So now comes news that a fourth police officer in Oakland is dead, (the family hasn't pulled the life support system yet because the victim is an organ donor) shot by a maniac and life long criminal who swore to his sister that he wasn't going back to jail. His name was Lovelle Mixon, but there was nothing loving about Lovelle.
I am not going to talk about the obvious, because I am sick of sounding like a broken record, but as some of you eloquently stated in the past, this is going to get worse before it gets better.
And let's keep it real with each other. If we are going to be outraged when police officers shoot unarmed men on a train platforms, we need to be equally as outraged when some psycho shoots four police officers who are trying to take him off the street. I am not too familiar with Oakland, so I am not sure about the relationship between citizens and police there. (Maybe some of you folks who comment here on a regular from Oaktown can help me with this) But I am sure someone is going to make excuses for this psycho, and none should be made. Just as none should be made for the officer who shot an unarmed man in the same area not too long ago. Some will argue that the shooter is a product of his circumstances and environment, and considering the behavior of those transit police officers and some police officers in this country, he developed a shoot em first mindset.
That might or might not be true, but he was still a fucking psycho with an obvious long criminal history, and he did not deserve to be living among the rest of us.
"A man who did not want his name to appear in print and who works at a barber shop on the corner of MacArthur Boulevard and 73rd Avenue, said he heard gunshots from outside and went down the block, where he saw two officers lying on the ground near each other.
'I went over to one officer and saw he was bleeding from his helmet pretty bad,' he said. 'The other officer was laying motionless.' He said the officer lying near a car had two gunshot bullets near in his face. One bullet was lodged in his jaw and the other in his neck.
'I went over to one officer and saw he was bleeding from his helmet pretty bad,' he said. 'The other officer was laying motionless.' He said the officer lying near a car had two gunshot bullets near in his face. One bullet was lodged in his jaw and the other in his neck.
The man said he proceeded to give the officer CPR until police arrived on the scene."
Sorry sir, whoever you are, but you don't deserve the Lovelle Mixons of the world around you, either.
Why are black people so angry and violent? I don't think things have changed much since Obama was elected.
I think Obama should put forth policies and legislation that will attempt to change the hearts and minds of black people.
My hope is one day i can tell a black person "good morning" with out being beat unconscious and mugged.
I'll feel sorry for a dead cop when just one of them pays for the crime of killing/shooting an unarmed black man.
I'm thinking I will probably never feel sorry for a dead cop.
Field, I just blogged on this too. The crowd near the scene taunted the cops. Ron dellums at least acknowledged the loss. From someone like him, that's about as much support from him the cops can expect. At least Jerry Brown added some insights in the parole system.
What do we do? I asked the question, how do we take out the garbage/trash in our communities (niggahs like Mixon) without emperiling or opening ourselves up to rogue cops?
Then there's the other issue: black folks protesting in the streets when a kid like Oscar grant gets shot, but no one protests the Mixons. They're just accepted as a given. And you wonder why Rush Limbaugh gets so much traction...
Oakland's black establishment has long been involved in 'stop snitching.' The most obvious example of this is the case of "Your Black Muslim Bakery." This was no ordinary bakery, it was run by a black nationalist group. The black muslims who ran the bakery were involved in everything form welfare fraud to murder. Despite mounting evidence of criminal activity, the black community embraced the bakery. This all ended when black journalist, Chauncey Bailey was murdered by bakery members after they found out he was investigating them. Where was the outrage over the murder of an award winning black journalist? There were no protests, riots, no nothing. THE BLACK COMMUNITY ONLY CARES WHEN WHITES KILL BLACKS. The African American community of Oakland is morally bankrupt and the city is a war zone.
Today there were blacks cheering the murder of police officers! The only life they value are thugs and criminals who hold their community hostage.
Anon. & Chris, are you saying that there were people actually at the murder scene cheering on this killer and taunting the cops? Damn, I think you all have Killadelphia beat, because as bad as shit is here you wouldn't see ordinary folks out in the street taunting the cops when a cop killer is on the loose.
I am curious, maybe someone from Oaktown can help me with this: What is the racial makeup of the OPD?
I'd like to thank the overwhelming majority of policemen who put it on the line and honorable men to serve and protect society. We rightfully go after the bad ones, but a day like today we need to remember to praise those that deal with the Lovelle Mixon of a world daily.
The sociopaths that walk among are getting scarier and the answers are few and far between. A big part of it is we have a generation of men that don't have men in there homes to show them real manhood and instead they buy the fake vision of manhood that says that guns and murder make you man.
No they weren't "cheering." There were taunts basically out of anger or "serves you right." Some reports have it as cheering but that wasn't the case. In the end, whether it's a cheer or a serves you right, it's still utterly wrong. As wrong as Oscar Grant dying.
The irony is that violent crime is down in the whole Bay area...
Why not just withdraw the police from all black neighborhoods and close down the police stations? Maybe the Nation of Islam could patrol them then.
Of course White folks are all Angels with hearts of gold. Get the eff out of here.
It's hard for me to feel any sympathy toward the slain officers.
In some perverted why, I feel this is karma. Too bad it wasn't Mehserle who was killed.
Anon 9:42pm I understand your anger on a basic level, but your comment is wholly inappropriate and indeed counterproductive to the point of being foolish.
Lovelle Mixon is the villian here. No one else, except perhaps the people in the community who look the other way or don't care?
I'm am going to check the report on Nat Turner's Revenge.
I was acquainted with Mark Dunakin. He was assigned to my area when he was in Community Policing. He was a good person, worked well with the neighborhood, and he was a good police officer. When they identified him last night, I just lost it. Losing four cops is such a tragedy but having a positive history and memory of makes it personal and heartbreaking.
"The African American community of Oakland is morally bankrupt and the city is a war zone."
Let's see. Cops kill black men all the time. When a black psycho unloads on white cops the entire community is bankrupt. Well, at least Blacks and Whites think alike. When white cops kill innocent Blacks, there is just a very "small" number of bad cops on the force. When "one" psycho unloads on white cops, the "entire" community is bad.
That makes good sense.
I wonder why we didn't call out white folks after the Alabama rampage? It's ugly that these 4 officers were cut down by this psycho but some of the bigoted stuff I've been reading just has me laughing.
Stories like this seem to bring out a lot of anonymous writers. A lot of "they deserve it" or "what can you expect" or "they are all like that". Notice those statements can be inter-changable depending on what horrible side you choose to be on. I am with Field, there are psycho's on both sides and most of us get trapped in the middle. We need to call it on both sides. Deal with it on both sides. The solutions may be different by not mutually exclusive.
We are in a storm of violence. It comes from a culture of violence that we have created. Unless and until we seriously address the use of violence to solve problems, from our homes to war.... we will continue in this sickening downward spiral and there will be victims on all sides.....
Einstein said, "The first to raise their fist in anger, is the first to run out of ideas."
We need some new ideas.
Let's see. Cops kill black men all the time. When a black psycho unloads on white cops the entire community is bankrupt. Well, at least Blacks and Whites think alike. When white cops kill innocent Blacks, there is just a very "small" number of bad cops on the force. When "one" psycho unloads on white cops, the "entire" community is bad.
How many black men have been killed by white men in oakland? Now compare that to how many black men have been killed by black men.
The five-year average for homicide victims in Oakland breaks down as follows: 77% Black, 15.4% Hispanic, 3.2% White, 2.8% Asian and 1.6% Unknown. The five-year average for homicide suspects in Oakland breaks down as follows: 64.7% Black, 8.6% Hispanic, 0.2% White, 2.0% Asian .01 and unknown 24%.
So who do you fear the most?
It was the community who called in that two officers were down. It was the community who called in to report where Mixon was located. Black people all over the city are shocked and saddened by this. Only an ignorant ass would suggest black people don't deserve police protection.
Where this incident happened was about two blocks from a major police substation. The death toll in this area is staggering.
Sidebar: I've been very vocal about the Bailey investigation and the way it has been handled. That's politics involving police brass, the eight stooges on the Council, and yes, the Mayor. It has nothing to do with four veteran officers losing their lives.
As for Oscar Grant, had he shut up and sat down, he'd be alive. The fight on the train that prompted the police response was witnessed by close friends. It was witnesses on the train that called the cops. Grant may or may not have been in the fight but he was with the combatants who were involved in what was described to me as a very violent fight. People make choices about who they associate with and what they do. Grant worked up the street from me at a local market favored by the organic crowd. His employers were devastated by his death. It's a tragedy that could have been avoided if Grant had made different choices. He did not deserve to be killed at point.
To suggest that four cops paid for Grant's death (caused by BART police,not OPD) is simpleminded.
If all cops are responsible for what happened to Grant, then the white racists are right when they want to hold us all responsible for the criminal acts of a few other black people.
I do believe that some black folks, like a couple who posted here, don't give a damn about the daily black on black carnage that plays out on our streets every day. When a white person, or a white cop, kills someone black, it feeds an obsession some folks have with being victims.
Bailey's death is a very good example. He was about to expose corruption about Your Black Muslim Bakery when he was assassinated. Black people didn't, and still don't, give a damn. Just another dead negro, who cares? Right? If he'd been shot by a cop, he would have been used for political purposes by people who still wouldn't have given a damn about him.
@west coast
I'm the Anon at 10.21. I understand and agree with your post. There is a lot of black on black carnage that is routinely ignore by all. I agree with Field that this Psycho should not have even been given the chance to kill these innocent officers. Oscar Grant's case has NOTHING to do with this. What I do have a little issue with are these (what I assume are White) posters who come in here posting nonsense about how we are all animals. I don't remember any of the reputable black blogs allowing nonsense to be posted about the White man who went on a killing spree in Alabama a couple of weeks ago.
"Some will argue that the shooter is a product of his circumstances and environment, and considering the behavior of those transit police officers and some police officers in this country, he developed a shoot em first mindset."
Don't forget the cop who shot the innocent 73-year old man in LA. He should have had a shoot first mindset. At least, that L.A. cop would have received what he dished out. Did you notice that no one was outraged about that? Of course not. It's quite common for the police to kill black men, most of whom ARE innocent.
Yep. Karma has its own way of working things out.
I'm so sorry for the friends and families of the four officers who were killed in the line of duty.
Because you asked the question, Field, and NOT because I'm trying to condone or excuse what happened, I'll say that anyone who has lived in the Bay Area knows that Oakland's PD has a long, sordid history. They are also understaffed, underpaid and overworked, and facing extremely tough conditions. Everyone has a gun. From growing up and living in the Bay Area, I remember a lot of negative stories about the Oakland PD: from the murders of black activists 30 years ago, the routine brutality of the kind that led to the founding of various human rights organizations, including the Ella Baker Center. And apparently there has been a lot of division within the police department lately, with some carrying on the old ways, and others calling in the FBI to investigate. If you look, you can find documentation of police misconduct, institutional racism and a double standard of policing in Oakland as in many other cities, and also lots of people trying to change that.
