I am so mad at these dumb ass Negroes I don't know what to do. Now they done went and made it cool for the "man" to profile us again. When those Saudis who could fly but couldn't land planes, took them into the twin towers, it's the Arabs and Middle Eastern looking chaps who were under the gun. Now, thanks to these Keystone terrorist, the field is going to have to live with even more profiling.
Apparently these clowns didn't even have Osama bin Laden's blessing. Just a bunch of free lancers trying to mount their own version of jihad. Let's just go ahead and call them jail house jihadists because that's where they met; not on the battle fields of Afghanistan. They were just a bunch of guys from the Bronx who wanted to represent for the cause. Oh field, stop it, what if it's all a set up by "the man"? Yeah, right. The only thing that set them up to fail was their own stupidity. The feds had these clowns pegged all along, and they had an informer working from the inside and telling them exactly what the Keystone terrorist were doing every step of the way.
The explosives that they sold them; they were fake. (Thank goodness, because I bet those clowns would have blown up half of New York before they got to their intended targets.) Those Stingers that they tried to get to shoot down the military planes; they were fake as well. The "man" was all over this plot from the jump. (I guess the O man's administration isn't so soft on terror after all. Take that Dick Cheney) Memo to Keystone terrorist: You don't plan a take down of imperialist interests with folks from around the way. Because what do you think will hapen? I will tel you what: chances are that one of them just might be an informer. This shit ain't like buying some hot guns off the street and robbing Mr. Wong's Deli. You are playing in the big leagues when you try this shit. Just ask these guys. They got life for just acting like they were going to be like the 911 hijackers.
"This is a plot that would have involved martyrdom, explosives and certain of the tubes that connect New Jersey with Lower Manhattan," [FBI Assistant Director for New York] Mershon said. He called the threat "the real deal." '
The type of "threat" might have been the "real deal", but the men carrying it out certainly weren't.
These are some raggedy New Yawk negroes who had nothingbetter to do with themselves. Perhaps this will help the wingnut cause re Gitmo--they could say we can't these losers into federal supermaxes (which makes common sense) b/c they will preach to the darker peoples (the gangsta kingpins, dopers and mexican mafia types) and turn them into "terrorists." Never mind that most of the folk at Gitmo are morons captured in Afghanistan, even more stupid than these brothas, but hey...
I wonder which conservative pundit/blogger will be the first to turn this into a racist thing. Byron York? Sean Hannity? Boss Limbaugh?
Christopher... while I agree with your sentiments that these guys are idiots.... supermax prisons do not offer inmates the chance to mingle... for people that don't know... supermax is 23 hour lock down, no human touch, conversation is only between the inmate and their guards... isolation is the norm...
Why is this such a triumph of intelligence? These guys were destined to get caught. A synagogue? That's small time.
Plus I see Christopher Chambers's metaphoric point. I don't think technically they'd mingle. I just think the right wing weirdos will make that point about detainees "influencing" black and Latino thugs.
What a bunch of fools. What exactly were they fighting for? The triumph of Islam and dominance of Arabs who would problably enslave them all over again?
This is what happens when you have Black men not being nurtured by their fathers. If they had proper use of their brains they would have known from the get go that that was never their battle.
Their biggest battle is with in their own communities not outside it.
Idiots. This is what happens when hate is your only ambition.
The continuous plague of black people who lack direction. The Arabs are laughing at their faithful abeeds. Dumb asses.
"bunches of guys" - the new nigger.
I read about this a couple of years ago, that Jihad was going to target black in jail and use the whole getting back and the white man angle to get them on their side. I thought it was fear mongering who knew they would find idiots that would fall for and attempt to go through with it!
Wow, these Negroes are pretty good argument for requiring licensing for bearing children. Sadly, they're not alone. Too many ill informed angry young men have twisted the words of Malcolm and other leaders in vitrols of irrational hate.
If you got the average Barbershop/liquor store/pool hall where young, uneducated Black men hang -- you hear lots of anti-Semitic quasi-militant illogical nonsense. Its one thing to talk about this sort of stupidity in your buddha cypher. Its another to go and act upon your ill informed stupidity.
I am holding off judgment until more of the story comes out. A job of an informer is to penetrate said community and then incite them to get them to do illegal/terroristic stuff.
Here's a UK story about black Muslims of Somali descent being blakcmailed to become informants or face false charges of terrorism:
Prove to me that they got their hands on those weapons. I don't believe it.
Where's the money for the missiles and explosives come from....you know no ex-cons got that kind of money.
it takes MONEY to be in terorism, and it takes educated folks. Educated folks for bombs, etc. Sorry,you will not find a Brotha or Sista with the education needed to make a good bomb, wasting it on some terrorist cause. And, we simply don't have the funds. Where would our Black terrorists be getting their money? I keep on asking that
I wonder what's going to happen to these guys caught of allegedly plotting to committ terrorism, while this American soldier goes free after raping a 14 year old Iraq girl and murdering (not killing in combat) other Iraqis. He's spared the death penalty.
How come no one suggested to waterboard him?
We'll see how it plays out - they're nasty. They definitely aren't like the clowns who were convicted of plotting an impossible ground attack against Fort Dix; the Feds made a lousy case that they were ever a serious threat to anyone, but the dumb fools received excessively severe sentences anyway.
Saleema- I can assure you if 4 NY Jews had attempted to blow up a couple black churches you would not be grasping at straws like this. We ALL know what we would be hearing. Your people tried to committ a 16th Street Baptist Church bombing..... No difference.
Really, your people are acting today the way the KKK treated you over half a century ago (and I should add, black folks still haven't gotten over it) and the best you could do is try and deflect criticism by pointing to something totally different and whine "It's not faaair!!!" I can assure you if Jews had perpetrated this crime on YOUR people, YOUR people would be doing a lot more than suggesting waterboarding. Your lucky the Jews don't treat you the way you treat them.
If you got the average Barbershop/liquor store/pool hall where young, uneducated Black men hang -- you hear lots of anti-Semitic quasi-militant illogical nonsense. Its one thing to talk about this sort of stupidity in your buddha cypher. Its another to go and act upon your ill informed stupidity.
Funny if you are white, asian, jewish, or hispanic it's not ok to talk like this ANYWHERE. I grew up that it is NEVER okay say dispariging thing about black folks, regardless who is around. I've learned the hard way it's not a two way street. In fact, the black people I know who are quickest to give a tongue lashing for the most minor perceived slight are usually the first to make henious comments about other groups. Black folks enforce a rule on EVERYONE (racism is wrong and punishable)...then exempt themselves. Jesse Jackson and his hymietown is example one. Jesse Jackson ruining Michael Ricards career, yet 6 months later is caught on tape talking the same way as Richards. Richards is still be punished by society, Jackson is back to his "civil rights leader" status. It's appalling that white comedians are held to significantly higher standards by society then black civil rights icons. It is apalling, and telling.
