Dateline: Tuesday, January 6th, 2009:
Where do you think you are going?
I would like to go to my Senate seat.
Ahhh, that ain't gonna happen there big guy, we are under strict orders not to let you sit.
So what are you going to do if I try to go in there, physically remove me?
That exchange could actually take place next week when Roland Burris, the man who Blago picked to replace his O ness, actually tries to take that vacant senate seat.
Apparently the dumbocrats are hell bent on not making it happen and they are planning to stop my man by any means necessary. Now I don't like the fact that Burris is allowing himself to be used by Blago. The whole thing just seems a bit desperate to me. Somehow I can't get the idea out of my head that Burris is being used like so many of our Negro polit-trick-sters have been used in the past. The behavior seems houseish (is that a word?) to me.
I mean let's keep it real folks: do you really think that if Bagojevich did not get himself in trouble with the feds he would be sending Mr. Burris to Washington? This is just a desperate ploy on his part to hang on to power by playing the race card. And a part of me is pissed at Burris for even accepting Blago's offer and letting this side show play itself out.
Still, how dumb are the dumbocrats? I mean give me a break. What are they thinking with vowing to block Burris from being seated? It makes no sense. Personally, I think as it stands now, Blago is on solid legal footing. He has not been convicted of a crime and he is still the Governor of Illinois, and under the laws of his state he has the right to make this appointment.
If Harry Reid and those clowns try to block him and my man sues he will win. The Supremes have already set precedent for this when they told congress that they could not exclude Adam Clayton Powell (D,NY) back in the day. (Why is it always the black man that they try to block?)
Burris himself is not tainted by scandal, and his governor has not been convicted of a crime. And he meets all the other requirements spelled out in Article 1 Section 3 & the 17th Amendment: He is over 30, he is an A-merry-can citizen, and he is a resident of Illinois. So now what?
This is also a dumb move politically by my clueless dumbocratic friends. You just know black folks are going to be looking at this and saying that "the man" is coming down on a brotha. Can you imagine the imagery when Burris goes toe to toe with Senate Aids? Cynthia McKinney's little cell phone moment won't have anything on this one.
So Harry, a word of advice from the field: Let the guy sit and enjoy his time as a Senator, and get over it. I know you all didn't like how it went down, but that's too bad. The guy might actually turn out to be a pretty good Senator. Hell he can't be any worse than the rest of you clowns, and you all were elected to go there by a lot more people.
NO WAY! If he gets elected by Illinois voters, then that's great. But in this situation, I just don't see it working out well for anyone. I am also hoping they can find someone better than this clueless dork to fill the job.
To all of you who are saying that Burris shouldn't accept or noone should accept the seat from Blogo, what are you suggesting should be done with the seat as long as Blago is in office or if Blago isn't found guilty? OK, now don't you feel stupid?
See Burris' tomb he made for himself that lists all his accomplishments.
Something is weird about this dude, for sure.
Keep him as a temporary appointment. Get the ball rolling on Blago; nail his ass to the wall, and have a special election. Hell, even Obama is against the Burris appointment. If not, then I guess there's a war that will erupt in the Senate.
This was an incredibly stupid move by the Dumbocrats. The GOP will block Franken from taking his seat, even though he won his.
Roland Burris must want that job very badly, even at the risk of appearing to be a little sleazy. But he is a 100 times cleaner than ‘Judas’ Lieberman and a few others could ever be. They have no legal right to stop Burris. Blago is still the Gov. of IL. and can legally appoint Burris.
If they try to stop him, which I don't think they will, The Dems are going to look pretty ugly. Of course, historically they have been known to do stupid ugly things.
I agree. It's a legal appointment. They can pretty much ignore him in D.C. As freshman senator he won't have any real power anyway. Anything that gets the spotlight off Blago until after the inauguration.
He meets all the requirements of the U.S. Constitution true. But he has to be sworn in by the attorney general [?] in Illinois to make it legal under the Constitution. Which he has refused to do. So legally they can refuse him entry into the Congress. Just a thought?
Field Negro, Bad idea Roland Burris should only be seated with limited power. Yeah, I know everyone feels bad for the 71 year old Black man. I did to in the beginning, but then I start thinking this is all about 2010.
Harry Reid is trying to protect Obama former seat from Republican hands. Old man Burris plans to run in 2010 this guy has lost every election he has tried for in recent years. I feel sorry for him but the Republicans will use Burris connection to Blago to gain the seat. Burris should turned down the appointment.
