Field, how many women did you sleep with before you hooked up with the little Mrs.? That was my boy over the weekend (hey there is no NFL, men talk) grilling me about my past indiscretions. "Man that ain't none of your business, and that is definitely not something I talk about, not even with your black ass." Is what I told him.
We were cracking up on the phone. My man, a serious Lothario, was settling down and planning to pop the question to his lady this spring.
"And why do you want to know that for?" "Hey man" he was telling me, "I want to know when enough is enough." "Negro", I told him, "enough is enough when you have settled down and found your significant other. And since I am hoping that's the case, you have already reached the enough stage."
That conversation had me thinking about sexual partners and how much is too much or too little. I actually googled it, and I found that 29% of A-merry-can men have had 15 or more sexual partners in their lives, and something like 9% of women have hooked up with the same amount of people. (Yeah right, like women are ever honest about how many men they sleep with.)
I read somewhere that the average A-merry-can male has had about seven different sexual partners in his life. I am not sure about the women. Not that it matters, I bet it wouldn't be accurate. I don't know, that number just seems a little low to me. Not that I have necessarily reached that threshold, but I am just saying, with all those drunk college frat boys out there partying every weekend, hell I am guessing seven different sexual partners is all in a semesters work.
So anyway, I wanted to conduct my own little experiment. Could you folks do me a huge favor? Could you just leave a comment and a number with your post and let me know where you stand(no pun intended) on this subject. It can all be anonymous as far as I am concerned, even you regulars to the fields who usually leave your handle.
Just leave a post like this: Anonymous = 7 different partners. 9:39 PM.
Oh, could you do me another favor? Could you identify yourself as a man or woman.
Like this: Anonymous (woman) = 7 different partners. 9:39 PM.
I thank you, and Dr. Ruth and the CDC thanks you as well.
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Comrade PhysioProf (male) = eleventeen fucktillion different partners
Dude, you almost ready for that nude run down broad street? How about Comrade PhysioProf runs with you? Will that get your lazy fucking ass up off the couch?
female,32 ten partners.
female, 29, 4
female, age 51 (single most of my life), 40 that I can remember (hey, it was the age of sex, drugs and rock and roll when I came of age!)
Male, retired militay, age 44, 200+, and never even had a STD
male 50 7
01 26 09
You haven't divulged the magic number, why should we?
female, 31, eight...
Female,54,close to 30 :-).
Hey,I was a late bloomer,so I made up for lost time--LOL!!!
No abortions,pregnancies, or STDS,either!!!
female, 35, eight
male 30, 5
female 31/7, one miscarrige, no abortions, no std or subsequent pregnancies :)
Female (thirty years old): Two Men / Two Women = four sexual partners.
male, 33, three
gay man, 54, 100+
Female, 26, nine
I counted six and then had to call my bestfriend for the other 3..now that's a damn shame!
41 yo male...I think 7, wife is 40, 31 partners
female, 24, zero!
Gotta hold it down for all the virgins out there. and yes, we do exist.
Male, 56 and two.
Male, 55, about 15. Most of them between the age of 18 and 30. After that it got pretty monogamous. One STD, age 24. Three unintentional pregnancies, resulting in 2 abortions and 1 boy.
Female, 21, 1 consensual partner since I was 18 :-)
Nothing to be shamed of I say!
Field...I read this and thought WTF? You turning into some sort of pervert or what? But I guess in the name of research...Female, 53, 12 that I can remember.
female, 34, 2 partners (i feel like it should be more but i'm too paranoid)
Male, 60, 7
female 28- 3
If you're wondering why you haven't gotten more answers to this post, it could be because IP numbers on computers can be identified. You may want to think of another way to do this poll....
Male, 21, 1 (engaged to her no less)
Female, 29 yrs, 5
When number 6 comes along, hopefully that will be the husband :)
male,49,100+, (ex-military, college grad, freak) This is a conservative estimate. I truly can't remember. I've gone thru families (mothers, daughters and cousins) and have worked at the Welfare Office for 20 years. It's been a constant party. Never considered marrying because always someone new to explore. I know women well.
male, 36, 6. Only 1 (wife) in last 10+ years
male, 38, 19 (13 in 2 months though)
female, 60, 8 ... 2 STD's and those came from the one i was married to.
male, 34, 2 - last one is my wife.
okay field, we told u our stats what about yours? you can post anonymously
Female age 49, seven.