Oakland is also a big, rough industrial port city. The cops have also had to deal with the worst of the Hells Angels, the rise of crack and gangs, the SLA murdering city officials, and more recently the whole twisted affair leading up to the murder of journalist Chauncey Bailey. When I watched The Wire, I thought Baltimore had a lot in common with my memories of Oakland: a port, neighborhoods blighted by drug traffic, plenty of corruption around land development, the whole nine yards.
Many good people have been working to make Oakland a better place to live, and the Ella Baker Center is one example of many. I'm sure that westcoaststory's connection with one of the slain officers is also true about the Oakland police department: that there are good people who work there, doing good work.
To add another sorry layer to the context of this event, Mixon was 26 and had been in and out of prison for most of the last 7 years. The youth prison system in California is totally f***ed up, and has been the subject of litigation, investigation, and calls for it to be shut down. Read the White Paper at the Ella Baker Center on the California Youth Authority.
These are not excuses, folks, but they are facts: there is little trust of the police for historically valid reasons; the police are facing intractable problems of armed violent offenders with few resources; the prison and parole system in CA have been overburdened with insane levels of incarceration of nonviolent offenders because of the drug wars, and are a huge lobby in the cesspool that is CA politics.
Mixon was hiding in a closet when he fired through the door and killed two of the SWAT officers and wounded a third.
Jody-"We need some new ideas."
You are so right. Until then, we will continue this cycle of violence into hell. It is rooted in racial hatred. I think the election of Obama has hastened the violence and multiplied the hatred.
Karma is way behind, then; needs to get it's butt in gear.
My sympathies for the police officers families.
Field...that guy is the face of America.
We are the country that started off by invading and destroying entire cultures, so that we could take their land, and resources.
Hell...we are the country that carpet bombs other nations just because we have excess munitions lying around in huge stockpiles.
Yet we always tend to act surprised and outraged whenever someone goes on a rampage of this sort. The funny thing is...the mainstream media would be fawning all over this fucker, and they would be pinning medals on his chest if he was in a battalion in Iraq, or Afghanistan and did this to a few civilians that happened to look suspicious.
When I was growing up, Oakland, along with Richmond, had the worst crime in the Bay Area.
But, things got better. Especially, when Jerry Brown was mayor and during the relatively prosperous Clinton years.
All that changed when the Motherfucker from Midland was president. Crime in both Oakland and Richmond rose and gang violence became rampant.
To quote JP:
"A big part of it is we have a generation of men that don't have men in there homes to show them real manhood and instead they buy the fake vision of manhood that says that guns and murder make you man."
That is the complete truth.
God bless the families of those who were killed
Shaking her head.
A product of his circumstances? They're a reason, and not an excuse. When are the bleeding liberals going to stop using that one?
My prayers go out to the families of the officers who were slain.
Mad props to you, Field, for calling out this piece of trash.
Please look at the DOJ crime stats; blacks commit homicide at seven times the rates of whites, and 94% of black homicide victims are black! Yet, you would think cops were mowing down black people left and right by some of these posts. But hey, if you want to keep embracing the victim role, that's fine, no other ethnic group wants it. I guess every society needs a permanent underclass.
"Why are black people so angry and violent? I don't think things have changed much since Obama was elected."
Is that a rhetorical question? FYI, this anger and violence didn't start with Blacks. It started with White anger, violence and killing of Blacks. That damn cop who shot that 73 year old man still lingers in my mind. I wish he could have taken that sleazy white cop out before he died. That would have been justice in my book. The court system with our lousy white-bred thinking judges and lawyers, ain't going to do a damn thing when it comes to prosecuting cops.
Some Whites, like yourself, are always wondering WHY Blacks are angry and don't like them. You seem to be looking for Blacks to love and forgive you for past injustices. But you continue to show that you don't give a damn about the injustices handed to Blacks, especially by law enforcement. I don't hear any outraged voices from Whites about the brutality and killing of innocent black men by police--like Oscar Grant. That's because you think less of us. But let OJ kill his white wife out of anger and jealousy, and you scream so loudly for justice that it's heard throughout heaven and hell.
BTW, have you forgiven the black race for what OJ did? I still hear Whites bitching about that.
Well, Blacks have a much longer list of grievances than yours. And you ask why Blacks are angry? What are you, stupid?
Anon 10:27-
"So who do you fear the most?"
I fear people like you with a biased mindset against Blacks. You are unable to see it's not just statistics, it's a human problem that must be solved for all Americans. Otherwise, the violence will soon be coming to your neighborhood.
But like the typical American, you will ignore it until it shows up in your neighborhood. It'll be too late. But America is always late in solving it's problems. That's why our days are numbered before violence and racial hatred consumes us.
This is horrific....I wonder how old Lovelle was when his life veered towards a path of parole, crime and low paying jobs.
Was he nine? 12? Or maybe it was from birth?
Of course he's responsible for his choices but I'm reading his family's reaction to this reality but no one is saying what age Lovelle was when he became capable of killing another human being.
And how many more Lovelles are out there, waiting to go off like bombs.
"And how many more Lovelles are out there, waiting to go off like bombs."
There are plenty of Lovelles out there. They start at 8 yrs old when they 'finally' get the message that no one cares. That's when they stop trusting and caring about humans.
"If humans don't care about children, then children won't care about humans."
This story out of Oakland is making me think of the murder of Chauncey Bailey and the men who are suspected of killing him and the one who confessed to the murder but later recanted.
Field, you are right. There is nothing left to be outraged about.
"If humans don't care about children, then children won't care about humans."
That is exactly the issue. We live in a brutal society built on the twin godheads of Native extermination and African enslavement, currently manifesting itself as imperialist wars of conquest.
Context is everything.
Seen in its proper context this behavior of killing people you never met before is predictable and unremarkable!
Christopher: I am no fan of Jerry Brown. He built some housing downtown, he completely gutted the police department, and he did little else. During the boom dot com years, he managed to do nearly no economic development. It sickens me to watch him use this incident to campaign for governor.
Under Brown, OPD shrunk down to some of the lowest levels ever. Whole units were disbanded--the gang unit and Beat Health.
Crime began dropping under the previous mayor in the 1990's. Crime took a frightening spike under the last year and a half of Brown's term beginning in 2005. Brown left us a police department that had to rebuilt almost from the ground up.
Brown used the police like his own private gestapo. He hired two police chiefs that were worse than useless. Brown was viewed as the great white hope. Being mayor was the first step back to being governor. He's a privileged spoiled brat who's never held a real job in his life and has the attention span of a two-year old. He'll prbably be the next governor.
To everyone who cheers the death of these officers, karma is a bitch and she will. find you.
"Seen in its proper context this behavior of killing people you never met before is predictable and unremarkable!"
Very true. Violence is a natural outcome in America. Violence is costing us dearly. We are falling like a fire trail out of the sky.
'If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.'
I agree Field, but I've seen two other killings in this hood, since I stay right up the hill from where these murders took place. We must get the guns out of these kids hands and start having Beat Cops in our hoods. I am a tied Black Man. Kids killing kids, and all having guns. I can't chastise these kids for fear of being shot. Economics and education have a noose around Oakland's black community. Senior from the Hood!
It is difficult for me to feel sympathy for cops when they consistently get away with so much.
That being said though it's bad when anyone loses their life.
"I can't chastise these kids for fear of being shot. Economics and education have a noose around Oakland's black community. Senior from the Hood!"
aecharles, you are in our thoughts. It shouldn't be like this, you should be able to enjoy your home and your community in peace. :(
"Why are black people so angry and violent?"
I have a post coming about that, so hang with me. In the mean time, read a book called "All God's Children". And your question should have been, why is A-merry-ca so violent?
Let's just pray that this summer won't be so violent.Every group has a excuse for committing violence,the gangs,the tea bag parties,the police,everybody.I haven't seen a year where so many black men kill themselves.There was a rapper in New York that chose to kill himself than go to jail.Someone needs to calm all the different communities down.Let's hope it's a cool summer in more ways than one.
A tourist from the Bay Area mentioned this to me yesterday.
I'm looking forward to reading your post about violence in America.
It's a sad situation and I fear things are only going to get worse.
"shot by a maniac and life long criminal who swore to his sister that he wasn't going back to jail."
Then we need to do him a favor and send him to a chair.
To some of you: I personally don't feel anything for the cop, but the fact is he killed a cop (which should still stand for something), and the guy was also a human being. Not to mention, these maniacs are total menaces to society, especially black societies. If they have the friggin chutzpah to kill a cop, could you imagine what they would do, or have already done to innocent civilians like me and you? I'm sick of the excuses and that sad story line "no body cared about me" bullshit. No pity here.
sorry, I had DSL issues...
"There are plenty of Lovelles out there. They start at 8 yrs old when they 'finally' get the message that no one cares. That's when they stop trusting and caring about humans."
This is where parents/grandparents can be a cure. We must improve our communications with our kids. Stress to them what its like in a white rule country. Teaqch them how to adjust to the system where their lives are enriched rather than endangered.
cw in los angeles
I used to live at 68th and MacArthur. A lot of bullshit goes down in that area in the first place. I lost more than one dinner on the grill while we hid inside waiting for the chopper to quit shining the light down in our yard.
There's so much going on here. On one hand we've got a community that wants the crime to stop, on another hand we've got gangs and real trouble, on another hand we've got an entire community that is so downtrodded they wouldn't know the American dream if it showed up on their porch with a big red ribbon, on the other hand, we've got the don't snitch "ethic". Put it all together and you've got one big fucking mess.
The Oscar Grant killing was wrong and deserves our outrage. The killing of these officers was also wrong and deserves our outrage. Like I said three months ago, where's the outrage for the other 145 black folk who were murdered on the streets of Oakland last year? Trust me, they weren't killed by cops, they were killed in drive-bys and at p parties and found dead on street corners. Where's the outrage for those folks? Oh yeah, if you tell the cops who did it you're a snitch. When did the prison culture move out onto the street? When did we let it? When are we going to say enough is enough and put the prison culture back in prison and start bringing the American dream to every neighbor, every American in the form of decent services, decent schools and opportunity?
"Let's see. Cops kill black men all the time. When a black psycho unloads on white cops the entire community is bankrupt. Well, at least Blacks and Whites think alike. When white cops kill innocent Blacks, there is just a very "small" number of bad cops on the force. When "one" psycho unloads on white cops, the "entire" community is bad."
You nailed it.
Its cool, Y'all kill alot more of each other anyways... Keep smokin that Marriage-Wana Porch Monkeys...
Why protest the dead cops? The shooter is dead. If he wasn't dead the police would turn the place upside down until he was caught, tried and convicted. If they couldn't catch him they'd grab someone else and say he was the shooter. When white men kill cops does the white community protest? Did they protest over Tim McVeigh. Why do we have to own this knucklehead?
When black men are killed by cops they say "gee sorry" it was an accident. No one does time. If cops are getting "antsy" out there because of the violence, how do you expect someone who lives in these violent neighborhoods to feel? Why do you expect them to have middle class values.
