I know that the day before I appear on Dr. Eric Dyson's radio program I shouldn't be ripping a supposed "black race expert" on my blog. Others have been ripping our race experts, but I won't go there. Still, I don't know about my man Tavis. I got an e-mail from a very popular "Buppie" promoter here in town who has a very strong mailing list. The e-mail was all about this new documentary that Tavis is promoting and they want folks to attend the screening and have an open dialogue about it.
Now, I don't want to rip Tavis, that would be too easy. I really want to believe that his head and his heart is in the right place. I mean, let's face it, if many of us had Tavis's influence, wouldn't we be doing the same thing? Isn't it too easy to say on the sidelines and call Tavis a self promoting race hustler rather than get involved ourselves? That's what a part of me is saying. But then the other part is saying that Tavis is a self promoting race hustler. And I know that many of us are getting involved and trying to make a difference, we just don't shine the light as bright on ourselves while we do it. ---Is there a brighter light than the one Tavis has?-- I am just saying.
Hey, tell you what, you people who love TS, please tell the field why I should love him right along with you. Because I truly believe, that like Dr. Tyson and others, he is a designated race expert in A-murder-ca, and I always want to know what the experts are saying about race. I don't want anymore groups like the "Anti Cooning Tribunal" popping up all over the place, we need to all get on the same page, people.
But I digress, this is what the e-mail promotion said:
"Sulaiman Rahman. “STAND” Film Screening at the African American Museum
STAND, a compelling documentary chronicling an extraordinary road trip taken by broadcaster Tavis Smiley and remarkable black male friends at a key moment in our nation's history. America was commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., against the backdrop of then-Senator Barack Obama emerging as the first African American to become the Democratic presidential nominee. As America approached the historic 2008 presidential election, the national dialogue and debate intensified about race relations, politics and legacy of the civil rights movement.
STAND, a compelling documentary chronicling an extraordinary road trip taken by broadcaster Tavis Smiley and remarkable black male friends at a key moment in our nation's history. America was commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., against the backdrop of then-Senator Barack Obama emerging as the first African American to become the Democratic presidential nominee. As America approached the historic 2008 presidential election, the national dialogue and debate intensified about race relations, politics and legacy of the civil rights movement.
"There are times in the film when we debate, cry, laugh, hug and even hold hands and pray together. It's a genuine reflection of Black men and brotherhood which we rarely, if ever see in the media. When people see the film, they really respond to that," said Smiley.
Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Eddie Glaude will host a post-movie discussion.When: Thursday, May 21st, 2009 Time: 6pm - 9pm (Film starts at 6:45pm)Location: African American Museum, 7th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia PA"
Tavis and his friends in an "extraordinary documentary". Gee, there is a surprise.
I would go just to hear Dr West.
kudos fn!
i love tavis
and all of his work
he is one of my heros
i also adore micheal eric dyson
he is one of my idols
the bravest warriors dare to stand alone...
I like Tavis and Dr. Dyson too!!!
I just want to know why the motives of people are ALWAYS and CONSISTENTLY questioned when you fall in one of three catageories: 1) Those who didn't start out supporting Obama then did, 2) folks who didn't support him at all 3) those who have/had the audacity to question Obama.
I feel like Black America needs to "get over" the fact that TS questioned Obama which is EXACTLY what he was supposed to do.
you still havent told us "why", folks.
Is it like Get on the Bus?
I watched Tavis Smiley a little bit on PBS. His voice sounds as if he chewing and speaking at the same time, which annoys me. So I have never really have tried to hear what he says or bothered to read anything he's written.
my rsvp:
i would never tell fn or anyone else whom to love
love ONLY who inspires you to do so...as i do
i love tavis and michael because they love african-american people as passionately and fearlessly as i do...
they are both earthy public intellectuals and cool educators as i am...
they both inspire the bohemian warrior in me to be fierce and fearless...and to defy all haters always
i love all these men...even cornel
but dyson is the epitome of hero for me as THE coolest prof/bro/rapper/scholar/rev/womanist/real black man on the planet...
he is also very sexually secure and pro-gay...
his wife is also fierce and she has NEVER been a fan of obama like me...
ps (us...smile):
dyson is an obama fan
but he never felt the need to berate his wife for NOT loving obama
now that is real manhood...
I like Mr. Smiley because in this world overrun with talking heads straight out of central casting he is an African-American man who speaks of his community and his people with respect, appreciation of our history and hope for our future.
I've always heard about him, but I've never heard him speak. I think I'll go look him up on youtube to see what the big melee is about.
givepeace05401, that wasn't bad. I wonder if Tavis needs a publicist? He might need to call you.
"dyson is an obama fan
but he never felt the need to berate his wife for NOT loving obama
now that is real manhood..."
Yes it is. And if he did try to berate her, he wouldn't be married for long, now would he.
When Dr. West called Bush & Cheney "evangelical nihilists," I thought yeah, that sounds about right.
In answer to you question in the title, NO.
I have come to the conclusion that there is very little new under the sun in the discussion of race. In most conversations about race in the public sphere, no one argues on point; they just talk pass one another.
Field, sorry to pester, but why are you so down on Tavis? I listen to him on my car radio, and he seems to be addressing issues that are important to the black community. No? He's kinda moralistic for my tastes, but I still learn (I hope) about issues I don't hear about on CNN (et. al.). Just asking (anyone feel free to set me straight if necessary). M
Good luck on the radio tomorrow.
I went and saw Tavis when he came to town, it just confirmed everything I first thought about him. Is it easy to walk the straight and narrow and not sell out your people for your own fame, not at all, Should you do it anyway...oh yeah!
I don't want Tavis or Cornell speaking for me. If I had to pick someone in the media who came closest to representing me i would pick Whoopi
matw, I am not down on Tavis, on the contrary, I am trying to find some love for him.
Thanks D.J. Whoopie, huh?
".. have come to the conclusion that there is very little new under the sun in the discussion of race. In most conversations about race in the public sphere, no one argues on point; they just talk pass one another."
Co-sign with that part of your statement Hathor.
I use to like Tavis Smiley in the past. My husband met Tavis and can't stand the man. He calls Tavis a light footed version of Jesse Jackson in the making. I loved the fact Tavis put BET founder Bob Johnson on blast.