Field, when are you going to honor your promise to run through the streets naked since the O man won?
male, 23, zero
turned it down 3 times just in case you were wondering, not losing it on a fling
male, 25, 13
Female, 14. Honest
Grumpy Old Man: 60 ex-hippy 100+ only one for the last 20+ years
male, real old, do sheep count?
Female, 34----> 8 over 18yrs
No STDs, one unplanned pregnancy, but married at the time...if that counts...lol
Interesting though, this is a low number, but if you get 100 it can be considered as a valid statistic (granted you break it down even more, marital status, sexual orientation, race, etc...)
female 31, 7. I crazy summer with 5 in between the starter marriage and the current marriage. Was also a late bloomer making up for lost time that summer
Female lurker, 56, about 25
Male 44
19 kids
10 babies MAMA.
Female (27) 45 partners
male,34 between 250-300
8 kids, 6 baby mamas, currently married.
male, 28, 10 (since 23...late bloomer)
Man that ain't none of your business, and that is definitely not something I talk about, not even with your black ass. Not especially with your anonymous black ass.
That said, I think the number 7 seems low because of the substantial number of monogamous men bringing down the average. I think that once you have more than one partner, psychologically speaking one more does not matter.
Take that survey again, excluding monogamous males, and that number will be disproportionately higher.
btw, if their are any math inclined people in here, anyone want to explain how it is mathematically possible that the average number of partners for men and women can be so different?
I don't know how to answer dalit's question but I do offer a mathematical formula, based on the supposition (I read it somewhere) that the U.S. average age for first time sex is 17.
I am betting that the national average number of partners for both men and women is:
current age minus 17 (or whatever the average age for first time sex is) minus number of years in marriage like relationships.
So if you are 40 and have been married ten years, 40-17-10=13.
male (gay) 49, lost count at 75, must have been at least another 100 or so, been monogamous for 10 years.
female, 25, 11
female, 29 three
female, 25, somewhere in the 25-35ish range but i stopped paying attention at 20
Rent party, I might need you to help me figure out this poll.
Anon. 11:32PM, don't worry, even if I was smart enough to figure out this IP crap, I wouldn't use it against you. You will just have to trust your friendly neighborhood field Negro.
Comrade...you are like an old drill Sergeant, I swear. But it's freezing outside now. If my "johnson" got frostbite and fell off Mrs. Field would never forgive you. And I wouldn't either. My number would be stuck at 1 forever. ;)
Wilt Chamberlain, if I remember correctly, boasted once that he had slept with more than 40,000 women. Now that's got to eff up the statistics a bit.
Ol' Wilt gave new meaning to the words, "bouncing balls."
He did it as much for pleasure, as for making a living.
Female, 41 years of age: 15 Male Sexual Partners, 2 Female Sexual Partners
Okay, Anon. 6:50AM, maybe I will try and figure out your IP address.:)
female, 50 years old, 11 if memory serves!
Wow, start talking about sex and people love to come out the wood work to spill, lol. You might get over 200 on this thread.
Do you know about Mrs. Field's number/s? :)
My ninja runs are kept secret for a d*mn good reason. I live in a small society. There is NO getting your groove back here for me. I live here, I can't do those those kind of sh*t and get away with it.
Anyway, I honestly think those numbers are low, especially for the male category (not that I'm saying women aren't racking up some digits too).
Maybe a more telling poll would be to ask how many of those double and triple digit mattress dancers had "great sex." I suspect the disparity between men and women would be much greater... come on ladies, you know what I'm sayin=}
OMG! Field I have never seen so many anon postings ever! lol!
Female, 42 y.o., 4 partners (all male)
Male, 40, ~100.
Have you become a divorce lawyer now and are loooking for work? If so, stop no one can afford to get divorced as you can't have a property settlement w/ asset prices where they are today.
I was in college in the late Sixries & early Seventies, & played in a rock band, & supposedly mind-enhancing substances have left my memory of those events a little blurry. So I cannot provide an accurate count. It is not an extreme number but even short, shy guys could get "lucky" in 1970. Because of singer Paul Simon we were even hip. I avoided groupie types - after late gigs I wanted early breakfast at a diner more than indifferent sex. I'd guess no more than 25 altogether, only 7 of those were "relationships." & I settled down fast.
