I would like to interrupt the news of the madness going on in Washington with some news from the real world.
In the middle of the day on Tuesday, Daniel Giddings executed Philadelphia police officer Patrick McDonald, after shooting and wounding him and then coming back to finish the job; by pumping several more rounds from his semi-automatic weapon into the poor man's body. Daniel Gidding's life ended a few moments later, after he was cornered by Philadelphia's finest. And please, let me stop you from thinking what I know you are thinking, and give you a little perspective. The boyz in blue here in Killadelphia have lost five of their brothers in arms over the past two years, so you might want to excuse them for being a little trigger happy.
Daniel Giddings was a career criminal, and was, even by Philly standards, a very bad man. At the tender age of 10 he beat and robbed a mentally challenged man in his neighborhood. Neighbors told his mother at the time that she should "buy a black dress". He was placed in various juvenile detention facilities where he sent staff members in not one but two of the facilities, to the hospital. When he was 18 he carjacked a motorist robbed him of $100 and shot him in both knee caps. He was sentenced to 6-12 years in state prison (he could have gotten a maximum sentence of 45 years). While upstate he spent over 500 days in the hole and had over 25 violations. The ADA in his case begged the Judge not to put him back on the street, and the Judge said he had an appalling criminal record. Still, Giddings did 10 years and was released to the mean streets of Philly and the probation department, to serve out his remaining two years.
Now the city is mourning the loss of yet another police officer to the senseless violence of its streets. And Daniel Gidding's family is mourning too. His family said he was no monster. (Really? He seemed like a monster to me) "In my eyes, he was family-oriented" (What family? The Mansons?), is what his sister said. "He was intelligent, lovable and adored his children (yes, he actually had children, three of them). It's painful to see all the negatives. They're trying to make him a monster". Ahhh yes we are, and he sure made it easy for us.
Now here is the thing: The blame is flying fast and furious after this tragedy. We have been blaming the Judge for his light sentence. We have been blaming the prison for his early release. We have been blaming the probation department for not monitoring him properly after his release, and we have been blaming the pro gun crowd for helping to make guns so easily available on the streets of Killadelphia.
My question is this: Why is no one blaming the fucking sperm donor who created this monster, and kept getting up? Apparently the sperm donor was a career criminal himself, and as is often the case, the seed he created was doomed from the start.
"He always told me that he'll never go back to jail...I did my time", his sister said.
But he took a life, destroyed a family, and damaged the psyche of a city. He paid with his life, so I guess some will say that justice was served. But was it? Is the sperm donor who created him paying for his sin? I doubt it, and we will just have to brace ourselves until the next monster comes along. Just keep those black suits and dresses close by.
Now you can return to the make believe world of Washington politics, and missing little white children.
Unless, they're raped (and decide to keep the baby) women have an enormous responsibility when it comes to deciding who to couple with.
Why would you want to give a baby to a "career criminal"?
I know I'm probably gonna catch hell here with that question--and I revere motherhood, so much so, that I think women should give as much thought to who's the daddy, as they do to what they're gonna wear to the ball or the night club.
I'm being facetious. But, really!
Let's face it: too many men are the scum of the earth when it comes to fathering a child, and actually staying around to rear one.
Not all, but more than I care to acknowledge.
Since it's the woman's body that is being used to conceive and bear children, women ultimately must choose responsibly what men they will bear children with--and make certain that those men pass the fatherhood test.
But I just don't think enough women have that kind of forethought. Hence, the following delusional claptrap from families:
"In my eyes, he was family-oriented"
"It's painful to see all the negatives. They're trying to make him a monster".
Apparently the family didn't support the uncanny idea of doing all they can to deter Giddings from a life of crime before/after he caught his first criminal case @ the tender age of ten years old.
I could be wrong, but that, and the ensuing comment should have given every indication that Giddings was headed for a violent ending, if he continued to travel down the path which is/was all to familiar involving those whose 'ways', I'm taking a wild guess here, he unfortunately emulated.
It's real in the Philadelphia fields, eh? I agree, it won't be long before another story similiar to this all-the-way-around tragic tale emerges.
You know where I'm going. A 10 year old doesn't just wake up one day and decide to beat and rob somebody. He couldn't have been a sociopath, he'd have been a lot smoother about his crimes. So a 10 year old boy lived in an environment where violence was accepted. He probably had violence done to him.
