I don't think what I am going to do has ever been tried before. If it was, I would like to apologize now to the blogger who did it before me.
Anyway, I am going to write the outline of a post, and ask you smart field Negroes and honorary field Negroes to put the body in it for me with your insightful comments.
I will fill in my outline with the best comments and then my lazy ass will use it for an entire post later on this weekend.
Oh, and I am going to need a title as well.
Here goes:
(Paragraph 1)
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca____________________________
(Paragraph 2)
But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by_________________________________________________
(Paragraph 3)
It's sad, because as a country we_________________________________
(Paragraph 4)
But all is not lost______________________________________________
(Paragraph 5
This is how we can solve some of our problems_______________________________
(Paragraph 6)Finally,_______________________________________________________
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in America, because Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich make such big, fat targets.
P1: This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca because racism still exist. We will stop chasing when justice for all applies to all equally. M
(Paragraph 2) But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by_______ lack of REAL dialogue about the subject, such as that suggested earlier in the year by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
(Paragraph 5) This is how we can solve some of our problems:
a) First openly admit that Racism does exist and is perhaps stronger felt than ever, due to anger from some groups over Obama's election.
b) Call a spade a spade. Stop beating around the bush and get it all out in the open.
If we keep pretending that our country is racially divided, how can the problem ever be resolved?
c) Unity! Each one, Reach one.
Let's get the Blacks, White, Hispanics, Asians, Educated, Uneducated, Wealthy, Poor, Gay, Straight, etc., all together for a National Cultural Understanding Dialogue Day.
Get it all off your chest (in a civil manner of course). All the crap which stems from Ignorance and lack of Cultural understanding, get that crap all off your chest!
Then shake hands, sit down, enjoy some Fried or Baked Chicken, corn bread, lemonade and have a few laughs.
d) President Obama NEEDS to immediately make some changes to the No Child Left Behind Act and either shut down or create a plan to gradually eliminate ALL Racially Segregated School Districts such as the one in Charlotte, NC
Racism is taught to children when they are young and naive.
What's one of the best ways to do it? Have them attend Racially Segregrated schools.
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca because its small revenge for them "peculiar" policies that shaped this nation's history.
But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by the realization that the status quo is fairy tale. It's more than meets the eye and plenty of folks are starting to become aware of it.
It's sad, because as a country we have the resources and diversity of cultures to actually be an official UN headquarters.
But all is not lost, folks have been and still are conscious. They are aware of the world around them and are willing to take that next step forward.
This is how we can solve some of our problems. Eradicate the foolishness and ingnorance that has been floating around for years and get to work. The tools are there...use 'em!
Finally, let's ease off rhetoric and get some work done. The fields are looking mighty crispy!
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca because the racist are in full bloom since electing a black man the President of the United States and he went to live in the sacred White House.
But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by the changing of guards and losing the power to the people who are sick and tired of being neglected and tickled down economics.
It’s sad, because as a country we are one nation of people that should be able to get along, enjoy the same equal rights as any other citizen regardless of race, and be able to have the right to the pursuit of happiness and the American dream.
But all is not lost if we learn to stand together in unity, respect one another as fellow human beings, learn to live in peace with one another, and see each other as equal human beings.
This is how we can solve some of our problems. Sit down and have an honest, open conversation and lay all of our grievances out on the table. Then work together on trying to solve them as one people. Make decisions together that will guarantee equal rights, opportunity, and justice for all of our citizens and not just one that is deceptive, lopsided, one-sided, a pacifier, or bandage, but that is real and will make all parties involved satisfied and happy.
Finally, we need to learn and respect each other’s ethnic cultures, embrace one another, and redo history books to reflect our American society as a whole adding the contributions of all races to the building of America. In addition, we should eliminate the stereotypes, and educate our children and teach them while they are young racial tolerance.
P3 we don't realize that our neighbors have the same needs as we do: safety, health, nutrition, privacy, freedom, and education. Yet we act against those who we _think_ are not like ourselves.
(Actually, this is kinda fun!)
P1: It is a great time to be a racism chaser here in A-merry-ca becuse what with the election of Obama and the Rethugs squaking about how we now have a "post-racial America" we are now seeing the depths and breaths of this "post-racial" society in a series of racial back-lashes....
Ok, I would do more, but I gotta get my car out of the garage before it closes. Peace!
Oh yea, and ban the Hannity's and Rush from having air space to spout out their hatred.
P3 cont. Thinking that our neighbor is different, we often do terrible things. We beat, oppress, condemn, jail, spy on, or steal from them. Would we do these things to our friends or family? I doubt it.