I'm not from Oakland, but I know that every major city in America has programs aimed at mentoring, employing, and finding nonviolent activities for black youth. Instead of protesting, volunteer. Instead of hiring more cops and building more prisons, donate. Instead of writing black people off as animals, help pass policies to educate the youth.
In my first professional job, I was befriended by a couple of "old timers", who were considered by their peers to be some of the very best at what they did. They provided advice and mentoring to the new kid on the block.
Through the years, as jobs changed - we'd wind up in the same companies or competitors, but always maintained a professional friendship until I went into a new industry, and one of the guys took off to work in Asia for a few years.
Ran into them again some years later fishing on the Potomac River. Turned out several of the guys from the old company had boats, so we set up a family raft-up and barbecue at one of the boater beaches to drink suds and reminisce. The most senior guy, we'll call him John, was on his way back to Asia that fall, for a year - and we moved our boat over to the Chesapeake Bay that fall, so we lost touch with the gang.
The following year, I ran into John at a large bank, where my company was doing some IT work. John told me he and his wife had broken up, apparently while he was off in Asia. He'd gotten in to right-wing politics, and had become a survivalist. He proudly told me about buying a new rifle, ammunition, and stockpiling food...
Two weeks later, he shot and killed two policemen, who were approaching his house responding to neighbor complaints that he was drinking on the front porch of his townhouse with his gun on his lap...
He was executed by the State of Virginia 10 years later.
A week ago, my wife handed me an obituary. It was for the wife of a senior vice president of a large corporation we had both worked with for years. He had shot her, in what was described as a "domestic altercation". Funny thing is, that "obituary" seems to be the only thing that made the news...
Now, both of these guys were white, and in the second case there isn't enough information to know what went on, but...
92-94% of murder is intra-racial. For the terminally stupid bigots like Analosity - what that means is white folks kill white folks, black folks kill black folks... and so on.
John went off the rails. Lovelle went off the rails...
There isn't any fucking racial component to it.
"Then there's the other issue: black folks protesting in the streets when a kid like Oscar grant gets shot, but no one protests the Mixons. They're just accepted as a given. And you wonder why Rush Limbaugh gets so much traction."
When you have cops killing innocent citizens or acting criminally then there is a societal breakdown.
That's is one of the reasons this situation in the hoods of places like Oakland and Philly have gotten so chaotic.
People have seen the cops acting like gangstas in their neighborhoods and have lost what little respect they had for authority in the first place.
And you can have all the "Stop the Violence" vigils and protests you want (I've participated in them) and the Lovelle Mixons of the world aren't going to listen or swayed in any way.
These are cold blooded sociopaths who have rejected societies norms or any sense of right and wrong.
I personal feel good that he's no longer here.
Hey Field - Why don't you post THIS story!
Young, gifted, and black...
eloquently stated fn!
we must not endure killer thugs or killer cops
and yes
we are witnessing more than a generation of turbo thugs
this is also why our public schools are doomed
see more here:
How come nobody ever protests about how easy it is to purchase guns in the streets? Seems to me that's where we need to focus.
People like Lovelle are always going to be around. Now if their access to guns were weakened, things might just be a little bit different.
Not giving anyone a pass here, but it's well known that there has been a volatile history between the police and the residents of Oakland since the good old days of the Black Panther Party of the 60's.
Another statistic that won't get counted -
The Homestead is an interesting place with a long History - being established in 1766, and having as Guests many of our Presidents from Thomas Jefferson on.
It's also the location of the previously secret, Cold War Era underground bunker for Congress and their families.
The question I've asked myself since this is why don't I care at all? The same day of this incident, a police car followed me all the way home ,all the while punching away on his computer, I was terrified as I am anytime I get near the police, why is that always the case, that black folks are to fear the police, and, yet, when one of them has something bad happen to them, we are to sympathize with them? Sounds callous, but, as a law abiding citizen, I still fear the police more than the local thug and I've never been in trouble.
I lived in Oakland most of my life and my folks still live there, as a matter of fact they live 8 blocks from were this happened and a few miles from the Oakland Coliseum.
There are a lot, A LOT, of Lovell Mixon's in the area and they terrorize the neighborhood 24/7...and they dare you to complain.
They ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING but commiting mayhem in the area.
Most of the people there a good, hardworking folks and elderly people in this district but it is a very poor neighborhood.
East Oakland's councilwoman, Desley Brooks, is a loud mouth, do-nothing, has been lawyer with a 60's "Black Power" mindeset who ignores the crime BUT they keep reelecting her. She's part of the worst city government on the West Coast.
Because Ms. Brooks and the people that enable these thugs (their grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.) like it just the way it is. They make excuses for "our poor black youths". And the thugs bring home the cash. That includes the "Cause of the Month" Oscar Grant.
This is the cycle.
Frankly, I don't care at all why this monster did what he did, or how bad his childhood was, hell, mine wasn't that great either.
He made his own choice's in life and I'm glad this urban terrorist is dead. It's the dead cops and their families that have my sympathy.
For all of you that feel no sympathy for men killed trying to protect the neighborhood, just don't call the law when you get jacked or beat down. I give you 10 seconds before you run to a phone and call for help.
It's just a matter of time before the meadia starts reporting the cliches of his "traumatic childhood"..."his ___ children" or "how he wanted to get his life together". Oh, and that all-time favorite, "The cops WAS always harrassin' him!".
Good riddance!
My prayers to our fallen officers.
Jack J: I hear what you are saying. My aunt used to live on Ney just off of 82nd. Until she moved in with her daughter, we wer all terrified for her. I have two friends who live within a couple blocks of where the shooting took place. These cats running the streets are fearless. My aunt did not have to fear the cops, she had to fear the thugs.
I hope to see you at the tomorrow night's vigil at 74th and MacArthur at 6PM. I hope everyone in Oakland who is reading this will be there.
Because Ms. Brooks and the people that enable these thugs (their grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.) like it just the way it is. They make excuses for "our poor black youths". And the thugs bring home the cash. That includes the "Cause of the Month" Oscar Grant.
Where the hell are their fathers! Can you please name me any racial or ethnic groups that abandoneds their children the way black men do? No wonder the community is in such dire shape.
You KNOW a Brother is having a bad day, when...
New Siena Poll finds Gov. David Paterson's approval rating at just 19%
By Kenneth Lovett
Daily News Albany BUREAU CHIEF
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson's job performance ratings have crashed thorough the floor, with less than one in five New Yorkers saying he's doing well, a new poll shows.
Just 19% of those polled gave him a positive rating, while 78% turned thumbs down, the Siena College poll found. That's down from 51% positive and 45% negative in the same poll just two months ago.
How bad have things gone for a governor?
New York's first black governor trails Attorney General Andrew Cuomo 55-22% among black voters in a potential 2010 primary.
Overall, he would lose to Cuomo 67% to 17%, the poll found. In late January, Paterson held a small lead over Cuomo.
"The speed of his falling numbers is staggering," Siena Poll spokesman Steven Greenberg said.
Two months ago, voters viewed Paterson favorably by a 54% to 34% margin. The latest poll has
him at 29% favorable and 58% unfavorable.
A whopping 67% of voters say they'd prefer someone else for governor next year, compared to just 14% who say they would vote to elect Paterson to a full four-year term.
The poll found black voters would prefer someone else to Paterson by a 52%-25% margin.
In a hypothetical matchup, Paterson trails badly to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, while Cuomo has a healthy 10-point lead over the Republican...
Damn... That's competitive numbers with Drugbo!
I mean... this scumbag Lovelle, who just viciously murdered 4 cops has higher "positive" ratings than that...
Even if it is only with the thug and bigot crowd.
Here's more from the SF Chronicle:
"He's not a monster," said his sister, 24-year-old Enjoli Mixon, whose apartment on 74th Avenue was where Mixon was slain in a gun battle with police that left two Oakland SWAT officers dead. "I don't want people to think he's a monster. He's just not. He's just not."
I feel for any victim that is murdered/killed. That being said I hold no empathy for Mixon, he made the wrong chocies. I was surprised that these officers especially the SWAT team members were so easily gunned down by a thug. Perhaps recent violence and killing of unarmed victims caused these officers to hesitate and not aproach ready to shoot to kill. There are no winners in this situation. Innocent people will keep getting killed; criminals will always exist...only time will allow the victim's families and the communities to heal.
On a side note, any person that rejoices in the killing of another is an idiot.
I'm a white guy who has lived in Oakland for over 30 years. As has been the case for decades the African American community are the ones almost always victimized by soulless bums like Lovelle Mixon and the majority of them, who work their asses off every day, try to build a community and are terrorized by these scumbags have little or no sympathy for them. A further tragedy is that so little press goes to guys like the one who administered CPR (not mentioned in the NYT article) and instead goes to the small collection of dickheads who were taunting the cops (and who got much more coverage in the press), stoking the fires of racism that characterized way too many of the readers' comments in the Chronicle. Oakland has one of the very lowest cop-to-citizen ratio in the country and for the most part I've found the ones I've encountered to be good people, though I own that I might not feel as strongly about this if I lived in East Oakland.
Though I make no excuse, for generations blacks from the Oaktown flatlands have been themselves victimized by an absolutely shitty, corrupt school system. I've often said that like so many things, the wonderful results of the civil rights movement has had its unintended negative consequences, i.e., the understandable flight of the folks who do succeed from these neighborhoods. In the bad old past, at least, when successful blacks were stuck in these neighborhoods, there were more role models for the kids to look up to and a much greater sense of community, i.e., "we're all in this together".
I wonder what got Lovelle into trouble in the first place, years ago.
With no evidence other than his age and his neighborhood, I'd bet it was over "drugs." And I'll bet that was how he made his living, working with a gang selling/making/protecting "drugs."
Brother RiPPa asks about how easy it is to buy guns in the streets; but I add-- howcome these snot-nosed kids have the MONEY to buy guns? (I understand Lovelle was using an "assault rifle"-- speaking as the Field's resident gun guy, I know they ain't cheap)
One facet of our solution is really simple-- legalize "drugs." All of 'em. After all, those who are suffering from using them are still getting them, even though they're illegal. Legalize 'em, and you put Lovelle and his krewe out of business, depriving them of the scratch they need to buy assault weapons and ammo.
Will there still be Lovelles running around? Of course. Would it disarm the gangs overnight? Of course not. But it would eliminate the reason for them to arm themselves as well as remove the profits that pay for said arms.
By the way, for all of you "anonymi" decrying the violence of black people-- There are plenty of violent white people who agree with you. And you are the reason why I'm not giving up MY guns.
Thanks, West Coast.
I'm out of town but I'm sure the rest of my folks will be at the vigil.
An Cinco, I have no problem in "rejoicing" in the killing of a monster. I'm sure there are many in East Oakland that can sleep better knowning Mixon isn't patrolling their streets any longer.
Save your homilies, they don't work in the real world.
By the way, for all of you "anonymi" decrying the violence of black people-- There are plenty of violent white people who agree with you. And you are the reason why I'm not giving up MY guns.