Female, 24,15
Gay male, 28, about 30 (about 10 if oral doesn't count)
Female, 40, 4.
Female, 26, 14
Female, 23, 7.
Anonymous 50 years old, (Male) 150 that I can remember....probably closer to 200
me? Age is 30ish (i do NOT keep track. i know my birth year, but why bother with da math?). One sexual partner -- my husband.
I'm female.
I know someone who's done research on this sort of shit. Basically, many men are monogamous cuckolds (particularly in the fundie churches you see on TV). Another big chunk just plain likes sex, doesn't care about making babies -- and that means doesn't care how many partners one gets. Some guys (maybe 10%?) are in the "twisted" category... actively don't engage in sexual activity that might lead to babies. These are your s&m folks, some of your exhibitionists, your voyeurs (much more common on the female side, that).
And then you get the about 4% of other guys, who are actively about procreating, as much as possible. Some of these are hard luck cases -- "gotta breed now cause I ain't gonna get another chance." So you don't get too many sexual partners out of those.
Some, though, are the type to take any virgin who doesn't know any better (read, hasn't experimented at all), and basically rape 'em (it's still rape if she don't say a word. she dont' want it, it's rape. period.) And those tend to rack up a lot of partners, and keep racking them up (doing the babysitter, among other things -- doing the daughter's friends, etc.).
And then you got the people like Benjamin Franklin -- the guys who can have anyone they want, and boy howdy do they want! Those are the folks that run up these sorts of numbers.
Take my husband for instance -- he started at age eleven (and somehow managed to get it on with staffer's girlfriends at the presidential inauguration! let's just say they wouldn't give him tickets this year). He's maybe had a hundred or two.
As to the difference in men and women?
1. how many of the guys slept with sex workers? probably a lot more than the girls have. and not a lot of sex workers got much access to the internet, particularly if you slept with them in Korea.
2. guys can take a sleeping girl, and some will if you let them.
3. averages are averages. large numbers skew things up. we ain't talking median, which would probably be a lot more normalized.
Anonymous 50 years old, (Male) 150 women that I can remember.... probably closer to 200 women and still counting....What can I say? I love women. I love the way they walk, smile, taste, and feel.
Male, gonna be 50 on Friday, at least 3 (two marriages and a daughter from a third woman). Shyt if I share the real number in cyberspace.
I did sit for a moment and smile with the memories of my partners. I'm blessed that many of them are still friends. Of course, I'm cursed that I can remember some of the women ...but, not their names.
Did you ever see that movie where the guy has a list of 101 women that he was GOING to make love to? It was a good comedy...
peace, Villager (remembering that my first was Buddhist ... and had me chanting for quite awhile!)
38 years old, 18 partners
38 male, 2 kids...I lost track after about 35 - all females..still single so I'm sure they'll be more "conquests". Funny thing I was just asking my Dad the weekend before Obama got inaugerated, "When does it stop??" He just started laughing and he says, "You'll know when you'll want to stop"
female, 50. Hmmm, I have never counted. I'll have to sit down and do that later when I have time :D
I think there will be a generational difference: pre-HIV and post. When I started to be sexually active, I worried about pregnancy and STDs, but not about what was then a death sentence. Now, with meds, people live much longer with HIV, but I lost many friends and acquaintances in those years.
Anonymous (female, age 49) 43 sexual partners that I remember. No pregnancies, no abortions, no STDs. Some of those make me cringe to think about, but others were pure bliss. I guess I don't regret the journey.
female, 37 yrs old - 15 total - including 1 extra marital - hey i was going thru something - but i tell everyone i've only had 5
6 including my husband
10:44 am
oops- i am 37 yrs. :)
Female, age 28, 22 partners.
No kids.. No STDs. I keep a list of each of my partners' first & last name and where they're from. Just in case, God forbid, I ever have to contact them again.. Lol.
I am praying that 22 is my magic number and he will be the last ;)
woman, 43 yrs old.
0 partners. Yes ZERO.
Nope, not kidding.
woman, age 58, 12 different partners that I can recall (possibly an additional one or two who were not so memorable)
I am a sex worker. I have had easily 300 men. I am 40 years old now, and female.
Male, 44, 4 partners - married the last one.
Female, 41: 7 partners. 6 men, 1 woman.
Married once, divorced. Now celibate. Sucks.
Female 43, 12 partners - never had an STD, never been pregnant, never had sex without using a condom...EVER!!