I do agree I hope things do not turn ugly. But Burris knew the rules before hand. Crying racism when you don't get your way is sick behavior! My guess Burris will be most likely seated with provisions.
Roland Burris is our Clarence Thomas and Obama is our Thurgood Marshall. That is how I see this shit being played out. Roland Burris is freaking medicore compared to Obama. This is turning into a nightmare! Part of me hopes they don't seat Burris and than another part of me don't want this crap to turn ugly. Karma is a bitch and I hope Burris remember this shit!
They do always find a way to mess stuff up don't they? What's 2 years really? Lieberman is sitting up there after causing all sorts of problems so I really don't get what the problem is. Black people should be pissed. If this was a test of solidarity Obama FAILS!
For the love of god Lieberman...was not appointed by a crooked Gov.
Burris greedy ass was hand picked by a man who hates Obama.I expected a White man like Lieberman to stab my people in the back. But Burris is Black and he should no better than grabbing at the crumbs of White Slave Master like Blago. But let me stop preaching lets keep feeling sorry for the poor old Black house negro that only wants to dance for Master Blago.
Blago is still Governor. He hasn't been convicted of anything.
It is his duty to appoint someone & he did.
Burris has a right to that seat.
The End!
The whole thing is silly. Blago doesn't seem to have done anything that most other politicians regularly do and we're allowing all of the others to cleanse themselves in the public eye by their tarring of Blago. The Dems don;t really care if Burris sits, heck they WANT to have themselves a black senator (and one who isn't even named Jackson!) but they need to put up a show of revulsion for Blago so that no one notices that they're all as ugly as he is. Burris may or may not sit, but Dems would be perfectly fine with seating him if they don't come out looking dirty for doing so.
The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with this one.
The fact is that they have no legal leg to stand on here. Blago is the duly elected Governor of Illinois and has every right to appoint the new Senator.
There don't appear to be any (major) skeletons in Burris' closet, so on what grounds would the Democrats refuse to seat him?
And these are the same people who are seriously discussing making Caroline Kennedy the next Senator from New York.
So now the people of Illinois will be without a Senator until such time as Blago steps down or is impeached. And when will that be?
Idiots! They never should have made threats they couldn't back up.
Limp Noodle Harry Reid says he will direct the Senate not to seat Burris next week.
I'm not buying it.
Reid is weak-as-water and he isn't going to risk being called a "racist" by Burris or his supporters by not sitting Blago's choice.
Then there's the matter of moving closer to the 59 seat level in the Senate. Assuming, of course, that Minnesota can finally get its shit together and Al Franken replaces Norm Coleman.
Man what a mess. I agree the Dems have painted themselves into a corner.
I can't see them physically stopping Burris from taking his seat. Not a good look.
Sometimes we have to step out and look at the forest. Blago probably asked some white folks and in typical cowardly fashion, they said no. Burris probably had a change of heart for a couple of reasons 1) It establishes his name in history. He's 71 what does he have left? Afterwards, he will write a book - smiles! 2) Keeping the seat black is truly important in the grand scheme of things. All of the black politicians of Illinois have a unique foe-ally alliance. They somehow walk on each other yet look out for each other in the strangest way. After the dust settles and it is time for the election season, another reputable black candidate will step up. Who knows, he may run himself.
Finally, one thing is for certain, Illinois politicians DON'T BACK DOWN. They are not afraid of the big bad wolf. In their minds, they bring the wolf!!! Barack was not afraid, Blago is not afraid, nor is Burris. They ultimately know how to play the media, themselves, and ultimately, Fitzgerald who will probably go from Elliott Ness to Elliott Mess!
I am glad you addressed this issue. I was thinking the same thing but I am not a lawyer. If the people of Illinois are not happy they should be more careful about who they elect as governor. Seems their track record is not too good even before Blago. And John B. got it right on the Senate Dems, Idiots! They never should have made threats they couldn't back up. And who the hell sent Reid to the Senate anyway? Nevada, right? Why don't they get him a job at one of those casinos scraping bubble off the carpet and send someone to the Senate who can actually do the job? The population is sparse out there but if they cannot find anyone in state, Sarah Palin would take the job in a heartbeat. You Betcha!
"Burris greedy ass was hand picked by a man who hates Obama.I expected a White man like Lieberman to stab my people in the back. But Burris is Black and he should no better than grabbing at the crumbs of White Slave Master like Blago."
