And now the following from that esteemed author, Andrae Crouch....oh wait that's the singer. I meant Stanley Crouch:
"Secretary of State James Baker once said that the free advice from a man who offered his
opinions often was worth what the secretary had paid for it.
This is how blacks in America need to take Ayman al-Zawahiri's recent tape praising Malcolm X and condemning Barack Obama.
As Osama Bin Laden's top deputy, Zawahiri knows a mark when he sees one and believes black Americans to be a collective chump gullible enough to be swayed by arguments against Obama that try to smack him with the dead horse of black nationalism.
The threatening video issued last week was intended to whip up support for what is known as radical Islam by using a martyr to a lost cause, Malcolm X.
Malcolm X was one of the naysayers to American possibility whose vision was permanently crushed beneath the heel of Obama's victory on Nov. 4. Though his ideas had nothing to do with the ultimate form of nonviolence - voting - those desperate to praise him will pretend now that he was actually a civil rights leader! This has been going on for an unforgivably long time, especially among black academics.
Malcolm X had nothing to do with Obama's accomplishment as did none of the other militants who preached their own version of separatism and gleefully attacked the civil rights movement as offering no more than pie in the sky and misleading black people.
So Malcolm X was no more than a charismatic heckler of the civil rights movement and a man whose career was soaked in racism, potted history and absurd ideas of one sort or another. He was a good rabble-rouser and he was a good saber rattler. On Feb. 21, 1965, he was murdered in public as one of the victims of the tribal wars that distinguished radical black nationalist cults and purported "revolutionary" leadership like the Black Panthers.
If not for Spike Lee's film about him, Malcolm X would have been forgotten. His legacy did not add up to inspiring one important piece of legislation, leading one important march or actually getting anything done that had objective significance...."
I knew this article was going to be fucked up when the brother started off by quoting James Baker.
Okay Stanley (May I call you Stanley? You seemed to be one of those new Negroes who want to be addressed properly. Dr. Crouch, Mr. Crouch....) here is the deal: I agree with the first part of your hypothesis, that Al Qaida's number two totally misread the African American psyche. To believe that African Americans would fall for a collective okey doke, and call out a president that finally looked like the rest of us was just plain foolish. It was a sign that the man has been clearly living in a cave over these past years for sure.
But Stanley, you haven't been living in cave (Well, you do live in New York.... never mind) so you should know better. Your conclusion about Malcolm X and the civil rights struggle is totally without merit. Yes he was a "good rabble-rouser" and guess what, at the time, that is exactly what the civil rights movement needed, a rabble-rouser. Revisionist history is always nice, but you need to understand that none of those leaders and folks who stepped out to the forefront of the civil rights movement did it in a vacuum. They all played a role in bringing about needed change in the white establishment. An establishment that was not going to relinquish power to your black ass no matter how many marches and sit ins you had. Everyone from H. Rap Brown; to John Lewis; to Rosa Parks; to the Panthers; to Cheney, Schwerner, Goodman, and the little girls who lost their lives in Birmingham (when those animals bombed their church), to.... yes Stanley, even Malcolm, contributed. His O ness can walk on all of their shoulders. The irony is, that unlike you, I bet he would tell us that. He, unlike you, seems to know his place in history and how he got there.
How soon we forget. So now, thanks to Stanley, we know that A-merry-ca was the shining beacon on a hill all along. And it was just a matter of time before we all came around to our senses and realized that we are all equals in the greatest country on god's green earth. Poor Stanley.
For you to write that Malcolm X had nothing to do with creating the environment to allow Obama to accomplish what he has, only proves how prescient and how much foresight Malcolm X really had. After all, didn't he talk about Negroes like you in one of his speeches?
Hat tip to Tariq Nelson over at the Afrospear for hipping me to this story.
Man, Crouch is a misanthrope in the Twain and Mencken tradition, and you know what--we NEED voices like his so we don't all guzzle Kool Aid from time to time. Obamaholics are circling the wagons again, attacking anyone who would cast doubts on the beatification of St. Barry. I just left a seminar at the university peopled by current and former Hill staffers, black lobbyists, attorneys, etc and a few honest and unafraid folks from Chicago and this Clinton White...and I do mean white...House 2.0 was predicted from jump. Barack's about as far from Malcolm (even Malcolm post pilgrimage) in that regard as you are from Mr. Grouch. I stand by that like Gibralta, like one of me gran-muddah's bammie cakes, dem.
But back to Stanley. He is a provacateur and we need such folks. He has been dead on when it comes to hip hop's endless travails and vagaries (from West Coast nonsense to the current Dirty South knuckleheadedness); he has been utterly wrong about other stuff. I admire people who have the balls to go against convention and I thought you did, too. Are you taking your sadness over poor Mr. McNabb's plight out on Mr. Toad? (Stanley). LOL
Even in my former incarnation as USDOJ attorney I've heard grumblings that Eric Holder is yet another bureaucrat or place holder at best, house negro at worst. And unless Deval Patrick wants a new job besides Guv, don't look for a black man or woman who isn't already old as dirt to fill a seat on the Supreme Court.
Yeah all this is a giant digression, but it's also a metaphor the notion that Stanley's arguments have some merit, even if he is a harsh toad. Be aware that O man appears to have no plans to make MAJOR strategic deviations from W's War on Terror, so hey. Maybe after a few thousand more young men are dead, we can haul bin Laden up before CNN cameras and force him to apologise for calling our prez a house negro.
Conventions, icons etc are not always useful things. Remember, we made Slick Willie and his wife into iconsand look what happened.
So Malcolm X was no more than a charismatic heckler of the civil rights movement and a man whose career was soaked in racism, potted history and absurd ideas of one sort or another. He was a good rabble-rouser and he was a good saber rattler. On Feb. 21, 1965, he was murdered in public as one of the victims of the tribal wars that distinguished radical black nationalist cults and purported "revolutionary" leadership like the Black Panthers.
What a disgusting and despicable diatribe. The only thing I agree with him on is that Whites have wrested Jazz from the creative nexus of Blacks. Somehow a White musician is an innovator but Black jazz musicians are merely imitators.
Other than that, what was wrong with being a Black nationalist back then? How in the hell were Blacks going to get anything done and counteract the domestic terrorism leveled against them without articulating and demanding to be seen as human. It wasn’t just MLK who carried the Civil Rights train. Malcolm inspired many Blacks to see that they were worth something other than as domestic fodder.
