One of the reasons I love being a part of the Afrospear is that I get a chance to interact and get information from some very talented bloggers. The latest comes from my man Rock over at African American Political Pundit.
Thanks Rock, for turning me on to this story. If bloggers of color don't bring these stories to the main stream's attention they won't get told.
But I digress; here is the story from Rock's blog:
"Hat Tip to Aulelia at the Afrospear Think Tank, for the link to this story about the Pregnant Black Woman who may be executed in Laos. Also a big Hat Tip to Thomas Bell, of the telegraph.co.uk, South East Asia Correspondent for reporting this story. I scanned Samantha Orobator's name on Google and found only 2,000 entries, the BBC is covering the story, as is many foriegn news outlets, including the Bangkok Post. Yet there is very little attention in the U.S. Press other than USAToday.
There are only a few bloggers reporting in the situation including the Afrospear Think Tank, Madness of the World, and folks like David T. Breaker who writes:"We pay Laos 35 Million and let them shoot British tourists."
AAPP says: Get this, Samantha Orobator fell pregnant four months after being taken into prison. Is there any question this pretty black woman was raped? I wonder if Samantha Orobator was blonde and blue eyed, if media in the U.S. would cover this story big time? What do you think?
According to the telegraph.co.uk, Miss Orobator, 20, from London was arrested last August at Wattay airport in the south east Asian country.
Prosecutors claim she had 680 grams (1.3lb or 21 oz) of heroin in her luggage.
According to the legal campaign group Reprieve she has not met a lawyer since she was arrested 9 months ago but it is believed that she denies the drugs were hers.
Under Lao law the death penalty is mandatory for possession of over 500 grams of heroin. At least 39 people have been sentenced to death for a variety of offences since 2003.
On Thursday, without warning or explanation, the government of Laos rescheduled Miss Orobator's trial for next week, but they have still not announced which day the case will begin. "
More here.
One of the beautiful things about the A-murder-can judicial system is that you are always presumed innocent, and it is up to the state to prove your guilt. Unfortunately, in many other countries, it's the other way around. From all reports this woman has been sitting in jail for nine months without being able to see a lawyer. That, my friends, is a travesty.
I honestly don't know if this woman is guilty or not. I don't know if she was a drug mule, as some stories would suggest, or if she was just an innocent tourist. What I do know is that her story is getting zero publicity here in A-murder-ca, and as a result, it is hard for us to form an opinion of her, one way or the other.
I blame Prime Minister BOUASONE Bouphavanh. Dirty commies, all of them. I hope the United Kingdom has luck stopping this.
Oh my poor sister. This is way too depressing to read. Can't something be done? Can't we do something?? You know I don't care if she was guilty or not ( I still give her the bennifit).
Just because she's black doesn't mean she can't be a tourist, those fucking racist nasty people could have also planted that shit on her too, they are good for it. And knowing fully well how it seems there is no value on a black female's life universally.
You know, even if she was guilty, it's sad to see how this young black woman has been taken advantage of by men. The men who cleary raped her in prison, and the men who were most likely behind the mule arrangements. Black females are prime targets for muling.
Field, they will kill her even faster to get rid of the evidence of rape. And of course if she was the right skin color, there would have been hell to pay. Where is the prime minister of London? Where is the president of the African country she's tied to by heritage?
Cases like these remind me of the Natalie Holloway case. "Nice" white chick goes on vacation to get laid by strangers, she got drunk, is killed, and the entire US of A is tied up into bringing her killers to justice? What kind of shit is that?
I have a REAL bad feeling about this case. I can easily envision them killing her to cover up the rape. Dam shame!
Further more, we already know that the US media whore's AND citizens don't care about a raped black women sent to death, even if she was a US citizen. No surprise. This is why those dogs don't have need to feel any repercussions for what they are doing. Business as usual with us American folks.
La~,a friend of mine is a lawyer who is quite familiar with the laws in that part of the world. Hopefully,I will get a chance to talk to him tomorrow, and he will be able to tell me more about how the legal system works in places like Laos.
As Fly...said, I don't think this is going to end well. From all accounts it's not looking very good for her right now. I hope the Brits can step up to the plate,but I wouldn't count on it.
This is the most sickening thing I've read all day, and it's not even on the main news.
Thanks Field, this is really bothering me.
Its highly suspicious that she is being denied rights to an attorney, and having your death sentence pushed forward for cover up reasons. I jsut read up on her some more. I don't care what anyone has to say about her, I don't care even IF she is guilty. Being raped... all deals and bets off. Where is her justice now? It's more plausible that she was raped in that woman's facility (who the hell would be thinking about having consensual sex in such scary situation and in that nasty unsanitary place). Don't we have any world order here?? Sometimes I can't stand feeling so helpless, she is someone's daughter.
Here's the email address to the Laos embassy in DC:
I'd go down there and protest in person if I weren't still recovering from major surgery not long ago.
Which part of warning "death to drug traffickers" did she not understand ?
Every country in SE Asia has same policy and it is effective.
"Every country in SE Asia has same policy and it is effective."
By that I take it you mean that there is no drug related crimes in SE Asia, or people don't do drugs?
Just curios. What exactly does "effective" mean?
If she was an American citizen, I think she'd be news here. Maybe not big news. But Laos is a heckova place to get arrested; no where in Southeast Asia is a good place to get arrested for anything.
how differant making this a racism issue so boring. why are you blaming the lao people if she was trying to smuggle drugs and she was caught she should get the death penalty thats the law there for black white blue green or yellow people. some of you have so much anger towards others maybe it is you that are the racists 650gs of heroin is not a small amount and to not know you are carrying it oh please no smoke without fire goodnight and thankyou very much.
has anyone here been to laos because i have 3 or 4 times and have found it to be a friendly and welcoming place but then i wasnt carrying a sack of heroin around with me whatever country you go to respect there laws and you wont go far wrong, maybe she was raped maybe she gave a sexual favour to a gaurd who knows.
I have a few question marks in my head:
Have the people in Lao been convinced that black women are all just these oversexed, wanton women by MSM and Movies? Just a thought that came to me after reading the part about her being raped. How many women visiting that country have been raped before? Is she the first to be raped or are there more?
Anonymous 11:51:
"maybe she was raped maybe she gave a sexual favour to a gaurd who knows."
Oh,so do you think that all black women are hookers or promiscuous? Is that it?
no she is the first ever woman to be raped and it is because all lao people hate black people and they let the white girl walk through customs with 1000g of heroin oh and she had blue eyes what an outrage.
did i say that you stupid ignorant cow black white green or blue sexual favours exist it happens dont bury your head in the sand
Anonymous 12:04 and 12:07:
Should I applaud you for your narrow-mindedness? And the fact, that your so busy trying to be smart until you even answered one of my questions and more than likely it was off the top of your head without even researching it. You made it a black and white issue, because I never once mentioned anything about a white woman or blue eyes and trust me I'm not mealie-mouth or one to hold back from saying whatever I have to say.
Oh yeah, and for your information, I have people in my family that are white and have blue eyes, male and female and they are a combination of blood related and in-laws. So, don't try to play that game with me. It won't work.
the comment about blonde hair and blue eyes was not directed at you but you did make make it a black and white issue hence
Oh,so do you think that all black women are hookers or promiscuous? Is that it?
if you read my comment regarding sexual favours no comment was mentioned on the race of the woman just you had to make it that way with your jumped up view and bizzare comment about me thinking that all black females are hookers or easy wow you have issues.
Anonymous 12:51:
I told you not to play any games with me. What part of that you don't understand? Okay, time for a rerun.
The topic was about a black woman being incarcerated in Lao that was raped. The topic was not about a white women with blue eyes.
Now, this is your comments, not mine, "no she is the first ever woman to be raped and it is because all lao people hate black people.and they let the white girl walk through customs with 1000g of heroin oh and she had blue eyes what an outrage."
I asked you a simple question and all you had to do was say yes or no. Furthermore, you didn't even have to answer it if you didn't want to.
stupid stupid upity cow just ignore what i say and go off on a tangent all on your own, the comment about being white and blue eyed was not directed at you and it has not been proved she was raped maybe sexual favours for freedom who knows just dont bother responding please you are stupid and ignorant standing for the truth looks like you cant handle the truth.
Anonymous 1:56:
Please don't think you faze me with the name calling. Let me explain something to you, I could care less about your little temper tantrums.