Now days my husband has pointed out to me how Tavis is in it for Tavis. I didn't notice at first but over time after the election of Obama. I picked up on how Tavis took great pleasure in digs about obama but didn't say one negative word about Bill & Hillary wild antics. Hell, where was Tavis book "Accountable" For Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton?! Field, I think you sense what my husband first saw in Tavis an "Oppountist".
From outside your community, I'd make the following observation: Tavis Smiley bores the piss out of me.
Hathor, you made me _really_ think. Replace race with justice or some other important issue, and it reads nearly the same. Seems our society has an issue with sincerely discussing an issue. We would be a lot better off if we could "stay on point". Now how to achieve that? M
@FlyNMy40s said: "I feel like Black America needs to "get over" the fact that TS questioned Obama which is EXACTLY what he was supposed to do."
I believe that I've heard Tavis once or twice on his program, but I don't remember being moved enough to listen again.
That Tavis criticizes Obama doesn't necessarily mean that his criticism is warranted, or that it comes from a place of sincerity.
It has a lot to do with the nature of the criticism, the purpose of the criticism, and what's to be gained by it.
Here's a shocker: Obama is not going to be a quick fix for all that is wrong in America.Tavis needs to "get over" that, if that is his belief.
Obama's not going to be able, for example, to directly lower the black unemployment rate in this country.
He's not going to be able to check off a laundry list of black grievances, focusing exclusively on the black community, until all those grievances have been addressed and dealt with.
And I don't think that most blacks are looking to him for that kind of leadership.
That's the role of our Reverends Incorporated if they truly wish to be a relevant force in the black community.
Let me put to rest the other strawman that continues to be stuffed with straw here.
Most of us are not adverse to Obama being criticized by the left or the right.
He gets a fair amount of criticism here, and many who post here are pretty damn liberal.
What I do object to, and perhaps some others as well, is the unfair criticism, the sniper fire from those on the right who see him as the convenient target on the left.
He's their high-definition target for the next four years, and by sniping at him they hope to bring down his whole army of supporters, and get the satisfaction of bringing him down as well.
Nancy Pelosi is one of those persons who's taken a hit, and continues to take them, because Repubs can't get a clean shot at him.
Now, I ask the question: Did Tavis
attack previous presidents as vehemently as he attacks Obama?
And if not, why not: Our problems here in America didn't begin with Obama, and as sanguine as I am about our eventual ability to "overcome," I don't believe that Obama will be that Moses to lead us out of the wilderness and into the Promise Land.
And if Tavis did criticize those white presidents, I hope that he won't hold Obama to a standard higher than the one he held the others to: being white they should've shouldered a greater burden and responsibility to right the wrongs that they had a hand in creating.
Field, in the Obama spirit of listening to anyone, especially our enemies, I urge you to attend.
You will learn first hand what Tavis' agenda is, whether he's out for the little guy, or just out for himself.
If he wishes to be the titular head of a black movement to hold Obama accountable to black people, then we ought to know both his plan and his motives.
Besides, I'm eager to learn what you learn, as you report your findings here on your blog.
The documentary will be shown this Sunday on TVOne. A friend saw the documentary. He said it wasn't ground breaking but he enjoyed it. I'm still waiting to get more informaiton from him. I will watch on Sunday.
I am still trying to understand why Tavis has such a bum wrap.
FN, "I am not down on Tavis, on the contrary, I am trying to find some love for him.". Sounds like tough love to me Field.
Black Diaspora wrote:
"I believe that I've heard Tavis once or twice on his program, but I don't remember being moved enough to listen again.
That Tavis criticizes Obama doesn't necessarily mean that his criticism is warranted, or that it comes from a place of sincerity."
BD, If you've only listened once or twice, how can you be so sure about Tavis criticizing Obama? Sounds like you hardly listened. Please fill in my blanks. M
"BD, If you've only listened once or twice, how can you be so sure about Tavis criticizing Obama? Sounds like you hardly listened. Please fill in my blanks. M"
I can't be "sure" of anything!
I've listened to others discuss Tavis' positions re: Obama.
I've seen snippets from his program during those discussions.
A closer reading of my comments will reveal that I didn't flat out accuse Tavis of anything, but kept my remarks in the realm of generalization (a valid approach) as I sought to come to terms with Field's blog entry:
"That Tavis criticizes Obama doesn't necessarily mean that his criticism is warranted, or that it comes from a place of sincerity.
"It has a lot to do with the nature of the criticism, the purpose of the criticism, and what's to be gained by it."I've lived long enough to question everyones motives. Until I know who they're really out for, I assume that most people follow thier own selfish agendas.
Now if Tavis is seeking supporters for whatever he's advocating, he must first convince me of his own sincerity and advocacy for the "little guy."
Hence my suggestion to Field:
"Field, in the Obama spirit of listening to anyone, especially our enemies, I urge you to attend.
"You will learn firsthand what Tavis' agenda is, whether he's out for the little guy, or just out for himself."I'm not down on Tavis or any other self-styled black leader.
But I am wary of those who do seek that spotlight, because I've seen too many use the light to illuminate themselves, rather than the causes they claim to espouse.
I've never really ever gotten a good read on Mr. Smiley. At times I think he's like an old friend I could just sit down and have a nice conversation with and then there are other times when I imagine he can be one the biggest jerks around. However, I do really like and am have huge respect for Mr. Dyson. He's a good guy and he's trying to make a big difference and do the right thing in this world. I'm not saying Tavis Smiley's not trying to do those things, but he's just doing it with a bit more focus on himself doing it, rather than just letting any attention come of its own momentum through his actions alone.
Great post! And good luck on the show today.
Family...is it possible that all Black leaders are "self styled"? A history of embedded "crab mentality" will alter all standards that we place and expect from our leaders. Just think most people (other races}, have had a history of leaders that they can apply qualities to compare to their present. Notice how when they talk about "he was like Reagan"...they have historical reference points/flavor... or any endeavor they have leaders to emulate...there are styles. I know there will be some to argue that African Americans have so many leaders from Africa; they are disconnected by virtue of living in America and time. Who can Brother Tavis model himself after. Other than MLK, America told/ordered/ the African American to stay in a narrow lane with what they will accept for our leaders. You GOT to be educated {Euro mindthink) and non thretening to their way of handeling you. So I think that Brother Tavis is a pioneer coming from a barrel of crabs. In my youth, the leaders had to come from a Christian slant. Brother Field... Do represent on the show.