Stay out of my neighborhood and I'll stay out of yours.
Wow!! As a very recent Oakland emigre/refugee, ex-Panther; 30-year teaching/mentor veteran of the public schools in Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond, I feel okay about responding to your post, FN.
My initial response was, "finally...at least he [Mixon] didn't miss...". While I appreciate what police officers have to deal with EVERY day, trying to describe or justify my negligible sympathy for these four officers and their families somehow eludes me...on the one hand.
On the other hand, I deliberately chose to retire (early) from teaching BECAUSE of the rampant and growing acceptance of our failure/victim-hood evident in our youth - exceptions notwithstanding. Naively, perhaps, I used to think that we Black people were better than this.
Where and when did we cultivate this worship and celebration of 'gangsta/thug' prison culture-behavior? How did we get to this point where it is fashionable to choose and accept "No snitching" in exchange for the TERRORISM under which many of us have to live?
For those of you out there who have never lived in the SF/OAK/BERK/RICH Bay Area - bless you.
And, we have run out of ideas. How to solve the conundrum and enigma of the prison industry vs 'cleansing' our communities of urban terrorists? - god bless us all...maybe we are, indeed, living in our last days as civilized(?) people.
Stay out of my neighborhood and I'll stay out of yours.
How do you know I don't already live in your neighborhood, tovarisch?
Yob t'voyu mat'.
How do you know I don't already live in your neighborhood, tovarisch?
Yob t'voyu mat'.
I know because their are no noirs in my neighborhood.
ne'gre, bon chance!
We are the country that started off by invading and destroying entire cultures, so that we could take their land, and resources.
Thank you, tjwash! I think about this all the time. I'm always amazed at how outraged white folks get about black criminality, but never raise this type of outrage at this country's and other European nations' barbarism towards non white peoples throughout the world.
Jack J said: "It's just a matter of time before the meadia starts reporting the cliches of his "traumatic childhood"..."his ___ children" or "how he wanted to get his life together". "
Nope. In all fairness, the media only seems to do this for the white and Asian criminals. It's all part of the privilege package of having non-black skin. (Could you imagine how nastier people would have been if the Octumom was black... holy sh*t).
Now, what amazes me is that it seems to be some of the very black people who are more vulnerable to this gangsta terror, are the ones still trying to pacify the behavior of the black male criminals.
"Thank you, tjwash! I think about this all the time. I'm always amazed at how outraged white folks get about black criminality"
Who is responsible for more comprehensive damage?
Lovelle Mixson or Bernard Madoff?
Analosity burps - "Stay out of my neighborhood and I'll stay out of yours."
Geez... Considering that about half the black folks who regularly visit this site are professionals, who probably live a good deal up the hill from you...
That's going to be a real "career limiting decision" on you driving around in your pickup truck looking to rake leaves and shovel driveways.
Racist Joke About Malkin Incident (Fox Sports 970) Inappropriate!
Pittsburgh Penguins standout and NHL scoring leader Evgeni Malkin should answer to the NHL for his disgraceful hit to the head of Kings forward Wayne Simmonds in the waning seconds of the Penguins’ 4-1 victory over the Kings Friday at Pittsburgh.
Malkin got his left shoulder into Simmonds’ face as Simmonds was pursuing the puck, and the blow clearly dazed Simmonds for a few seconds. It was a needless, senseless play seconds before the end of a game that had been decided — and it’s exactly the kind of shot to the head that the NHL claims it’s intent on ending.
Wayne Simmonds is a professional ice hockey player, currently playing as a right wing for the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL). He is one of a small number of black players in the league. A right-handed shooter, Simmonds was drafted by the Los Angeles Kings in the second round of the 2007 NHL Entry Draft, 61st overall.
It’s inappropriate to recite the racist joke that the men at Fox Sports 970 decided to share about the Malkin incident Saturday evening. In short, they thought it was hysterically funny to make a racist joke about the NHL being racist, the color of the puck, and the like. It obviously likens Wayne Simmonds to a hockey puck and played on a long-standing African-American racist slur.
To Pittsburgh’s absolute shame and regret no one made a fuss about how inappropriate the racist joke was. As a city we should do something more! But, what?
Apparently, Fox Sports 970 wanted tongues furiously wagging, enraged emails, letters and phone calls pouring in. Now they will put forth the predictable defense calling this a parody, a free speech right, and harmless spoofery.
George Lopez, D.L. Hughley and Eddie Murphy all talk about race in their jokes. However, they understand the fine line between what is funny and what is truly offensive. People who don’t get this go into entertainment purgatory and pay for their sins. Can you say Don Imus?
Will Simmonds get any justice?
Similar to the drawing, from famed cartoonist Sean Delonas (a cartoon likening the author of the stimulus bill, perhaps President Barack Obama, with a rabid chimpanzee graced the pages of the New York Post), the Fox Sports 970 racist joke was rife with violent imagery and racial undertones.
Nonetheless, the most important question? Does the NHL apply equally to grunts and superstars.
No consideration should be given to the fact that the Penguins are in the thick of a playoff race. Malkin should have considered that before he delivered that very dangerous blow to Simmonds’ head.
First known as “970 The Burgh,” today, WBGG-AM calls itself “Fox Sports Radio 970.” It is one of the premier destinations for Pittsburgh-area sports fans, serving as a flagship for the Steelers, Penguins and University of Pittsburgh Radio Networks.
"I'll feel sorry for a dead cop when just one of them pays for the crime of killing/shooting an unarmed black man"
How ironic! The brother of the unarmed elderly white man brutually lynched here is Seattle by a mob of black teenagers stated that he has never received an apology. Nor has one of these young black men have been charged in his murder. Apparently their families are cozy with the Urban League and have been able to keep justice from reaching them.
I live in Seattle where in the last 2 years we have had 4 white people, 3 of them senior citizens, brutually attacked at random and beaten to death by mobs of black teenagers. How many times have white teenagers done the same to black folks in Seattle? NONE.
We have had 13 shootings in my neighborhood in the last 2 years. How many have the perpetrator been a black man under 30? 100%. EVERY SINGLE TIME About 1% of the population is black men under 30.
I am sick of whenever black folks are victims of murder by a white person, like the young black man in Oakland, some black folks see these 4 murders as somewhat justified. Yet if us white folks took the same stance when blacks committ henious crimes against us.. well, you know. I should add that justice was not served in 3 of the 4 cases. Two of the black teenage girls who took part in the lynching of James Parloine, a war veteran, have not been charged. And in the case of the Tuba man, a senior citizen brutally murdered by around 10 black teenagers, not one has been charged in this murder. Eric Townes, a white man who held two minimum wages jobs while caring for his dying mother was stomped to death at random by 5 black teenagers "for fun". Not one of them did more than 5 years. I am furious at black folks (and I know Field you aren't one of them)who never notice that white folks too don't get justice. Many of us are furious that justice hasn't been served in many white of black crimes (and I would include the Duke rape hoax as one). But it's not socially acceptable for whites to protest and riot over injustices when the perpetrators are people of color. Because of this many people falsely are under the impression that when legal injustices happen involving blacks and whites it is always the later that benefits.
"When black men are killed by cops they say "gee sorry" it was an accident."
When black men kill white women in carjackings we don't see any outrage by black folks. Black man killed by cops and we are supposed to protest on your behalf? Uh, no. The same weekend Oscar was killed two young white women were killled in two different car jackings. Both times the perpetratorss were black men. Both women were giving people who did volunteer work and gave back to society. Their lives were taken by black men who thought their lives were worth less than a bottle of Crystal. I don't see white women killing black men to buy a pair of Manolo Blahnik's. And if we did, you know we would hear about it like nobody's business. But we have to believe that the young black men with their $700 shoes, $3000 of gold chains act out of dire poverty. We never hear black men who kill in order to finance their gangsta lifestyles referred to as being priveleged or entitled. Hmm.
I'm disgusted by a lot of the comments on here...such as "why are black people so angry and violent" by anonymous. I'm guessing that anonymous doesn't live in East Oakland. I live 33 blocks from where this all went down, and as much as I deplore the loss of human life...seeing the treatment that the residents of East Oakland recieve EVERYDAY at the hands of the predominantly white police makes me understand why this happened...sometimes a breaking point is reached, and thats when an abused, frustrated and armed population lashes out. That point was reached in Oakland on Saturday.
Field, normally I'm 100% with your commentary, but your take on this particular incident seems to have encouraged a bunch of fools to comment about "all these crazy black folks"
And if we want to talk about body counts...the OPD has killed WAY WAY more than 4 innocent black men/women in oakland in the past few years. Until some real actions are taken to reform the police into an institution that actually serves the needs of the people, instead of oppressing and terrorizing them, this kind of violence won't stop.
I agree, Jane Doe, those same incidents have happened in Oakland (blck kids killing white or asian seniors) with few being brought to justice.
As a matter of fact, a mentally handicapped white man was stomped to death a few blocks from where the officers were slain and the killers are still at large.
We have a culture here of making excuses for these "youths" who would sooner beat you than talk to you. The relatives of these criminals fight tooth and nail to make their in-house thug a victim and they are supported by our local community "race pimps".
The excuses need to stop and we as black people have to demand accountability of black people by our black community.
Jane Doe and Jack J.
Ugats to both of you.
17 year old Noah Jones of Pasadena, MD was stomped death on the street by 6 white boys who didn't spend a day in jail and the Baltimore DA DROPPED THE CHARGES.
I am sick and tired of people, PARTICULARLY CONSERVATIVE BLACKS, racializing crime.
A thug is a freakin thug period.
The big difference is that when whites brutalize or murder blacks they often get away with it as was the case with Noah Jones and the scores of white cops who shoot innocent blacks.
Now, I challenge each of you to show evidence that these blacks who victimized whites in your area were not charged and or given bigtime prison sentences.
The Noah Jones case.
"god bless us all...maybe we are, indeed, living in our last days as civilized(?) people."
I don’t think America has ever been civilized. During the Jim Crow days, Whites hung black men simply because they wanted entertainment at their picnics! How violent and uncivilized is that? Nothing much has changed today, except they don't hang us. Instead, the police shoot and terrorize us, devalue and disrespect us, and trample on our human dignity. What causes black rage is that Whites get away with it. Now, everyone is surprised and shocked that Lovelle blew away four policemen. Don’t be. It was bound to happen.
I remember how thrilled Blacks were when OJ got away with murder, even though they cared nothing about him. What Whites had been doing to Blacks for centuries, OJ gave back to them a taste of their own medicine. Lovelle gave the police a taste of their own medicine. Blacks, whether in or out of the hood, don’t condone what Lovelle did. However, as Chris Rock once said about OJ’s crime, “they understand”.
Today, Blacks are mirroring what has been done to them for decades--with one little twist: They are now including white policemen and innocent Whites when they shoot. Oakland is merely leading the country. California likes to be on the "cutting edge" in matters like this. But Philly has always been competitive...right Field?
