I love my girl Carmen Dixon over at AOL Black Voices, and I have lifted a couple of her posts lately for discussion here.
So here comes another one. It involves my man Russell Simmons and his latest par amour, who just happens to be white. Seems she said a few thinks that pissed off Carmen and she [Carmen] put girlfriend on blast.
This is what Ms. Blanca Def Jam said:
"I have been spending "special time" with Russell for about 4 months and in that time I have learned some subtle things about some in the black community that have surprised me.I must say that while it has been a bit of a challenge for me, it has also been a wonderful learning experience. I realize that in this day of Obama and change that there is still a tremendous amount of poverty, suffering and pain in the black community, and for that I am deeply sorry. Source: Young Black and Fabulous [Carmen writes]Who is she apologizing to? And for what? She continues."
"But, I have to say the angry responses to those realities are sometimes misdirected....Just for the record, I am nobody's white b*tch, gold digger or fame chaser. Nor am I any of the other mean things I have been called lately. I don't need anything from anybody, I come from a good family and I'm a young independent "successful" model making my way in NYC. (If you don't believe me google me or go to juliehenderson.net). Finally, I just wanna say that Russell has been a great "special" friend and I'm sure as sh*t not giving him up cause some in America object to our friendship. I wanna close by saying, what Russell always says, Namaste. (That means the goddess in me recognizes the goddess in you)....Or, b*tch get your own man." Source: Global Grind
[Carmen Again]Pobre [sic] Julie. Thank you for offering such a carefully worded and articulate expression of the hardship you are enduring. I am oh so sorry that there are mean people. Despite your confessed unfamiliarity with black issues, you must be a very quick study to now (after 4 months) be able to accurately distinguish random "misdirected" black anger from a personal beef that some particular females may have with you specifically. By the way, what exactly is a "good" family? Just asking."
This article is relevant because we just had a discussion about this after my previous post. I am talking about the relationship dynamic between men of color and their women, and the role that women from the majority population play in it. The article brings us a woman from the majority population trying (or so she says) to understand us black folks and "learn" about us. So what's wrong with that? If that white woman from Bucks County knew about us do you think she would have accused two of us of jacking her? Hey, come on folks, don't we want more white women like Julie Henderson? Isn't this one less white woman who is going to cry wolf because she is "learning" about us?
I am just thinking out loud people......don't ask me for my opinion just yet.....well, before I go, just one question for Julie: Just what kind of "poverty" did you see in the black community hanging with Russell? I am just saying.
Models and Ms. Americas should be precluded from speaking on political, social and/or racial issues.
The should stick to being trophies on some man's arm.
We do not need more condescending and patronizing folks like Julie in our midst.
Tangent: what jackass wears a baseball cap with a tuxedo?
what kind of poverty? ya know, the kind Emminem raps about.
Thats all I got, I'm going back to my Luciano album.
(yup, that was shameless pandering)
"Just what kind of "poverty" did you see in the black community hanging with Russell?"
You know field, the stereotypical kind!
" If that white woman from Bucks County knew about us do you think she would have accused two of us of jacking her?"
staying out of this one--
but reading along to "learn."
.....well, before I go, just one question for Julie: Just what kind of "poverty" did you see in the black community hanging with Russell? I am just saying.ROFL. Thank you for that punch line.
We should not care at all.
"Or, b*tch get your own man."Would it be she's trying to say, that there is someone else out there who actually wants Russell?
"staying out of this one--
but reading along to "learn."
AF, I might be right there in the cheap seats with you on this one.:)
"Tangent: what jackass wears a baseball cap with a tuxedo?"
Rudy, a very wealthy one.
I hope that white bitch takes this D.A.N.
(Dumb Ass N----r) to the bank
for all he's worth. The slave always worships his slave master. After watching how Russel Simmons spent years letting his Asian wife Kimora Lee emasculate him with her big mouth and insults. Then watching the way that opportunistic chick married him and used his money to build her own empire, it became clear to me that Russel Simmons is just another typical self hating
N ---er.
He looks as old as dirt and ridiculous as hell anyway with those big poppy eyes, wrinkled face, and crazy ass outfits (still trying to dress like he's 21). But his looks and his color don't matter to this new bitch. She's got dollar signs in her eyes. Next you'll hear about her being "knocked up" with his spawn. White women have been raised to "go for the gold" even if they have to lick dog poop off of a sidewalk to get it. If he's stupid enough to fall for that shit then to hell with him.
This story is growing unnecessary legs in the blogosphere. This woman is using her 15 minutes oops I mean four months with Russell to boost her image and piss off the young black woman Russell had on his arms before her.
I bet a silver dime the relationship ends as quick as it started. If the relationship last past summer and she become knocked up with the golden egg than Russell deserves what he will have coming.
they won't be together for very long.. they are 'special friends'... who says that for god's sake... makes me think of my two 'aunts' living together for 38 years!!!
and cut russ some slack... he was and is visionary, an innvoator, and a damned good business man... if he had luck in love as well you'd hate him twice as hard and often...
As a white male, what I learned long ago about the "black community" was that my black friend's black barber could do an excellent job cutting his hair AND mine, which you couldn't trust my white barber to do.
Field and AF:
Put one more chair there for granny, I think I'll just come over there and sit with both of you. Oh, one more thing, I thought he was a married man. Oh Lawd help us all today.
We need all of the Janean Garofolos we can get.
Granny: C'mon over, there's an extra chair right here. I'll get us some popcorn.
Field, I already talked about Russel, but I'm writing to ask you to please write commentary on this incident, the white Oklahoma State Troopers who choked the black EMT up against the ambulance. They stopped him and his partner for "failure to yield" while they were taking a black woman to the hospital. Her son caught it on his cell phone.
I guess all the people who wanted to know whether Oscar Grant of the BART shooting had a record will be trying to justify this incident as well, looking for something to prove the white officers were right to do this to this man while he's on his job trying to take a woman to the hospital.
Nah, wait a minute now. I know that granny is old but now, you young folks correct me if I'm wrong, but well, does friend in young folks language today mean that you not his boo...only woman...real woman...or you know, girlfriend?
Seriously field? Do you think that is all white women are good for? Falsely accusing black men of bad deeds? You can't have it both ways. You can't sit around and claim white people should get a clue and then set the vultures on their carcasses when they actually start to grow. You gotta expect some growing pains.
That said, this is just a train-wreck of mixed metaphors and poor logic. Sure she's naive. But please, she's a model. She's grown up capitalizing on her looks and life as Russell's special friend hasn't been a great leap for her.
I've addressed this over on Black Planet -- Russell Simmons is a typical rich prick who wants nice "white approved" arm candy & not a woman of substance. And this blonde bimbo is smart enough to go for the gold -- get knocked up by one the richest Black dudes on the planet and be set for life!! Look how it work for Kimora.