I used to like TS and attended his 2007 State of the Black Union conference, which I absolutely enjoyed, (save for the "old churchy" Negroes who were "Doc"-ing each other all over the place, recalling civil rights meetings and dinners, thereby excluding the younger and "uninitiated" men and ALL of the women).
I stopped liking and began loathing TS shortly afterwards, as I grew appalled at his apparent belief -- wrong-headed -- that his selling a ton of books and making the NYT best sellers list MEANT something other than that. He incorrectly believed that folks buyin' his lil' paperback pamphlets (no disrespect ... well, that's not true) meant he was an American presidential kingmaker. The problem? Then Senator Obama didn't! Not only did Obama NOT kiss the TS ring, Obama, essentially, offered up HIS ass to TS (not kissing the ring is the equivalent of telling TS to kiss one's azz in TS's world)... AND WON BIG TIME.
TS was an emotional wreck during the campaign, giving Hillary and Bill all that good House Negro love and excoriating Obama ON BLACK RADIO. TS was so bad? His biggest pal and supporter, Tom Joyner, just let TS talk himself into Black folks' kickin' TS's azz off the air (TS left the Joyner Morning show because of all of the hate mail).
Today? TS remains a presidential player-hater ... and a faux hetero. Sorry to bring this up. Though I'm EXTREMELY gay-friendly, I am also of the firm belief that some of the most damaged and damaging people are closeted men. I suspect that TS is closeted and mad. And WE have to hear his pompous, arrogant, and self-important mouth because of it.
What Black Diaspora wrote at 12:48a reflects a lot of how I feel about Tavis. I've watched his show on PBS for a long time. The guests he interviews come from politics, literature, education,entertainment, etc. I began to become weary of his unveiled jealously and resentment towards Obama. The worst night to me was when he had Dr. West on and they both indicated they wanted Obama to act more like a "brother". Tavis resented Obama more when he didn’t come to his annual conference. Ever since then the barbs toward Obama intensified. I couldn't take it anymore; he was using his show on PBS for this purpose. PBS airs Smiley's show because his topics and guests reflect all of America; it's not limited to a narrow audience. That is why I was disappointed Tavis couldn't/wouldn't understand that Obama ran for office using the same principal, he was running to represent all Americans.
After my comment was posted, I read Anonymous @ 4:29A. I have to add that I totally agree, especially the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. You totally painted what portrait I see of Tavis. Tavis could use a week on Dr. Phil to discuss his issues with Obama.
Tavis talks about race and people criticize him. If Tavis wasn't talking about race, people would criticize him. More black people are becoming skeptical of Tavis because he's making money and white people seem to listen to him. Obviously we aren't the only one buying his books. If Tavis' books weren't bestsellers and his shows were on BET and TV One black folks wouldn't be complaining. Now he's become more visible in the mainstream and there's a problem. So what he's making money discussing race. As long as he doesn't say anything ignorant I don't care. Let the man make a living.
There were plenty of black people that Tavis Smiley could have emulated. However his personality could be original, where I wouldn't compare him to a A. Phillip Randolf, Bayard Rustin, Robert C. Maynard, John Lewis, James Baldwin, Thurgood Marshall or most of the folks on the platform with Martin Luther King, Jr during the March on Washington. One woman comes to mind, Ida B. Wells Barnett, a journalist and an entrepreneur.
I would not compare any of these people to a Reaganesque leader, their legacies are much more significant.
Upthread, I wrote: "I'm not down on Tavis or any other self-styled black leader."
Brother StillaPanther2 since I believe I'm the only one who used the term, "self-styled," to refer to Tavis Smiley, allow me to respond to the substance of your remarks.
Any supposed leader, black or otherwise, that doesn't arise naturally from the ranks of those he claims to represent, as a result of their thrusting him into that role, is in my book, a "self-styled" leader.
Any supposed black leader that whites lift up as a such, is in my book, a "self-styled" leader.
It's not that self-styled leaders can't become leaders in the true sense of the word, by using their spotlight to support causes that's really matter.
Until these leaders actually convince me of their true intent--to support us, or themselves--I will continue to see them as "self-styled."
This is not a crab-barrel mentality, nor do I begrudge Tavis his spotlight or his success.
I wish him well. Ultimately he has only his own conscience to answer to.
But for me to accept him as a black leader, it will require more than his appearance on TV, or radio, to convince me that he has black folks' interest at heart, rather than his own.
Since I didn't elevate Tavis to the position of leader, the burden of proof is on him.
My BS detector goes off the meter whenever Tavis Smiley speaks.
Travis(I know he hates to be called that) is a opportunist.He got big in "white media" because Bill Clinton gave him a interview.He get a cut of Bill's book. He's a shill for Walmart.The reason he attacked Obama so much is because Hillary would give him a cabinet position.Travis (I know Tavis) said on his show recently that he likes Michael Steele.This was the same Steele that sat next to Sean Klannity and Jerome Corsi while they dissed Malcolm X and Frantz Fanon. With friends like that...
He would still be on The Tom Joyner Show if he wasn't so jealous.He's a Player Hater.
"Now, I ask the question: Did Tavis
attack previous presidents as vehemently as he attacks Obama?"
Where have you been, OF COURSE Tavis called previous presidents on what they did and I know because I've listened to him on the radio for YEARS!!! Where I come from we call this FAIRNESS which apparently not too many Black people aren't down with unless it supports their own agenda.
Obama doesn't deserved the "pass" from being questioned so many blacks have given him because he's Black. FYI, that's called hypocritic racism.
I've always felt that Tavis is a little jealous and resentful of Obama's meteoric rise from Il State Senator to POTUS without having gone through any annointing process from the black political and media establishment.
Having said that, I like Tavis Smiley.
He's a soldier for his people and his community.
That puts him leagues ahead of these media "coons for hire" that seem to be popping up on cable TV weekly like John Edley, Ron Christie and Amy Holmes.
"but dyson is the epitome of hero for me as THE coolest prof/bro/rapper/scholar/rev/womanist/real black man on the planet..."