The karmic violence that Whites embraced long ago is returning to them. “What you do to another, you do to yourself.” That’s the corollary to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Too bad those good hearted white Christians weren't able to follow the golden rule when they started this country. America might have been different today. It's too late now.
This country began with killing and violence, and it appears as though it's going to end the same way. As our deep thinking President George Bush once said, “this sucker is about to go down.” He was talking about the economy, but it pertains to the violence and racism as well. At least he said something right.
Yo Amy MO. You are disgusted by some of the comments here? So am I, including yours. Lets take a look at your, uh, logic.
"and as much as I deplore the loss of human life...seeing the treatment that the residents of East Oakland recieve EVERYDAY at the hands of the predominantly white police makes me understand why this happened"
Black men under 30 commitover 1/2 of all murders in this country even though they make up about 3%
of the population.
"sometimes a breaking point is reached, and thats when an abused, frustrated and armed population lashes out. That point was reached in Oakland on Saturday."
Very histrionic of you. As I noted above Seattle has had multiple lynchings occur in which justice was not served. If we the abused population lash out against the abuser we would be seen as the KKK, since the abuser in all these cases has been young black men, the victims white. I should add that the KKK also had your attitude. They too believed that the law wasn't serving them so they had no choise but to take the law into their own lands. Every lynch mob has their excuses.
"And if we want to talk about body counts...the OPD has killed WAY WAY more than 4 innocent black men/women in oakland in the past few years."
And black men have killed WAY WAY more innocent white women in this country than the police have killed innocent black men. Don't hear you too upset about that!
"Until some real actions are taken to reform the police into an institution that actually serves the needs of the people, instead of oppressing and terrorizing them, this kind of violence won't stop."
Until the vast majority of violent crime isn't committed by young black men the association of blacks and crime won't stop. Seattle is not oppressed and terrorized by the cops. We are terrorized by black lobby groups who label people "racist" for talking honestly about their experiences of abuse and crime so many of us suffer the hands of their little victims.
"Black men under 30 commitover 1/2 of all murders in this country even though they make up about 3%
of the population."
And 90% of the murders committed by these young poor uneducated inner city dwellers is intramural carnage between themselves.
If you're white, you are far more likely to be victimized by one of your own little towheads than some black inner city thug.
UPTOWNSTEVE- http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008902266_tubaman22m.html
anonymous-"What Whites had been doing to Blacks for centuries, OJ gave back to them a taste of their own medicine."
Actually white women and jews haven't gotten away with killing black men for centuries. But I understand, facts don't matter. Every time a black person uses that cliche I demand they name all those white women and Jews who have done the same thing and gotten away with it. They are never able to list one, let alone all the thousands they say have occured for centuries. Perhaps one day a similar incident to the Crown Heights Lynching will occur except the lynch mob will be Jewish and the victim Black. I'm sure Blacks will defend the rights of the Jewish mob to get away scott free since Blacks have done the same to Jews and not served time. After all the murder of Ron Goldman was the 2nd time in my lifetime that a black man has lynched a Jew and walked away free. Yeah, you sure are oppressed!
Field, next time to ream Rush, Sean, Laura, Michelle, et al bear in mind, from reviewing some of the responses to your post, what I said in the beginning--they exists largely because we have our version of dumbasses. It's dueling extremes, with normal people having to navigate or even avoid the shouts and crap from both directions.
Pls. come over to my blog and lend a hand. LOL
P.S. I'll lay odds the Chosen One and AG Eric, our nation's highest law enforcement official, aren't in the "dead cops as karma" camp, eh? Peace, mi fellow Yardie...
"Perhaps one day a similar incident to the Crown Heights Lynching will occur except the lynch mob will be Jewish and the victim Black."
What in God's name are you talking about?
Didn't you hear of Howard Beach?
Yo Field, didn't some white dude in Philly kill several black women and bury their bodies in his house during the 90s?
I'm glad for this topic. I'm glad for people like Amy MO and Anon 4:48 to show just how backward, ignorant, and hateful some black people are. You all would be right at home with the Klan.
So Amy, (who lives all of 33 blocks from where the cops were killed, like that acutally means something):
Did the cops kill the guy who was shot to death four blocks from my house Saturday morning?
DId the cops kill the young single mother asleep in her bed so she could get up in the morning to go to work and go study nursing?
Did the cops kill the guy at the Qwik Stop who was robbed at gunpoint and murdered?
Did the cops paralze Christopher Rodriguez?
Did the cops murder Chancey Bailey?
Did the cops kill any of the dead bodies that are periodically dumped along skyline boulevard?
Do the cops kill people for wearing the wrong color?
DO cops kill people in their front yard while they are (1) watering the lawn or (2) unloading laundry?
Do the cops shoot grandmothers who are stepping out of the family car after a shopping trip?
Do the cops kill a security guard at the EBMUD facility?
Do the cops kill a guy watching TV in his mother's house?
Did the cops commit the long list of crimes Yusef Bey IV is accused of in some kind of police frame deal?
There were two unsolved murders on either end of my block a couple years ago, shall I assume the cops did it?
Almost 20 people have been shot and killed so far this year. One by BART Police, none of them by the Oakland police.
Amy, the next time I hear gunfire, shall I call you since calling the police is too dangerous? Should I call you the next time my neighbor's partner kicks the crap out of her? When I see the neighbors giving MJ to their toddler, should I just let the kid enjoy a good time? Should I call you when my neighbor is attacked in her front yard by some thug who wants her purse? Or my other neighbor who was one step inside her front door when she was mugged? I hate to tell you this girlfriend but the cops don't do this crap.
I know people like you. You don't give a good goddam about any of these people. You like making some twisted political hay out of people's lives you care nothing about. What needs to happen to you is some thug needs to shove a gun in your face and demand your car keys, purse, or worse. Maybe you can reason with him about his lousy childhood and he won't blow your brains out. I know you won't call the police because it would be too dangerous.
west coast
What do you suggest law abiding citizens do about violent street thugs?
Mixson is dead.
He didn't "get away" with anything.
Ernesto said... “We live in a brutal society built on the twin godheads of Native extermination and African enslavement, currently manifesting itself as imperialist wars of conquest.”
Anonymous 2:56 AM said... “Violence is a natural outcome in America.“
BT said… “John went off the rails. Lovelle went off the rails...
There isn't any fucking racial component to it.”
FLASH (Anonymous 1:00 PM) said… “I used to think that we Black people were better than this.”
bklyn6 said... We are the country that started off by invading and destroying entire cultures, so that we could take their land, and resources.
Thank you, tjwash! I think about this all the time. I'm always amazed at how outraged white folks get about black criminality, but never raise this type of outrage at this country's and other European nations' barbarism towards non white peoples throughout the world.
Anonymous 4:48 PM…. “The karmic violence that Whites embraced long ago is returning to them.”
The points from these quotes that struck me so forcibly are that the writers see this problem from a racial prospective or from an “American” or nationalistic prospective.
Look at HUMAN history. All peoples and many cultures embrace violence. Countries are traditionally founded on violence. Peoples destroy what they could to get the land and resources; then and now. It is not white, not black, not European, and not African; it is all of us, every one of us.
The solution will only happen when we can look in the mirror and fix the problems in ourselves. Anon at 4:45 pm talks of “the karmic violence that Whites embraced…” Is the violence that blacks endure their Karma? Hogwash! No one deserves this, but it will take all of us to end it.
BT said… “John went off the rails. Lovelle went off the rails...
There isn't any fucking racial component to it.”
I agree with BT wholeheartedly. (This did not appear in the prior post; my apologies.)
Curious. Especially, when you stop to consider the morons at CNN let Glen Beck run for more than a year before he finally fled for FOX Noise.
Beck enjoyed ratings so low that Nielsen was unable to get a pulse and attach a number to him.
"In the mean time, read a book called "All God's Children". And your question should have been, why is A-merry-ca so violent?"
Field, that was a great book. It should be a must read for every American. The anger and criminal behavior of that guy is tame to the ones today.
@ John;
My comments about 'rejoicing' was meant to the losers who were celebrating the death of the 4 cops- not the idiot Mixon. I have no empathy for him. A long time ago someone tried to tell him what to do, how to behave, and how to make the best choices...he refused to conform. He chose to take the wrong path and apparently was proud of it. He's another example of why I'm so conflicted about prison reform and rehabilitation. These habitual offenders are worthless scum. I fully support any state that institutes the 3 strike rule. Either that ir send these losers to the 'real' wars and let them carryout the urban warfare in Iran, Afganistan and anywhere else. But these fools would find a way to turn on other friendly fire and claim they had some logical reason for doing such.
Just more examples of how there are too many damn people in the world.
Uhhhhhh... Steve... you are "arguing" with one of the New-KKK trolls. AKA "Jane Doe" is a common pseudonym used by a particular group...
You will find background (And all of "Jane Does" talking points) on each of the crimes mentioned here:
American Renaissance... Here's the wiki, just in case some of the folks here missed it:
Don't know what flavor of hater our current visitor is - but here is some background:
Know what you are dealing with. BTW - unlike the men in hate groups, AKA Frank and Analosity - the women don't tend to be stupid.
Now as to -"Black men under 30 commitover 1/2 of all murders in this country even though they make up about 3%
of the population. "
You are more likely to be killed by a drunk white guy in Wyoming driving a car...
Than by a black man with a gun in any major city.
In U.S. cities with populations greater than 250,000, the mean homicide rate was 12.1 per 100,000 -
The death by automobile rate in Wyoming the same years was ...
30.2 per 100,000.
AND white folks in Wyoming also killed each other at the fourth highest rate in the country at 18.8 per 100k.
Ain't it funny how you never hear the same folks whimpering about black criminality talking about drunk cowboys driving being a "tragedy"...
"He was such a good little Bronco!"
Yeah.... right.
I think the easiest thing to admit would be we need a certain amount of separation. We shouldn't really have any white police officers serving in majority black neighborhoods. This would remove any raced based issues from occuring in policing.
The young man on the picture was in a "pay back mode" and if you think for one minute, he did'nt have OSCAR GRANT on his mind, when he was shooting his gun, then think again!
are not afraid to confront their so called enemy's, from the moment OBAMA became PRESIDENT, it has been open season on young BLACK MEN, and the police were the perpetrator's, our young people look at the new's, they know what's going on, they know about history.
I will never forget the face' of the young AFRICAN AMERICAN'S that were crying after OBAMA won the election, these young people were crying because they know about RACISM, this is the year 2009, but, they were in disbelief that a BLACK MAN had become the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATE'S of the WHITE MAN'S AMERICA!!!!
White America, you can deny the fact that, AMERICA has a bloody HISTORY, and it is traced all the way back to your forefather's, and some of you are still keeping their heritage alive, you come on this WEBSITE, "saying stay out of our community'!! please give me a break! the thought of even spending a night in a all WHITE COMMUNITY make's me shutter!
I've been watching and reading this conversation for a while now. There have been some very good points expressed, as well as some pretty stupid ones.