@ Anonymous 12:53 AM:
Actually, I'm not black. Lucky for you though, I am Muslim. I'm sure you have much more to say to me than you have to say to Muslims and I know anyone of it isn't nice.
I know what I am talking about. I have thought about joining the FBI but the only job they have for me is to be an informant and spy on my community. The more terrorists I hand over to them the more my pay raise.
But I decided not to sell my soul to the devil.
Blacks shouldn't forget their history, which isn't too distant by historical standards, about how the FBI planted and incited people amongst them.
Field, I think you should make your comments section an entire page. I don't like the pop-up window. Please?
Saleema said...
I wonder what's going to happen to these guys
I'm wondering why you aren't ashamed that your people are acting like the KKK, that's what I'm wondering. But I guess you are too busy indirectly crying racism.
"Where would our Black terrorists be getting their money? I keep on asking that"
Ok, so someone else is fueling and funding them.... Now what? Not having the funds or an education doesn't exempt you from your guilt and stupidity.
Jane doe,
No, honey, not indirectly crying racisim. Directly saying it.
Oh and I meant to say to the anonymous person: "I'm sure you have much more to say to me than you have to say to blacks and I know anyone of it isn't nice.
And what's this stuff about "your people?" I'm assuming you are American. Over here I am not ever considered an American. I am asked where I'm from? I always tell them my parents country. So, these guys, are your people. Your country shipped their ancestors from Africa as slaves. So, really, you have more claim over them than me.
See, we can all play that game. But to really think about something in its broader context and to allow over minds to another possibility is harder.
Geesus Kryst...
Anony 1:06, most of us here have been there, done that. I'm getting sick and tired of people like you with your whiny reverse racism bullshit. You people don't even know how to compare inequality equally. If you want to harp and mourn over your diminishing white privilege, then you're not going to get a pity party from someone like me.
1:28 Geesus Xrist La
I'm not white. The "white priveledge" cliche doesn't stick. Try another card. Funny how anyone who says anything that ruffles the feathers of some black folks always needs to be pigeonholed with some cliche. Very ignorant.
Anony 1:45,
Save your word games, you could say anything. For all I know, you could be the man on the moon in his underwear. But based on your cowardly pathetic rant, I doubt you're anything other than white or Jewish.
Even most Jews can't pretend to not ever getting the benefits of having white looking skin. And who in their right "minority" mind would try to use Richards (a racist Jew) as a poster boy for reverse racism? Stop playing games. There is a mark of transparency in your words. The ignorance is on you.
Field, I gotta stop reading your blog before bed.
Anon @ 12:35 "your people" "YOUR people" "YOUR people"
Yup, I catch your drift brother, or is is sister? Apparently you think all "people" are the same. Got news for you: these terrorist wannabes are just that, not like everyone else. Please direct you venom a little more carefully.
Anon@1:05 "Funny if you are white, asian, jewish, or hispanic it's not ok to talk like this ANYWHERE."
Really? I've heard a lot of really hateful talk out of the mouths of several the racial/cultural groups you mention. Hateful spirit is equal opportunity as far as I can tell. I'll bet you there's at least one other-race-person for every black racist person. Care to wager? M
the timing was perfect .. the gitmo speech, the cheney speech and the fbi arrest of four (4) brothas who are frustrate with the world .. its reported the group was infiltrated by an informant (cointelpro).. being upset with the man .. i’m sure these brothas, were not playing with any white brothers.
i hope the fbi brother is compensate handsomely for the successful year long effort to persuade a group of four (4) brothas to commit an irrational crime and providing the tools to commit the crime.
its does go well with thursdays two major distractions, the potus can say we stop a terrorist attack and gop will say we’re not safe.
it’s the branding .. people of color, who may or may not be muslims .. becomes the new face of home grown terrorism and you thought driving while black was an issue.
if thursday capture is the best the fbi can do at this time .. america is in a pickle.
east austin said: "it’s the branding .. people of color, who may or may not be muslims .. becomes the new face of home grown terrorism and you thought driving while black was an issue."
Let's hope, pray, and meditate that people are perceived as they are, not according to their race or religion. It is clearly wrong to brand people. Not sure what else I can say to you 'east austin' other than please do good. M
Anon 1:06/1:45, I see you've met this blog's resident black racist, La Hooter. ;-)
p.s.: As for the "jihadists," they sound like a bunch of common knuckleheads who put the "stupid" in "stupid criminal."
rikyrah said...
Prove to me that they got their hands on those weapons. I don't believe it.
Where's the money for the missiles and explosives come from....you know no ex-cons got that kind of money.
That's right , where is a brother going to get a L.A.W. and a R.P.G. from.These fellas worked at Walmart.A few days ago in Cleveland the Police found a hand grenade.That scared the people that live in the neighborhood.There are weapons out there but Stinger missles aren't too plentiful where I live.
OT. Have you notice lately in the media that there are more crazy criminals out there ? .One news story show a brother get on a bus and beat up a blind woman. One in Florida shows a brother knock over a motorized wheel chair and rob the guy. Then another guy runs up and snatch his chain.It reminds me of the "Criminals Gone Wild" DVD that FOX did a story on.It's as if someone is trying to demonize black people to make them seem sub-human.
LaYouTube- you said
"And who in their right "minority" mind would try to use Richards (a racist Jew)....."
Actually Richards isn't anymore Jewish than you are. Perhaps YOU are a white sheet wearing black woman. Ironic, a black woman blames Jews for a thing they didn't even do, yet you get all worked up in a lather if you are blamed for things you do.
Hmmm. I have been getting some e-mails from my stormfront and wingnut friends wondering how black folks would react to this. Well, it's pretty clear from your comments that we are not on board with dumb ass house Negro behavior in any form.
And I co-sign with Jody about the supermax prisons. Just why exactly can't we put terrorist in them? Because they are on A-merry-ca soil? Give me a break! No one, and I mean no one is getting out of a supermax. I am betting that they are more secure than gitmo. The political theater around this is a bit absurd.
116 Degrees, I think there is some truth to that story. I have met lots of guys coming out of the joint who will attest to that.
"This is what happens when you have Black men not being nurtured by their fathers. If they had proper use of their brains they would have known from the get go that that was never their battle.
Their biggest battle is with in their own communities not outside it."
jane doe,I get the whole generalization thing, but most of the black folks who commented here did not say one word about racism. But...
As for what saleema said; well the government does plant informers, and they do act as facilitators for these crimes. Now we must ask ourselves; what kind of idiot gets mixed up enough with these people to allow this to happen?