It never ceases to amaze me how the lesbians figure they can choose who the "real" black men are.
i bet you are a classic berater on all issues...
please do not hate on all lesbians because we do not choose to define you as a real man.. or so obviosuly hate on the ones we do...
millions of het women adore dyson as much as i do...fyi
i find it truly petrifying and akin to nazis that anyone who does anything less than blindly worship obama is seen as a "hater/envious"...even those like me who trust no politicos and have never had any political aspirations
obama is far richer and his books sold far more than any by tavis...so why is that success only a liability for tavis and not obama
i expect no quick fix by anyone as the complex problems in black america...especially as i know that THE primary ill in america is parenting/turbo breeding by toxic parents...
but, i also do not expect obama to be given a pass simply because he is black...what he has done to hbcus/rich white bankers/poor taxpayers etc...is horrid...and seen as cool ONLY because he is black
tavis is a dl bro...he is not alone... and this is why as most dl persons he never says a word about gays...as if we do not exist...and that bothers me...but i understand his cowardice...blacks are vicious gaybashers...and he is already hated for being brave about obama
the tjms is a syndicated minstrel show...tavis was slumming there anyway!...good riddance!
and even the hbcu loving tjms crew has been nazis about obama's slaughter of hbcus!!!
i love whoopi too
and jill nelson
and debra dickerson etc
Political truths have been nullified by idolatry. Fascism and elitism have become afrocentric. Black political suicide has become patriotic. Political logic has become treason. Most "journalists" are Obama’s fans. Most voters are his drones. Most gays are his doormats. And, most women and men are his groupies. It is truly pathetic to witness…
Tavis Smiley and Stephanie Robinson have penned a necessary classic book. It is a healing balm in a suicidal sea of ignorant and illiterate souls who have given Obama a pass to pose as a blackish mask upon the New World Order. This book dares to check and challenge Obama as all politicos must be scrutinized.
i am actually afraid of what is happening in dc and in black america...more than ever before!
"please do not hate on all lesbians because we do not choose to define you as a real man.. or so obviosuly hate on the ones we do..."
I'm not going to get into a back and forth with you on this just to say that you don't get to decide who the real men are.
You're don't seem to be real certain about what you are.
Carry on.
Black Diaspora sez - What I do object to, and perhaps some others as well, is the unfair criticism, the sniper fire from those on the right who see him as the convenient target on the left.
He's their high-definition target for the next four years, and by sniping at him they hope to bring down his whole army of supporters, and get the satisfaction of bringing him down as well.That is batting 1000, and putting it right out of the park on every swat.
Most on the right really aren't attacking President Obama - they are attacking the black community. How many times have we heard the tired (and racist) screed that the black community will be disappointing with Obama - because they are too stupid to realize he's President of the entire country...
And not just black folks.
It's a rehash of the "Dem poor black folks live on dat Democrat Plantation" racism. It's racist (for the conservative morons among us) because it declares that unique among Americans black folks are too childlike and stupid to understand whats good for them, and vote accordingly.
Small, very vocal minority of Uncle Toms around here still trying to float that boat with no bottom.
just as millions of het women would never define anyone like us as a real man...
millions of voters loathe and fear obama NOT because he is black or because we are haters etc...
and most sane persons who refuse to perpetually lie and compromise have NO interest in ever becoming politicos...
we hate obama because we SINCERELY believe he is gwb 2.0
and his horrid actions prove us more correct each day...
tavis sensed obama's puppeted tricks/betrayals LONG before the rest of us...
i will always deeply admire tavis for his rebel vision, courage, and candor...
see more:
spoken like the true gaybasher that you are
millions of women are just as certain that we are lesbians as we are that you will never be a real man
i have never been an uncle tom and never will be
and i will never call anyone else an uncle tom simply because they dare to call out the sins of a blackish obama/gwb 2.0
when the obama nazis finally awaken...even they will not be uncle toms...they will just be late casualties...
i also have never heard obama or tavis refer to themselves as
"black leaders"
no race has ever had a sole leader/agenda/faction etc
nor should we ever
in my book:
tavis is an afrocentric intellectual
and obama is a politico empty suit
no more no less
I'm deeply hurt ab.
As a husband of 22 years and father of two sons, I'm going to really be concerned about some protofem, rugmunchin, stormfront hanging internet attention seeker questioning my masculinity.
Shouldn't you be somewhere causing a traffic accident?
only men insecure about size, dare to share the details of inches
do you really think i care?
many insecure men like you murder their entire picture perfect families or slay their flawless stepford wives each day...and?
whenever peoople like you attack what you assume to be the sexual proclivities of gays, you do nothing more than brag about how boring your own frustrated sex lives are...
spare me
what you do/do not do in your own bed has nothing to do with me,
ps us:
and make sure your bored wife never strays...
tavis and i do not seek attention
we do revolutionary work
you are a textbook sexist
many women are superior drivers/racers/truckers/etc...
many men are horrid drivers!
young men cause auto insurance rates to soar...not women
i was once a femme professional cdl driver for fedex for 7 yrs
i would drive circles around you in any rig...
what does your macho dmv record look like?
femme gay men are paid to teach het female models to walk runways/don makeup/dress/style hair etc...because they are FAB at it...
maybe lesbians like to talk about real men...because we are far closer to them in character than excuses for real men like you will ever be?
just pondering,
AB indignantly whippets - i have never been an uncle tom and never will beI don't recall saying you were, or calling you out specifically.
Since as I recall, I've never seen anything you've posted rising to the level I felt any need or desire to respond to...
WTF do you think anything I say has to do with you?Are you guilty of the self-afflicted racism I described?
If not - there isn't a damn reason to defend yourself.
Simply put, Tavis Smiley is an opportunistic hack..Jesse Jackson lite..., no more, no less.
Good frakkin' grief alicia--can't you consolidate all your posts into just one response to Uptownsteve? Jesus.
As far as Tavis goes, I'd hardly call him "revolutionary." His talk of race merely follows established protocols--especially during the State of the Black Union (or, as I call it "Clapfest 2000): blame white folks for EVERYTHING, have some Negro Preachers attempt to outpreach each other, clap loudly, have Sonia Sanchez spout incomprehensible drivel disguised as "poetry," all sponsored by Wells Fargo. And for the one or two Black folk who DO say something that borders on us taking personal and communal responsiblity, watch as Tavis sputters, unable to process this uppity Negro who dared break from the herd.