The thing that is being overlooked here is that this guy was on parole. He had a warrant for his arrest for skipping out on a meeting with his parole officer. Oh, lets also add that beyond him serving six years in prison, for assault with a deadly weapon in a robbery, he had already been violated and sent back to prison a second time.
Now, here he was violating again by skipping his meeting witrh the P.O., and yet he has a handgun in his possesion. Oh and lets not forget the AK-47 he had with him when he holed himself up in the apartment where he was eventually killed, after killing two more cops.
QUESTION: How does a convicted felon, who is out on parole obtain firearms?
This is the central issue here that is being overlooked in this conversation.
QUESTION:Why isn't there legislation preventing "straw purchases"?
How come it is legal to sell guns at gun shows without the purchasers being subject to background checks?
Later for all that other stuff you guys are talking about. The guns are getting out into the streets, and no its not because they are stolen as people are told.
Answers anyone?
The truth is, BLACK folk's are not as ANGRY as we have a RIGHT to be!! I think we are doing pretty good! you people, are the one's causing mayhem and misery to other RACE'S, I don't know how you could open your mouth and ask such a question, but I'm not surprised!
I for one, want you to step back and let the PRESIDENT do his job, but, of course some of you misguided WHITE FOLK'S are not going to do that!! so that's one reason why I'm ANGRY!
I also would like RACIST WHITE folk's to stop trying to come up with PLAN'S to DETHRONE the PRESIDENT, or shall I say "remove him from his rightful position" and I have a RIGHT to be ANGRY about that!!!
I have a right to be ANGRY when WHITE police's kill an ELDERLY OLD BLACK MAN, and the ANGER will continue, until you people realize that, their is injustice in AMERICA!
straw purchases really can't be regulated. Some states reguire registration at gun shows now (might be federal). Blaming the guns is silly. all he had to do was show up at the parole officer's place right? What am I missing? why are 5 people dead?
There are a bunch of idiots up here. There is no justification for this man murdering these four police officers. Period. This was a criminal issue, not a racial rorschach test. People are trying to fit what was a terrible crime committed by a terrible piece of shit into support for their own racial views of the world. I'm Black and I'm sick of this violence. It could have just as easily been four Black cops killed by this same thug. What would you wannabe Panthers be saying then? Would you feel that the families of the dead Black cops deserved their fates? The only good that came out of this is that Mixon is dead. Damn thug.
Jane Doe-
"Actually white women and jews haven't gotten away with killing black men for centuries. But I understand, facts don't matter."
White women usually get some black man killed by lying to a white man about what the Black did to her. So, you are right, facts don't matter.
Or, she falsely accuses a black man of rape and he spends a substantial portion of his life in prison. Again, facts don't matter. Should DNA tests prove him innocent, the white woman cries and pretends to feel badly.
After two minutes of steady crying, she works out a book deal with him based on forgiveness.
I have a right to be ANGRY when WHITE police's kill an ELDERLY OLD BLACK MAN, and the ANGER will continue, until you people realize that, their is injustice in AMERICA!""
i'm more angry about the 12 year old from west memphis. dude there is in injustice in every justice system, it can only be minimized. go chop with your dentureas or someyhinbg useful, you old bagh of bones
Excuse me, MR. RIPPA, in case you have been lost in your own world, the GUN'S are on the street because they are allowed to be! their is no such thing as law's in AMERICA!
RIPPA, folk's know how to get GUN'S, this man was a criminal, do you think he retained his weapon's from a law abiding CITIZEN? or do you think he bought his weapon's from GANG BANGER'S or DRUG DEALER'S? or maybe, someone just gave him his weapon's?
I find it hard to believe that you would ask such a question, you look as if you would have HOOD information! by that, I mean you are up on all the latest, what's what, and who's who? or maybe look's are deceiving, but, I refuse to believe that you have no knowledge at all, about street life!
Anon 8:48pm-"This was a criminal issue, not a racial rorschach test."
Under ideal circumstances, I would agree with you. However, this is America and racism is the national pastime. Blacks and Whites usually look through racial lens. And, what a person sees, is based on what he feels. It's automatic.
Why do you think the killing of black men by white policemen is on the rise during the Obama administration?
"Uhhhhhh... Steve... you are "arguing" with one of the New-KKK trolls. AKA "Jane Doe" is a common pseudonym used by a particular group..."
I realize that my brother.
I didn't expect an answer from "her".
I really was hoping that "west coast" would answer my question since they present themselves as a concerned black person.
Jane Doe,
WHITE WOMEN stood around and cheered as BLACK FAMILY'S were burned out of their home's and LYNCHED! you stood with your husband's, uncle's, and neighbor's as my people were LYNCHED! BLACK WOMEN were RAPED by your HUSBAND'S, and now you come forth as if you have clean hand's!
JANE DOE, you walk hand and hand with your counter part's, it would take a life time to tell of the WHITE WOMAN'S contribution to RACISM, black women had to clean your home's, look after your baby's and fight your husband's off at the same time!
WHITE WOMEN stood outside of non segregated WHITE SCHOOL'S and screamed "go home to innocent black children that had a right to a decent EDUCATION" I'm pretty sure you have seen film's of this injustice!!!
Rippa, not to be an A-Hole, but did you fall off of the Stupid Bus? The one all those Retards your president tells jokes about rode on??? Nome Sane?? Or did you just not show up the day they passed out commen sense...
Jesus, Travis the Chimp had more wits...
ANON:8:48, give me a break, you can call that man every name in the book for killing those FOUR COP'S but, I live in the REAL WORLD, now I don't know if you are a MAN or A WOMAN, but, you say you are BLACK, well I tend to get very uneasy when WHITE POLICE'S drive in front of me, or behind me, now who do you think brought this on? where doe's the fear come from?
ANON: I hope you never ever have to be stopped by a WHITE RACIST POLICEMAN, and I pray that their is a legit reason as to why you are being stopped, because if not, you better start PRAYING!
Frank Drackman said...
Rippa, not to be an A-Hole, but did you fall off of the Stupid Bus? The one all those Retards your president tells jokes about rode on??? Nome Sane?? Or did you just not show up the day they passed out commen sense...
Jesus, Travis the Chimp had more wits...
11:00 PM
No stupid, but it is indeed a valid question. Matter of fact, it IS the central issue to this whole situation. Lemme see: if Mixon didn't have a gun or guns, would 4 police officers be dead right now? I think not.
Instead, of calling me a retard maybe you should loosen the strap on your helmet. The point here is the fact that there are illegal guns on the srteet and there is very little that the gov't (state, local or federal) is doing to prevent it by way of legislation.
And just in case you or anymore of your short bus riding friends don't know, why don't you try following this link and read... umm, that's if you mom is still awake to read it to you, just how much of this problem could be eliminated but somehow assholes (probably people like you) who suck NRA dick are blocking much is whats needed to combat just what the fuck I'm talking about.
LINK PRICK: http://www.supgv.org/documents/BackgrounderIllegalGuns.pdf
Ripple quests - "QUESTION: How does a convicted felon, who is out on parole obtain firearms?"
In some states it's legal for Felons to buy firearms. I believe it was Wyoming which just passed a provision that people convicted of Class III Felonies -- which apparently means only beating and shooting your own wife and kids, wherein the wife and kids survive with or without extended hospital stays... or minorities regardless of outcome -- versus folks who aren't related to you except by marriage (Class II), or stealing cattle and mayhem against unrelated white folks (Class I).. . which includes being a minority convicted of a traffic ticket (Death Penalty).
Now - virtually all of the support for lax gun laws in this country comes from the NRA, and their merry band of conservative misfits and malcontents. How malcontent?Recently the Rethugly led legislature in one Southern State passed a law allowing folks to carry guns in Church... Seems you could carry them to PTA and Girl Scout bake sales - but somebody forgot the need for arms in Church.
The overriding fear of this group, is that America will wake up to the carnage the NRA has "safeguarded", and some of it's members have profited mightily from.
Insofar as being a minority in an America where 65% of the white folks can't find it in their hearts to vote for the better candidate because he is a black man... Buy a gun.
I know I slept a hell of a lot better the last 8 years, knowing my customized pair of .45's were near...
With The Dick being a pacemaker tick away from the Presidency, and ordering the troops to round up all the black and brown folks.
Paranoia in America...
Indeed runs deep.
Anonymous said...
Excuse me, MR. RIPPA, in case you have been lost in your own world, the GUN'S are on the street because they are allowed to be! their is no such thing as law's in AMERICA!
RIPPA, folk's know how to get GUN'S, this man was a criminal, do you think he retained his weapon's from a law abiding CITIZEN? or do you think he bought his weapon's from GANG BANGER'S or DRUG DEALER'S? or maybe, someone just gave him his weapon's?
I find it hard to believe that you would ask such a question, you look as if you would have HOOD information! by that, I mean you are up on all the latest, what's what, and who's who? or maybe look's are deceiving, but, I refuse to believe that you have no knowledge at all, about street life!
9:08 PM
Sorry "buddy", I do know how guns are obtained on the streets.As a onetime ex-knucklehead from Brooklyn, I know all too well. Trust me on that. The point is the fact that not much is done by legislation to stop it, other than stiffer penalties for people caught in possesion. Instead of taking the fight to the source...
focus is paid to the criminalization of offenders rather than actual GUN TRAFFICKERS who are often people with legitimate licensed dealers.
If you're interested in learning more read the following link. Its a different one than what I provided already.
Link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/procon/guns.html
Right is right and wrong is wrong. No matter who does it, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, or an alien from outer space, and that young man was wrong as two left shoes. I am not about to defend him or uphold him, because he was wrong. He was shooting at the police and they had a right to shoot back. Now if he had been unarmed that might have been a different story. However, he was armed and shooting at the police. The police have a right to defend themselves too. It is a big difference in this case. It is nothing like the elderly man or Oscar Grant’s case. The elderly man and Oscar were unarmed.
I am not making any excuses for the young man. Nevertheless, when he said he was not going back to jail, well, jail is exactly where he would have gone. If a parolee has any type of contact with a police officer no matter how minor it is, including traffic stops, it is an automatic parole violation. A parolee could be sitting on his porch minding his own business and if a police happens to just stop and ask him for some ID, he goes to jail. It does not matter. Some laws need to be changed and some do not.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Right is right and wrong is wrong. No matter who does it, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, or an alien from outer space, and that young man was wrong as two left shoes. I am not about to defend him or uphold him, because he was wrong. He was shooting at the police and they had a right to shoot back. Now if he had been unarmed that might have been a different story. However, he was armed and shooting at the police. The police have a right to defend themselves too. It is a big difference in this case. It is nothing like the elderly man or Oscar Grant’s case. The elderly man and Oscar were unarmed.
I am not making any excuses for the young man. Nevertheless, when he said he was not going back to jail, well, jail is exactly where he would have gone. If a parolee has any type of contact with a police officer no matter how minor it is, including traffic stops, it is an automatic parole violation. A parolee could be sitting on his porch minding his own business and if a police happens to just stop and ask him for some ID, he goes to jail. It does not matter. Some laws need to be changed and some do not.
