may I eat chicken instead of crow?
Your boy did it, and no one in A-merry-ca is as surprised as I am. Hopefully the real A-merry-ca showed up tonight, and if it was the real A-merry-ca, it's a country that I can say that I am proud to live in. Blacks, Whites, Gays, Asians and Latinos; all of you Obamaholics who stepped up and volunteered with your sweat and tears deserve to be sitting right on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his O ness. This is your election victory. You could have sat back on your ass like this cynical blogger and say it couldn't happen, but you didn't. You could have said, like this cynical blogger, that A-merry-ca was not ready to elect a black man with a Muslim* name, but you didn't. Instead, you believed, and you started a movement. A movement which will make A-merry-ca a better place for all of us.
I will leave you with some comments that were left on this blog which moved me to tears today:
"I Didn't Vote For Obama Today I have a confession to make. I did not vote for Barack Obama today. I've openly supported Obama since March. But I didn't vote for him today.I wanted to vote for Ronald Woods. He was my algebra teacher at Clark Junior High in East St. Louis, IL. He died 15 years ago when his truck skidded head-first into a utility pole. He spent many a day teaching us many things besides the Pythagorean Theorem. He taught us about Medgar Evers, Ralph Abernathy, John Lewis and many other civil rights figures who get lost in the shadow cast by Martin Luther King, Jr.But I didn't vote for Mr. Woods.I wanted to vote for Willie Mae Cross. She owned and operated Crossroads Preparatory Academy for almost 30 years, educating and empowering thousands of kids before her death in 2003. I was her first student. She gave me my first job, teaching chess and math concepts to kids in grades K-4 in her summer program. She was always there for advice, cheer and consolation. Ms. Cross, in her own way, taught me more about walking in faith than anyone else I ever knew.
But I didn't vote for Ms. Cross. I wanted to vote for Arthur Mells Jackson, Sr. and Jr. Jackson Senior was a Latin professor. He has a gifted school named for him in my hometown. Jackson Junior was the pre-eminent physician in my hometown for over 30 years. He has a heliport named for him at a hospital in my hometown. They were my great-grandfather and great-uncle, respectively.But I didn't vote for Prof. Jackson or Dr. Jackson.I wanted to vote for A.B. Palmer. She was a leading civil rights figure in Shreveport, Louisiana, where my mother grew up and where I still have dozens of family members. She was a strong-willed woman who earned the grudging respect of the town's leaders because she never, ever backed down from anyone and always gave better than she got. She lived to the ripe old age of 99, and has a community center named for her in Shreveport.
But I didn't vote for Mrs. Palmer.I wanted to vote for these people, who did not live to see a day where a Black man would appear on their ballots on a crisp November morning.In the end, though, I realized that I could not vote for them any more than I could vote for Obama himself. So who did I vote for?No one.I didn't vote. Not for President, anyway. Oh, I went to the voting booth. I signed, was given my stub, and was walked over to a voting machine. I cast votes for statewide races and a state referendum on water and sewer improvements.I stood there, and I thought about all of these people, who influenced my life so greatly. But I didn't vote for who would be the 44th President of the United States.When my ballot was complete, except for the top line, I finally decided who I was going to vote for - and then decided to let him vote for me. I reached down, picked him up, and told him to find Obama's name on the screen and touch it.And so it came to pass that Alexander Reed, age 5, read the voting screen, found the right candidate, touched his name, and actually cast a vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.Oh, the vote will be recorded as mine. But I didn't cast it.
Then again, the person who actually pressed the Obama box and the red "vote" button was the person I was really voting for all along. It made the months of donating, phone banking, canvassing, door hanger distributing, sign posting, blogging, arguing and persuading so much sweeter. So, no, I didn't vote for Barack Obama. I voted for a boy who now has every reason to believe he, too, can grow up to be anything he wants...even President."
~~~Mrs. Reed~~~
Damn it, I think I am crying again.
BTW, I hope you folks like my little virtual Broad Street run (thank you ArtMaggot) it might be the only running I will do for awhile.........alright, alright, I won't be a wimp, I will think about the run, and I will post it.
Link here.
President Barack Hussein Obama!!
THAT is a beautiful thing indeed!
Yes. We. Can.
Right on Field...and right on Pennsylvania.
And as I type this Mr. Morton is conceding.
Damn...I'm tearing up as I type this.
Man. I swear I never thought there would be a Black President in my lifetime. I really am shocked that the Republicans didn't steal this thing.
I think I exhaled for the first time in 11 months.
All of you Obamaholics are awesome people. You NEVER gave up on your boy. You deserve this!
Now go on and breath.
Now the REAL work begins!
YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Field I am so HAPPY!!! Ok, I relieve you of your naked run duties. Anyone has a problem with that, tell them I say so, and they can take it up with me.
Thank you BUSH!
woooooooo YES WE CAN!!!!!!
OMG!!! I went out to walk my dog...he only had 207 electoral votes....Only gone 10 minutes and fireworks started going off in my neighborhood...came back in...OMG HE Frickin WON!!! I am crying tears of joy!!! The nation will celebrate for days to come! This day is a landmark day in history!
Field...you damn well better be running now!
Hallelu Jah!!! Keep up the momentum. Peace. Love & Understanding.
omg, i am sitting on top of the world tonight, thank you
one nation under a groove.
and field, you owe us that run, with picture.
one nation under a groove.
Hey there!
Ladies and gents....
We have elected a Kenyan-American president....
44th President of the United States
And we're movin' on up!!
Whether you run or not makes no difference to me right now. There is too much to celebrate and too much to prepare for.
I'm overcome by this wave of sadness, joy,and hope. This is a new day my friends and it is our turn to sieze it.
Now the real work begins!!!!!!
I have been answering text messages and receiving phone calls from friends and extended family. I was choked up over this win and was even more surprised to find my quiet stoic father who is 70yrs old, crying. This is a moment to savor, no matter if you're a Black Republican and voted McCain, you should be proud. No one can deny how much this day strikes a chord within our culture and though it was a long (long) time coming, thankfully this day has arrived. Now I am off to do the cabbage patch and running man ;)
I'm just a lurker (who lives in another country) and I've only posted here once but have followed this board religiously.
