I was talking to one of my clients today, and the more I spoke to the poor woman the madder I got. Not so much at what she was saying to me, but because I started thinking about the latest rethuglican code words (wealth distribution and Socialism )in the middle of our conversation.
This poor woman was in the welfare to work program, was raising three children by herself (two of them teenagers), and she had to scrape out a $9.50 an hour living by cleaning up old people's shit out in the burbs. (I think they call what she does being a CNA, but you and I know that it basically means cleaning up after old people who can't clean up after themselves). Ahhh come on field, the woman made bad choices, how did she get stuck with three minor children and no husband at home? Nope, not this lady. She was married to the father of all three of her kids, and the poor guy died in a house fire a few years back. Sadly, he was the only bread winner in her family. But this post isn't even about this poor lady.
Here is why I was pissed: For the past few days I have had to listen to Mr. Morton and his minions try to push this new mantra about wealth redistribution on the A-merry-can people, and about Obama being a Socialist (I wish). All this when you and I know damn good and well that the biggest redistribution of wealth that ever took place in this country took place a few days ago. Remember folks? Remember when our government bailed out a bunch of billionaires on Wall Street? Remember when they were (and still are) pushing all kinds of government subsidized programs to save companies that well compensated CEO's fucked up? Talk about socialized banking system. And I have to listen to the Joe the plumber, dog whistle, bullshit, (yes it's a dog whistle. Hard working blue collar white guy,takes his hard earned money and has to give it back to the government to take care of those people.) for the last remaining days of this campaign. The shit is infuriating. Especially when I know that Joe the plumbers $40,000 a year salary is what some of us pay in taxes every year. Of course, we aren't complaining, but Joe is, because he thinks that his money is going to take care of people like my client. Hey Joe, how is this for a trade off: when you put your mama in the nursing home, because you don't want to be bothered with her anymore, who do you think is going to clean her shit? I know who it won't be. It won't be you, it won't be your wife, and it won't be Sarah fucking Palin. Nope, it's that poor former "welfare Queen" earning $9.50 an hour, who you don't want to give your "hard earned" money to. So how about helping her make it easier to get on her feet, Joe? How about a little help with child care subsidies, some food stamps, and maybe a little help with her transportation pass? That seems like a small sacrifice to have someone clean your mama's shit, doesn't it Joe?
But this is what happens with politics in A-merry-ca. One candidate makes a statement about fairness, and states the obvious,and he is demonized by his opponent for it. And the demonization works because his opponent's supporters hear all the code words that plays on their innermost prejudices and fears. Our hard earned money that we worked to get, has to go back to those people so that they can buy fancy cars, watch color televisions and buy bling. My client didn't have a car. In fact, she takes two different forms of public transportation to go to her job every morning. Poor Joe, little does he know that most of his tax dollars are going to bullshit pet projects that people he sent to Washington supports. And of course, to fund the army which protects him from those rock throwing Iraqi children in the Middle East. ("Freedom isn't free", Joe). I sure hope you stay healthy Joe, because I am guessing your health insurance policy is pretty fucked up. And since you want to keep all of your hard earned money and not get government involved in your life, if you ever have a catastrophic health issue, you are pretty much screwed.
***Quick note: I will be on NPR tomorrow with Farai *Chidey[a]. Please don't ask me when it will broadcast in your area, because I have no idea.
*I would like to thank a commenter on this post for correcting me on the spelling of Farai's name. Farai I apologize for misspelling your name, girl. You know I have nothing but love for ya.
"Poor Joe, little does he know that most of his tax dollars are going to bullshit pet projects that people he sent to Washington supports." Earmarks are bad because they are hidden in bills but they make up a small portion of what the Gov. spends.
"And of course to fund the army which protects him from those rock throwing Iraqi children in the Middle East." Do what?
The dems are against working class people that don't support Obama? What am I missing here?
Field, One thing to remember is that this campaign has been consuming the public attention for the past 22 months. I highly doubt that the rethuglicans latest round of bullshit is going to really sway anybody's vote. My father used to say all the time that the reason he voted democrat was based on his religious beliefs. He was pretty sure that the republicans only cared about big business, and that the democrat party cared about people. If you know the Bible, you know where Jesus stood about the money changers, and where he stood about the least among us. That's why it always confounds me when the religious right so tightly embraces the GOP. As a whole, the Rethugs don't really care about the needs and concerns of the rest of us, but they do make sure they line their pockets and all the pockets of their friends and associates. The woman you cite, the kids I advocate for, the least among us...I pray that we have a government again that puts the needs of the people first.
Stunning in the stupidity department, these idiots that think Obama is pushing Socialism.... I wish! Fact is, I would LOVE to see socialized medicine, nationalization of the infrastructure for mass transportation across the entire US, free higher education for all.... give me socialism any day. And for you idiots that think that is bad, talk to a few Europeans about how they feel about their health care and education... their trains across their countries.... see if they want to give them up so the rich can get richer while the rest of us are fucked......
Why not move to France or England then? What kept you in the USA so long?
Anon.. because I am a US citizen, born here... It is not so easy to just move to Europe. It costs LOTS of money to move there from the US..... And, my vision of what I want my country to be is just as valid as yours.... I am so sick of the America love it or leave it. No. I will stay and try to make it better for the most vulnerable and more equitable for all.
Excellent post Field.
I'll be listening for you on NPR.
"Why not move to France or England then? What kept you in the USA so long?"
Your....ahhem, natural resources. ;) And if I couldn't afford proper health care, I would move to France,England,or maybe even Canada. Have you ever been to any of those places?
"The dems are against working class people that don't support Obama? What am I missing here?"
"working class" people? What does that mean? Everyone that has a job whether you make $8 or $80 an hour, is pretty much working class. I think "working class" is just a code word for white ethnic Catholics. What do you think?
"The woman you cite, the kids I advocate for, the least among us...I pray that we have a government again that puts the needs of the people first."
I co-sign with you there sfd....
Come on, Field! Why can't this woman just pull herself up by her bootstraps? So what if she takes two buses to work back and forth every day and has three kids to take care of. Maybe she can pick up another job or two, work her way through college and then get in a real hard-working profession like being CEO of an investment firm or health-care company. Then she'll know what real work is. These people work too damned hard to pay higher taxes to a bunch of deadbeats who can't pull their own weight. She wants help--tell her to find one of those thousand points of light.