Fox is at it again,check this out.
Wow! These are all pretty damn good so far.
Grannyy, I think FOX is trying to help us write the first paragraph.
Lola, did you get a new car yet? :)
Thanks Granny,
Wish those folks at newshounds would cite more references; however, the following is great.
Off topic: Is there a free service that transcripts Faux News so we can quote them directly? The newshounds link was pretty "predigested" according to their mission "We watch FOX so you don't have to'. M
Paragraph 5
This is how we can solve some of our problems by showing the world we're not a Nation of cowards by opening up a serious dialogue on race & living the golden rule.
Lieutenant Colonel Field, I have the latest "Conservative Whites Gone Wild" intelligence report, sir.
The Catalyst: "Justice Department political appointees overruled career lawyers and ended a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense of wielding a nightstick and intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place last Election Day, according to documents and interviews."
The Response: Predominantly typical fearful "Obama is a Dictator" screaming, (with Hitler and Mugabe being the most popular analogies). Deviations include standard "Blacks are racist, not whites" whining and proud declarations that "this wouldn't happen in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, etc". Calls for revolt against the U.S Gov't, veiled and shouted, are widespread. Classic Neo-Nazi themes of "Jewish Control" of black thugs can be found approximately every 20 comments or so.
The Analysis: The phrase "The Revolution" has reached the kind of abstract reverence in the Hardline Conservative Movement that it once held in the Black Power Movement. "Always around the corner but never within reach." There was a detectable uptick in White Nationalist sentiment in the reaction to this news story. As we have yet to see White Nationalism gain real traction within the larger Conservative Movement, this is most likely an aberration caused by Stormfront infiltration, which was then magnified by the racially charged aspect of the story. Rush will be all over this Panthers story next week.
The Link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/may/29/career-lawyers-overruled-on-voting-case
Btw, I enjoyed your appearance on the Michael Dyson's radio program, but Lawd ham mersay, that woman she was intelligent and all and appeared to be a nice lady, but it seem like she didn't want to let you get a word in edge wise...yak...yak..yak. Some folks need to learn to give their ears the same opportunity they give their mouths. I'm just saying.
Hey Swiff. Peace.
I had a hard time reading your post. I kind of get it (my bad). Can you restate the main point? I feel like I'm missing a point of view that I would like to know about. How does your point of view differ from the link (which seems to support a different point of view)? I'm sincerely interested in getting your point. No BS. M
Blogger Swiff said...
Lieutenant Colonel Field, I have the latest "Conservative Whites Gone Wild" intelligence report, sir.
The Catalyst: "Justice Department political appointees overruled career lawyers and ended a civil complaint accusing three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense of wielding a nightstick and intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place last Election Day, according to documents and interviews."
Hey Field I was wondering were those guys really Panthers or Fox plant ?Brothers standing with sticks in their hands and the Cops have guns.People in Cleveland laugh at this.All that was missing was theme music from "Three the Hard Way".
It looks like a plot to me; I would surely like to know which Political Appointees in the Justice Department.
It could ignite a huge white backlash. If someone wanted to create a perfect storm or opportunity for white racists to say that the laws are unfairly being applied this is a good way to start.
Or did I get this entirely backward?
This will answer your question. That page was wrote in 2008.
From what I've gathered and vaguely remember Fox had something to do with that and it was a setup.
Here is another article on it. The case was a bunch of BS. It wasn't true. Fox News tried to set them up.
Many thanks for the links Granny. I'm starting to get what's up. M
I went out on the front porch to sit out there for a minute (that's where I do a lot of my meditating), and it just came to me what they are up with this story regarding the voter thing concerning the New Black Panther Party.
They are lying and trying to make it seem like President Obama's administration, the DOJ, overturned a voter intimidation case because the parties accuse were black. However, this is not the case, the truth is that there was no voter registration intimidation. That was a hoax made up by Fox News trying to set them up. I vaguely remembered that story during the election and that's why I started googling. Someone at the Washington Times is in on this mess. Just think about the pictures of the President's kids and all the other little cartoons or whatever suggesting assassination. They think that they are slick but that is their means of passing their message on to whoever is in on their plan. Think it not strange about the assassination ad either, apology or not.
Not only that, there trying to tie this in with his nomination of Sotomayor in with this by saying that he is nominating a racist. That is their ulterior motive. But it's all to rally up their base and obstruct the President from being successful and most of all because they it is eating them up that a black man lives in the White House.
I keep telling people and I've been warning them for years that Fox News and Rush are dangerous and need to be banned from the air.