I began to lose respect for Tavis waaay back when he and Tom Joyner were trying to organize a boycott of CompUSA because they allegedly wouldn't advertise on Black radio. They proceeded to clown CompUSA on the radio, claiming that they had received a letter from a VP that said something about not advertising on Black radio until those stations came up to the level of White ones. Turns out, it wasn't a letter from a CompUSA VP at all. I thought Tavis was journalist--and he didn't bother to verify his source before he acted a fool on the radio.
And then came those State of the Black Union meetings. I watched them with intereste at first, until, year after year, it was the same, damned ego trip for Tavis. He'd have West on there (another person for whom I've lost a great deal of respect), a bunch of preachers spouting stupid, superstitious nonsense, and maybe--just maybe, one person who cut through the bullshit. And I won't repeat what has already been said about his hate on Obama.
Now, as to whether or not he's one of "the children," I have no idea. If he is gay, then that only increases my anger at him, because he's had these forums to address gay and lesbian issues relevant to African Americans, but has attempted to act like he's not one of us. Instead, he's actively ignored us--at those aforementioned SotBU clapfests, only occasionally do you have Keith Boykin there (but only there to address HIV/AIDS--give me a break!), as a tokenized black homosexual. In that, I regard him as a self-hating traitor, no less despicable and reprehensible than Alan Keyes, or any Negro talking head on Faux Noise.
I agree with Anon 4:29
Although I enjoyed Tavis on Tom Joyner and his conversations with Black American on CSPAN for the last few years. He turned me off with the jealousy that poured through his mouth like puss. petrid and stank when it comes to Obama. My suggestion is for him to continue to focus on himself as he is doing with this latest attempt to puff himself up and pat himself on the back. If this is all it takes for him to have a fulfilling life then I say go for it. Good Luck Tavis!
"but dyson is the epitome of hero for me as THE coolest prof/bro/rapper/scholar/rev/womanist/real black man on the planet..."
I definitely co-sign with AB's definition on Dyson!!
I heard the debate on the radio between him and his wife who was a Clinton supporter, and I gained a new level of respect for him based on how he treated his wife.
I also think only punks attack people who are gay.
"maybe lesbians like to talk about real men...because we are far closer to them in character than excuses for real men like you will ever be."
and here comes the alter-ego.
The reason why ALOT of people do not like Tavis is because we have seen this type of "huckserism" before. We see it in the pulpit, media and political stage. They are the designated spokes person for black folk but make sure they AND only they reap the benefits!
As far as he not liking Pres Obama, hell, if people would think back, it was not like Obama even announced his candidacy 1 week before the so-called black leaders were bashing him for running. They had not even heard his platform yet! So Tavis and others finally were exposed for what they really are!.. Oh well!!!
Tavis is a race pimp.
Tavis did not want Obama to succeed, because him and other race pimps felt they would be “marginalized”, this would be bad for business if this would inspire our youth to see the results of hard work and focus versus the victim mentality.
Tavis knows that as long as we see ourselves as victims he will have a market.
Tavis knows if we corrected our problems, and became individuals his business is over.
Tavis wanted the Clinton victory; this would have given him a seat at the table.
Tavis never questioned the Clintons.
Tavis never questioned the actions of his corporate sponsors.
Tavis was never honest about his reasoning, he used the journalist excuse, but he is not a journalist.
Tavis will claim to be a free thinking Black Man and encourages others do be the same, as long as it follows his agenda, his guidance, his product.
Tavis allowed his ego to get in the way of being honest with himself (why he rejected Mrs. Obama to the SOTBU).
Tavis and the other race pimps are pissed because he (Obama) succeeded without them.
Tavis is now trying to position himself as the person who will hold Obama accountable, that is why you will continue to hear his refrain about Fredrick Douglass/Lincoln, MLK/Johnson and now Smiley/Obama.
Tavis is more about enriching himself off the victim mentality, approved and subsidized by Black America and elevated and contributed to by Corporate White America.
Like most race pimps they will never make their efforts about healthcare, education and poverty for all of us, they will continue to divide the races for their personal gain.
As a society we will never win until we as a whole demand actions on the big three fronts. And that will destroy the race pimps!
Like Dorothy with the help of Toto, I have seen behind the curtain…
Tavis is getting paid.
Tavis is afraid of losing it all.
Tavis is a race pimp.
I can't stand Tavis Simely. Its sad that I use to like the man. I will not listen to damn thing he says until he writes a book about Libral Whites screwing over Blacks. Right, now all he does is bitch about the one and only highest ranking Black policitian in America.
Haven't read the other comments yet but the thought of a documentary about Tavis Smiley just makes me laugh.
As for FN being on Dyson's radio show, be prepared not to get a word in edgewise. Not a fan of this guy either.
I wonder why Skip Gates is not considered a credible source on the Negro Experience instead of these other clowns. I don't agree with him on a variety of issues but he has never come across as a big fat fake.
Cornell West with his affected drawl, Dyson's rapid fire show off linguistics and Smiley's phony down home presentation is SOOOOOO tired. Not to mention what they have to say.
I admire Dyson's wife because I cannot imagine living with someone who never shuts his mouth. When he stops to catch a breath, he literally sucks all the air out of the room.
"I wonder why Skip Gates is not considered a credible source on the Negro Experience instead of these other clowns."
Who said he isn't?
What I'm getting from a lot of these posts is a resentment of Smiley's exposure and prominence.
That in and of itself does not suppress or inhibit other black voices.
If you like Gates, Glenn Loury, or Boyce Watkins as opposed to Tavis Smiley, by all means, buy their books and attend their seminars.
Why is there only space for one negro in the room at a time in the minds of so many?
This is way off topic, but Field, are you going to write about the foiled terrorist attack that was uncovered yesterday?
Not mention that Tavis thoroughly dissed Michelle Obama when Barack declined to attend his State of the Black Union event. I used to watch that mess every year and after 2008, I said "enough already."
I've tried to watch Tavis' PBS show on various occasions when someone of interest to me is on but his attempts to interview people is just too painful to watch. I don't remember him being such a tool when he was on BET when BET had a real news program. Can't bear him now.
As for West, he just strikes me as phony. All those pitiful rap records he made, seriously, what was that nonsense? A way to be "relevant"?