Field: Definitely concur--all the more reason for you and all in Pennsylvania (which could still go Repug) to get out ALL the vote--no matter how long the lines, how cold & miserable the weather, or whether the Phillies finish playing game 5 by Tuesday...Please tell the 18-25 yr old demographic to put down the Bong, turn off the Guitar Hero, leave the beer in the fridge and vote ! All African Americans need to get out those who traditionally feel left out--this year THEY can and will make the difference---here in Cali, O-Man's a lock, but not in your State---Please !
"Anon.. because I am a US citizen, born here... It is not so easy to just move to Europe. It costs LOTS of money to move there from the US..... And, my vision of what I want my country to be is just as valid as yours.... I am so sick of the America love it or leave it. No. I will stay and try to make it better for the most vulnerable and more equitable for all."
Ok then. I guess I, along with my investment capital and my business will have to pick up and leave then. Just have to fire all the employees and hire new ones across the border first. No biggie.
Too bad you won't be able to grab my money to lavish in your socialist utopia.
"Too bad you won't be able to grab my money to lavish in your socialist utopia."
And liberals are the anti-American ones.
I have a question: The Country First, McPalin supporters have no problem spreading the wealth to big corps and poor *white* folks, but they're ready to raise holy hell at the thought of poor black people getting a cent of their doggone hard earned money. Why is that? Maybe Mr. I'll Take My Business 'cross the Border Anon will answer this.
Kudos, Jody!
I can't tell you how many times I've seen red every time I hear this simplistic talking point rebuttal to intelligent condemnation of the current state of our society.
No! Anonymous 11:33. We do not have to love it or leave it. It is your eat-shit-sandwiches mentality that serves no purpose here in the United States. If your willing to lovingly accept your collar and graze like the rest of the sheep that feel the conservative agenda has their best interests at heart then perhaps it is you who should leave. Leave the country to those who are willing to stand up to tyrannical government. Complacency has no place in these United States. Wake up!
"Maybe Mr. I'll Take My Business 'cross the Border Anon will answer this."
2 wrongs don't make a right. I never said I was a McPalin lover. And for me, it goes family first, country later. It should go that way for everyone. If you put your country before your spouse, your parents and your children then you are a brainwashed cultist.
Even though it might be great to have a non-white president for once, I am certain that Obama's misdirected economic concepts will be unbelievably damaging to America's capacity to grow and maintain employment levels. I lived through Nixon-Carter, so I've actually seen this movie once already.
I'm not a sociopath - I empathize with the damage he is going to bring upon me AND YOU. But hey, if the income redistribution schemes are too painful you will have to wallow in them without me and mine.
By the way, a tyrannical majority that uses its power to snatch the income of the minority it as much of a tyranny as any other.
Folks like Joe dumber are pawns in a game of manipulation. Divide the masses so they fight each other instead of watching the real enemy. I guess Joe didn't watch the woman at Obama's inaugural who was Sally Q. republican(when it was expedient) and then after she lost everything she's decided to vote for Obama. Listen: Repubs don't care about you. It really gets me when these repubs who aren't makin a dime decide they want to look after the rich. Joe Fool! They aint thinkin about your dumb ass...
"Too bad you won't be able to grab my money to lavish in your socialist utopia."
Your money has already been grabbed to bail out Wall Street CEOs. Last I heard they were using your money to get manicures and massages.
Obama's tax policy will be not much different than that in the Clinton era, or the Reagan era for that matter. Hardly socialism. I know reality isn't the wingnut strong point though, so go head on and leave the country. Maybe you can travel time too and go to Marie Antoinette's France?
"Here is why I was pissed: For the past few days I have had to listen to Mr. Morton and his minions try to push this new mantra about wealth redistribution on the A-merry-can people, and about Obama being a Socialist (I wish). All this when you and I know damn good and well that the biggest redistribution of wealth that ever took place in this country took place a few days ago. Remember folks? Remember when our government bailed out a bunch of billionaires on Wall Street?"
Oh! That pissed you off too Field?! No one seems to see (or is talking about) the irony of the McCain campaign spewing this nonsense about redistribution of wealth when we just threw nearly a TRILLION DOLLARS at the fools responsible for a now global recession.
I have to listen to people I work try and convince me how independent they are and how they feel this is a choice between the lesser of two evils. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They then go on to recite verbatim the bullshit spewed from Fox News ad nauseum. Bill Ayers, Acorn, etc, etc. Yes, Yes, but in the same breath they can spout how Obama is getting a free ride from the "liberal elite" media. Oh! Right. The same media that is owned by corporations that reap windfall profits every time we go to war. Thanks, GE! You really do bring good things to life.
Why is McCain given a free pass on his suppressed POW record? Why is he vehemently opposed to the families of POW/MIAs getting gov't records released to them that would provide them with at the very least closure and at best clues to the whereabouts of their loved ones left behind. Is McCain more interested in keeping his POW record far from the eyes of the public than honoring those he was imprisoned alongside?
Go down the rabbit hole. Just don't expect a wonderland when you get there.
Sorry. I get a little unhinged commenting on blogs past my bedtime. My wife can't wait til this election is over so she can get her husband back. :)
dude j...i agree...this talk f socialism is pissin me off...no one calls clinton, reagan socialist...but the black man with a funny name, fits. and to make the assumption that poor people are lazy and dont work hard...tell that to the millions of americans who are workin to keep their families together...just rying to make it...sorry about my grammar and spelling..kisizulu is my first language
I don't mind this distribution of wealth idea. If I count how much in salary and commissions I've had redistributed to wealthy people who don't need tax breaks, that tab comes to about $240,000.
I want my money back.
what misdirected economic concepts are you talking about? universal health care? cos then I guess you're right..i mean imagine the repercussions of letting all your fellow Americans have access to decent health services. Shocking!
I can never understand how people can call themselves christian and yet say they have a problem with wealth distribution. I'm not religious so correct me if im wrong, but uhh isn't that what jesus would have wanted?
And America is not run by a tyrannical majority...the majority of US citizens do not earn millions of dollars a year and run companies like Halliburton!
"I want my money back"
r.j. - true that! You and everyone else who saw their hard earned savings go down the tubes with the whole stock market fiasco.
I'll say! The prior comments posted before mine were very interesting as well as revealing as to the condition of some folk's heart. Yup!