I've said this once and I'll say it again, some folks are put in your path for a reason. Already this falsehood has spread on the internet like wildfire. Fox has been trying to start a race war for years. The trial run was that one in Ohio when the white supremacist went to the black neighborhoods marching with their racist mess, but they got the worse end of the deal, because those black folks ran them up out of there.
I guarantee you if they are successful in what they've been trying to do and get a race war started, when it's all said and done they will swear they have nothing to do with instigating it.
I'm going back outside and sit on my porch.
I'm back and LadyCracker you were not far off with your assessment when you said this, "It could ignite a huge white backlash. If someone wanted to create a perfect storm or opportunity for white racists to say that the laws are unfairly being applied this is a good way to start." Not only are you on target with that statement and did you hit on something, I'm gonna add to it.
They are working on trying to get rid of President Obama because they don't want him to do what he promised to do, because you think the mess hit the fan with the stuff that came out on torture. Wait until they start on the Health care bill. It is so much dirt that has been going on up on that hill with some of our politicians and where the money trails lead to, until it would have you reeling and dizzy from shock.
Notice how they labeled Sotomayor a racist, she is not a racist, but she is hispanic. Those crazy folks that want white supremacy to rein forever and oppress all others don't want her seated because she is a minority and a very qualified one at that. Uncle Thomas don't count because he is a jigaboo, coon, house negro in his heart.
Good post Granny!
"I keep telling people and I've been warning them for years that Fox News and Rush are dangerous and need to be banned from the air".
Granny~ Do you remember - In March of 2008, Sean Hannity had on his website, speculating about the assassination Of Obama? He left it up for hours.
Hannity is dangerous!
"Hannity is dangerous!"
Yup,very dangerous. You can kill with your mouth and he is a good example of how someone can instigate with his mouth and get someone killed. I just came back in the house. I was sitting out on my porch.
But a reader sends over a link to clinch the deal: The Panther in question appears to be one King Shamir Shabazz -- and he's no Obama supporter.
I found this on Politico on Ben Smith's blog.Someone seriously need to investigate FOX.Remember the guy in Cleveland that registered to vote 72 times ?(think virgins)Bill Sammon the new head of Fox News division blamed it on the history of voter fraud. There is no voter fraud here.Just the usual corruption like any other city.The city in mostly Democratic, why have fraud ?
Bill Sammon,Limbaugh,Oreilly , and Ingramham need to be in Federal Prison.
AG Holder need to arrest Bill Sammon and put him in Supermax. He said he personally knew of fraud.It's on tape.He admitted to knowing about a crime.The FBI needs to talk to him.
People need to pass this link around to all the Web Sites that are eating into this lie and put out the fire before it turns into a blaze and innocent people get hurt. I don't want to see any bloodshed behind of the greed and hateful, mean-spirit of certain unscrupulous men who are fit to lick the garbage off the ground. They are some low down dirty evil men, and I do mean evil. I've sounded the alarm and that is all I can do besides pray. Those that pray, pray because much prayer is needed. Those that have the ear to hear, hear.
Oops, sorry I forgot to provide the link in my last post. Here it is:
If Fox is trying to incite a race war, the Republican "base" sure sounds ready for one. These weird "scandals" that Matt Drudge and Fox News keep pushing ("lipstick on a pig") just cause this wild, psychotic vitriol to start spewing from what Peggy Noonan calls the "Comment-thread Conservatives".
These are the same assholes that held "OBAMA = HITLER" signs at Tea Parties and shouted "TERRORIST!" at late October Palin rallies. They are convinced that Barack Hussein Obama - who may or may not have been born in Kenya - is intent on destroying America by turning it into a 3rd world communist hellhole.
One of the other things these people scream is "HE MUST BE STOPPED!!!".
We all know where that kind of talk leads.
You right but for some reason, I have a feeling the secret service, FBI, and National Security are on top of it and just not saying anything right now.
Remember the article yesterday about the black reporter being hauled away kicking and screaming who was trying to give President Obama a message. In spite of how it looked, the secret service men were on their job. That let me know that they are not letting anyone get close to him and they are staying alert, regardless. His secret service really like him, they've grown to know him as a person, and some of them would give their life for him.
Exactly! Not only that just listen to all the stuff they've been saying. Rush, Gingrich, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Bachmann, and the rest of those crazy folks. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
Forgive me for all the errors in my last few post but I was trying to type it as fast as it was coming to me.
I know one thing the secret service men are doing the right thing by not letting anyone get up close on him right now, I don't care if their in a wheelchair.
Finally, if we can do away with the institutionalized racism that is so ingrained and pervasive in this country, afford equal protection and opportunity under the law, we may no longer need racism chasers.