Anonymous 43
11:15 a.m. Was that for religous reasons, lack of options, or none of them were good enough? Really quite interested....
woman, 35 years old, 5 different partners.
male 37
1 in real life
countless thousands in my mind and alone if you get my meaning.
Female 31 years old: 30-40 and of that number 5 were women.
Bisexual male, 27 years old: 13 partners.
Male, 41, 5
I don't need to go anonymous, since only a handful of people know who I am anyway in real life.
Sadly, though I wish the number were higher...I had 1.5 sexual partners.
The one chick I tried to have sex with but had a...ummm...failure to perform (she hooked back up with her boyfriend soon thereafter, but that's what I get for dating a chick who had only just broken up with a longterm beau).
And then there was the woman who would become Mrs. Blue, with whom I had much sex before getting married to her (bad Deacon, BAD!)
female, 28, 6 including fiancee
female - 13 different partners
Male just 4 but they all had huge books.
Female -35 engaged 20 different partners,
Female, 49 years old and less than half as many as my man, whatever that quantity may be.
Anon-who-is/was-a sex worker,
kudos for provin' me wrong!
Deacon, if you and the missus ain't gonna be able to enjoy the sex, you ain't got no bizness gettin' married. So make a committment, test the waters, and then make it official.
That's what I believe, at any rate.
female, 28, 0 another member of the v-club holding it down. lol!
MTF trans. 36 yrs old. 1 - (very) late bloomer, and not interested in short-term relationships.
39 year old male in Atlanta.
2009 4
2008 12
2007 15
2006 (year of divorce) 18
Married 2004-2006
Before 2005, I'm unable to count the total.
Trojan Magnum Thin is my brand.
female, 44yo, 6
Forgot to mention that my partners are all ladies. Somebody gotta take care of the ladies here in the Dirty South(LOL). Like cousin Tommy said on the Steve Harvey show this morning. I'll love you good for two weeks, but you gotta give me up so you can share me with the other ladies(LOL).
female 48 yrs abt 45 9 including my husband of 12 yrs) most were good, a couple terrible .
"45 " not 459
25,000 that I can remember
Female, 30s, 0
hey Field!
i've been reading. just not commenting. lol. but i've been challenged to post. so i shall. lol.
no fear. lol.
i'm 26. be 27 in two weeks.
6 very lucky men. lol.
not married but hopefully it'll be lucky number se7en.
i think like someone else said, the age when someone started having sex plays a factor. and i think Rent Party had a good equation.
i do think that these averages seem very very low. almost all the men AND women i know have higher numbers than those. and yes, women do lie. lol. if i had a reason to, i probably would too. i have friends whose number stays on four. no matter what. lol.
hope all is well!
Damn, I guess it didn't show up. My bad :-(
Male, 26 years old, 24 women (yes, like Phil4Real stated, the distinction must be made. GREAT point, my brother...hahahahaa).
Hopefully, this number is accurate. I am currently at the plantation, and made a list, on a whim, on one of these trusty Post-It notes. I was a late bloomer, and didn't get it crackin' til I was two months shy of my 19th birthday (after Game One of the 2001 NBA Finals when Iverson scored 48 points against the Lakers in Los Angeles).
33-male(str8), 1 female...turned down a few, flamed-out with the rest. SMH!!!
I know this is really bad. But I can't remember. Maybe to much of the Sex, Drugs, and Hip Hop. Ok a shot in the dark
38 male 45
Female 26, 7, plus just added another to the count last night. So, that makes 8.
Female, 32 yrs, 7
Female, 52, never married, counting 25 right now. But I have counted before and it was 30+, I had thought. HMMMM am I forgetting someone?
I think it's too many, only because too many of them were boring / similar / etc. I'm not saying they were incompetent, or unimportant in other ways, I'm just looking at the list and thinking hmmm, only about 4 were *really* memorable in terms of sex.
(I guess that's not that different than anything else though ... if you grade on a curve, only so many people get an A, etc.)
oops, Ok Field, I just read my previous comment and I realized my second (smart a$$) paragraph might come off a bit... disrespectful towards Mrs. Field. It wasn't meant in that way.
Sorry Mrs. Field... your dear husband brought up sex, and those pesky endorphins got the best of me.
Grading on a curve LOL!
I can't remember anything before my wedding day 22 years ago.