11:33 PM
And just to add on to what Granny said, this guy had already been sent back tp prison once for a paole violation. This would have been his second time, and all he would have had to do is six months at the most for skipping out on meeting with his parole officer. Oh, and lets not forget that he was recently the subject or suspect in a murder investigation.
Shame on all the people w3ho make this a racial issue and use this bastard as the face of retricution and justice for any Black person slain innocently by the police anywhere in this country.
Lovell Mixon: Not Your Average American Idol
Interesting point, there, RiPPa, about gun shows.
I went to one.
Now, in my profession I'm used to being "the only black," but Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the way some of those people looked at me made me all too aware that I was "the only black"-- and the only one amongst a lot of armed, hostile whites.
I bring that up to point out that if the guns on the streets came from gun shows, they were being purchased by white men and sold (at a no-doubt ridiculous markup) in the community.
Paranoia in America...
Sometimes, paranoia is just good sense.
That was kinda part of the point I w3as going to lean on Ivan. The majority of those gun dealers and traffickers with legitimate dealers licenses are indeed White.
Paranoia is not good sense, because it can get a lot of people killed for nothing. That's what is wrong with a lot of white folks and some of these police that shouldn't be on the police force in the first place. They're so paranoid until they loose all sense of reasoning. Those type of people kill. I know you've heard this saying before, "A scary person will kill you." That's what paranoid folks are-->scared.
RiPPa...how come you don't appear on Howard Stern anymore???
Rippa, please don't entertain that individual. Seriously. Most of us don't even bother to read his comments.
Cause most y'all cain't read!!!
This is too easy,
Almost shocking to see the Field not supporting the criminal.
I appreciate the balanced post.
Yep... the crowd taunted the police at the scene.
And of course Black folks didn't hold a huge protest when Chauncy Bailey was killed. Nor were there any major rallies for Gustavo Martinez...a father of four killed in Oakland on his way to work just a few days before this incident. Nope... no protest. No protest in support of the crime victims of Mixon. And no demonstrations when police are shot.
No demonstrations against the urban terrorists who hold Black communities hostage. But Negroes will rally for R. Kelly's freedom. (It's embarrassing to be a Black man these days).
And it's funny seeing the Black preachers come out pretending to support police... they are the same folks who bash all police whenever a thug is shot... giving police a hard time, in most cases before they even know what actually happened.
This is the same foolishness that happens in St. Louis, Detroit, LA, New York, Chicago...every big metro in the Country. The Black preachers have found a new cause (bashing the local police departments) instead of constructively dealing with the physical and moral rotting of their communities which is at the heart of most of the problems in the first place.
The bread from that bakery was truly great, though, it must be noted.
And one can keep their lawlessness in a certain perspective -- I am thinking of comparisons with AIG -- and no, it's not an excuse, it's contextualization, which is different.
I continue to be convinced that much violence has its roots in structural violence and in child abuse.
But: adults are adults and sociopaths exist.
Also, the reason it's worse when police murder is that they are agents of the state, and they are theoretically *not* criminals. And no, I am not saying those police deserved to die.
Angry Independent
What do you expect to be accomplished by protesting criminals?
There is a book called, "Police and the Black Community" by Robert F. Wintersmith
It will explain a lot why blacks tend not to care about police. Sorry, this has to happen at some point. Karma is real.
Ai sez - "No demonstrations against the urban terrorists who hold Black communities hostage."
You gonna boycott their Drive-byes?
Notice the AI types never answer the question.
How about this for an economic solution...
Give a gangbanger a get out of jail free card on a drug charge for doing a drive bye on one of these right wing conservatives...
Not to kill them or hurt them, but maybe a few words.
I figure with one documentable incidence of a ghetto thug confronting a white right winger in the 'burbs...
Ought to cause enough gun sales by apoplectic white conservatives to bail the economy out and pay off the national debt.
Paranoia is not good sense, because it can get a lot of people killed for nothing.
Granny, I love your level-headed, genuine goodness-- you remind me of my own sainted mother and gramma sometimes (though my mom was rather saltier of tongue! :)
But when I read articles like this one, I'm reminded that there are white people out there who make no bones about wanting to kill me simply because I'm not white.
Under the circumstances, I still believe a "healthy level of paranoia" makes perfect sense.
Speaking of Good Cops - seems that some are indeed socially conscious!
This from AOL - the Top 10 most speed ticketed vehicles...
#1... Is the Hummer.
If you haven't noticed, White Peoples got plenty of guns...Ammo's the tricky thing, youse got to shoot regularly to stay sharp... And heck, you figure ole Mr. Mixon was lookin at goin back to 24-7 Anal Rape, what he did makes alotta sense,,,heck he almost got away, if he'd had a real DL he'd still be drivin that Buick (They still make Buicks??)
Dayam Frank, as much as you fantasize about wee weenies and anal intercourse...
You need to come out of that closet.
I'm sure you're not the only KKK guy...
Who goes for pink sheets.
Implement the 3 strike rule nationwide. No sense wasting time for the inevitable. At least lives may be saved. Plenty of prisons are currupt, gang infested, violating all sorts of rules, but I don't care. I'm not going there and have no plans to. These idiots would be away from me.
As a member of the oakland community it is really sad and unfortunate that lives were lost, I am black and have been living here my whole life. I am not a baby mama, not on welfare, not a criminal, nor do I support the choice that Lovelle made, But I do support my community and the people in it and you have no idea what its like to live in a place where you have cops forming alliances with murderers, pimps, hoes, thiefs and so forth. The OPD has ALWAYS been crooked. They have a motto thats is " Snitch on 3 you go free" thats when an officer will ask you to tell on 3 people that have done a crime and regardless of the nature of your crime you are offered reduced time to help them out. There are officers who can be seen late at night hanging out in the hood pretending to arrest one of the drug dealers to only place him in the car and find out the scoop on whats going on in the hood. We have officers that drive crazier then the unlicensed alcoholics on East 14th. My heart and prayers go out to ALL families, both sides of the fence. Something must be done and fast. I would LOVE to see the Black Panthers reform and reunite oakland again so that our community can come together and when I say community Im not talking about just blacks Im talking about the entire Oakland because we are so diverse and its beautiful here despite the dark cloud hanging over us. We have white girls that sound the same as Lakeisha down the street and they wear weaves and braids just like the next chick and we also have white guys that are the same as Lovelle but that makes them no different because of there skin color! The only person that has a right to judge Lovelle is the lord and I pray that those that are taking sides find the lord and get to know him to better themselves.
God Bless.
I'm not god but I will say Lovelle was a murdering scumbag. Correction: He was a mass murdering scumbag. Too bad nobody in the hood would step up about the murder that everyone knew he committed a year ago but the "no snitch" factor kept this monster on the street where he was able to rape a woman, and kill who knows how many others, and finally pull a Charles Manson on Saturday. This cat should have been in a cage for life. A little tiny cage with a tiny opening for food. The kind of cage you wouldn't put a dog in. Oh, boo hoo. My lousy childhood made me do it. The more I read about this animal, the sicker I get.
And thanks to Lovelle, Mehserle, the cop who shot Oscar Grant, is going to walk. No one is going to send a cop to prison after what happened on Saturday. Not even a dumbass like Mehserle. So good work, all you folks in the 'hood. Shot yourselves in the head, yet again.
Oh, and be sure to watch the news tonight. Uhuru House is going to stage a counter vigil tonight. UH loves a confrontation and their HQ is about a block from where the shooting occurred. These parasites are stuck back in the 1960's in a Twilight Zone sort of way. They be down with the people. One UH woman on Sunday told the press about all the people who started a shrine where the motorcycle cops were shot "It's not fair!" Can you believe it? It's not fair that someone should care about something not having to do with their stale anti police agenda. She even lied that the people coming were from out of town. Even though the people who were intereviewed, who actually created the shrine, lived right in the neighborhood. UH's neighbors, if you will. They are so "down with the people" they don't even know who lives in their neighborhood. Out of touch and out of time.
west coast
Will you please answer my questions?
What do you expect to accomplish by protesting criminals?
How do you expect the average law abiding criminal to deal with violent criminals
BTW my brother that cop wasn't going to jail anyway so stop trying to blame black Oakland citizens for another miscarriage of justice.
You rightwing negroes are just astounding.
Simply astounding.
west coast
Will you please answer my questions?
What do you expect to accomplish by protesting criminals?
How do you expect the average law abiding criminal to deal with violent criminals
BTW my brother that cop wasn't going to jail anyway so stop trying to blame black Oakland citizens for another miscarriage of justice.
You rightwing negroes are just astounding.
Simply astounding.
No love for dead pigs,i believe in the law of the streets,you play in the streets,you die in the streets.Ask Oscar Grant how he feels or that old black dude they shot recently.
33 & 1/3 edomite slayer
they buy the fake vision of manhood that says that guns and murder make you man.
8:54 PM
So do Crackers so whats your point?
Uptown: I spend too much time trying to work with my neighbors the city, and the cops to make where I live livable. I don't need your approval or your permission to do that. That's what law abiding people do to deal with criminals. We pass out leaflets, we call meetings, we organize vigils, we do block parties, we do petitions, we go to endless meetings and get told lies by politicians and city staff, all to make where we live livable.
I know it makes you mad but the sad truth is that black males commit a grossly disproportionate amount of violent crime. In urban areas like Oakland, there are killing fields. Where these cops died is just that, killing fields.
When that young sister was shot in her sleep just up the street on 83rd and MacArther, no one, not Remi, not you, not Uhuru House opened their damn mouth. When I posted about it online, all I heard was crickets.
People, black people, don't care about black on black crime. Not a DAMN. You don't care about the innocent lives that get snuffed out everyday by thugs and low lifes. The only crime you care about is white on black crime. Cop on black shootings. In that regard, some black folks have a lot in common with the white racsits. You don't care about Chauncey, or the sister murdered in her sleep, or the man buying a sixpack who didn't hand over his wallet fast enough.
People who make excuses and weep for animals like Lovelle need to sit down and shut up. Lovelle is the same as Timothy McVeigh and Osama Bin Laden. They are all sociopathic mass murderers and I don't give one damn about them. I don't have to give a damn about somebody just because they are black.
It really amazes me. Barack Obama was talked about worse than a dog by BLACK PEOPLE when he was running for president; not black enough, too white, too proper. But y'all can really get behind a piece of garbage like Mr. Mixon.
"It really amazes me. Barack Obama was talked about worse than a dog by BLACK PEOPLE when he was running for president; not black enough, too white, too proper. But y'all can really get behind a piece of garbage like Mr. Mixon."
Well said. You are right. Blacks too often take the low road when it comes to murderous criminals and the police. Guess it has something to do with hatred and a broken moral compass. We are a strange and lost race.
You don't give gun-slinging murders a pass, so why would you give a pass to someone who "knowingly" spreads the AIDs virus. If that legistlation targets back people, then possibly AA who have AIDs should curb their targets. I have to call you out on this one b/c your view is just no balanced. Giving someone a death sentence knowingly is wrong no matter if its by gun, virus, or otherwise.
p.s. but I don't know how throwing them in the general prison population so they can spread AIDs there will help much either.