Instead of being out in the streets with the rest of the Sable Rattlers trying to make a difference so his sanctimonious, slime ridden "toad" could write such a ludicrous, cowardly reproach against a man that had the strength to stand up against Whites and then his own organization in order to speak his truth, what has he done but pontificate on what’s wrong with Black people ad nausea. It is beyond reprehensible that he felt the need to formulate such filthy bilge and to slander a man that did more to inspire Black people then he had ever done or hope to do. Was he marching in Selma? Was he at Washington DC? Did he mentor Black men and women? Did he ever inspire anyone or anything other than physical revulsion and visceral contempt?
Certainly Obama is no Malcolm X and I would never make such an egregious comparison, but Black Media Assassins like him are the absolute worse forms of spineless, opportunistic, self aggrandizing cowards.
Malcolm would have been forgotten without Spike Lee?! How many people's lives--including President Obama's--have been changed by reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X? This guy is is playing it up to the White power structure big-time. "Now, don't you go gittin' all discombobulated, massa, cuz it's a nigra in the White House! I'se gone show you us coloreds ain't united and you ain't got nothin' to worry about!"
I think "House Negro" is too good a term for Mr. Crouch. There was an interesting post on The Kitchen Table Blog about the reality of house slaves and the dangers they faced being in close proximity to the masters. It made me re-think the House/Field thing.
What we call House Negroes are really Blacks who have enslaved themselves and chained their minds like Mr. Crouch. And enslaved people do not like the cut of a free man's jib. Crouch is a saboteur.
@ KellyBelle
There will always be a few good negroes who want to soothe the fears of white people who may feel agitated... that's not MY ROLE! *LOL*
I read the post you were speaking of at The Kitchen Table...and it's true that blacks have often spoken about the house slaves having better clothes, better food and more privileges than the field slaves...but being raped on a regular basis by the massa isn't HARDLY a privilege!!
It is interesting to me that there are some black scholars who never get invited to be part of the national dialogue on major networks...oh but the VERY second white folks find a negro who says what they want to hear, he's front and center in the debate on the nightly news, an INSTANT pundit next to the other talking heads.
So we have another Black contrarian who wants to cash in, heh? Please, those white people wouldn't have been able to swallow MLK if Malcolm hadn't been the wolf howling at the door. They thought they were getting the lesser of two evils and murdered them both anyway. It's that same revisionist BS that tried to paint them as adversaries. Like the Black strivers and intelligentsia of the time was all supportive of MLK - when we know they weren't! I'm over at JJP rolling right now because some of these fools can't get past the word slave catcher without losing it. How is anything going to get done regardless of Obama when so many Black people are still stuck on stupid?
I don't find Crouch a provocateur -- I believe him willfully blind. Also I don't believe in icons. All I want Barack Obama to be a competent president. THAT IS ALL.
Indeed--he walks the halls of a history that has Malcolm clearly standing tall in it---. But my fellow liberals better understand that slavery ended over 140 years ago and they need to stop this shit of wanting Obama to be their chief bottle washer, cook and savior as they micro-manage every damned person he picks for his cabinet.
To not understand that these people -- whoever they are--are to carry out HIS policies is the height of fancy—just like Mr. Crouch's as he decides it's simply easy to dismiss Malcolm X because there are no policies in his name.
Or maybe it isn't the height of fancy--just plain damned annoying and I'll have to get over it.
Not sure who this Mr. Crouch is, but damn you ripped him. Obviously this dude is lost on planet Bullsh*t!
By the way, someone please give this brotha some rogaine.
Malcolm X dropout of school; he wasn’t even a college graduate. Yet and still, he was able to converse intelligently with college graduates at their level. Universities invited him to speak at their colleges and commended him on his oratory ability. Scholars wrote books about him.
Malcolm X is due his props and much respect; because when he went to prison, he educated his self with a dictionary. Later on, he went down in history as a very articulate,intelligent,highly respected leader, and great man.
The dictionary became a turning point in his life and was instrumental in advancing his mind to a higher level. Malcolm X rose from a hustler, pimp, and prison inmate to a great leader who even to this day is remembered and taught about in schools at every single level and used as a role model—that’s POWER!
He was inspirational in uplifting the black race to rise above their situations. I could go on and on about Malcolm X. How dare that ugly thing Stanely Crouch having the nerve to insult Malcolm's legacy like that. Next, he'll be saying that Martin Luther King didn't do anything, and the list goes on.
I tell you some negroes will do and say anything to get in the limelight and dance a jig for Mr. Charlie. Yessir Boss! I bet he is auditioning for Fox News.
Many are called but few are chosen, and Malcolm X was chosen for that time to do all that he did. Malcolm was a man who was put in people's path for a reason and a season. I can't say the same for Stanely Crouch. Folks like Stanely come a dime a dozen, envy hearted, attention seekers looking for praises of men.
President Elect Obama has not even been given a chance yet. People already trying to find something wrong before the man has even been sworn in. He is not a miracle worker, but at least folks ought to have sense enough to give him a chance before they go trying to tell him who, when, where, what, and how to do his job. Give the man a break and let him do his job first before all you naysayers go to stoning him. But first of all, let him get sworn in, moved in, and work in his new position as President before you stone him to death.
What does it take to make some of you BELIEVE...have FAITH?
Crouch ignores Malcolm's last years entirely. He ignores the avid and constant student of politics, history, religion - it's just not a credible take on a complicated leader. His article is just silly.
Did he read the autobiography? Malcolm X held extreme views, but he had extreme cause. Unlike the KKK and al Qaida, Malcolm never committed violence (once he became a Muslim). His ideas and rhetoric evolved with experience. More than most can say.
I get a kick out of the tall skinny dignity of Obama because it reminds me of Malcolm X for all the right reasons. Imagine if he'd lived, by now some old eminence grise running a foundation, and could witness this Jan. 20th.
Is that nigga on crack? Between his crusty white lips and whorish historical revisionism to benefit his mastah, he sure comes across like this.
I reaaaallly wish that people would post a warning before posting Crouch's photo-I have lost count how many times that mug has made me jump outta my seat
"But Stanley, you haven't been living in cave (Well, you do live in New York.... never mind)"
I KNOW someone from filthydelphia did not just insult my city!