Which reminds me of the story of Lazarus and the rich man in the bible. It said that Lazarus would sit at the rich man's gate, and he was full of sores, while the rich man was throwing all those elaborate and expensive parties for his rich friends, and wearing expensive clothes. All Lazarus wanted was a few crumbs off the rich man's table. It said that the dogs would come and lick Lazarus sores. Lazarus was crippled, because someone had to carry him and lay him down at the gate everyday.
Those dogs represented people, like some of these people today who badmouth the poor. The sores on Lazarus represent the wounds inflicted by people badmouthing Lazarus and putting him down, because they felt he was beneath them, because they were doing better than him. Just like some of these folks who mistreat the homeless, badmouthing them, and putting them down.
Whelp, Lazarus and the rich man both died. Lazarus went to heaven and rich man went to hell. The rich man had the nerve to ask Lazarus to give him a dip of water, but he had forgot how he ignored Lazarus while he was living. Abraham told the rich man while you were living your enjoyed the good life, and Lazarus was tormented.
My momma used to tell me when I was growing up, be careful who you step on while you going up the ladder, you never know who you may need on your way down. The way the eoonomy is going some of those same folks who been putting poor people down are gone get to see what it's like to be in those poor folks shoes.
I know a woman who was selfish like some of these people are today who are doing better than others. She learned a lesson about being selfish the hard way. The woman got sick,was stripped of everything she owned, and got to see what it's like to be homeless and poor. Life is funny when you look at it, none of her well-to-do friends came to her rescue, in fact they avoided her like the plague. Those folks she was badmouthing, you know those poor folks, turned out to be the ones that came to her rescue, and shared with her freely and unselfishly what little bit they had, and because of them she was able to get back on her feet.
I've been truly blessed in life. Sometimes, it amazes me how blessed I am. Yup, so you can call me a bleeding heart or whatever you want to call me. I could care less.
Everybody can't be an Indian Chief, just like everybody can't be a doctor or lawyer. Whatever type of work a person does in life is a contribution to this society, I don't care if it's wiping old folks behind or sweeping the streets or flipping burgers. It's a job.
BTW, amen j, sg, field, and jody. Granny agrees!
Only in America can you get a situation where we lose jobs over the last eight years, salaries lag behind inflation, the defense and oil industries see record profits, major players in the banking world overexpose themselves with bad debt in the form of a mortgage bubble waiting to burst (this, because of the rampant deregulation sweeping the banking industries) and the candidate that has supported all of this (and in fact had the opportunity to witness firsthand what deregulation does in the banking industry via his good friend Charles Keating) gets to call his opponent out for wanting to destroy America and its values.
Why is corporate socialism acceptable and socialism that helps those who are in the most desperate of circumstances unacceptable?
This will be the true legacy of Reaganism: hijacking the Republican party from the Goldwater standard of conservatism and turning it over to the Christian Right (there's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one). Somehow they've got socially-conservatives thinking that this election is about women's rights, and marriage. This has and always will be a matter of class warfare. To paraphrase GWB because he said it best: his base is the "haves and the have-mores." Every American should open up their checkbooks and savings account ledgers and ask themselves if you think he was talking about you.
Sorry about that Field, but Granny was having one of those Spirited moments. (wink)
I'll try to refrain myself.
Preach it! I think I feel the Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. I like it when folks stand up and speak the truth.
What folks really need to do is start checking out those big time bankers, and they'll find out who is really the cause of America's economy going bad. The banking crew are the real thugs, because they are playing America like a piano, while robbing the American treasury.
I love this blog. [sighs]
So what time on can I catch you on the radio field man?
The "Obama is a socialist" argument is so stupid, I had to blog on it, too.
"Why not move to France or England then? What kept you in the USA so long?"
Anon., I faced this question way back in 2003, when Shrub lied his ass off to justify invading and occupying a sovereign nation without cause. I determined that I wouldn't move no matter what. I am an American citizen, born and raised here; an ancestor came over on the Mayflower. (My children are part Blackfeet - their American heritage goes back a hell of a lot farther than that.) I am committed to this country, and I'm going to be here, working to make life better for working people of all races, colors, genders, sexes, orientations, or whatever. If YOU want to live in a country where everyone agrees with a conservative white patriarcal feudal structure, move to Alaska, join with Gov. Palin's husband and succede. 'Cause I'm gonna be down here with a whole lot of other folks, working to tear that sucker down!
Jody, right on! I definitely feel you.
J - You nailed it! and wrote it better than I could.
You didn't do too bad yourself, girl. Granny agrees with what all of what you said and feels the same way.
First let me say, I miss Ting.
Second, your post eloquently states my anger with this socialist "attack'.
I don't think half the people at those rallies even know what socialism is.
Like I said before why is it okay for our hard earned tax dollars to bail out financial companies who made bad choices but we cannot figure out healthcare. We are the ONLY western nation without national healthcare.
Obama is not a socialist.
We have one week left before this election is over. The Republicans can call Obama every thing but a child of God, if they want to, it ain't gone work. People are tired of the Republican's mess, and there is nothing that is gone sway them or make them change their mind about the Republican party. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Senator Obama said he can take these last days of their attacks and I take him at his word. I know in my heart that things are going to work out and he will win this election. They can send a dog to piss on his leg if they want to, but that still won't change the people's mind, their mind is already made up. The people have decided that the White House needs cleaning, and it's time for a change. No more Bush, No More McCain, and Never no way Palin!
You know what Field? The hell with that plumber asshole / attention whoring dipshit...he was on fake-news tonight milking his 15 minutes, and the more everyone keeps yakking about him, the more we are going to have to keep seeing his worthless ass.
As for the current meme of "Obama is a socialist....terrorist...undercover moslem," whatever. I am REALLY seeing red over all of that, but not for any reasons that you would typically think why.
Don't you think that it's the most infuriating damn thing, that every single election year we bust our ever-loving collective ASSES to understand all of the candidates, issues, and propositions? We all carefully weigh out all of the pros and cons of every measure on our ballots, so that we can make the best, most informed decision we can for the betterment of our beloved State/City/Country?
THEN...you run into some pinhead who parrots a fake news pundit, or repeats verbatim what some washed up hate merchant on AM radio said when they were driving to the mall, or tells you about the "breaking news" of a 300 times debunked email that some freaking numbskull forwarded to them; and doesn't even give enough of a tiny little shit to get off of their dead asses and even research just ONE easily dis-proven rumor on ONE stinking candidate!