Black men can actually walk outside and arrive at their destinations without fear of being stopped, shot, arrested,etc. Black children can go to school and expect, yes expect, to have the same educational opportunities as their white counterparts. Black seniors can expect quality health care and treatment with dignity regardless of their socio-economic status and the color of your skin will no longer dictate how you are treated or mistreated. People will just be people. I will not see this in my lifetime. But when it happens and I believe it will, we will no longer need to have racism chasers because at that future time we will all have realized that it is the same dream.
Hey Black Rose:
Good to see you again. I pray that all is well with you.
Finally, we'll be in a "postracial" era when there are no more racists telling us they're not racists because we're in a postracial era.
Amen Bob!
Whelp, granny is going to bed I am going out of town tomorrow to a family gathering at one of my cousin's house and I need to get some rest. I don't know what time I'll be back, but I do know that I should be back sometime later on tomorrow night or early that morning. Depending on how I'm feeling when I get back I might come on and might not. Or if they have a computer and I have a chance I might check in for a minute, but I am not promising that.
Goodnight and blessings to all.
All is not lost because, for all the dismal problems and tragedies, we are still surrounded by the signs of progress, and, on the part of most people, a willingness to pursue harmony and reconciliation.
The election of a black president in 2008 was a symbol of something that has been happening underneath the surface of American life over the past quarter-century: a growing willingness among the nearly 90% of Americans who are not black to look beyond race, or at least to refuse to let it stop them from observing the content of individual character.
The job is far from over, but America answered "yes" in 2008, and that means a whole lot.
Hey field you forhot how this goes.
You are supposed to ask for
a) a noun
b)an adjective
c)a proffessional athlete
d)a cop
e)an accusation/revelation
f)a call in radio show
now add these elements into your template and that is how we play racial mad-libs.
We're really all the same underneath the Melanin... despite my red hair and freckles I really like...
1: Watermelon, its delicious!
2: Fried Chicken, yeah I got suckered in by that KFC rumor too...
3: Crack, just kidding, but if I was into drugs, that'd be the one
4: Fathering 42 kids by 42 different women...well I would if I could..
5: Sayin "Nome Sane" every other word...
I got more...
More great contributions for my post. I don't know how I am going to leave out anything. They are all good. You sure are some smart folks. (Well, except for Frank)
Granny and others, I am thinking about a post about those crazy ass fake Panthers. It happened here in Philly, and believe me, they intimidated no one. Democrats in this town have a 10-1 edge in voter registration. Just who the hell were they preventing from going to the polls and voting for Obama?
"Lieutenant Colonel Field, I have the latest "Conservative Whites Gone Wild" intelligence report, sir."
Private Swiff, keep up the good work. LMAO!!!:)
Didn't some old white folks vote at that polling place and became afraid when they saw the "black man." Never occurred to them he was a poll worker.
Ah crap Field. You've lost all credibility with that comment about the panthers. Eric Holder should have prosecuted them and you know it. Post racial prez my ass. More like a get even prez.
Ok.... my 2 cents....
(Paragraph 1)
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca because racism is still alive and well, despite the best efforts of so many to challenge, educate, and legislate to end it.
(Paragraph 2)
But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by classism, sexism and homophobia. Too many white people still do not see that their common cause is with all people who endure the incredible disparities that exist in this country to maintain the status quo. The polarization between rich and poor has grown dramatically in the last 20 years, and sadly, too many whites want to blame this on people of color, rather than look at the theft by the rich that has occurred.
(Paragraph 3)
It's sad, because as a country we have allowed the top 5% of the rich and isolated to control the dialogue between the rest of us. We have allowed the rhetoric of division... the perpetuation of stereotypes and fears to be cast as common truths when in fact they are lies. Lies carefully cultivated to keep us separate.
(Paragraph 4)
But all is not lost. Out of the limelight of the media and the cameras and newspaper reporters, there are fierce, wonderful, intelligent people working in their own communities to challenge the status quo, to bridge the divides that have been created, who dream a dream of justice at night and then in their waking hours work with passion to make justice a reality for all peoples.
(Paragraph 5
This is how we can solve some of our problems. First, refuse to be afraid. Refuse to buy into the lie of the divide. Seek out those places and people that are beyond our comfort zone. Seek out the humanity in every person that we encounter. Think well of each other and be suspect of any and all that only speak in negatives and in generalizations. Remember that we have far more in common than the things that separate us and our survival on this planet, in fact the survival of the planet itself requires that we find common ground that seeks mutual respect. I know that my fullness as a human being is intimately connected to yours. I cannot be truly free to be all that I can be unless You are as well.