My concern isn't the what -- its the 'why'. My best friend's new wife is white. But this isn't a case of stealing from the white man's house. Its love, pure and simple. After watching her for over 4 years -- I can honestly say that this woman loves my boy with all her heart. He married her because he loves her, not because hates Black women. Love is love and we as a nation and a people need to get beyond the whole "Jungle Fever" craze -- its 2009.
That being said, I've got plenty of folks in my own family who will stampede over perfectly good looking, educated Black women to run up in the scraps from the Caucasian gene pool. I live in Hollywood and see it everyday -- gorgeous dark skinned honeys who could make my team (included said homey who married the white chick) salivate get passed over by Negroes chasing plain looking white women who have them arrested any other time. And these days, sisters are just as bad - whole ads on Match.com and Craiglist claiming that all Black men are dogs.
Why? Because these monkeys honestly hate what they see in the mirror. And Russell Simmons, for all his money and power -- still sees himself as a ignorant jungle bunny who needs to be civilized by some white/high yellow (Kimora) booty. That's what he said when he married Kimora (as if a model is somehow culture because she can pose in foreign countries.)
Frankly, he needs to some of his faux-Yogi New Age advice and 'Do You' -- get to the root of why he keeps chasing skinny young girls when he's old enough to be their father!
I have the workings of an opinion on this, but I'm gonna follow Field's example and keep it to myself. Hey, save a spot for me in the cheap seats section.
Forget her. That superficial scumbag Russell is the real tool here.
PS check my Kanye post.
"Seriously field? Do you think that is all white women are good for? Falsely accusing black men of bad deeds?"
I do. What else?
Wow! I watched the video and read the article. Unbelievable!
What julie is truly missing is that the russell's penis gets hard because black people insult her.
It turns him on that he indulges in something so treasured yet so reviled.
Yeah, Granny. It is unbelievable and yet sadly not, stopping a black man from doing his job to choke him. I hope FN writes on it b/c he's got a lot more kick in lick. :-) I think Sanchez and Banfield chuckled too much.
But back to Russell. Y'all have at him. I'm down here in NOLA and where we'd look at the first wife and know that may have been a case of too scared to go white in the first place. But to each his own. It would have been nice though if he'd had her pass a black cultural identity test first. :-)
From Russell Simmons's Wikipedia article: "Russell Simmons has been vegan since 1998, and advocates the adoption of veganism citing animal rights along with the environmental and health benefits."
Animal right, veganism, hop-hop, and dumb blondes. Who knew?
She's a successful model in NYC and is just now learning about what's going on in the "Black community"? Only in the last four months? Because/since she's dating Russell Simmons?
Okay. I believe that.
Russell doesn't care about Blacks or the Black community. When it comes to women, he is like OJ...He prefers White women. End of story....Sorry Grata.
But give him a little time. Eventually he will get tired of those White women effing over him and, like OJ, he will kill one. Then we will have another exciting National Soap Opera Trial! Only this time, there will be a slight twist in the story: the Blacks will help the Whites convict his dumb sorry ass. It'll be Blacks way of paying tribute to post racial America. LOL
Y'all do know that Oklahoma is by far the most racist state in America? While Texas has towns like Paris, Texas--the entire state of Oklahoma is like Paris, Texas.
There is not ONE White person in that wretched tumbleweed state who does not have the mind of a zealous skinhead. That is one evil state that cannot be helped. The White trooper choking the shit out of a black man is just another day in that dustbowl ignoramus state. He's lucky he wasn't shot.
Oklahoma is a lawless hell hole. It is a playground for tornadoes, taurantulas, and mosquitoes big enough to carry your ass several blocks.
In Oklahoma, the Blacks have a plantation mentality and the Whites have a trailer park mentality. That means "nothing" is going to be done about a white trooper choking the shit out of a black man. Who's going to complain? JC Watts? Forget it.
A tempest in a teapot. Then Verite puts the real deal in.
I think cell phones and their cameras are going to do more for equal rights than bunches of laws. There is nothing like seeing to lead to belief.
Coming from the hollering match at Field's two sets of Comments; this sure sobered me up.
(I would have posted part of this comment on your site, but I cannot remember my Google account.)
Off Topic: that Bucks county idiot woman should have said that two white women with big hair kidnapped her.
Equal opportunity lying on!
Since when did the police start stopping ambulances and ticketing them in emergencies? I'm speechless. That topped the cake. I guess next they'll be stopping fire trucks.
I don't know how they do in Oklahoma but out this way cars are supposed to pull over to the side of the road and let the ambulance by and our police don't pull over ambulances that are transporting patients to the hospital.
One of my first thoughts was what was wrong with the woman. Was she having a heart attack, stroke, or diabetic... Some folks are not fit for certain jobs and lately, a lot of them have been in law enforcement. Smh!
As for Russell and Julie, well whatever floats their boat. That's their business. However, if I were missy I wouldn't get too over confident thinking that friend means wifey because friend means I have a friend for this and a friend for that and a friend for that too, and a friend just in case too, etc.
Oh Lawd!
Now the police are killing the police. I bet Omar is black. Yup, here we go again mistaking black officers for armed criminals. I've heard this story before in the past. Excuses, excuses, excuses... It's open season again on black men.
VP, I am up on that Oklahoma story. But Oklahaoma? I didn't even remember that it was a sate.(Anon 2:38AM nailed it)I will check out your site and post on it as well.
"I think cell phones and their cameras are going to do more for equal rights than bunches of laws. There is nothing like seeing to lead to belief."
I co-sign.
LOL@ WildMagnolia.**still in the cheap seats**
You asked, Does She Really Care?
Probably Not
Should We Care?
Stories like this and others that discuss what rich people are doing, or saying, or wearing is the 21st version of what Karl Marx said about religion:
The opiate of the masses....
I have no interest in engaging in what distracts us. And frankly, I get quite pissed at the fawning over the doings of the rich. To add another analogy, I will not fiddle while Rome burns!
funny thing--the blog post where russell defends his GF has been removed.
Bob @ 12am.....I don't know why but I found that hilarious! Thanks, i needed that chuckle!
Someone needs to tell Miss Julie her relationship isn't a damn anthropology class (which she seems to be failing) --and to just stop sharing.
And where is SHE seeing poverty past her "good family" and Simmons bajillions of dollars?
She knows that if Russell had no money, she wouldn't look at him.
And that's all I'm going to say about this, except for this...
Miss Anne, don't get caught by yourself with Sistas who read your claptrap,and dont' whine if they open up a can of whoop ass on you.
Russell Simmons is a modern day minstrel with a half billion in the bank.
I believe he's now a registered Republican as well.
So what?
This bimbo is gonna take his dumbass to the cleaners just like Kimora did and he still won't learn.
On a more serious note..
A black off duty cop was shot dead last night in Harlem by a white cop who assumed he was an armed criminal.
That makes 18 black off duty or undercover cops in NYC who have been murdered by their white colleagues since 1970.