Whew! All these overly sensitive folks posting and getting upset because you ask them a question.
Just as I had figured, she is Nigerian. The Nigerians, usually males, are ruthless when it comes to smuggling drugs, they are willing to risk anyone's life, excepting their own.
Hopefully, the Brits can get her out of it, but only if she fingers the Negroes who sent her there to get the drugs.
Negroe, they only like you in Asia under certain conditions:
I'm curious does it have something to do with tribal customs? I guess that is the way to word my question. Not sure. The reason I asked you is because of what you said here, "Just as I had figured, she is Nigerian. The Nigerians, usually males, are ruthless when it comes to smuggling drugs, they are willing to risk anyone's life, excepting their own."
And I guess, I wanted to ask you how could you tell?
Maybe, a better way of wording it would have a tribal trait.
Can they demand an autopsy if the execution goes through? Lots of organs to sell there. And embyronic stem cells. I know it sounds creepy but they need to make sure the Laos didn't do this.
GrannyStandingforTruth can you send me a link to where it says she has been raped????
The story I read is that she is pregnant and the circumstances of her pregnancy remain unclear
I live in Thailand which borders Laos.
Bangkok is full of Nigerians selling drugs and working as prostitutes.
Not saying she is but just pointing out the fact.
There are a lot of people here jumping on the 'racist' bandwagon. This woman was not arrested because she was black, she is not being held in prison because she is black and she will not be executed if found guilty because she is black. She was in possession of 1.5kg of heroin. Everyone knows what happens to smugglers of Class A drugs from Laos, they kill you.
Whether she was white, yellow, black or an alien from Mars, she would be killed.
Do not be so quick to jump on the racism bandwagon, if you do then when there are real cases of racism, people will ignore you.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said British Embassy officials, including the Ambassador, have visited Miss Orobator a total of six times since her arrest.
Very interesting. I've flown into that airport at least 25 times and security is almost non-existent.
Interesting how a black woman gets arrested in Lao and the only mention of racism is against white people......the media and the American press. What everyone should be talking about is how Asians are racist against blacks.....not just Africans but against their own people that happen to have darker skin.
I remember a few years ago in Kuala Lumpur the police were going around Chinatown randomly arresting black people. And to them it was very justifiable because 70% of those they picked up were working illegal or involved in some sort of scam......but they accidently arrested an African American U.S. Navy attorney.
I remember going to a five star resort in Vietnam with two Canadians and one dark skinned Cambodian girl. After ordering our drinks the staff came up and asked the Cambodian girl to leave. For no other reason than they did not want dark skinned girls at their resort.
The thing is black people are much safer staying in these western paradises......England, U.S. UK. where their are laws against discrimination.
Go abroad to Asia, to South America and see what real racism is like.
In places like Thailand, Lao, Cambodia they are Buddhists and believe the whiter your skin the better Karma you have. Black is ugly and white skin is beautiful. Black people are black because they were bad in their past.
Walk into any shop and they are all selling whitening products. There are even commercials where a whiter Thai woman gives advice to her darker friends on how to get their skin to be whiter. Every Asian man wants to marry a fair skinned Asian girl. Most of the top government officials in Lao, Cambodia, and Thailand are fair skinned people of Chinese descent.
The other problem is there are no many African/UK African/Americans that visit Asian countries. What there are a LOT of is African drug dealers, 409 scammers, and pimps. And these are the Africans that Asian authorities run into which would give them the perception that all the blacks in Asia are up to no good. I've flown into that airport at least 25 times and they don't even pay any attention to me....just stamp me right in.
Just get a bunch of Asians on the subject of black people and they'll make white Americans or English look like saints. They are blatantly and openly disliked by most people in Asia.
Are you surprised by the inherently racist character of the corporate-owned, U.S. media?
How many times have I said, nothing thrills the American MSM like a missing white woman? Locally, a bright-faced, 17 year blonde, Spring breaker who is white, went missing last week and her disappearance bumped coverage of H1N1 swine flu from the lead story despite the fact we've had 13 confirmed cases in Monroe County or President Obama's first 100 days milestone.
Meanwhile, coverage of missing women of color receive cursory coverage at best and never more than a single story. Shoot, all the local stations sent reporters down to Myrtle Beach, SC where the missing 17 year old white girl was last seen. The local news is shamelessly racist and viewers lap it up.
just interested to know during your 25 times in that airport did you carry 1.5kg of heroin through with you? so you are seriously saying that they arrested this girl because they are racist and she is black and the cambodian women you were with possibly a sex worker 5 star resorts dont really like that you know
i suggest you check how many white people are in asian prisons for drug running before you play the racist card, so the lao police are wrong for upholding there law?
indeed how dare they arrest a black person black people should be allowed to get away with anything they want murder rape drug running blah blah blah grow up people not every issue is racism
OK, let me read my post again.....*field reading* Nope, I don't see where I wrote that this WOMAN WAS ARRESTED BECAUSE OF RACISM. Maybe I missed something...*field reading again* Nope, I don't see where I wrote that this WOMAN WAS ARRESTED BECAUSE OF RACISM. Ever heard that expression from the old expression from the Doobie Brothers song? What A Fool Believes He Sees"?
Chris, I heard about that story. Did she go missing in SC? I know FOX will be all over it for the coming days.
Anon.5:59AM, those were some interesting points.
Anon. I know granny was giving you a verbal smackdown, but do you think it was cool to resort to calling her a "cow"? Not very classy of you there big guy.
FlyNMy40s said...
Cases like these remind me of the Natalie Holloway case. "Nice" white chick goes on vacation to get laid by strangers, she got drunk, is killed, and the entire US of A is tied up into bringing her killers to justice? What kind of shit is that?
I have a REAL bad feeling about this case. I can easily envision them killing her to cover up the rape. Dam shame!
9:49 PM+
how are these stories even close? one girl is killed yes killed and this girl is caught with 1.5k of heroin take away the skin colour and who would you feel more sorry for?
i didnt say you did field i was responding to anon 5.59
Asians, in a way, like to see themselves as 2nd place to the whites, and in order to be closer in status to whites, emulate and magnify their qualities. Western media shows blacks as criminals, Asian countries think it must be twice as true.
interesting point but i dont agree most asian people i have met are proud of themselves and there race differant races black and white are accepted into there culture and many asians do not group all races together but you break there law and you pay the price.
Anon 6:54, I never said the cases were close man, are you the same anon miss reading field's original post?
My point was that the the MSM gets bent out of shap for a loose missing white girl and don't have any for a woman of color who is ALLEGED to have smuggled drugs and is pregnant.
And Field, no one should get a pass on being called a name if they are calling other people names.
And anon 5:50 did make some interesting points.
mixed up with drugs places visited before laos holland and thailand seeing a connection here
a loose missing white girl who was KILLED not a loose black woman who is pregnant you mean?
I just wrote to Amnesty International in the UK..... I asked them to please take up her case. Say what you will about AI, they have, over the years been successful in bringing world attention to cases of incarceration, especially when the death penalty is involved. And they have been successful in putting preasure to bear for those languishing in prisons to be released. Here is their address:
I think a one place to put this story might be on one of those pro-life blogs. They LOVE saving unborn babies. It would be interesting to see if they would take up this case. They have not shown much compassion for born humans in the past, but who knows, I may be underestimating.
Anonymous said...
"a loose missing white girl who was KILLED not a loose black woman who is pregnant you mean?"
You've got proof she was KILLED?? Well now that's news. How do you know she didn't just fall off a rock and bump her head landing in the ocean, giving that she was so drunk? Maybe the kids she was with got scared and ran. Why can't THAT be the story? It can't be the story because she's the all american white girl that can do no wrong. She couldn't have possibly have played ANY role in her ALLEGED death.
Bottom line, the victum was white, the main perp was white and the whole world wants to spin the story because of it.
I'm as white as the driven snow but still feel very much for this and other similar cases. A friend of mine (black, by the way) is doing four years in the United Arab Emitries because he had 4gms of grass in his pocket. He's a well know DJ (hardcore junky) and he's suffering the 'justice' from a country that doesn't even let women drive.
This case appears 12,000 times on google, which is pretty good. However, you can write about her till your fingers bleed. She's going to be shot because our governments allow these things to happen. I hope I'm wrong but...
This is a weird site: black people digging in to fight the big bad white guy! hahah! Come on! You're soooo mistaken.