Female - 11 partners
Female, 23 yrs, 0. I'm frightened by the idea.
btw, if their are any math inclined people in here, anyone want to explain how it is mathematically possible that the average number of partners for men and women can be so different?
Because they're reporting a median, not a mean. Ignoring Bisexuals and Homosexuals, the mean sexual partners of females and males must be the same. However the median can easily be different. Take the following example (with completely made-up numbers):
3 Males with numbers of female sexual partners: 1,1,1,1,7,7,7,7,10,10 MEan = 5.2, median = 7
3 Females with numbers of male sexual partners: 1, 2,3,4,4,4,7,8,9,10 Mean = 5.2, median = 4.
Female, 32 years old, ???
I never kept track. If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere between 50-70. I've been having sex half my life. Thats only somewhere between 3-5 guys a year.
Male, age 51 - 23, yet would have stopped at one, two or three had circumstances worked out. Since 28 it's been GOP freaks, alcoholics, drug mules, southern crazies, and women who lie about being married. That bromide about age and fine wine is total BS.
female 54 9 including hubby and no other since
from the pictures of some of these ladies, i'd gladly add to their totals!
24, male, 2
10 baby mama: How the heck did you get #9, heck any past #2???
female 26, somewhere over 40,.. i get frustrated when i try and narrow it down
so far 2. recently widowed so check back.I am female and 55
Man, I had a loong, GREAT comment, but it didnt take and I Xed out of the window before I noticed that. Hm. Oh well. I guess you and youre readers will just miss out, lol.
female 40....
and that's all I am saying... Also, I have a lawn jockey alert...Juan Williams called Michelle Obama "Stokley Carmichael in a designer dress" on the O'Reilly factor and said that she is a big liability for Barack because she does not like America. That is too dangerous for a BLACK man to be saying this and suprise Bill O'reilly actually defended Michelle....Check this out...
Female, married, 2 men, age, 41. First: fling at around age 34. Second, husband, began dating as of 2004.
Thanks Anon 6:00pm, just watch that clip of Juan on O'Rielly, he so deserve to be on that lawn...Field please do him a favor and put him right back...LR
Male, 34 and 1
Hate to pile-on at such a late date, but...
This 64 yr old Navy veteran male spent 2 years in Japan during the eve of our involvement in the war in Vietnam. I remember f--ing an average of three different women per week (I was very young and didn't know squat). Since then - 1966 - and excluding one wife("enough" stage I)and current partner ("enough stage II), I figure I have 'slept with' approximately 15 different women. Frequent rolls-of-the-dice, i.e., STD check-ups with negative results; a brief stint with the SF-Bay Area Sex/Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)plus meeting my current ala 'Michelle O' continue to keep the "dog" sleeping.
thx, Zimbel.
I guess that implies that the graph for number of men/women who have had x sex partners looks very different...I guess their are many outlier females who have had many partners and/or outlier males who have none.
Anon. Yes, Juan will be on the lawn soon. L~Incognita, don't sweat it, nothing disrespectful about what you said. Mrs. Field is, after all, a woman. And to answer your question; I have a dont ask don't tell policy when it comes to her former par amours.
Chris @ 4:29, I hear you on that one. Were it not for the Lo Jack on my fingers, I would co-sign with you:)
Come on Lola,fess up, inquiring minds want to know.
Zimbel, you math guys kill me :)
Phil4Real, any connection between your divorce and the number of partners that year?
Sex worker, may I ask what you do exactly for a living? Give us a little more than sex worker.
"Also, I have a lawn jockey alert...Juan Williams called Michelle Obama "Stokley Carmichael in a designer dress" on the O'Reilly factor and said that she is a big liability for Barack because she does not like America."
Juan Williams is a disgusting sellout and media ho.
Male 40, and I had Seven of the most Beu-Ta-ufull Women in The World and they were ALL Great and Differant In There Own Way !!!
Field! I just found this picture of Dick Chenney standing when President Obama was taking the oath of office.
I know you had your tinfoil hat on a week or so ago... wanted to let you know. Perhaps this is old news but someone dropped this link on JJP.
OK Field...
I am confident 34 year old male, married 13 years, and a father of three bythe same woman.
My number is 1. The woman who is now my wife was/is the only woman.
The opportunities just never occurred for me in high school or college.