Crouch is a buffoon. I mean he writes for the NY Daily News, no one takes him or that rag seriously.
I was just having a conversation about the civil rights movement with the kids that I work with. Of course they wanted to talk about Malcolm X and even they understood his contribution to the civil rights movement in their own twisted way.
Crouch has been talking out the side of his mouth for MANY years now...
...Speaking of his mouth, I'd be wrong if I made jokes about his crusty lips, wouldn't I? It looks like he tried to fellate a curling iron or something...but like I said, joking the man on his appearance would be WRONG!
Seriously though, I feel the same way as Leota2 as far as my expectations for Obama. I expect him to be a strong, competent leader...Not some kind of savior.
Once again, Stanley Crouch needs to stop acting like the real-life version of Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks and get his facts straight before putting out any more skewed articles like this one.
Anonymous 1:22:
This time granny agrees with you. I feel ya, I really do. I know I should be ashamed of myself for saying this, but when I looked at his picture my mind went back to that scene in "The Color Purple" where Suge Avery told Cecile, "You sho is ugly."
Lord forgive me, but I'm telling the truth, and Lord I know you don't want me to lie.
He writes for the New York Daily News? Yikes. I thought that was a conservative fish wrap?
Field, you hit the nail on the head with the words "historical revisionism". As was already mentioned, the evolution of Malcolm's ideas cannot be turned into a one dimensional cartoon like this provacateur wishes to do. He needs to go back and read the Autobiography. Here's one quote that is especially relevant in this light:
"I've had enough of somebody else's propaganda. I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole."
Both Malcolm X and MLK were killed at a time when they were taking the fight for justice to new and dangerous levels. When I say dangerous, I mean to the power structure in this country. Dr. King was planning a poor people's march on D.C. to highlight economic inequality and Malcolm was encouraging all people interested in justice uniting, NOT separating.
They were both killed at a time when they were threatening the power structure in ways that they had not done before. Coincidence? Probably not.
It's also no coincidence that bin Laden hasn't been found yet. He's still useful to some people in high places.
Stan needs to read the Autobiography all the way through then get back to us.
He is beyond off base regarding Malcolm X.
Thanks Field for bringing this to our attention. Crouch appears to have gotten desperate. He clearly knows better than what he is saying and this is the most cowardly piece that he has ever written because he knows that Malcolm X cannot defend himself or his legacy. But what Crouch is really after is trying to destroy the idea that this system still doesn't work and that ultimately as Malcolm and MLK boldy declared it will have to be replaced.
But you defended him pretty well Field and so did others in their comments.
This garbage falls under the category of something you wouldn't want to dignify with a response.
Hello Field,
What's up with Mr. Stanley? He has enough glass in those ole azz frames to make at least two light bulbs (once they thin those lenses out). He is from New York? He should know better; it is like walking around with windshields on his mug.
Anyway, if I compare his articles to 24 hours, Mr. Crouch is probably right, maybe two, three hours a day, at best. This definitely, wasn't one of those times.
Malcolm was God incarnate.
@ K.I.T.
Pleeeeease tell me you did not just bust on that negro's lips!
You are too much!!
Lord, let us pray.
This is what the Black Panther Party was all about.
The Ten Point Plan
We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.
We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.
We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.
We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.
We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.
We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.
We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors.
We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are most disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
"Crabby Grouch" has been anti-Black nationalism, anti-Malcolm X , anti-Panthers for at least since the seventies. The thing is that he used to be somewhat of a nationalist.
However perhaps by reading too much Albert Murray and frustrated by his failed career as a free jazz drummer (how you can fail as a FREE jazz drummer is beyond me) Crabby Grouch began the long turn towards right-wing Kool-Aid drinking and shameless Wynton Marsalis flattery. If nothing else I guess such things paid better than making unlistenable albums.
While Crabby Grouch is somewhat intelligent and may occasionally have some good points , in the same manner in which a broken clock is correct two times a day, his inability to disagree amicably or understand that other people may see the world differently than he curdles his writing like rotten milk.
As I mentioned he's had a visceral disdain for brother Malcolm for years. So he's always looking for any opportunity to vent that hatred. The really ironic thing is that when it became apparent that Obama was serious about running Crabby Grouch wrote an article in which he castigated Black Americans for thinking that Obama was Black and claimed that Obama had not lived the life of a Black American.
So Crabby Grouch has a long history of talking out of his behind...
I've always found Crouch's deep, DEEP hatred of Hip-Hop hilarious since he has a tendancy to act gangsta as hell towards his critics when he sees them in real life. Seriously, read up on his bio sometime...
Exhibit A:
He started a fight at a fucking award show after party! Its hard to get any more "Gangsta Rapper" than that. That's the type of shit I'd expect to read about on AllHipHop's news section. Except that this was the damn Jazz Awards! The Jazz Awards. Let that sink in for a moment.
Source: http://www.allaboutjazz.com/birdlives/bl-8.htm
Exhibit B:
4 years ago Mr. Crouch saw a certain book critic in a restaurant he was dining in. Turns out that this critic gave Stan's latest book an unfavorable review. So Stan did what any reasonable person would do: walked up to him, shook his hand....slapped him....and warned him that he'd been throwing more than a slap should Mr. Critic ever dare to give another bad review. That right there is Beanie Sigel-esque.
Exhibit C:
Mr. Crouch (aka S-Cizzle, aka C-Killa, aka Stan Smackk, aka Stanley Escobar...) had a infamous history over at the Village Voice paper. The stories include, but are not limited to, verbal threats, stalking, and a incident where a young brotha wanted to discuss Hip-Hop and Stan showed him the error of his ways by putting the guy in a headlock.
Stan Smackk, mixtape droppin soon!
Yes Shady_Grady, Stanley could pass for the black version of Mr. Morton. Dude is seriously crabby and salty all the time. I forgot he was a drummer once. But I didn't know he has a history of bashing Malcolm. Interesting.
Granny, you are so down. Thank you for those ten points my sister. Coming to this blog is always such an education for me.
Christopher, I am not going to be drinking the O Aid. As I said the day after he won, I will be the first one to get on him (Obama) if I think he is messing up. But damn it, let's give him a chance first. And as Leota2 so eloquently stated, I am not looking for an icon, just someone who will do a good job as the 44th president of these divided states. And after the mess he inherited, I understand that it won't be easy.
black moon, and faith, you are correct about these new contrarians, but we have always had them in our community. We should be used to them by now. Black women...thanks for that link.