"If you got the average Barbershop/liquor store/pool hall where young, uneducated Black men hang -- you hear lots of anti-Semitic quasi-militant illogical nonsense. Its one thing to talk about this sort of stupidity in your buddha cypher. Its another to go and act upon your ill informed stupidity."
Anon. that might be true. But if you hang out in any trailer park in Alabama,WV,Louisiana...and I could go on, you would hear the same talk from ignorant uneducated whites about black people. They just don't try to act on it....wait, sometimes they do.
Field, to me this one truly goes into the stupid criminal file, and that's a file that knows no color.
Gringer, to simply label it stupid is silly. They were planning a hate crime. Labelling a crime stupid is when someone shoots someone for drinking their beer. These guys were looking to kill as many people as possible and comments caaught on tape (along with their choice of places to bomb) show they were targeting certain groups. Any crime intended to kill, and motivated by blind hatred, can't be classified as simply stupid. I guess you could say shooting someone over drinking your beer could be an intention to kill, along with motivated by hatred BUT the big difference is crimes like that are spur of the moment and don't really happen often when people have time to think things through. These guys thought this through, and had many opportunities to reconsider.
They were stupid, as in hilariously incompetent. They were a baby step ahead of the guy who robs a bank but who hands his driver's license to the teller when she asks for identification before he can withdraw cash.
Being a stupid criminal is by no means any kind of black specialty. The white trailer parks of America are full of stupid criminals, and so are the black ghettos and the Hispanic barrios.
Grinder- To back up my claim that these guys were a hell of a lot more than "stupid" (like seriously disturbed to say the least):
after planting what they believed to be bombs in cars outside the Riverdale Temple, a Reform synagogue, and the nearby Riverdale Jewish Center, an Orthodox synagogue. Once the explosives were planted, the men planned to drive to the National Guard base to shoot down military aircraft with a Stinger surface-to-air missile while detonating the bombs with a remote device
at one point during the planning, Cromitie said: "I hate those motherfuckers, those fucking Jewish bastards ... I would like to get [destroy] a synagogue."
No that's not stupid, that's f-ing scary. Their stupidity isn't what made them do this- it is what stopped them from succeeding. If they were a little sharper it could have been an atrocity.
Thank God these black people were stopped.Blacks have turned the streets of America into war zones and white people are nothing more than collateral damage.
I am so thankful i live in a white neighborhood that has a strong neighborhood watch program.We call 9-1-1 at the site of any black person.We do what we can to protect our women and our old people from blacks and hispanics.
Just the other day my neighbor saw a 9 year old black girl claiming to be a girl scout.Who ever heard of a black girl scout??Not me!! The police came with in mins and cuffed her and took her to jail.
I know she was tryin to sell crack,thank God she was stopped.
Lol@ the butthole above , locking a little girl up.
The authorities have been targeting black muslims for years, decades actually. They are especially afraid of black muslim prisoners as once they cast off Christianity they are alot harder to control, ie they stop preying on their own and turn their attentions to their "real" enemies. As always they plot goes nowhere whithout an informant to instigate an "provide" the weaponry to carry out the plan.
Have we forgotten the bogus florida terrorists? Same MO, same story. No need to worry about profiling as the profiling began before this alleged plot began. Good Lord Field, when did "the man" not profile us?
Yes, black folk should be smart enough to know that the battle is to be fought in our own communities. Perhaps the bombs were planted in the wrong place.
It's always amazing to me how the would be black terrorists are arrested for "talking" about terrorism but never seem to have any weapons.
Wake up folks.
These clowns were dummies for sure but this is a media circus more than anything else.
sick freak.... you are just that. Sick. Freak.
"Actually Richards isn't anymore Jewish than you are."
Anon, Richards may have been raised as a Catholic, but it doesn't change if he has Jewish lineage. He flip flops to ethnicity to his career convenience, similar to you on this blog.
Matw said: "I'll bet you there's at least one other-race-person for every black racist person"
Matw, you need to triple that, when their racism is aimed towards black people.
Gringy, your snarl made it seem like you were already acquainted with the Anony. I won't be surprised. I really don't feel like further engaging you today, you need to go lick your dander somewhere else.
Another example of black terrorism.
No doubt the will become black muslims when they get locked up.
Saleema @ 1:24 a.m.
Powerful response - I couldn't have said it better. Kudos!
Anonymous sez....
"If you got the average Barbershop/liquor store/pool hall where young, uneducated Black men hang -- you hear lots of anti-Semitic quasi-militant illogical nonsense."
And of course you hang around these types of places all the time, right?
Liquor store? Pool Hall?
How could you leave out the basketball court?
How much more stereotypical and racist can you be?
These guys are idiots. What point would they be trying to get across? I'm lost.
Yeah, these were the dumb terrorists.
Bush only caught dumb terrorists after 9-11.
The question that should be keepin' us all up at night is "Where are the Smart Terrorists?"
and I don't think anyone is trying to minimize the bigotry of the perpetrators, nor the outrage. Least, they'd better not be.
This attempted crime is no better and no worse than attempting to burn down a black church with people in it, down South.
I don't THINK i need to be remindin' this community about that. So let's say I'm hollerin' at the trolls.
Hey Jackass Sick Freak. I know you are trying to rile people and I shouldn't feed the troll but I WAS A BLACK GIRL SCOUT mother fucker. YOur racism is disgusting and truly astounding. And guess what, I grew up in a mostly white neighborhood and heard stuff when people didn't think I could hear that was bad about blacks and once had a conversation in class in college with a white guy who straight up said that he has been around many well-educated RICH white folks who in all white company said horrible racist things about black people. The ones who should "know better" you and anoymous you are not only racist with your comments about "ignorant" black young men in pool halls etc, are classist as well. I hate it when scum like you ooze out of your nasty dark places to disrupt conversations of grown, educated intelligent folks. Go slide back under your respective rocks!
We are in the midst of a deep recession...many people are losing their jobs. In New York in past years over 50% of young BM were unemployed I can only assume in this financial crisis those numbers have risen.
I can't see how any of this has much to do with Islam.
In these difficult times, people need someone to blame so I can imagine in New York anti-semitism will rise. Jews own a lot of property in New York.
I can imagine some of the buildings these men live in or families members live in are owned by Jews. When you are struggling or broke and you see a big chunk of what little money you have going to a Jewish landlord, things start to get twisted.
Also New York is very different than most other cities in America that I know of. In most cases the rich live separate and apart from the poor. Wealthy areas are often far away and secluded from the working masses. Not so in New York.
Riverdale is a wealthy Jewish enclave, yet it is very close to rough, poorer neighborhoods.