That's an amazing stat.
ditto fn!
her weird rant is deliberately racist and offensive
she does not really care about blacks, though she really may care about sex and cash via russell
it is typical of the most racist persons to fetishize those they hate...the same goes for gaybashers rabidly obsessed with gay sex
most white women who chase black men exclusively rarely ever have a single black female friend...
her hatred for black women and her desire to offend us is evinced by her toxic tone and the curiously comical scope of her vain racial/socio-economic references...
the universal nazi-like obsession with the bi-racial obama will only empower women like this as they seek to give birth to the next blackish president...
these interracial may-december romances between elder rich black men and young white girls seem to be the newest hollywood trend...
ie: michael jordan/rick fox/etc
to each their own,
Gee, maybe Russell will be able to emulate his hero...Woody Allen. Umm...how about old sterile coot likes to have him that arm candy to wave in you-uns faces. Kimora was a way of saying...you-all can't 'fford this. Why should this trophy be different?
Oh, I still say OJ is getting the blame for the murders...while Ron's 'business associates' were never investigated. And the families were all about the money...not the justice.
Two consenting adults can do whatever they want. Except they can't get married if they're of the same sex, but that's another story.
Tell us more about Oklahoma.
Just an aside from the sticks,
There's a point where ambulances are driving around blind curves, in the other lane, on two wheels.
At that point, I wish some cop was around to ticket them.
Russell Simmons is a idiot, she is not saying much if she learned blackness from him of all people.
This is the same idiot that bragged about taking up the cause of changing the draconian rockefeller drug laws, yet couldnt understand why after spending 10K on helicopter rides to Albany State Legislature, why the state reps wouldnt give him the time of day. Maybe it was the 50 year old man in a baseball cap paying 10K to fly from NYC to Albany!
when is russel going to date a woman with the afro?
Why did "The Big Lebowski" pop in to my mind when I read this?
This one of those many moments where I have stop and say, "White people, stop embarassing me!"
1) I am not very sympathetic towards my fellow white people who start wearing their "new-found knowledge" like a badge of honor.
It is wise to simply keep your mouth shut, listen, and learn.
2) What on God's green earth does she mean by "special" friend? (As you know, Field, I am white, but I need a translation here - a token friend?...a friend that makes her feel special?...a commodity?) My concern is with those deeply ingrained attitudes that drive comments like these.
I will stop here. (For now.)
Man alive, Field, I have not had my second cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee yet and you have got me fired up!
I could care less about this, but she does get points for:
Namaste = B**ch, get your own man.
Russell Simmons? Why bother?
A tux and a baseball cap...that says it all.
All I have to say is I don't get the baseball cap and tuxedo thing and old ass men, don't you realize when you are with a much younger woman you're just drawing attention to how old you really are?
"Since when did the police start stopping ambulances and ticketing them in emergencies? I'm speechless. That topped the cake."
Seeing the cops walk around and not give a care to the patient inside the ambulance screaming just leaves me speechless. So unbelievable.
The cops are bull headed neanderthals and have no business being on any police force. Both should be fired. God, I hope the patient sues, it's the only thing that will get their attention. Hit'em deep in the pocketbook.
What's the fascination with white women??????
AB, that trend has been happening for a little. Lou Rawls, Ike Turner, James Brown, Tina Turner, and probably some more folks have been doing it. Maybe what's going with Russell and this girl is going to be short term, but the one thing I know about women is that they will fall for the larger than life guys hands down. If a man has made some money and seems to be succesful, most women with some kind of self esteem will at least entertain the thought of being with him. Am I saying all women are just automatically gold diggers? Not in anyway. A woman will go for whoever makes her feel safe and secure in some way. Russ don't have the looks by any means, but he's got a sharp mind and a lot money. Plus it doesn't hurt that standing next to him makes her look a lot better by comparison. I mean, even look at your picture for example. You hold your head up, have strong eyes, and exude confidence, so it's no wonder if a woman is attracted to you. It's just the way things go and I'm not not mad at him if he can pull her. But truthfully, the model should have kept her mouth shut. And I know I'm going to make some folks mad with this since I'm going to be blunt, but it's true: if black women want the rich black men, they're going have to get dolled up and find a way into that social circle. Maybe try to get in on some of their volunteer projects and meet them that way or find some kind of way to get invited to a party. The only reason some of those guys don't pick up black women is that they don't get to see many at that level. A woman that looks good and that you can relate to is rare and a great find, so all I have to say is that the board is truthfully in your favor if you can pull it off.
You must know that her knowledge about us 'poor' black folks comes from Russell? In other words, She is being educated by Russell about what Blacks are like, which isn't good, of course.
Of course, Russell wants to be that rare Black dude who doesn't think Black, and not interested in anything Black--he's the best of the best and would never stoop that low. And everybody knows that he is top shelf. Just look at his good friend!
So don't blame and attack her. She is only regurgitating what Russell has taught her during their most intimate moments.
I bet Russell went after her, and not the other way around. Any woman needing money doesn't have to go after Russell to get it. But if he's offering her 'easy' money with an upscale life for being just a 'good friend', that's an offer most cannot refuse.
Go get 'em Russell. But hurry, 'cause it sure looks like time has been stepping all over your face. Too bad you can't buy off time.
"Go get 'em Russell. But hurry, 'cause it sure looks like time has been stepping all over your face. Too bad you can't buy off time".
You ain't lying. But the trashy bimbo don't give a care b/c it's the money that looks fine. I wish the bimbo keep talking smack, I wanna see her white ass get rolled.
Moms Mabeley used to tell a joke about the 83 Year old rich man who married a fine 19 year old woman. The old guys heart gave out 3 days later...
But it took 23 undertakers a week to get the smile off his face so they could bury him looking solemn.
Russ Simmons wants to date a fine ass white girl,,,
Go for it, Russ!
Bob sez - As a white male, what I learned long ago about the "black community" was that my black friend's black barber could do an excellent job cutting his hair AND mine, which you couldn't trust my white barber to do.You're right. About 1/3 of the guys coming in to my favorite black barbershop now are white and Hispanic guys. I expect that number will expand, as $12.00 a cut is a hell of a lot cheaper then $30 at the clip joints.
Okay, I see this as stereotyping, and some reverse racism. Can we see past the color of skin? Maybe these two people enjoy each other's company. She did voice some rather stupid, short-sighted opinions, but then she's under attack too. I have a few friends, white men, who are married to black women. Are those couples wrong too? For the record, I am a white woman; I'm cringing a bit.
but i have been blessed to live and travel all over the usa...i now live on 2 coasts...and i see many smart beautiful het black women get ignored by bros all the time...
i have seen black profs at major academic events give young wf student wait staff more attention than their sexy black female prof peers...
on the west coast, black women seem to chase white men the very same way many black men chase white females...
most afrocentric women like me just ignore all eurocentric blacks sexually/het or gay...life is too short to stress over those who do not want to love us as we love ourselves...
russell is uber rich!
and i think he has access to far more beautiful models of all races...
but he chose her,
is using my name cool?
where are all those cyber police herein?
holla officers,
woo woo woo woo, did somebody call tha police?
where da white women at?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo1LPf9mnyU He should take her here to eat. No model has ever said anything profound so I don't see why this story has grown legs. Tyson Beckford would have probably said the same things she did..