Have a nice white/black/slightly tanned or whatever day.
I hope she gets access to a lawyer. I agree with the other comments...it's not looking good for Samantha.
I wonder how the drugs got there. If she is being framed I feel for her because they will kill her. Those countries do not play when it comes to bringing drugs in or out of the country. They make that pretty clear.
Didn't Y'all ever see "Midnight Express"????
I guess NatGeo's "Locked Up Abroad" done found themselves another story to tell...SMH!
Maybe I'm naive, but, killing a pregnant woman, possibly raped while in prison, without a trial, no matter what she's done, or what color she is, that has to be against some kind of law every country has to obey, right??
"650gs of heroin is not a small amount and to not know you are carrying it "
And why would anyone in their right mind carry such a large amount at a time? Do you know a lot of those drug trafficking are inside jobs, especially large amounts? When someone gets tipped off or something goes bad, the guilty inside parties get pressured to find the nearest fall dog who fits their racist "profile" to link the package. I give her the benefit because I know better.
madnessoftheworld and the ignorant Anonys, she stated she's not guilty, why don't you believe her? Don't young white women travel all over south east Asia? You don't seem to have a problem profiling her with other "Africans in the area" (just like the Laos officials targeted her for the setup), yet you get upset, "bored" and highly disrespectful with the mere mention of racism.
it's also obvious you bigots think black women are unrappable. If she was a white female there would have been no doubt in your bigot mind that she was raped. You would have instinctively thought the men around her were not able to control themselves. Your bigotry is transparent. We should ignore you, you're idiots and you don't even have the decency to give yourselves a name tag.
AMEN Jody, I was thinking the same thing about the Pro-life community. But I have to tell you, based on the absurd and insensitive mentality of the anony cowards and co. I wondered how they too would profile and view this woman.
Anon. 5:59 AM makes some good points. I've known A LOT of Asians in my time, and yes, they can be pretty darned racist. A lot depends on class, the better educated tend not to be "so racist".
Now that I'm remembering, the N-word was the norm, especially in the Asian market areas in this country. You can visit the open and closed market places and as soon as you see a dark skinned person shopping, the owners are watching very very closely.
I hope this poor woman, Ms. Orobator, gets help from the British government and Amnesty, as she is going to need it!
As for Anon 1:56 AM
I was not so offended by Granny being called a "cow" , Field, as I was that she is an "uppity cow". That just tells me we are dealing with a racist here. Obvious the same Anon was the one referring to "black white blue green or yellow people". Just the kind of thought process a racist would use. At least he got the blue green yellow right...spectrum :)
Granny, keep up the good work and class that you show by not falling into the pile of dirt these idgits throw at you!
I meant to say "unrapable",
( I had to clear that up fast, the racist anonys might actually think I meant a rap group).
um, this is in the mainstream u.s. media. for instance:
makes the whole rant about race and news coverage moot, no? ok, let me guess, it didn't get coverage soon enough? if it were a white u.k. girl, it would have gotten coverage months ago, right?
give me a break. no one from the u.k. gets coverage here.
point the racist finger elsewhere. how about at yourself?
"Obvious the same Anon was the one referring to "black white blue green or yellow people"."
lol, I saw that too, they usually say it like "black, blue, purple, or green people" as my blogging friend
claire would say, that's like when they're comparing black people to green Aliens. lol
Does anyone remember that documentary a couple of years ago about Vietnamese and black soldiers bi-racial kids? They were the lowest of low on the street kids over in Vietnam. Heatbreaking story, made me sick!
Pic is of me fighting the elements in The Barrens near my home (soon to be sold) in Trepassey, Newfoundland.
Anon racist at it again! Yeah, Mr. Blue Green Yellow, if it had been a white girl, the Brit press would have been all over it, right away and the AP would have picked it up. Don't doubt it for a minute!
After all, our press was all over that cute little blonde gone missing; they are always all over the cute little somethings that get killed or go missing, as long as they are WHITE and not brown or black. When was the last time any of you saw a National story last for any amount of time (more than 2days) about regular pretty brown or black woman that went missing? Please let me know because inquiring minds...etc.
OK folks, if you read today's papers or news sites, this story is ALL over the place. So, please, hold your horses with the racism issue. In most of these Asian countries, they could care less if you have blue eyes or Fox news is covering you(remember the white american who is sentenced to 10 years for insulting the king in thailand and the one who was caned for grafitti in singapore?) The woman is nigerian and was caught with heroin in Laos--I would think twice about a lil joint in a place like that. Regardless, the issue is not racism, the issue is human rights. She has a right to legal counsel and a fair trial, which at this point seems unlikely, but let's hope for the best and press the UK authorities to act.
And one more thing, the world would be a much better place if all you ethnocentric people would speak up against those who violate human rights...not just rights of YOUR people, but every human being.
My people? See, I got white hands.
As I said earlier, I hope Amnesty takes this up. As for press coverage, a little late doncha think? I agree it's all about HUMAN rights, but sometimes that is a secondary issue.
Was she caught with heroin? Do ya think they checked the package for prints?
The woman is Nigerian, not nigerian.
"In places like Thailand, Lao, Cambodia they are Buddhists and believe the whiter your skin the better Karma you have."
This statement suggests that this is some sort of Buddhist bekief, which is not true at all. The statement should have said they are ignorant racists, regardless of belief. If they were actually Buddhist, theur basic belief would be to have compassion for all sentient beings, for all creation, in fact.
Another commenter asked if there isn't some sort of international law requiring trials, evidence, etc. The US has made it clear that international law is a concept of convenience.
We'd best pray for this young lady.
Thanks for the grammar check whitney.
This is a blog and you are wasting bandwidth with needless personal arguing. I wasn't referring to you or your white hands in the first place--just a general response to various comments that brought up the matter in terms of race.
In any case, we can't possibly ascertain whether or not the woman in question is guilty. But she'd probably be best served if we write to the British authorities urging them to act. And that's all folks. Peace out.
Read a number of stories on this poor girl, read a lot of blogs from this site as well..
I see things both ways, I see some comments here which are race related which is not going to help anything. You say that the US is not all that involved but she is a Brit not an American so I can see why the coverage is not as over blow as typical CNN work.
I do not think this is a black woman's misfortune either. This is a either someone who did something very stupid in another country or someone who was used unaware.
These things happen in every country and not just your third world countries. I have been in laos and it is a wonderful place with wonderful people but I have my own bad experience with the local police in the capital and saw how crooked they were. That is their power.
There is little doubt in my mind that she was raped in prison as she is a very lovely looking lady but there is also a slim chance she could have thought that such a deal would broker her freedom. I doubt that as I know the power of the man in Laos but it is a slim possibility..
I live in Canada and have been following this story, one because of the crime, two because of the firing squad, three because she is pregnant now. I love to travel and often find that I go where ever I want and when ever I want. I do not fear traveling due to safety warnings from our fearful governments.
I spent a long time in SE Asia and can say that many MANY young westernized people got o these places for the drugs and the parties and less then 25% of the travelers that i met actually had desire to anything more then go to someplace famous and party, that is where they find themselves in trouble. like all countries in the world, drugs are deemed a bad thing (even pot). So when people go to these places and get involved in drugs, even if for recreation they are putting their own personal well being on the line.
These does not justify being misrepresented, this does not include being innocent and someone taking advantage of you being naive, this does not include being in prison and not letting the world know (she was kept a secret for to long, poor girl), this would definately not include being raped, which I believe is the most horrific thing about this case but we still need to know what has happened.
I wish Samantha Orobator the safest and warmest of thoughts but I know right now that this is not a negative on the Laotian people but more of negative on their current system of dealing. This will only hurt them from the eyes of the outer world which is their Karma..
Britain has to lead this fight as it is their own, I do hope that Amnesty gets involved more right away and that the truths come forward.
I also do hope that if I read more comments from here or any other site it is not filled with racist comments justifying our own racist behaviour.
Much love
I know, lets keep bashing Asian people in general and forget all about the topic at hand, yeah, that works.(snark)
Would like to add something to think about,
This is a girl who informed her mother she was in London and not in Laos. Huge, here we have a girl who needs the worlds support and she could not even tell her mother she was on the opposite side of the planet in a tiny third world country.
No wonder her mom is shocked and scared, she also stated
"She cannot believe her daughter was involved in drug trafficking, and was surprised to learn she was in Laos."