In other states you may see the wealthy and priveledged in the mall or maybe on TV. In New York they are right next to you. In one group of buildings you can have poor welfare recipients and directly across the street you can have a new high rise condo with people paying a $10,000 a month mortgage.
When you can't find work...or figure out how to manage your life...in and out of jail. It is easy to look across the street at those who are prospering and say ..."It's those goddamn Jews.....
Regarding living next to the well-off....
Many high end boutiques in Manhattan have taken to giving shoppers plain white or brown bags so that they wouldn't have to be seen walking down the street with big shopping bags emblazoned with GUCCI and PRADA
I heard about this on NPR yesterday morning. In true NPR fashion they never made a reference to the four's Islamic ties (I love that they don't give into the fear-mongering). They also didn't mention race. For a few brief seconds I was over joyed. I'm black and Muslim and damn if I didn't want it to not be someone from either group. Then I checked in with a Bronx friend over twitter (I wasn't near a comp or tv). Black AND Muslim.
Damn, Damn, DAMN JAMES! © Florida Evans
I'm iffy about these FBI informants. There's a distinct difference between talking about something and doing it. These men wouldn't have had the ability to carry out their talk if someone (the FBI) hadn't put (fake) weapons in their hands. Four dudes against a military base? They'd be slaughtered before they could say Allah.
Can anyone say "entrapment"?
knockoutchick, that was a great perspective.
was there REALLY a terrorist plot?
A Link for you to check out!
Heads up! This is the new way to keep the phony war on terror going. The FBI, local police and other agencies find an eager beaver provocateur to get a group of disgruntled knuckleheads to talk up "jihad". They then move to the "plan" and arrange for transactions in "missiles", "guns" or "explosives" all of which are amazingly easy to obtain through the provocateur's "connections". The connections are with the agency in question who then sell the dupes phony explosives etc. and then make the arrest.
This was done time and again with "communist" subversives in the '50s under Hoover. Same game, different name.
Those four dingle berries wouldn't have busted a grape in a fruit fight if it wasn't for the "informant" egging them on and providing the things they needed to do the deed.
That does not in any way exonerate the ignorant brothers from being stupid enough to actively pursue random violence against any religion or directed at the government. I don't think a single American Black person who would suggest that these guys were doing a good thing. This isn't about downplaying the hate crime aspect of it. That's a straw man because unlike the ease with which you can find Americans who support torture of middle eastern people accused of terrorism, you will be hard find to find one American black you supports bombing anyone's church. That's just not something that black folks are known to do.
And the point that is going to be missed here is how certain elements of the establishment are capable of creating this type of distraction any time they want.
Informants get paid for informing. If there is no crime being committed, it is in the informant's best interest to create one, so he can continue to profit. So these four dumb-asses sit around and bitch and moan about geopolitical issues of which they have zero understanding, and some informant stumbles across the conversation. Or perhaps the informant is instrumental in getting the conversation started. In either case, the informant quickly becomes the main catalyst for anything actually happening. These guys are babbling about they wish they knew some Al-Qeada and what they would do if they had some connections; basically daydreaming and probably high. Then some guy shows up and says, "I'm hooked up with the jihad man, I can put you down." These ignorant young men wouldn't be that hard to fool about something they have no way of knowing anything about. Especially by a guy with resources they would never have any way of getting. They were dumb enough to put fake explosives in a car and park it next to a temple, without even a little test of the material to see if it would actually explode. I wouldn't be surprised if the car was registered to one of them.
Suffice it to say that this is very suspect. It's all part of the process of extending control of the few over the many. We sanction it by falling for these diversions and delusions, and literally begging the few to protect us, at any cost, even our freedom.
i would like to know where they were getting the money from to buy this stuff? i have flown out of stewart many times,the commericial flights are run by the new york new jersey port authority.
i can't figure out why they would have chosen riverdale, either.
@ Sick Freak
"We call 9-1-1 at the site of any black person"
A relative of yours called the FBI on my brother while he was attending UT in Austin by informing them that there's an Arab-looking guy living next door and a lot of males come in and out his apartment.
The woke him up in the wee hours of the morning and asked him what was he up to? My brother told them of course they knew better since they came to investigate and could he be also informed of what he was being investigated for?
Anyway, they did leave but after considerably scaring the shit out of him and his roommates. (and he's not even Arab.)
One FBI agent said "oh, you have a white roommate?" and that somehow seemed to satisfy them that he couldn't be a terrorist then, cuz he was rooming with a while christian male.
They also seemed upset that my brother wasn't telling the truth about not being Arab, "but you look, Arab." My brother just shrugged after a while and said well, I"m sorry, I don't know what to do about my looks, but go back to the office and find out. I'm sure you can find out what race I belong to....
So, I'm really suspicious of the FBI, as you can see.
So Sick Freak, I'm sure you are happy that the FBI is keeping the country safe by running after people just cuz the neighbor called to say that an Arab looking person is living next door.
So, like I said, I am holding off judgment until more facts come to light.
jane doe, yeah, they said nasty things but I'm having a hard time being all that scared of this particular crew. I don't think they could plan a two-car funeral.
Rising Tide, BINGO on your "where are the smart terrorists" comment. That IS the issue that ought to keep us up at night. The laughable nature of these knuckleheads shouldn't make anyone rest easy. We do have enemies.
Hear hear Exodus..
These guys were/are convenient tools, and they were most definitely set-up by their handlers. Even the locals at the Masjid in Newburgh knew they were suspect, and even said they were probably informants.
"Payen was a familiar face at the 17-year-old Newburgh mosque who pestered other people, said Rashada, who added that none of the four accused men had been seen there together.
"He was nosy," Rashada said. "People would say, 'Something is up with this dude, I don't trust him, he asks too many questions that have nothing to do with him, is he a snitch?'"
rikyrah had it right. The reason Al Qaeda posed a danger in it's initial incarnation was the fact that much of it's leadership were intelligent well educated people.
They wrap explosives around the dumb one's waists and send them off to blow themselves up.
There isn't any evidence that this level of terrorist organization exists currently in the United States, although that possibility keeps a lot of very smart people awake at night trying to prevent it.
The simple fact is, despite countless historical reasons to, blacks have not formed terrorist organizations in this country historically. On the other hand, whites have - including the KKK.
The average black person with the knowledge and education to pull off a successful terrorist operation, doesn't have reason to - on the basis of being co-opted into the system. Further, the gun culture prevalent in right wing groups, which provides the tools and knowledge necessary is massively and overwhelmingly white - as are the under and over the counter suppliers.
The major, and predominant domestic terror threat in this country is still violent right-wing groups made up of white men.