Now, what mother (operative word, mother, not babymama or "Pam") finds out her son has done something like that and doesn't try to get him some help? He's a FIFTH GRADER. Medicaid has mental health care. Or better yet, quit picking out your wardrobe for his funeral and sit your ass down with him. Turn off the television, stand over him while he does his homework, don't let him out of your sight for a year. Inconvenience yourself for your child. That's part of being a parent.
Laying down with the wrong man and that man's absence in her child's life, well, that's a no-brainer. Sarah Palin could see that from her house.
By the time Giddings got to jail, he was gone. Lost. Not operating like a human being. And the great thing about the prison industrial complex? Rehabilitation (including quality mental health care) is not on the agenda. So he came out an animal.
I'm sorry that a police man was brutally murdered. And I'm not moved by Latanya and company's too-late tears and neglect.
Black diaspora I could not agree more. I think more black women should keep their damn legs closed or become a Nazi with regard to condom use. I am a married childfree black woman so I know for sure that birth control works when it's used vigilantly!
I was over this fool by the time I got to the second paragraph: at 10 he beat up and robbed a mentally challenged person. I guess suicide by cop was probably better than homocide by corrections officer like the recent case in PG County, Maryland.
All the wishing in the world isn't going to stop men from running out on their responsibilities or women being irresponsible parents. Gotta focus on what can be done, rather than what you want done.
Sure, we'd like mom and dad and junior to be a happy family, but there is no way to impose that wish on others. The way I see it, you only have a few options:
1. Let's not overcrowd everyone into one section. That only exacerbates the existing problems. Exponentially.
2. De-criminalize drugs. Sure, you'd still have druggies and their problems; however, the drug money wouldn't be going to gangs to buy guns to defend their turf and perpetuate the violence culture.
3. Increase penalties for violent crimes. As you can see from point number 2, I'm a pretty liberal guy, but you shoot someone in both knee caps for a hundred bucks? Sorry, your ass should not be allowed back into the general population. ever.
The truly sad thing is that he has 3 lil hims. Which one of them when follow in his footsteps. Prayfully, the family will get them counseling right away. This story reminds me of Willie Boskett (All God's Children) How sad!
Is it so wrong to say that it's Daniel Giddins fault?
The family needs to STFU and bury him quietly.
Yes he must have had a horrible start in life to beat someone at 10 years old but am I supposed to let him have a pass because he stayed on the path of career criminal?
Bury him and be thankful that he isn't alive to kill anyone else.
Nihuru, sadly, there are quite a few Willie Bosketts in our city. (Great book, by the way)
paul, I am with you on de-criminalizing drugs. But politricksters don't have the political will to do it.
"I am a married childfree black woman so I know for sure that birth control works when it's used vigilantly!"
redlipstick, why does that word "vigilantly" stick out?
"Laying down with the wrong man and that man's absence in her child's life, well, that's a no-brainer. Sarah Palin could see that from her house.
By the time Giddings got to jail, he was gone. Lost. Not operating like a human being. And the great thing about the prison industrial complex? Rehabilitation (including quality mental health care) is not on the agenda. So he came out an animal."
kellybelle, that was funny and profound.
don, there will be another story like this one within a week.
black diaspora, I am not mad at you, our sisters need to step up too. But I have to focus on some of these trifling brothers out here.
"Is it so wrong to say that it's Daniel Giddins fault?"
The DA (ranked deadliest DA in America) is on tv right now lambasting the judge that gave him the lesser sentence.
I fucking hate that woman! She takes NO responsibility for the fact that her office as a policy overcharges people on a daily basis and over half the time, comes into a court room unprepared to go forward with their case. So, the judges have to deal with a DA that they know blows shit daily. So when someone like Giddins comes along, how the hell is the judge supposed to take concerns of the DA seriously? There are too many people in Philly that should not be charged. If she would just charge people with what they had done, or stop pushing charges against questionable cases, instead of trying to throw the fucking kitchen sink at everyone, maybe, just maybe, folks like Giddins would be taken seriously as the danger they are and get longer sentences and maybe justice could be served.
Some gangbanger pays his gramma's rent & supports his shorty & her baby, & then causes collateral damage in a territorial business dispute, shooting an innocent boy off his bicycle. Gramma won't talk to reporters. His sister says, "He was GOOD to his family." Uncle says, "Never caused trouble. Nice kid when he was growing up." I read those news stories all the time.