I'm thrilled with the results!!!
Thank you field for following this election through with razor wit, intelligence and (of course) humour!
And congrats to all who have voted, financed, canvassed and supported this campaign. Like Field I was a cynic and had my doubts, but how sweet to be proven wrong! (I thought that if it was close, that Obama would show everyone that his degree wasn't merely decorative and would fight to the last, but thank goodness it didn't come to that.)
A victory! A mandate!
And er... good luck with the jog Field Negro.
Way to go
I'm just a lurker (who lives in another country) and I've only posted here once but have followed this board religiously.
I'm thrilled with the results!!!
Thank you field for following this election through with razor wit, intelligence and (of course) humour!
And congrats to all who have voted, financed, canvassed and supported this campaign. Like Field I was a cynic and had my doubts, but how sweet to be proven wrong! (I thought that if it was close, that Obama would show everyone that his degree wasn't merely decorative and would fight to the last, but thank goodness it didn't come to that.)
A victory! A mandate!
And er... good luck with the jog Field Negro.
Field -- it's a wonderful night that I never could have imagined when I was younger. The "Whites Only" sign comes down from The White House. It truly is an amazing night.
You don't need to make the streaking jog young brotha. Just knowing that your state (Pennsylvania) voted for Obama (as did my state, Ohio) should be enough...
peace, Villager
OH my How did I forget,
Michelle Obama! The first Black FIRST LADY!!!!
I'm with you Field. Several months ago I posted that Obama was God's gift to Republicans. I am happy to be wrong. What a night.
Sorry, Field, you don't get off with that picture.
Date, Time and Location of your run,Please! Will it be an Inaugural Run!
Oh yeah. President Obama. President Barack Hussein Obama. That's all I can say.
I respect the brother but hate his politics. A great win for psyche of black america but as for the country...we will see. Enjoy the next four years Obamaholics. Congrats.
Hitman 2 Victor
Holy shit, it really happened. I'm so excited, tears won't stop. I cannot even imagine how black people must feel. That half-breed muslin is going to be a great president. Congratulations everyone. Getting drunk now. Bye.
I am with CPL...you cannot get off that easy :)
Really. Get out and make the run NOW. Who'll be watching? Right now, everyone's glued to the results, and/or at a party. If you wait until tomorrow...
No, we elected a black American president.
Obama was not born in Kenya, just his father.
How many Kenyan descendants we have in this country is anyone's guess.
But tonight I'm not going to water down this moment by referencing his father's country of origin.
Tonight, Obama is one of us. Enough said.
I have always seen America as my house, never my home.
Tonight, I'm proud to call America home.
Tomorrow, I'm buying a flag and will hoist it high over my new home.
The flag has always been in my heart, but tomorrow I will place it where the whole world can see it, too.
I stopped by to see the video of you running down the street sans clothes. Lol
RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN....You will suck monkey nipples if you don't Field...and I am not trying to be racist...but the mere thought of sucking a monkey nipple is repulsive! GO OBAMA!!!
"Sorry, Field, you don't get off with that picture.
Date, Time and Location of your run,Please! Will it be an Inaugural Run!"
You are right, I have to stick to my wor. :(
But thanks la~~incognita for getting a brotha's back.
Is that a bunch of folks I see on T.V. partying in front of the White House? You Negroes and your friends need to quit :)
Obama projected to capture 333 electorial votes. Thank you America, thank you Jesus, thank you God.
I never thought I would see this in my lifetime but IT has become a reality. Now let's pull up our sleeves and get to work!
Why don’t you invite Sheila Raines and James T. Harris to run with you down Broad St? That cold-ass Philly weather might knock some sense into them.
I hear from my smiling California friends-- originally from Philly-- that this winter could be one of the coldest in Philly history. Damn, Fields! I’m really sorry about that. Maybe you should act like a Field Negro, call the whole thing off and tell everybody to kiss your ass.
But if you still feel pressured by your Obamaholic readers to run (even if the weather is too cold for polar bears), make sure you wear one of those Velcro-nut-heaters. You can order one from Todd Palin….He started using them on a regular basis when he met Sarah.
BTW, I enjoy your blog- You are one of the best.
I can't stop crying!
We did did it! Barack Obama did it!
America did it!
We can be proud of this country and the world will see us differently.
Everything changes now. We can shake off the horror of the past 8 years and step into the future, with pride and confidence.
It's a new day!
ok, he won. You were wrong. I for one am NOT going to relieve you of your naked run duties. I'm flying down to your city just to see it, so you best be ready! lol
It is a joyous day!!
I can be cynical, but I was not where Obama was concerned. I knew he would win when people did not believe he have a chance. Yet I always believed that an African-American man would be president before a woman, and history is an indicator for me. America for the better or not eventually comes to the realization that she must adapt or die, and as I said many times before it takes the next generation to embrace that change. The older generation no longer became the deciding factor in this race, and the younger generation eventually steps up to the plate does what they need to do.
Stand up, OHIO!
Now, I'ma get my ticket to Philly. When is the bucky-nekkid run?
You did your field work so well, Field. Never letting anyone go too high or fall too low, giving all of us have our say even when we're giving you an earful. Wonderful regulars dropping by & commenting, holding nothing back. Yeah, you had your doubts, we all had them. We know our history. We knew it would require this kind of big no doubt about it win.
Congrats especially to Mrs. Field.
I called my people in Texas. My Aunt and Uncles all in their late 80''s. I couldn't even say anything and neither could they. All I could do was Thank them and tell them how much I loved them and appreciated them and then I Thanked God that they lived to see this day. Run your Black butt down Broad Street with tears and pride!
God Bless Us All
Just see it as a post-election celebration. That will make the run a lot better.
As for me, I'm going to save my gloating for tomorrow for some classmates of mine.
Run, don't even worry about the Bar. You will have a job somewhere. Even if I have to pressure moms,,,,,,,,,yeah, she got that old school clout.
Did you hear that sound? It was a worldwide sigh of relief...
President Barack Hussein Obama!!