(Paragraph 6)Finally,_______________________________________________________
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Btw, I enjoyed your appearance on the Michael Dyson's radio program, but Lawd ham mersay, that woman she was intelligent and all and appeared to be a nice lady, but it seem like she didn't want to let you get a word in edge wise...yak...yak..yak. Some folks need to learn to give their ears the same opportunity they give their mouths. I'm just saying.
I noticed that too. Interruption is the hallmark of a person who does not want his/her weak argument to be countered.
"I am the only one in this discussion who has national security experience..."
That's another indication of someone who does not want their argument challenged.
She came across as a jackass in my opinion.
Hey, Negro. I help you out as soon as I finish cleaning my house.
Is looking bad ass a crime. Then we should submit you name to the Attorney General.
You can't educate racists though, they are by definition uneducable. There are two effective ways to deal with them in my experience a) the molotov cocktail and b) a cricket bat wrapped round their ear.
This is a great time to be a racism chaser in A-merry-ca because the race hypocrites with have to come out of the closet.
But are the cases of alleged racism that we have been seeing a result of real racism or just frustration caused by the leader of the country outshining any leader before him.
It's sad, because as a country we talk about racial equality and fulfilling Martin's dream but it's all b.s.
But all is not lost because what goes on in the dark will come to the light and we're beginning to see it now.
This is how we can solve some of our problems to look in the mirror everyday and see who you really are, examine your values and realize that what you conceive and believe is reflected in the likeness of your environment. Look around you: tell me what do you see?
I am probably out of line, but I wish Negroes would realize that we now have many generations of educated blacks in many disciplines. We are also well read and have a wealth of experiences and knowledge outside of our present vocation.
It is not necessary to say,
"I am the only one in this discussion who has national security experience..."
Its good to be a race hustla cause we's gots a racist president,Sotomayor a racist latina,and we gots the Democrats covering fo our racist asses.
If Jackson,Sharpton and the NAALCP can make millions off of hustling why can'ts i?
Swiff said...
These are the same assholes that held "OBAMA = HITLER" signs at Tea Parties and shouted "TERRORIST!" at late October Palin rallies.
Or they could be those Democrat assholes holding up signs like "BUSH=HILTER or BUsh is a terrorist.
Those Black Panther Thugs should be in jail.Obama doesn't want to piss off his angry black base.
No justice for whites in the Obama regime.
Granny and Rudy,I see you noticed my republican co-guest and her self promotion issues.Yep,she was certainly full of herself(what's up with you black repubs and that?.Why the need to constantly talk up your creds?)Unless it adds something to the debate, we are not impressed.
Co-sign with you Hathor!
Sick Freak,now I know where you get your name.
A Glen Beck follower are we? Doesn't he call his people "Sick Twisted Freaks"?
Went to confession the other day...
Told the priest about how I helped develop the HIVie Virus back in the early 80's... honest mistake, tryin to come up with a vaccine to keep those pesky monkeys in the jungle where they belong...Oh, don't have a cow, REAL monkeys, like the kind that'll bite your face off if they feel like it...
Good Idea, virus attacks the monkey's immune system, no danger at all to humans unless the monkey bites you or.... umm you can figure it out...
Still not sure how it spread so fast to humans... think you'd here about an epidemic of monkey bites...
So, told the Perv, I mean the priest all this, and wat does he tell me???
"10 Hale Marys"
Hey Field...
This classic!!
I am still digesting all of these responses!!
*hat tip*
Whelp, I got a little time to spare, I'm waiting on my brother to come and pick me up. So, I got about 30 or 20 minutes.
Anyway, szpork, didn't you read the link to the articles I provided? And another thing, I have a friend that lives in the same neighborhood that so-call voter intimidation was supposed to have taken place and they said that no voter intimidation took place. That the only thing that happened that day was Fox News harrassing white people and trying to get them to say that they had been intimidated and when that didn't work, they started harrassing the black panther, but that didn't work either. The police winded up making Fox News leave and everyone was happy. BTW, the person that gave me this information is white and a real journalist.
Must you always sign on and show your ignorance. I mean, I know that your more intelligent than that but for some reason you love playing the part of a jackazz. You play yourself short when you do that. Smh!
If she runs her mouth like she did on that program I would hate to think that my security is in her hands because she too busy running her mouth to concentrate and focus on security. I bet a lot of stuff slips by her.
The GOP is retaliating and trying to make it seem that the current administration is racist and hates white people. However, this is not the case, it's the other way around. Remember what I said about their pattern of accusing others of what they are guilty of.