These guys were clowns.
does this not vindicate jh just a tad?
see obama and mccain et. al are chums:
like jesse ventura said:
"politicos are like wrestlers...all pals off camera"
That is sad to hear.The person who called the FBI was a Patriot.
Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton,NAACP,CAIR, and other black and muslim groups are to blame.For far to long they have excused bad behavior and law breaking.They hate America and want to see it fall.
So its hard to tell the good ones from the bads ones.[Just look at those God fearing patroits who were raped and murdered by Katrina refugees they took in and tried to take care of]
In order for this to change you have to change.
Death Angels,Black Panthers,and the Black Liberation Front,Black Liberation Army just to name a few.
I don't understand how arresting four black guys "makes it cool" for racial profiling to happe. Were you being sarcastic when you wrote that?
I think they were watching the movie Traitor with Don Cheadle too many times.
Well, some of y'all apparently are saying that black people are dumb two times. Too dumb to figure out how to build a bomb and too dumb to figure out how to get our hands on weapsons of major destruction, not to mention how to use them.
Interesting defense. Negroes are too dumb and too poor to be terrorists.
It is ironic that many black men end up un jail for hurting or murdering another black person, but are very willing to fight and die for Islam and foreigners like the Arabs who despise them.
From one master to another. Let us face it, some people need masters.
I always say if most Muslims had looked like the Senegalese, and the Gambians, most black Americans would have never converted to Islam.
Thank God no other black people in the Western hemisphere give Islam and the Arabs the time of the day.
I once knew a black American man who once tried to convert me to Islam. I asked him what he and the Arab Muslims had in common. I remember him telling me that the Arabs are light skinned black people. I ran that fool away from me.Ignorance is a curse.
Uhhhh Sicko - BLA and BLF died timely deaths back in the 60's and early 70's. Last count the New, New, New Black Panther party had 25-30 members.
The "death Angels" AKA Zebra Killers were Hate Criminals but hardly terrorists. The gang consisted of 7 individuals who murdered principally white homeless people.
Like you are really going to bring down America by killing the homeless...
I know you're not real bright - but hopefully you understand the difference between a terrorist and your fellow hate group members?
Last count in this country there were roughly 900 active white supremacist and hate groups with about 30,000 hard core members, and perhaps 50,000 hangers on. Nativist Hate groups (anti-immigrant) number about 200 organizations although I haven't seen an membership numbers. These groups often cross-fertilize on membership. The Nativist groups in particular seem to be drawing from the old Militia movement which spawned the likes of McVeigh. They are particularly dangerous because a number have military training and background - AND there seems to be generous financing by the Usual Suspects on the right. The original Minutemen managed to raise about $400,000 last year in reported donations.
The largest of the KKK web sites run by Dan Black boasts about 110,000 registered members.
And I haven't bothered to go into the criminal hate groups, or Sovereigns or other whack job groups.
You want to go fishing and actually catch fish Sicko, the first thing you do is find a body of water that doesn't dry up after every rain.
They were set up. Those fools wouldn't have gotten C-4 or missiles or even have hooked up with anyone who would have pretended to have been able to get them that shit. They were drug addicts and schizos. The FBI "informant" had been trying to sucker someone in for a while, even offering money. These broke ass crazy fools were just along for the ride.
"see obama and mccain et. al are chums:"
Wait wait wait. So a article pointing out that McCain's grandson (wait, what's that? He's dude's SON? Did John conceive him on his 60th birthday? whatever) was graduating from the Naval Academy that Obama was giving a commencement at makes them "chums"? Come on, Alicia, be real. If you saw any of the stuff McCain was saying during the stiumlus debate, you'll realize that he's bitter and jealous as fuck of Obama more than anything. Obama needs to bring them lil kids back to the White House tho!
I would air out the racist commentators, but it's already been done. All I'll add is that anon @ 1:05 AM forgot to include the Watermelon Patch, the local KFC and the Crack House on his list of "popular black hangouts". Oh and trying to equate black usage of the n-word and white usage of the n-word still doesn't fly. The former uses it to say "wassup", the latter screams it before they drag you from the back of a pickup truck. Sorry, try again.
Okay, I will get serious about this.
When Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City federal building, when the white guy blew up the Atlanta olympics, when the unibomber was sending bombs in the mail, when the Weather Underground was terrorizing folks, when the SLA (including their one token Negro) was rasing hell, I don't remember white people running through the streets screaming in terror of white people. I don't rememeber white people even taking the responsibility on of what other white folks did.
David Koresh is seen as a victim and a martyr of government excess by the lunatic fringe. White people just don't view crime by other white folks the same way as they view crime commited by black people.
There is a show about dumb criminals. A lof of them are people of color. We's be just dumb.
Then I watched a two-hour show about the most heinous crimes ever committed. They were all mass murders and almost all of the perpetrators were white. One horrible awful outrage after another, 90% white perps. They didn't even include the endless number of white serial killers in this particular show.
Fortunately for me, I grew up in all white neighborhoods in the 1950's and 1960's and know better. I've been assaulted by white males (it's always white males who are so afraid of black faces) when I was very young on multiple occasions. I know how peaceful and harmless white folks can be. I also know that I have never held all white people responsible for what was done to me, including the pigs who tried to burn my grandmother out of her home in a "nice" white neighborhood.
So to all the brave anons, put that bullshit up your butt and hold it there. I know better.
west coast story -
If you go to the average trailer park/meth lab/monster truck rally where young, uneducated White men hang.....
alright, alright, I'll stop.
And let's not forgot to mention the KKK and the Aryan Nation who have committed some serious crimes against blacks and Jews. These are groups whose existence and sole purpose is to annhilate people who don't look or worship like them.
As for the Black Panther Party, the BPP had a lot of white supporters. Many infuential white whites were financially supportive. I remember when Leonard Bernstein shocked the upper East Side Crowd by hosting a cocktail party for the BPP.
The BPP was all about black empowerment, I know because I used to very involved. It became stupid when Huey became a drug addict and drunk on his own press. But a lot of good came out of the BPP. It was the BPP that started breakfast programs for poor people of all colors. And free dental and health clinics.
Shut the fakk up about this stuff. A bunch of truly IGNORANT white people who are so infused with their superiority and stupidity they can come to a black website and spew utter nonsense and not even have the decency to be embarrassed by what they don't know. Because you are all right because you are all white. You are barely literate.
that is just one small piece of evidence...it is by no means my entire HUGE case against obama...
and we perpetually agree to disagree
@west coast story: "Interesting defense. Negroes are too dumb and too poor to be terrorists."
They're not going to be rich, highly educated, and well-connected.
Those who are rich, highly educated, and well-connected, are living off the fat of the land.
btx3,I know you're not real bright but try to follow.Those groups i mention are/were listed has terrorist groups.