"I don't know" what she was doing there, she said. "The last time she spoke with me, she said she was on holiday in London and she would come to see us in Dublin before returning to the U.K. in July.
"She is not the type of person who would be involved in drugs," she added.
I am stuck waiting for the truth in terms of the drugs, the pregnancy is what scares me the most.
Such a grey yet dark story
Regardless of race, regardless of crime, and regardless of nationality, this woman is in unsanitary conditions with a child being formed inside of her. Sadly, I'm afraid we would have never heard her case had she not been pregnant. I believe if she was not pregnant, this story may have never made international news and her story would have never been heard. As it is a communist country, unfortunately she has been denied access to an effective lawyer from her home country to defend her and has thus, had her life and that of her unborn baby, put closer to risk of a firing squad. I have no doubt that at this point, should Laos ever think of going through such a henious act of executing a pregnant woman, the international reaction would cast a sharp and unfavorable negative light on Laos. If she was guilty of carrying drugs through the country to me is not the issue at this moment, rather the fact that she is pregnant to me is the point. Giving her life in prison over a death sentence would possibly be more of a favorable outcome; however, would still deny her access to her child and leave a child without access to his/her mother. Laos is in a very delicate situation at the moment which has the potential to really turn the tide for how the UK and other international entities view the "country" in the future. I pray for a fair trial for this woman and wish her the best regardless of her ethnicity, beliefs, or crime she may be charged with.
My personal thoughts on this case. My father and uncle were merchant seamen and they used to come back and tell us stories about different countries. From what I gathered listening to them, Asian countries laws are much stricter laws and that even theft can get you before a firing squad. I, also, know that just like anywhere else they have crooked cops and they have good cops too. There are good and bad in all occupations, I believe that has to do more with human nature and people's beliefs.
The reason I asked those questions up above in my prior post was because I was curious about the pregnancy that happened after she had been incarcerated. My thoughts were about a possible rape. I was not trying to make it out of a race issue. I was more concerned with if a possible rape had occurred and if rape of women prisoners is a norm over there.
Personally speaking, I am not familiar with the relationship of blacks and Asians in Lao to say that it is racism or has anything to do with racism. I know a lot of Asians from Lao that live in America and they've always treated me nice and were warm-hearted people, were friendly towards me, and never gave me the impression that they were racist.
As for the anonymous person, I have a suspicion of who that was.
BTW, Christopher:
I know your ears must have been burning, because Granny missed you and was asking about you. I missed seeing the picture of your face and you blogging. (smile)
Good to see you again.
Good to see you. You're a sweetheart. Missed you too.
Looks like we might even be able to enjoy a thread for once without the trolls washing over it and ruining things.
Fingers crossed.
This story has been front page on CNN for over a day. I spent a good bit of time in Thailand and in Laos, and let me tell you, they make VERY clear what the repercussions are for drug offenses and that they don't care if you're a tourist. Even carrying for personal use is asking for a death sentence. Go to another country, you have to play by their rules, simple as that.
mac who says she did it? stupid peole.
I lived out in that part of the world for several years. Nothing that happens in the god-forsaken shithole that is known as southeast-asia will ever surprise me.
Hell, just as an example I was in Malaysia from 97-99, and the stupidity of the government there never ceased to amaze me. Where else in the fucking world, could the opposition leader in a national election, get tossed in prison for sodomy, where the only evidence was the testimony of a shady witness and a stained mattress?
Of course that was right before the Monica Lewinski thing...
This story touches me because I can see how I could have easily been in this situation. When I was a grad student, I was profiled everywhere I went. The fact that I was highly educated, had a clean record, a great credit score, and an American Passport did not translate to my appearance. In Germany, I was singled out (along with an Indian family) to be frisked by a rude and musky woman. In Britain, I was eyeballed and pulled aside for questioning for no reason (where are you going, why, who are you coming to visit, are you really from America). A person is very vulnerable when traveling alone - especially in the face of globalized racism. That being said, we don't know if this girl is guilty or innocent and the problem is - she is not allowed to prove her guilt or innocence. This girl needs an advocate - put politics and other assumptions aside. The fact that she became pregnant in jail is blatant evidence of that legal system's "corruption."
Discussing. Regardless of nationality, colour or religion a young girl is in jail fighting for her life. This blog is full or arguing over ‘who said what’ etc….. does it really matter??!!! This isn’t a joke, this is a real life, well two actually.
The crime doesn’t matter, guilty or not, an unborn child may soon be murdered, what crime has this child committed, does it deserve to die?
Enjoy your arguments, enjoy sitting back and letting this happen, and hope you are ashamed of your selfish selves.
Hey Field - I been blogging for only 3 weeks and I already have a Groupie (actually he's shared with you and others), my official Assigned House Negro On The Case!
Complete with hate site!
You gotta get one of these!
Check this sick puppy out -
Dang - at this rate in a couple of months, if I'm lucky - I might even get my own House Negro Task Force like yourself!
The Associated Press picked up on this story and now it's all over the news. The British government needs to intervene.
1.5lbs of heroin mmmm not a good girl but doesnt deserve to die 499gms she would be ok. Maybe if she was white she would still be in prison the same why think different she is in there for drug smuggling they do not let you do that in se asia they have to work hard to make all our stuff
Hey Field , I heard about this and thought it would resolve itself.Thanks for Rock and youu for the heads up.
I would like to know who 'La' is because whoever it is, he/she needs to think a little before typing. To quote it's comment:...
'madnessoftheworld and the ignorant Anonys, she stated she's not guilty, why don't you believe her? Don't young white women travel all over south east Asia? You don't seem to have a problem profiling her with other "Africans in the area" (just like the Laos officials targeted her for the setup), yet you get upset, "bored" and highly disrespectful with the mere mention of racism.'
She has stated she is not guilty why don't I believe her? Erm, maybe it is my 24 years so far in law enforcement, no-one ever admits offences, especially when it means getting shot.
Fact: 1.5kg of heroin is a relatively small amount but about average for a mule. That way when the mules get caught, not too much is lost.
Fact: She is a British citizen and will be treated as one. Unlike most posters on this blog, the UK Government is not in the least bit bothered about her colour. A UK citizen is a UK citizen end of story.
Fact: The UK government will not do too much to save her life. And why on Earth should they? She knew the score, took the risk and was caught. Not many people in the UK will cry over her dead body in a similar manner to the fact that had she got through, she would not have cried over the dead bodies as a result of overdoses of the stuff she was carrying.
The Field Negro reported this story in a balanced manner, why can't you 'La' and others get over your white biggotry and see it for what it is. You are welcome to comment on my site any time you like but please, leave out the racist extremeism you post here. www.madnessoftheworld.com
Looks like this case made it to CNN and hopefully now she can at least get a decent trial.
There is no question she was raped. Rape is about power and control. As an incarcerated person, in a foreign prison, with no access to anyone, she has no power, and those who are her jailers have power over her in every aspect of her life. Under those circumstances... this cannot be a "mutual consent" event. Period. She was raped.
"The UK government will not do too much to save her life. And why on Earth should they? She knew the score, took the risk and was caught."
You're assuming she's guilty. How can you? She hasn't been able to meet with council, there's a question about whether she's been raped and they all of a sudden moved up her trial date. You still feel comfortable taking the word of the Laotian government. I know I don't.
Knowing places like that, I wouldn't put it above them to plant the drugs on her.
"In places like Thailand, Lao, Cambodia they are Buddhists and believe the whiter your skin the better Karma you have. Black is ugly and white skin is beautiful. Black people are black because they were bad in their past."
Wow, that's a really moronic belief. If they were really good in the past, they wouldn't be stuck in places like Asia, now would they?
Bring on the 2025 Revolution!
I thought heroin was legal in England, so why the reason to smuggle to England? Or what on earth reason to smuggle to Laos? Is Laos a major drug destination?
Do mules packed drugs in their luggage or any where they could be searched?
If there are Americans who commented on this post, who don't believe in due process, I hope that you never serve on a jury. How do you have the gall to convict her in your comments?
Re: the Missing Whitegirl Phenomenon: yes it's even better when they show up after a while with a story, like that Runaway Bride. Ugly Bytch looked like Mr. Ed but that's ok, she was the "right" color so the msm spent weeks talking about her daring, exciting adventure after she decided to re-appear.