Rudy said...
Models and Ms. Americas should be precluded from speaking on political, social and/or racial issues.
As a fomer contestant in the Miss America pageant system, I take offense with this statement. Former Miss America's are Doctors, Lawyers, and of course Entertainers.
Personally, I don't care who Russel dates. He's not my type (way too short) and I already got a man.
With that said, White women like this talk shit about Black women because they know no Black man is gonna check their ass for it.
wow fly!
u have always been fly!...smile
"where da white women at"?
running behind all the black men. bitches.
"As a fomer contestant in the Miss America pageant system, I take offense with this statement."
uh, yeah..........right.
I agree with what was said earlier about the obsession with celebrity bullshit in this country, at the expense of paying attention to bread and butter issues. They don't do that in Europe and that's why the corporations haven't totally fucked everyone over there.
Anyone who knows more about the doings in Hollywood than in D.C. is the enemy!
That being said, this bimbo is nothing more than a high priced hooker, but I can't hate on her for seeing an easy target and attaching herself like a leech on it.
uptownsteve said...
uh, yeah..........right.
Just because you married a "plain jane" don't hate on my husband because he didn't. Not every man marry a pageant girl (wink eye), LOL!! You know uptown, I'll just bet you're a short little man with short hands and feet.
And thanks AB!
Fly-"As a fomer contestant in the Miss America pageant system, I take offense with this statement. Former Miss America's are Doctors, Lawyers, and of course Entertainers."
Not anymore. Miss America these days are not so bright, but they still look good. Women Doctors, Lawyers, etc. don't go that mediocre route anymore.
Fly, I have noticed your exceptional accomplishments over your 40+ lifespan. For instance, you have many degrees; plus you are working on several more degrees; you are highly educated; you are happily married; you claim to be an attractive female; you have a great body; you eat the right foods; you were a former contestant in a beauty pageant; you fought hard to get out of the hood while everyone else failed; you are a committed conservative with income in the upper income bracket; You seem to have it all 'perfectly' together.
Anything you haven't done that might indicate that you have limitations and vulnerabilities like most human beings?
"You know uptown, I'll just bet you're a short little man with short hands and feet."
Well you're wrong about that as you are just about everything else.
What I do have is a big johnson and fairly fat wallet.
And that makes Mrs. Uptown very happy.
"Anything you haven't done that might indicate that you have limitations and vulnerabilities like most human beings?"
Humph.let her tell it,she doesn't.
What I do have is a big johnson and fairly fat wallet.
And that makes Mrs. Uptown very happy.
I'M NOT GOOOOOIIIIING!!!!!"Anony, that was not cool. I almost dribbled yogurt on my macbook. It's new. LOL
Ya know, I wonder if black lesbians go after white women too?
"What I do have is a big johnson and fairly fat wallet.
And that makes Mrs. Uptown very happy.'
Uptownsteve, You see what I mean, that's what you black guys like to say tricking the white women. They so curious. LOL
kitty litter/anon:
i already posted regarding the universal nature of eurocentric black people...
oj's come in all genders/orientations
stop dribbling and pay attention
ps: i google too and i cannot find your face anywhere....not even on your own "site" why?
are you as gruesome as your ugly posts herein?
linda villarosa and her gorgeous cool afrocentric mom have penned classic articles in essence magazine about linda's exclusive penchant for white females...
a popular lesbian blogger named pam has a white spouse...
and i have penned many articles regarding eurocentric hets and gays:
"oj's come in all genders/orientations"
Wow, who would have guessed.
So.. um, I have always noticed a lot of black men with locks seem attract a lot white women, or they seem to be attracted to the white women.
So um, do black lesbians with locks have that same cosmic attraction and vice versa?
all white people love locks
i fight daily to keep strangers' hands out of my mane...all races/all genders
ironically, it is only black people who have an aversion to nappy hair...
like malcolm said, we have been taught to hate ourselves even more deeply than the masters
that is why young black men kill more clones than white klansmen kill black men today...
my queen is an african american southern elder professional
she has been my spouse for over 12 yrs...13 next feb
So how come you never got a white woman?
I was hanging out with some white and asian male and female friends when a nice looking Black dude came in with a really cute white chick....Let me tell you the yt dudes I was with were MAD AS HELL....kinda like how black dudes react to Halle's baby daddy....It was kinda funny.
I think it is a male posturing thing. I had a dude tell me he would come to re-unions to see who had the flyest wife...My point here is Men want their trophy. In America the trophy is young and hot, and a lot of times white. That is what it is. Personally, I think that if someone wants those pink nipples so damn much he should just have it, no skin off my back.
It is also possible he just likes her company. You know sometimes it is just not that serious.....Russell has to do what he has to do to be happy, we all have to do the same. He should probably just tell his 'special friend' not to swim in waters with over 300 years of history. Instead she should work on getting pregnant. It will get her where she wants to be faster.
P.S. I am a black woman...if that matters to anyone.
P.P.S Maybe he likes those light-skinneded babies with bad attitudes that's why he messes with those chicks....eh who knows what is in the heart of a human being
"i fight daily to keep strangers' hands out of my mane...all races/all genders".
Damn, and I thought that was a weave.
why do u ask?
have you?
i am no racist
i think black women are god's greatest work of art...
i love me
i love my mom
love is primarily defined by desire
i desire clones of myself
i once heard a bro say:
"i need to love and marry a black
woman so that i can come home at the end of a long hard day and just look at her...and my look will say all to her"
that is why i only date black lesbian clones too...no whites/bis/euros etc
many afro women like me have never worn a weave
i shaved my head bald in 1996
and spoke/wrote about it often publicly as it grew
it is now beneath my waist
and i have clipped at least an inch each year since 96...way over 13" ever since
are you balding yet?
All kidding aside I checked your website and your pictures were very nice.
The one of you as a 16 year old debutante was exquisite.
And no I am not balding.
At 48 I am 6 ft 185 lbs of nubian steel with a full head of wavy black hair.
Maternal grandmother was half Catawba Indian.
some women bald too
usually from perms...
i love my mane too
so locking was a great way to stop perming...
you sound like a beautiful king when you are not being evil herein...
"all white people love locks
i fight daily to keep strangers' hands out of my mane...all races/all genders"
Wow. All that attention must be mind blowing. It must also annoy you since you're such a humble individual.
"love is primarily defined by desire
i desire clones of myself"
So is your queen a dark skin sister too? Or just being any shade of black counts?
us has 2 sides
kitty litter
even when you feign having 2
you really only have one
a very evil ugly one
i promised a few people herein that i would not take your bait today...
so i done like catnip now
i am trying y'a 4 real
one parting reply:
shades of skin mean nothing to me
only colors of minds count
huey newton was pale
clarence thomas is ebony
go figure
My feelings are hurt. I was being sincere. I'm in such a playful mood today...
i promised a few people herein that i would not take your bait today...'