I just hate...hate...HATE lazy voters. Anyone that would regurgitate the latest fox news talking point to you, is probably just going to vote for McPalin, and then ignorantly go "eeny-meeny-miny-moe" on every single stinking other thing on the ballot!
If the god damned candidates themselves weren't such a freaking distraction, and the election process wasn't turned into such a circus by the whore media, then we wouldn't consistently have every inbred nutbag and mouth breathing moron crawling out from under their rocks to "make sure dem damn ho-mos don't get married and steal ma guns away" while they have ZERO clue about the issues and propositions that actually matter!
That's a huge part of why this country is in the current mess that it's in...
LOL! Apparently Ashley Todd has done this kind of thing before
Oy. Wealth redistribution means taking money from rich people in PA & sending it to Alaska because Alaska has fewer rich people, even though PA has more poor people. Sounds like nonsense but there's truth in it.
I swear there used to be more dignity in being working poor in America, when the Great Depression was a common memory, & it was still possible to put together a subsistance lifestyle without feeling like you were contemptible.
Damn you all are making some good comments. I wonder what happened to anon.? (the business owner who wants us all to leave)Guess he knows a smackdown when he feels one:)
j, you nailed it. granny,miss v,sg, ernesto,and seda; so did you. Granny don't ever apologize for anything you say on this blog. Always speak your mind. That's how we roll around here.
"I swear there used to be more dignity in being working poor in America, when the Great Depression was a common memory, & it was still possible to put together a subsistance lifestyle without feeling like you were contemptible."
co-sign bob. But that is the great scam in A-merry-ca these days. Everyone is chasing wealth, thinking that they can be the next Bill Gates, and they spend all their lives making other people rich.
Socialism...and that's bad because...no one can really say. It's just a word like "liberal," or hulking black man (with or without the modifier, "hulking," as in Obama's case), or it makes repug people feel all scawy (who, btw, are ALL well on their way to WEALTH and THE GOOD LIFE... if they could just quit losing their jobs and get that pesky debt to disappear..)
NPR? Wow, you're kidding.
Ok, for your readers, this should connect them to today's show:
(No, I'm not available to be your new secretary, so don't ask)
Just frighten ignorant white people, who wont get to live the American Dream that their parents work to achieve. THAT Black Americans and others that work twice as hard try to obtain, in their foolishness and ignorance beleive that Obama is going to write us a blank check!
"The dems are against working class people that don't support Obama? What am I missing here?"
"working class" people? What does that mean? Everyone that has a job whether you make $8 or $80 an hour, is pretty much working class. I think "working class" is just a code word for white ethnic Catholics. What do you think?
I've always assumed they were talking about the blue collar and clerks etc... Regardless, Obama showed up at Joe's doorstep and was asked a question he didn't like and Ohio state employees started investigating Joe. Them's the facts.
Actually, anonymous, if you watch that video of Obama and Joe's interaction, Obama appears very engaged and confident - not at all like he didn't like the question. It's only a few minutes of video and very worth the watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFC9jv9jfoA As much as 'Joe the Plumber' has become a republican talking point, I think that the interaction is actually points in favor of Obama.
As for your implication that Obama's campaign or supporters started investigating Joe... that's a groundless claim. More likely, the media wanted info about him and did what they had to to get it. No, the media is not out to get him, simply he is currently The Big Thing and they all want a piece of it. Too bad for him he turned out to be a little fake.
I just cringe when I hear about "socialism" and "communism" used as if they were the same thing, and "We don't want to be like Europe, do we?" Well, in a lot ways, we could learn a lot from them. Europe beats us in just about every standard of living analysis (schools, health care, gun violence, vacations, etc.). I lived there myself and wondered why "the greatest country in the world" didn't get it in a lot of ways as they did.
"But your taxes will go up!" I've been paying high taxes for years to feed our military industrial complex. Talk about spreading the wealth around.
"But it's for our safety! We have to protect ourselves from people who are jealous of our way of life." Nah, they'd rather be in Europe.
The "Joe Six Packs" of America haven't a leg nor a brain cell on which to stand.
Anyone who really cares can easily visit the Census Bureau's Website, and you'll see all kinds of cool stuff.
For example, the overwhelming majority of "Red States" are dependent on "Wealth Redistribution" for their very survival because they can't pay their Federal taxes.
The "Blue," wealthy states keep "Joe Six Pack" afloat by picking up his slack.
On a more local level, people living in large cities are paying the taxes for those in the boondocks so they can still pay their bills while they're out protesting against "Socialism."
Too bad stupidity isn't fatal.
One other interesting tidbit. The MAJORITY of rich people vote Democratic, not Wingnut, and the MAJORITY of rich people have no problem paying 3-5% more in taxes.
This has been consistently the case for Decades.
People leaving Anonymous comments on blogs pretending to be rich, don't count.
I just want the election over and Obama the president-elect.
Like Michelle said (I'm paraphrasing here), "Until Barack is sitting in the White House, we take nothing for granted."
I notice the MSM is beginning to push this "McCain can come from behind and win" idiocy. If you watch MSNBC (with the exception of KO and RD) and CNN, you get the impression they really don't want Obama to be president.
I read that CNN is the only network that told Obama to fuck off and didn't buy his hour sit down with the nation. Interesting, huh?
If the Old Coot manages to steal this election from Obama, I honestly don't know what I will do or if I can cope. I can't go down that road mentally or emotionally.
Once I wake up Wednesday, Nov. 5th and Obama's president-elect, I will calm down but until then, I feel like I'm hanging off the edge of a cliff.
a nice positive story to start your day. If she can get out and vote, so can you.
In my attempt to be a moderate voice on your blog, I would like to raise the following issues:
1) If Joe has done any plumbing at all, he is accustomed to dealing with shit. In fact, plumbers deal with shit on a regular basis...do they not?
2) As much as I absolutely hate what has happened on Wall Street, what was the alternative? We could have just let it all go and watch the collapse occur. The CNAs and plumbers might both be filing for unemployment.
The founding fathers like Jefferson and Madison would have probably opted to let the banks hang themselves - maybe there is wisdom in doing nothing?
3) One more thing, Field, did plumber Joe do something morally or ethically wrong?