For the dead boy, a makeshift street shrine with the flowers, candles, stuffed animals, notes from schoolmates. I see photos of those all the time. Decent people saying, "We gotta take back the streets." I hear that all the time.
i know i gonna catch hell for what i'm saying but...as fucked up as it was for bro giddins to kill that po-po the way he did..."accidental execution" by the po-pos is a regla occurence where i come from...so i guess this just even shit up a lil...huh.
free mumia
dude sounded like a real nut. I do think you can blame the judge a lil. His track record really suggests that he should've been sentenced a couple decades to get his Shawshank on and *maybe* become wiser in old age.
free assata
Well, as far as his family thinking he was an alright guy, there were a whole lot of folks who thought Hitler was alright and nice as can be.
I think Kellybelle is right on with her comments. It's not just about a father not being around, because I know PLENTY of guys whose father was never around (married to one) and they never did any crazy mess like this. But just like they say those who are molested are more likely to become molesters, who knows what insanity he witnessed and endured himself.
was he really born this evil?
reminds me of the movie 'city of God'
I agree with Kellybelle.
His family is blind. What 10 year old beats up a man like that?
I feel for his children and hope they do not go down the same path.
Hold, wait a sec. You punk Genarlow Wilson Negroes have in the past stated that there is nothing wrong with knockin-nin out dat nooky. Go ahead and knock it out with the wildest of abandon, you said.
3 quick Philly stories/comments if you will indulge...
1)I know many black people who have the magical ability to not only keep thier legs shut but also get married before having kids. I know many fantastic black fathers.
Lets not say it isnt possible and lets not lower the bar.
2)16 year old friend of mine is being charged with felony assault,theft, posession of stolen goods and some other charge he couldnt explain to me. He has no previous record. The only evidence is he was found in posession of a cell phone belonging to some guy who got jacked. My friend was given the phone by a stranger on the street (dumb move but he's 16). They are trying to be tough on crime and this kid could be the "example"
3) had a group of 12 year old boys from church at the house playing a jeoprady game based on our churches standards. The subject was "sabbath day observance", the question was "when looking for a job you should tell your potential employer [blank]" (correct answer is we don't work on Sundays)
the 12 year old ina n effort to win quickly blurted out "your criminal record!!" many laughed while him and his teammates looked around wondering what was funny.
None of these 12 year olds have anything close to a criminal record.
Its getting deep in Philly.
fuck giddings and his whole piece of shit family......
jody, I co-sign with you 100%. I go against those ADA's from Lady Lynn's office on a regular basis, and you are soooooo right. It makes my job easier, but these poor Judges have a hard time trying to decide who the REAL monsters are. I think brohamma's comments helpled to bring your point home as well.
sorry, nsangoma, I don't see the Genarlow Wilson connnection.
bob, where have I heard that story before? Wait, I just heard it again.
los angelista is right. Hell, I know some cats who became better fathers themselves BECAUSE their fathers weren't around; but still, there are far too many brothas that knock the boots and keep getting up.
To black dispora your excuse sounds so simplistic and typical. I'm not saying those particular black women/mothers are not partially responsible. Field made a simple comment about the sperm donor, yet it didn't amaze me how fast the blame got flipped towards the black mother. The black female blame parade has been going on for generations. Are we black folks not tired yet? At least more black men like Field are willing to call out the "brothers". This is what upstanding MEN do in their communities and not afraid to stand up.
No one is trying to beat down the "poor ole black man", but the root of this didn't start with the black mother being deficient in the household. If some of you people can't see this by now, no wonder our "black community" will always have this vicious cycle we are so afraid to properly diagnose.
Yes, I wish more black women would "keep their legs close" for these type black men. I guess those black men would just have to venture out the drug, raping and crime infested black community they created to go breed and destroy other non-black women.. oh wait, in fact they are doing that already. Looks like this may not be just a black female baby daddy picking dysfunction after all. The difference, regardless the father’s race, the non-black woman usually gets more help, support and benefit of the doubt from her non-black community to help raise her little bastard children... that's if she decided to keep it in the first place.