Like I ignored most of yours yesterday. Even after you attacked my cats (they did you nothing). And who are those people you promised? Friends on this blog? Get outta here. LOL. :)
Wow. All that attention must be mind blowing. It must also annoy you since you're such a humble individual.
please don't encourage her with questions, then maybe she'll go away. i threw up twice already.
I don't have two sides but several facets.
My first impulse is always to extend a hand of friendship.
Gratutious black male bashing really sets me off and unleashes a darker facet.
Having been a black boy in the inner city at one time , I know first hand that much of the black male on black male street carnage we see in the cities is the result of self-hatred.
Black boys are taught early from not only white America but from sistahs that they ain't $hit and their lives aren't worth anything.
Much of the disrespect of our women that you and others have spoken about stems from the lack of confidence and self-esteem that many black men have in themselves.
Many of us do not derive self-esteem from being a competent professional, a proven provider for a family, or a respected member of the community.
Sadly their self-esteem often comes from the demeaning or even extinguishing of those closest to them.
A cheap sense of "power".
I have two sons and I tell them every day that they are black princes and they are to treat the women in their lives as queens and princesses.
I try to listen and understand sisters like yourself and I promise from this point on not to be insulting but I will also request that you not be so over the top with your attacks on brothers.
uptownsteve said...
What I do have is a big johnson and fairly fat wallet.
And that makes Mrs. Uptown very happy
So you married a short gold digger, LOL???
i promise you that there are DROVES of black men whom i adore
field negro is one of them...
and i agree with you
especially as an educator of young children and adults
i have seen two generations of young black men JUSTIFIABLY despise abusive young black mothers...many even more toxic than their young black fathers
this is why i anger you when i call them turbo breeders...but that venom comes from a broken heart on the front lines of self induced black genocide...
and i see much more and much more closely than the rich bill cand osby...
that was:
and i see much more and much more closely than the rich and distant bill cosby...
"I try to listen and understand sisters like yourself and I promise from this point on not to be insulting but I will also request that you not be so over the top with your attacks on brothers."
Just remember to take your meds b4 you post here ok?
uptownsteve said...
At 48 I am 6 ft 185 lbs of nubian steel with a full head of wavy black hair.
WOW!! Here you are, bragging about your penis, you money, your "good" hair, your law degree, and such but let ME start bragging. All hell would break loose, roll eyes!! Common anonomyous,jealous, hateful, ooogly, bitches, lemme hear you talk shit Stevie's bragging ass!!
Oh that's right, you anons are probably too busy sweating what you ain't got to check ol' boy.
i promise to be kinder and gentler to you too
and i wish we all knew more fathers and sons like you
"WOW!! Here you are, bragging about your penis, you money, your "good" hair, your law degree, and such but let ME start bragging. All hell would break loose, roll eyes!!"
Jeez, lighten up.
I don't have a law degree and I didn't mention anything about "good" hair.
And my comments about the johnson and wallet were tongue in cheek.
Although they are pretty big.
AB, I have just one question. Have you EVER in your entire life ever had a pimple? I've never seen skin so beautiful and clear! Dam girl!
Wesawthat: 185 pages...sigh.
I thought that they had covered the subject in about 40 and did not go on.
It is fascinating for a layperson to churn through the actual "decision."
You find interesting things to blog on and you find interesting sites for linking' but your commentators have really fallen off.
WOW!! Here you are, bragging about your penis, you money, your "good" hair, your law degree, and such but let ME start bragging. All hell would break loose, roll eyes!! Common anonomyous,jealous, hateful, ooogly, bitches, lemme hear you talk shit Stevie's bragging ass!!
Let Uptown Steve brag. All I can say is hubba hubba.
No one is jealous of what you write, we're just not impressed.
when i was a teen...smile
i drink gallons of water with lemon juice each day
i have never smoked anything or drank anything other than occasional red wine too
i avoid sugar and make up most days...
and i typically wear just a lightly colored powder..
all that helps
it is also in my genes
Uptown Steve:
Ypu stated: "I have two sons and I tell them every day that they are black princes and they are to treat the women in their lives as queens and princesses."
...and I would be all too pleased to have my daughters bring home young men who have a father like that!
Internet "fist-jab" to you.
uptownsteve said...
Jeez, lighten up. I don't have a law degree and I didn't mention anything about "good" hair. And my comments about the johnson and wallet were tongue in cheek.
I'm good with tongue and cheek because I'm confident. It's hypocritical anon bitches who have a problem with ANYTHING positive I say about myself. It's a dam shame!
Hey "fly" [retro]
What's in your cheek?
"Bob @ 12am.....I don't know why but I found that hilarious! Thanks, i needed that chuckle!"
Miranda, granny always loves to read Bob's post because he makes me laugh too. Bob has a dry sense of humor that is hilarious.
"This one of those many moments where I have stop and say, "White people, stop embarassing me!"
Adam, I truly know what you mean because Granny has that same thought sometimes about some of my black people. Oh well, I love my people and Lord knows I will go to bat for them in hot flash and fight hard for them but sometimes I wish some of them would just get some act right.
"What on God's green earth does she mean by "special" friend? (As you know, Field, I am white, but I need a translation here"
It means for the moment we are just having some fun together, until I meet the right one. No strings attached and I am free to date whomever and whenever I choose in the meantime. I am not your man. I am just your friend. BTW, that is probably what he is telling her that she is his friend.
shake the anon haters off
they are essentially invisible anyway!
Just doin what the men in my young life did for me.
Too many black boys aren't getting that.
Our gay ladies should get a kick out of this one on O'Reilly Faux News -
Wheeler, a Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department officer-turned-paid Fox News commentator, launched right in: "Well, you know, there is this national underground network, if you will, Bill, of women that's lesbians and also some men groups that's actually recruiting kids as young as 10 years old in a lot of the schools in the communities all across the country," he reported. "And they actually carry a number of weapons. And they commit a number of crimes."
Wheeler asserted that "we've actually counted, just in the Washington, D.C., area alone, that's Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, well over 150 of these crews. … And they — like I said, they recruit these kids to be members of these gangs."
O'Reilly asked, "Now, when they recruit the kids, are they indoctrinating them into homosexuality?"
"Yes," Wheeler answered. "As a matter of fact, some of the kids have actually reported that they were forced into, you know, performing sex acts and doing sex acts with some of these people."
Flabbergasted by the sheer depravity of it all, O'Reilly nevertheless forged ahead. "I never thought of this," said the host of the "no-spin zone." "It makes sense that, if you had lawless gay people, they would do this kind of thing. You associate homosexuality more with a social movement, not a criminal movement. But you're saying this is all over the country, detective?"
"It's all over the country," Wheeler replied. "I mean, you go from New York to California to wherever you want to name, you can see these organizations."