Damn Ernesto, I forgot about that quote. That is right on point, and still relevant.
'"But Stanley, you haven't been living in cave (Well, you do live in New York.... never mind)"
I KNOW someone from filthydelphia did not just insult my city!"
Ok Minnie, I deserved that one :)
Wow swiff. Looks like old Stanley's milk ain't too clean. :)Lots of Windex needed for that glass-house eh Stanley?
Several others already said it, but I'll co-sign---
The Autobiography was required reading in many high schools long before Spike Lee's film was released. The story of the man who pulled himself up through self-education is inspiring to people of all colors. And anyone with half a brain knows that Malcolm was still changing and maturing in his views. Going on the Hajj was yet another life-changing event for him. Had he lived, he might have been a uniting force between blacks and whites, and that frightened a lot of people.
When I look back at the 60s, it's hard NOT to think that there must have been a conspiracy: JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK ....
As FN stated, without Malcolm (and the Nation of Islam) the white establishment would not have wanted to deal with MLK and the civil rights movement. MLK would have been the "radical". I don't think that is what the NOI had in mind, but that is what happened.
The NOI and Malcolm were also instrumental in us moving away from calling ourselves "negroes" and to the term "black". The "black is beautiful" movement of the 1970s.
Malcolm X saw the country and the world through the lens of the era and if I had lived then, I probably would've seen something similar.
But the U.S. today is very different from the U.S. of Malcolm X's time. Things aren't perfect but the fact remains, 54% of the voters elected Barack Obama the 44th president.
I don't think such a thing would have been possible in Malcolm X's day.
After all, didn't he talk about Negroes like you in one of his speeches?
Ooooh! Nailed it!
White American here. I've never seen Spike Jones' movie. And I've never forgotten Malcolm X. He challenged the white community in a way no one had before, since maybe Nat Turner. He forced us to look at ourselves with a clearer lens (at least, some of us). Oh, yeah, he made a difference. And whether he's remembered or forgotten, that difference will remain.
Well, speaking of that, we remember Nat Turner, don't we? And his movement went down in flames a long time before Malcolm's.
Crouch used to be a very able jazz and culture critic.
But as bell hooks pointed out, he realized around the time he was fired from the Village Voice for assaulting a coworker that kissing the a$$ of white supremacy was a good career move and very profitable.
Well stated Mr. Field. Well stated. Happy Holidays to all the folks on this blog. Ya'll be blessed!
Naj in VA
Crouch should be treted just like Zawahiri should be treated. . .
backward psychopathic cave dweller pushing a hate filled anti-social agenda.
Why do either get air time or recognition?
How about the rumor the Democrats are in talks with Tweety to run against Arlen Specter in 2010?
In fact, it's more than a rumor.
Tweety met with the leaders of the Pennsylvania Democratic party last week to explore the possibility.
It's Spike "Lee".
Thank you for Field for not selling out.
Stanly Crouch is married, right?
I just want to know, who is the courageous woman that has to kiss those lips?
This is sad field. You sound like you haven't heard any of malcom x speeches. Malcom spoke the truth which is still relevant even to this very day. The powers that be run the goverment, and Barack, God bless his soul, is just another pawn of the globalist. Malcom taught that the only way the black man could have equal justice was to seperate from the white race entirely. Just becuase we have a Black president doesn't mean we have equal justice. Hell, if Jay-Z had of run, he would have had just as good a chance as Barack. We see Black presidents in movies all the time, and with the crowd mentality, any black person with an ounce of white support could make a good run at the presidency. Barack is just a puppet for the bankers, who put money up on both sides of the fence to hedge there bets. I didn't vote. Why? Becuase in the end, it doesn't matter. I STILL HAVE TO WORK, and take care of my family in this messed up world. If we as a people had of listened to Malcom, we would have our own banks, schools, jobs, taking care of ourselves instead of thanking the very people who never gave a fuck, about "allowing" us to have the first black president. This is a MONETERY system ran by MONEY not the people. Stop being pro-black, and be pro-human. WE ARE STILL SLAVES to the FED, economic slavery, that binds us all, from the poor black women to the poor white KKK member.
I came onto your blog this morning and was frightened. It is too early to face something like that, I needed to have a cup of coffee just to calm my nerves.
I have to ignore individuals like Stanley Crouch because he another person who does not understand the importance of Malcolm X. Another one who read the Autobiography of Malcolm X, and not just saw the movie would see the evolution of not just a black man, but a man developing his moral compass in the process. I think a lot of African-Americans were taught to believe that Malcolm X was not a great person and he provoked violence. If there is one lesson anyone would learn from Malcolm X's life is how does a person come into their own. What is important and what you value as an individual, and have a sense of community. He was transcending into his humanity. Perhaps it's something Stanlet can do.
Good job Fields on informing us about this. When i first read this, i wasn't going to respond to Stanley but you force my hand to send him a note of how i feel for him to enjoy the somewhat freedom of living his life via the contribution that Malcolm made for him ,if he doesn't know it directly.
NEVER LIKED THAT PINK LIPPED NEGRO I know many people that have been completely changed after reading the autobiography of Malcolm X. It's an eye opener, not the feel good image that MLK has been reduced to. Malcolm and MLK's speeches are awe inspiring, amazing, intelligent. I'm sick of generlizers coming out against rap. It's seems the most hateful shit, negroes have jobs and older negroes come out against it? I never could understand, there are so many ills in society attacking rap to me is following a velied racist party line. The bible, in it's original language Aramaic, rhymes, so does the Quaran. as soon as I hear someone's blanket condemnation of rap, a legal hustle, my ears stop listening, I think another idiot being told who to hate and blindly following.
Field, would you stop it with the bullshit. I happen to be enjoying our new "post racial" society. When you overlook the rise in hate crimes since Barry has been elected, its clear that "Goggles" (I'm sorry but dudes glasses are fucked up and madd old) is right!
The only thing I agree with him on is that Whites have wrested Jazz from the creative nexus of Blacks. Somehow a White musician is an innovator but Black jazz musicians are merely imitators.