Dyson just annoys the bejesus out of me with that rapid fire "look-at-me-and-all-the-big-words-I-know-and-can-say-real-fast." He is like William F. Buckley except much faster. Alsomt cartoon-like.
I'm sorry women like Michel Martin and Gwen Ifill are journalists first and not able to be the go-to persons on black folks. At least they have something original to say and are not trying to impress the hell out of everyone when they say it. I watched Martin once on Bill Maher and she smoked the rest of the panel.
Maybe it's just testosterone poisoning that's responsible for West, Dyson, and Smiley being so damned annoying.
Co-sign completely. Tavis is a bore and his presentation, delivery and lack of skill in interviewing guests makes him that much worse.
Black Diaspora,
Spot on on all your posts per usual. I really don't recollect as much Bush bashing as O bashing. Maybe because I'm prejudice, because his O'Ness is getting a lot of undue flack from his peeps and the Rebubbas.
I think more Field Negroes need to get on the air. Seems like most of these other guys have agendas, such as self promotion and religion, etc., instead of getting down on the topics.
Sirius satellite radio has a guy on named Mark Thompson on Sirius Left 146. (I know his African American name but I don't want to attempt to spell it here and get screamed at for stuff white people do.) Now, that guy, he's a great interviewer and treats all of his callers with respect. Very religious, but from him, it's not in your face offensive.
Quit buying into the tail (braid)pulling. He's not worth it! You have every right to your beliefs and to defend yourself, but there's a whole lot of baiting going on.
Piece, love and R&B,
I been bizzy as the dickens at work these last few days, but I had to take a peep at Field peeps!
By the way, just to make myself clear. I was not responding to Uptown Troll in my second comment. I was just giving additional information for why I don't like these guys. Also, I meant to say that Tavis dissed Michelle Obama by not accepting BO's offer to have her attend the State of the blah, blah, blah, in his place. That was just low class.
"Maybe it's just testosterone poisoning that's responsible for West, Dyson, and Smiley being so damned annoying."
Like clockwork with these types.
I found The State of the Black Union painful to watch.
Tavis, West and Dyson seek to sell books first and foremost.
Also I like my facts straight...no chaser....and Dyson and West are just too "churchy" for me.
I recently saw West speak in New York. I can say this...he is certainly compelling and entertaining. I also liked him in "The Matrix"...yet as an "public intellectual", I don't think he says anything original.
i agree that like all of us, tavis makes mistakes
like all of us, i am sure he admires michelle....he did not handle his righteous anger well...
what amazes me is that people are angrier at tavis for disrespecting michelle...than they are at obama for disrespecting the entire black race by not attending tavis/mlk/the world racism conference etc!!!!
EVERY black person who has ever critiqued obama in any way HAS been called an uncle tom
i get hate mail from obama nazis daily!!!
i was defending us all...
i have locks not braids...
and i am trying to keep them away from the puller us
why is obama the only man who can sell books without being called a sellout?
it is indeed "revolutionary" for anyone of any race not to blindly worship obama in any arena...
it was especially so for tavis smiley to do so among the ruthless chitlin' circuit drones who keep that minstrel show known as the tjms in syndication...
if he never does anything else, i will always admire him even for that defiant act alone...
and eventually, millions more will join me as i do so...
Cannot be of much help here, Field. I have been a reader of Dyson and journalists like Tony Brown and Clearence Page, but this lowly white guy does not know a thing about Smiley. Maybe I should toon into PBS more often.
in addition to all of us who refuse to adore obama being called uncle toms
we are also all told that we are rushing him to actions or unfairly expecting him to be too black etc...
BOTH arguments will never fly with me as obama continues to exclusively benefit rich white bankers/ceos/war chests etc:
Have you noticed how the very same black racists, who proclaimed that every black person that did not vote for President Barack Obama was a race traitor, are the very same brazen hypocrites who now dare to demand that black voters have no right to expect Obama to publicly address any black issues or policies? These very same fools who equated a vote for Obama with an act of black racial pride now demand that no black person dare ask Obama for even a nominal sound byte about police brutality or black poverty. They comically claim that any black person who demands that Obama risk any chance of appearing to be too black in public commits an act of American treason!
Like all true Obama Nazis, these blind robots demand that every black person feign perpetual political colorblindness, while wholly embracing the fictitious notion of a “post-racial” America. All true black patriots should always remember that we must allow Obama to continue laughing as he pens huge checks to white AIG executives in public, while we simultaneously accept that any political action directly beneficial to black voters must be avoided at all costs. We must all cheer with elation when Obama celebrates Nowruz, as we silently ignore his refusal to attend honorary ceremonies for Dr. Martin Luther King…
Can you even imagine a Jewish president being told he must not appear to be too Jewish?! Can you imagine anyone telling King Shrub/George W. Bush not to appear to be too Texan or too religious?! Only blacks worship Gods who look nothing like them! And, only blacks so readily conspire within their own political genocide!
Thank God that the legendary black leaders at The Urban League have refused to imbibe with the drunken swillers of Obama’s grey Kool-Aid. They have formally demanded that this black president address black issues. They have eloquently stated the debts owed to black voters who gave over 95% of their political power to a president that to date has left them 100% powerless. See The Urban League’s 2009 “State of Black America” report here:
"Have you noticed how the very same black racists, who proclaimed that every black person that did not vote for President Barack Obama was a race traitor"
Wow,where is the love people?:)
Seriously,I just taped a segment of Dr.Dyson's show (I think it will be on next week)and the guy couldn't have been more of a gentleman.
I will put up the link when I get it.
As for thaat terror plot:Stay tuned.
Preach, AB, preach!! Your 3:14 post was spot on!!!!
"why is obama the only man who can sell books without being called a sellout?"
Dam good question here!!!
Congrats on the radio spot Field!
thanks fly!
and on a related note
despite their bogus tv war
obama just JOINED cheyney in betraying valerie plame!!!!!!!
i am posting about this on my blog asap today...
obama's puppet swagga is in full effect
Hey, Negro. How are you doing? Are you going to post a link to an archive of your radio interview??