That person posting under anonymous reminds me of a Klansman: Bold enough to throw out insults but lacking the integrity to show his or her face.
ANGER....man for a bunch of people that are about to put thier boy the big house you're not very happy????
you know it an't going to happen.
oh, FN you felt sooo sorry for that poor lady i'm sure you did your work for free to help her out?
I sent this off as a letter to the editor yesterday but it fits this post.
John McCain says he is one of us. Maybe so. But consider. Do you own 8 homes, 13 automobiles. and a private jet. Does your wife own a $280,000 pair of 3 carat diamond earrings (that's $140,000 per ear)? Is your combined net worth in excess of one hundred million dollars? Probably not.
John McCain says Barack Obama wants to raise our taxes, wants to redistribute the wealth. But is John worried about you and me? Or is John McCain worried that under Senator Obama's tax program 95% of us will get a tax refund while persons earning over $250 thousand a year (this includes the McCains, their wealthy friends, and supporters), will have to pay taxes based on the rate they were paying before George W. Bush took office. And before Mr. Bush gave the wealthiest 1% (this includes the McCains), a very substantial tax cut.
John McCain is worried. But he is not worried about losing his home, his job, his life savings, his 401k. What worries John McCain is he might loose this election. And to win, he'll tell you anything, except the truth. (end of letter)
But it is obvious from some of the uninformed ignorant and anonymous posts here that some people are too lazy to get their facts straight and would rather have Rush Limbaugh tell them what to believe.
Well here's my suggestion. Why don't all you people who think skinhead Joe and Sarah sixpacks are so cool and so right, move to Alaska. Then you and your heroes Joe and Sarah and the first dude (a real domestic terrorist) can secede from the US and live in your own twisted world. You would be a lot happier and we'd be a lot better off without your sorry ignorant prejudiced asses.
Should you have a chance, tape the movie "A Face in a Crowd" on Turner Classic Movies scheduled to come on Saturday night at 8. I am telling you that movie is even more relevant today than it was in 1957.
You are correct that you have a group of uninformed people who stand there and listen to someone like a Sarah Palin or "Joe the Plumber". What is equally troubling is that these people do not bother to asked themselves is what they are hearing is true. They are not going to bother with asking questions for who needs details. I had an argument with a friend about the Drew Peterson case. I admit that I haven't paying close attention to the case, but when she told me that suspected the man when they exhumed his third wife's body to perform an autopsy. I stopped and asked her you mean to tell me they did not perform an autopsy to the first time. She asked me why would they have done it the first time, and I had to tell her in cases of of accidents, suicides, and homicides that you need to perform an autopsy. She gets angry with me when I told you would want to know how the person die, and it's not enough to assume that drowned in the bathtub. She could have died prior to drowning in the bathrub to determine if the death was an accident, natural cause, or possible homicide. You think the conversation you had with the poor was infuriating, it could have been more annoying then speaking to a person who holds a masters degree in social work and would be familiar with human nature. It was red flag to me because Peterson was a police officer at the time, and his fellow co-workers are going to believe when he told them that she drowned in the tub. But I am digressing from the your post.
Any thinking person would disregard anything Palin or Joe the Plumber have to say. These people do not think in the abstract, they are like my niece when she four and attending Catholic school who thought that the priest was God. They do not know what socialism is, there is no realization that the government does take the tax revenue and redistribute the funds. Americans are simplistic, they understand saluting the flag, but not the constitution and how they slowly allowed their rights to be taken away. My college-educated friend is one of those individuals who does not understand or has a sense of history, that America is the greatest country in the world who going to vote for Barack Obama because she is black and was going to vote Hilary because is a woman does not understand people who can criticize this country by burning a flag is not American and should live elsewhere fails to understand the higher idea of the first amendment. Field I feel your pain.
Should you have a chance, tape the movie "A Face in a Crowd" on Turner Classic Movies scheduled to come on Saturday night at 8. I am telling you that movie is even more relevant today than it was in 1957.
You are correct that you have a group of uninformed people who stand there and listen to someone like a Sarah Palin or "Joe the Plumber". What is equally troubling is that these people do not bother to asked themselves is what they are hearing is true. They are not going to bother with asking questions for who needs details. I had an argument with a friend about the Drew Peterson case. I admit that I haven't paying close attention to the case, but when she told me that suspected the man when they exhumed his third wife's body to perform an autopsy. I stopped and asked her you mean to tell me they did not perform an autopsy to the first time. She asked me why would they have done it the first time, and I had to tell her in cases of of accidents, suicides, and homicides that you need to perform an autopsy. She gets angry with me when I told you would want to know how the person die, and it's not enough to assume that drowned in the bathtub. She could have died prior to drowning in the bathrub to determine if the death was an accident, natural cause, or possible homicide. You think the conversation you had with the poor was infuriating, it could have been more annoying then speaking to a person who holds a masters degree in social work and would be familiar with human nature. It was red flag to me because Peterson was a police officer at the time, and his fellow co-workers are going to believe when he told them that she drowned in the tub. But I am digressing from the your post.
Any thinking person would disregard anything Palin or Joe the Plumber have to say. These people do not think in the abstract, they are like my niece when she four and attending Catholic school who thought that the priest was God. They do not know what socialism is, there is no realization that the government does take the tax revenue and redistribute the funds. Americans are simplistic, they understand saluting the flag, but not the constitution and how they slowly allowed their rights to be taken away. My college-educated friend is one of those individuals who does not understand or has a sense of history, that America is the greatest country in the world who going to vote for Barack Obama because she is black and was going to vote Hilary because is a woman does not understand people who can criticize this country by burning a flag is not American and should live elsewhere fails to understand the higher idea of the first amendment. Field I feel your pain.
Thanks for the NPR tip; I will be listening - as usual - NPR/GPB is welcome relief from CNN, FAKENews, ABC, etc. I believe the Farai Chidey program, News and Notes broadcasts EST between 1 and 6PM among other programs like Talk of the Nation, All Things Considered - each excellent breaths of fresh air during these times.
And Adam said: "...FN, did Joe do something morally/ethically wrong?". A resounding HELL YEAH! all of the Joe-the Plumbers, McPalins and rethugs regularly commit unpardonable wrongs - ethical, moral, and intellectual - because each of them chooses to be so breathtakingly stupid.