But about this sad story, my heart goes out to Miss Orabator and her family. I cannot believe she may actually be shot by those barbarians. I don't know if her arrest was due to racism, but it is obvious the poor girl was raped. How the hell do they shoot a pregnant woman, and she has never even seen a lawyer? This reminds me of that poor Iranian/American girl who was executed last week for being a spy, but there was never any proof shown.
The US media has not covered this story much because the woman is not from the US. English people who are accused of crimes rarely get much media coverage in this country. This girl got no media attention in the US because she is not from here, not because she is black.
Remember the white girl from the US that is accused of killing her college roomate in Italy? That case has gotten very little media attention here, also. And she is from the US!
In both cases, the lack of media coverage is a geographical issue, not a race issue.
Also, newsflash: People-white and black- who are in jail have sex. Consensual sex. Her baby is not necessarily a product of rape. And if she is guilty (and no- I am not assuming she is guilty, but it is a possibility), then she is most likely uses drugs (most drug traffickers do), and may have even used drugs in jail, which tends to cloud people's judgment. She may have had sex with someone in jail while she was high. Even if it is in a nasty jail.
Thanks for that info. I didn't know that they went ahead and executed that Iranian/American girl. I thought that they were going to use her for some type of leverage. That's sad and my prayers go out to her family in their time of grief. I know that it heartbreaking for them.
Roxana Saberi, the Iranian-American journalist, has not been executed. Don't believe everything you read on this, or any other, racist virtual fish-wrap.
It is not certain she was raped. In fact she may have intended to get pregnant as it enhances her profile. Remember she was caught with a load of heroin. She knows she faces the prospect of the death penalty. She may have thought if she has a baby - they would not execute her.
She deserves a fair trial but the real victims would have been the young kids that would have had their lives destroyed by the drug had she not been caught.
And so she just decided to have a baby by a stranger who BTW could have AIDS (you never know these days who has AIDS)?
Blogger La♥♫ said...
Oh my poor sister. This is way too depressing to read. Can't something be done? Can't we do something?? You know I don't care if she was guilty or not ( I still give her the bennifit).
Just because she's black doesn't mean she can't be a tourist, those fucking racist nasty people could have also planted that shit on her too, they are good for it. And knowing fully well how it seems there is no value on a black female's life universally.
You know, even if she was guilty, it's sad to see how this young black woman has been taken advantage of by men. The men who cleary raped her in prison, and the men who were most likely behind the mule arrangements. Black females are prime targets for muling.
Field, they will kill her even faster to get rid of the evidence of rape. And of course if she was the right skin color, there would have been hell to pay. Where is the prime minister of London? Where is the president of the African country she's tied to by heritage?
so you are saying lao people are racist? please explain. please check out some facts and follow this link to the foreign prison support service you will also see white people in se asia prisons http://www.usp.com.au/fpss/news.html
I think this situation is tragic, but I have to point out that even if she were in the US, theres no guarantee that prison would be any better than Laos. our prisons are horrible places too and our legal system doesn't really favor black people.
everyone thinks Laos is barbaric, but guess what people UK and USA are no less guilty of innocent blood and prisoner abuse.
ha ha it took me awhile to get the a-murder-ca reference.
I have to point out that this is being covered in the US press.
but it will be old news soon because the scum raking media has a short attention span.
I also want to say that usa isnt the only problem government in the world. most governments are oppressive and people become comfortable with their controlled lives.
there are very few people like us who question the powers that be and we are seen as trouble-makers and conspiracy theorists.
How do you think AIDS spreads? People have sex everyday with people that have AIDS- yes,they even have sex with strangers. Even more so if they are on drugs. Drugs do crazy, sad things to your brain.
Again, let me reiterate that I'm not assuming that she is guilty or on drugs, but it is a possibility.
I stand by my statement that her pregnancy MAY be the result of consensual sex. Women get pregnant while incarcerated all the time.
I woke up this morning to this...
I'm a young black & Latin American Male and I'm fully aware of how my black people are dealt with on and off the media. If thats how those Asians handle things with their own people then so be it but not to my people AND NOT MY BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMEN. There could be many reasons why she had to hustle if she did, but she may not have done this. Our people aren't well liked around the world and these places are infamous for planting shit on other people. They violated this young girl enough so that they can NOT KEEP HER anymore. They had there chance to serve justice and fucked up...now Killing won't solve shit nor will being jailed. SHE'S A FRICKIN' MINOR...we treat enemies behind enemy lines better than this. AND IF SHE WAS RAPED...I'm 27 years old and I'm tired of it....I shed tears for her and wish to fight for her, bring her back and give her tough love yo....please people keep making noise for her and maybe, JUST MAYBE SOMEONE WILL HEAR HERS, HER MOTHERS, AND OUR CRIES....
To Anonymous...
and anyone who think like you that regardless of what the world is today. There will always be racist and descrimination. You will always have how white people are treated and how black people are treated, shit or how Latino's are treated. Does it make it right, NO. But it does exist. Why is the "BLACK and WHITE" issue arrising? because it's the fucking truth and we're reminded everyday when issues like this or others come about how we're treated and matters to who. I am a writer who keeps up with everyone and everything whether you're a homeless man or in Australia. I've heard so many cases where white people get in some serious shit and they get hard core media press. Today they're talking about how some white guy, a professor here in the US, who their doing mass investigation to his where abouts in Japan being that he's gone missing. Now I have nothing against him being white, it's just us people of color are aware that we still get treated like shit across the board and most people especially white folks are too "naive to notice and don't care". The girl that went missing on that island where folks thought the DJ and her friends might have been involved. That shit was on CNN, BBC news and other news channels faithfully. Now we do make the media for something, quite well, when a black girl or boy/ Man or Woman is found dead due to some kind of violence. You're argument doesn't make any since. Things are the way they are and you can't sit here and keep telling us people of COLOR that we "need to get over it", "don't make this a black or white thing"...and etc. It's only facts my dude....We all know how powerful the media is and how much noise it could make and send ripples all over the world so don't give me that shit or to anyone. One thing about us as black people we love our people. We have a love and pride for our people ESPECIALLY our black women that no other race have of there own. Us Black men, THE RIGHT ONES hold our black women so high that even when they fall we have to hold them up high again...because they hold us up there as well. If she was wrong, she was wrong but she was a minor at the time and there is an 80% chance that she's been raped. Rape is bad in any culture or race, but I don't care what white people think...us as black men hate rape, and hate rape towards our black women more than anthyhing. It's a reminder of a past I hate to revisite in history. She's a troubled youth of England who needs to be back home to have her baby, due her time in Juvenile detention, and for to get help as far as a job, school, relocate to a better neighborhood and what ever it is to keep her from resorting to hustling again....so save me the bullshit. Stay behind your desk somewhere and enjoy your starbucks coffe my brotha'....
I feel awful for her. I don't know if she was a mule or not and neither does anyone here.
If she was knowingly carrying, she must not have received the memo that having drugs in foreign countries is a REALLY STOOPID thing to do. If they throw white males in prison and treat them like garbage, you were expecting a red carpet because you are black and in possesion of drugs? Did no one see "Midnight Express"?
I seriously do not believe that she intended to get pregnant or agreed to have sex with her captors. How ridiculous. Really feeding into that coniving, oversexed, black woman stereotype, aren't you?
I believe it is possible she knowingly had the drugs. It's possible she thought people had been paid off to clear her and something was bollixed up. You all act like it is some extraordinary thing to smuggle drugs out of foreign countries. It happens all the time and foreign officials are often paid off to facilitiate the movement of drugs. Something might have gone wrong here. Who knows. I'm not convicting her, I'm just recognizing that this is not something out of the realm of possibility. Just because she is young, black, and pretty does not mean she is innocent.
Very tragic in the Shakespearian sense of the word.
By the way, I have black friends who have traveled extensively in SE Asia without any problems, none.
West Coast Story:
"I seriously do not believe that she intended to get pregnant or agreed to have sex with her captors. How ridiculous. Really feeding into that coniving, oversexed, black woman stereotype"
Thank you for saying what I intended to say to Anonymous.
Here are the facts of this situation:
She is a Woman
She is Black
She is ACCUSED of possessing drugs
She became Pregnant in Jail
She is a British Citizen
Did I miss anything?