Ouch! I must admit, I am not too familiar with internal Illinois politics, so I am not too sure about the guy. I hear he was a former AG, but I didn't realize that he was so old, and that he has lost damn near every elected office he has ever run for.
mnuez, you make some good points.Politically it might be bad for dems. Because the guy now is associated with Blago, and that won't be good in a general election.
Rainywalker, you might have a point there. I have to look into that.
"Limp Noodle Harry"? Chris, where do you get these names? :)
Field, Please look up good old brother Roland Burris you might find something interest about him. I did now fully understand why the Dems are fighting so hard to keep this man from Obama seat.
It's all about the general election in 2010. Dems are looking ahead and certain Black folks just want to have something dark in the senate seat right now. Black people never look at the big picture just short term. Hell, Stevie Wonder can look at this man and tell he can't win a general election. The guy has lost most of his elections in recent years. Blago picked a loser on purposes. I do agree the man most likely will be seated. But I hope the Dems crush him in the primary.
There are some things that may be "legal" but that dont make them right. Burris should have never accepted this appointment. It shows me that his ego is bigger than his sense of decency. And, as stupid as the democrats are, so is Burris for being willing to be used as a pawn. He obviously doesn't give a shit about being a part of the new politics that Obama has said is so desperately needed in these times. No matter what he does, Burris is tainted. This is a token appointment with an added "fuck you" to Obama. I can only hope that when Blago goes down... and he will either by the courts or the voters... that he can't get a job anywhere near politics once he is done. This shit really pisses me off. It is the crap I am so very sick and tired of and with all that our country is facing, I have no patience for these fools... ALL of them!
Also, I love how now certain Black people are screaming Gov. Blago is innocent until proven guilty in court of law. Why so vocal for the good old crooked Gov.?! This the same man who has been caught on tape disrespecting the First Black President and most likely don't care for Blacks on a personal level.
But my god he has picked a new Black Senator for us so we should look the other way. This shit all reminds of Clinton doing crooked deeds and Black folks the first to run out and defend him front the camera. Next, will be screaming Blago is the First Black Gov of Illinois. The Black race is sick in the head.
My uncle was Burris' speechwriter when he was IL attorney general.
Unc says that he's as straight as they come but a bit of an egomaniac.
"Unc says that he's as straight as they come but a bit of an egomaniac."
When Blago first introduced him I knew he was an egomanic. Old dude look like he was going to fly on the damn stage when Blago was singing his praises. Anyway, looks like we now have the Black Ralph Nadar as the new senator of Illinois. Thanks Blago! Oh, joy
He obviously doesn't give a shit about being a part of the new politics that Obama has said is so desperately needed in these times.
And Obama DOES?
What a laugh.
There are some things that may be "legal" but that dont make them right. Burris should have never accepted this appointment. It shows me that his ego is bigger than his sense of decency. And, as stupid as the democrats are, so is Burris for being willing to be used as a pawn. He obviously doesn't give a shit about being a part of the new politics that Obama has said is so desperately needed in these times. No matter what he does, Burris is tainted. This is a token appointment with an added "fuck you" to Obama. I can only hope that when Blago goes down... and he will either by the courts or the voters... that he can't get a job anywhere near politics once he is done. This shit really pisses me off. It is the crap I am so very sick and tired of and with all that our country is facing, I have no patience for these fools... ALL of them!
Jody, I with you on this one if Burris had any so called integrity he would not be helping Blago push the Dems into a corner. Blago is the kind of White man loves using Black folks when it's useful to him. Heck, Bobby Rush looked so happy that Blago picked a Black man that brother almost licked Blago shoes on stage. I can hear Black folk ever where crying proudly "We have us a new Black senator that all that matters, Master Blago is so good to us". Yeah, you have tainted Black senator for a shitty two years.
Than once a White Senator takes the seat in 2010. Blacks will be saying "They so racist to not keep brother Roland in office". No, your asses is dumb and shorted sighted because you guys help push in a Man who lost most of his recent elections. Hello, red flag people the guy cannot win statewide.
I'm with you field. I don't like how he's getting there so much, but that's how it is; it may not be appropriate, but it's legal, and I can't think of anything stupider that the Democrats can do than to make a huge deal out of this. I know they'll take flack from it from the right if they let him sit, but they can honestly say they don't have a choice, so why fight a losing battle against one of your own?
The Democrats are stupid they shouldn't have made the threat if they didn't have the legal backing. At the most they can delay Burris taken the seat for a couple days. However, this shit will turn into a Bad PR move nationally.