Mrs Rasta and I let our middle boys flick the old school New York switches in our voting booths here. Mrs. Reed's note is like the damned bagpipes they blow at a funeral, tough to keep a dry eye on it. Happy night, hope lives again. So long frat boy and Mephisto -- hello O and Joe. Peace Dumberica I knew you were smart enough to get one right for a change.
BTW, I believe this certifies Oprah Winfrey as the most powerful woman in the world. She started off with a book club and now elected a brotha as President.
Holy shit, I'm not fucking with Oprah.
Run Field Run!
Run Field Run!
Run Field Run!
Run Field Run!
Run Field Run!
Run Field Run!
Don't make us contact Mrs. Field!
BTW--he is PRESIDENT Barack Hussein Obama, now you people need to fucking get over it for crying out loud!!
Field negroes across America have thrown down their work tools, wiped their brows and for one glorious moment told massa to go to hell. YES WE DID! And tomorrow we are going back to work to make it happen. This is just the beginning. Field negros across the globe are taking notes. YES WE DID!
I'm grateful to all the folks who worked so hard to make this happen: the Obama family in the White House and a Democratic majority so that we can get things done! I'm so happy to see the young people I work with excited and involved. We didn't let each other down.
I need to run naked down Michigan Avenue in Chicago because of my big mouth.
My feet taste real bad right now.
But...I voted for him and I think he's the best man for the job.
I still think that there is a glass ceiling for me as a black male from Chicago's South Side. But I hope Obama works to shatter my part of the ceilling. His part of the ceiling is JUST RIGHT. But not mine.
Yes we can.
The virtual sprint is nice, but I think we're all looking forward to the real time real deal. Run, Field. Run.
congrats! let's get this thing movin'!
That is one sweet story, field.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we did.
Hon. Barack Hussein Obama, 44th president of the United States of America.
And soon there'll be nappy heads lie down on White House pillows to sleep.
"But thanks la~~incognita for getting a brotha's back. "
Ok fine. I tried to help you out, but you can't seem to see a helping hand even if it smacked you in the face. Run Baby Run!
You have 15 days to do it. No clothing (except socks or the nine inch red pumps), no games, and don't pay a crack head to double for you either.
BTW, did you guys see moose breath's face? I wonder who the lipstick wearing pig will reign her power mongering over on for the next two years? Poor Todd and the kids will soon be "The people under the stairs" in the Palin house.
Of all the blogs I lurk on I had to comment on yours, yes we did, and you better not back down from your Broad St run :) Don't lose my respect now!
I co-sign with momo, I am grateful to all of you.
Chris,Jody, wine dog,and kelleybelle, you guys have been freaking Obamaholics all along,and I really feel happy for you. And, of course, for the country.
I don't think we will realize how historic this is for a few more days.
Ahhhh this run....you guys are killing me.
Yes dc, I saw Oprah front and center. Girlfriend confirmed what we knew all along: She has some drag.
You betta run Fieldie, run Fieldie, RUN!!!
Hail to the CHIEF!
I didn't cry buckets like my wife did, but when the win was announced, I teared up too. Hell, Jesse Jackson's Obama-testicle-hatin' self was crying.
This is a moment to be remembered, cherished and hopefully repeated again in my lifetime, if not by a black man then someone of some other non-white shade.
And, as at least one other person already noted, now the hard work begins. But at least it begins with the right candidate.
Ok, I should not have called Sarah a pig. That was not cool. I am way too excited. I'm picking out the right shade of black to color the white house. :)
TOLD YOU SO FIELD!!!! VA - signed, sealed, and delivered my good man!!!!
Naj in Blue VA VA VA VA VA!!!!
Yep, I forgot about ms_hgrits,a true blue Obamaholic if there ever was one:) Congrats!
I have been crying off and on for two hours and I came over here to laugh my ass off at video of you running naked down the street. Instead, you made me cry even more by posting that comment!
We have lots of work still to come and you could see the burden of it on Obama's face as he gave his victory speech. But just like we achieved this, if we work together, yes we can! (And yes you can get your azz out there and run!)
World Series Champion Phillies and President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama. Man this is just too much.
(imagine if the Birds won the Bowl after this, omfg)
Pride. Simply pride.
I have not felt pride for my country for the past 8 years.
This evening, I feel we have come together as a nation and elected a man with dignity and intelligence to lead this nation into the 21st century.
I am a white man who is so proud that we have elected not a black man, or a white man, or a red man, or a brown man, but the best man to serve this country and to make us all proud once more.
And show of hands. How many of you are going to miss that Palin woman and Joe the bogus plumber. :-)
congratulations america... you put obama where he belongs..
the world was watching you.. and yes that was a sigh of relief..
the hard work begins now..keeping rabid red necks happy for four years will not be easy..the war on 2 fronts..health, schools..
i believe obama will surround himslef with the great and god to make sure his vision is realised...
am not one for fondue but god bless you america...
and field.. you will be baptised in the obama aid over the next few months.. i believe you will see the change that will take place but i also know you will ride obama mercilessly should he even begin to fugg up.. for that i give you a pass on the run...
oh hell no i dont..
get yer kecks off my man.. you should do it before it gets too cold.. you know what i mean!
mrs field.. please do not be mad at us. mr field put it out there...
Mrs. Reed's story was so moving: "I finally decided who I was going to vote for - and then decided to let him vote for me. I reached down, picked him up, and told him to find Obama's name on the screen and touch it. And so it came to pass that Alexander Reed, age 5, read the voting screen, found the right candidate, touched his name, and actually cast a vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.Oh, the vote will be recorded as mine. But I didn't cast it... I voted for a boy who now has every reason to believe he, too, can grow up to be anything he wants...even President."
Tears came to my eyes for the second time tonight.
i can't even speak--my throat is so raw from screaming and yelling it makes no sense.
and YES--for halloween my kids were:
and i was
but i couldn't decorate my face in red white and blue cuz we ran out of white paint :(
and to all of the haters that said we couldn't and we wouldn't--SUCK AN EGG! HI HATER!
It is 1:30am.... I just got home from a wonderful chamapaigne and fabulous food filled party. Where we hugged and clapped and cried and yelled in sheer joy. On my drive home, the streets were FILLED! People have blocked Broad Street and all the streets around... cars are going up and down the streets of Center City honking, cheering.... there is nothing but sheer joy in the early morning air of Philly.