Next came the pink guns. "Now, the other thing, too, that our viewers are going to find very, very interesting, is the fact that they actually carry—some of these groups carry pink pistols," Wheeler said. "They call themselves the pink-pistol-packing group. And these are lesbians that actually carry pistols. That's 9-millimeter Glocks. They use these. They commit crimes, and they cause a lot of hurt to a lot of people."Pink Glocks?
Un-freakin-believable the shit that makes it onto Faux.
Anonymous said...
Let Uptown Steve brag. All I can say is hubba hubba.
No one is jealous of what you write, we're just not impressed.
Just like a thought another hetero, manless, jealous witch.
alicia banks said...
shake the anon haters off
they are essentially invisible anyway!
You're right. We VERY beautiful black women must learn to ignore the haters, LOL!!
FOX = fake outrageous/obsessively xxx fabricated "news"
the scary thing is:
their ratings are soaring as the other "news" networks have become mtv
ditto fly!
if we were ugly/insecure/envious etc...we would be posting as anons too!
have you seen sommore do her hula hoop routine?
love it
shoop shoop!
Thats why she aint got no pics posted, she probably thinks that she is the cute red gurl forensic specialist on bones!
Now, don't let Steve be foolin' you...he's a down-low bro, with a johnson that wouldn't tickle a gnat's ass.
here is what i use to shake off haters per sommore:
use it for the anon haters herein
And before you get your shorts all in a knot, Steve....I was just yanking your chain:)
Fox calls itself getting their base riled up before the prop 8 makes it to Supreme Court. In essence, now they're trying to tie the LGBT community with gangbanging. That is how they did blacks exaggerated, deceived, and lied and now we have police making innocent black people out of target practice. I guess next, we'll be hearing about the LGBT community being included in some of their target practice. The GOP party is a poisonous venom to our community as a whole. They need to get rid of the Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Gingrich, Bachmanns of the party because they are the real terrorist and gangbangers.
"Just what kind of "poverty" did you see in the black community hanging with Russell? I am just saying." --
If poverty is strictly defined as material deprivation, then I doubt she has experienced very little of that with Russell. However, on a philosophical level poverty comes in many flavours and I'm guessing that her bank account of "clues" is empty.
Checked out your blog. It was the comment about your skin that piqued my interest ;)
You know better :-)
Have a great weekend everyone!
just as white racist media falsely made the ancient DL phenom a black/"bro" thing...
long ago in atlanta
i used to slay sean hannity on his own show at wgst
he is a nototious gay hater
and i bet he single handedly produced that segment
You have a good one too, Steve.
Hey Field I found this online.
WARREN, Pa. — A northwestern Pennsylvania newspaper is apologizing for running a classified advertisement calling for the assassination of President Barack Obama.
Warren Times Observer Publisher John Elchert says the ad appeared Thursday. It read, "May Obama follow in the steps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy!" The four presidents were all assassinated.
Elchert tells The Associated Press that the newspaper's advertising staff didn't make the historical connection.
He says the newspaper turned information over to police and that the Secret Service is investigating the person who placed the ad.
A note in Friday's paper says the newspaper "apologizes for the oversight."
@AB-"i shaved my head bald in 1996
and spoke/wrote about it often publicly as it grew"
Don't ever do that again.
never fret
i never will cut my hair again...
i will only trim to maintain my current ideal length
i am locked for life
i will be draped in my locks and cremated when i move into my next life...
a great weekend to all,
did u see this?
sean h may have a stroke!
A Person of Interest said...
Now, don't let Steve be foolin' you...he's a down-low bro, with a johnson that wouldn't tickle a gnat's ass.
"Now, don't let Steve be foolin' you...he's a down-low bro, with a johnson that wouldn't tickle a gnat's ass."
Wow. That's pretty small. That makes Steve celibate by default.
Hey Kid, granny glad to see ya.
I hope that these folks that are planning assassination are not successful in their attempts because they do no know what they'll unlease if they are successful in it. It won't be nothing nice, and it won't be just black folks by themselves going off the deep end, it will be a world-wide thing that crosses all color lines. They will unleash something so drastic and unbearable that it will be like something no one has witnessed ever in history of mankind and America will never be the same.
The only thing good of it will be that Rush, Hannity, Beck and their rest of their crew will get their just desserts and no one will feel sorry for them. Even the people that follow them will deny they even watched them.
I pray that it does not come to that and for the safety of his family and him.
Goddamn Alicia, I went on your highly promoted website and I had to fight back violently regurgitating all over the place (It costa too much to get the carpets cleaned these days)
But for real tho it looks like someone beat your ass severely with an ugly stick!
Really, I don't know why these people keep gassing you up, you are not that cute honey.smh
Anonymous said...
Really, I don't know why these people keep gassing you up, you are not that cute honey.smh
You're right, she's NOT that dam cute. She's stunningly beautiful, with skin most women would kill for!
It's such a punk ass move to post as anon without so much as a profile or pic.
Opps my bad, I was supposed to be shaking the haters off!
Yeah stunning,ok
Why you got your panties in a frilly ms america, repugs got you down again?
"i have seen two generations of young black men JUSTIFIABLY despise abusive young black mothers...many even more toxic than their young black fathers"
Alicia do you even have children?
Man, It took one black male to say her picture looks nice, then she wasted no time with her complimentary young-black-mommy bashing to show her appreciation.
Gee, If we only knew beauty confirmation from a black male would have done the trick to balance her mood, we could have asked Steve to say it a long time ago.
"A note in Friday's paper says the newspaper "apologizes for the oversight."'
Yeah sure. And Granny, I have a feeling those men would still be protected. It's a shame, they still can't get over Obama.
I originally believed that you were a hard working scientist working on your fifth degree. As time went on, I noticed that you were spending more time on this blog than working in that so-called scientific job that you claimed to have.
You are full of shit. Period. You are probably not even married because no man would want your lying phony ass.
I don't know what you look like outside, but you sure are ugly inside. UTS and a few others on this blog pegged you from the beginning.
As AB often says, "Shame!" Can I get an "Amen"?
Will Steve, Ab and Fly PULEASE get their own blog so they can talk to each other non stop!!!! This blog is NOT FUCKING ABOUT YOU!!!!
Wow Jody, tell us how you really feel.
La incognita:
"It's a shame, they still can't get over Obama."
Yes, it is. However, hatred is embedded in their hearts. Obama being elected pulled the cover off of it for the whole world to see. A lot of people did not want to face it or admit that racism exist in America and some of the same people that were preaching no racism exist anymore were the ones who were the most racist. Hannity, Beck, Gingrich, Jesse Lee Peterson, and a few others to name a few were leading that pack preaching that message. They wanted to place the blame on the victims of it. However, when Obama got elected that blew their message out the window because too many people see it now. The Hannity's of the world see their little false world fading away and are fighting hard to keep racism alive.