Female, 54, at least 20 and a little more than 35; late but joyous bloomer in sex and love during the Seventies; still a one-man woman looking for the right man, but less inclined to experiment or to take BS.
male 5x, about 20 only F, never without birth control except when trying to conceive a child with my then wife.
No STDs, no unplanned pregnancies, no sex workers, no cheating, no present GF, 2 children.
Female, 21, 10 male partners, 2 female (I am including instances of oral sex. Intercourse = 8 male partners)
Field Negro:
I wonder if YOU are included in this disturbing report from the Center for Disease Control regarding how Women and Minorities are the disproportionate victims of Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
You really need to get that checked out man.
[quote]"Also, I have a lawn jockey alert...Juan Williams called Michelle Obama "Stokley Carmichael in a designer dress" on the O'Reilly factor and said that she is a big liability for Barack because she does not like America."
Juan Williams is a disgusting sellout and media ho.[/quote]
Yeah Right and WhiteBowieSteve has a second home in the Trinidad district of Washington DC so he can qualify to send his kids to DC public schools thus avoiding the schools in Bowie MD.
I read this post when you first put it up and I agreed with Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden comment, which is why I did not reveal.
I am wondering if some of the numbers from the anonymous posters are true...SCARY
Male married 44, 17 partners
22 Male, straight. Just 2 women. I guess I'm just a rookie in this group...
[Un]constructive Feed-hack, you still didn't give us a number...never mind. I forgot you were a republican. ;)
"I am wondering if some of the numbers from the anonymous posters are true...SCARY"
Blinders Off, I bet 90% of them are true. Field Negroes and HFN don't lie.
Female 42 - more than 10, less than 20
Hmmmm. I've always felt that EVERYONE was having more sex than me. Was that all talk? or are people still not being truthful, even as Anonymous?
Interesting that so many felt the need to state that they hadn't had any pregnancies, abortions or STDs. It's interesting because the CDC's statistics don't match with all the people who claim not to have STDs - like the 1 in 4 ppl who have herpes.
Just sayin'.
Research is not always accurate and you have to look at the variables being used. Age groups, specific economic class, etc.
Also there are more women on the planet then men so that could explain why the numbers seem to show more men sleeping around.
As far as my answers, completely honest. I feel if you don't want to tell the truth, don't answer the question. Same goes for those asking Field why is he doing this but only giving some info. You don't have to participate.
Atl Male, 150-200+ No Kids & No STDs, double up on those Condoms every time:-)
female, 27, 14 (all male)
male, age 31, just my wife and only after marriage
Male, 35 y/o .... 0 ZERO!
This is primarily due to economics. A lot of men probably would have committed suicide by now.
I don't consider myself good enough to market... at least not to be able to get the quality of women that i'd be interested in.
I hope to make up for this later though :). But with the economy like it is (thanks George W.) it may be another decade before I can become financially "viable".
And I don't do hookers...that's not an option and will never be an option for me... so i'll just have to wait.
Ask this question again when i'm 50.
And where are all these women???
I need to get out more.
Male, 36, married, 4 partners including the missus. 2 kids.
(Yeah right, like women are ever honest about how many men they sleep with.)
What the hell? Why is it you think women wouldn't give an honest answer to that question?
FYI, it's 46, female, 7. I never lie about that.
As long as we are being all statistically analytical here, many of these numbers indicate that you guys stay in a faithful relationship for an average of less than 6 months...there is nothing wrong with sex but I think you seriously need to consider your mental health.
65 million people in America have an STD, and the population is 304 million. Just think about it.
(if you're all lying then I just made an idiot out of myself)
Woman, 32, 28 partners
Woman, 60, 11 men, one of whom I married. Been married half of my life. Sometimes I think that I would have liked to "know" more men, in and out of marriage, but that wasn't the deal. Surprised me, when I actually got to adding them up; I would have guessed 5. I think I have them all.
This is great stuff. I am going to have one of my mathematician friends figure this out and give me some poll numbers.
Wait,did anon. 3:04 AM say 28 partners in 32 years? Girl where were you ten years ago? :)
AI, ZERO? You are a good man. And I hope an honest one. BTW, I loved your comments on my latest post about the family out in Cali. That was deep.
24, female, zero Joining all the virgins representin'!
(P.S. Anon. 9:16 a.m.) BTW, 0 kids 0 STDs. It'll happen one day. I'm not forcing it. Peace.