As an African American woman and a Jew, I am appalled at this news story.
The plan to bomb a synagogue and a Jewish community center is not small potatoes, as a poster earlier commented.
And it certainly isn't small potatoes for me.
I find it disheartening that two of the suspects are brothers who would plot to blow up a synagogue and Jewish community center.
There was a time that I could say no African American would do something heinous as an act that usually is attibuted to white supremacists or Islamic terrorists.
This is no longer the case. I suppose this says a lot about the brand of Islam these two (and the Haitian) converted to.
Field, I agree with you again on this post.
What a dumb azz!!! He deserves everything he gets and then some.
I was in the hospital recooperating from my car accident when they blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City. Even though I was hopped up on some serious pain meds, I laughed in scorn when the news said they thought the perps were the Nation of Islam. Im sorry, call me racist (or classist or whatever) but blowing up large properties has never been something that Blacks have been good at. For all of the reasons other commenters listed above.
Hell, I still find that NOI comment funny, lol.
Serves you right if some back to africa MOVE drop out blows up your crib some day... were you in Philly when that happened?? Can't remember who the mayor was, but that guy was Stupid with a capital stoop... Made Marion Barry look like friggin Einstein...
Serves you right if some back to africa MOVE drop out blows up your crib some day... were you in Philly when that happened?? Can't remember who the mayor was, but that guy was Stupid with a capital stoop... Made Marion Barry look like friggin Einstein<<<<
I don't quite get what you're trying to say, but the mayor you reference was Wilson Goode.
I love the post blaming it on Jewish landlords. WOW! Yeah and the Jasper 3 were so sick of seeing black men rape their women day in and day out....
Actually all those black guys involved in this had trouble finding work cause they HAD EXTENSIVE CRIMINAL RECORDS. DUH!
Funny I don't remember black folks blaming the recession for those 2 white guys who were planning to assasinate Obama last year.
"It's always amazing to me how the would be black terrorists are arrested for "talking" about terrorism but never seem to have any weapons."
Like I mentioned above those two white guys who were talking about assasinating Obama didn't have weapons either- and that made front page news. I remember the posts on this blog, and I don't remember black folks being apologists for their behavior. I used to be disgusted at how white folks could justify their support of the Klan, yet reading some of these blogs I see there are a lot of kindred spirts- It's the recession, it's Jewish landlords, it's Michel Richards, it's Israel, they are the victims, they are just stupid, they were set up. Even the KKK could come up with better excuses for their hate crimes then some of the appologists here.
LAYouTube- As someone pointed out earlier- MICHAEL RICHARDS IS NOT JEWISH. Damn, take that white sheet off, it does not look good on you!
This crime was just 4 guys trying to a Alabama 16th St Baptist type thing on Jews. And here we are a half century later and not only are some black folks doing the same thing, there are a half dozen of you on this site who take the side of the perpetrators. I wonder how those 4 dead girls would feel knowing that some of their grandchildren would one day
have no problem feeling sympathy for people who committ the same crime. Shame
If these "D.A.N.S" (Dumb Ass Ni_ _ ers) wanted to copy something from the Arabs then they should have opted for education, making a living, and making money. That's what separates the men from the "Boys!"
FN did a post a while back about those 2 white guys who were set to assasiante Obama. It's AMAZING to look at the difference between how people responded to that vs this.
When 4 black men plan a hate crime there are a million posts saying 1) it doesn't really matter much cause they were too inept to carry it out
2) they must have been set up
3) it must be the recession
4) they must have been driven to it by legit gripes.
2 white guys plan to assasiante Obama and kill some black folks. They didn't have ANYTHING ready to go- not a concrete plan or weapons.
Yet black folks took it EXTREAMLY seriously.
A lot of posts said it showed how racist this country is.
There was not one post claiming it might be a conspiracy where a few poor white guys were "set up".
You didn't see one post pointing to poverty as the cause.
And you sure as hell didn't hear any posts saying they had a legit gripe.
If Knockoutchick can point to
Jewish landlords as a legit gripe. Certainly she won't be offended if white folks point to black crime to explain hate crimes directed at her people, right? Next time I here about a crime against black women I will think of her dumbass excuses for black klan-like behavior and feel very little empathy. You cause racism where there was previously none.
One can't help but be discouraged about race relations when one looks at how people on this blog responded to this plot as opposed to the Obama assasination plot.
I hate n*&%a!! It is time to be Negros.
Chris Rock said it best.
KNOCKOUT CHICK said"I can imagine some of the buildings these men live in or families members live in are owned by Jews. When you are struggling or broke and you see a big chunk of what little money you have going to a Jewish landlord, things start to get twisted."
Fabulous- A black woman explains away a hate crime by claiming it is motivated by actually having to pay rent for an apartment you rent (and you assume their landlord is Jewish, maybe they live in section 8 housing and don't pay a dime in rent. That would really blow your theory, wouldn't it?)-not a problem.
A white woman explains away not wanting a black family (that have two young black sons) to move next door because young black men are disproportiately involved in violent crime- and she is racist.
Funny world.
Blacks complain about Jewish landlords. Everyone complains about Black criminals.... oh, but THAT is racial profiling.
" When you are struggling or broke and you see a big chunk of what little money you have going to a Jewish landlord, things start to get twisted."
When you are stuggling or broke and you see a big chunk of what little money you having going to welfare queens and baby daddies, things start to get twisted.
Yup, I resent having to work hard for people who spend their whole life on public assistence.
Knockoutchick, I'm sure you understand why many white people didn't give a rat's ass about Sean Bell- 24 years old who hadn't worked in two years, on welfare yet continuing to have children yet strangely enough able to afford to slide a $100 to a stripper. Where I come from men who are unemployed with 2 children can't afford lap dances.
I'm sure if black folks feel resentment towards Jewish landlords you must also feel resentment at guys like Sean Bell.
I agree 100% with the following statement from "Anonymous"
"Yup, I resent having to work hard for people who spend their whole life on public assistence.
Knockoutchick, I'm sure you understand why many white people didn't give a rat's ass about Sean Bell- 24 years old who hadn't worked in two years, on welfare yet continuing to have children yet strangely enough able to afford to slide a $100 to a stripper. Where I come from men who are unemployed with 2 children can't afford lap dances.
I'm sure if black folks feel resentment towards Jewish landlords you must also feel resentment at guys like Sean Bell.
P.S. And what about the dumb ass women that lay down and have a baby from every slick talking stud that comes along just to lay up on her for the free sex, free room and free board. Ever notice how once the baby is born or once the welfare money is gone then so is the Mandingo. He's off to lay up on the next stupid woman. And why is it that these women don't grow a brain until AFTER BABY #3? Is three the magic number in the ghetto?