My guess is they are going to try and make it look like they were first into seating Burris. In order for Dems to have a talking point to battle back the Republicans in 2010 elections. As for Burris his black behind should be ashamed for allowing hisself to be used to hurt his own party. But I guess some people will do anything to be called Senator.
Field, it's now 3-1 San Diego. We had another murder-suicide on New Year's Day.
Somehow I can't get the idea out of my head that Burris is being used like so many of our Negro polit-trick-sters have been used in the past. The behavior seems houseish (is that a word?) to me.
I mean let's keep it real folks: do you really think that if Bagojevich did not get himself in trouble with the feds he would be sending Mr. Burris to Washington? This is just a desperate ploy on his part to hang on to power by playing the race card. And a part of me is pissed at Burris for even accepting Blago's offer and letting this side show play itself out.
That's exactly what's going on and you know it. So why are you excusing it?
And it's not so much a legal issue now as a moral one. The man tried to sell a Senate seat and is now pulling this shit because he can and we can't legally stop him. Putting a brother in there is icing on the cake and everyone knows it. So why would anyone excuse it?
That boggles my mind. It really does. So yeah, a precedent was set. Does that mean another one can't be?
Tammy, I feel your frustration, but I really think it's legal. As jody said, it doesn't make it right, but what can we do now? This guy's ego wouldn't let him say no.
I know one thing, the dems. should just let it go, and let the process play out. Let him serve his two years and be done with it if you have to. Don't make a side show out of this thing.
"... Heck, Bobby Rush looked so happy that Blago picked a Black man that brother almost licked Blago shoes on stage."
Yeah that was kind of pathetic and sad.
R.J., WTF? Are you serious? San Diego is still leading us? With that weather you folks have out there killing someone should be the last thing on your minds.:)
Don't worry though, your lead won't last, we will catch up soon.
field you know i'm not politically savvy at all (i'm learning but it's a process)...but this all just seems like a never ending ploy to keep drama going politically.
someone said that he has refused to be sworn in...so i would suppose that's legal means of not allowing him the seat.
but i also agree--doesn't the ill. governer (at this point at least) still have the right to appoint to the position whomever he wants to?
Field, Now that I think about it some more on Burris being seated. I say "Hell, to the No!" Let they Rush and his boys bring the drama. It's time people stand up against this race hustling shit that Jesse Jackson senior and Al Sharpton kinds have been doing for years to people.
Sure, they have done some good work for our community but Field you and I know they have done a more to hurt the Black image as well. Roland Burris has the legal right to be seated but he needs to made an example of why race hustling should be stopped. Bobby Rush never even should have went there with the racist threats. Dems may take a hit from the Black community over this issue for now. But, four years from now they show as hell ain't going to be voting for Republicans who take all there rights away.
Obama has lived with threats by PUMAS him in the primaries, Latinos angry with him over appointments & gays pissed about Rick Warren. So, field get your popcorn and Bible ready for next week this shit about to get ugly :)
"I know one thing, the dems. should just let it go, and let the process play out. Let him serve his two years and be done with it if you have to. Don't make a side show out of this thing."
Your heart is in the right place. Wanting to avoid this drama is a good thing.But here is the problem it's not going to go away by simply siting Mr. Burris. The man is forever locked hip to hip with Shady Blago. So, he will basically be infective as a senator during his two years. Also, did anyone think about the Whites, Latino and Asians who helped put Obama into that senate seat. I know when they heard Bobby Rush scream on TV it's a Black seat and no else was allowed to have it were mad as hell.
Sadly, I think that seat is as good as gone. Believe me they will remind ex-Black panther Rush & House negro Burris who seated that really is in 2010. Something to think about field.
Just some stuff to think about...
1) If a cop pulls you over for drunk driving, and gives you a sobriety test which you failed...would it be right for the cops to give this man his keys back and send him on his way?
2) If a cop is involved in an abuse of power situation (i.e. the Rodney King bunch) would it have been right for them to continue working the streets without administrative leave? Should or would the public accept that?
3) When Marion Barry was caught ON TAPE smoking crack, was it wrong for them to prevent him for seeking re=election that very same year?
The Burris' tombstones
Anonymous @1:26: So, he will basically be infective as a senator
I think you probably meant "ineffective"... but you know, "infective" kinda works too, as he'll be a problem for everyone. ;-)
I think the single best comment on this is still Field's, in the sidebar: "Blago, how in HELL did you get a race card?"
I don't know whether the better strategy for the D's is to seat him and sideline Burris, or to venture "outside the lines" and block him. Regardless, Blago clearly found a way to take a final dump in the well.
