked? i once saw someone flick a SMARK clear across the room and hit the wall on the other side, it's all practice practice STEIKO
Would you care to translate that into everyday English?
"Grata, I understand that a white man would be suspected of being racist if he were pessimistic about Africa. But that pessimism has proved accurate, as Africa has gone backwards since the collapse of colonialism. I think it's a tragedy."
LOL! I see you have devised a trick to preempt accusations of being racist. That still doesn't mean you are not one.
So in your mind colonialism was good for Africans and when the mighty whites left every thing went backwards? I remember something similar being said by a skin head.
Exactly how many African countries have you been to to determine that they are backwards? You mention all the ones that make the evening news , do you know of any others?
Then you go ahead and say this!
"You know what? I'll be happy if Africa can get back on its feet through what you term equal partnerships with China and India"
Happy for Africa? Arent you kind and caring? Why not go and save them from themselves you humanitarian.
And then you reveal your analytical abilities of telling fact from fiction here;
"At least Idi Amin didn't eat them for dinner".
WOW! Still on that couch?
"And since we're on the subject of Africa, how is Rwanda and the Congo working out? And Zinmbabwe? Tell me which country you'd point to in Africa as a success story over the past 30 years. I'd love to know, so I can feel as if something is working there"
Now what makes you think I would want to share any good information about Africa with you. I prefer you remain in your uninformed state. Thank your gods for Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Congo. They continue to prep up the egos of your type otherwise what would be the meaning of your life?
Someone had a point when they said that the constant negative potrayal of Africa was more about serving the Western psyche. Its a feel good shot, isn't it? Makes you feel Superior seeing those good for nothing wretches, doesn't it?
Now that Black Americans are going to be harder to shit on, are Africans your next target? Good luck. And I only say this to your type.
I am fully aware that the majority of white people are decent and not that much different from any one else.
"Africa is not the only failed region. Burma, once the wealthiest Asian country until its kleptocracy ran it into the ground, is a skeleton. Same for Bangladesh. Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania are on the brink of anarchy, and Pakistan is a "country" in name only. Russia has enormous critical problems, not the least of which is AIDS that is nearing the rates seen in Africa."
Dude, you have swallowed too much of the Western Media Kool Aid. You need to detox. Maybe travel a little and actually meet and talk to people from the areas you pretend to know.
"Andyou, Greta, will surely find a way to blame every last bit of it on the white devils of America".
Like I keep saying to whites obsessed about Black people hating them. You are not that important for me to dwell on your evils. I know my people very well and their own faults and evils. You can never know them more than I do. So you can't tell me who I should blame.
See the difference between me and you is that I have lived in both societies and can speak from real experience, not from Western media fodder.
Its a shame when people try to speak authentically on matters they barely understand.
You are quite interesting though. Keep sharing your oversights.
Oh, before I go, You are one of those really irritating whites that burst our bubble about whites.
Having little exposure because of living in jungles, trees and stuff like that, we tend to think that you guys are incredibly smart and almost super human. Then we come over here and we meet people like you and Sarah Palin (boy does she give you guys a bad name). Really! If this was an African village, the elders would have shut you up by now. You truly embarrass your people.
So in your mind colonialism was good for Africans and when the mighty whites left every thing went backwards?
Colonialism was a mixed bag for Africans. In some ways it was a horror story, but it did leave a capital infrastructure -- which the Africans have now spent the last 45 years running into the ground.
Oh, before I go, You are one of those really irritating whites that burst our bubble about whites.
I'm happy I could be of service. You need someone to blame. Might as well be "people like me."
Someone had a point when they said that the constant negative potrayal of Africa was more about serving the Western psyche. Its a feel good shot, isn't it? Makes you feel Superior seeing those good for nothing wretches, doesn't it?
It makes me sad and angry, actually. In 1960, there were four regions of the world with lots of opportunity: East Asia, India, Africa, and Latin America. Of those, only Africa has gone unmistakably backward.
Grinder, Ghana is a success story! By my criteria.
As Grata said, continue listening to the western propoganda news in your cocoon of delusion.
Tell me about Ghana, then. Seriously. It's not a sarcastic comment. I'd like to know. It would be even better if you had some links.
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