I don't get this comment. For starters, jazz (the distillation of the blues) is America's classical music. It is the flower that grew from the horrors of slavery.
While there have been some great white jazz players (Gene Krupa, Dave Brubeck, Bix Beiderbecke, and especially Bill Evans, who I think sits in heaven with Saint Coltrane and Miles Davis), the overwhelming majority of the jazz greats have been black.
Any jazz fan knows that jazz is the African American contribution to world high culture. No one with an I.Q. higher than 50 would ever attempt to take that one away from black people.
People can argue all kinds of things, but not jazz. And, while it originated with African Americans, they don't own it any more than the Greeks own philosophy, the English own Shakespeare or common law, the Japanese own Bushido, the Chinese own Confucianism, the Italians own the Renaissance, the Jews own Maimonides, the Arabs own algebra, or the Europeans own classical music.
These things are gifts. They belong to everyone.
When I was a kid I read about Malcom X, and he struck me as the externalization of Ralph Ellison, whose Invisible Man I consider to be one of the greatest works of American literature.
The Panthers, on the other hand, have always seemed to me to be the beginnings of what might have turned into a black KKK had the FBI not crushed them. I think the Panthers did much more harm than good.
When I call Malcom X the externalization of Ellison, what I remember thinking at an early age was that Ellison sat in his basement by himself, his only revenge being stealing electricity from the local monopoly. Malcom X said, essentially, "Fuck you, I'm coming out of the basement now and you will have to deal with an angry man."
Thanks for the tip Field! We had to do a tag team on Mr. Crouch for this one.
Stanley Crouch is now the third recipient of our "Shit-Huffing" Award for Stupidity and Ignorance Beyond the Call of Duty or Reason
Chauncey Devega
We Are Respectable Negroes
"And, while it originated with African Americans, they don't own it any more than the Greeks own philosophy, the English own Shakespeare or common law, the Japanese own Bushido, the Chinese own Confucianism, the Italians own the Renaissance, the Jews own Maimonides, the Arabs own algebra, or the Europeans own classical music.
These things are gifts. They belong to everyone."
Beautifully said.
And one more thing: I think Crouch is wrong. I think Malcom X's existence, which to me was part and parcel of the riots of 1967, told white America that they had better listen to Martin Luther King, or else.
The downside, though, and it was considerable, was that a lot of fear got burned into the lizard brain circuits of white America. I think this was reinforced by the crack and unwed birth epidemics of the '80s and '90s.
What worries me now is that crack has made deep inroads among whites, in the form of meth. And unwed motherhood has exploded among whites. I think both of these things -- cheap narcotics everywhere, and unwed motherhood -- are utter disasters wherever they appear.
Field, I don't know what category you'd put this utter fool into. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, so maybe a new category is needed.
Near as I can tell, AIDS denialism originated in the late 1980s among a handful of white academics in the U.S. and Australia. I remember it very well, because a friend of mine with HIV fell for it. He stopped using AZT and wound up dying.
I have recently read that scientists at the World Health Organization think AIDS can be eliminated in 10 years with widespread testing and early treatment among populations with high infection rates.
girl, this white girl has your back! You're 1200% right (that's a typo)
His cabinet is turning out better than expected not worse.
And he's getting more out of Hillary's appointment than she is. Who in their right mind turns down senator for Sec of State? One's a life's work, the other is four years.
Shows she has her priorities straight. Save the country first.
And I have to admit, I grew up in a white school and learned that Malcolm was a scary black guy (that's all I remember.) Thanks for showing me different. I can respect a good anarchist or two, even if I know that their methods are wrong -- because their heart is in the right place.
You stated that "Revisionist history is always nice, but you need to understand that none of those leaders and folks who stepped out to the forefront of the civil rights movement did it in a vacuum. They all played a role in bringing about needed change in the white establishment."
Without brothers/sisters (and white folks) of good-will, I won't have the strength to "keep on keeping on." I've long passed the place where anything these coons say or do surprises me. But they'll never stop PISSING ME OFF.
Thanks for keeping the rest of us, out here fighting in the fields, well informed about these types of Negroes.
I think "House Negro" is too good a term for Mr. Crouch.
I agree. I think that you need to add a new category to your side view
THE HONORARY ETERNAL SAMBO CLUB and you need to just start of the membership with Mr. Crouch and that other guy who begged John McCain to "destroy" Barack at the Klan Convention...I'm sorry...I mean the Republican convention.
Just a suggestion. FN Consider it.
He even looks like Sambo with those big pink lips...Okay, I know that I am wrong....LOL
Sorry to go off topic, but this is just too funny. The Al Qeada calling Obama "House Negro" are not whining that the world media distorted their message because of pro-Obama bias. LOL! Apparently their attack didnt go over very well.
Reminds me of the republicans, Sarah palin must be on their(Qeada) ticket. LOL.
I meant to write that
" they are NOW whining THAT the media is pro-Obama...." sorry for the typo.
Field quote
"For you to write that Malcolm X had nothing to do with creating the environment to allow Obama to accomplish what he has, only proves how prescient and how much foresight Malcolm X really had. After all, didn't he talk about Negroes like you in one of his speeches?"
DAMN YOU ARE MEAN! Couldnt add anything to that--sums it up perfectly.
i continue to appreciate bloggers/columnist like yourself. it's hard to find other field negroes who realize that you can use the masstuhs tools against him. Instead many choose to you these tools to perform the masstuhs work even better.
A friend quoted a Yoruba proverb: When the ax entered the forest, the trees said, "look the handle is one of us."
what's more amazing i think, is that the axe will never realize the white handle that holds it, for it too has been painted white.
MESSAGE, ya digg?? lol
Malcolm's epiphany in Mecca, where he prayed with people of every nation & color, is one of the great spiritual wakeup call stories of the 20th Century. It's what made him a truly dangerous person to the powers-that-ne.
Look,I won't deny that historically, Malcolm X moved things in the right direction.
But Malcolm X referred to whites as devils. He was against race mixing. He did not want to integration, but separation. Obama's presidency was almost certainly not part of his vision. Although I am sure he would have renounced his views if he had lived to see this day.
What I find fascinating about the Al Q's man assessment about Obama, is that it is grounded in pure ignorance.
His arguments that Obama was born of a Muslim father yet he sides with Islam's enemies, my response was "huh?"