Whelp, I gotta go, my brother is outside waiting on me. Bye Bye
Tangent: Glenn Beck's analysis (if we can call it that) of Pres. O's nomination of Sotomayor can be applied to so many situations:
Here's a few:
Case #1:
Fox News: Hey, sociopathic white dude. You hate liberals, minorities and progressive causes?
Beck: Yup!
Fox News: You're in!
Case #2:
GOP: Hey black boy (or black girl). You willing to turn a blind-eye to policies that attack minority progress?
Black boy (girl): Yup!
GOP: You're in!
The GOP is retaliating and trying to make it seem that the current administration is racist and hates white people. However, this is not the case, it's the other way around.<>
I think the Republican establishment is afraid of the 2010 primaries, which will attract the right-wing core. Democratic primaries tend to attract the left wing core, but Democrats are more accustomed to factionalism and are much more able to handle it without splitting the party.
On the "reverse" that you speak of, I'd point something out: Obama got more white support than any Democrat since Jimmy Carter. I wish it had been a majority of white votes, but we'll have to wait for the 2012 election for that. :-)
This is a little off-topic, but you just have to watch it, sort of in the same way that you have to slow down for a flaming car wreck on the highway.
Obama is racist and so is that racist but 'wise Latina woman'.
Obama is the black version of Jimmy Carter.All we need is double-digit inflation and for Obama to send 8 helicopters to invade Iran during a sandstorm.
Proof, please...
Wait, you people never present proof when you level accusations of racism.
Obama is as much a racist as Rush Limbaugh is a svelt man.
Rudy said...
Proof, please...
Rev J.Wright,that "wise latina woman",letting those those Black Panther thugs go free.
Need more proof?
Guilt by association is a fallacious position to take. Give me proof that Barack Obama is a racist.
Let me help you out. A racist is a person who thinks they are superior those of a different race. Again, give me concrete proof that Barack Obama is a racist. Where is the track record that he thinks he is better than those of a differnt race.
While I am at it, let me define the other terms about which you people are ignorant:
A bigot is an individual who wish to deny others (who are different) the rights he/she enjoys.
Prejudice is to prejudge someone base on an attribute (i.e., race, gender, sexual orientation, etc).
I hate when I have to delineate things for obtuse folks.
Sometimes, I do not know why I even bother.
I am out...
Hathor, I was three years old when they passed the civil rights bills. I have mistakenly belived that they applied to everyone. I guess I'm wrong again. Yall are being such hypocrites on this.
GRANNY this is PROPHETESS WALLACE, I see you are WATCHING! yes, they want a RACE WAR, but, my prayer is that the BLACK'S and HISPANIC'S will not be caught into the enemy's trap! for this is truly a trap sent from the pit of hell, GOD is uncovering the enemy day by day, the RACIST are losing their mind's! and GOD want's it that way, he is sick and tired of injustice, he is tired of the WHITE MAN'S MESS! the PRESIDENT is covered in the BLOOD of JESUS, and so is his family, he has a praying mother in law, and trust me she is tuned in to what is going on, their are prayer warrior's all around the white house, this is a spiritual thing, GOD has not brought the PRESIDENT this far to allow the enemy to get the glory, my assignment is to watch and pray, and to tear down all the stronghold's of the enemy, so all is well, SONIA SOTOMAYER is tough, she is a WARRIOR, and she shall be what GOD has ordained her to be in the name of JESUS, and it shall not be otherwise!
sorry field i had to connect with GRANNY.
You forgot a few definitions
A term usually used by minorities to get out of any situation.
Bigotry is an accusation, which is often used by liberal and marxist types to condemn those people who are not of the same "tolerant" or "open minded" attitude as themselves.
Also RUDY, your definitions are outdated.You come off looking uninformed on the matter of using/playing the racist/bigot/prejudice card.
"Hathor, I was three years old when they passed the civil rights bills. I have mistakenly belived that they applied to everyone. I guess I'm wrong again. Yall are being such hypocrites on this.
Why don't you stick a cock in your mouth and shut the fuck up?
what does what I said do with what you said??????????????????????????
Hathor, ummm the bad ass comment?
I guess you didn't get the analogy or believe FN, Jody, Granny or I. All but Granny lives in Philly. But even though you visit this blog apparently you don't believe the author, which is a lawyer and I think he would have a better understanding of the case.
Hathor, with that reasoning then panthers can be at every voting place, right with weapons, right?
"Hey Black Rose:
Good to see you again. I pray that all is well with you."
Hi Granny,
So good to see you too. All is well,
hope things are well with you too.