And FN, I share your (and other FN's) righteous seething anger. What to do? I thought you worked out in order to dissipate that energy. Anyway...Thanks for the NPR tip and this forum/site - keep up the good work. (And, folks please use spell/syntax-check.
Anon @ 11:45:
You answered my question in generalities stating that, "all of the Joe-the Plumbers, McPalins and rethugs regularly commit unpardonable wrongs - ethical, moral, and intellectual - because each of them chooses to be so breathtakingly stupid."
That was hardly an answer.
So I will fine-tune my question: "What specifically did the Joe the Plumber (the individiual named Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher) DO that was morally or ethically wrong?"
I think part of the problem is that which Murray Edelman articulated so well in "Politics as Symbolic Action":
"[B]eliefs and perceptions are very largely not based upon empirical observations or, indeed, upon 'information' at all. More than that, non-empirically based cognitions are the most resistant to revision based upon observations of the world, and accordingly they have the most potent influence upon which empirical observations and social cues are taken into consideration and which ignored."
I.e., if you can't prove it, you can't disprove it either!
Everything you said.
I'm just so angry.
The bailout failed. The european bailouts are actively bad for the system (safe havens in a deflationary spiral are BAD NEWS).
I'm sorry, but most folks are betting on deflation right now.
And yeah, they were holding the entire economy of the WORLD hostage... They Still ARE!
There's a reason gov'ts break up monopolies, and it ain't for joe citizen. it's for all america together. National Security Issue.
Why keep changing the subject ... ethically or morally...? I thought the discussion was about Joe and the Repugs stating Obama was for socialism or redistribution of wealth. And then the excellent commentators pointing out how this is s false argument. I wish I could wear those blinders and ignore the catastrophe of the last eight years, Repugs never want to discuss what actually has happened to this country in the last eight years but discuss what might happen in the next four...hmmm.
I have been homeless a few times, people treat you like something is wrong with you. How did you get yourself into this situation , what did you do wrong? now that every one is struggling economically it's funny how nice people are. I went to seek help yesterday. many people in the waiting room had jobs and could not afford to pay the rent, gas or food. Since I've been through this before I try not to let it get me down. I have a degree, I work seasonally during tax time. My son is going off to college next year. I cannot find an affordable place to live. is it too much to ask in amerikka to find a job,have a job, keep a job and be able to afford to live comfortably? I hate this whole us against them discussion, some lazy person wants my money. What happened to the fake unity after 9/11, the Depression? I'm not my brother's keeper? it takes a disaster for Amerikkans not to be divided and that only last as long as a blink.
I miss ting too. could you ship some to me?
He lied.
He also beat his wife.
the help I was seeking was a list of low income housing or housing based on the amount of money a person makes. Before some fool comments I want their tax money. I have to move but looking in the paper I have found that two-bedroom apartments now cost as much rent per month as the house I'm moving out of. I also needed to find an agency that I can donate my old furniture too. so before someone jumps on me about welfare, sorry they don't give welfare in Nevada. You can't get money; you can get food stamps. I was given a list of apartments that are affordable.
"This poor woman was in the welfare to work program, was raising three children by herself (two of them teenagers), and she had to scrape out a $9.50 an hour living by cleaning up old people's shit out in the burbs."
This description really hit me. The thing that gets me more upset than almost anything lately is that since I'm teaching at night and on Saturdays this semester, I have a lot of students who almost fit the description of this poor woman. The only difference is that they are not in welfare to work programs; they're in college. But they work full-time in thankless, low paying jobs for less than 20K/year, they are raising children, AND they are coming to college full time. Yet McCain/Palin's little catch phrases find their way into the psyches of many of them, and they become convinced that Obama, a socialist, is going to take the little bit of money they have and give it to THOSE people. Poor as they are, they perceive that there is some underworld of neanderthal poor people living somewhere outside their gaze. They think that Obama is going to give *their* money to these people. It's the most bizarre phenomenon.
"I notice the MSM is beginning to push this "McCain can come from behind and win" idiocy. If you watch MSNBC (with the exception of KO and RD) and CNN, you get the impression they really don't want Obama to be president."
I noticed that during the primaries and they've always in my opinion never wanted him to win. It's like their up to something. CNN is the one that will give the election results that the MSM go by as well. Rupert Murdoch has a hand in CNN. Their excuse for not wanting to buy his ad is as thin as an eggshell in my book. The part where they say they "want to continue to broadcast the news...," is BS.
Also, I believe that the like Obama said people shouldn't pay attention to the polls, but make sure they get out and vote. When they had the primaries, I watched those numbers real close, and noticed that sometimes they were subtracting numbers from Obama. I used a calculator with tape, and that is how I figured that one out and I feel the reason they flashed the numbers on the screen so fast.
HOLY SHIT! Its like that? I guess that Race War has already popped off!
You probably already know this, but Joe the so-called plumber has been on welfare before... twice. I've got no real use for these Rethug people. They are worthless.
just listened to you on Npr...now you and I both know that K. Ross is dead wrong...what does D.L. taking care of his family and marrying a darker toned sister have to do with his intelligence and ability to discuss political issues without acting like a sambo or some other minstrel show character?...I never heard about him making that comment about the Rutger female basketball team...i"m just disgusted...
and if CNN really wanted to give an "INTELLIGENT AFrican AMerican" person a political show...I think Wanda Sykes would've been a great choice...i was just watching a clip of her on Jay leno(?) and she was great...funny and knowledgeable about current events
here's a link:
Field, i want to send a big Thank You for this post. I feel the same way.
Obama Effigy hanging froma tree at University of Kentucky.
Fools! Wonder if and how Drudge Report/Fox news will cover this in comparison to their coverage of Srah Palin's effigy hanging.
Thought you might interested in this. Pretty good read:
Anon @ 2:16 : I will assume (for now) that the wife-beating story is true. Obviously, a big moral problem there.
But what did he lie about? Plumbing? There are numerous people in plumbing, electricity, and automotive repair who operate w/o licenses.
YES, YES, YES!! Thank you, Field, for connecting the dots. These are not isolated issues. Not at all. And now here comes General Motors with hat in hand, asking for its share of the bailout money. "Redistribution of wealth" is evil, except when it takes from the poor and middle class and gives to the top 1%.
Obama a socialist? Don't I wish! Bernie Sanders is the only socialist in Congress. But Obama's consistent message has been that America's strength lies in a strong middle class, not the 90/10 split that we've been heading for since the Reagan regime. I have no reason to think he'll change after 01/20/09.