Many who had been victims of it are filled with anger that grew and grew over time from years of being a victim of racism. In a way it's good that a lot of them are expressing their anger and some the best they know to get it all out.
It might be painful to listen to, make some get upset, and even hard to digest at times. Nevertheless, it's for the best in this sense, like a teapot when it gets boiling hot, it has to let off steam before it's ready to drink or a sore that is infected has to let the pus drain out in order to heal.
Right now, it's kind of like the lyrics to an old song that used to say:
"It's a shame
All this fussing and fighting we're doing
Don't you know that it's got to stop
Don't make sense to go on this way
992 arguments
992, quit just a-fighting
992, I'm sick of you
I don't want to leave you
But I gotta tell you just how it is
Life is too short to live in this arena
There's so much that has to give
Maybe we just weren't meant for each other
You know, we might have made a big mistake
But two people understand one another
Tell me, how long does it take
992 arguments
992, quit just a-fighting
992, I'm sick of you"
It will work itself out when both sides sit down and really listen to each other and not at each other, come to the realization that we are a nation of people, and learn to come to and reach some type of agreement that will be beneficial to all of the people as a whole that is not one-sided or lopsided but truly equal. Until then, I guess it will go on and on. God only knows.
I'm trying really, really hard but I just can't give a damn about anything having to do with Russell Simmons. Nothing this young woman says can be any less relevant than the countless droppings of stupidity from Mr. Simmons. Seriously.
WCS, you are right. Russell and his white young girlfriend are irrelevant and not worth discussing.
But that IS what the post is about. It's also about AB, Fly and UTS. But they come with every post, whatever the topic is.
Sorry Jody...I feel your pain.
"You know uptown, I'll just bet you're a short little man with short hands and feet."
"What I do have is a big johnson and fairly fat wallet."
Next came the pink guns. 'Now, the other thing, too, that our viewers are going to find very, very interesting, is the fact that they actually carry—some of these groups carry pink pistols,' Wheeler said. 'They call themselves the pink-pistol-packing group. And these are lesbians that actually carry pistols. That's 9-millimeter Glocks. They use these. They commit crimes, and they cause a lot of hurt to a lot of people.' Pink Glocks?"
what is grinder talking about?
The pink glock stuff is some of Fox Soap Opera mess. Apparently, Fox is now trying to tie the GLBT community in with gangbanging.
I do not like the way that they are slandering Sotomayor. That is so low down and dirty but then you got to expect that considering where it's coming from. Where is PUMA at? After all, didn't they claim to be fighting for women's rights. Like Sojounder Truth said paraphased, "Ain't she a woman too?" Smh!
I know one thing President Obama told us during the election what he wanted to do and promised us he would. But he, also, said that he cannot do it alone, he needs our help because he is up against the powers that be and they're not going out without a darn good fight. President Obama meant what he said and he definitely needs our help because those crazy folks are throwing up roadblocks and obstacles at every turn. If you guys only knew half of what he has to deal with on a daily basis,and even some of it coming from within his own party, but he is trying. He does need the help though.
Hey Granny , hi.
If you go to the PUMA sites they are saying that Justice Sotomayor is anti-woman, anti-black,and anti-gay.You know they weren't going to like her at all.
PUMA is full of dung and ain't worth two dead flies. I bet you they are a front for those stormfront women.
As a young black woman, I can say that I do not take issue with black men dating white women. I personally think that interracial dating may be the only thing that saves the black family. I know very few black people my age who are actually married. The more a young black man has to offer, as far as intelligence, success, and attractiveness, the greater his aversion to marriage and family. These particular men are waiting for Halle Berry II to come along before they get married (yes I've actually had someone I was dating tell me that). And there are so few young straight black men who have these qualities that the ones that do feel they have their pick of the litter (parden the pun ladies). Black men have had a monopoly on the black woman for far too long. There needs to be some antitrust laws put into play. Black women need to look elsewhere for love. We are so stuck dating inside our race that we miss out on some really good men. I've taken more than a few economics classes in my day...as you may be able to tell. And what I learned was that when demand is high...the price is high. But when you introduce a "substitute good", the price for the other good decreases. In other words, maybe if the black woman sought love in more than one place, the black man would feel the need to work harder in pursuing a relationship with a black woman. A little competition can be a good thing.
Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger
But she ain't messin' wit no broke n****z
Anonymous, are you saying that since you're going off to find love with someone outside of the black race, but expect a black man such as myself to stay with his own kind? (I know you're not saying that, but it has to be said)
brb looking for white/asian woman to settle down with lulz
Anonymous, I'm not expecting anybody to "stay with his own kind". I think that's the problem. Many black men date outside their race, but very few black women do. There really isn't a lot of competition for black men out there. We already out under them 2 to 1 (fake statistic) plus they will date anyone without an Adam's Apple. I have friends that are successful in their careers, with Masters Degrees, great personalities, love the Lord...and date black men who don't even have a car or apartment. Where I live, a car is a must. And you could say it was their fault for dating someone like that, but to be honest, if it wasn't him, it would be someone else who was on the same lines as that guy. The guys that have what we have are really in player mode...or are waiting for Halle Berry. But they know that they can be a player until they are 45...and there will still be a great black woman waiting for him to wife her up. I'm saying, if the black men had some competition and wasn't so sure that there would be a black woman waiting in the wings when they were ready...just maybe they would step up to the plate more so than now.
Jody said...
Will Steve, Ab and Fly PULEASE get their own blog so they can talk to each other non stop!!!! This blog is NOT FUCKING ABOUT YOU!!!!
Anon-o-bitches MADE this blog about me when the neurotic assholes keep referring posts to me despite others trying to keep the topic going.
"Anonymous said...
I originally believed that you were a hard working scientist working on your fifth degree. As time went on.................."
Do you really think I give a rats ass about an individual to so lame as to not have an identity?
Tell you what I'm gonna do in your memory today. When DH gets back from the detail shop with my ride, I'm gonna take the top down in that Benz he gave me for my B'day a few years ago, I'm gonna let my long God given long tresses blow in the wind, and I'm gonna sip some cool Dasani water on my way to the lab to take care of a few things. Then I'm going to the libarary to do some work on my long over due thesis, followed by hanging out on the National Harbor with my sister.
Now, I'd fill you in on how the rest of my evening will be spent with my man, but I don't want to make you anymore jealous and hateful than you already are, LOL!!!
Toodles Biotch!
"Tell you what I'm gonna do in your memory today. When DH gets back from the detail shop with my ride, I'm gonna take the top down in that Benz he gave me for my B'day a few years ago, I'm gonna let my long God given long tresses blow in the wind, and I'm gonna sip some cool Dasani water on my way to the lab to take care of a few things. Then I'm going to the libarary to do some work on my long over due thesis, followed by hanging out on the National Harbor with my sister."
Yeah, in your dreams bitch
Anonymous said...
Yeah, in your dreams bitch
10:52 AM
Lets see just how big and bad your punk ass REALLY is. And next time, try the energizer batteries for your dildo. You'll feel better.