I know that within their Muslim heritage, if a father is Muslim, the child is. But Obama's father abandoned him as a child, he was not raised by hin. Even then, Obama's father was not a practicing Muslim...
So what do they expect???? He was raised by his white mother. This is no nationalist; it is integration all the way...
I know I shouldn't apply modern standards to the Black Panther party, but I hope that no one agrees with what they stood for today...the following is understandable and some militancy was needed to counter the oppression, but from an intellectual point...i just don't know.
The Ten Point Plan is so flawed...
We believe that WHITE and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.
...Now it just sounds dangerous does it not?
We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.
...communism...If you agree with that then ok.
We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.
OK this might have been a good thing. But who was to be considered black? Do you just have someone look at you?
We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.
...again communism, only this time, just for black people
We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.
...fine in theory, but they are asking for a separate, "black' education. This means they have a problem with traditional history. I hope they didn't want to teach children that white people were a result of an evil African scientist, like what Nation of Islam said.
We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.
...But why just black? Black Or oppressed people maybe? How about just oppressed people?
We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.
...I'm staying in the house. Intentions are good, but I don't want a war.
We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors.
Again, what does any means necessary mean?
We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial.
Want to free all black people? ALL of them? really?
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are most disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
This is the only good part of it.
How it possible to know all that anonymous knows about Malcolm X, and then to not know that Malcolm's vision progressed beyond a cloistered worldview? Hopefully it's not just willful omission.
Yes, Malcolm at first sought no brotherhood with those who were violently adverse to extending fellowship to him and our race. He identified our enemies and threats against our humanity by the unyielding evidence presented here in the states. However, after pilgrimage through-out Mecca and the Middle East, Malcolm learned; he began to rethink and to regret many of his previous notions; he said so publicly.
Anonymous 6:12:
"But Malcolm X referred to whites as devils."
You know anonymous, I believe that is one part that was misunderstood by people. Malcolm X was a very religious person. What people seem to misunderstand about the bible is that it is a spiritual book. So is the Koran to Muslims. The characters in the bible represent different types of spirits that different people have. Even the plants and animals in the bible represent some characteristics of different people's spirits.
The bible says, "The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy." Anyone can be a devil, it really doesn't matter what color they are. You can be a devil if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, or whatever race, if you do those things, and that's where the misunderstanding came in at. I believe that when Malcolm X said that, which BTW was some of Elijah Muhammad's teachings, that it wasn't expressed in the context in which it was meant, because they didn't know how to express it, because they hadn't reached that level of revelation and wisdom where they could break it down for people to understand what they were saying.
That scripture describes characteristics of certain spirits of people throughout the bible. When I called Palin a modern day Jezebel, believe me it had nothing to do with lipstick. In spite of what a lot of folks were taught in the bible it had nothing to do with Jezebel putting on lipstick or painting her face as the bible put it, it was about her spirit. That is what I was referring to when I said Palin was a modern day Jezebel--her spirit.
Back during the time of Malcolm X, white folks were doing a lot of these things...steal, kill, and destroying, because black folks didn't exactly have protection under the law. Many blacks were killed by whites for their land. My aunt's husband was hung for his land. His brother was able to escape, left, and stayed gone for many years until it was safe for him to return. Today oil drills set on that very same land that was stolen and never paid for legally. I have a copy of that deed. Whites were trying to destroy black folks in anyway they possibly could back then. I'm sure you've heard at one time or another old people say this, "They got the devil in them." Whelp, that is an expression that expresses some of the characteristics people have that the devil had. It's a hard saying.
According to the NOI founding fathers the white race is a "race of devils" that was crafted from a superior black strain by a mad scientist named Yacub. Malcolm described whites as follows
“Though he was a black man, Mr. Yacub, embittered toward Allah now, decided, as revenge, to create upon the earth a devil race—a bleached-out white race of people."
In fact the ultimate devil had blond hair and blue eyes, so I guess the devil's children mostly live in Norway and Sweden?
classical one:
I knew the history of NOI and I knew that this was how Elijah Muhammad explained it, but I also, know that he was an uneducated man, and lived in a time when superstition was a strong belief of some in that age group. The man who taught Elijah that myth was also an uneducated man. This is where I believe the ignorance came in at using their superstitions to explain it.
Like I said before anyone can be a devil doesn't matter about color. The devil is a spirit, but it's the wrong spirit.
Uptown Steve @ 1:07pm
I remember the assault. He "clocked" then Public Enemy spokesperson Harry Allen "The Media Assassin" . Legend has it the Crouch stoned knocked Harry Allen ass out.
I see Crouch present day stunt as trying to be relevant in a changing time. He does not want to be left behind. I did not get into his quote because he never had anything interesting or thought provoking to say in his writing. There have been whole slew of Black thought left right and center that surpassed him in fame, notoriety and wealth.
I always viewed him more of a Black contrarian than a Black conservative.
Back in the day, myself and other musicians use to theorize (jokingly) that reason Crouch was so salty was because he was gottam FUGLY. He was so FUGLY that he was only jazz musician in the history of jazz who never got any puntang from groupies after the shows. It deeply scarred him emotionally.
The Panthers, on the other hand, have always seemed to me to be the beginnings of what might have turned into a black KKK had the FBI not crushed them. I think the Panthers did much more harm than good.
Your comments constantly show me your lack of understanding of the black perspective, try LISTENING or stepping in someone elses shoes for once. the Black Panther Party is s source of pride for black amerikkans, to attack it shows your ignorance of OUR point of view. To equate the BPP with the KKK makes me wish I was Rod Serling and could make you live as a black man in 1950 or...
to attack it shows your ignorance of OUR point of view
So, now YOU speak for 35 million black people? Better think twice. And, by the way, does respect only flow one way? Where is yours for my point of view, goddamn it? Your statement sounds racist to me.
and sorry granny, but the classical one has it right no matter how you try to nice it up. Muslims do believe that white people are the devil's people.
adam was sent to earth as a punishment and so was the devil. adam had children and so did the devil (ch) and they had children and so on. Malcolm X was amazed to see white muslims that were taught this and accepted it. It states so in his autobiography. But yes muslims also believe that there are white, black, brown devils. every person has the will to do good or evil, it's mans choice, free will.