I agree with those who pointed out that Giddings was a damaged little boy long before he started on crime. Our only hope is to improve the quality of family life in America. A tall order indeed.
btw, lets not forget the countless absentee black baby daddies with clean records and honest jobs, or even the ones wearing three piece suits. So maybe black women should just stop spreading for black men period. Too much hypocrisy in this community.
One of the articles yesterday said that his three children (who I'm deducing were conceived by the time he went to jail as a teenager) were brought to jail to see him on a monthly basis throughout their entire lives. All they will grow up knowing is that their dad loved them, jail took him away, and cops killed him. They're already used to jail. Lord help us if no one intervenes to point them on another direction from their dad and granddad.
Never mind that he was a fugitive almost as soon as he was released, and that before he shot the cops, he was chased and cornered by four of them in a separate incident. He managed to get out of that situation - just him versus four cops, two of whom were injured. How do you whup four armed cops' asses and get away?
Forget what his family heard. Dude was a beast. I'm glad he's not on the streets I walk on anymore. Field, you are absolutely right about his father (and by extension, his mother).
sorry, nsangoma, I don't see the Genarlow Wilson connnection.
field negro 8:17 AM
Damn Jim, er field. Where do you think unmarried baby daddy, unmarried baby mama, and fatherless daughters, and fatherless sons come from?
The stork?
You should have just let your story stand alone and not add the snarky "Now you can return to the make believe world of Washington politics, and missing little WHITE children" line.
But then putting in the snark about whites at the end must make your miserable white-hating day so I guess I can understand.
Black Diaspora & La incognita
I don't like to go into the gender wars when it comes Black parenting or the lack thereof because nothing comes of it.
However in my years of working in the social service field and being a Black mother I have see that this is a certain parental ethic we as a community practice.
IMHO this ethic is the "raise your daughters but love your son" approach to parenting. This has been a part of our problem in various black neighborhoods. We (both men and women) enable our sons to do less then what they are capable of doing. We make excuses for them and try to clean up our sons' mess when they do things half ass.
I believe that has been a part of RECENT Black parenting (within the last 30-40 years). Because when I was younger I use to hear the men who came of age before the civil rights era bitch and moan about how the younger generations are not "manning-up". I did not know what they meant until I became a parent and start working in the social service field.
This is manifested in something small as not giving young boys household chores but demanding the young girl to do chores; to making excuse why they are failing at school; to letting them lay up around the house as adults not contributing to the home.
This is something that adult men and women do. I've seen it household in where both the mother and father present are in the home and doing the enabling.
I know that this mind set of raising our daughters but loving our sons comes partly from the social history of the Black men having a harder time in a White racist society than the Black women. Collectively, we have this orientation that we should not be hard on Black men because society is hard them.
In light of the fact that society can be a minefield for Black males, we hardly ever hold these males responsible for the decisions they make. Whether its laying up with some hoodrat and getting her pregnant, not finishing school, thus not being employable or letting their fragile egos rather than common sense dictate important decisions, we don't challenge, teach or correct these boys and men.
I see that whole "Daniel Giddings was such a good boy" as a symptom what I described above. I can't tell you how times parents tell me mess like that when their sons get in trouble in school or with the law. These parents are nothing but enablers. I've seen house hold of sons failing one right after the other.
My question is this: Why is no one blaming the fucking sperm donor who created this monster, and kept getting up? Apparently the sperm donor was a career criminal himself, and as is often the case, the seed he created was doomed from the start.
Using terms like "sperm donor" and "seed" comes awful close to suggesting a genetic predisposition. You're not going there are you?
I don't know his people but we do need to stop blaming the father all the time. Why lay down with a career criminal? Why should a self respecting criminal lay down with a skank? Men need to take care of their own but some of these women out here put the fellas to shame. Some of these women are absent while present.
No need to mourn a killer, but if Killy's streets are so mean there must be a reason. Are you giving killers tax rebates to move into your city or something? Maybe there's something in the water. Or maybe this is the inevitable outcome of life in Babylon.
He paid with his life, so I guess some will say that justice was served
No matter how heinous the crime how can you call the state committing murder justice?
I'm shocked.
Usually you take the side of the criminals and the thugs...doing all you can to make excuses for them.
It looks like you are finally coming around. I figured you would evolve sooner or later :).
Why the sudden change of heart?
Finally fed up?
Very sad - but a true reality.
The nerve of the family though! No one wants to take responsibility.