Meir kahane was a racist and when he died the Jewish community memorialized him as a freedom fighter. He was a bigot and a criminal but history was rewritten to make him a martyr.
What about the dynamic Jewish duo in southern cali that plotted to blow up muslim temples? I love how people need to believe their crap doesn't stink. There is no racial/ethnic/religious group that doesn't have bigotted pigs. So what is your point? The JDL is a racist pack of dogs some would hail as heroes. Get out of here with that shite.
Watched a doc called Very Young Girls. It's about underage black girls as young as 12 forced into prostitution. There was a scene of John School, johns busted and going to a traffic like court for johns. A cop was talking about how young the girls were. The johns were mostly white males, a number of yarmalukes in the house. One white man asked about a break and they all laughed. These young black girls aren't even human to this white trash. Big joke. One can only fantasize about what karma would mean for their precious white daughters. Black men sell and abuse these young girls and white men line up around the block to buy and also abuse them. Who said slavery doesn't exist in amerryika? The fact is, men of all colors don't take this seriously. Bragging rights to "nail" a 12-year old.
This is off topic and it's not. There's lots of filth in the world and Jewish people play in the same cesspool as everyone else.
Love those stereotypes don't you? Now you know how I feel every time some white dirt bag asks me for money in Berkeley or San Francisco.
John Wayne Gacy
The guy who cannibalized his murder victims
The Hillside strangler
The Green River killer
The Boston Strangler
Ted Bundy
Zodiac - the only sketch clearly depicted a white man
The killers of JFK, MLK, Medger Evers, the three civil rights workers, John Lennon...
And let's not forget all the white mass murderers from Adolph Hitler to Timothy McVeigh.
How could I forget Mr. Madoff who ripped off the Elie Weisel Foundation? And all those pillars of the community who have done their level best to destroy this nation's economy? Enron, Reliant, AIG, Lehman Bros. They did a hell of a lot more damage than all the welfare queens in the US.
west coast story,seems like you
love those stereotypes to?
Coral watts
Andre Crawford
Carlton Gray
Chester Turner
Shelley Brooks
Brian Davis
Wayne Williams
Kendall Francois
Lorenzo Gilyard
"Grim Sleeper" the deadliest serial killer in California history is black.
"Southland Strangler"is the most prolific serial killer in Los Angeles.He is black.
Haven't even mention Rwandan ,or all the mass murderers in Africa.
How could i forget the bloods and crips?
In a contest for the most bloodthirsty racial group, black people will always lose. To be a group so small, white people are deadly. I can't cut and paste but believe the FBI when they identify white males as the most likely mass murderers and serial killers. That's your own kind saying that, not somebody black.
Meir kahane was a racist and when he died the Jewish community memorialized him as a freedom fighter. He was a bigot and a criminal but history was rewritten to make him a martyr.<<<
You apparently have a beef with the Jews and will say anything to vilify them.
Meir Kahane was quite a racist.
In the late '80s, he announced he was coming Milwaukee to give a speech at the Jewish Community Center here.
The Jewish leaders, whom you accuse of idolizing him, advised him not to come here.
When he showed up anyway, he found that the doors to the building had been securely chained.
Such actions are hardly indicative of a hero's welcome.
You will find that most Jews find Kahane's position and that of his followers reprehensible
And regarding the men who plotted to blow up a mosque(link, please) and the men who were exploiting underage girls for prostitution,(another link, please)anyone with a shred of decency would find such actions vile and hateful.
This would include the majority of Jews or any other group of people.
But that doesn't fall in sync with your hatred.
Carry on.
Knockoutchick: "When you are struggling or broke and you see a big chunk of what little money you have going to a Jewish landlord, things start to get twisted."
I have to think this is a joke. It's hard to believe that a black female would try to excuse a hate crime based on speculating that their landlord might be Jewish. I'm going to assume Knockoutchick is a White Supremacy who posts to make black people look stupid and henious.
It is strange. You have to pay rent to your landlord regardless of his or her ethnicity or religion. It's not as if you don't have to pay rent if the landlord is Irish, Italian or Jamaican.
Ewwww...some folks got real hot under the collar from my last posts.
Though it is quite bizarre to me that people "assumed" I was blaming Jews for the behavior of these men. Also it is weird that people would believe I was in anyway defending these clowns ....how can one defend stupidity?
Yet, as for racial slurs and stereotypes...I live in New York people use slurs all the time. I do remember a recent poster here stating that whites are not using racial slurs and insults in daily conversation in the way that blacks are....those posters need to take train to Coney Island or Bay Ridge. You will hear white people use the "n" word so much your "huuur" will stand up on the back of your neck.
Times are harder for those on the fringes and every poor or working class group is blaming the other for what's wrong with the city. Yet the poor Russians and East Europeans, working class Italians and poorer blacks can all seem to agree when complaining about perceived slights from Jewish people.
As for the four petty thieves caught....my point was I don't see why the FBI and police are even harping on the Muslim angle. I am sure these clowns could barely quote a verse from the Koran.
There is a LOT of anti-semitism "in the hood" and all of it stems from the envy or anger at the perceived priveledged position of Jews.
It's going to be hot this summer in the "Big Apple" and I predict more stupid acts to come.
these folks were entrapped. they had neither the means nor intelligence to remotely pull this off.
my beef is, this is pushed as a legitimate news story, under some aegis that we should feel ' safe'.
why the hell should I feel safe that these clowns were arrested.
1. they had no access to weapons.
2. they knew nothing about explosives
3. they had NO MONEY.
they had neither the means nor the smarts to pull this off. this entire operation was funded by the Government.
if they had never met the informant, they would have just been another group of ex-cons that converted to Islam without a clue.
there are SERIOUS cells...
with the MEANS...
with the intelligence to make the weapons AND the connections to BUY what they do not have...
and, they can do it WITHOUT government funding.
this entire operation was a joke. it wasn't serious.
I mean it, your local group of gangbanging thugs is more dangerous than these folks.
Two JDL Leaders Arrested in Bomb Plot. Google cnn.com.
How did you miss this story? I guess one hears the news one wants to. These two thugs plotted to bomb muslim institutions in southern cali AND congressman darryl issa's office.
We agree that Meir Kahane was a dog. I don't have time to google but a lot of respectable Jews came to pay their respects when the pig was buried.
Do some research before you fly off the handle. I don't have issues with Jewish people. I have issues with portraying Jews or any minority as saints. If you read as much as you fire off your mouth, you would know that I put my foot up the butts of negroes more than anyone. Get a clue.