Muslims believe that before man was sent down to earth as a punishment that the angels were separated by good and evil or positive and negative. The angels only had knowledge of either good or evil but not both. Adam was supposed to rule over the angels, but he took the Devil (CH) a negative angel, a baby, and taught him both good and evil ignoring the Creator's prohibition of such a mix of knowledge. upon having knowledge of both good and evil or positive and negative the devil, made of a smokeless fire (ch), thought he was mightier than his ruler, adam, who was made of dirt so both were sent to earth as a punishment. And the devil is constantly trying to prove that his is mightier than his rival the black man, made of the dirt of the earth. This is a summary of what muslims believe is the origins of man on the earth, truly I have left out a lot of details.
If you hate rap you must hate the bible because in its original form it was written as prose, each line rhymed. this is how you can tell what was added and taken from each text.
muslim - a slang term for the people from the land of Mu (mistakenly called atlantis). their neighbors thought they were a peaceful people or saleem.
Saleem - meaning peace, cities in amerikka were named for the muslim slaves who were taken to these cities to introduce superstition to the captives to steer them away from their religion and make them more tame.
Salem, Oregon. Salem, Ma.
I think Stanley looks like a tom
Bean twn chica:
Baby, I wasn't trying to nice it up. It was just a thought that had came to me back a couple of years ago while I was working on genealogy and reading some black history books concerning religion. What classical mentioned I knew and always wondered how could NOI think and believe something that far out and wierd. It never made sense to me then, and it does not make sense to me now.
The original Black Panthers did not go around hunting down white people to kill. The original Black Panthers began in Oakland, CA. The New Black Panthers is an entirely different organization that was started way after the Black Panthers no longer existed.
The Black Panther Party was a progressive political organization that stood in the vanguard of the most powerful movement for social change in America since the Revolution of 1776 and the Civil War: that dynamic episode generally referred to as The Sixties.
One result was not only the flowering of the Party itself but a rapid proliferation of other, like minded organizations. Chicanos, or Mexican Americans, in Southern California formed the Brown Berets. Whites in Chicago and environs formed the White Patriot Party. Chinese in the San Francisco Bay Area formed the Red Guard. Puerto Ricans in New York created the Young Lords. Eventually, a group of so called senior citizens organized the Gray Panthers to address the human and civil rights abuses of the elderly in society. The Party expanded from a small Oakland based organization to a national organization, as black youth in 48 states formed chapters of the Party. In addition, Black Panther coalition and support groups began to spring up internationally, in Japan, China, France, England, Germany, Sweden, in Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uruguay and elsewhere, including, even, in Israel.
At the street level, the Party began to develop a series of social programs to provide needed services to black and poor people, promoting thereby, at the same time, a model for an alternative, more humane social scheme. These programs, of which there came to be more than 35, were eventually referred to as Survival Programs, and were operated by Party members under the slogan "survival pending revolution."
The first such program was the Free Breakfast for Children Program, which spread from being operated at one small Catholic church, in the Fillmore district of San Francisco, to every major city in America where there was a Party chapter. Thousands upon thousands of poor and hungry children were fed free breakfasts every day by the Party under this program. The magnitude and powerful impact of this program was such that the federal government was pressed and shamed into adopting a similar program for public schools across the country, while the FBI assailed the free breakfast program as nothing more than a propaganda tool used by the Party to carry out its "communist" agenda. More insidiously, the FBI denounced the Party itself as a group of communist outlaws bent on overthrowing the U.S. government.
There had been every kind of assault imaginable on the Party's social programs and destruction of Party property. From police raiders who smashed breakfast programs eggs on the floors of churches they invaded to those who crushed Party free clinic supplies underfoot to those who caused the destruction of batches of the Party's newspapers. In addition, intimidation and other such tactics were being employed to undermine the Party's support, to break the spirit and commitment of Party supporters and family members. More sinisterly, perhaps, and subtlety were the activities carried out under the FBI's so called counter-intelligence program known as COINTELPRO, whereby the FBI directed its field offices and local police to destroy the Party through the use of informants, agents provocateur and covert activities involving mayhem and murder.
Nevertheless, the Party survived and continued to build its Survival Programs, which came to include not only the free breakfast programs and free clinics, but also grocery giveaways, the manufacture and distribution of free shoes, school and education programs, senior transport and service programs, free bussing to prisons and prisoner support and legal aid programs, among others. Some of the same programs that the government later adopted and renamed.
Back during that time the reason J Edgar Hoover went out of his way to destroy them was because he did not like black people, he hated black folks with a passion, but the thing is that he was black himself and passing for white. Therefore, he went out of his way to set them up.
So in what way were the KKK and the Black Panthers alike?
Leo Donofrio, a New Jersey lawyer, contends that election officials in his state failed to ensure that only legally qualified candidates were placed on the ballot. Obama may have been born in the United States, Donofrio argues, but "natural born" status depends on both parents being American citizens. Obama's father was Kenyan.
hmmm..Is it me or are these people effed up?
Granny you are my shero!
Thank you for your patience in enlightening people who sometimes stand in the shadows of thought.
The original Panthers considered themselves "sons of Malcolm" since they sought to continue the unfinished legacy that was Malcolm's revolutionary trajectory in the year or two before his death. The best book I ever read on the subject was called "Black Panther Banner" that was written in the early '70s, which is probably long since out of print. You might be able to get a copy of it through an interlibrary loan. Recommended reading!
Anonymous 2:00:
Nope, it is not you. Those people are really that word you used and double. It won't work though, it will be thrown out of court.
Grinder, every time I see your screen name, I see you telling people how they should think,feel or act. You have got to understand that not every one is going to have the same idealism's as you. Being dismissive to people who have lived what you've only looked at from the outside, is not going to do anything except push people away.
Crush the BPP? As in what they did to Fred Hampton and Mark Clark? The BPP was nothing like the KKK! SMH
Let's give the devil his due.
Actually Crabby Grouch was fired from Jazztimes for accusing white critics of elevating white musicians far beyond their talents and of advancing (mostly white) jazz musicians who couldn't swing and destroying the "Negro" aesthetic in Jazz.
Although Grouch is a dedicated integrationist and would certainly no doubt agree with the idea that music "belongs" to all, like his bitter rival Baraka, Grouch remains peeved over the relatively greater critical acclaim and far greater financial success that white jazz (blues and rock) musicians have received.