I am spent. I worked the polls all day, I have cried, hugged, honked yelled.....
History, marvelous, wonderful, History.
btw field, i wasn't talking about you sucking an egg (even though you didn't believe in us for a minute there). i'm talking about those who were filled with hate and just plain old nastiness about us winning this election. they are the true haters and now they are seeing what we are REALLY about in this country!
i am SO excited, i can't even sleep! there are so many guys on the corners screaming and yelling and clapping, little babies still up clapping and cheering--it's a huge party and i am SO happy that we all got up and made a change!
Though I am not American, I am thrilled and so excited by Obama's win. What a wonderful thing!
Michelle Bernard (lovely sista btw) was right-wing when MSNBC started using her last year....they just had her on again, she just sounded like Farrakhan talkin bout "my beautiful black brothers and sisters".....crazy!
the ttue house negros will stand out tonight...the ones willing to stay in massa's mansion as that bitch burns to the ground...if you're black, i don't care how damn conservative you is, if you feel NO sense of pride or happiness tonight....and you feel NOTHING but anger and despair, then dammit YOU ARE A HOUSE NEGRO, UNCLE TOM, WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT.....period.
Hell yeah! My faith in this country had been renewed. What a wonderful and joyous day, I am at a loss for words. My only sadness is that my father, who protested during the civil rights movement, is not alive to see this day. YES WE CAN!!!
Field, you gotta run--nice try though!
Just had to stop by and tell you you were wrong. Those Phillies keep coming through .... =)
Hmmm....wonder why I have such a urge to watch nothing but FauxNews for the next few months?? LOL!!!
Oh please let there be a meltdown live on air...oh please let it happen when I'm watching!!!
President Barack HUSSEIN Obama!! LOVE IT!
We turned a big corner today.
Barack Obama will be the next President of The United States because he was the right man with the right message at the right time.
That he is African-American is a wonderful coincedence. A double win for America.
Yeah, and I've got itchy eyes and a stuffy nose too. It's beautiful.
God bless Barack, his family, his presidency, and all the rest of us.
Hugh in Oregon
hmmm wonder what mrs. hasselbeck will have to say in the morning on the View??? I will be watching tomorrow.
Cancelling a butt naked run down Broad Street would be House Negro behavior!
I knew this was going to be a glorious day nine o'clock last night when Obama took those small towns in New Hampshire quite handily.
I knew change was coming when the head coach of my Leafs hockey team voted absentee for Obama and some of his Republican players failed to mail in their ballots.
I knew change was coming when I serenaded my fellow Obamaholic coworkers with "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, Goodbye!" and it kept their spirits up.
I knew change was coming when I was heading home and listened to Savage Nation. The caller told Michael Savage he didn't know where he was going to invest his money, thought Obama winning was the End of Times, and said he was going to go back home to Syria. I couldn't stop laughing my ass off.
Since Cali pushed Obama over 270 three and a half hours ago, I still can't believe it happened the way it did. The last time I saw this big of an ass kicking was when Mike Tyson fought Michael Spinks.
Congrats, everyone. We made the impossible dream a reality tonight and the world will be better off for it.
Oh FN,
I believe America saved itself tonight.
I'm still stunned.
The GOP was beaten by community organizers!
Now I gotta make my way to DC in January, something told me to buy my ticket in July...I should've listened!
Field, I'll fry you some chicken (tastes better than crow lol). You are still by far my FAVORITE blogger of all time!
Field, I've been telling you about this for over a year.
Now, you have to eat crow.
And run naked.
yes Field, don't chicken out on us now..I have been lurking here for months in anticipation of your broad street show down..Get to it!
The Revolution will not be televised? Bull sheet! I saw it myself on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC...and even FOX NOTNEWS! Think of it...Black folks moving into the White House! I have never been so proud to vote! Hope, change, progress and inspiration are all words that come to mind. I think everyone should have a party on inauguration day...I know I will.
Peace from Colorado...a BLUE state
P.S. Artmaggot rules
Writing you from Manchester England field, I just dropped my son at school, expecting to see all the brothers and sisters with a smile on their faces... I forget I was in England. i have been hooked up to the election for so long. I am so proud og A-merry-ca. and neber thought I would ever so such a thing.
What an amazing night for President- Elect Obama and the world.
Yet--Field, I am torn about your naked run.
I feel it would be an amazing end to all of this-- But,
I can't seem to dismiss real fears of imminent frostbite to your, shall we say, extremities and your probable arrest. But at least we'd get a weeks worth of hysterically funny posts out of it.
Yet--still torn.
Yes We Did! thank you Field... you played a big part in this.:D
Brother Field.... thank-you for the past two years. I had just started playing around with the computer when I hit your site. Being a Panther you know anything Black I was going to look-see. I can now rest my anger and be at peace with America. It has been a long journey and I am glad that I survived to see things that the ones before me could not believe or hope for. Again, thank you and all your commenters for letting me have some hope. I will continue to check in now and then. Now this old Brother going out in America smiling.
I've read your blog every day for quite some time now, never leaving a comment before, but today I had to.
I'm so thankful Obama won, he had my vote from the start. I'm so hopeful of what changes he can bring, and what a brighter future America holds now for my daughter.
"Barack Obama will be the next President of The United States because he was the right man with the right message at the right time.
That he is African-American is a wonderful coincedence. A double win for America."
Hugh, that comment might be the most telling. How true.
"Cancelling a butt naked run down Broad Street would be House Negro behavior!
Ernesto, I agree with you.
And thank you long time lurkers for finally posting. It took the O man winning to make you do it. But don't stop now.
stillpanther2, I am glad you found us my man, and it's people like you who made this day possible.
And yes, where is granny? I hope she is out having one hell of a party.:)
Oh yes, FAKE NEWS. I have them on now. :) :) :)
that was an awesome comment field...i passed it along to others (and directed them to your site of course). just a greta day in america
I spent the day being sent around north Philly to pick up people who had no transportation and drive them to the polls. I've been to all these parts of town before, but yesterday no one seemed to even care how white I am... nothing but smiles.