My major concern with Burris is that he is not electable and that seat will be lost to the Republicans in 2010.
As far as him having integrity and refusing the seat,LOL! He is a 71 year old politician from Chicago with a final chance of becoming Senator. Forget personal responsibility here.
I blame Fitzgerald, he was over zealous. All he has are wire taps and the case against Blago is looking weaker by the day.
From where Blago and Burris are coming from, this is just a regular day in politics.
Given that Obama worked hard to avoid race hustling, its unfortunate that his seat will be taken by race hustling.
The Democrats acted in a very unsmart way from the time the scandal broke. Even the prosecutor himself almost declared Blago guilty from the get go and the democrats followed suit and acted erratically. Aren't people supposed to be investigated, tried then condemned?
I hope they have learnt from this one.
Fukc Burris. He is tainted by allowing himself, like so many of these old line black pols, to be used. he's part of that Gus Savage generation and it needs to be purged.
Plus, black folk aint gonna say a thing when push comes to shove. There's going to be a big party down here in three weeks and no one will care.
Burris, like the women and children of Gaza, are just pawns and tools in a sick world. Casualities. Sad. Now we move on.
Off topic..... it has been awhile since GrannyStandingforTruth has posted.... If you are reading, please know I am hoping you are ok and are too busy having a good time to post.
I really hoped at this point, we would be passed these distractions.
I was once told by an attorney there’s the law and there’s the spirit of the law. I do not understand the difference. I’m however, seeing this collected energy of carpetbagger mindset.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with participating in a free market society,
...except it was Blagojevich/Burris who decided to go to battle (law, spirit of the law or ego)...I disagree with getting the community involved in a very bad rewrite of “Gone with the Wind”
Oscar Polk (Pork): Well, Miss Scarlett, (people of Illinois) I see that old no-account white trash, Wilkinson, (Gov. Rod) that used to be Mister Jerry's (Bush 43) overseer here. He's a regular Yankee now, and he was making a brag, that his carpetbagger friends (Burris/Rush) done run the taxes way up sky-high on Tara.(Illinois Senate Seat)
Roland Burris is probably a very good person, he had a choice of saying “No”,
I for one wish he had.
Field said, "R.J., WTF? Are you serious? San Diego is still leading us? With that weather you folks have out there killing someone should be the last thing on your minds.:)"
That's the problem, Field. Out here the weather makes killing year-round consistent. If Philly catches up with SD it'll be in the spring/summer--after that cold-ass winter is gone.
Jody, I co-sign. I too hope that granny is OK. I miss her comments.
Hopefully she is with her family and enjoying the holidays.
Some of the comments above are talking about the big picture and 2010. But I think a 2010 analysis ignores the big picture of news cycles and determining what is the real agenda.
On the basis of managing the news cycles, the Dumbocrats fail miserably. As Field said Blago is still the duly elected Governor of Ill. If the Dumbocrats wanted to stop the appointement, the Democratically controlled Illinois House and Senate would have gotten off their cans and passed a law requiring a special election. Instead the sat on their thumbs and are now crying "no fair" when Blago called the bluff.
The big picture is that Obama needs folks to be focused on his agenda when he gets into office on Jan. 20th. He doesn't need news stories about a scandal in the Senate playing all of next week and beyond into his first week of office. This is the Democratic primary all over again. Instead of shutting things down by slashing Florida and Michigan's votes by 1/2 (like the Rethugs did) the Dumbo's go into the damn summer with an open infight about how many votes will come from those states. Same old stuff again.
The Dems simply don't understand how to preserve the attention on the media on their true concerns ... and maybe it's because they have no true agenda except to not get things done.
Frankly if this were a test of Obama's judgment and ability to see the forest for the trees, he fails miserably to inject himself into this infight and agree that the Dumbocrats should deny a seat to Burris... and I'm a guy who generally supports Obama.
I thought HIRAM REVELS was dead. Oh, well he is alive in spirit. THE HOUSE NEGRO REVELS, like the good christian minister he was FORGAVE, HIS confederate Master and gave massa back his land. Now thats a Repuuklican.
Frankly if this were a test of Obama's judgment and ability to see the forest for the trees, he fails miserably to inject himself into this infight and agree that the Dumbocrats should deny a seat to Burris... and I'm a guy who generally supports Obama.