Baraka paid Grouch a backhanded compliment by saying "As much as I disagree with Stanley about everything, music is the one thing he knows something about..he's a right wing SOB but he's got the right to say some of the backward **** other people are saying".
Chambers is right. Crouch is not all wrong. We need to hold Obama's feet to the fire and make him be the Obama before the election. He is changing his tune as we speak and hiring Clinton people to significant posts. He will change his mind and not end the war in Iraq.
I'm late to the party as usual but having viewed Crouch's ugly mug on the sidebar, can't somebody help that Negro out. My goodness, he looks like he is caught in a timewarp. No wonder he says and thinks crazy shit, almost feel bad for the man.
Bean twn chica starts talking about Muslims believing stuff...but I'm pretty sure white people are not mentioned anywhere Muslim teachings. Muslims does not equal Nation of Islam.
Granny I understand what your trying to say (I am the anonymous who posted the things wrong with his plan) but I read his writings and I think he is clearly using devil as a racial term. Malcolm X clearly states that he is ashamed of the "white devil's blood" he got from his grandfather. Now if evil is something that is passed on by blood, and whites are evil, then what does it say about whites in general?
11 27 08
The historical revisionism of this demographic is astonishing! Happy Thxgiving, btw:)
It's ironic.
The Right Wing goes on, and on about "Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps."
Isn't that what Malcolm did?
I'm white, and nothing he ever said, even during his "White people are devils" phase, bothered me.
He had the moral, and intellectual courage to change.
That's more than you can say for about 95% of the people on this planet.
Ok...Stanley Crouch may be a "house negro" granted. But he's no self hating negro like Ward Connerly, or Jessy Lee Paterson as many of you have suggested.
I remember Crouch when he was hanging out on "Toney Browns Journal" in the eighties and although he's conservative in the Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington sense Crouch is proud of his black heritage.
More importantly, just because Crouch pinned an article that minimizes Malcom's contribution to the civil rights struggle doesn't mean he should be labled a "hater".
What...now everybody who doesn't see Malcom's contribution through the same lens as Spike Lee is Hater?
Crouch is was and will always be a punk standing on the dead bodies of those he tries to denigrate.
Along with the like of boy wilkins alan keyes, and what's that fools name at CORE and his kids none of which are really ever discussed in polite black society.
We have work to do and none of these fools know anything about work. they are gatherers and hoarders.
So Field when you gonna do the run, son.
I believe his name is Roy Innis.
But using the logic of some... and according to your reasoning Bill Cosby should be included in the "self hate" group because he had the audacity to air black folk's dirty luandry.
That's simply a disingenuous, and intellecually dishonest arguement to make. And one that doesn't represent the full spectrum of the black experience.
Grinder, every time I see your screen name, I see you telling people how they should think,feel or act. You have got to understand that not every one is going to have the same idealism's as you. Being dismissive to people who have lived what you've only looked at from the outside, is not going to do anything except push people away.
I think what you see is someone who writes in what the English school teachers called an active voice. The upside is clarity. The downside is the impression of certainty bordering on (or maybe not even bordering on) arrogance.
I'm not as certain about the Black Panthers as I sound. I was pretty young when they were active. They seemed like a separatist group, and I do think separatism at some point needs to be enforced, which is why I likened them to the beginnings of the KKK.
That was a bad choice of words on my part, and I'm sorry for it. As for telling people what to think and feel, I plead not guilty. What I am guilty of is being a bit too forceful when I'd be better off to be more tentative.
Anyway, I've got to run. There are several slices of a hot, dead turkey with my name on them. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hope you ate well.
Field, I know I'm coming into this thread late, but I think you're being a little hard on Mr. Crouch. I've been reading him for some time now, since he wrote for the Village Voice back in the '80s.
It's true that Crouch doesn't go by a lot of the accepted pieties in the African American political milieu (he's especially hard on black separatists), but I think he's his own man. To call him a "black conservative" is not really accurate, although I'll grant he does take "conservative" positions on many issues.
For one example, he's criticized the "school voucher" fraud that right-wingers have proposed as a solution for the problems of the inner city (and that black nationalists have also championed).
I don't always agree with Crouch, but I usually find him worth reading.
"Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain—and we will smile. Many will say turn away—away from this man; for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a subverter and an enemy of the black man—and we will smile. They will say that he is of hate—a fanatic, a racist—who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And we will answer and say to them:
Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did, you would know him. And if you knew him, you would know why we must honor him: Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood!"
-Ossie Davis, February 27, 2005
This is why I cannot stand textbooks for the spin. Nobody who read or saw any original documents of the time would conclude that Malcolm was irrelevant (or whatever).
What you're saying is true, but I not only have read the original documents, his autobiography, and other books about him, I remember Malcolm X when he was living, because I was living to experience that part of history, and know for a fact he wasn't irrelevent. He was a very powerful leader. I even remember watching his funeral on television. White people feared the influential power of Malcolm, Marcus Garvey, and Martin Luther King. None of these men committed any acts of violence. It was their power to influence masses of black people to unite that scared white people. There were many more black men and women before these three that had that same power who are buried in history and left out of history books.
Blacks have a history to be proud of, so do Indians, Asians, and Hispanics, and others. The only problems is that their true history in America in school books was whited out, and the only way you'll learn about other races's true history is by doing research and the library, which takes a desire on behalf of an individual to do that. In the past, whites felt that no one else's accomplishments, achievements, or history was worth knowing about, because they wanted to maintain a social control over others. The odd thing is these same people claimed Christianity and overlooked that the bible states a controlling spirit is the spirit of witchcraft. The only scripture they seemed to uphold with strict obedience was "servants obey your masters," all others were totally ignored.
This is the type of guy I would love to debate on national television. . .maybe Bill O'Reilly could be the moderator?
Fuck Stanley Crouch the only reason he had wrote that bullshit about Malcolm is cause i'm sure EVERYTIME he's seen and recongnized on the streets he's called a tom which i feel he is so when he heard the tom comment he got so enraged that he immediatly started penning foolishness about Malcolm because he couldn't seperate those comments and he probly feels an attack on a tom anywhere is an attack on a tom every where i mean i was so heated when i read that shit in the paper but you have to expect that from an old hankercheif head like crouch
Everyday I'm starting to think this "Osama Bin Laden" is fake.
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