Babylon indeed...and this is just the beginning; get some popcorn and keep your seat 'cause there's more to come. Our Judeo-Christian tradition has never stopped blaming women for the sins of men. I challenge you to go to any COGIC-evangelistic-fundamentalist church this Sunday; bring your popcorn 'cause you will here this message ad nauseum.
Out here in the real world, some of us realize that "rehabilitation' is a joke. Our prisons are petri dishes and incubators that produce better skilled criminal predators - the better to prey upon the innocent. The hand-wringing and tears for known criminal predators is sickening (I wonder how many saw someone like Giddings coming, and did/said nothing). We in the black community are quick to skewer and excoriate whites when they condescend and make excuses for the sorry/trifling behaviors of our young black males; yet WE do the same thing 24/7. God, where's the KKK when you need 'em!
So...I'm gonna go here: Build more and better prisons; replace the military-industrial budget with the prison-industrial budget. And it's true: the standardized/informal test scores of our third graders is a reliable indicator for how many $$$ the state will need to allocate for prison construction. That's part of our 21st century real world.
Quit blaming the women; man the f..k up and take responsibility!!
Thank you.
There is truth in what you say. Sometimes I feel like us black folk trick ourselves into believing the inherent righteousness in our race and that anything bad that we do is not our fault but someone elses (usually the white man).
I am not denying that the disadvantages that we as a people face but when it comes to ones own actions the buck stops with that person. How you are raised and the influence of your "sperm donor" will indeed have an effect on how you grow up, but that doesn't negate the fact that you have a choice in everything that you do (whether you care to acknowledge it or not) and you must deal with the consequences of your choices. Maybe this dude wasn't the monster that "they" are making him out to be, but if he wasn't he sure was acting like he was.
Bottom Line...This dude was on a path to self destruction for most of his life and it seems that he never even attempted to get off that path. Thus, we should not be surprised at this result. What is sad is the fact that he hurt many others along the way (which is always the case).
I feel for those three kids of his. Who knows where their paths lead to. I'll be praying for them.
To the angry independent: you must not read what Field has to say regarding cop killers much.
renee wrote: No matter how heinous the crime how can you call the state committing murder justice?
Easy. If we take the concept of a social contract seriously, there are rules and regulations that we all tacitly agree to in order to maintain a civil society. One of those being that you do not brutalize, torture or kill others (except in self-defense or defense of others). Once a person has shown a willingness to casually and sadistically take the lives of others, once a person has shown and exercised a capability of utter cruelty and wanton violence, that person has violated the social contract and no longer deserves the right to life afforded those of us who are law-abiding citizens.
All of this is due to the DRASTIC deteriorization of the black community because of liberal, socialist policies that minimized the role of the black man in African-American families. We stopped relying on our communities, our churches and each other and began relying on a government that really didn't have our best interest at heart.
Don't blame it on slavery because after slavery, black men were determined to keep their familial bonds. The epidemic of black teenage moms and absentee fathers didn't present itself until the mid 1900's.
The government's message was "women can raise kids by themselves". Society's message of "independent" women that "don't need a man", but they still manage to produce children under these conditions who most assuredly need their dad or another strong male influence. Black children are being raised by day-care workers and school-teachers because the mother has to work and the dad isn't around.
Society/government speaks when it punishes a mother for having a man around while accepting gov't assistance. It speaks when hit songs are "that's just my baby daddy". It speaks when it locks up black men in crazy disproportionate rates than others for the same crime.
Unfortunately, we're listening and have been doing so much too long.
We need LESS government and MORE community involvement in order to turn this thing around.
This made me come out of lurking...
I think there is plenty of blame to go around. Recognizing wholeheartedly that there is definite blame for a father who wasn't around and a mother who chose to lay with a criminal and not get her child help at 10 years old, I think it's important to hold him responsible. Had he been a teenager who killed a cop, I would be more likely to go after the parents. But this is also a grown ass man with three children of his own. At some point he has to be culpable for his actions. Without having the luxury of seeing it myself, and therefore being skeptical of any biased writing on the subject, I can only say that his family's response speaks to a deeper issue. Not only does it seem like no one in his life held him accountable for his actions, they almost seem in denial about what kind of person he was and want to make him into a martyr killed by a policeman. He is no Sean Bell. And it would behoove them to stop participating in the cyclical nature of pointing fingers and be honest with themselves about that. ASAP.