The best one of all was when I pulled up to one address, to find it surrounded by a bunch of late teen-twenty something young dudes in white tees, standing around on the corner.
as I pull up, one of them smiles, shoots his buddies the deuce, and hops in my car. He looks over at me, msiles, shakes my hand, and says, "thanks for the ride. It's been a long time, can you sorta show me how this works?"
Even better, to my knowledge, no one turned over a car on South Broad.
Yeah - where is Granny?
Field! You're HOT!
hey mr. anonymous... you know, the anonymous that was gonna come here the day after the election to gloat? The one that said we were all dillusional?The one that said aint gonna happen. Where are ya, dude?
Well, let me be the first to tell you... Welcome to OUR America.... and you are considered a part of it. No hate for you from me.... come on in... you will find that I want to make a space for you..... That is what President Barack Hussein Obama has been saying all along...... Our America..... You, too, are welcome. President Obama's America is YOUR America, too.
Hey Field, why not ask a judge what he'd fine you for showing your ugly butt on Market St. and then donate that amount to a food bank?
That'd be good enough for me.
Dear Field.
I am so very happy, that I at least excuse you from your streaking down Broad St. I hope others will be so forgiving.
Steven D
God Bless America!!!!
My question is.....what are black Republicans going to do for the next four years?
Grinning and shuffling for a throughly defeated party while a black man is in the White House will look so lame.
Glad I was alive at this moment in time, true history.
Field, don't you have access to Granny's actual email address? Can you check in with her?
Let me add my voice to the chorus of "where's granny?"
Wouldn't be surprised if she stayed up way late and is just getting up now and firing up the old PC.
(I sure hope Sarah Palin didn't get her or something...we don't need Palin with a hostage we value, demanding a recount)
What we should remember that his election is the OPPORTUNITY for change and that our work is really just beginning. We all need to think now of how do we individually contribute to the change that is needed. What do folks think we in our communities and as individuals can do to keep this movement (and it is a movement) going!!!!
Field - I enjoyed you during elections (I'll still be around). But OUR tone may need to change a bit.
Now, lets get to work!
Wow, that was powerful! I am crying. I always bring my kids with me to vote. My 5 year old voted for Obama in kid voting. He is so young. But he has been excited over and over by the power of Obama's presence and speeches. My son is a white kid in an 85% black school and he has no idea of racial divisions. Now he has an opportunity to never experience the hate that many of us have experienced before. I remember being a boy and hearing my friend's dad say to him, "The only way you can bring home a black girl is on a leash." WTF!!!!! It is sometimes difficult to rise above the brainwashing from our senior generations, but in order to bring our country to a truly GREAT level we must obey our constitution. All men are equal! Let the growth begin. YES WE CAN!!!!!
Hey just want to say congrats from Australia...I think the whole world is also happy.
A lot of people (myself included) didn't think America would do it..But to our delight we were wrong =)
Finally, after 8 years of failed policies (yes i stole that line) and international ridicule, the US should be proud of itself. And at the moment Obama's victory is an inspiration to the whole world..
Here it is, Wednesday morning, I still don't entirely believe what happened last night but I'm so glad it did.
I left a friends house just after the election was called so I could make it home in time to see the speech with my boyfriend who was getting off work. I missed the rally in Grant Park because I couldn't get tickets and wanted to be able to share the moment with him. Getting off work at 10:30 there was no way he would make it downtown.
As i walked up to the bus stop a young brother (probably too young to vote) who was holding the front page of yesterday's paper smiled at me and asked how my night was going. I replied that it was absolutely amazing and I was in disbelief. He smiled at me with this serene peaceful smile and said, "It couldn't be more beautiful. What a great night". There was hope in his face and I knew it was no dream. This was our new reality.
I didn't cry last night but can't seem to stop this morning.
Even after the networks had called the election for Obama. I still sat it my computer until almost every state was in.
Call me greedy but I wanted Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida, BAD! 349 EVs!!
A total repudiation of the Republican party and nothing less. DAMN it feels good to be a "liberal".
God Bless America, God Bless and Keep President Obama
No excuses Field, man up. :):) Last night for me was an amazing experience. I was at a naacp watch party here in CT. The crowd went crazy when it official that he would be our next president. Dj was spinning "Ain't no stoppin us now". Strangers were hugging, men and women were crying. It was an experience that I will never forgot along with standing in line with my 18 year old son voting for the first time. I explained to him that he was part of history.
I was astounded by the international response of Obama’s win. I think that sigh of relief from overseas more than anything should let “small town” America realize the absolute power American influence has and that we have sent a positive signal as a democracy--and that is all our voices matter.
I am glad that I voted, even as I witnessed the disgusting racism that oozed out and the utter ugliness of my “fellow Americans”. His speech was inspiring in that hopefully those fearful will understand that he is not pushing some pathetic jingoist Muslim Black affirmative action agenda, but an agenda that will hopefully help all Americans.
He will however be under the most intense pressure that any Black person will ever be—He cannot fuck up even a millisecond—at all.
Nevertheless, Congratulations President Obama, you have inspired so many, more than you can ever know.
We never got 40 acres and a mule so we just took 50 states!
Not to burst your bubbles, but Obama is as much Irish as he is African.
You couldn't have had this without us and we couldn't have had this without you.
The defining moment of this election is not the color of this man's skin, but that his parent's looked like this:
Time to get a grip on that fellow Americans.
Erm, like this:
At least you didn't write a book about it! :-) Shelby Steele must be 'bout ready for his crow sammich.
11 05 08
I cannot wait to see a pic of your naked ass. I am happy you were wrong about the psyche of America. Now, let's pray for his success and wellbeing.
I'm disappointed, I was expecting to take a trip to Philly just to see you naked Jamaican ass streak!
Field, I've been admiring your posts for a year now and finally found a place to put one. You've kept it real, and made me cry too. http://www.politics.com/blog/2295/#comments
"May I eat chicken instead of crow?" he,he...eat whatever you want Field as long as you got your carbs...run Field run!