EVERYTHING else being discussed is based on SPECULATION and you personal feeling and/or experiences to make to feel the way you do.
you still missed the point lol...**pat on the back**...but I'm leaving this blog now, point has been made and I care not to indulge with such shallow minds...and much love to everyone on here...2009 is a new year, lets start teaching people, setting examples. I'm gone....
I am sorry I don't to offend you guys but all of you screaming here "what is the US doing????What is the US doing???" are either dumb or definitely need to go to school.
This woman is not an American citizen. Why should the US government fight for her release??
The US gov. doesn't even fight for the release of their own citizens when they're kidnapped...
This woman is, i might be wrong, a British/Nigerian citizen. It's up to them to do the job. Not the US...
You guy are inside the US and have it easy.
You don't even know the state of
racism in Europe and in the rest of the world and then you act shocked and surprised when a black person from Europe is not defended by their own gov. Well, I'm bringing you news: they don't like black people in UK/France/Spain/Italy/Germany etc...
Now you got your explanation why the British gov doesn't give a fuck
BTW, Anonymous:
Granny is not defending smuggling drugs. Nor am I trying to make it a race issue. My concern was about the possible rape and if there have been others committed against FEMALES incarcerated in Lao's prisons. Got that?
I'm am concerned about the predicament she is as well, being that she is as young as she is and pregnant. If she was smuggling drugs, it was a dumb thing to do. However, doing dumb things while being young crosses all color lines. The reason for that saying, "young and dumb", but what saddens me the most is that only our black children are the ones dying or given extremely,excessive prison time for their "young and dumb" mistakes. All others get a pass, with the exception of Hispanics/Latinoes, and are referred to rehabitation programs or self-help program or labeled they made a mistake or was having a bad day.
Anony 5:02:
"Well, I'm bringing you news: they don't like black people in UK/France/Spain/Italy/Germany etc..."
Thanks but you didn't have to do us any favors with ancient news. I think every black person in the world discovered that when they were old enough to go outside the house on their own.
However, you missing one part of the equation, the racist institutions used the media and movies as tools for centuries after slavery ended to portray us as the world's ONLY criminal element. Therefore, who wouldn't hate us according to the hyped up and exaggerated descriptions of blacks as a whole that has always been given because of their anger in not being able to get forced free labor anymore. Oh, well, they did replace plantations with prisons so you should be happy about that.
but what saddens me the most is that only our black children are the ones dying or given extremely,excessive prison time for their "young and dumb" mistakes. All others get a pass, with the exception of Hispanics/Latinoes, and are referred to rehabitation programs or self-help program or labeled they made a mistake or was having a bad day.
granny you are still making it a race issue please re read your comment above then follow this link http://www.usp.com.au/fpss/news.html and you will see you are wrong ANYONE carrying drugs in asia will be treated according to there laws even nationals of that particular country your comments are not made with facts scroll down on the above link and see the number of white people in asian prisons for similar charges you might be suprised and realise that not everyone else gets a pass.
I don't think you even understand what I'm talking about.
When I'm saying that in Europe they don't like black people, I'm not talking about slavery or other historical facts that happened in the US or in Europe in the 19th century. I'm taking the exemple of France here because I live in France (I'm a U.S. resident now thank god...)
How would you like it if you were walking in the streets of Paris and some white people called you the n-word and the whole street laughed so hard while it's happening. I saw it happen in front of me. The height of it was that the person was also told to go back to Africa.
How would you like it if you were at school and they were teaching you french songs saying "Armstrong I'm not a n*****r I'm white of skin,..."?
How would you like it if the president of your country said publicly that black people and north africans are scum that needs to be cleaned with a power hose and that black people can't develop and have no history? (Sarkozy said this and it got him elected.)
This happens TODAY in France. I'm not speaking of history. I'm speaking of TODAY
I doubt any of happens that often in the US TODAY.
GrannyStandingforTruth said... but what saddens me the most is that only our black children are the ones dying or given extremely,excessive prison time for their "young and dumb" mistakes. All others get a pass, with the exception of Hispanics/Latinoes, and are referred to rehabitation programs or self-help program or labeled they made a mistake or was having a bad day.
i am talking about this comment pleaseread what i said again.
Anonymous 5:32:
I already know that the laws in Asian countries are stricter and more severe. Like I said my father and a uncle used to be merchant seamen and they told me and my brothers and sisters stories about other foreign countries.
I UNDERSTAND that NO ONE gets a pass when they break a law in Lao or any other foreign country. However, that does not stop me from having COMPASSION for the young lady and the predicament that she is in. Now do you understand?
er no because you said everyone else gets a pass
Anonymous 6:00:
"er no because you said everyone else gets a pass"
Yes, I did. Do I need to repeat myself? I'm referring to right here in the USA.
Anonymous 6:00:
BTW, I, also, said this, "I UNDERSTAND that NO ONE gets a pass when they break a law in Lao or any other foreign country."
Oh, one more thing Anonymous:
"How would you like it if you were walking in the streets of Paris and some white people called you the n-word and the whole street laughed so hard while it's happening. I saw it happen in front of me. The height of it was that the person was also told to go back to Africa."
They do that here in the USA!
ok please make your self more clear when posting because you look like you are contradicting yourself
I apologize if you didn't understand what I was saying at first. I'm not a professional writer.
Anonymous 6:15:
Foreign countries watch America's media and movies too and are influenced by them in the way they view black people.
lol you are to much
One of my cousins was married to a white woman from France. She would always come to our family functions but keep her distance from everyone. The majority of that side of the family is respectable and mostly professionals in their field. I guess what you've said explains it. Now, I assume she just didn't like us "n" but she didn't mind marrying a "n".
Anonymous 6:19:
"lol you are to much"
LOL! Yeah, I guess, my children and grandchildren tell me that all the time. Guilty = Granny. (wink)
"just interested to know during your 25 times in that airport did you carry 1.5kg of heroin through with you? so you are seriously saying that they arrested this girl because they are racist and she is black and the cambodian women you were with possibly a sex worker 5 star resorts dont really like that you know"
No of course I didn't carry 1.5kg of heroin........just saying that the security at that airport is almost non-existent.
And no that Cambodian girl was not a sex-worker. She works for the same company I do and makes the same salary that I do.
I'm saying that I have seen openly racist behaviour amongst police in Southeast Asia. I've seen them go through crowds of hundreds of people and arrest black people to check and see if they have overstayed their visas or are carrying anything illegal.
I'm saying that Asians in Asia are openly racist against black people. (Asian-Americans are completely different than Asians in Asia, although they might look the same and share a similiar culture from their "homeland")
There are many bars, guesthouses, and restaurants in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand that do no allow Africans in their place of business.
Its sad to see any black woman trapped in tragic Situation. However, under the circumstances, I dont think race is the major in this situation. Loas has a deadly strict policy when it comes to drugs and narcotics. Many other countries have very similar policies that include the punishment of execution. And we all know that not all prisons in the world are as glamorous as the ones in the US. So its not surprising to see physical or even sexual abuse occurring in prisons.
However, I do believe race becomes an issue when it comes to media coverage about this tragic situation over in the UK and US. I never even heard of this situation till I read this blog.
"Loas has a deadly strict policy when it comes to drugs and narcotics."
They do have a deadly strict policy concerning drugs when their own people are not profiting from it!!!
Look i see very cut and dry (if she were american)if she committed a crime or not......SEND IN SPECIAL FORCES to get her the F#^k out and then deal with the situation....doesn't matter what color she is!?!?
your most likly right about the news coverage however question is did the brits cover the holloway story like we did? i don't know but there is a GIANT disparity in the news coverage in this conutry that needs to be addressed!!!!
still say send in special forces!!!!rambo/dirty harry or shaft.....screw those dog eating countries
wow! you guys are incredible on this blog. stop your whining about your personal experiences. this doesn't have to do with you or your life. not all black people or people of color see life through the same lens and you know it.
the only thing here is:
a. if she was raped, someone has to be brought to justice.
b. she should get full legal representation to fight her case just as u would if this were to happen in the US.
but the thing that's not gonna happen is: If she is found guilty in a fair trial, Laos cannot be expected to change it's laws just because she is british or black or nigerian. You have to abide by the laws of the place when YOU CHOOSE to visit a place.
Hopefully though, she is not guilty.
And stop crying over the media. Geez, her story is the lead story on cnn and the guardian and the bbc have been covering it since the story broke.
Less talking/complaining, more reading and action would help.