Just b/c he gov't offers welfare doesn't mean a woman has to take it and proceate and decide to have kid and kid by the scum of the earth. It was originally created for widows, I don't how it became the family planning option.
If you have a man living in your home, welfare should drop you, if the man is living in your home with your kids he needs to marry you, not be living up with you in subsidized apartment & foodstamps that were meant for the children.
If anything welfare has given men the power to drop the ball.
@ FN: don, there will be another story like this one within a week.
blah, blah, blah,
negative, negative, negative,
over and over again
words no actions
economy, murder, prison, blame, more blame
I'm changing the channel
my soul is worn down
I need upliftment, positivity,
bean twn chica, couple of us are planinng to hitch a ride on the next space shuttle. Let me know if you are interested :)
Sad day for Philly, its time to stand up Field, all jokes aside
stay strong
Even though I don't agree w/ your politics, your words like this are what keep me reading.
My prayers are with Officer Patrick McDonald's family the P.P.D.
don't remember reading that anywhere.....
and Thank God for every Police Officer that walks that thin blue line.
"I'm shocked.
Usually you take the side of the criminals and the thugs...doing all you can to make excuses for them.
It looks like you are finally coming around. I figured you would evolve sooner or later :)."
AI, where have you been for the past two years?
"Don't blame it on slavery because after slavery, black men were determined to keep their familial bonds. The epidemic of black teenage moms and absentee fathers didn't present itself until the mid 1900's."
a2dak,I agree with most of what you said, except the nineties part. I think it(the down turn of the black family) started with Reagan's crack A-merry-ca in the eighties.
"I'm changing the channel
my soul is worn down
I need upliftment, positivity,
don't leave us yet bean twn chica & la~incognita, we wan't to get on that space shuttle too.
"No need to mourn a killer, but if Killy's streets are so mean there must be a reason. Are you giving killers tax rebates to move into your city or something? Maybe there's something in the water. Or maybe this is the inevitable outcome of life in Babylon."
Philly is like a Third World country, too many have and have nots.
"But then putting in the snark about whites at the end must make your miserable white-hating day so I guess I can understand."
anon. 10:45AM, how many black friends do you have?:)
Hey Field,
You know something - I appreciate your balanced prospective on our law enforcement officers.
Of course, we know there is thuggery in the police ranks. But you also acknowledge the valuable work that they do.
This police officer's son from south of Chicago appreciates it.
Have a good weekend.
yeah i would like to say a resonating FUCK THE POLICE all the do is harass black and chican@ people in my hood (east new york brooklyn) i could care less if this type of rebellion happened 5 or 10 times a day in fact i really wish it would these cops don't respect us they come from long island to hoods they are not at all familiar with to try to oversee people who they are terrified of and i'm sorry fizzield but i don't share your sentiment and i have quite a few police officers in my family but shit if they want to be that type of person then fuck it i say kill em all at least until they stop killin us with impunity let me see there's DIALLO, TIMOTHY STANSBURY, SEAN BELL and too many more who will be in the paper for 2 days on the 15 page i'm sorry i'm sick of it and Mr Giddins was probly just as sick of it as me and all the other proud africans are sorry field but i don't think Malcolm (who i have tatooed with a picture of his rifle on my chest) would agree that this craka should be considered a field negro. its not hard to tell that you are pro police field but to call this craka a field negro i think you should think about rereading Malcolms autobio and i want to end the way i started FUCK THE POLICE
Brother Field, I feel your frustration my friend who is not frustrated. But no matter how we spin it we all know that nothing significant will change in our society until we really do have a real redistribution of wealth and until everyone is afforded equal opportunity to fail or succeed on their merit alone.
Hopelessness breeds more hopelessness.
Brother you are treading on dangerous ground here, punishing the parents for the sins of the children went out long time ago because it is untenable. The Isrealis tried and even they found it untenable and couldn't continue in the face of world wide criticism.
What do we do when good kids from good families go bad? And would we punish the parents of these thieves and "banksters" that guarantee the continued inequity and injustice that exists in the world because of the greed and the ruthlessness of imperialists all over the world.
liberation then peace
Hitler was nice to his dog.
Anon 7:27; the look on Katie Couric's face is priceless! Basically she was thinking--WTF! And Jack is just plain pissed off!