Dear Everybody,
Tonight we went to the Range in Bernalillo to celebrate with everyone who worked so hard for Obama at the office in Bernalillo. It was an emotional event beyond describing. And we all gathered around the television to hear him speak. For three months the big group of volunteers went in every single day for twelve hours a day. And slowly, gradually, and with events unfolding that made it imperative that I, too, should go in to work -- never having worked in another political campaign -- I was motivated by this superb human being, Barack Obama and I was horrified when that woman's crowds chanted the same horrible hate which I had thought was gone but was just festering -- motivated by these two things, the man himself and those who chanted hatred -- I walked into that office only three weeks ago and said: I will work every day until election day. And tonight I had the very great privilege to stand with about a hundred souls in the Range here in New Mexico to listen to the most profoundly important acceptance speech in the history of our country. Gary and I wept, sobbing in -- what? -- relief and love and something so heart-strong that I can't describe it. And all week, dialing phone numbers of imperfect strangers, talking on the phone in endless hours, I heard this phrase running thru my mind of when Martin Luther King said:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
And tonight Gary and I cried in public and the whole room was in tears-- the kind of tears that feel like burdens and joy, all mixed up.
With love in these times,
I'm listening to Bill O'Reilly on internet radio..Still sipping on the Hateraide. Hollering that we're broke and that Barack can't do this or that..blah blah blah
What can I say that hasn't already been said by the amazing people who comment on this blog?
I am happy.
I am proud.
I am hopeful.
And most importantly, I am forgiving Field of his run.
Ahhhhh who cares at this point?!?!?!
My following posting on a gay website about CA Prop. 8, which repeals gay marriage there, might be of interest here.
It passed 52%-48%. The polling data shows that blacks made the difference. They were 10% of the votes on Prop. 8, and supported it by a 70%-30% margin. Whites and Asians, voted no by 53%-47%, and Hispanics voted yes by 51%-49%.
Perspective, people!
In 2000, the anti-gay marriage proposition passed by 61.4% to 38%. In 2008, the anti-gay marriage proposition passed by 52% to 48%. In the intervening time CA passed civil unions, and those are unaffected by Prop 8.
Do I like this outcome? Hell no. I am really disappointed. If nothing else, it puts a damper on an otherwise joyful occasion. It's especially wounding to me that the black vote went 70%-30% against us. Even though I know I shouldn't, I can't help but take it a little personally. I worked hard for Obama, and gave him a bunch of money. I feel a bit betrayed, not so much by him -- he announced his opposition to Prop. 8, which I thought took some guts -- but by black people in general.
Gay people and straight black people have to somehow build some bridges, and as a middle-aged white gay man I don't have the first clue as to how to even start on that. It occurs to me that one step is to confront racism within the gay/lesbian community, which remains too focused on beautiful white men. I would say the same thing with respect to Hispanics and Asians. The gay/lesbian community needs to make its outward face look more like America than it currently does.
Something else occurs to me. Gay people come across to the majority as frivolous and privileged. I suspect that this is part of our problem within the black community, where the poverty rate is double the national average and where other economic indicators are also generally lower.
Maybe part of the outreach to straight black people needs to be a matter of showing that, for all the seeming flash, the vast majority of gay people are hard working, everyday people who live real lives just like anyone else.
I also think gay people need to more directly confront the Mormon Church, but to do so in an intelligent way. Utah money did this. Check the records, and you'll see. Mitt Romney is going to be a potent force in the Republican Party, and the Mormon influence will only grow.
But amid all the disappointment, you've got to try to see through the tears and look on the bright side. We reduced the margin of loss from 24 points to 4 points in eight years on an issue that is burned into a whole lot of people's basic circuitry.
I grew up at a time when "queer" was an insult whose power was more deeply wounding than I can tell you. The city where I lived, Milwaukee, would send nice looking undercover police into gay bars, take them into their own homes and arrest them there for making a move.
Those arrests, complete with addresses, would be reported in the local newspaper. The convictions would be upheld. Jobs lost, suicides committed. Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has invalidated "sodomy" laws. The city of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, and the State of Wisconsin have gay rights laws.
Disappointment is natural, and it's understandable. I compare it to how I felt in 1986 when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld sodomy laws and issued an opinion that mocked gay people. It was a crushing blow. Sixteen years later, that court reversed itself and struck down sodomy statues.
I am one of two gay people in my family, and have a brother in Massachusetts who is married to another man and they have five beautiful kids.
Two of them are African American, and one of them is Hispanic, and another is mixed race. Today is a joyous day for my brother's family, but it could have been even happier if California had only beaten back Proposition 8.
But we live, and we fight another day. Be disappointed, but try not to be bitter. Previous generations of gay people had it unbelievably worse than we do. We will pick ourselves up, we will dust ourselves off, and we will get back in the ring. That's the way it always has been, and it's the way it always will be. So hang in there!
Field... That is not Broad Street. That is all. Thank You. LOL!
why the need to remind us that his mother is white/ this is something all black americans face everyday. Our features and tone don't always resemble that of Africans, take Kenyans for example, is this some new notion for some white people? We, blacks americans know we have white relatives in the family.We all have similar family trees like President Barack Obama. The fact is All Americans have black and white relatives.
No excuses Fields, we know Jamaicans can run, So do your thing. It will be a cold day, so we'll allow for some shrinkage.
Yes we can!!!! All day long!
Whelp, Granny is so elated, I can't put it in words this morning. People are put in our paths for a reason and a season. Very few people grasp the lessons to be learned from people put in our path, and yet, there are some that do. This day like everyday in our lives was already preordained before the beginning of time. It is our destiny!
Today Granny is elated for more than one reason. History has been made with Obama being elected the first African American President. I knew that he would be elected President without a doubt and one of the reason I was here posting on this blog was to encourage some of you to believe. The other reason I'm elated is because a child who got lost along the way has been steered back on the right path.
Let me share me share that story.
A young man in my neighborhood couldn't read. He had given up HOPE, because of the obstacles he had faced in life and circumstances he had to deal with. For a long time now, I had been encouraging him, inspiring him to learn to read and get an education by grabbing his attention and planting good seeds in his mind. Sometimes I would teach him things in our history that are not taught in school.