Hey Prophetess Wallace, I missed you. I pray that all is well with you.
Yes, my sistah, I am sitting posted on the wall with my horn to sound the alarm.
"SONIA SOTOMAYER is tough, she is a WARRIOR"
"he has a praying mother in law, and trust me she is tuned in to what is going on, their are prayer warrior's all around the white house, this is a spiritual thing"
Yes, yes, yes, she is strong in the word. Amen, amen, and amen again.
"GOD is uncovering the enemy day by day, the RACIST are losing their mind's!"
Amen, he is uncovering their deception, lies, and all their dirty lowdown tricks. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." And "Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped."
Off topic
Aloha. For some reason, you came across my mind today while I was attending a family gathering we had today for one of the younger members in our family who graduated. They are my Hawaiian kin folks and we had a lovely time today. They did the Hawaiian dances and played the Hawaiian music to celebrate the occasion and we had plenty of food. Anyway, I wanted to write a few words in Hawaiian in our family history book. I wanted to share them privately with you, get your opinion on it, and if you please tell me if I spelled the words right.
E aloha ana ia kakou i ka ohana no Na mea apau no ka mea ko kakou ohana e pu'uwai o hiwahiwa.
@Jody: "I cannot be truly free to be all that I can be unless You are as well."
Jody, your wisdom is showing. Again. Loved your statements: with good people like you living in it, the world has a chance.
Never knew that words could exceed their useful life. Oh, well. I am still waiting for concrete proof that Barack Obama is a racist.
The next thing someone is going to say is that La Raza is equivalent to the KKK. Oh wait, that idiot Tom Tancredo mentioned that already. And yes, like you, he provided no concrete proof.
Can you believe that idiot (ran for the Republican presidential nomination)?
You can believe what you want to believe. That is your prerogative. However, the link that I provided was an article wrote the day of the elections. The person that I referred to who lives in the area of the particular poll in question did not write either one of those articles. They were written the day of the election. However, he is a credible and reliable source.
The day of the election when Fox News tried to get that lie started, the woman in charge of the polls said it did not happen. The reason I said I vaguely remembered that day and incident is because I cannot give word for word what was said. However, I do remember that allegation taking place on the day of the election. The New Black Panthers did not go to the polls and intimidate anyone, harrass, commit any violence, or start any mess. One of them was a poll worker. Okay, so what one had a nightstick he didn't use it or threaten anyone with it, nor did he bother or harrass anyone going into the polls. He stood talking to his friend and there is no law against that.
Fox News made those phone call and sent the police out there twice. It was on purpose because they were trying their best to start some mess. Fox News is dirty and low down they will stoop lower than the gutter to frame people. They were busy that day trying to drum up a false story about voter intimidation towards white folks. When the police arrived on the scene the first time, they didn't even bother to get out the car because they could see that it was a bunch of BS. The second time they came back, they didn't arrest the Panther and he was still there so that right there should have given you a clue to its falseness. A black man intimidating voters which is against the law, had those allegations been true would have been escorted to jail with the quickness or tasered to death.
Let me make something else perfectly clear to you. I am no fan of the New Black Panthers. I don't know what they are about them to endorse them.
Rudy said...
The next thing someone is going to say is that La Raza is equivalent to the KKK.
La Raza--
"For those in the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing."
Jose Angel Gutierrez founder of LaRaza---
We have got to eliminate the gringo,
and what I mean by that is, if the worst comes to the worst,
we have got to kill him."
Sounds klanish to me.
Here's a affidavit from someone who was there and saw the Black Panther thugs.
Here's part of his statement
"I heard the shorter black man make a statement directed toward white poll observers that"you are about to be ruled by the black man cracker."
The question is why did Obama's DOJ voluntarily dismiss a lawsuit that they had effectively already won, against defendants who were physically threatening voters?
I guess this is what whites can expect from the Obama regime.
Granny, did you watch the video?
What video? If it was made by Fox News, I wouldn't put any credibility whatsoever in it. They are known to edit a video and make them look like the are what they aren't and even go so far as editing voices. You can tape one Fox Manufactured News program and go back and compare it with their transcripts and you'd wonder if you watched the same program after they get through scrubbing it and changing the words to it.
No wonder your mind is so twisted and messed up. Your a Michelle Malkin clone. Only people who are not capable of thinking for themselves listen to and believe anything she says. The affidavit is probably fake. I wouldn't put it past them if they hired someone to falsify it. Your hanging around with some dangerous and devious folks and she is at the upper top ten of the list. Because of you giving a link with Malkin's name on it I might have to go to the altar because some really bad words came to my mind. I tell you, temptation is something else.