FYI Jody, the ONLY reason the going back and forth EVER stops is because I eventally stop responding. So save your comments about whose blog this is for the assholes who really deserves it or you can join them in kissing my ass.
I only have two words and take it the way you will:
"Do YOU"...
Late to the show, but I'll pull up a chair with Field et al. With 2 caveats:
1. to Anonymous 12:51 a.m.: There are plenty of white women who work to make society better, who open their hearts to all, who see color not as black and white or invisible, but as all the beauty of the rainbow. http://kristincollier.blogspot.com/2008/12/adventures-in-leafland-part-one.html
2. As I look at the photo of this old black man and the young white woman on his arm, I realize that I know absolutely nothing about the genuine intricacies of their relationship. And I'm reminded of something a guy named Jesus said 2000 years ago - "Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Just sayin'
I'll take a seat now.
Lets see just how big and bad your punk ass REALLY is. And next time, try the energizer batteries for your dildo. You'll feel better."
Oh please save the tough girl talk for the hood "fly"
How mature is that scientist?
You are nothing more than a braggart, you probably don't have half the shit you claim to have, and if you do so fucking what?
Nbody really gives a fuck, because they don't have to sleep with you at night.
Grow up and get a life (A real one.)
Granny, come to think of it, I have a pink gun and it shoots bullets, but I don't think Fox News is going to want the pictures.
"Oh please save the tough girl talk for the hood "fly"
How mature is that scientist?
You are nothing more than a braggart, you probably don't have half the shit you claim to have, and if you do so fucking what?
Nbody really gives a fuck, because they don't have to sleep with you at night.
Grow up and get a life (A real one.)"
Bold enough to spit out bullshit, but not bold enough to put his or her name behind it. Don't you just love these trolls?
Why is America still vexed on interracial dating? after all this time you would have thought that people would have moved on really I think that in a Way in Britain we have adjusted to the situation in a better way. waell there is so much interracial dating that it is more than futile to even think that it could be changed.
Well the question is that if Russell was not seen as a good catch would Black women have still feel threatened by this young lady or is it because he is in such a great position that everywoman feeel a threat.
Having said all that what she said was less that helpful to her cause she sounded bitter and twisted, noW Russell has struck me as one who is into bimbos but i might be wrong.
Anonymous at 6:52 - hey, baby
Oops---never mind.
I said I was going to sit this one out.
p.s. thanks, Seda, for what you said
What??!!! A successful Black man is dating a White woman? There is a surprise.
"Russell doesn't care about Blacks or the Black community. When it comes to women, he is like OJ...He prefers White women. End of story....Sorry Grata.
But give him a little time. Eventually he will get tired of those White women effing over him and, like OJ, he will kill one. Then we will have another exciting National Soap Opera Trial! Only this time, there will be a slight twist in the story: the Blacks will help the Whites convict his dumb sorry ass. It'll be Blacks way of paying tribute to post racial America. LOL"
I predict that a time is coming when an innocent BM will be shot in the back by a White Cop and you won't hear a sound.
BM, until you do right by your women, you will never enjoy freedom.
This poor girl is just plain dumb. I *think* I know what she meant to say and it wasn't at all how it came out because she's just not bright.
Anyways... When I hear people complain about other people dating outside their race what I hear is "I'm insecure," and "I don't value myself." C'mon folks there are beautiful people in every color, shade, and hue. Someone choosing to date someone else doesn't say a thing about you (unless they turned you down personally).
Honestly, it reminds me of when white men, especially old ones, used to call white women n****lovers and say they were tainted (not really white anymore) for dating or sometimes just being nice to black men.
If you're beautiful inside you're beautiful period. I wish people of all colors could see that. As to the physical, it's wonderful to see beauty in so many different faces and expressed in so many ways.
Here, here.
"Granny, come to think of it, I have a pink gun and it shoots bullets, but I don't think Fox News is going to want the pictures."
LOL! Maybe, you should send them in just to rattle their cage. Nah, on second thought Hannity might try to make a pass at you and I don't want you to get sick.
Anonymous 3:18:
"If you're beautiful inside you're beautiful period. I wish people of all colors could see that. As to the physical, it's wonderful to see beauty in so many different faces and expressed in so many ways."
Amen, amen, and amen again! I felt the heart of God in your statement.
i am so proud of you!
i shook kitty litter off long ago
shoop shoop
this world does not deserve the fruit of my womb...i am proudly childless by choice
i have never been pregnant and never will be
i thank god daily that no child of mine will ever have to live in a world with people like kitty litter/shabuffoon et al...
i have dedicated my life to countless children...so has my lover
milllions of people bashing gays have not even paid child support/parented their own heathen spawn
i have spent decades blasting toxic turbo breeders of all races and genders...
so kitty litter
you are not only hating
you are late as hell on all "points"
happy sunday all,
i am proud to be your sista!
see the new h8 warriors:
dr. ivan van sertima has passed
i adored him as i do you!...
"happy sunday all,
ab "
Happy Sunday to you to.
see this great new film on black lesbians
more film clips here:
why would anyone here care to see those films???
What is most bothersome to me about this post is that you would refer to all black people as "us" as if there were only one designation! I certainly hope your vision for black..actually, all, people falls into a broader scope than that.
LACoincidental said:
I can honestly say that this woman loves my boy with all her heart. He married her because he loves her, not because hates Black women.
That what it should be about. Love. I could give a rats behind about propriety. If they love each other it's good. Race differences be damned.
Mack Lyons, I don't give a flying flip what you believe. Obviously YOUR life has been a failure or else you wouldn't have to address me about mine.
I just happen to be one of those VERY, VERY, VERY, blessed sisters who learned long ago that assholes like YOU are the ones successful black folks have to watch out for over ANY "white man" because your "crab in the bucket" mentality keeps you from being true to your own race.
Now, I'm still waiting on an email from ANY chicken shit who posts here and has something else to say to me.
"Now, I'm still waiting on an email from ANY chicken shit who posts here and has something else to say to me."
Oh why don't you shut up you ain't tough
i think fly is very tough
in every fly way!
at least we all know she is tough enough to show her name right?
kitty litter:
here is much more about kola's global lying
i think fly is very tough
in every fly way!
at least we all know she is tough enough to show her name right?"
Get your head out from between her legs alicia
Crawl back under your rock alicia, and don't come out until you take your normal people pills
I usually stay on the side lines with this bullshit, but miss Whity is in it for the fame and $$$$. Fuck what she says, dude is a idiot, and she is a bigger idiot. Russell truth be told sold out hip hop, he is the original dude in the game and got a lot of bread to prove it. But he is a mark like P Shitty and rest of them sell outs. If you had a clue as to the real bigger picture you would lock your doors and hangup.
I'm glad to see I'm not the onl one who can't stand Fly....HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pile it on Anons!!!!!!!!!!!!!She's such a bitch
Today is a good day to be anonymous!!!
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