A few months ago, I found out that he had been learning how to read, secretly, not only that he registered to vote for the first time in his life and voted for Obama. Yesterday, one of my grandchildren told me that the young man has enrolled back in school. Like Obama said, "YES WE CAN", Granny has always believed that even before Obama said it.
I didn't encourage the young man by putting him down, turning my nose up at him, or pointing out his flaws and shortcomings. Instead, I greeted him with a smile, kind words, and treated him with dignity and respect. It paid off and my reward is that a child that was lost is found. So it is a double victory today in Granny's book, history has been made, and a young person has been saved from death and prison.
Hallelujah! God does exist, he exist in our hearts, it's that spirit within you leading you to do what is right and stand up for the truth that gives a gentle tug at your heart, it's that quiet voice within you telling you to do what is right and stand up for the truth. But some folks have so much hatred and mess smothering the good in them, until they don't heed it. Obama's speech was a call to our nations for true humanity and love thy neighbor as thyself. United we stand, divided we fall. Now we can say, The UNITED States of America, and mean it.
BTW, I hope they change their minds and let Obama's Aunt stay.
black conservative woman:
This message is for you. Go back to that older post that you and I were posting back and forth to each other on. I left a good word for you there, and you will be blessed by it.
Ralph Nader calls Obama UNCLE TOM
I was in no way an Obamaholic after having witnessed years of slick talking negroes. Last night was huge. I am finally proud to be an American. I am surprised that Colin Powell hasn't been offered a position, and isnt interested in accepting one. I hope the blacks in Chicago and DC take this moment to rethink using guns to get their points across. Who knew the AntiChrist/ Karl Marx could cause so much happiness! ha ha...
Re: Red Devil--I have to say it was odd watching the Fox dude tear into Nader for the "Uncle Tom" comment. I don't know if those conservative bourgeois swines were caught in the gravity of Obamamania or if that on guy is just somewhat decent.
And Field, if you play with your cock a little bit before going for the run its getting larger should about balance out the shrinkage. Don't get hard, just make it a little longer but keep it soft.
Left this on JJPolitics
Is it possible to feel a little sorry for Mccain? To respect him a tad bit more than Bill Clinton? Not rhetorical questions. I think we can. The concession speech--coupled with what's in Huffington Post on campaign revelations (from the Russians and Chinese hacking Obama and McCain's campaigns to McCain being kept in the dark re: Palin's clothing budget) makes me think McCain's mea cupla was sincere. The joke on the GOp is that between the lines, he blamed Palin and the redneck wingnuts for whom she speaks. Joe the Plumber was outvoted by Sydney the Cubicle Slave, and Sydney could care less about Guns n God. McCain was the man of 2000, not 08. He said I messed up by going rightwing, and going negative, saying silly things. It seemed Barack understands this.
The revelations on Clinton are telling. John McCain never took Barack for granted; Bill labelled the campaign a "fairy tale." So between my recitations of Lift Every Voice and Sing, I sigh a little for McCain. Sorry. The old man f-d up.
I never thought I'd say this, but:
We finally did it right and helped his O ness score a freakin' landslide!
I haven't felt like this since the Brits dismantled their last tower in Belfast...smiling, crying, so excited for the future, and in this instance, proud of my country.
Creeps like Bill-o the Clown, Pat Buchanan and even Fatty-fatty-fat-fat Limbaugh, all of whom at this point appear to be subsisting on a diet of lies, delusions and Haterade, can't burst my bubble today. Today I can smile at their antics and their red, angry faces, and pity them.
I try not to look down on people, because it's wrong, but I truly pity those who can't embrace this moment in time, this truly awe-inspiring piece of history, that has been so long in the making.
And Field, I'd excuse you from that run, too, but I believe the yea's have it. ^_~
that picture is the laugh of the day.
i just saw it now!!!
grannystandingforth, like many others I came looking today for your comments because you did inspire me each time you wrote. Thank you! your story makes me happy. As much as the election win, hearing the stories of so many people around the country that I would never otherwise know has moved me and changed me. Bless you!
Hey, Field, this is one happy goddam white Democratic Philadelphian who will be waiting with a warm blanket for you when you finish that Broad Street run!
"You could have said, like this cynical blogger, that A-merry-ca was not ready to elect a black man with a Muslin name"
A "Muslin name" is a Freudian slip on your part. Muslin is the kind of weave that is see-through, but not quite. More like opaque. A "Muslin name" suggests that someone's real intentions are not yet transparent or visible to the eye.
field, it takes a man or woman to apologize with qualification and say "I was wrong."
I posted today on the importance for all of us to step back and reflect on the beauty of this day, the momentous time in history: what it means for our country, our families, our children.
And, field, a little brisk run into the wind never hurt anybody.
Yeah Granny! Nice to hear from you, and to see that you survived your big party ;)
anon.2:41PM, not slip, typo.
"Hey, Field, this is one happy goddam white Democratic Philadelphian who will be waiting with a warm blanket for you when you finish that Broad Street run!"
dan leo, wait for me at Broad and Oregon.
Woozie, you are on sick f*%%&r :)
Dear Field,
Run Baby, Run!!!
I've never posted before.
I'm a teacher at a continuation high school in South Central LA.
I've followed your blog daily for a couple of years. Thank You.
I drank the koolaid some time ago, but I am one suspicious lady. You have kept me laughing and jumping around the internet for info more than any other website. Your web
address is permanently on my chalkboard to inspire my struggling young students.
I have also been inspired and entertained by all the posters.
Iam so grateful to have lived to see this day. We are truly standing on tall shoulders, and I'm proud to have been able to cast my vote for Obama. I'm ready to put my shoulder to the wheel. The next four years will be hard, but yes we can!!
"between my recitations of Lift Every Voice and Sing, I sigh a little for McCain. Sorry. The old man f-d up."
After hearing that concession speech, I conclude that John McCain is a good man who fell in with a bad crowd. I sincerely hope that the Real John McCain returns to the Senate in January 2009. We're going to need everyone.
Love overcame hate, Hope overcame fear.
Barack H. Obama
Presdient of the United States of America!
Ok FN,
I was too exhausted to process what happened last night. When I checked for your blog I burst into tears right in my office.