Anything that doesn't fit your viewpoints is made up.So typical of the left.
The affdavit is from a longtime CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER and DEMOCRAT POLL OBSERVER.
From the affdavit--
"In my opinion, the men created an intimidating presence at the entrance to a poll," he declared. "In all my experience in politics, in civil rights litigation and in my efforts in the 1960s to secure the right to vote in Mississippi ... I have never encountered or heard of another instance in the United States where armed and uniformed men blocked the entrance to a polling location."
He doesn't work for FOX NEWS.
He's not a Republican.
sick freak,
A well know psychologist says that you are suffering from delusions.
He's not a Democrat.
Bartle Bull Contribution List in 2008
Name & Location Employer/Occupation Dollar
Amount Date Primary/
General Contibuted To
10075 NORTHERN GULF PARTNERS/FINANCE $2,200 08/30/2008 P JOHN MCCAIN 2008 INC. - Republican
10022 $-1,800 03/10/2008 G RUDY GIULIANI PRESIDENTIAL COMMITTEE INC - Republican
Bartle Bull on Obama 30-May-09 02:16 pm “Barack Obama was always going to disappoint. When you promise almost everything to almost everybody—I’ll stop the fighting in Iraq but I’ll also keep going after al Qaeda there; I’ll make the economy grow more but I’ll spread the wealth around, and so on—you will inevitably let many people down. Human beings, even those who read fluently from teleprompters, simply cannot walk on water. “
Bartle Bull, an American of British ancestry, is both an attorney and a novelist. He graduated A.B. from Harvard University, attended Oxford University for graduate studies, and Harvard Law School. He is a member of both the Royal Geographical Society and the Explorers Club, and practices law in New York City. Bull's published fictional works include A Cafe on the Nile, China Star, The White Rhino.
He worked with Charles Evers, Megar Evers brother but was no Megar Evers. Charles Evers was a leading civil rights spokesman within the Republican Party in his native Mississippi. He remains distrusted by some blacks for allegedly having cooperated with the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission during the Civil Rights era. There, he vowed to support the movement back home, and fell into a life of hustling, running numbers for the Mob, and managing prostitutes.
Many observers likened Medgar Evers to a "saint," in his religious faith, his total devotion to the cause of civil rights and his disregard for his own safety. By contrast, Charles Evers was an unabashed "sinner." Oh yeah, and he was an informal advisor to Ronald Reagan and George Wallace.
Sorry, the Attorney is full of dung and using Charles Evers name does not move no mountains in the black community or lend credibility to Bull, who is full of it, either because he was nothing like his brother. He was the total opposite and a crook.
I'm referring to Charles Evers when I said this"he was nothing like his brother. He was the total opposite and a crook."
So him signing an affidavit don't mean nothing in my book, because he was in it for McCain.
Attorney Bull was doing some dirty work for the Republicans. Anybody with common sense saw all of the dirty tricks they pulled during the elections against Obama. I tell you, some people are professional liars and will go to great lengths to preserve white supremacy.
"sick freak,
A well know psychologist says that you are suffering from delusions.
He's not a Democrat."
I'm borrowing Adam's words here, "I'm giving you cyber fist jab for that comment. I totally agree with the psychologist diagnosis.
"He's not a Republican."
ROFL, he sure does contribute a lot of money to a party to say he is not one of them. And Rudy Guiliani is one of the biggest crooks in New York City and practically everyone he is affiliated with is crooked as that road in San Francisco and trust me it is a very crooked road.
sick freak said...
La Raza--
"For those in the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing."
Jose Angel Gutierrez founder of LaRaza---
We have got to eliminate the gringo,
and what I mean by that is, if the worst comes to the worst,
we have got to kill him."
Sounds klanish to me.
Let's do a simple comparative analysis for a moment:
How many people have La Raza killed for being of a different race?
How many effigies have the La Raza burned on the properties of folks who are of a different race?
How many people have LaRaza terrorized?
You forget he gave money to--
John Glenn -DEMOCRAT
Edward Kennedy--DEMOCRAT 4 times
Wasn't he also a Robert F. Kennedy organizer ??
What self respecting Republican would give money to that lady killer Kennedy??
Here's the complaint against the Black Panther thugs.
And its no suprise these thugs were representing the Democratic Party.
Why did the Civil Rights Division voluntarily dismiss a lawsuit that they had effectively already won, against defendants who were physically threatening voters?
Its also no suprise Obama supporters would be supporting these thug tactics.
Rudy said...
Let's do a simple comparative analysis for a moment:
Uh,lets don't but say we did.
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