Glad they killed his ass. While it is unfortunate that his family doomed him to despotism from the start by not doing right by him, he ultimately made the choice to be an animal.
I feel terrible for the officer's family. Especially for the way he was dispatched. I am truly saddened. God bless his soul.
As for the person who believes that all cops should be killed, please kindly go to hell with gasoline boots on. This man did NOT kill Diallo, Sean Bell or any of the others. To OUR knowledge, he had nothing to do with that. Your logic indicates that because this animal (Giddings) killed a (white?) cop, that all black folks should be killed by cops. People shouldn't be punished for the sins of others. Unfortunately, many others were.
I bet you wouldn't be singing this tune had he carjacked you, stole your money and shot you in both your kneecaps. FOH....
"As for the person who believes that all cops should be killed, please kindly go to hell with gasoline boots on. This man did NOT kill Diallo, Sean Bell or any of the others. To OUR knowledge, he had nothing to do with that. Your logic indicates that because this animal (Giddings) killed a (white?) cop, that all black folks should be killed by cops. People shouldn't be punished for the sins of others. Unfortunately, many others were.
I bet you wouldn't be singing this tune had he carjacked you, stole your money and shot you in both your kneecaps. FOH...."
Damn seattle slim, are you a lawyer? Because if you are not, you should start prepping for the LSAT now :)
i blame everyone involved in the situation equally. it's obvious this kid was going to be an issue, so it's no surprise that he's dead.
i just don't see any one person taking more blame than any other in this case. they all carry a fault. from the courts down the doctors that didn't treat him properly while he was in prison.
as far as his father goes--that's a generational curse and again, they all take blame equally IMO.
You left out the good news today - they caught the murder of the two nigerian shopkeepers:
Of course, caught under his GRANDMOTHERS BED. WTF? I still feel awful for the shopkeepers' kids who won't see their parents again, hopefully Messeuries Foggy and Guy won't be out of prison by the time these children are safely retired...
lancaster town...that IS good news. Hopefully, those two scumbags will rot in jail.
Excellent post friend. Telling as it is is a rare art these days but I seem to find a good slice of it on here. have linked this post to my blog. Thanks again
fuck you seattle slim...the muthafuckin point is black folks around the world be catching hell everyday. criminals in blue are a regular occurrence in police departments around the country. straight up black men...not only thug niggas...but real black men with degrees, jobs and family...muthafuckas be gettin beat-down, tasered, set-up, illegally detained, unequal justice and MURDERED every muthafuckin day. all niggas ain't like bro giddins but there many that JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK. fuck all the psychology shit...niggas that ain't got no hope do ill ass shit...LIKE MURDER. sad but tru...specially when you got a occupying force in your neighborhood treatin u like u less than human.
its this simple nigga...respect my humanity and i'll respect yours.
you dont...then its on.
anony 5:36 pm, perhaps if you stop referring to yourself and others as "niggas", certain people might show you more respect.
You just projected a sad disrespectful outlook on your own humanity as a black person. No wonder.
When will some of you learn, brandishing that N word will get you no where.
Field Negro,
I understand and respect your insistence that personal responsibility needs to be recognized as the main ingredient absent in the pool of blame here. But I have to say that I can't imagine this man would have been nearly as bad off after his 10 yrs if this government did not insist on the prison industrial complex whereby rehabilitation is exchanged for denigration and practices that result in further distancing from the norms of healthy social behavior. Angela Davis has this issue absolutely right, and I don't think a discussion without this perspective is fair to the young man who was killed, nor to the officer.
Malcolm (who i have tatooed with a picture of his rifle on my chest
Anon@4:31 strikes me as a simpleton who has probably never read the Autobiography of Malcolm X or any of Malcolm's speeches or interviews. So fucking what you have a tattoo of the picture of Malcolm with the rifle? Do you know the historical context of the picture? WHY was Brother Malcolm holding the rifle? Did it have anything to do with the police?
I'll let you google that; get back to me when you have a coherent answer that does not in some way use the N-word.
Again, so what that you have a tattoo? Are you trying to say that that makes you "edgy" or "rebellious"? No, what it means is you paid someone to stick needles in you to reproduce a picture that, in your mind, exists without any kind of context. That makes you an idiot.
Fuck you to bitch ass nigga......
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