Sidebar: I am working on a new website called www.punkazzparents.com - The Blog where family matters and personal responsibility is required. Join The Alliance For Healthy Parenting aka The Alliance Against Punk Azz Parents. The GA Secretary would not allow me to register the later name. LOL
Cut and paste the following link to learn what motivated me to start this movement:
wow am!
thank you!!
toxic parents and their doomed/dooming spawn are my PRIMARY issue:
best wishes,
Terrorist Negroes Foiled in Bombing Plothttp://wcbstv.com/breakingnewsalerts/terror.plot.temple.2.1015238.html
and of course, Drudge puts up a pic to let evvvvverybody know the guys were niggers.
My last attempt to comment got eaten.
From today's NYT online about one of the terrorists arrested today in the bombing plot. You can't make this stuff up.
"In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Cromitie’s sister, Wanda Cromitie, said she was shocked to learn of her brother’s arrest while watching television this morning. She said she was unaware that her brother may have had extreme political views, and that she had last spoken to him about two years ago when she thought he was working at a Wal-Mart or Kmart store.
“Right now, to me he’s, like, the dumbest person I ever came in contact with in my life,” Ms. Cromitie said.
She added that as far as she knew, he was not a Muslim, but said “they do a little time in jail and they don’t eat pork no more.”"
Hi Field..
My view on Travis is he is a man who has other objectives and helping the Black community is not one of them.
He is the type of man that destroy his people instead of lifting them up. For me, it did not start with the Pres Obama...it was before them.
He sound like the type of person that is all up the boss office telling them the office gossip and always come out smiling. He is the type that will smile in your face and have a secret meeting with the boss afterward..He is just like the house negro..."If the boss is sick, we sick." person
I dont trust him one bit..He is a joke along with Michael Stelle. Alan Keys, or that man that was about to cry about us ganging up on RNC..
Opportunist..a joke..I would not give him the time..Go talk to someone else..John Lewis, Rev Sharpton...
Field, your readers need a break from alicia banks. Post after post of utter nonsense is becoming more that many of us can bear.
Please consider blocking this person.
I have been searching the internet looking for books or articles by
Tavis Smiley holding George Bush/Dick Cheney and the racist
republicans and the so-called evangelicals (most of whom are just a step above the KKK) to account for the past 8 years.
Can't seem to find anything. Nothing. Nada.
Tavis Smiley has let himself believe the hype of his Corporate White sponsors that he is the "new black leader". Someone, a friend
perhaps, needs to tell him that he is NOT. Nor is he of any
significant stature to hold anyone accountable, much less President
His books and tee-vee appearances criticizing the President are for
the sole benefit of his corporate sponsors (99.9999995 % of who are
WHITE) and for the benefit of a WHITE MEDIA AND ITS VIEWers.
TS's Corporate sponsors (many of whom do more harm in the Black
community than good).
Northern Trust (financial)
Norfolk Southern
Nationwide Insurance
Wells Fargo & Co
HSBC Holdings
U.S. Cellular
Urban Financial Services
Allstate Insurance Company
PG&E Corporation
Winston & Strawn LLP
L'Oreal USA
Heineken USA
Chase Home Finance
Wendy's International
Intel Corporation
Miller Brewing Company
US Cellular
MGM Mirage
BET Nightly News
The AFRO-American Newspapers
The Washington Informer
UrbanWorld Wireless
I know of no one who can list ONE single person, area, community, school, youth group, the homeless, etc., who has benefited from any of the TS "State of Black America... fill in the blank.
TS and the people who attend these events on the dimes of the WHITE
corporations who support them, are the ones who benefit. No one
else. And try as hard as you might, you can't come up with any
instances of anyone else benefiting.
A few other things:
- Tavis thought he was going to be a big shot in a Clinton administration. You know, get to sit behind a desk smoking a big cigar, put his feet up the desk, give orders and play act like the HNIC.
- Tavis is a self promoting race hustler.
- Tavis is the designated HNIC selected by WHITE CORPORATE AMERICA.
- "Obviously we aren't the only one buying his books" said by someone up post. Sorry sweetie, WE don't buy his books. TS books are written for the sole purpose of sale to WHITES.
- If Tavis was not in the business of criticizing the President, do any of you really think that he would be all over the WHITE tee-vee shows?
People, you have got to do better that Tavis Smiley for a hero.
One final thing: I might be a little bit impressed if, instead of the usual black gasbags at these State of Black something or other, the attendees included people from the medical professions, physics, molecular biology, rocket science, engerneering, etc. PhDs in Black Studies don't impress me not does much good for black people.
"- Tavis thought he was going to be a big shot in a Clinton administration. You know, get to sit behind a desk smoking a big cigar, put his feet up the desk, give orders and play act like the HNIC."
A lot of these guys think they'll do just that. I bet Mikey, Man of (soft) Steele, though this way. Little do these minstrels know that their job is to play their goddamned role as minstrels, and not actually run anything. They're puppets. Get too ahead of yourself and you get put back in your place.
Why does this feel like it feeds into the idea of Black struggle = Black male struggle?
When will focus get to the Black female or the Black Child?
Just asking.
I fell out with Tavis when he disrespected MIchelle Obama. And his unwillingness to admit that THAT is why Black folks fell out with him on the TJMS.
Attorneymom, congrats on your new blog.I will check it out.
Sammy, I have a fundamental problem with banning people. It's just so unfield Negro.:) I know many of you don't agree with AB, but challenge her when you don't, debate her, and let the rest of us decide who is making sense and who isn't.
Grata,sometimes feelings are just that;feelings. There is no effort here to keep the sisters out of the struggle. If I have issues with an so called females "race experts" I will call them out as well. I just can't think of any right now.
As we used to say back in the Bronx, some of y'all need to get off Tavis' bozack.
thank you my african king!
it is MUCH easier to gaybash than it is to debate me
therein lies the ONLY real problem
much respect and love,
Well, alicia, so far, the only thing you've said can be boiled down to the following:
* Obama is the Doom of Man (kinda like the One Ring)
* Anyone who disagrees with you is an "Obama Nazi" (whatever that means...perhaps you should acquaint yourself with Godwin's Law)
* Anyone who criticizes Tavis Smiley for whatever reason is an aforementioned Obama Nazi
* Anyone who disagrees with you is a gaybasher (I disagree with you and I'm gay...perhaps I'm bashing myself?)