Obama was backing up his original statement and standing firm by it. Unlike House Negro Burris quickly changed his mind about Blago being tainted in order to get that senate seat. At least Obama was man enough to stand by his original belief that no one should get his former senate seat until Blago is gone. But then again Obama is more Field negro than your typical House Negro type likes Bobby Rush& Burris who would most likely sale out there own race if Blago offered them a couple of million.
20$ bucks the first person to try and assassinated Obama will be some Black house negro being played by the White man. If the comment above is any indication it will happen soon. By the way f@#$ Burris & Master Blago.
I suggest reading Rich Miller's blog www.capitolfax.blogspot.com if you want to learn more about the legalities of Burris' appointment. Right now, Blago doesn't have a leg to stand on and Burris is yesterday's news. He hasn't won a race in over 20 years.
Field seems like Burris will meet with Reid and co. on Wednesday. I guess they will have a little chat about the senate seat. Here is the link http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/03/burris-to-meet-with-reid-durbin/
Good I hope they can stop all this high drama.
Anon 7:59 PM,
I believe that you've proven my point. You and I are talking about Burris' appointment to the U.S. Senate 4 days after it was made by Blago. We'll continue to talk about it and the media will continue to cover the story well into next week (given the meeting that's called on Wednesday between Burris, Reid and Durbin).
What we won't be talking about is whatever ambitious agenda Barack Obama will have planed when he takes office on the 20th. And that's my point. Sometimes things don't go the way that you planned (Blago making the appointment regardless of the taint). Pragmatically, this sort of party infighting should never see the light of day in the media longer that a couple days.
And now with the Dumbocrat's "strategy" of continuing this diversion they will squander whatever momentum that they'll need going into Obama's first few days. And that's not particularly smart. There are somethings worth fighting about, but this ain't it.
WELL I guess, the REPUBLICAN'S are having a good time, FITZGERALD stepped out at his APPOINTED time, and then we did not see him anymore, so now we have CONFUSION, can someone say "CONSPIRACY" why would FITZGERALD hold back information for so long, and if you think for one minute, that the REPUBLICAN'S are not behind this, then I will sell you a bridge in my back yard.
And can someone please tell me why FITZGERALD is going to wait until after BARACK is the PRESIDENT, to actually release the full knowledge of his investigation, they intend to let this thing follow BARACK all the way into the WHITE HOUSE, and you are best to believe that people are suspicious of whether or not BARACK is truly innocent of any wrong doing, they may not speak it out loud, but, trust me people think, and that's what the REPUBLICAN'S want, they want us to think about it.
Now I may not know much about politic's, but, I listen, and I watch, and the REPUBLICAN'S seem to have the TRUMP CARD for now, but, their is one thing I know, BARACK is not your average politician, or AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN, for that matter, he has sit back and studied the way's of the WHITE MAN, he know's their mindset, and that's why he is the PRESIDENT ELECT, notice, that the media, make's it a point to show, VALARIE JARRET, DAVID AXELROD, the REPUBLICAN'S and part's of the MEDIA intend to PLANT doubt in the mind's of some people, but, some people are not GULLIBLE, this is not about BURRIS, and yes, as far as I am concerned, BURRIS need's to step BACK! because he is willing to go along with a WHITE MAN just to get a small TITLE, because at the end of the day, BARACK OBAMA'S transition's should not be tainted, because a 71 YEAR OLD BLACK MAN is willing to play into the WHITE MAN'S MIND GAME, it didn't take them long to find a 2008?
And now with the Dumbocrat's "strategy" of continuing this diversion they will squander whatever momentum that they'll need going into Obama's first few days. And that's not particularly smart. There are somethings worth fighting about, but this ain't it.
Actually, Folks was talking about Rick Warren a while back and now everything is about Burris. But in about a week or so people will be obsession over something else. Believe me the Democrats or Republicans will pull some new crap to upset all of us soon. And will be asking Burris who?
Rueters is now reporting that Harry Reid contacted the Illinois Governor Blago in early December about who Reid supported to be appointed to Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat. So now it appears, whether real or imagined, that Reid had a dog in the fight and his whole "we won't accept any Blago appointment" starts to sounds really suspect and conflicted. I'm telling you again, smart people who want to use the media to their advantage would have never ever challenged the appointment after it's been done, Obama and Reid included.
i gotta give it to blago, it was just brilliant. and having bobby rush by his side (wtf?!), that was the icing on the cake. i don't see how reid will stop this guy from taking his seat. i'd pay big money to see that. personally, i don't like how it played out. they don't have the grit to do a special election and risk losing the seat. i kind of like the drama. if they're gonna remain ineffective and worthless, the least they could do is provide us some entertainment every now and then.