[quote][Un]constructive Feed-hack, you still didn't give us a number...never mind. I forgot you were a republican. ;)[/quote]
Filled Negro - I have no inclination to share this information with you.
At the same time the Center for Disease Control needs to be pointed toward your web site for an understanding of WHY so many Black Communities on their nation-wide maps have RED push pins in them signifying a CRISIS situation.
[quote]This is primarily due to economics. A lot of men probably would have committed suicide by now.
I don't consider myself good enough to market... at least not to be able to get the quality of women that i'd be interested in.
I hope to make up for this later though :). But with the economy like it is (thanks George W.) it may be another decade before I can become financially "viable".
OK - then Angry - a new question for your circumstance:
How many times have you made love to your RIGHT HAND?
How many times have you made love to your LEFT HAND?
Knowing you - you probably like your LEFT HAND because it gives you more KY jelly than does your selfish Right hand.
as the song said, there's some Ho's in this house, ha ha. Some of these tallies just reinforce my germphobia!
38yr old male 7 partners
Female. Age 37. 40-45 partners (male)
Most occurred after losing virginity shortly after starting college. Gave it up and slowed waaaaay down after having first child.
2 children
2 abortions
0 STDs
Only 2 partners since 1997 - ex-husband and current fiance.
Uhhhh ... Field -
You want a number out of the Porch Simian...
You're going to have to include the 4 legged.
Where the sheep are scared...
Anonymous (woman), age 34 = 5 partners
3 one-night stands.
2 two-night stands.
woman, 37, 1 (and i married him)
Another 24 yr old v.....
24yrs, F, 0 partners.
Great to see I am not alone...
WOW...some of those numbers are intense...like if I start now and do 2 peeps a year I still wont catch up...DAMN...
Straight, Female, age 38 , 3 partners (for intercourse), and more than that if you talk about reciprocal oral sex only. I grew up in the age of AIDS-(14 yr. old when Rock Hudson died) and wasn't about to be indiscriminant, as much as I wanted to be.
All partners...oral and copulation have been male
It's hard as hell to get this ass. That's another reason why I've had 3 partners. lol! My shit is definitely worth it, though.
~anon 4:40pm
True, but that would only account for a difference of a few percent. Similarly, if you buy into the theory that there is more homosexual male activity than homosexual female activity, that would also change this, likely by a few percent. Both combined, though, would account for this sort of disparity. The most likely interpretation of this information is that females are closer to a normal distribution (i.e. a bell-shaped curve), whereas a large number of males have had very few sexual partners, but a significant number have had way over the mean (perhaps a right-sifted bell curve (with a smaller amount of curvature) with the left foot relatively high, even on the 0 mark). Obviously, without more data, these are guesses.
Female - age 57. 21 that I can remember, but only 3 were truly memorable....
Female, 42 - one before marriage
two during marriage
- 4 total.
female, 41, 1
almost 40
about 50
female, 46
female 37 - 16
Constructive Feedback wrongly assumes that everyone posting comments here is African American.
NEWS FLASH - some of us are not!
Female, 20 yrs old ( african-american)- ZERO.
Turned them down. But I'm a late bloomer, no first kiss until I was...18?!
Female, 64 - 60+.
My 20s and 30s were rough.... Long term committed relationships only, for the past 25 years.
As to the numbers not matching up, imagine 5 flowers and 50 bees. Each bee visits each of the flowers.
That means each flower had 50 bees, but each bee had only 5 flowers.
The numbers don't have to match.
Male, 51, greater than 15 partners (ie, that's all I can specifically remember). Married/Monogamous for last 23 years. Pretty happy about both phases of my life, oddly enough.
Male - 47
15 partners, and knowing my current wife the way I do, it's 14 too many.
Female age 29, 21 partners...had a ball! or two... ;)
Gay male, 26, ~20 in the last five years.
Female, 27, 3 partners.
I've no intention of adding many more, either. I'd like to find my guy and have it be just the two of us.
Male, 32, 1. (My wife)
Counting fooling around, 3.
Male, 51, four (sigh)
(female, 23yrs old, straight)-- 7 partners.
Male, 41, 1 and we're married, but we started before we were married.
Female 61 none of your business how many people I had sex with. It's really not important. What is important is WHEN ARE YOU MAKING THAT NUDE RUN? The O man is in the oval office! YOU LOST THE BET!
Female, 50, (75+ that I can remember)
male 55, 1
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