Thank you Mrs Reed!
BTW, I'll look into a charter bus or caravan for all the DC folk to witness this firsthand.
But take heart, no one raises money like the OBAMANIACS!! We'll all pass the hat so you'll have enough money to get bailed out and fight your legal troubles.
awaiting Date, Time, Place.
Oh yeah, one more thing FN,
Fear was SOOOO last election cycle!
Our 44th President-Elect BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his family will all be just fine. Thank you.
Now, I'm gonna need you to edit your Congratulations at the top of the blog.
Right on Field, we all did it.
I wonder how "White Power" is feeling today.....I hope he post really soon...i find his comments very funny..
Oh, and if anyone hears about a public interest law firm that needs a computer geek/librarian, let me know. I think I have a few useful years left in me.
Yo Yo.
When I saw that Obama took Jersey, I was ELATED!
I drank the koolaid. And boy was it good. I am still beside myself that we fought to elect THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!
= = = = = =
Give to classroom projects in high-poverty schools via DonorsChoose 2008: Friends of Fackin Truth Blog (Participating via the AfroSpear with Black Bloggers for Education).
Let me share a dream I had back a few years ago, while studying the bible. I saw a silhouette of a man's body, in this silhouette were people of both genders, all ages,all nationalities and races that fit into that silhouette like a puzzle.
We are all a part of the body of Christ, every human being is a member of his body. The hand can't do without the arm, The foot can't do without the leg, The head can't do without the neck, so on and so forth. Every single part of the body is important, on down to the rectum, and plays a unique part
We the people of the United States, and the World need each other more than we'll ever know and we've got to learn to love one another unconditionally, throw all of those negative labels away and embrace one another as our fellow human beings so that we can come together.
I was reading today how the world was touched and rejoiced over Obama being elected President. What draws people to him, is the goodness in heart towards humanity.
I had someone send you an e-mail, but you never opened it. Subject: What This Election Means To Older Voters. Attached to it is a power point presentation, and turn on your speakers, because it has sound to it. It's powerful!
Not bad ... Not Bad at all Field Negro’s ...
One of the joys of living in the ATX is her people (Keeping Austin Weird); this morning at the office, chocolate cupcakes with the Obama sun logo were everywhere. Travis County did her thing 66% for Obama.
Mr. Alexander Reed, Sir.. Thank you ... Granny, once again for the choir “you cannot cursed what the Lord has blessed”
In the words of my favorite fictional President Josiah Edward "Jed" Bartlet “What’s Next”
The butt naked ass run, with someone named Johnson.
Oooo, I like the cupcake idea! I'll do that for my Inaugural Party.
Today at the library I had a call from a patron who was fact-checking an article that she read in USA Today. She found it hard to believe that there were still people in this country who weren't allowed to vote until Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965--the one that lost the South for the Democratic Party for four decades--until last night, in fact. Then she asked me about women and Native Americans. I think maybe I should work up a little presentation on the history of voting rights in America. It will open some eyes for sure, especially in this privileged corner of CT.
I grew up in Texas, and I remember my mother having to pay the poll tax in order to vote. I don't remember how much it was, but I want to say $5 or $10. Back in 1966, when it was finally abolished in Texas, $10 would buy a generous week's worth of groceries.
Damn, this really is like standing in line for the DMV. Don't ask me how many minutes it took for me to read all of your comments, or whether I needed a bookmark. :)
It's been nearly twenty-four hours and I'm still on cloud nine.
I have a feeling this isn't going away anytime soon.
As for Prop 8 not passing in CA, don't sweat it. We're going to strike it down in the courts as unconstitutional like we did Prop 187.
And God willing, we'll run the Mormons out of Cali, too.
Greetings from the Windy City! You think ya'll happy over there-You should be HERE! Truly this was one of the GREATEST MOMENTS in A-Merry-can History! Been following your blog since around the DNC and I dig what goes on here. I would love to find that guy in the motorcycle photo with the white house on his shirt and stamp "Not Any More A-Hole!!!" across the back of his shirt! I dont have a stamp so I would have to dip my size 13s in some ink for that one! God Bless A-Merry-Ca and God help the IGNORANT!
Please God Field, come over to my site and check out my posts for 11/4 and 11/5.
please have that email sent to me again.
brother, you know i will always be standing right next on Cynics Row...but even I was couldn't help but be inspired. We all know that this doesn't mean America has become a utopia of sound policies and racial harmony, but we have proved to ourselves that if we really want that (which remains to be seen) we can have it...
Who would have thought a senate race between two black men four years ago that no one was listening to would have become this...
Field hasn't posted tonight.
Wonder if he is in the lock up?
thank you Jesus, you are still here, i missed you so much, thank you to whoever gods that may, i love you granny.
I called Jody in Philly and she said it is rainy, so she was doubting that Field was running tonight. She did say she was too tired to go bail his azz out, so she hoped he did not run tonight. Maybe our Field is tired himself. It has been an emotional 24 hrs. Sleep well America. We have lots of work to do to support our new President Obama.
I stopped reading you back in Feb or March, not because of your critique, which is great (everybody deserves to be held to the test) but because of your relentless and depressing unbelief. It was too, too much. If you had been right, all you would have been able to say is "I told you so." Would that have been worth it?
So, yeah, now I say:
And welcome to the club!
i respect your integrity and your skepticism... you weren't alone. but you are still free to join in the revelry of the Movement.
OBAMA '08!
...and field negro's heart grew three sizes that day.
been reading your blog for some time. you're bringing some healthy skepticism to all our white self-congratulation these days-it's good to keep things in proportion. But President Obama is 100 reasons to feel good. I see his huge achievement as a far-reaching outpost in Parityland--we can civilize the rest of the territory a lot more easily now.
I really wanted to say that Mrs. Reed's post was powerful stuff.
I choked up too.
for the first time in decades, we're gonna have a president who's actually presidential.
a true statesmen. a natural leader. i keep feeling like we've been saved from a great fall.
Damn! I cried twice!!!! I'm so glad that my daughter who is Black, Dominican, Irish, and Cherokee Indian can grow up proud of her country!!!!!
My family will definitely be there to see the first Black President sworn in!!!
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