Anon @1:55pm,
Thanks for the photo of Burris's tombstone. That's quite a tombstone for an egomaniac. He even listed all of his outstanding achievements on it. And he's not dead yet!
It makes good sense from an ego's point of view. The EGO always wants to be present at its own funeral and have a magnanimous eye-catching headstone with great achievements that it can admire before and after death.
FYI, his stone cutter has been quite busy this weekend chiseling out the accomplishment that he is MOST proud of: "SENATOR"
Just kidding folks, buttt maybe not.
Hell he can't be any worse than the rest of you clowns
HAHAHAHAH! Ain't that the motherfcucking truth@!!!!
I understand the moral issue with Blago making an appointment HOWEVER Harry Reid's reason for blocking Burris seems self serving.
We now know Reid spoke with Blago and urged him NOT to pick 3 Black politicians. Two who are Illinios Congressmen (one being JJJ) and Emil Jones who is Senate Majority Leader of Illinois.
Reid's pick for the seat were two WHITE women -- Tammy Duckworth and Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of Illinois. His reasoning being that these candidates were "ELECTABLE".
The subtext is that the 3 Black candidates considered for this position are UNELECTABLE to carry a seat vacated by a Black politician... Hmmmmm....
I say, let Burris be seated!! He'll only serve 2 years. The Democrats in Illinois decided not to have a special election because they feared losing the seat to a Republican. Well, now that the legal Governor has made his choice they have 2 years to build a solid base for a candidate for 2010. In Delaware a seat warmer was appointed to Biden's seat so that his son could run in 2010. I don't see why this would be such a big deal in Illinois? It seems more about Harry Reid's ego and anger that one of his "approved" candidates weren't chosen.
Harry Reid is one of the weakest politicians to walk the planet. He is more bark than bite. He rarely follows through on his threats.
In every case that I can remember, he has folded like a kimono in a soft breeze. Burris will be seated.
Anonymous said...
WELL I guess, the REPUBLICAN'S are having a good time, FITZGERALD stepped out at his APPOINTED time, and then we did not see him anymore, so now we have CONFUSION, can someone say "CONSPIRACY" why would FITZGERALD hold back information for so long, and if you think for one minute, that the REPUBLICAN'S are not behind this, then I will sell you a bridge in my back yard.
And can someone please tell me why FITZGERALD is going to wait until after BARACK is the PRESIDENT, to actually release the full knowledge of his investigation, they intend to let this thing follow BARACK all the way into the WHITE HOUSE, and you are best to believe that people are suspicious of whether or not BARACK is truly innocent of any wrong doing, they may not speak it out loud, but, trust me people think, and that's what the REPUBLICAN'S want, they want us to think about it.
Now I may not know much about politic's, but, I listen, and I watch, and the REPUBLICAN'S seem to have the TRUMP CARD for now, but, their is one thing I know, BARACK is not your average politician, or AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN, for that matter, he has sit back and studied the way's of the WHITE MAN, he know's their mindset, and that's why he is the PRESIDENT ELECT, notice, that the media, make's it a point to show, VALARIE JARRET, DAVID AXELROD, the REPUBLICAN'S and part's of the MEDIA intend to PLANT doubt in the mind's of some people, but, some people are not GULLIBLE, this is not about BURRIS, and yes, as far as I am concerned, BURRIS need's to step BACK! because he is willing to go along with a WHITE MAN just to get a small TITLE, because at the end of the day, BARACK OBAMA'S transition's should not be tainted, because a 71 YEAR OLD BLACK MAN is willing to play into the WHITE MAN'S MIND GAME, it didn't take them long to find a 2008? 8:50 PM
You are correct. You don't know shit about politics. Your post is the dumbest that I have read this morning!
Field I mean no offense but the last thing we need in the age of Obama is a affirmative action senator. Let the seat go blank and then let Burris win it fair and square. Not only will it erase the tant, but it will get my white co-workers to speak to me again. They have been sort of silent since November, even the cleaning lady
BTW, even if Burris gets in, that hardly means that the Dems "have to" put him on the ticket for 2010.
When this all began, ‘the talk’ in the beauty and barbershops was, “Man, it looks like they’re trying to knock out all the Black candidates.”
To wit, Black folk were called ‘ paranoid’.
And the whole, ‘ well, we just need the most qualified person for the job.’, bullshyt, which always, once that phrase is used, seems to EXCLUDE Black folks. Guess we weren’t so ‘ paranoid’ after all.