Wow I just blogged about this this morning.Is everyone drinking the kool-aid? This young woman's story is so sad and it is heartbreaking. The fact still remains that she broke the law in a foreign country. Even if you do not agree with the judicial system there, it is the Laotian judicial system not the American or British legal system. Could a foreigner from another country come into the USA and commit a crime and then decide that the punishment is to harsh and want to return to their country? Hell No. Would the US judicial system not prosecute Hell no.
It is a sobering and sad reality, but she committed a crime in a foreign country. Everyone who commits a crime has a story, so should we based on the emotion of their story not prosecute them and set them free?
this kind of stuff happens to whites all the time. they're called australians (not the native ones)but anywho, all this talk about the USA not caring, its because its an English women not skin color. Most people posting here seem to be biggots of some sort. The USA only carres about the USA. trust me i live in it.
Are all these anonymous people kinfolks or something? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out whose who because they all look alike to me. I mean, could you anonymous folks at least sign your post with an initial or symbol or something so we can distinguish if it is a different person speaking.
Now with that said... Okay, I think we all know that the story is about a black woman who was arrested with a heroin. Who came up pregnant after she was incarcerated. Most of us, not all have compassion for her situation because she is pregnant.
So, can those that don't have any compassion because of the fact they see it as a cut and dry, she is guilty before she has even had a trial. She didn't follow foreign law, broke a foreign law and should know foreign laws. Please tell me why you think that those of us that do have compassion shouldn't have any feelings for the young lady because she is an alleged drug smuggler, non American and pregnant? Or why we should turn off our feelings of compassion and not feel anything for her at all?
"It is a sobering and sad reality, but she committed a crime in a foreign country. Everyone who commits a crime has a story, so should we based on the emotion of their story not prosecute them and set them free?"
Did you feel that way in the Donchack case as well?
I watch that show Locked Up Abroad.
Scary stuff.Bad things happen to white people all the time in foreign prisons and the America media never reports it.
I still cannot understand why in the uk this news just suddenly popped up. I mean she has been there since aug 08, it is now may 09, kmt. up until now do not even think I heard of Laos. Maybe I need to blog about this too.
there is a fb group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=74873457534
Lets look at the facts of the case first. She went from Amsterdam (EU drug hub) to Laos? Who goes to Laos for vacation for one month? it is certainly not a tourist haven(like Bangkok). W/ 1.6
POUNDS of heroin were found on her carry on bag, enough to kill thousands of people. What she didnt see the sign "drug trafficking punishable by death". And she never told her own mother she was flying to other side of the world.
This Sh-t does not add up.
In many countries
drug dealer=death penalty
I'm an American living in Vietnam and I can say that Nigerians get a bad rap here. During the last few years there has been a huge influx of Nigerians doing a lot of crime here. Its an easy crime market because of the corruption and lax in police security. It is also safe from violent crime (no guns), which makes it even a more appealing market for fraud and drugsters who dont feel like getting in shoot outs.
This girl sounds like she accidently hooked up with the wrong people who stashed their stuff in her bag, or she knowingly was a participant. Going from Amsterdam to the Golden Triangle puts up HUGE red flags.
Regarding her pregnancy, i can only speculate, but I read in Laos law a pregnant woman cannot be executed. This may have been a planned pregnancy to save her own life.
In terms of race, believe me, there are a hell of a lot more white backpackers locked up in SE Asia for this kinda thing than blacks. Its definitely not a race thing, its a drug thing.
Don't do the crime if u can't do the time.Bla bla bla to those dat think she's innocent and because she is black u can smell d guilt a mile off b4 u all start with ur PC rantings am black and a Nigerian and 4rm d same state as she is I know my people and how dey operate they want to get rich quick at her age she shud b at d uni or doing something worthwhile
Does not make sense executing drug mules. If these Far Eastern governments are serious about tackling drugs then why dont they go direct to the source ie the Opium growers and manufacturers and other big fish. so stupid.
It was 680 grams, not 1.5kg.
It was 1.5 lbs, not 1.5kg, nor 1.3 lbs.
1.5kg is more than double 680 grams, but 680 grams is still a lot of heroin.
Its bad enough already, no need to up the amount.
I don't see how annoymous can Assume she WASNT arrested because she was a Black woman, I'm Nigerian myself.. And proud and I would like to declear to who ever asked if it was a ''TRIBAL RITUAL''.. WHAT KINDA INSULTING BULLSHIT IS THAT, for god sakes, Too many Biased Hollywood movies.. Not enough real encounters with Africans.. KMT
Don't get me wrong Annoymous I know what you are saying, It isnt always RACE RACE RACE... But honestly, I've travelled to Hong Kong and I have a cousin who married a Korean Man, In those place's.. racism is PROMINENT in a Despicable way so it wouldn't be surprising, What ever the case is.. Guilty or not Guilty, I would not like to see a Sister MURDERED over something she done so young (20 YEARS OLD)...
These are the types of things she should be able to look back and tell her kids never to do.. Shes so Young.. I believe she may be innocent and may be guilty, Either way, This is NOT a solution to any drug problem, This will only cause International Hatred for these people, I truly wish for a Black Military.. This should be us stepping up and DEMANDING her safe return.. It hurts to see us hoping Others may help.. This is the kind of sh** that Inspires me to do well for myself and ONE DAY, I wish I will be in a Position of Power.. Never should a Female, Esspecially a Black Queen have to sufer like this.. It makes me sick..
MUGU ! Annoymous your 1st arguement was fine.. HOW DARE YOU !!!, Criminal Baby ??? I think you mean QUALIFIED BABY, even this young Queen is what ??? a STUDENT !, How does a Nigerians crimes compare to the BILLIONS of crimes commited by Caucasians, In the 20th Century, There was over 120 MILLION DEATHS due to Caucasians... 8% OF THE EARTHS POPULATION... That is 4 times the Total Death toll of the AIDS Epidemic, and if you include Europeans Epidemics aswell Top another 40 Million on for the Spanish Swine Flu Epidemic... And if you include the Genocides commited in Asia, Another 30 Million... We are now at 190 Million people dead in 100 YEARS... ALL OF AFRICA'S genocides in the past 130 years totals to around 43 Million... HOW DARE YOU CALL MY PEOPLE CRIMINALS.. I would rather sell contriband than commit genocide on 190 MILLION PEOPLE Everyday and ANY DAY..
and plus, she being raped in jail might actually save her from the death penalty. so who really knows who's really at fault for her being raped...
U r so stupid for even judging because "just as I thought, she is Nigerian" you did not just go there fool! Where the hell do u get off judging, u r so shallow minded and possibly as I think, RACIST! U need to get off this site and go join your fellow stupid racists in slagging others off!
I don’t think any african or Nigerian is beyond criticism, but it makes sense to have a clue about what you are talking about before you begin to criticise, because doing otherwise makes you look foolish.
Lets hope your daughter mother sister or female relative doesn't get into such a situation!
The woman in question left Nigeria when she was 8 years old. She grew up in Britain, hence why the British govt. is involved, Doh! She is a British citizen, so unless you are saying that having Nigerian genes makes you a criminal, your point is mute and highly prejudicial.
And it has been brought up over and over again, by even the UK embassy spokesperson that she was pregnant in Jail.
You are the only one who suggested that ’she told the guards she was pregnant in order to avoid a death sentence’.
So African Americans are cast as "Obtuse, ill educated rapists, baby mama’s welfare queens and crackheads"?
I’m sure you recognise a negative stereotype when you see/hear one. But don’t let that stop you making a complete tit of yourself.
There are a lot of assumptions about this case. Most reports don’t ask the question about the facts that lead to her arrest in the first place. Currently, no one in the press has access to the ‘facts’ because no one has been given access to her (save for the consulate - which will never interfere in another country’s sovereign legal process).
In fact, only these allegations are known at this time:
1. Drugs were found in luggage during transit through Laos.
2. The authorities have stated that the luggage belonged to her.
3. The quantity is sufficient to incur the death penalty.
4. She was locked up in a local prison facility, initially without consular assistance, then without legal assistance. Her family was not informed.
5. She denies the charges, but other than that, zero information has been released.
6. Legal counsel from Reprieve was denied access, despite being issued a visa. Only after international pressure was she allowed to pick a ‘local lawyer’ from a preselected list. When Reprieve was given access, it was in the presence of government officials - which meant nothing meaningful could be discussed with the detainee.