I don't have issues with Jewish people. I have issues with portraying Jews or any minority as saints. If you read as much as you fire off your mouth, you would know that I put my foot up the butts of negroes more than anyone. Get a clue.<<<
You are the one who should get a clue. And while you are at it, improve your reading comprehension.
My initial post was expressing dismay that two African American men--who, given black history, should know better--would plot to blow up a synagogue, an act that usually is the handiwork of white supremacists.
How you made the leap from that to thinking I said any one group of people are a bunch of saints is beyond me.
You say you have nothing against Jews when the vitriol you've been posting is damned near palpable.
It took 110 FBI agents, NYPD and counter -intell one year to track a pothead, an intellectually challenged man and two corner thieves.
"Your Honor...I smoke weed"...oohhhh is that right?
Well that sure kept some civil servants at work and paid for more than a few braces and socceer games.
"Yet the poor Russians and East Europeans, working class Italians and poorer blacks can all seem to agree when complaining about perceived slights from Jewish people."
Yet whites, asians, hispanics, jews and arabs can all seem to agree that African's are low in work ethic and high in crime. Low in intelligence and high in violence. Blacks try and blame it on white racism, yet this is true the world over, even more so in non-European countries. Blacks try and blame slavery but these tendencies are seen amoung people of African descent in places where slavery never took place.
Here is a clue for you knockoutbitch- all those the poor Russians and East Europeans, working class Italians you hear bitching about Jews? They are waiting until you are out of earshot so they can talk about the Ebonic plague. Ebonics is the language of crime, babydaddyism, and looting. It doesn't matter how few the numbers of black folks in the community, every time there is looting it looks like Nigeria. Doesn't matter if it is Paris or Seattle or Rio. I know that helping yourself to a brand new TV is just the way you people protest social injustice, so I should speak more respectfully of this cultural tradition.
"As for the four petty thieves"
Yeah they were as much "petty thieves" as the Jasper 3 or the people who lynched Emit Till. I heard in both cases the perpetrators had black landlords. I heard they were motivated by the high rents their black landlords charged along with the low work ethic of the blacks they worked with.
I have to agree with a previous post. Knockoutchick has to be a white racist posting as a dumbass black woman/girl. NOONE is that stupid. She kind of reminds me of that woman who called 911 because McDonalds was out of Chicken McNuggets.
White people don't need to loot stores when they can loot business and financial institutions they manage. Way more lucrative. The US economic crash is white folks, bankers, mortgage brokers, financial managers, white folks. That's your cultural tradition.
"poor Russians and East Europeans, working class Italians and poorer blacks can all seem to agree when complaining about perceived slights from Jewish people."
Damn, girlfriend you should see how we ALL agree about you-whites, asians, hispanics, arabs, jews, gays, poor, rich, middle class- when it comes to elephant in the room that can't be acknowledged in public regarding the Ebonic speaking community. If you were a fly on the wall, I think you would find all those poor Russians and East Europeans, working class Italians see a group far more irritating and cumbersome. I guess they don't feel comfortable talking about it in front of you though.
Actually, I think white folks would be surprised at how people of color think of you and talk about you, not just black folks. You all have passed all the anti Chinese, anti black, anti Mexican,anti Japanese and anti Jewish laws and think everyone loves you now. I guess that's why you are so afraid of brown folks. All that dirt might fly back in your face.
Ooops. Forgot the genocide of Native Americans.
"There is a LOT of anti-semitism "in the hood" and all of it stems from the envy or anger at the perceived priveledged position of Jews."
There is a LOT of racism amoung poor whites who are sick of what they perceive to be the amount of crime black folks committ and the amount of egg-shell walking people do around it. A lot of poor white folks take out their rage over their hard lives on blacks, always have. I read a story about a poor white guy and how this working class rage caused him to hate blacks and join the KKK (this was in the 50's). You say "all of" their anger steams from their perception that Jews are priveleged. It reminds me of this black guy who once said to me that asains didn't have to climb the latter like everyone else they "had elevators" I said "yeah, their elevator is called common sense". Damn he was mad. Look at the rate of teenage pregnancy, high school dropouts, gun ownership, single mother families between jews, asians, and blacks and you will have the reason why the first 2 succeed and the latter doesn't. It has been shown that blacks of equal income spend less on education and more on luxury goods/designer clothes than asians and jews. They invest in their future while black folks invest in designer clothes.
Those black folks in the hood are just behaving like the KKK. As a black friend once said "Everyone needs their nigger". If those oh-so-mad folks in the hood took a close look at their own behavior and upped their game rather than trying to drag other groups down they wouldn't remain in the hood. Unfortunately it has benefitted A LOT of race pimps to keep their victims ready. Just like having a large stock of poor, angry whites benefitted the KKK having these angry folks in the hood benefit some opportunists in the black leadership who maintain their power be keeping them there. Unfortuantely they are just showing that if black folks were in charge, the history of this country would be as bad, if not worse.
Ironic how Anonymous has so much to say, but is too much of a coward to put a name to his words.
Pretty much takes the edge off of anything he has to say.
Oh, and we all know that Sick Freak is a troll. Takes the edge off his or her babbling....and it pains me to see so many people fall for the bait.
"Yet whites, asians, hispanics, jews and arabs can all seem to agree that African's are low in work ethic and high in crime. Low in intelligence and high in violence. Blacks try and blame it on white racism, yet this is true the world over, even more so in non-European countries. Blacks try and blame slavery but these tendencies are seen amoung people of African descent in places where slavery never took place."
And this is all from a bunch of people who would rather see these "niggers" and other unimportant brown people in their usual traditional roles -- as pack-mule labor, human shields and whipping boys for whatever troubles befall the White Man.
The Antebellum never really went out of style. It merely lays dormant under the surface, awaiting resurrection under the merest pretenses.
I highly doubt these idiots even knew what a stinger looks like, How stupid can you get Oh well every now and again you got to clean out the gene pool
West Coast,
yeah nobody's shit's so clean that it don't stink.
Babe, you ever heard of Jewish Lightning? It's where jewish landlords set fire to their apartments for the insurance, and then blockade the way so that the firetrucks can't save the building. People die in those fire, and the landlord don't care.
I'm not saying that Jews are the only ones that try such tricks... But a LOT of apartments in NYC are owned by Orthodox Jews who believe that anyone who isn't Orthodox deserves to be ripped off (just like the Amish believe. shitty culture, both of them).
this in no way excuses such stupidity or hate crime as was committed.
I hope you know that this was a 'set-up' job. They promised one of the guy help for a sick relative in return for a job, and the rest is history.
Check out the breaking story: http://www.infowars.com/fbi-informant-offered-liver-transplant-to-brother-of-terror-suspect/
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