"Ok then. I guess I, along with my investment capital and my business will have to pick up and leave then. Just have to fire all the employees and hire new ones across the border first. No biggie."
Sure, you have a right to do that. But don't turn around and expect any kind of special tax breaks for being an "American" company.
"Everybody can't be an Indian Chief, just like everybody can't be a doctor or lawyer. Whatever type of work a person does in life is a contribution to this society, I don't care if it's wiping old folks behind or sweeping the streets or flipping burgers. It's a job."
Exactly so! As always, Granny cuts right to the chase.
"If YOU want to live in a country where everyone agrees with a conservative white patriarcal feudal structure, move to Alaska, join with Gov. Palin's husband and succede. 'Cause I'm gonna be down here with a whole lot of other folks, working to tear that sucker down!"
Do we have to wait for that? Can't we go ahead and cut Alaska loose now?
These rightwing folks as you call them are crazier than a road lizard. They're so full of hate and mean-spirited. People who hang effigy of Obama and even Palin are some sick individuals and it let's you know the condition of people's minds in this day and age. A hanging effigy of either one of them, regardless, if you like them or not, or voting for them or not, is not something a person with a sound mind or moral values would do. People seem to place no value on human life anymore, and that is heartbreaking. Lord help us all today, because we're living in some perilous times.
At what time in history did Presidential elections get like this, countryman against countryman, devious, and treacherous? Yup, it is, definitely, time for a change, before we destroy one another. Like Senator Obama said, we can't keep on down the same path. I totally agree with him on that, because if we don't, it won't be no one left.
Global warming is destroying the earth and evironment, hate is destroying the human race, and greed is destroying the prosperity of the whole world.
Good Job on NPR Field, all support to DL Hughley!
Sarah Palin is not so dumb. She's not as well informed about American history or current affairs as she needs to be in order to hold a national office but
neither was our current president when he took office. Remember?
I say she's not so dumb because she seems to instinctively understand how to build a following that may well make her a strong candidate for President in 2012. She can really work those crowds!
You folks gone have to excuse the many errors in spelling, grammar, and left out words, or whatever, because granny is tired today. Frankly speaking, correcting mine or anyone else errors on here might give some of you a hint to be extra nice to your Secretaries on Secretary day if you have one, because they go through correcting errors and deciphering chicken scratch daily and work in low paying jobs. (smile)
LOL, Joe the Plumber signing a RECORD DEAL?!?
Granny, i have to respectfully disagree. People dont see through phoniness. Otherwise, there wont be fox news, there wont be george bush, or john mccain the "maverick". The completely bald-faced lies, and stupid, inane, dumb issues that they turn into big issues(e.g. lipstick on a pig,etc) wont have happened if not because of phoniness. This is becuase phoniness works in politics. Phoniness is an essential ingredient of politics.
I do think there are other black men/women that are as good or better than Obama. But they are exceptionally rare to find. Obama is on a completely different level. he is better than clinton. Better than JFK. and FDR. His approach to politics is completely revolutionary. Seriously, there has never been a politician in american history, black or white, that is on Obama's level. As such, there are extremely few people, black or white or asian or whatever, that can do what Obama did given the odds against him. He is one in a million. His intelligence is very sharp, but his emotional IQ must be nearly unparalleled. Not many people are like that.
No, i completely do not beleive you--you dont know a lot of black men or white or asian like obama. If you think you do, you are mistaken. Just as you dont know alot of people that are like mozart or Einstein or Jordan or ellington or beethoven or socrates. These are rarefield humans. Are you kidding? You know a lot of people like albert Einstein? Obama is a political albert einstein. Obama accomplishment borders on the near impossible. that is where genius comes in, in this case, political genius.
And if those men that you claimed were overlooked are actually like Obama--it wont matter maybe they were or not overlooked, they will bypassed being overlooked. That is what makes them special. Obama created this from scratch. He wasnt waiting to be NOT overlooked. He forced it into existence. This is what distinguish fracking exceptional people from the merely very, very good and competent people.
As for black republicans, sorry, i dont trust them. I put them in the same category i put gay republicans. Note, however, there is a different between a black or gay conservative and a black or gay republican.
His approach to politics is completely revolutionary. Seriously, there has never been a politician in american history, black or white, that is on Obama's level.
I like Obama but boy are you wrong. Please take a minute to review his platform and then tell me it is more revolutionary than any other politican's in the history of America. Geez..
Stealth Mode:
I am fully on board with you as far as his intellectual capability. (Professor of Constitutional Law and a superior writer and communicator.) I do believe he is among the most intelligent people we have seen run for office in decades. As far as a politician goes, he is politician par excellence...no doubts there.
BUT...I agree with Classical One.
He has not generated any new ideas. His political platform is the same old mantra the (D) party has been pushing for the last 3-4 decades. It is repackaged differently...and brilliantly I might add.
Also, I am glad to see that you know the distinction between Republicans and Conservatives. Thank You. Most do not.
What did Joe the plumber do wrong? Sheesh! Do you have to ask?!
Let's see, he approached Obama in the guise of an average citizen who was concerned that under Obama's tax plan he would not be able to buy out the owner of his business because Obama was going to raise his taxes.
That for openers was dishonest. He was a shill for McCain, probably paid by the McCain campaign pretending to be an honest citizen.
The truth is, and Joe knew it, and McCain knew it, is Joe does not make enough money to have to worry. I've read it is somewhere under $50 a year but I do not have a source so it's just heresay. Obama's plan calls for a tax increase for people earning over $250K a year.
And based on a two-person non certified plumbing business, even if Joe the Plumber wanted to buy the business, his taxable income would most likely be under the $250K mark.
And finally, what did Joe do? He let himself be used by McCain as an average kind of worried guy which was dishonest and deceitful. And how he was used by McCain and the RNC speaks volumes of the lack of honesty and integrity of McCain's campaign and the RNC.
Any more questions?
Classical and Adam,
Perhaps i wasnt very clear: I said, "his approach to politics is completely different..." i wasnt refering to *his political views* i am refering to his *approach*--the way he has gone about executing it. We may both share the same views, but that doesnt mean we dont have completely different ways of approaching it.
Stealth Mode:
I see. Gottcha.
Hmmm...Chill the Fuck Out, i got this. Also makes the similar point, i guess.