My take on this.
Reid pressured Blagojevich not to appoint Jackson Jr. to Obama’s U.S. Senate seat
My major concern with Burris is that he is not electable and that seat will be lost to the Republicans in 2010.
for Burris to 'lose' in 2010, that would mean that he'd have to WIN the 2010 Democratic Primary. But, I thought he was such a weak candidate and couldn't win the 2010 Primary?
Make up your mind.
If Burris has no chance, then a strong Democratic Candidate will emerge in the Primary in 2010. Someone NOT attached to Blago, who can claim their ' independence' from this all...and will win in November 2010.
NObody who was thinking ever believed that there would NOT be a Democratic Primary challenge in 2010 - no matter WHO was selected. So the whole BS thing about 'electability' has been garbage from the get go.
This has been all about NOT putting Jesse Jackson, Jr. in that seat, because, if he actually WON the Democratic Primary in 2010, he'd win the Senate seat. And, he'd be there a LONG time.
That's what this has been ALL about.
Harry Reid needs a brick upside the head for his bullshit move of grandstanding on this issue fresh off his kissing Lieberman's ass right after the election. Lieberman!! The guy who campaigned with and gave money to the Republicans. The guy who spoke at the Republican National Convention. Yeah, that Lieberman. The guy who Harry Reid couldn't fellate fast enough after the election. Harry Reid needs to drink a big cup of STFU and then get his ass beat in the next Nevada Democratic senatorial primary.
I hate Harry Reid!
What political postions have Burris run for OVER THE YEARS and lost?
Burris does indeed seem desparate to take this appointment and he will probably lose in an open election in 2 years, but the Democrats in Illinois and in DC have lost control of this situation and the pr battle. Reid's comments about not wanting any of the 3 African American men vying for the seat makes the Democratic Party look racist. Seat Burris, continue the impeachment proceeding against Blago and get this story off of the front page.
Aint gonna happen. Dems are in too much of a hurry to prove a point to some people, hairless Reed says it's not happening. Love Blago's nerve though in choosing a good guy esp a black one. The machinery will really be pulling itself apart over this one.
"for Burris to 'lose' in 2010, that would mean that he'd have to WIN the 2010 Democratic Primary. But, I thought he was such a weak candidate and couldn't win the 2010Primary?"
There it is. Thank you.
"for Burris to 'lose' in 2010, that would mean that he'd have to WIN the 2010 Democratic Primary. But, I thought he was such a weak candidate and couldn't win the 2010Primary?"
There it is. Thank you.
The evidence shows that Reid is the one that said don't send any black folks. So Blago said FU! And Burris and Rush said FU!
Burris has consistently invoked the race card into guilting the democrats to back down. I am disgusted by this. I was told he had a stellar reputation but his way of trying to intimidate people by slurring them as potentially racist since his nomination has disgusted me and I hope the dems don't back down.
THIS is to ANON:7:59, of course we all have our own personal opinion, and as such, I wrote my comment, and of course you would call it dumb, but, their is one thing I know, VALARIE JARRET was in the race for SENATOR, then she came out, and no, I do not, know much about POLITIC'S but thank GOD BARACK OBAMA is a BRILLIANT MAN, because their is no way, he would be the President Elect if he was, SIMPLE MINDED, and of course, you will be in agreement with some of the other POSTER'S, they all seem to have the same opinion's, so you fall in that group, and, oh, by the way, did you know that the MEDIA speak's IN CODE'S, just thought you should know that, sometime's you miss out, being SIMPLE MINDED.
Your article brought the fire on this issue. Just had to let you know. Your piece also brought out the fact that on or before December 3, Harry Reid spoke to Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and asked that Blago not appoint Jessie Jackson, Jr., Emil Jones, or Danny Davis--all of whom were Black. It's obscene that Harry had a hand in trying to sway Blago's pick and now has a change of heart so much that no pick from Blago will be seated.
Black people better be paying attention on this. Prior to the appointment, I was not concerned whether the Blago appointment was Black or not. But it's certainly a plus that this person is Black, especially given the Senate's history of having so few Black persons fill Senate seats. But for Harry Reid to exclude specifically and only Black persons on grounds of "electability" when we just elected a president who is Black/biracial tends to say a lot about Harry. And for the Dems and Obama to go along with this Reid grandstand now knowing all of this says much about where people really stand.
I've said it before and I'll say it again ... the Democratic Party is not "for" black people. They tolerate us. But let's keep it real they are not a party of diversity.
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