Too many people don't care. They just don't get it. Somewhere there's an idiot or two driving around with "R. I. P. Lovell/Mixon"...WTF? It pisses me off that people believe that someone living a no good murdurous life can rest in peace. Fuck off. There's no excuse for killing all those people. Even if he was afraid to return to prison, or had a horrible childhood or whatever...I don't give a shit. He had a chance to kill himself after 2 murders. He was pure scum. No justification. I don't single him out people that kill unarmed victims; molest children, commit domestic violence and engage in all types of criminal activity are all in the same boat IMO. Kill your own damn self if you want. Your choice.
And for all the defenders out there...is there something wrong with stopping when told to stop? Showing your hands when asked to do so? Getting out of the car when requested? Too many times these losers have never listened.
PS. I dare Blacks to return to Africa and try to make all the tribal/ village leaders give a damn about the poverty, raping, arranged marriages and purposely spreading of AIDS done there by other Blacks.
Some Blacks only care when these horrific things are done by non Blacks...go figure.
Mr. Mixon's DNA is linked to the rape of a 12-year old girl. A child. He is being investigated for several rapes in the same neighborhood. The same neighborhood where his sister lived and where he died. Where's the outrage over this? What about the guy he killed over a drug deal gone bad? Lovelle Mixon was a monster who is thankfully never going to hurt another human being. Anyone who defends him has no moral compass to be broken.
I hate that these officers were killed. I hate that Mark Dunakin was one of them. As someone said the other day, "Who'd want to hurt Mark?" Even a woman who lived near 74th and MacArthur and who'd had her run-ins with the police said she knew Mark and liked him. Everyone did. He worked well with diverse communities. He was an open, friendly guy but always professional. I want you people to know this. He is remembered in my neighborhood for work he did years ago because he was a really fine person and a good cop. We are going to miss him terribly. He did not deserve to be shot down execution style in the street. That's what Mixon did. He got out of car shooting and then walked over and shot Dunakin and Hege in the head execution style while they lay on the ground.
Mark Dunakin was was a good person and a good cop and he meant something to this community.
Many are of the opinion that Lovelle Mixson out numbed and out gunned, took the fight to the government like never expected. One could consider his actions to be a master feat of arms, as each of the officers where armed, trained, and experienced. With his brave and bold actions in the face of highly motivated government agents, Mr. Mixson demonstrated that the streets of Oakland could be the proving ground for change. The police now must rethink the way they deal with the people of Oakland. All loss of life is regrettable, and to the Patriot Lovelle Mixon, the Sons of Liberty issue you a 21 gun salute for your Heroic actions under fire in the occupied territory of East Oakland, On Saturday, March 21, 2009.
the occupied territory of East Oakland? Yeah if only the cops would go away it would be just like the Puerto Rican Day parade in New York a few years ago, or here in Seattle during Madi Gras when the cops backed away and allowed the mob to rape and loot at will. Please view the pictures of these events. For women we are better off with a few corrupt cops then the rape and murder that always happens when they back away. Look at the photos from these events and you will see how well behaved the poor repressed citizens act when the police back off. Like the Puerto Rican Day massacre when black men gang raped women on top of police cars. Thank god the cops weren't harrassing them~
@ anon 1:40...
What a fucking idiot. Brave and bold actions? He was a douchebag. Again I say, it's much more to end your pathetic life before murdering others...that takes courage. Be of the mind set that I hate my choices in life so I choose death. But no he couldn't, he took the pussy way out. May you and your love ones face the same senseless killings by other criminals just like him.
There is a very interesting debate going on here
[quote] If we are going to be outraged when police officers shoot unarmed men on a train platforms, we need to be equally as outraged when some psycho shoots four police officers who are trying to take him off the street. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
I have not read through any of the posts on this message thread yet AND have only read your original message.
You have my UNQUALIFIED AGREEMENT upon all that you state in your message.
My critique about Progressives is often a critique about the selectivity and subjectivity that you all express.
At the end of the day SOMEONE must enforce the laws lest we chaos.
It is easy to attack those who have a thankless job like policemen do. Where as the police and their departments are sued and have to abide by rules of engagement few people talk about the low homicide closure rates among certain communities that they are charged to protect and thus the non-justice that is present within.
Beyond the attack must come some consciousness in the need for safe communities and the give and take that is required.
Those who reference Chauncey Bailey's death also neglect to mention that he was also investigating OPD's shake down of Black night club owners.
His death was used to take down YBMB (for better or for worse), an organization that had long given parolees a better opportunity.
As for the officers, RIP. As for Lovelle, RIP.
Oakland's chickens are coming home to roost.
west coast story
"I know it makes you mad but the sad truth is that black males commit a grossly disproportionate amount of violent crime."
And I see that you're just another head scratchin buckdancing Tom.
Let me go slow for you.
Just because 90% of the violent street criminals in Oakland are young black males does not translate into 90% of black males being violent criminals.
What color are these neighbors you claim to be assisting and passing out leaflets too?
How can you acknowledge out of one side of your mouth that the majority of people in the community are law abiding and then out of the other side place a color on crime????
I'll ask you once again.
What do you expect to accomplish by protesting criminals???
You won't answer because you don't answer.
Just like the white conservatives you shuffle for, you just don't want to hear any complainst about white folks or cops.
Blacks aren't entitled to confront white people until every black neighborhood is crime free, right?
"Barack Obama was talked about worse than a dog by BLACK PEOPLE when he was running for president; not black enough, too white, too proper. But y'all can really get behind a piece of garbage like Mr. Mixon."
Yeah, I guess that's why Obama got 90% of the black vote.
And who is defending Mixson?
You're full of $hit.
Uptown: You are a moron with absolutely no critical thinking skills. You haven't just put words in my mouth, you just invented a pile of BS that bears almost no relationship to what I was discussing. You are a typical idiot who can only run off at the mouth.
My neighbors are mostly working class black, Latino, and Asian with a few white folks and few folks who are professionals. There are a lot of day laborers who are frequent targets of crime committed by black males. Almost every household on this block has been a victim of crime at one time or other. And this isn't even considered a bad neighborhood.
There was a murder less than four blocks from my house Saturday morning. There were several murders in the area last year including a man shot to death at a conveniencue store less than two blocks from my house.
And where do you live?
As for Barack Obama, you can deny all you want to but most black people were supporting Hillary until right before the primaries got started. Black folks love to do the buck and wing for the First Black President (good ole Bill) and his Missus.
Black males do commit most of the crime in Oakland. It's a fact. If you want to believe that it means most black males are criminals, then you are free to make that assessment in your tiny little undisciplined mind. I never said that, you did. you are so typical of black people who do all their thinking with their mouth.
Perhaps you could explain what you've done for your neighborhood lately?
By the way you little twerp, I am a black female soon to be retired. You are a disrespectful fool. It's people like you who keep black people in chains with your ignorant mouth. You get on the internet with your brave bad self and run your mouth while the rest of us are out here are trying to make our neighborhoods safe places to live. It just pisses you off that we have the audacity to not want to live in a toilet. It reminds me of something that Chris Rock said. To paraphrase: The Black Community is at war. There are black people who want to make things better then you have niggers who like things just the way the are. And he said that last part with a leer. He would be talking about you.
You worship pedophiles and murderers like Lovelle Mixon. You are worse than pond scum.
Yes, speaking of Chauncey. YBMB was already brought down by the revelation that Minister Yusef Bey had children with chilren. He had a child by a woman when she was barely in her teens. He also ran an effective organized crime operation. Yusef Bey IV is a little thug who was protected by someone in the police department, the courts, and lots of politicians. When he was finally arrested, he had been walking around with numerous outstanding warrants and connected to a string of criminal activies. Don't believe me, go to
and read some facts. Or believe some uninformed fool on the internet.
I keep black people in chains?
I worship pedophiles and murderers?
Okay enough with you.
"Perhaps you could explain what you've done for your neighborhood lately?"
Keep my property clean and well kept.
See I live in a community where street crime isn't a problem.
And we're just as black as the folks in your Oakland neighborhood.
See how that works?
My friend Filled Negro - You have already expressed your outrage over this killing so I won't include you in the actions of these leftists.
I thought that I knew left wing extremists but THIS took me for a loop.
How in the world does this band of fools justify having a PRO-MIXON demonstration?
Do you also notice, Filled Negro - despite the fact that the Ron Dellums administration is a Progressive Democratic one - these protesters do not link their angst against the government police with the string of leftist, progressive mayors that have dotted the city of Oakland for decades.
Does it occur to you that what often passes for "Anti-Conservative"/Anti-Republican might in fact be ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT and pro-Anarchy?
Keep my property clean and well kept[/quote]
Do you consider your county-mates and state-mates on the "other side" of Prince Georges County your "neighbors"?
As a progressive I figured that you'd support driving across the county and sweeping their sidewalks as well.
Have you protested the shameful homicide closure rates for PGC yet Steve?
The protest is outrageous. I dont care if those protesters were black or white; it's about ignorance. I guarantee not a single protester has a high school education or makes on their own w/out gov't assistance (the very establishment they protest) more than $7,000 a year in legal earnings.
If this ignorant sect black and white continues to get dumber, continues to duplicate and continues to cause crime then I would not be suprised to see a group rise and begin committing real genocide ridding our communities of these monkey minded people.
My hope is one day i can tell a black person "good morning" with out being beat unconscious and mugged.
Your an idiot,i would smack ya for that!
Nothing makes me smile like dead cops,i love it
Oscar Grant is kicking these dead white men in the ass i type,fuck the cops fuck they kids fuck there familiy.& when this race war jumps off,blacks will loose of course,but i cant wait to see thousands of dead whites littering the cities streets.good whites whom never had to fight are goners,white grammas goners,im used to seeing my people dead in the street how bout you flatt butts.ill make a trip to Otown to piss on these faggots graves.
Your whole country built by slaves,cowboys & indians playing soldier,america is fucked up & long overdue to fall i cant fucn wait!!!!!!
fuck those pigs
It amazes me how stupid the last two bloggers are. These people belong in Libya where all they do is kill eachother, rape women forever damn the societies they live in.
The longer the last two bloggers wine and cry about having a tough life, the longer the wheels will spin, the more their stupidity will spread to other people.
Forgive Americans for wanting to live in a crime free prosperous nation. What a dumb idea. For the last two bloggers do us all a favor and gather yourself and all your like minded friends and off yourselves.
I live in the Bay Area and these deaths are terribly tragic. What troubles me are some of the racist comments here as well the whole " he did this because he's a victim of the system" discourse.
Mixon is suspected of raping a 12 yr old and others. He was no victim, but victimized others in his own community.
Why is it that some people are unable to acknowledge this?
"Mixon is suspected of raping a 12 yr old and others. He was no victim, but victimized others in his own community.
Yup, he was that. I think that those last three post before you posted are being post by the same person pretending to be two different people. I just got that feeling.
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