7. Authorities intend to move her trial date forward. Normally, it takes years for such a trial to be heard, but in an effort to reduce the case’s profile, the authorities wish to short list it. Moving the date will make it very difficult for the defence to prepare. If they are heard at all.
8. She is pregnant & it has been reported that this happened while she was detained in a women’s only prison.
9. News reports suggest she is being coerced into saying the pregnancy was voluntary.
In many countries, there is no presumption of innocence in drug smuggling cases. Laws in Oceana, Asia, the Middle East (among other areas) shift the burden of proving innocence onto the person charged if the authorities can prove possession. Any luggage can be tampered with. If it has a zip, it can be opened with a pen and resealed in seconds. Without a trace. Even if it is locked. It could happen to you.
Seeing is believing: http://www.securoseal.com/main.php?pg=news&news_id=316
Luggage transit areas in airports are inherently unsafe and affected by criminal activity. It happens all the time and its not just Asia. Its in the west too. Its not an exaggeration - its a fact.
Read about it: http://www.securoseal.com/main.php?id=325
If it happened to you, would that make you a smuggler? Think about it next time you pack your luggage and check it in. Think about it next time you read a news story about a bag just like yours.
Chances are, if it does happen, you won’t have a clue until you are in cuffs and the assumptions are written next to your name.
Does President Obama know about this case? Because if he speaks about it, it will definitely be big, big news.
This isn't really a race issue, it's a gender issue. If she was smuggling drugs or suspected of smuggling drugs then by the laws of any country she has to spend time in jail, there is no issue there. However, the fact that she became pregnant in jail, either from a rape or from a sexual encounter with a guard, is disgusting. That has nothing to do with her being black and everything to do with her being a woman
Lets get this straight shall we, she is british only by citizenship. She choose to abuse that honour by trafficking drugs via not just Laos but also Holland and Thailand. She has confirmed via an appeal for clemancy by her mother that she was not raped. Today she was sentanced to life imprisonment. GOOD. The so called mandatory death sentance was never going to be used that was just black retoric to paint over the fact that this women traded drugs on several other trips. The honour of citizenship given to her and her family by Britain should now be removed and they should be returned to africa for thier actions. I am fed up with supporting african blacks that bring nothing to our nation other than AIDS, crimes such as murder, drugs and fruad and survive on welfare dependancy paid for by decades of hardworking British subjects.
i av never supported this gurl cos i believed she is being punished for her offence, but i wont take this from this bastard,u are one fucking asshole anonymous 7:08am. hw dare u say blacks bring bad things into ur country. do ur worst then by protesting for all blacks to be sent bck to their countries.. fucking racist! as if u ever wrk.. all u depend on is benefits and fucking claims!
Excuse me, you are asking why that story isn't getting coverage in America.
If an australian person of hispanic descent got arrested in cambodia for drug trafficking, would you expect coverage of that too?
My heart goes out to her, it really does. But I doubt she was raped. She would have got herself pregnant (which wouldn't be hard in a prison) to avoid the death penalty.
Read the news. She said that she was NOT raped and that she impregnated herself with another inmate's love juice. My guess would be that she knew this would get her further from the death sentence, as Amnesty International & other similar groups would use that to her benefit.
Update on Samantha Orobator
1) She confessed to smuggling
2) She impregnated herself to keep
from being executed
3) Now she wants to be extredited to the UK to try and get off
4) Clear example of the entitlement syndrome
You do the crime, especially in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, you do the time
How can anyone have sympathy for this stupid chick!
Bring our guirl home! Bring her home and let her speak and tell us what happened to her. then we judge, when we know the story, not before. Poor girl whatever she did I reckon that Lao prison an awful place to be... especially with baby, she needs to come home. xxx
Let's all just forget the FACT that she was trafficking a VERY dangerous drug and focus only on the plight of the poor, poor negro.
I just love it when total racists go popping off at the mouth calling others racist. Y'all are just propagating racism and then whining about it and making things bad for decent blacks.
The girl is totally guilty. She was not fitted up, nor was the trial rigged, nor was she raped while in jail. She got herself pregnant in order to avoid the death penalty (though Laos has not executed anyone for many years). The father of the child, it turns out, is another British prisoner convicted of drug smuggling, by name of John Watson (link: http://www.phaseloop.com/foreignprisoners/case-john_watson.html ).
Laos has just signed an agreement with the UK, so it is likely she will be able to transfer to a UK jail in the near future, and her "life" sentence will be shorter than it would have been if she had stayed in Laos.
So, in a lot of ways, she's been pretty lucky. So has Mr. Watson, who wouldn't have had an opportunity to become a father while languishing in a third world jail, if not for her.
Kinda ironic that she got into jeopardy by smuggling heroin, and got out by smuggling semen.
This reminds me of a story I watched on tv:
Lia McCord from Texas, who travelled to Bangladesh was offered $20,000 to deliver a consignment of heroin and, despite her attempts to pull out at the last minute, she was forced to carry the drug. She was caught and sentenced to life in prison, but the intervention of congressman Bill Richardson saw her released after four years.
This woman was totally guilty as well and not pregnant.
STOP the madness people!!!
Her home country needs to work to free this woman.
She may not be an innocent victim, but she is a victim!
La. Her mother has already come out and said it wasnt rape, and it wasnt a prision offical. She had help from another female prisoner in artificially inseminating herself to avoid the poss death penalty.
Sorry, but if if a person (regardless of sex, colour or creed) takes the risk of bringing into a Country drugs for whatever reason, that person deserves all they get if caught
I see people are crying out racism here. Not so in this case, because this SE Asian and they don't give a rats ass what colour you are if caught with drugs. Also it's no surprise it wasn't big news in the US...a lot of things that happen abroad to ordinary folks doesn't make headlines, but I can assure you it's been news here in the UK for months.
Any who the latest is that Samantha is confirming that John Watson is the baby daddy, he's a British inmate serving a life sentence at the same prison. http://www.phaseloop.com/foreignprisoners/case-john_watson.html
A bit drastic, but I think I'd do the same thing to spare my life. I think she'll be back here in the next few weeks and the fella will follow soon as the UK just signed a prisoner transfer agreement, something that's already in place between us and other countries.
The 'theft' of the Iranian election. The big news of the moment. The Western media immediately jumped on board, calling the election a "fraud," "theft," and "a crime scene". The US, for whatever reason, supported the opposition in this election – probably with money and CIA. There was more objective evidence that George W. Bush stole his two elections than there is at this time of election theft in Iran.
Anyone know what her stated purpose out there was? Before she got arrested - on her way to Australia?
680grams of powder is a big pack.
That's not something you fail to to notice.
Whether she was co-erced or whatever the reasons, she trafficked drugs, she considered the risks worth taking - but then she got caught.
She's black so racism may apply - but she was on a British Pasport - at that point don't you think the Laotians would well have anticipated international scrutiny - or do you think theyre THAT stupid? With that, does it really make sense that she'd be raped - and if she was raped, she'd be allowed to live to tell the tale?
Isn't it just as likely she found a way to get herself pregnant to get out of the firing squad - certain death is a great motivator and we all know, you can buy anything in prison. Even sperm.
This converstaion is ridiculous bullshit -idiots looking for a conpiracy that isnt there and overplaying the racism element, that is of course present. It's bullshit.
They couldn't be more clear, "IF YOU TRAFFICK, WE WILL KILL YOU".
She trafficked. She got caught.
If she hadn't trafficked, she'd probably be in her house now, watching someone else's bad news on TV.
CNN.com has posted no fewer than 15 stories about Ms. Orobator's situation.
Where there is a will there is a way.
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I read your blog on drug trafficker Samantha Orobator following a web search. I have also read that her mother has confirmed that she was not raped, she got deliberately pregnant in prison to save her pathetic hide from the firing squad. Why haven't you reported on the truth behind this story and do you only support drug traffickers and mules when they are black?
I as a British tax payer now have to fund this mercenary witch's life behind bars in a British jail. If you get caught trafficking drugs in a foreign country they you should accept the consequences.
I am an Indian from India and all I can say is black people want to destroy our youths and kill Asians out of racial hatred. Most foreign drug traffickers in Asia are blacks. Indeed blacks were responsible for the most drugs in India. Women like her should be killed. Nigerians come to India on student visa and sell drugs to our youths, Your people are a curse to the world. May GOD CURSE YOU AND HE WILL.
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