Stealth mode:
I've been called many things in my lifetime, but liar is not one of them. I'm like classical one, I like Obama too and whole lot, but there are others like him that come in all colors. Some have been bypassed over and others haven't. Martin L. King was intelligent, and so were those who invented rockets that would go to the moon, or that black doctor that invented that heart gadget, and the list goes on. Yes, he is a brillant man and a strong one at that, I totally agree with you on that point.
Senator Obama is a highly intelligent man, but then so are the people on his campaign team. No one on this earth has a patent on intelligence or strategies. It's a time and season for everything under the sun, and this just happens to be Senator Obama's time and season.
You need to go back and think about how Senator Obama was underestimated in the beginning at first, but now people take him serious, because they're finding out that he is not no lightweight in the brain department. There are others that have been underestimated as well.
But for you to make a statement that no other man black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or other race is at his level is a little misguided and overly presumptious on your behalf and insulting to others who are as intelligent as well. In case, you haven't noticed there are a few people that post on this blog that are highly intelligent.
One of my grandson's when he was only two years old told us that he was going to invent a time portal. When he sat down and drew a design of how it will look, and it wasn't no garbled sketches like children his age draw, we stop taking him lightly, because he might just do that one day.
Like I said before there are a lot of black men who are intelligent like him, but our society was so busy labeling them "affirmative action cases", until they did the same thing they did Senator Obama in the beginning, underestimated them. Our society loss out, not them.
red devil:
The way Granny sees it, is that too many people got Goliath standing in their way. What I mean by that is this. There are so many people doubting in this election that Senator Obama won't or can't win. Or they think he is going to be assassinated because our history tells us that they kill black men who become to well-known and inspiring.
Whelp, to make a story short. People got these giant doubts and fears standing in their way, and it's blocking their view. When what they need to do is like David did and knock those giants out the way so that they can see "YES WE CAN!"
GW Priester (i before e):
I can see where is his posturing may have been dishonest. I will grant that.
But...I do not see a problem throwing a hypothetical (What if..?) question at a candidate. We could have hooked a 12 year old up to the task, but the question is still legitimate. Besides, interviwers throw these types of questions at their job applicants on a daily basis.
Was he really paid hand or shill by the RNC or is that more nonesense that is being drummed up too?
"People got these giant doubts and fears standing in their way, and it's blocking their view. When what they need to do is like David did and knock those giants out the way so that they can see "YES WE CAN!""
Thank you, Granny. I needed that.
Maybe we won't have to cut Alaska loose after all. It seems there are some Real Americans up there:
"One more thing, Field, did plumber Joe do something morally or ethically wrong?"
He cheated on his taxes.
classical one is right, Obama is a pretty damn good politician.
a.f., isn't it hard out here? But keep doing what you do, someone will appreciate it.
sorry swiff, that number should be 276. I corrected it. Hell that was Iraq numbers up there. We are bad but not that bad.
And anon, you are right. It's C-H-I-D-E-Y-A. I will correct that now. That's a shame! I really don't care abbbout spelllng, but people's names, at least, I tri to get right.
Brother Field.. Man-O-man.. Post hit a homer. I work with CNAs as a nurse daily and they (we) have many tasks and cleaning is one of the most important duty we provide. Infections and bed sores are the main killers of the bedridden/aged. [The skin is the largest organ of the body.] A hell of a lot of family members still complain from a feeling of guilt. What your post stated was soo true. Brother, you got a Panther spirit. Too many of the wealthy and rich refuse to allow us any dignity. Also many CNAs do their jobs out of love for someone truly in need. I quess "some people" just don't get it.
Di you catch Biden at an event in Pa? "I'm Joe the Biden, not Joe the Plumber." lol
Philadelphia is officially going nuts!!! Phillies win World Series!!!
Cars honking, people in the streets yelling... it is wonderfully delicious!!!!
Amen to that! You are so right, it takes a person with compassion for elderly people to do that type of work, and those that do it, should be appreciated more than what they are and paid better than what they are being paid. Some folks fail to realize that everybody has to get old one day.
I was looking at MSNBC a minute ago, and the memo sent out by McCain's campaign and what Senator Obama has been saying made me think about something. Those polls are being exaggerated on purpose, to entice some folks to get overconfident and not show up at the polls. But people better do like Senator Obama said and make sure they vote before or come election day, because our future depends on it.
If folks are tired of what we've been through in the last 8 years, that ought to give them an incentative to get out and VOTE. Don't let nothing get in your way of voting that day, and encourage people to make sure they vote, if they need a ride and you can provide it, do it. Whatever, it takes help make sure that people go vote in this election. Because McCain has something dirty up his sleeves and some of MSM will be helping him, you can tell that by the way they keep up with the BS.
Congratulations, Field, and all you Phillies fans!
i woulda emailed you but i don't know where to send it. PLEASE weigh in on the inquirer and daily news' coverage on hate groups from this wednesday.
The word association is hilarious.
A little off topic: I believe that the presidential race is actually closer than the polls suggest.
Although I would like to see an Obama landslide, I believe that the race will be amazingly close.
Obama will win, I feel, but it will be a nail-biter.
glory, my e-mail address is:fnblg@yahoo.com
And I just posted about those articles.
Thank you sharon in ct.!!!
Jody is right, Philly is going nuts right now.
Stillapanther2, all I have to say is bless you bra. I feel your spirit every time you post.
Mccain made Joe the Plumber a central part of his campaign. He campaigns for him. There are rallys named after him. He should be researched and dug into. It's not because he "Asked a question". He is a extremist screaming socialism, socialism... the cold war is over. Its pathetic. I live in southern Illinois. I know a lot of Joe the plumbers. Its all talk. They are the first ones in line to file disability or unemployment. Socialism?
Hmmm, I thought I posted here yesterday but don't see my comment. I don't remember what all I wrote, but I'll try.
I think stories like the one about this woman are sad and horrible. It's a horrible thing to work hard and not earn very much; to not earn enough to support your family. People who say they should just "work harder" are the same people who don't want to perform these low paying jobs because they are too hard.
I don't think wealth redistribution is bad, if it goes to the right people. I'd rather give my extra money/tax dollars to this woman who is working hard taking care of others than the wealthy CEOs who receive a bailout then go golfing.
yeah i feel the same way too!
wow.. I only love your blog!!!!Thanks for the info!
Go B.
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