I note that you haven't really addressed any of the posts that have dealt with the assertion that TS is a self-serving, unintelligent git who desires nothing more than to be an HNIC and that ambition was behind his Obama bashing, Michelle snubbing, and Clinton coattail riding.
you are a blatant liar!
i typically addressed many valid and ignored points:
why can ONLY obama sell books and not be called a sellout like tavis for doing the very same thing on a much smaller scale to boot?...
the primary ill in black america is toxic black breeding...obama is a model dad who i do not expect to fix deadbeat turbo breeders...
why are millions more people angry at tavis for snubbing michelle than for obama perpetually snubbing the entire black race via countless other event absences?...
tragically, no matter what i post herein...it is always erased by gaybashers like us wilding on my sexuality or by nazis wilding on my refusal to worship obama
you have only proven that to be a fact yet again
"the primary ill in black america is toxic black breeding...obama is a model dad who i do not expect to fix deadbeat turbo breeders..."
She does hang out with the Stormfronters.
bill cosby and myself have NEVER posted on stormfront!
have never been angry at Bill Cosby, because he has courageously initiated a belated and necessary public discussion. I respect him for daring to do so. I will never kill any messengers. I will always address their urgent messages. Rather than insult Cosby, talk to a teacher. Or, visit a public school classroom. You will find that Cosby has been far too reticent and kind.
When rappers tell uncensored truths about ghettos, they call it our CNN. When Cosby tells glaring truths about toxic parenting, his detractors call it airing our dirty laundry. Toxic parents and students are destroying academia in America. Our schools are fatally wounded. All wounds heal best in open air!
i judge ALL enemies excusively by their actions.
the blatant lies that you posted prove that you are a gay obama nazi enemy:
Political truths have been nullified by idolatry. Fascism and elitism have become afrocentric. Black political suicide has become patriotic. Political logic has become treason. Most "journalists" are Obama’s fans. Most voters are his drones. Most gays are his doormats. And, most women and men are his groupies. It is truly pathetic to witness
i see u,
In 10 years, what has The Black State of the Union Conference accomplished? Seriously, because I don't know and I'd like to know if I'm wrong in thinking that there's been nothing CONSTRUCTIVE (other than for Tavis) to come out of TBSU.
"bill cosby and myself have NEVER posted on stormfront!"
I never heard Bill Cosby (who himself produced an out of wedlock child) discuss "black toxic breeding".
That's the language of white supremacists.
If you want to discuss people producing children whom they cannot or will not provide for or nuture properly (who come in all hues by the way) then I'm with you.
But spewing filth like "black toxic breeding is stupid and offensive.
Especially coming from a black person.
"In 10 years, what has The Black State of the Union Conference accomplished?"
It's a "conference" for crissakes, not a government agency, charitable foundation or grassroots alliance.
It's a forum for discussing issues not adequately addressed in the mainstream media.
all sexist control freaks like you have a problem with any woman speaking forcefully
cosby is not my ventriloquist
you will never police my vocab
i have the right to reiterate cosby's urgent messages in any way i see fit
“There is no woman who has ever died because they didn’t have sex,” Cosby said. “And there is no boy who has ever died or had a bad orgasm from wearing a rubber.”
Cosby also said that young women aren’t getting “pregnant.” Rather, he said, “they’re getting knocked up.”
i stand by EVERY word i have posted
deal with that,
re your dig at cosby's fidelity
sadly, i know no men who are sexual saints
and last i heard, his paternity was never formally documented
i know that cosby was very responsible and financially generous to autumn as a child of his mistress, unlike most married het male whores
as i recall, it was autumn's macho greedy scrub boyfriend who talked in her into bilking cosby and becoming a criminal/extortionist
i am certain that autumn is not an illiterate droput like over 50% of young black "students" in america
Michael Eric Dyson is a babbling idiot. He is a hip hop race hustler. He writes a book every year. Complete gasbag.
and obama wrote one book each year he was in congress = 2
and he is penning a bio now = 3 for 3
so that is also an annual tome for bo...so why is that only bad for med?
go tell cosby he has some new and confirmed paternity drama company
this is why you het gaybashers really need to give the tired gay amorality mantras a much belated rest!
"the blatant lies that you posted prove that you are a gay obama nazi enemy"
You are ten pounds of crazy in a five-pound sack.
and you are a tiny hater in a teeny sac
shoo fly
I've stopped watching his program because his interview questions never seem that intelligent or thought-out. Kind of sychophantic sometimes...
Field, how can you challenge someone when whatever it is that they think they have said, makes absolutely no sense. Sometimes I wonder if her (CB) cat is jumping around on her keyboard when she is supposed to be posting.
And as nice as you want to be, she posts a lot of nonsense without rational thought.
AB: a "hater" I may be, but you're still crazier than Michael Jackson on an Ecstasy binge. Seek help.
teeny boi roger:
every s/hero that i have ever admired has been called a "hater/crazy"...etc
especially those warriors who have been afrocentric and female...
i proudly wear such slurs as badges of honor...
especially when hurled by envious tiny persons like you who are too intellectually inept to debate me...
thanks for the compliment,
You used the word "envious"...I do not think it means what you think it means.
Further, having a coherent argument not wrapped up in tinfoil and crazy is usually the best source of debate; as your "arguments" are wrapped in tinfoil and crazy, having a debate with you is not possible, for if someone disagrees with you, you resort to name-calling and hoisting yourself upon your Afrocentric cross of crazy.
r(as in rabid rat):
you continue to post these hateful little odes....even as you continue to ignore every single valid point about obama ETC...that i posted herein...even those i bothered to reiterate re: obama
you have yet to explain why you have exclusively attacked tavis
for book sales while excusing obama's greater book sales...???????????????
you are a blatant liar
and, amusingly, you are trying to defend your antics herein with additional blatant lies
i just reviewed each of my posts herein...
i listed over 12 specific issues/links above!!!
book sales
toxic breeding
obama being a great dad
tavis as an author
obama as an empty suit
toxic schools
videos regarding neocon agendas
valerie plame
DL bros
double standards for presidential candor
black racist groupthink
tavis v. michelle
obama v. world racism conference
homosexual political doormats
you blatantly lied as you reduced them to 4 erroneous claims all about obama...
and you are STILL just posting slurs and ignoring all i posted herein
you boi are INDEED a repulsive incessant LIAR!!!
This article is very good,I like it !
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